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  • Ceramic capacitors handbook. Capacitors - Handbook - Goryacheva G.A., Dobromyslov E.R.

Ceramic capacitors handbook. Capacitors - Handbook - Goryacheva G.A., Dobromyslov E.R.

They are polar and non-polar. Their differences are that some are used in chains constant voltage while others are in alternating circuits. Possibly application permanent capacitors in chains alternating voltage when you turn them on in series with the same poles, but they do not show the best parameters.

Non-polar capacitors

Non-polar, as well as resistors are constant, variable and trimmer.

Trimmers capacitors are used for tuning resonant circuits in the receiving and transmitting equipment.

Rice. 1. Capacitors PDA

PDA type. They are made of silver-plated plates and a ceramic insulator. They have a capacity of several tens of picofarads. You can meet in any receivers, radios and television modulators. Trimmer capacitors are also designated with the letters CT. This is followed by a number indicating the type of dielectric:

1 - vacuum; 2 - air; 3 - gas-filled; 4 - solid dielectric; 5 - liquid dielectric. For example, the designation KP2 means a variable capacitor with an air dielectric, and the designation KT4 is a trimmer capacitor with a solid dielectric.

Rice. 2 Modern Trimmer Chip Capacitors

To tune the radios to the desired frequency apply variable capacitors(KPE)

Rice. 3 KPE capacitors

They can only be found in transmitting and receiving equipment.

1- KPI with air dielectric, can be found in any radio receiver of the 60s-80s.
2 - variable capacitor for VHF units with vernier
3 - variable capacitor, used in the receiving equipment of the 90s to this day, can be found in any music center, tape recorder, cassette player with receiver. Mostly made in China.

There are a great many types of permanent capacitors, within the framework of this article it is impossible to describe all their variety, I will describe only those that are most often found in household equipment.

Rice. 4 Condenser KSO

Condensers KSO - Pressed mica capacitor. Dielectric - mica, plates - aluminum sputtering. It is poured into a brown compound body. They are found in the equipment of the 30-70s, the capacity does not exceed several tens of nanofarads, on the case it is indicated in nanofarads and microfarads in picofarads. Thanks to the use of mica as a dielectric, these capacitors are able to operate on high frequencies, since they have small losses and have great resistance leaks about 10 ^ 10 ohms.

Rice. 5 CPC capacitors

KTK capacitors - Ceramic tubular capacitor Ceramic tube, silver plates are used as a dielectric. Widely used in oscillatory circuits lamp equipment from the 40s to the beginning of the eighties. The color of the capacitor means TKE (Temperature Coefficient of Change of Capacitance). Next to the container, as a rule, the TKE group is prescribed, which has an alphabetic or numeric designation (Table 1.) As can be seen from the table, the most thermostable ones are blue and gray. In general, this type is very good for HF technology.

Table 1. Marking of TKE ceramic capacitors

When tuning receivers, it is often necessary to select the capacitors of the heterodyne and input circuits. If the receiver uses KTK capacitors, then the selection of the capacitance of the capacitors in these circuits can be simplified. To do this, several turns of PEL 0.3 wire are wound tightly on the capacitor body next to the terminal, and one of the ends of this spiral is soldered to the terminal of the capacitors. By expanding and shifting the turns of the spiral, it is possible to adjust the capacitance of the capacitor within small limits. It may happen that by connecting the end of the spiral to one of the capacitor leads, it is not possible to achieve a change in capacitance. In this case, the coil should be soldered to the other terminal.

Rice. 6 Ceramic capacitors. Above, Soviet, below imported.

Ceramic capacitors, commonly referred to as "red flags", are also sometimes referred to as "clay" capacitors. These capacitors are widely used in high frequency circuits. Usually these capacitors are not quoted and are rarely used by amateurs, since capacitors of the same type can be made from different ceramics and have various characteristics... In ceramic capacitors, gaining in size, they lose in thermal stability and linearity. The capacity and TKE are indicated on the case (table 2.)

table 2

Just look at the permissible change in capacitance for capacitors with TKE H90, the capacitance can change almost twofold! For many purposes this is not acceptable, but still you should not reject this type, with a small temperature difference and not stringent requirements they are quite usable. By applying parallel connection capacitors with different signs TKE, you can get a fairly high stability of the resulting capacity. You can meet them in any equipment, the Chinese are especially fond of in their crafts.

They have the designation of the capacity in picofarads or nanofarads on the body, the imported ones are marked with numerical coding. The first two digits indicate the capacitance value in picofarads (pF), the last one is the number of zeros. When the capacitor has less than 10 pF capacitance, the last digit may be "9". For capacities less than 1.0 pF, the first digit is "0". The letter R is used as a decimal point. For example, code 010 is 1.0 pF, code 0R5 is 0.5 pF. Several examples are collected in the table:

Alphanumeric marking:
22p-22 picofarad
2n2- 2.2 nanofarads
n10 - 100 picofarads

I would like to especially note ceramic capacitors of the KM type, they are used in industrial equipment and military vehicles, they have high stability, it is very difficult to find, because they contain rare earth metals, and if you found a board where this type of capacitors is used, then in 70% of cases they were cut out up to you).

In the last decade, radio components have become very often used for surface mount, here are the main frame sizes for ceramic chip capacitors

Capacitors MBM - a metal-paper capacitor (Fig. 6.), was used as a rule in tube sound-amplifying equipment. Now highly prized by some audiophiles. Also to this type include capacitors K42U-2 military acceptance, but they can sometimes be found in household appliances.

Rice. 7 Condenser MBM and K42U-2

It should be noted separately such types of capacitors as MBGO and MBGCH (Fig. 8), which are often used by amateurs as starting capacitors to start electric motors. As an example, my stock for a 7kW motor (Fig. 9.). Designed for high voltages from 160 to 1000V, which gives them many different applications in everyday life and industry. It should be remembered that for use in home network, you need to take capacitors with an operating voltage of at least 350V. You can find such capacitors in old household washing machines, different devices with electric motors and in industrial installations. Often used as filters for acoustic systems, having good parameters for this.

Rice. 8. MBGO, MBGCH

Rice. nine

In addition to the notation indicating design features(KSO is a compressed mica capacitor, KTK is a ceramic tubular, etc.), there is a system of designations for capacitors of constant capacity, consisting of a number of elements: in the first place is the letter K, in the second place is a two-digit number, the first digit of which characterizes the type of dielectric , and the second - the features of the dielectric or operation, then the serial number of the development is put through a hyphen.

For example, the designation K73-17 means a polyethylene-terephthalate film capacitor with 17 serial number development.

Rice. 10. Various types of capacitors

Rice. 11. Condenser type K73-15

The main types of capacitors, imported analogs in brackets.

K10 - Ceramic, low-voltage (Upa6<1600B)
K50 - Electrolytic, foil, Aluminum
K15 - Ceramic, high-voltage (Upa6> 1600V)
K51 - Electrolytic, foil, tantalum, niobium, etc.
K20 - Quartz
K52 - Electrolytic, volumetric-porous
K21 -Glass
K53 - Oxide-semiconductor
K22 -Glass-ceramic
K54 - Metallic oxide
K23 - Glass enamel
К60- With air dielectric
K31- Low power mica (Mica)
K61 -Vacuum
K32 -Mica high power
K71 - Film polystyrene (KS or FKS)
K40 - Low-voltage paper (irab<2 kB) с фольговыми обкладками
К72 -Film fluoroplastic (TFT)
K73 - Film polyethylene terephthalate (KT, TFM, TFF or FKT)
K41 - High-voltage paper (irab> 2 kV) with foil plates
K75 -Film combined
К76 - Lacquer film (MKL)
K42 -Paper with metallized covers (MP)
K77 - Film, Polycarbonate (KC, MKC or FKC)
K78 - Film polypropylene (KP, MKP or FKP)

Capacitors with a film dielectric in the common people are called mica, various dielectrics used give good TKE indicators. Either aluminum foil or thin layers of aluminum or zinc deposited on a dielectric film are used as plates in film capacitors. They have fairly stable parameters and are used for any purpose (not for all types). Found in household appliances everywhere. The body of such capacitors can be either metal or plastic and have a cylindrical or rectangular shape (Fig. 10.) Imported mica capacitors (Fig. 12)

Rice. 12. Imported mica capacitors

The nominal deviation from the capacitance is indicated on the capacitors, it can be shown as a percentage or have an alphabetic code. Basically, in household equipment, capacitors with a tolerance of H, M, J, K are widely used. The letter denoting the tolerance is indicated after the value of the nominal capacitance of the capacitor, like this 22nK, 220nM, 470nJ.

A table for decoding the conditional letter code of the permissible deviation of the capacitance of the capacitors. % Tolerance

Letter designation

The value of the permissible operating voltage of the capacitor is important, it is indicated after the nominal capacity and tolerance. It is indicated in volts with the letter B (old marking), and V ( new labeling). For example, like this: 250V, 400V, 1600V, 200V. In some cases, the letter V is omitted.

Sometimes coding is applied Latin letter... For decoding, you should use the letter coding table for the operating voltage of the capacitors.

Rated voltage, V

Designation letter

Nikola Tesla fans have a frequent need for high-voltage capacitors, here are some that can be found, mainly in televisions with line scanners.

Rice. 13. High voltage capacitors

Polar capacitors

Polar capacitors include all electrolytic capacitors, which are:

Aluminum electrolytic capacitors have high capacitance, low cost and availability. Such capacitors are widely used in radio equipment, but they have significant disadvantage... Over time, the electrolyte inside the capacitor dries out and they lose capacity. Together with the capacity, the equivalent series resistance and such capacitors can no longer cope with the tasks. This usually causes malfunction of many household appliances... The use of used capacitors is not desirable, but nevertheless, if there is a desire to use them, you need to carefully measure the capacitance and esr, so that later you do not look for the reason for the inoperability of the device. I see no point in listing the types of aluminum capacitors, since special differences they do not, except geometric parameters... Capacitors are radial (with leads from one end of the cylinder) and axial (with leads from opposite ends), there are capacitors with one lead, as the second, a case with a threaded tip is used (it is also a fastener), such capacitors can be found in the old lamp radio and television equipment. It is also worth noting that on motherboards computers in pulse blocks power supply capacitors with low equivalent resistance, the so-called LOW ESR, are often found, so they have improved parameters and are replaced only by similar ones, otherwise there will be an explosion at the first turn-on.

Rice. 14. Electrolytic capacitors. Bottom - for surface mounting.

Tantalum capacitors are better than aluminum capacitors due to the use of more expensive technology. They use dry electrolyte, so they do not tend to dry out aluminum capacitors. In addition, tantalum capacitors have a lower active resistance at high frequencies (100 kHz), which is important when used in impulse sources nutrition. The disadvantage of tantalum capacitors is the relatively large decrease capacitance with increasing frequency and hypersensitivity to polarity reversal and overloads. Unfortunately, this type of capacitor is characterized by low capacitance values ​​(usually no more than 100 μF). High sensitivity to voltage forces the developers to double the voltage headroom or more.

Rice. 14. Tantalum capacitors. The first three are domestic, the penultimate imported, the last imported for surface mounting.

Main Dimensions of Tantalum Chip Capacitors:

One of the types of capacitors (in fact, these are semiconductors and have little in common with ordinary capacitors, but it still makes sense to mention them) are varicaps. This is a special kind of diode capacitor that changes its capacitance depending on the applied voltage. They are used as elements with electrically controlled capacitance in circuits for tuning the frequency of an oscillatory circuit, dividing and multiplying frequency, frequency modulation, controlled phase shifters, etc.

Rice. 15 Varikapi kv106b, kv102

Also very interesting are "supercapacitors" or supercapacitors. Small in size, they have colossal capacity and are often used to power memory microcircuits, and sometimes they are substituted for electrochemical batteries. Supercapacitors can also work in a buffer with batteries in order to protect them from sudden surges in the load current: at a low load current, the battery recharges the supercapacitor, and if the current rises sharply, the supercapacitor will give up the stored energy, thereby reducing the load on the battery. With this use case, it is placed either directly next to battery, or inside its body. They can be found in laptops as a CMOS battery.

The disadvantages include:
The specific energy is less than that of batteries (5-12 Wh / kg at 200 Wh / kg for lithium-ion batteries).
The voltage depends on the state of charge.
Burnout potential internal contacts in case of short circuit.
Big internal resistance compared to traditional capacitors (10 ... 100 Ohm for a 1 F × 5.5 V supercapacitor).
Significantly higher, in comparison with batteries, self-discharge: about 1 μA for a 2 F × 2.5 V supercapacitor.

Rice. 16. Supercapacitors

Name: A Handbook of Electric Capacitors.

The classification is given, the main technical specifications, design features and performance characteristics capacitors produced by the domestic industry, as well as data on the influence of modes and operating conditions on their performance. Recommendations are given for the selection and use of capacitors in equipment. For a wide range of professionals involved in the development, operation and repair electronic equipment.

Electric capacitors are the most massive products widely used in radio electronic equipment, due to the rapid development modern electronics the demand for capacitors is constantly increasing. At present, a fairly wide range of these products has been created and new types with higher electrical and operational characteristics are being developed.

Manifold different types capacitors and the lack of reference materials that adequately characterize their operational properties, causes certain difficulties in the design of radio equipment.

This Handbook is the most complete publication containing information on a wide range of capacitors. Reference materials compiled on the basis of the data specified in state standards and technical conditions.

The handbook is divided into two parts. The first part is devoted to general information... A classification, a system of symbols, concepts of electrical parameters are given and issues related to the use and operation of capacitors are presented.

The second part provides reference data for specific types of capacitors. The division of the material into sections is based on the established division of capacitors according to the type of dielectric (with organic, inorganic and oxide). Trimmer capacitors, vacuum and nonlinear capacitors are allocated in separate sections.

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The following tutorials and books.

As integral elements of all electrical circuits, without exception, capacitors are distinguished by a wide variety of design options. They are produced by many manufacturers around the world using different technologies... As a consequence, marking has many variations in accordance with the manufacturer's internal standards, making it difficult to decipher the markings.

Why do you need marking

The task of marking is the correspondence of each specific element to certain values performance characteristics. Capacitor markings include the following:

  • in fact, the capacity is the main characteristic;
  • maximally permissible value voltage;
  • temperature coefficient of capacity;
  • permissible deviation of the capacity from the nominal value;
  • polarity;
  • year of issue.

The maximum voltage value is important because when it is exceeded, irreversible changes occur in the element, up to its destruction.

The temperature coefficient of capacity (TKE) characterizes the change in capacity with temperature fluctuations environment or the body of the element. This parameter is extremely important when a capacitor is used in frequency-setting circuits or as a filter element.

Tolerance refers to the accuracy with which the nominal capacitance of the capacitors can be varied.

The polarity of the connection is mainly characteristic of electrolytic capacitors... Failure to comply with the polarity of the best case, will lead to the fact that the real capacity of the element will be greatly underestimated, but in reality the element will almost instantly fail due to mechanical destruction as a result of overheating or electrical breakdown.

The greatest difference in the principles of marking capacitors is observed in radioelements produced abroad and by enterprises in the post-Soviet space. All businesses the former USSR and those that continue to work now encode their products according to uniform standard with slight differences.

Marking of domestic capacitors

Many domestic radioelements are distinguished by the most complete marking, by reading which you can glean most of the possible characteristics of the element.


In the first place is the main characteristic - electrical capacity. It has an alphanumeric designation. For letters, the following symbols of the Latin, Greek or Russian alphabet are used:

  • p or P - picofarad, 1 pF = 10-3 nF = 10-6 μF = 10-9 mF = 10-12 F;
  • n or H - nanofarad, 1 nF = 10-3 μF = 10-6 mF = 10-9 F;
  • μ or M - microfarad, 1 μF = 10-3 mF = 10-6 F;
  • m or And - millifarad, 1 mF = 10-3 F;
  • F or F - farad.

The letter denoting the value is put in place of the comma in the fractional designation. For example:

  • 2n2 = 2.2 nanofarads or 2200 picofarads;
  • 68n = 68 nanofarads or 0.068 microfarads;
  • 680n or μ68 = 0.68 microfarads.

Note! The designation of capacitance in millifarads is extremely rare, and such a value as farad is very large and also does not have much distribution.


The capacitance values ​​indicated on the case do not always correspond to the real value. This deviation characterizes the accuracy of manufacturing the part and determining its value. The magnitude of the spread of parameters can be from thousandths of a percent for precision parts to tens of percent for electrolytic capacitors designed to filter ripple in power circuits, where exact numbers are not particularly important.

The amount of permissible deviation is indicated by letters Latin alphabet or in Russian letters for radio components of old years of release.

Tank temperature coefficient

Marking TKE is rather complicated, and since this value is critical mainly for small-sized elements of timing circuits, both color coding and the use of letter designations or a combination of both types are possible. table possible options values ​​are found in any reference book on domestic radio components.

Many ceramic capacitors, like film capacitors, have certain nuances in the TKE marking. These cases are stipulated by GOSTs for the corresponding elements.

Rated voltage

The voltage at which the performance of the element is maintained while maintaining the characteristics within the specified limits is called nominal. Usually, the upper threshold of the rated voltage is indicated, which must not be exceeded due to the possible failure of the element.

Depending on the dimensions, both digital and letter designations of the rated voltage are possible. If the dimensions of the case allow, then voltages up to 800 V are indicated in units of volts with the symbol V (or V for old capacitors) or without it. More high values are applied to the housing in the form of units of kilovolts with the designation kV or kV symbols.

Small-sized capacitors have a coded letter voltage designation, for which letters of the Latin alphabet are used, each of which corresponds to a specific voltage value.

Year and month of issue

The production date also has a letter designation. Each year corresponds to a letter of the Latin alphabet. The months from January to September are indicated by a number, respectively, from 1 to 9, October corresponds to 0, November the letter N, December - D.

Note! The coded designation of the year of manufacture is the same with other radioelements.

Location of markings on the case

The marking of ceramic capacitors in the first line on the case has a capacitance value. On the same line, without any separating marks or, if dimensions do not allow, the tolerance value is applied under the container designation.

A similar method is used to mark film capacitors.

Further arrangement of elements is regulated by GOST or TU for each specific type of elements.

Color marking of domestic radioelements

With the proliferation of automatic assembly lines, the color coding of capacitors has found application. The most widespread is the four-color marking with the help of colored stripes.

The first two stripes represent the nominal capacitance in picofarads and the multiplier, the third stripe is the permissible deviation, and the fourth is the nominal voltage. For example, the case has yellow, blue, green and purple stripes. Therefore, the element has the following characteristics: capacity - 22 * ​​106 picofarads (22 μF), permissible deviation from the nominal value - ± 5%, nominal voltage - 50 V.

The first color stripe(v in this case, which has yellow) becomes wider or closer to one of the pins. You should also be guided by the color of the outer stripes. Colors such as silver, gold and black cannot be the first, since it denotes a multiplier or TKE.

Imported capacitor marking

To indicate imported, and in last years and domestic radioelements, the recommendations of the IEC standard have been adopted, according to which a three-digit code marking is applied to the body of the radioelement. The first two digits of the code indicate the capacity in picofarads, the third digit is the number of zeros. For example, the numbers 476 represent a capacity of 47,000,000 pF (47 μF). If the capacity is less than 1 pF, then the first digit is 0, and the R character is placed instead of a comma. For example, 0R5 - 0.5 pF.

For high-precision parts, a four-character coding is used, where the first three characters determine the capacity, and the fourth is the number of zeros. The designation of tolerance, voltage and other characteristics is determined by the manufacturer.

Color coding of imported capacitors

Capacitors are color coded according to the same principle as resistors. The first two stripes denote the capacitance in picofarads, the third stripe is the number of zeros, the fourth is the permissible deviation, the fifth is the nominal voltage. There may be fewer bands if there is no need to indicate voltage or tolerance. The first strip is made wider or at one of the terminals. Blue colors absent. Blue stripes are used instead.

Note! Two adjacent stripes of the same color may not have a gap between them, merging into a wide stripe.

SMD component marking

SMD components for surface mounting are very small in size, therefore, abbreviated alphanumeric coding has been developed for them. The letter means the value of the capacitance in picofarads, the number is a multiplier in the form of a power of ten, for example, G4 - 1.8 * 105 picofarad (180 nF). If there are two letters in front, the first means the component manufacturer or operating voltage.

Electrolytic capacitors SMD can have the value of the main parameter in the form of a decimal fraction on the case, where the symbol μ can be inserted instead of a dot (voltage is indicated by the letter V (5V5 - 5.5 volts) or can have a coded value depending on the manufacturer. The positive terminal is indicated by a strip on the case ...

Capacitor marking has big number options. This is especially true for imported capacitors. You can often find small-sized elements that do not have any designations at all. The parameters can only be determined by direct measurement or by looking at the designation of capacitors on electrical diagram... Radioelements produced by different companies may have similar designations, but various parameters... Here, the decoding of the designations should be based on which manufacturer produces the predominant number of similar elements in a particular device.


Capacitor - a passive electronic device consisting of two or more plates to which are connected external conclusions separated by a dielectric. On this page, you will not only learn almost everything about capacitors, but you can also download a manual on capacitors. We can find these radio components on almost any circuit and in any electronic device, their symbol on the schematic diagrams the following:

Archive A selection of reference documentation on containers issued during the USSR and the Warsaw Pact countries

Reference parameters of capacitors

    Rated capacity With nom- Capacity marked on the body. It may differ from the real one by a certain amount not exceeding the permissible deviation.
    Temperature coefficient of the tank. TKE It can take negative and positive values. If during a rise in temperature the capacitance of the capacitor decreases, then TKE is negative, and vice versa (M is negative, P is positive, MP is close to zero, H is not normalized). Typically, this reference parameter is needed in high-frequency circuits where increased stability of capacitance or a given pattern of its change is required.
    Rated voltage U nom- The maximum permissible constant voltage, which is set with a certain margin in relation to the long-term dielectric strength.
    Insulation resistance R of The reference characteristic describes the quality of the dielectric material. At the end of the capacitor charging process, the flowing current takes on a certain final value - leakage current I ut... The ratio of the applied voltage to the Ohm's law leakage current is the insulation resistance. Serviceable capacitor in normal conditions has an insulation resistance of several hundred megohms.
    Reactive power P q It is calculated as the product of the flowing current and the applied voltage.

The capacitor ratings are almost identical to the resistance ratings. Basically, the series of capacitor ratings used in production are the E3 series (currently not used, but such a detail can get from the USSR reserves), E6 and E12, tk. many types of capacitors are difficult to manufacture with more high precision... For more details, see the reference at the link above.

Numerous types of containers can be classified according to several criteria: by appointment; by the nature of the adjustment capacity; by installation method on a printed circuit board; by the nature and level of protection from external influences.

Capacitors general purpose are used in almost any electronic device, since they do not apply special requirements.
But to their colleagues special purpose it is just that special requirements are imposed on frequency, voltage, type of operating signals, etc. K yes General purpose capacitors are used in most types of electronic equipment. No special requirements apply to them.
Fixed and variable capacitors- Already from the name it is clear that for the former, the capacity value is constant and is not regulated in any way, and for their variable counterparts, the denominations can be adjusted during operation different ways: mechanically, or by adjusting the control voltage, changing the ambient temperature, etc.
Trimmer capacities- they are used for initial adjustment of equipment or periodic adjustment of the circuit, where a small range of capacitance change is required.
Printed Circuit Capacitors- used in technology with conventional printed circuit boards with holes for the outputs of radioelements. Their conclusions are made from round wire.
Surface mounted condensers... This type is very diverse in terms of the implementation of the conclusions. It can be soft and rigid, radial or axial, made of tape or wire of round cross-section, as well as with leads in the form of support screws and through-rods.
Surface Mount Capacitors SDM... V recent times they are being used more and more. Alternative title such capacitors - without output. They use parts of the case as conclusions.
Snap Lead Capacitors, their conclusions are made in such a way that when installed in holes printed circuit board they "snap", this makes it possible to carry out their soldering with high quality and convenience.
Capacitors with screw terminals used for surface mounting. There is a thread in the terminals. They are mainly used in power supplies with high currents. the use of screw terminals also makes it possible to install a capacitor on a radiator.
Unprotected and protected capacitors... The former are not allowed to work in conditions high humidity, only as part of sealed equipment, and their protected counterparts, on the contrary, can work in conditions of high humidity

Uninsulated capacitors it is not allowed to touch them with the chassis of the equipment, and vice versa, isolated- have a well-insulated case, which allows contact with the chassis of the equipment or its current-carrying surfaces.

Sealed capacitors- their body is sealed with various organic materials.

Sealed capacitors have a sealed body, which excludes interaction internal structure with the environment.

Fixed capacitor types

A constant capacitor is characterized by parameters such as nominal capacity, electrical strength, reactive power, insulation quality, losses, absorption coefficient, inductance, stability and reliability.

They are mainly used in oscillatory circuits, in circuits with different operating frequency, construction of smoothing filters, connections of individual circuits alternating current, accumulation of electric charge, as a voltage divider.

From what kind of dielectric (insulator) is used inside the container, they are divided into ceramic, metal-film, electrolytic (aluminum and tantalum), etc.

Ceramic capacitors are structures with a ceramic base part as a dielectric, on which metal layers (plates) are applied in appropriate places.

The main properties of ceramic containers are determined by the properties of the ceramics from which they are made. Depending on its composition, a wide range of values ​​is obtained. dielectric constant(from several units to several thousand) and values ​​of the temperature coefficient of capacity.

Possess low current leakage, small size, very low inductance, are able to work perfectly at high frequencies and in DC, AC and ripple current circuits.

Produced in wide range operating voltages and capacities: from 2 to 20,000 pF and, depending on the version, are capable of withstanding high voltages up to 30 kV. But most often you will find ceramic capacitors with an operating voltage of up to 50V.

They are structures consisting of metal plates and mica plates that act as a dielectric

Currently not available. But many of them are still full of them from old Soviet stocks. They usually have a capacity of several thousand to tens of thousands of picofrads and operate in the voltage range from 200 V to 1500 V.

They consist of two long strips of aluminum or lead tin foil, separated by several layers of special paper and rolled up in the form of a roll.

These capacitors range in capacity from thousands of pF to 30 microfarads, and can withstand voltages from 160 to 1.5 kV.

Metal-paper capacitors have a design similar to paper capacitors, with the difference that instead of strip metal electrodes and paper, they use paper tape covered with a thin layer of metal (aluminum or zinc) by evaporation in a vacuum

Film they can be divided into polyester and polypropylene capacitors are radio components with a dielectric made of synthetic films.

Polypropylene has two indisputable advantages. Firstly, they can be manufactured with a very small tolerance of only 1%. And their second advantage is that their operating voltage can reach up to 3 kV (and the capacitance licks in a huge range from 100 pF to 10 mF)

Electrolytic capacitors They have a high specific capacity due to the use of a thin oxide film formed from the valve metal of the electrodes (aluminum, tantalum, niobium) as a dielectric. The oxide film has extremely high dielectric strength and valve properties.

The designation of capacitors in the diagrams is based on the requirements of ESKD GOST 2.728-74. Conditional graphic designations in schemes. Resistors, capacitors.

Supercapacitors operating principle

Supercapacitors, another name for supercapacitors or ultracapacitors, are devices similar to capacitors in which accumulate electric charge between two plates at the interface between two media - electrolyte and electrodes. All the energy in the supercapacitors is stored as static charge. The accumulation of energy occurs due to the applied constant voltage to its external terminals. It can be simply said that these are ordinary capacitors, which, unlike simple ones, have a huge capacity.

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