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Which group to open in contact. How to choose a profitable topic for a VKontakte group


To make money on the Vkontakte group, you need to actively promote. According to statistics, the first income in general groups appears when the number of participants is at least 50 thousand people. In more specialized associations - from 20 thousand. And not all groups will be able to attract people, attendance depends on the choice of topic.

Popular topics for Vkontakte groups. In 2013, groups with quotes and jokes were relevant. They were gaining an audience of a million people in a matter of months. But today there are too many of them. It is almost impossible to enter the top ten, which means that it is worth leaving attempts to compete. If the TOP-10 includes only millionaires, this topic is not relevant for beginners.

Related topics. In a group theme, it is convenient to combine several directions at once. Of course, they should not contradict each other. For example, esotericism can be combined with psychology. Using two topics in the title will help you reach the top for two queries. And now the search gives out such public pages in good positions, although a couple of years ago they were always lower than the thematic groups. Cooking is good complete with home improvement tricks, handicrafts with gardening, and more.

Groups of fans of TV series and programs. Every month new series or programs appear in the world. And they will be discussed and watched. And communities dedicated to them will quickly rise in search. For example, 2 weeks ago a new series was released - Heartbeat. It was translated into Russian in different ways - heartbeat or heartbreak. And immediately after the premiere, the first groups appeared. Today they are still not too large, but in a couple of months the number of subscribers will grow exponentially. But you can create groups in advance, because it is easy to find out about the premieres for many months.

Hello friends!

In today's article I will talk about the settings of the VKontakte group. Where to find them and what needs to be indicated in them in order to promote more efficiently in VK. In general, the information will be unambiguously useful, so read below.

What are the settings for and where are they located

Initially, when you create communities, you immediately get into the settings of the VKontakte group and there you need to set all the necessary data. In addition, usually the group settings are constantly changing depending on the tasks and then where to find them I will tell you.

In the screenshot below, I showed where you can get into the settings of your community, namely by clicking the "Community Management" button under the avatar of your community (in the case of a public page, there will be an inscription "Page Management".

Basic settings of the VKontakte community

Let's go through the basic settings of the VKontakte community.

Other community settings

Now let's take a look at the other tabs. Participants tab. Here you can see who is in your community, and if necessary, remove someone from the community.

These are, in principle, the basic settings of the VKontakte community. You can easily deal with them yourself, but if suddenly you do not work in social networks at all and you need promotion, then you can feel free to contact them.

I provide consultations and also help to promote the VKontakte communities.

I hope this article was useful to you and you will share the link with it in social networks. Also, do not forget to subscribe to blog updates to keep abreast of all the events.

That's all, bye everyone!

Thousands of people already read the blog, why aren't you among them yet?

Vkontakte group settings settings

In the group settings, you can open or hide the ability to add photos, video or audio files, text or graphic documents, create separate topics for discussion and create news notes at the top of the group. You can also change the name of the group, add a description, define the topic, change the email address of the page and attach it to the location (city). The group type is also set in the settings.

After you have created a VKontakte group, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the settings.

Immediately after creating the group, we go to the settings section. But if you left the settings and went to another page, then you need to go to the section "My groups" (in the menu on the left).

Above the list of groups are the tabs - "Communities" and "Management". We select the tab "Management.

Only one of your groups should be shown here, that is, the one you created. But others can also be shown if the owner of the other group has endowed you with administrator rights.

We click on the name or avatar of the group and go directly to our community.

The group function menu is on the right, below the community photo. We choose "Community Management".

The first field with the name of this group. You can select a name and enter a different one, or leave the same.

The second field is the group's email address. The beginning of the address - "" cannot be changed, since it indicates belonging to the social network VKontakte, but the second part, in my case "club82228718", can be easily replaced with a more memorable one. The e-mail address can be entered only in Latin (English) letters and it must be unique, that is, no one should register such an address yet. To change the second part of the address, select it with the mouse and enter a new address. I have chosen the address "my_filosophya", on the right it is indicated that such an address is free. If the address is busy, try entering another word or name.

For example, I show where the changed group address will be visible. At first, the changed address, in principle, is not needed, but in the future, when advertising the community, the beautiful address of the group can play a small, but still tangible role.

The community description will be at the top of the group and provide a broader explanation of the group's name and subject matter. It is advisable to make a concise, but at the same time capacious description, that is, a short but all-explanatory one.

The group description will look like this:

The topic is selected from the drop-down list. To open this list, click with the mouse inside the input field.

If you have your own site, you can add the site's email address to the group. Only in this case, I would advise that the site be close in topic to the topic of the group, otherwise there will be many refusals when going to the site, which has a very negative effect on the characteristics of the site.

Location - by default, the location specified in your profile (that is, on your personal page) is indicated. To change, click on the name of the region (in my case - Stavropol) and select a country, city, you can also add an address and place.

You can drag the black pointer on the map - hold it down with the left mouse button and move it to the side.

The scale of the map can be increased or decreased by scrolling the mouse wheel (cursor inside the map) or on the left of the "+" and "-" buttons.

For further parameters, you can choose one of the few values:

Public (s) - in this option, each participant can create a new topic, a new photo album, add posts or create topics, depending on the option selected. Each user can comment on records, photos, videos or audio. That is, the maximum permissions for users, they do what they want.

Limited - in this case, group members can only comment on what is already there, but they cannot create anything new.

Disabled - that is, these parameters will not be in the group at all.

Closed (wall) - only the administrator (or administrators) can add new entries. Common participants can only read.

The wall is the main part of the group to which messages are supposed to be added. Each new message is added to the top of the page, and the previous ones are shifted down.

By the name of the parameter, you can determine what will be there. For example, by turning off photos, audio and video recordings, we remove the ability to create albums with photos, music and videos. Documents - opens or closes a section for storing text or graphic files.

Discussions - a separate section for the most popular topics or questions. A separate discussion page is created for each topic.

The "Materials" section is used for the most popular news or important messages, which should be in the most prominent place, that is, at the very top of the page. For materials, there are additional options - creating in the form of a note.

The group type indicates whether new members can join the group.

"Open" group - anyone can independently join the group, without any restrictions (unless, of course, he is on the black list of the group). "Closed" - to join the group, anyone who wants to apply, and becomes a member of the group after the administrator confirms this application. And you can't even submit an application to the "private" one, the administrator sends out invitations to join.

A user who is not a member of closed and private groups cannot see what is happening in the community.

All settings take effect after clicking the "Save" button, otherwise, the settings will not change.

To return to the main page of the group, click on the name of the group at the top of the page or on "Back to community" at the top right of the page.

Group decoration

How to make a description of a VKontakte community

April 11, 2016 Social network VKontakte

So, you created a VKontakte group, came up with and worked out its name, and now you are faced with the following questions:

  1. How to make a description of the VKontakte community
  2. What to write in the description of the community so that it attracts customers

In this article, I will answer these questions in the most detailed way, as well as tell and show with examples how to make a beautiful and working description of the VKontakte community.

How to write a description of the VKontakte community

Everything is simple here. Under the avatar of the VKontakte community, click on the button with the ellipsis.

An action window will open in front of you. Click on the "Community Management" button.

Immediately below the name of your page is the "Community Description" field, which you should fill out.

Now let's talk about what should be written in the community description.

What to write in the description of the VKontakte community so that it attracts customers

I hope that before you start describing your community, you have thoroughly studied your target audience. This is actually very important and now you will understand why.

First of all, the description should be short, meaningful and succinct. A person who has looked into your group should immediately understand what he will find interesting and useful for himself in it.

The description should not go into "Show in full". People are by nature very lazy and only a few are ready to click on the button to read the sequel.

Personally, I'm not ready. On VKontakte, people relax and communicate, and if a person has looked into your group, then try to make sure that he receives all the comprehensive information quickly and in a readable form.

It is great if the description contains information about your USP - a unique selling proposition. Try to express the uniqueness of your project in one sentence.

  • We are cheaper than our competitors, because ...
  • Yes, ours is more expensive, but ...
  • You can buy such a thing only from us, because ...

It's great if there is a call to action in the description - join us!

And one more little piece of advice. There is no need to overload the description of the VKontakte group with various embellishments. Keep in mind that when the whole description is replete with arrows and hearts, this distracts attention from the essence of your project.

Let's see what description I made for my VKontakte group - Business online

Please note that all description text is visible at once and does not go to "Show in full". Arrows help to break all information into blocks that are easy to read.

In the description, I tried to reflect my unique selling proposition - the reader immediately understands that in this group you can find all the tips for working with the VKontakte social network from a specialist.

How to issue a description for a VKontakte group

So, you want to make your description readable, but do not know how to add emoticons to the description of the VKontakte group. There is nothing complicated here either. You can get the emoticon you need in the Emoji group VK | Smilies (emoticons). How this is done in practice, you can see in this video tutorial

Recently, an increasing number of VKontakte communities have been using a fixed banner, which is made in the same style as the community's avatar.

It looks very nice, but the point is that visitors no longer see the description of the group, since it is hidden behind a fixed banner. In this case, you can bring important information that you want to convey to your visitors directly to the banner.

In my group, I put on the banner information about what interesting my subscribers can find in the group, and these are step-by-step instructions, video tutorials, webinars and news.

As an example, I would like to cite another community that I designed some time ago. In this group, the description is also covered with a banner. Please note that customer benefits and interests are reflected directly on the banner.

The question arises, is it worth writing a description at all if you immediately plan to fix the banner? You can definitely say what is worth.

If you correctly inserted keywords into the description of your VKontakte group, then both Google and Yandex may well bring you to the top of the search results. So, in any case, you should not neglect the description of the community.

Let's summarize

  1. The description should be short, meaningful and succinct;
  2. It must be readable;
  3. The description should contain keywords and reflect your USP (Unique Selling Proposition);
  4. The description should read the benefits, interests and pains of your target audience;
  5. There is no need to overload the description of the VKontakte group with various decorations in the form of hearts and arrows - this distracts attention from the essence of your project;
  6. There is a call to action in the description.

What's your community's description? If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask! I will gladly answer.

Tags: VKontakte business, group, VKontakte group, creating VKontakte groups Like the article, share with your friends!

    I have long been inundated with questions about making money on VKontakte. To be precise, in terms of earnings in contact with the help of a group or a public page.

    I think that this topic is known to many, because it is highly publicized, and, unfortunately, it is not publicized. better side... The fact is that most of the people who teach Vkontakte how to make money say that it is very simple, so you create a public page and, literally after a certain amount of time, you will receive an income of 30-60 thousand rubles a month. And this is only at the first stage, and over time there will be a tenfold increase in profits. In fact, most of what they say about making money in public is not entirely true, or better to say, embellished truth.

    Why do many people care? Of course, everyone likes easy money, but everyone likes to make good money, everyone needs money for some of their needs, but not everyone wants to work hard for this. There was such an opinion that making money in pubs is a complete "freebie", that is, he created a public page, promoted it a little, and that's it, you already have money. No, it’s not like that. In my course, which will also be in video format, I will reveal the whole truth. In it, I will touch upon such exciting topics as creating a public, promotion, promotion, proper design, content. I will tell you how to minimize the cost of a subscriber, how to create effective posts, what tools to use, what are the consequences of low-quality promotion, and much more.

    Today I will tell you about the first question that all novice administrators of publics on the Vkontakte social network face:

    What topic should you create a group (public) on VKontakte?

    At the moment there is three main themes, which are the most popular on the Vkontakte social network and about 80 percent of all successful public pages are created on them. The main secret in choosing these topics is that they are relatively easy to promote and easy to monetize.

    You probably already guessed it, the most popular and craziest topic is humor... Our people love to have fun, laugh, love good mood and positive. Basically, it's pretty good. It is very easy to get promoted in this topic, that is, the price of a subscriber will be minimal, from 30 to 50 kopecks. But the fact is that such a topic is very difficult to monetize, because most of the audience for this topic is mainly school-age people. This audience is practically insolvent. Here you need to take the quality of subscribers. I recommend thinking about the monetization of this public with 300,000 subscribers, less will not be entirely advisable.

    The second topic is business, money, success and everything connected with it. Great theme for the public. But the cost of a subscriber doubles. You will have to significantly increase the budget for the promotion of such a public, but, nevertheless, the result will be several times greater. This topic is easy to monetize, because mainly the solvent audience, businessmen, enterprising young people, people with an active lifestyle gather here. Monetization starts already from 50,000 participants, initially, of course, these are not very large amounts, but with further promotion, several zeros will be added to your income.

    And the third is women's themes... This topic is very effective. I know people who have made big money on these topics. The whole secret is that the female audience of Vkontakte is more willing to subscribe to public pages than the male. Maybe the whole reason is in psychology and a little different thinking. This topic is easy to promote and easy to monetize. However, women are such a specific audience, which requires a certain work skill, which, in most cases, only a girl can understand. Monetization starts as early as 50,000 subscribers.

    Summarizing all of the above, I will name the three most popular topics:

    1. Humor

    2. Business, success and money

    3. Women's theme

    The topic in which it is worth creating a public and working, is up to you. If you feel that humor is closer to you, then create a public about humor and fun. If you are interested in the topic of success, personal development, business, then choose a topic in this direction. And if you are a girl, then create a female public, since in this topic you have more chances to succeed than men. And remember, when promoting a public, not only financial investments are important, but also the very attitude towards it. It is important that you work with soul and full dedication, then things will go easily and quickly!

    In the following articles I will tell you about the correct promotion, how, where to buy advertising, how much it should cost, how best to monetize a public, how to design a public, where to get content so that visitors like it and other important topics.

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How to make a group on VK popular: step-by-step instructions for creating a group + 3 ways to make content unique + 4 main methods of promotion.

The Vkontakte group allows you to unite a large number of users by interests.

This is a tool with which you can popularize ideas and lifestyle, as well as share your own creativity, if you are an aspiring writer, musician, stylist, hairdresser, etc.

You can even make money from advertising posts if you have a lot of "live" members in the community.

Find out, how to make a VK group popular and attract the maximum number of users.

1) How to create a VK group and make it popular: 4 steps

Obviously, before you can promote a group, you need to create it. If you already own a public, feel free to skip this section. And for those who are still at the very beginning of the journey, we suggest carefully studying this step-by-step instruction.

Step 1.

Go to the "Groups" and click on the "Create community" button.

Step 2.

Coming up with a name and defining a theme. It is important that the “name” of the community contains a keyword by which it can be found in the search.

The main difference between the group and the public page is that the records of the latter are visible to absolutely all Vkontakte users. But the group can be made closed or private. Then its content will be available only to participants.

PS. You can also choose the “event” format if you want to spread information about an upcoming concert, festival, etc.

You can read about additional features of the group, public page and event here:

Step 3.

Choose a stylish photo that reflects the group's theme.

* Cheat sheet for choosing the size for the cover

It is also important to write a short but succinct description to attract readers.

Step 4.

Ready! By clicking on the profile picture, add a photo. Also in the left corner you can click the "three dots" button and the group management menu will open.

The picture above is the cover that we chose in the previous paragraph.

2) How to create popular and unique content for your VK group?

The next important step, without which we will not figure out how to make a VK group popular: it must be filled with thematic information.

The easiest and fastest way is to copy posts from similar communities, but this approach will only make you “one of”. But to create unique content you have to work hard.

In a group, you can:

Publish in your VK group interesting materials that a person would like to repost and save on his page:

  • collections of books on popular topics (self-development, startups, health);
  • lists of useful mobile applications;
  • lists of sites with free online courses;
  • a selection of videos from TED conferences;
  • tops ("top 5 products for healthy skin", "top 7 romantic comedies");
  • posts with links to your previous articles in the public.

Where to get pictures for a VKontakte group to make it popular?

Collections with beautiful pictures always attract readers, collect many likes and reposts, which makes the group on VK popular.

In order not to violate copyright, you need to use free photo stocks. There are not so few of them, and there you can find a large number of high-quality photos. All you need to do is go to the stock photo site and enter a keyword that describes the picture.

In order to make beautiful collections, use popular stocks:


How to increase the audience for the VKontakte group and thereby make it popular?

When to publish posts for the VK group?

To make your VK group popular, publish posts every day at a certain time.

In the field of media, there is the concept of "prime time" - this is the most convenient time for a person to listen to a radio station or watch a TV channel.

Well, you and I have to determine when the largest number of people view the VKontakte news feed. For this, it is important to study your target audience.

For example, schoolchildren and students often open their pages on social networks after school at 16:00 and before going to bed at 22:00. Those who are a little older check their accounts during lunchtime from 12:00 to 13:00.

In the infographic, the best times to publish posts are highlighted in green, and the worst times are highlighted in red.

Also, do not update your VK group wall at the exact time, for example, at 12:00 or 18:00. Since large popular publics will do it together with you, and users may simply not notice your post.

3) 4 best methods to make a VK group popular

So we come to the answer to the main question, how to make a group on VK popular.

To, it is necessary to spread the information about the community as much as possible. The easiest way to do this is through advertising and messaging.

a) Advertising on Vkontakte.

b) Contextual advertising in search engines will help make your VK group popular.

In this case, you need to come up with the right name for the group, which would specifically describe. For example, "Nail Salon in Moscow", "Quality Furniture in Kazan", "Children's Toys", etc.

It's important to note that this is where you pay for each click-through. So the minimum order amount ranges from 300 to 500 rubles, while the rate per "click" starts from 30 kopecks.

c) Advertising of the VK group in another community.

Choose a popular community with a lot of post views, likes, and reposts. Also keep in mind that its theme should be similar to yours.

Often, administrators publish on their page advertising prices (in the "information" section or in the form of a discussion).

The video below shows an example of the popular Vkinformer messaging program (

The license is paid, but you can create your first free newsletter in a two-hour test mode.

d) Sending advertising messages to join the VKontakte group.

Send users private messages inviting them to join your community. You can do this manually or use special mailing programs.

Summarize: in order to make the group on VK popular- you need to create interesting and high-quality content, and then take care of its promotion.

Such a community with a large number of members allows its owner to earn money from the comfort of his home, selling goods or placing advertising posts.

Today we will touch upon a very interesting topic. Let's talk about what kind of community to create on the social network. After all, the VK social network today is not just a platform for finding old acquaintances, friends and relatives. It is also a web site for meeting new people. To communicate with unknown people whose interests are close to yours. To find such people, each of us joined a hundred or two groups and communities. In addition to the fact that they allow you to simply communicate, gain experience from others, and generally have fun, communities on the social network will also help you make some money. But this is only if the group or public will be really original, interesting, visited and include numerous users.

And so, you decided to create your own public page or group. Immediately you ask yourself: what kind of community can you create on VKontakte? What topic? As I said, the topic should be interesting to many and at the same time original. Unfortunately, today almost all niches are occupied. But let's talk about everything in order.

Public or group?

Before deciding which community to create on VKontakte on a topic, you must decide what it will be - a group or a public. Each of this type of community has its own advantages and disadvantages. You can read in more detail about the differences between a public and a group in our previous one. On my own behalf, I will say that the group is good because you can invite your friends to it. The advantage of the public is that their list is nicely located in the corresponding column for each VKontakte user. Thus, your public will often catch the eye of other members of the social network.


Now for the topic. First, understand the simple truth: it will be very difficult for you to lead a community on a social network if its topic is not specifically interesting to you. For example, I don't like football. How can I build a community, promote it and generally talk about this sport if I can't stand it? No way. With this, everything is clear. Second, your community must be competitive. To keep it that way, choose a topic that is not very developed on the social network. For example, cars. There are many communities dedicated to auto. Choose something less popular. You can, for example, create a community dedicated to a particular car brand. It will include the owners of this particular car brand from all over, so to speak, the world. However, before creating, be sure to make sure that there is no such VKontakte community. And if there is, then make sure that it is running / abandoned and so on. Only then there is a chance that your group or public will "surpass", in terms of the number of users, the community previously created by someone else.

However, if your goal is not to get money with the help of the community, then you shouldn't think about what kind of community to make VK. Do you like aquarium fish? Don't look at competitors, just create a public or group dedicated to this. Do you like beautiful music about love? Why not create a community in which you will be on the wall, say every day, throwing one romantic song? I hope that you understand what kind of community you can create in VKontakte in this or that case, and our advice was not in vain.

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