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Bios calibration. How to calibrate a laptop battery - the best programs and standard system tools

  • 1. Why do I need to calibrate my laptop battery?
  • 2. Battery calibration on Windows
  • 3. Manual laptop battery calibration
  • 5. What should I do to make the laptop work for a long time?

Almost every modern laptop comes with a lithium-ion battery. It ensures long-term operation of the device per charge cycle, which is very important for portable equipment. However, the battery may sooner or later lose its capacity, and its charge level will drop much faster than before. This is especially affected by powerful loads on its internal elements, including the hard drive. But battery calibration can fix controller errors. Proper use of your laptop will help reduce the degradation of its offline performance.

Why do I need to calibrate a laptop battery?

Laptop battery calibration is the most important step for a user in setting up new hardware. This procedure must be carried out both after purchasing the laptop and during its use. Calibration includes certain step-by-step actions, and it is worth doing it for the controller chip to work without any problems.

Please note that calibration cannot repair physical damage or wear to the device. This procedure only applies to problems in the laptop operating system itself.

It often happens that old devices have glitches in the form of improper controller operation. So the system will display the energy charge of 30%, when in fact it is 60%. The laptop will go to sleep when the system detects that the battery charge has dropped to 10%. In fact, the actual battery capacity will be 40%, which could allow the user to work with the device for about an hour.

It is to eliminate this problem that it is necessary to calibrate the battery. This operation also eliminates the "memory effect" when the charge level is remembered when the laptop is connected to the network and will not be discharged below this value, as it takes this level for a full battery charge.

Battery Calibration on Windows

Calibration can be carried out by various methods, which include manual calibration using standard Windows OS tools. This method will work on any version of this operating system. All that is required from the user is strict adherence to instructions and attentiveness.

First you need to check the battery capacity and charge level. The necessary information can be found using a small algorithm:

  1. Connect the device to the mains and wait until it is fully charged.
  2. Disconnect the computer from power.
  3. Check the battery level in the power settings.

If the user disconnected the device from the power grid, and the charge level was below 100%, then an urgent need to calibrate the battery.

Windows toolkit provides more detailed information about the battery status. To do this, you need to open a command prompt by entering the search command "CMD" and run as administrator by right-clicking.

After that, you need to write the value powercfg.exe -energy -output d:\report.html, and wait for the operation to complete (the window will close).

After that, you can go to the directory specified by the program and open the count created in html. You can study it by opening any browser. You need to scroll to the "Battery Information" tab and compare the calculated capacity and the last charge. If it turns out that the capacity turned out to be significantly greater than the percentage of charge, then it is urgent to calibrate the battery.

Using Windows tools, you can only get battery data, but you need to carry out the procedure either manually or using a special program. However, first you should try to carry out the operation yourself, and if there is no result, turn to the software for help.

Manual laptop battery calibration

Manual battery calibration is done in a few simple steps:

  1. Charge the battery fully.
  2. Unplug and fully discharge the device.
  3. Connect the power supply.

In this case, you must correctly select the power mode, because by default each device is set to “Balanced”. However, when manually calibrating, it is worth changing to "High Performance" in the settings, as this will turn off various energy-saving technologies and the likelihood of a successful operation will increase. In addition, at a low percentage of charge, the laptop will simply go into sleep mode, not allowing the battery to reach zero.

By switching the mode, you can continue to work until the device turns off by itself. After that, you need to immediately connect it to the power supply and charge it to the maximum. A certain advantage of this method is the ability to work at a computer. After the battery is calibrated, be sure to return all power settings.

Laptop battery calibration programs

Such programs can play a very significant role, and help the efficiency to cope with the calibration of the battery. In this case, the entire operation is carried out offline, and the user will not be required to make changes to any configuration. But it is worth considering that each laptop model requires its own specific program.

For an ASUS laptop, calibration is done in the BIOS, since this manufacturer most often places the desired application as a technological tool on the motherboard. The same feature is available in the Phoenix BIOS. You can check it yourself, and for this you need:

  1. Power off the laptop.
  2. Reboot the device, and then press F2.
  3. Go to the BOOT tab and find the Smart Battery Calibration menu, after which you can start the process.

For Samsung and Acer laptops, there is a program such as BatteryMark. It is special in that it is able to quickly reproduce discharge-charge cycles. Its main task is to test and diagnose the battery, both in simple mode and under heavy loads. It allows you to carry out several processes in one hour.

Lenovo laptops also have their own program called Energy Management. It includes many functions relating to battery calibration, giving the user extensive information about the battery status. To carry out the operation, you need to connect the power supply of the device, close all running processes and applications, and you can’t use the laptop while the calibration is in progress.

HP Support Assistant software has been prepared for a successful operation for Hewlett-Packard notebooks. With an extensive selection of tools, you can not only calibrate the battery, but diagnose the entire condition of the device. To do this, go to "My Computer" and find the battery check point. After testing, the program will report on actions to improve the performance of the laptop.

If the calibration was carried out according to all the rules, and the state of the battery has not changed, then it has exhausted its resource. Lithium-ion batteries are designed for a certain number of cycles, after which the battery capacity is reduced. In order to return the computer to its previous work, you need to replace the battery.

What should be done to keep the laptop running for a long time?

Every experienced user knows that using the battery while the device is connected to the network can damage the charging capacity. It is best to remove the battery and connect it during battery life. Due to the fact that each battery has its own certain number of cycles, energy consumption is wasted during natural operation.

It is best not to strain the battery by depleting or overcharging. It is best to let the laptop fully discharge only when calibrating the battery. Make sure that the laptop does not overheat, do not use the device in places with high humidity.

With proper use of a laptop, you can use the device for more than 5 years. Calibrate every few months, and the device will delight you with its efficient performance.

A laptop is considered by many owners as a portable device, which, if necessary, can be taken with them on a trip, to the country house or just to work in a cafe. In such situations, it is important that the computer can work offline as long as possible - without connecting to the network.

Why calibrate a laptop battery

Laptop batteries have a certain level of charge, which cannot be exceeded due to the chemical processes occurring in the device. Due to incorrect operation of the battery controller, which is a consequence of connecting the laptop to a power source at different charge levels, the maximum battery capacity may decrease.

Example: The actual battery charge may be at 90% and the controller will detect it as 50%. When the charge drops to 5-10% according to the controller, the laptop will go into sleep mode. In this case, the actual level of battery capacity will be at the level of 45-50%, but the owner of the computer will not be able to use the remaining energy.

To avoid situations in which the controller incorrectly determines the level of charge of the laptop battery, it is necessary to calibrate the battery from time to time. Its meaning is to "remind" the battery controller of which charge level is the maximum and which is the minimum.

When to calibrate a laptop battery

There are recommendations from battery manufacturers that calibration should be done every 2-3 months, depending on the intensity of work at the computer. However, it is easier to determine the need for battery calibration by checking its parameters by a specific point in time. To find out if a battery needs calibration, do the following:

It is worth noting that calibrating the battery in any case will not make the indicators of full charge and rated capacity identical. This is due to the chemical processes occurring in the battery, which do not allow the battery to be restored to its original state.

How to calibrate laptop battery automatically

Before proceeding with the calibration of the laptop battery, it should be said that this procedure will take several hours. Do not use a laptop during automatic calibration of the battery pack.

Almost every laptop manufacturer installs various software on their devices. Among them, most often, there is a utility that is responsible for battery operation. Through it, you can find out about the status of the battery, adjust the power settings, and, among other things, calibrate. Below we will consider the battery calibration option using the example of the Energy Management application that comes with Lenovo laptops, but the principle of operation of such programs is identical.

To calibrate a Lenovo laptop battery through the Energy Management app, you need to:

The calibration process assumes that the laptop is charged to 100%, and then discharged to 0%. During calibration in automatic mode, do not use the computer and do not close the lid of the laptop, since the screen is the main consumer when the battery is low.

Note: If you can't find a native battery calibration app on your laptop, you can use third-party solutions. There are dozens of free utilities with similar functionality, such as Battery Eater or BatteryCare.

It is worth noting that some laptop manufacturers do not install a separate application for diagnosing and calibrating the battery, but integrate this functionality into the BIOS. For example, HP does this by embedding a battery calibration utility into the Phoenix BIOS. It's called Smart Battery Calibration and can be found under the Boot tab.

In other BIOS versions and on other computer models, the location of the utility may differ. Before flattering the BIOS to use the battery calibration feature, it is recommended that you read the information on the computer manufacturer's website and make sure that such functionality is provided.

How to manually calibrate a laptop battery

Since the calibration procedure involves a full charge-discharge of the battery and no more manipulations, it can be performed without third-party applications in manual mode. To do this, you must first change the Windows settings, because laptops go to sleep when the battery drops to critically low values, and this will prevent the battery from completely draining. To calibrate the battery in a laptop, set the power supply of the device as follows:

After that, the newly created power plan will be automatically applied. Next, you need to fully charge the laptop battery and pull out the power adapter. After that, you need to wait until the computer is completely discharged, while you can use it, but do not forget to save your work, because the laptop can turn off at any time. When the computer battery is completely discharged, you need to charge it again to 100%, after which you can switch the computer to standard power mode, since the calibration process will come to an end.

At one time, laptops gained immense popularity due to the ability to work on battery power, which made it possible not to be chained to one place and to perform the necessary work almost anywhere. The first models could not last long without a charge, and the nickel-metal hydride batteries used had a bunch of drawbacks. But manufacturers did not sit idly by, and over several decades, battery technology has undergone dramatic changes. Today, the vast majority of laptops use lithium-ion batteries. They can last quite a long time and are devoid of many of the shortcomings of their predecessors.

Nevertheless, they are not perfect and over time they can also become unusable. A battery malfunction is expressed in the fact that it is very quickly discharged, or the laptop incorrectly displays the charge level. In this case, manufacturers and sellers of equipment recommend purchasing a new battery. But, since the cost of the original component is quite high, you can try to correct its work yourself. Depending on the extent of the damage, either the battery cells need to be replaced, or a reset of the laptop's battery controller will suffice.

It is about the latter possibility that we want to talk in more detail in today's material. You can find out in which cases you need to reset the controller, and we will also talk about possible ways how you can do it yourself at home.

To begin with, it is worth figuring out what a battery controller is. This is a small microcircuit built into the battery itself, which controls its operating condition, as well as the process of charging and discharging. It interacts with the power controller on the motherboard of the laptop itself, and also transmits the necessary system information to the operating system. We hope you understand the diagram. We tried to describe everything in simple terms, but if you want to know the technical details, search the Internet.

When this little chip stops working correctly, it may be necessary to reset the controller. Popularly, this procedure is also known as battery calibration. By and large, there are only two situations when this may be required: incorrect charge display and replacement of battery cells.

Under the incorrect display of the charge, one should understand the situation when the laptop operating system, even after a long charge, shows that the charge level is less than 100%, or the charge drops sharply, and the laptop does not turn off after a few hours, as it should, but much faster. Many begin to think that the battery has become unusable, but this is not always the case. The problem very often lies in its controller, which simply incorrectly displays the charge.

By replacing battery cells, it is meant that some workshops and service centers may offer the so-called repacking of the battery, that is, replace indoor units that have become unusable. The controller must then be reset so that all new elements are recognized and can be properly enabled. Although, if after replacing the blocks something does not work, you have every right to make a claim and demand that the defects be corrected.

Now let's look at how to reset a laptop battery controller. Let's touch on software and manual methods.

Software reset of the controller

On some sites you may see a recommendation to use the Battery EEPROM Works program. This is indeed a very powerful and advanced utility that can, in some cases, literally reanimate the battery. But there is one big BUT! To use it, you need to know a lot and be able to understand electrical circuits, as well as have the necessary adapters, which are far from always easy to get on the free market. We will not recommend this program to you for use in home devices, as it is very easy to permanently damage the battery. What then is right for you?

Battery EEPROM Works window

Almost every manufacturer has built-in power management utilities. It can be downloaded from the support site, from the driver download page for your device, and in some cases, the utility may be either preinstalled or written to the included driver disk. Select the reset or calibration function and follow the on-screen instructions exactly. Most often, the utility discharges the battery to zero, after which it charges up to 100%. The controller will remember the extreme indicators of the charge level and will work, as it did immediately upon purchase.

Manual controller reset

If for some reason you cannot find or install the power management utility, you can manually reset or calibrate the battery. How?

  1. Disconnect the laptop from the electrical network, then put it into BIOS mode. You can read more in the article how to start BIOS mode.
  2. Leave the laptop and do not touch it until it is completely discharged. Make sure it doesn't overheat.
  3. Without turning on the laptop, put it on charge. Wait for it to be fully charged, for this you can leave it on all night.

In 99% of cases, such simple actions will help bring the battery back to life. Well, if this does not help either, buy a new battery, or connect the laptop directly to the outlet, while removing the battery.

  • If you use a laptop only at home, then for less wear on its battery, it would be better to remove it. But before that, charge it to about 80%, and also check the charge level from time to time, as it is prone to self-discharge. After removing, connect the laptop to the power supply and use it as a desktop computer. This option is suitable for those who have a laptop only in one place, since with this use you can lose data if you disconnect the laptop from the power source during operation.
  • To increase the time spent on your device, set the appropriate options in the power plan settings. Use the power saving mode if necessary.


Friends, today we talked about how to reset the laptop charge controller. We learned that sometimes the problem is not only in the hardware of the computer, but also in the software. Therefore, there is no need to rush to immediately order a new battery. We hope that everything worked out for you, and there are no questions left. Don't forget to share your opinion in the comments.

Modern laptops can work for several hours without recharging, it all depends on the manufacturer and the specific model. Over time, this indicator decreases, and many users are thinking about completely replacing the battery. Is it possible to restore a laptop battery on your own, and how does it happen? Let's find out more!

The cheapest option is to replace individual components

Battery structure

All batteries are made of several elements soldered together, planted in a case. The reason for the deterioration in the quality of the battery may be the breakdown of one of these components, so you can’t immediately run to the store and throw money away for a new battery. Experienced experts say that a worn-out battery can be brought back to life.

There can be a maximum of 8 components in the battery case, all of them resemble batteries that are familiar to us (those used in the TV remote control, for example). The work of all these parts is controlled by a special microcontroller. The scheme is designed so that the user can view information on the battery temperature and charge level on the device screen. It is impossible to do without reprogramming the specified microcircuit during the battery repair process. This condition is mandatory, the procedure requires certain knowledge, so not everyone can do it with their own hands.


Laptop battery repair can be done by calibration. The task is to return the original capacity of the product, we are talking about adjusting the work of the power components, the microcircuit and the control unit. There are times when the battery loses its capacity very quickly, instantly lowering the mark from 100 to 30 percent. The reason for this behavior is called the inconsistency of the internal components.

Calibration is most conveniently performed using special programs. One of these is the BatteryCare utility. Among the main advantages of this tool are the following:

  • simple interface;
  • automatic update;
  • switching settings automatically;
  • useful hints;
  • does not affect system performance;
  • convenient monitoring of battery status.

BatteryCare has a number of functionalities. For example, you can find out how much the capacity of the device has decreased compared to the information declared by the manufacturer. The laptop battery recovery software displays the number of charge cycles, voltage, calibration date, temperature and more. She will tell you about the need for calibration and give useful recommendations on how to perform this procedure. The calculation of the remaining life cycle is calculated on the basis of statistical data.

Using the battery recovery utility, you can also monitor the current temperature of the hard drive and processor.

The calibration process itself consists of three stages. First you need to charge the battery to 100%, then discharge it to zero and recharge it to full capacity. During such manipulations, the battery level on the microcircuit will even out, the controller will now again show the real value.

Replacing elements

The second way is to replace failed components. Batteries that have become unusable are removed from the battery, new ones are installed in their place, after which the whole structure is soldered. After replacement, it is necessary to calibrate and reprogram the chip. Solving the problem with your own hands is quite difficult, it is best to use the services of a specialist.

Programs and utilities for calibrating a laptop battery

To improve the efficiency of the laptop battery, it is advisable to periodically calibrate it. This can be done manually, using special programs, and also through utilities in the BIOS. As you know, a laptop battery consists of a controller (microcircuit) and individual cans connected in parallel and / or in series. The controller monitors the process of charging and discharging the battery cells. The problem here is that during the operation of the battery, the controller data begins to diverge from the real state of the cans. As a result, the laptop can “go offline” even with a charged battery. Under such conditions, the battery cannot be used and must be calibrated. Calibration of the laptop battery ensures that the charge of the battery cells and the readings of the charge controller are brought to the same level. In this material, we will try to figure out how this is done, and what programs and utilities are used.

Calibration is required in cases where the data on the charge of the battery cells of the battery controller does not match their actual state. Let's take a simple example. The degree of charge of the battery cans is 90%, and the controller has information about their charge by 70%. As a result, when the controller sees 10%, it will send the laptop to sleep. But in fact, the battery has a charge of 30% and could still work. As a result, battery life is reduced and the user has to charge the laptop more often.

With the help of battery calibration programs and the manual method, you can get rid of this error. Calibration also eliminates the "memory" effect. Not to be confused with the memory effect.

This is a situation where the battery "remembers" the degree of charge when connected to the mains, and then gives its charge up to this mark. As a result, the battery capacity of the laptop is not fully utilized.

Correct this situation and help programs for calibrating the battery. All modern laptop models use lithium batteries and they don’t have the “memory effect” that is found in batteries.

How to evaluate the capacity and condition of a laptop battery using the program

Before carrying out the activities that are described later in this material, make an assessment of the laptop battery capacity. As they say, you need to realize and comprehend the condition of the battery. To do this, you need to perform the following sequence of steps on a laptop running Windows.

Run a command prompt with administrator rights. For those who have forgotten how to do this, type cmd.exe in the Start menu and use the context menu to launch the command line on the laptop as a computer administrator.

At the command line, type the following:

powercfg.exe -energy -output c:\report.html

At the end of the line is the path where the report file and its name will be saved.

Wait for the system analysis to complete and then go to the path you specified to view the report file. In our case, this is the report.html file in the root of drive c.

In the resulting report, we are interested in the section called "Information about the battery." There you need to pay attention to the estimated capacity and value at the last full charge of the battery. In the same section, the battery type of your laptop will be indicated.

As you can see, the last full charge shows a capacity much less than the nominal one. Even a message is displayed stating that the last charge was less than 50% of the battery capacity. In this case, you need to use programs and utilities to calibrate, or rather, recalibrate the laptop battery.

But it should be remembered that calibration is not a pill for all diseases. If the battery has lost capacity due to a long service life, then no amount of calibration will help it. Recalibration programs are designed to eliminate the error in determining the battery capacity.

What are the programs for calibrating a laptop battery?

In automatic mode, you can perform calibration using special programs. These utilities are released by laptop manufacturers.

HP laptops

In particular, HP offers a UEFI System Diagnostic tool for this. To use this utility, you need to press Esc when booting the laptop and after the F2 boot menu appears. You will enter the system diagnostics, where you will need to select "Battery Test".

On the page that appears, you will need to click "Start battery test". A check will be launched, which will take a certain time. After its completion, the program will offer certain actions that are recommended to be done.

You can also calibrate the battery using the HP Support Assistant in Windows. To do this, do the following:

Go to Start -> Programs -> HP Support Assistant. As a result, the program will start and a welcome window will appear. In this window, you can specify the parameters of the utility and prevent the window from being displayed during further launches of HP Support Assistant.

In the window that appears, open the Diagnostics tab and click the HP Battery Check button. The program will run for a while, and upon completion, it will display the results of the battery test. You can see everything in the photo below.

Together with the result of the analysis of the battery condition, the program will issue the necessary recommendations, which may include replacement, calibration, successful completion of the test, etc.


For Lenovo laptops, use the Energy Management program to calibrate the battery. Most Lenovo Idea laptop models are equipped with the Energy Management utility for power management. The program is possible.

After installation, launch the program and click the gear in the main window. In the next window, click "Start" in the "Reset indicator" line. In the window that appears, the calibration will need to be confirmed by clicking the "Continue" button. All actions are shown in the screenshots below.

The utility will start the calibration process, which can take several hours. When finished, the following program window will be displayed.

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