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Which programming language is the simplest and the best. What programming language is it better to start the first independent learning for a beginner

As usual, all discussions about programming languages ​​often develop into real wars, where each side not only stands up for its favorite, but also tries to humiliate the opponent. If the authors of languages ​​knew this in advance, then they simply would not have created half of their creations.

Having set out to consider which programming languages ​​are the easiest to learn, the question is transferred to a different plane - which of them are more valued, and this is not quite the same thing.

A simple programming language should respond with some basic requirements such as:

  • a programming language can be learned from scratch, without knowing about programming in general.
  • a programming language must support a wide range of functionality, but at the same time have a simple syntax and set of rules.
  • the time to learn a programming language should not exceed two weeks - this is generally the case.
  • from the programming language should come a practical use.
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It immediately becomes clear that web-oriented languages ​​cannot be considered self-sufficient, since they rely on a hard-to-learn foundation of servers and platforms. Those that are used for the general purposes of creating programs remain.

The easiest programming languages ​​to learn

  • Basic
  • Pascal

In principle, each of them can be mastered fairly quickly, but this often depends on the skill of the teacher and the student's ability to absorb new information.

But many experts are convinced that in order to learn a programming language, one should not go straight to its visual implementation. Simply put, if you want to learn Pascal, then learn it, not Delphi, learn C instead of VC ++ with MFC / QT, and so on.

How easier language, the less noticeable are the language features in it, but the algorithmic features are more pronounced - and this is the best approach to learning programming.


One might argue that Pascal, C and BASIC are both ancient languages ​​and not worth mentioning. And this will be a mistake, since a programming language does not have fashion seasons - they are used under various circumstances, but they have nothing to do with the fact of "aging".

Moreover, in many cases, old programming languages ​​for learning are much better adapted, since they allow the user to independently develop the missing library functionality, while object-oriented (OOP) languages ​​with a rich set of functions only cool the creative ideas of novice programmers - try to force them reinventing audio output via sound card, data packing formats or new DBMS.

As a result, it remains to advise beginners to learn programming from DOS versions such as Pascal and only then buy Delphi in order to move into comfortable visual environments.

Login to IT: starting from scratch or switchers

This one, with which Vladimir Kozhaev began a series of tips for beginners. Two articles will be an obligatory part in it, but if it is not possible to cover all the material, he promised to add more.

Where do the firewood come from?

Oh, you thought? So you sometimes think? You are a thinker. What's your last name, thinker?
Spinoza? Jean Jacques Rousseau? Marcus Aurelius?
© Golden Calf

I have been in the industry since 2005, and during this time many stories and destinies have passed before my eyes. But this is not the main thing, the fact is that most of the young (and not so) neophytes whom I helped successfully work, some are already in the second or third job. But this is not the main thing either. It is very valuable that I have examples of those who failed... Valuable because sometimes knowing what to do is far less important than knowing what to do. what and how not to do... Like all generalizations, the following is true only for the conditions of Ukraine and, to a lesser extent, for the countries of the former CIS. I know little about working conditions in the USA, so if you want to emigrate, look for another source of information (for example, the wonderful podcast "America" ​​by Yakov Fine, or "SiliconValleyVoice" by Mikhail Portnov).

Socio-psychological portrait of a sweater

A novel is, after all, a mirror with which you walk along the high road.
Either it reflects you the azure of the sky, then the muddy puddles and bumps.
© Stendhal. Red and black

Who wants in the ai-ti. It is clear: students of specialized universities and switches (a word that understands in the course) from other specialties. Both of them have a problem biting their own tail, like the eternal serpent-Ouroboros - they have no commercial experience. They don't hire people without experience; they can't get experience without work. However, there are many benefits to education, so the problems facing those who do not have it deserve a separate discussion.

Once upon a time, there was a man who worked at a work far from an ai-ty, perhaps he achieved success, but the crisis of 2008 happened, life became harder. Then there was the Maidan of 2013, the annexation of Crimea, the war in Donbass, the dollar shot up and life became very difficult. And suddenly our hero remembers that at the institute (school / kindergarten) he programmed well in Pascal (got five on the exam / successfully answered the question / knew how to turn on the computer). "Eureka, I'll go to the IT, they pay a lot and the job is interesting."

If a student-programmer does not have experience and the task is only (!) To get it, the switch is seven miles away and everything is in the woods: you need to determine what to do and gain knowledge. The matter, I must say right away, is not an easy one, so people are rightly overcome with doubts: will I succeed, is it worth the candle, or maybe it’s nafig? Let's start with this.

Will I succeed?

Fate is a very convenient word for those who never make decisions!
© Jodie Foster

Once upon a time, when a programmer with experience earned less than a secretary from a post-Soviet research institute, programming was the lot of nerds in stretched sweaters. The trend "to enter the IT" was accordingly absent. But little by little, outsourcing came to the country. The earnings of the founders of the IT offices were prohibitive: low Ukrainian salaries were combined with a waste, but still external rate. For example, in 2004, a programmer was paid $ 2 per hour of work, and sold this hour for $ 15. Therefore, programmers began to take everyone who was able to write a program "hello world", to testers - who knew how to turn on a computer. More than six times the difference between the internal and external rates covered any costs. This blessed time lasted until about 2008. There were few people willing to enter the IT from other specialties, because the programmer's earnings, although it had grown, did not, alas, reach an air conditioner installer.

In 2008, a crisis broke out, everyone was fired, including programmers, but less than others and took on other jobs. Someone (like the author) got a job almost immediately after the layoff. Someone in a month or two, but during the crisis the keyboard workers were well fed and even quite well-fed. Plus, the rate has grown and finally the programmers began to earn seriously more than even the most busty girls from car dealerships. Accordingly, the flow of applicants and, as a result, the requirements for them also began to grow, and this growth continues until today... Moreover, if in 2008 it was necessary to have theoretical knowledge for successful employment, now a beginner is required to have some kind of experience. That is, in order to get a job, a programmer must have experience in writing real programs, albeit small and non-commercial. Tester - proven experience in testing applications.

Related article: Every negative event is fraught with something good.

So we see: the requirements have increased by an order of magnitude. What follows from this: study, study and study again! Every day, for three to four hours, at least a year. After that, you need to gain experience, write programs for free. So, from the beginning of training to employment, it will take place in best case two years. Do you have the opportunity and motivation to work hard for two years after work (in fact, half a day)? If there is, fine, but I have a surprise for you: no one guarantees that you will last more than a week at your first job! Junior, especially a trainee, are the most vulnerable positions.

Another important thing is English. Customers in Ukraine are entirely foreign, the domestic market is dead. Do you think they will learn Russian / Ukrainian for the sake of a talented, but still very little able trainee? Those who have English, of course, find it easier. Who does not have - we learn. How do you want?

Hence the alarming conclusion:

To get your first job, you need to be prepared for years of hard work and financial instability at first.

Weigh it well, can you afford it?

In order not to go crazy, studying should become your hobby.

Believe me, doing something every day that makes you sick is the road to the durke, and there, of course, you won't earn any money. On the other hand, no one has canceled financial motivation, and if it prevails in you, there is nothing criminal in it. Good welcome- write down your goals on a piece of paper, hang it in front of your eyes and read it every day. Even better is to go to a psychologist, he will quickly put his brains in mind regarding motivation. Who needs this, write in a personal.

We send demotivators away

There will be some who will say: "fi, he went to program not at the call of his heart, but because he wanted to eat" Or: "old already - where should you study?" Or: “this is not for your brains” - feel free to send them. In separately neglected cases, uninvited advisors can even be beaten. Why? So a black eye calms down much faster than an empty stomach! Also, because these advisers do not really want to help you - just scratch your self-importance about you, pushing you into a puddle along the way. Not to have money, to deny what is necessary not only to yourself, but also to those close to you, to vegetate being capable of more - this is vulgar, disgusting and disgusting.

Earning honestly for yourself and your family is quite good and correct.

Where to start, or choosing a path

My years are growing
will be seventeen.
Where do I work then
what to do?
© Mayakovsky

Well, we figured out the motivation: what do we do next?

  • At first, learning english, right now! As I wrote earlier, without it in the IT, alas, there is nothing to do!
  • Secondly, let's choose what we will be paid for by the nice looking green pieces of paper. You need something to master quickly enough, but it also paid well for it. The first thing that comes to mind is manual testing. For a start, it seems that special knowledge is not needed, of the general qualities, only attentiveness and perseverance. I will learn the specifics of the tested programs along the way. I will go to the courses, finish and look for work. Alas, the excessively low entry threshold has played a cruel joke with more than one newcomer. The fact is that until recently, one junior tester vacancy received up to a thousand (!) Resumes. Why until recently? Yes, because such vacancies have ceased to appear in the public domain! Companies prefer to hire testers with specialized education after their own courses. And just QA vacancies entry level on two orders fewer applicants.

And here's one more piece of advice: don't go into manual testers!

At the same time, it is not at all necessary to become a programmer.

For some, it is enough to simply switch industries based on previous skills. For example, instead of an accountant in a sausage company, become the same in a programmer's office. If you know how to work with people (waiters, flight attendants, hostesses) - a direct road to office managers. You were a boss - go to the manager, a psychologist - to recruiters and HRs. But what if you still want to become a programmer? Become, what else! But what to study, that is the question? The answer is in the next paragraph.

What and how to teach to become a programmer

Children need to be taught what will be useful to them when they grow up
© Aristippus

What to learn to get the long-awaited job faster: Java, C #, or maybe C ++? Yes, these languages, of course, are in demand and are well paid, but there are two problems.

The first problem: any language does not exist by itself, but together with tools: compilers or interpreters, of which there can be several, libraries and frameworks (in English framework) and typical approaches used in the framework subject area... So, the point is that for the specified languages ​​any of the possible specializations(possibly other than android) presupposes high threshold occurrences... In other words, you will have to study for a particularly long time. That is why I recommend specializations with low entry times for those who are retraining: this is primarily frontend programming using JavaScript language and related, then the development of sites for PHP language or Python, further development mobile applications for Android or iOS. But in the development of enterprise applications on the JavaEE or .NET platform, especially in system programming, big data or data analysis, it is better for switches not to get involved. It will take too long to learn.

Problem two: programming is not about learning tools, first of all, these are algorithms.

Let them be simple enough, but if a person cannot flip a string or write bubble sort, work on real project it will be difficult for him.

Hence one more piece of advice: you need to learn programming techniques - solve problems.

How to learn

The first step is to learn the language itself, its syntax. To do this, we take a book in any of the selected languages, read it and be sure to do the exercises. Then we begin to study common libraries, in parallel we solve algorithmic problems: arrays, strings, and so on. After the tongue and minimum volume algorithms more or less mastered, we proceed to the study of commonly used for of this language libraries and frameworks (frameworks). The fact is that the initial knowledge of sockets, web services, libraries for unit testing, HTTP requests are required for any programmer, regardless of specialization.

The next step is to study design patterns. After that, we move on to mastering version control systems and databases, for example MySQL. And finally, we move on to mastering the desired specialization. But that's not all: at the end of the training, you need to create several working projects and put them on github and be sure to somewhere on the side or server, so that people can contemplate not only the code, but also the results of your work.

Only then can you start looking for a job.

References for the specialization of Java programmer for Android

  • For an initial acquaintance with the language, I recommend the book by Jacob Fine "Programming in Java for Children, Parents, Grandparents".
  • After you have read the book, you can skip to the book by Bruce Eckel "The Philosophy of Java". Just do not take the Russian-language paperback version - it is abbreviated, there are no exercises.
  • Find either a newer edition or an English edition called Thinking in java. Programming tasks stupidly googling on the question of "algorithmic tasks for interviews."
  • Either Uncle Yakov's book "Java Programming 24-Hour Trainer" or Eckel's book "Thinking in java enterprise".
  • To master design patterns, take Eckel's book Thinking java in patterns.

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To master MySQL and git, you can simply use the official documentation. After that, you can already start studying Android itself, for example, according to the book “ Android Development applications for dummies ”Donn Felker. After that, I recommend writing two or three games and putting them on the side. Then you can look for work.

Mentor how to find and not get bored

Often a beginner has questions that he himself is not able to resolve. It would be nice to ask someone who understands, but where to get it? Contact those who write articles, keep blogs (p.s. DO NOT contact the author, I already help a few, and the time is not rubber). Why to them? It's just that if a person gives advice on their own initiative, they will most likely agree to help when asked. In addition, a mentor must have the skills of a teacher, to some extent a guru, not all even super-duper-duper signors have them.

You need to ask questions in this order:

  1. In the beginning, we try to find a solution ourselves.
  2. If it doesn't work, google it.
  3. If after that it still doesn't work, ask a question on Stackowerflow or on another forum, but it is better to ask several questions at once. Having asked a question, we read it, perhaps after reading it, you will understand how to solve the problem.
  4. And only if points 1-3 did not work, we turn to the mentor.

At the same time, you must remember: you are not obliged to do anything, except for cases when you pay for help. That is, if they didn’t answer you, or they didn’t answer in sufficient detail, or the mentor doesn’t know the answer, the maximum that you can do is ask very politely, they say, didn’t you accidentally find time for my question? This is not at all because the mentor considers himself to be the navel of the earth. He is the same person as you, with a family, a hobby, his problems. And, alas, his own tasks are much more important to him than the annoying Padawan, who once again inattentively read the manual

It is generally better to contact a mentor to solve fundamental questions: what to read from the literature, what frameworks to master, what is bad in my code, and how to improve it, what task to take for training, etc.

What else does? If you ask a mentor and he gives advice, use it! If you don’t use it, don’t whine that it doesn’t work. I have a friend who asks about once a month: "What should I do?" I tell her, in detail, she comes in a month without fulfilling absolutely nothing from my recommendations! The cycle repeats again. Needless to say, its results are sad?

Courses, can they help

It depends on what you expect from them. If there is an introduction to the specialty, definitely - yes. Good courses will help you with this. But, I emphasize, they are good. How do you find them? Let's think: how much does a programmer who can teach courses get paid per hour? That's right, from $ 20, rather higher. Let's say there are 10 people in a group. Lectures twice a week + practical tasks, which also take time to check. That is, the teacher should spend at least 15 hours a week on your training, more likely 20 (you need to prepare for lectures) 20 * 20 = 400 bucks - the minimum salary for a lecturer. We add at least 200 more to it (rent of premises, expendable materials, office profit). There are four weeks in a month. That is, the cost of a month of good courses for a group of 10 people should cost 600 * 4 + tail (200) = 2600 dollars. Divide by 10 and we get $ 260 per person per month. At the current exchange rate of thirty bucks, it will be 7800 hryvnia. Clear?

Can they good courses be cheaper? Yes, if checking homework is automated (like on a cursor) and there are a lot of listeners, then it will turn out to be volumetric. Or, if the main goal of the courses is not making money, but PR. I can recommend the courses by Jacob Fine or those taught by the owners of the site

But hack it on your nose: not a single course will give you all the knowledge. Another enticement is the promise of one hundred percent employment.

Even free courses large IT companies, after a serious dropout, do not promise employment for everyone. This is understandable, the courses run for a long time. On the other hand, in training center not oracles, they cannot predict how many interns the office will need in six months. Where then workplace will a training organization take for you? She doesn't have at all self-developed... The question is rhetorical!

How to get your first job and what to do there

The hardest job is the absence of it!
© Ruben Bagautdinov

Well, the initial information from programming has been received. And you are inspired to start sending your resume. Do you think Google and Microsoft will fight for you with flails? Look at the situation from the employer's point of view: some kind of unknown type, he has a legal education, himself 27 years old, average English. He says that he knows something, honestly, honestly, but alas - there is no evidence of this. Will you take him to work?

What can be done? That's right, show proof that you can do something! But how to do it? Create working a project worthy of attention, and preferably two or three, and put it in Free access... Let people see the product with their face. Do you think they took you rr-times after that? No, they didn’t, but without the implemented projects, there’s no chance at all. The fact is that the employer may not like something, you are still a beginner. How to be? That's right, you must very politely ask to point out the shortcomings, thank you for your time and eliminate these shortcomings. Then go to the next employer and so on until you get the desired position. And of course, at the same time, read up the theory so that the teeth fly off. However, the project in production is still the most important thing - it is your guide to the world of big money.

I knew guys who taught parallel programming patterns, aspect-oriented, dynamic, and who knows what else, while they were perplexed: "why am I not hired to work?" Because there is nothing to show! You can argue for a long time about the quality of the code, but what's the point if real work have you never done?

The advantages of the sweater

Graduated from a university with a degree in " software"Or" systems analysis "during the full working day for five years studied what you mastered during the year in the evenings, in fits and starts. Studied under the guidance of experienced mentors, did laboratory works, did an internship. Of course, he knows the theory better! You can of course say, they say, we know these post-Soviet universities, but I assure you: a student of KPI or Shevchenko University who wants to gain knowledge, yes, he has this opportunity. But there are advantages to you too. The fact is that a university graduate is a "young ishsho", often (but not everyone) has a wind in his head. It's not because he's bad, it's just that life experiences come with age.

You, as an adult, formed person, in theory, should be able to negotiate with other people, soberly assess the timing of any work, be able to say the word "no", admit your mistakes, and have a pragmatic approach to any life situation.

You don't know how, well ... how did you live to be your age?

For example, where a graduate will name terms that are pleasant to the manager's ear, you, as an adult, politely but firmly say: you can't do this work faster, just can't. Better to let the boss experience a few unpleasant minutes now, but find out about the problem in advance, than to be falsely confident that everything is fine until the deadline.

What to do if the offer is received

Needless to say, the amount of salary in the first place of work is not the most important thing? Yes, it should provide at least the minimum needs, well, rent a bed there, dress in a second-hand shop and eat more than just pasta, but don't try to bargain! There are a lot of juniors on the market, there are also those with specialized education. And I wrote above that they have advantages. That's why, received an offer - nod happily and go to work... On it, by the way, you still need to hold out. It is not uncommon for a junior trainee to get fired, even if he is perfect for his level. It's just that there is relatively little sense from such a person, he does the most simple work... Ended with this or just the customer decided to reduce the staff: "Thank you, dear friend, we will remember you." What to do? As I said, prepare for financial instability and not lose heart - quickly look for another job... Yet good way: take on current work leave and go on an internship / probationary period. And only if it is successfully completed, quit the old one. It is difficult, I agree, but on your hands, perhaps, a family, other close people - you cannot risk their future.

Many people start their journey to learning programming by opening Google late at night. Usually they look for something like "How to learn ...". But how does someone looking for something like this decide which programming language to choose?

Someone, after reading the websites and blogs of the largest computer companies, argues as follows: “In Silicon Valley, every word is Java. I think this is what I need. " It also happens like this: “Haskell. He's at the peak of his popularity. It's scary to think about what will happen next. Definitely Haskell. " And even so: “This gopher on the Go logo is so cute. I want to know Go. "

Some, driven by the desire to learn to program, are looking for this: "Which programming language to learn first?"

There are questions that are asked so often that whole schemes are created to answer them. For example, here is one of them, dedicated to the choice of the first programming language, prepared by the team of this site.


If you consider this scheme, it turns out, for example, that Ruby is suitable for those who loved to sculpt from plasticine as a child.

Choosing your first programming language can be a fun activity, like semi-serious questionnaires like: "Which of the characters of Quentin Tarantino are you?"

But, before you go headlong into learning Ruby, moreover, just because in childhood they could not live without plasticine, let me draw your attention to the fact that the first programming language is very, very important. Too much depends on him.

In order to at least in general outline to understand the chosen language will take hundreds of hours of practice. Therefore, cute logos and ingenious schemes shouldn't confuse you.

When choosing the first language, it is worth soberly assessing the following factors:

  • Labor market.
  • Long-term perspectives of the language.
  • Difficulty in learning a language.
  • What exactly can you create in the process of learning, and by showing others to keep you motivated.
New programming languages ​​appear several times a year. Articles are written about them in scientific journals, comics that can be found on the Web are dedicated to them.
When it comes to choosing your first programming language, you have to face an avalanche of options. To narrow your search down a bit, here is the analysis. search queries at Google for the past 12 years regarding learning programming.

From the analysis of search queries, you can find out that Java has had its ups and downs. And, for example, the rating of Python has gradually grown, it has become almost the most popular programming language. There is also one language here, simple but with remarkable capabilities, the graph of interest in which is slowly growing from year to year, although it is at the very bottom. This is JavaScript.

Before talking about these programming languages, let me clarify something.

  • I do not presume to argue that a certain language is objectively better than any other.
  • I agree that developers ultimately learn more than one language.
  • I am for the fact that at the very beginning of the path, a programmer should learn one language well. And, as you probably guessed from reading the cleverly disguised hint in the title, I believe that this first language should be JavaScript.
Let's start our conversation about the first language by looking at how programming is taught today.

Fundamentals of Information Technology and Learning to Program

In universities, they usually teach to program in the framework of information technology subjects, which often look like additions to math courses, or are tied to some basic specialty, say, electrical engineering.

You are probably familiar with this statement by Eric Raymond: “Education in the field computer technology just as it won't make you a great programmer, just as learning brushes and paints won't make you a great artist. "

Today, just as before, most educational institutions equate programming and information technology, and information Technology equate to mathematics.

As a result, many introductory programming courses are built around fairly low-level abstractions in languages ​​such as C or languages ​​used in math packages like MATLAB.

And those who make decisions about what to teach in programming courses usually stick to all sorts of official sources that regularly publish reports with ratings of languages. Among such reports, for example, TIOBE Index. And here is the IEEE leaderboard.

These "leaderboards" look almost exactly the same as ten years ago. However, things are changing, even in academia.

The JavaScript ecosystem also benefits from massive investments, both financial and human capital, of talented engineers from companies such as Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Netflix.

For example, a contribution to the open programming language source code TypeScript (extended JavaScript version statically typed) contributed by over 100 developers. Many of them are Microsoft and Google employees who are paid for this work.

Similar shape working together companies in Java environment harder to find. For example, Oracle, which actually owns Java by taking over Sun Microsystems, often sues companies trying to work on the language.

Factor # 3: Difficulty learning a language

Here's a cartoon about the complexity of programming languages ​​from XKCD.

Most programmers agree that high-level scripting languages ​​are relatively easy to learn. JavaScript falls into this category, along with Python and Ruby.

And even, although in educational institutions the languages ​​with which they begin to learn to program are still such as Java and C ++, it is much more difficult to understand them.

Factor # 4: projects that can be created using the knowledge gained

Here JavaScript is second to none. It can work on any device that has a browser. Why, at least right here, where you read this. Basically, with using JavaScript you can create almost anything and distribute it around the world with the confidence that it will work on almost anything that resembles a computer or a mobile phone.

The ubiquity of JavaScript led to this famous quote from Stack Overflow co-founder Jeff Atwood: "Any application that can be written in JavaScript will eventually be written in JavaScript."

Over time, this statement, which is also called "Atwood's Law", does not lose its relevance.

In the environment of other languages, slightly different trends can be observed. For example, it was once promised that Java will work literally everywhere. Remember Java Applets? Oracle officially dropped them earlier this year.

Python suffers from similar problems. Here is what James Hag wrote about this in his article that it is time to abandon Python as the main language used in teaching programming. The student asks: “How can I give this game that I wrote to my friends? Or, it will be even better, is there any way I can put it on my phone so that I can show it to everyone at school, and they don't have to install it? " The teacher, when it comes to Python, can only chuckle. There is no short answer here.

If we talk about JavaScript, then here are the live answers to the above question. These are applications that were written by members of the Free Code Camp community on CodePen using a browser.

Of course, they use programs. This is mainly Facebook, Google maps and some others. There are not so many of them. As a result, the main demand for mobile app developers is concentrated in a few large companies.

It is difficult to foresee the prospects for the development of jobs for mobile programmers. At the same time, many tasks related to the development, support and distribution of applications for smartphones and tablets are most easily solved using JavaScript. As a result, companies like Facebook and Google provide strong support for the best JavaScript tools for mobile development.
As of 2016, almost all the work of programmers is focused on web projects. Everything is somehow connected with this huge platform, with “ The world wide web". And the coming generation household appliances that you can talk to, and cars that will pick your children up from school on their own - all of this will also be part of the web.

From the above, the simple conclusion follows: learn JavaScript.

When it comes to choosing a career as a developer or adding a new language to your skills list, keep in mind that some languages ​​are easier to learn than others. This collection is based on WPEngine's study of developer attitudes towards languages.

WP Engine surveyed 909 US developers. The largest percentage of them (14%), not surprisingly, are from California. A large number of programmers lives in states such as Florida, New York and Texas. About 70% of all interviewed programmers were men, 30% were women.

Here are 10 of the easiest programming languages ​​to learn, with the percentage of developers who voted for them (according to Wp Engine).

HTML (13.3%)

This language won in two nominations: it was named the easiest to learn and the most comfortable to work with. Created in 1990, this markup language is the premier tool for creating standard web pages and applications for any browser.

Python (9%)

Python is known for its high readability and simple syntax, making it easy to learn. “Because of its consistency and simplicity, Python is easy to use and accessible, especially for novice coders,” says the study. Created in 1989 and released in 1994, Python has been in use for 25 years.

Javascript (6.2%)

Javascript is open source and uses a combination of features from C, C ++, and Java. This allows programmers to choose the language that suits them best. Javascript is also at the top of the list of languages ​​that programmers find the most creative.

PHP (4.9%)

PHP is a scripting language. Open source and language related general purpose... PHP is especially suited for web extensions and can be embedded in HTML.

Java (4.6%)

It is a general-purpose programming language specifically designed for maximum reduction dependencies in the implementation. Created in 1991. Java has also been named the most fertile and versatile language.

R (4.4%)

R is a programming language with open source for statistical calculations and graphics. It is maintained by the Statistical Computing Organization R.

Shell (4.4%)

The shell script is computer program created to run command shell Unix. Typically used for manipulation, program execution, and text output.

Ruby (4.1%)

Ruby is dynamic language open source programming. Does main focus on simplicity. It also ranks high in the list of the most creative languages.

Erlang (3.8%)

Erlang is multithreaded functional language general purpose programming. Used for the development of parallel and distributed systems.

Go (3.6%)

Go, an open source programming language developed by Google. Very useful when building web applications with a minimum of frameworks, web servers and APIs. The Go app is also easy to run on the Google cloud platform. This language was also noted as the most intuitive.

If you are dreaming of a career as a programmer and are just starting to learn programming, you might want to find the most easy tongue... Such a programming language that is quick to learn and start using.

But do not try to go with this question to the forums of programmers or to friends. Usually a person who already knows how to write code thinks that the easiest language is the one with which he works. And if he speaks several programming languages ​​- the one that he studied first. Again, all people are arranged in different ways, and what one considers easy and understandable, the other may not master at all.

So which language is the easiest? In order to simply learn, Pascal or one of the Basic languages ​​is recommended. Pascal teaches you the "right manners" in programming, it teaches you to write structured programs and always declare the types of variables. By learning in time, you will make fewer mistakes when writing code in any other language. Basic even translates as "easy" or "for beginners", but you are unlikely to be able to write anything really serious in it.

Not all beginners know that learning a language, or even several languages, is not enough to learn to program. It is necessary to be able to compose algorithms, solve applied problems, work with data arrays. To learn all these things you need your first language. And in order for the training to be effective, it is necessary to build algorithms not according to individual examples from the problem book, but on some small program. Usually it is recommended to write Tetris or a word processor on your own, from scratch.

But what if you not only want to become a programmer someday, but are already dreaming of some specific application of this skill? Then don't look for the easiest language. It is better to pay attention to the most suitable one, otherwise you simply risk wasting time. Web applications are written in PHP and Java, Delphi is ideal for working with databases, and now you can write anything in C ++.

Very often, the easiest programming language is looking for novice game developers - amateurs in writing games. If you just want to make a small casual game, any language will do. For office games, learn Flash - it's pretty simple too. And if you dream of creating add-ons and making mods for popular games, you can't do without C ++.

Having decided on which is the most suitable or easiest language you decide to choose to start with, do not forget about the textbooks. Now it's time to go to the familiar professionals. Those will suggest good textbooks. Indeed, sometimes even simple things can be made daunting due to incorrect presentation and vice versa. Writing code and solving algorithmic problems should be fun, this is the only way you can master programming in the shortest possible time and not lose motivation along the way.

In conclusion, we say that the majority operators modern languages programming are named on English language... Therefore, for those coders who even a little bit speaks English, it will be easier and faster to remember their name and principles of work.

  • Translation

Many people start their journey to learning programming by opening Google late at night. Usually they look for something like "How to learn ...". But how does someone looking for something like this decide which programming language to choose?

Someone after reading the largest sites and blogs computer companies, argues: “In Silicon Valley, every word is Java. I think this is what I need. " It also happens like this: “Haskell. He's at the peak of his popularity. It's scary to think about what will happen next. Definitely Haskell. " And even so: “This gopher on the Go logo is so cute. I want to know Go. "

Some, driven by the desire to learn to program, are looking for this: "Which programming language to learn first?"

There are questions that are asked so often that whole schemes are created to answer them. For example, here is one of them, dedicated to the choice of the first programming language, prepared by the team of this site.


If you consider this scheme, it turns out, for example, that Ruby is suitable for those who loved to sculpt from plasticine as a child.

Choosing your first programming language can be a fun activity, like semi-serious questionnaires like: "Which of the characters of Quentin Tarantino are you?"

But, before you go headlong into learning Ruby, moreover, just because in childhood they could not live without plasticine, let me draw your attention to the fact that the first programming language is very, very important. Too much depends on him.

It will take hundreds of hours of practice to get to grips with the chosen language at least in general terms. Therefore, cute logos and ingenious schemes shouldn't confuse you.

When choosing the first language, it is worth soberly assessing the following factors:

  • Labor market.
  • Long-term perspectives of the language.
  • Difficulty in learning a language.
  • What exactly can you create in the process of learning, and by showing others to keep you motivated.
New programming languages ​​appear several times a year. Articles are written about them in scientific journals, comics that can be found on the Web are dedicated to them.
When it comes to choosing your first programming language, you have to face an avalanche of options. To narrow your search down a bit, here's an analysis of Google searches over the past 12 years for learning programming.

From the analysis of search queries, you can find out that Java has had its ups and downs. And, for example, the rating of Python has gradually grown, it has become almost the most popular programming language. There is also one language here, simple but with remarkable capabilities, the graph of interest in which is slowly growing from year to year, although it is at the very bottom. This is JavaScript.

Before talking about these programming languages, let me clarify something.

  • I do not presume to argue that a certain language is objectively better than any other.
  • I agree that developers ultimately learn more than one language.
  • I am for the fact that at the very beginning of the path, a programmer should learn one language well. And, as you probably guessed from reading the cleverly disguised hint in the title, I believe that this first language should be JavaScript.
Let's start our conversation about the first language by looking at how programming is taught today.

Fundamentals of Information Technology and Learning to Program

In universities, they usually teach to program in the framework of information technology subjects, which often look like additions to math courses, or are tied to some basic specialty, say, electrical engineering.

You are probably familiar with this statement by Eric Raymond: "Education in the field of computer technology will not make you a great programmer in the same way as learning brushes and paints will not make you a great artist."

Today, just as before, most educational institutions equate programming and information technology, and information technology equates to mathematics.

As a result, many introductory programming courses are built around fairly low-level abstractions in languages ​​like C, or languages ​​used in math packages like MATLAB.

And those who make decisions about what to teach in programming courses usually stick to all sorts of official sources that regularly publish reports with ratings of languages. Among such reports, for example, TIOBE Index. And here is the IEEE leaderboard.

These "leaderboards" look almost exactly the same as ten years ago. However, things are changing, even in academia.

The JavaScript ecosystem also benefits from massive investments, both financial and human capital, of talented engineers from companies such as Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Netflix.

For example, over 100 developers have contributed to the open source programming language TypeScript (an extended version of JavaScript with statically typing). Many of them are Microsoft and Google employees who are paid for this work.

This form of collaboration between companies in the Java environment is more difficult to find. For example, Oracle, which actually owns Java by taking over Sun Microsystems, often sues companies trying to work on the language.

Factor # 3: Difficulty learning a language

Here's a cartoon about the complexity of programming languages ​​from XKCD.

Most programmers agree that high-level scripting languages ​​are relatively easy to learn. JavaScript falls into this category, along with Python and Ruby.

And even, although in educational institutions the languages ​​from which they begin to learn to program are still such as Java and C ++, it is much more difficult to understand them.

Factor # 4: projects that can be created using the knowledge gained

Here JavaScript is second to none. It can work on any device that has a browser. Why, at least right here, where you read this. Basically, you can create almost anything with JavaScript and distribute it around the world with the confidence that it will work on almost anything that resembles a computer or mobile phone.

The ubiquity of JavaScript led to this famous quote from Stack Overflow co-founder Jeff Atwood: "Any application that can be written in JavaScript will eventually be written in JavaScript."

Over time, this statement, which is also called "Atwood's Law", does not lose its relevance.

In the environment of other languages, slightly different trends can be observed. For example, it was once promised that Java will work literally everywhere. Remember Java Applets? Oracle officially dropped them earlier this year.

Python suffers from similar problems. Here is what James Hag wrote about this in his article that it is time to abandon Python as the main language used in teaching programming. The student asks: “How can I give this game that I wrote to my friends? Or, it will be even better, is there any way I can put it on my phone so that I can show it to everyone at school, and they don't have to install it? " The teacher, when it comes to Python, can only chuckle. There is no short answer here.

If we talk about JavaScript, then here are the live answers to the above question. These are applications that were written by members of the Free Code Camp community on CodePen using a browser.

Of course, they use programs. These are mainly Facebook, Google Maps and some others. There are not so many of them. As a result, the main demand for mobile app developers is concentrated in a few large companies.

It is difficult to foresee the prospects for the development of jobs for mobile programmers. At the same time, many tasks related to the development, support and distribution of applications for smartphones and tablets are most easily solved using JavaScript. As a result, companies like Facebook and Google provide strong support for the best JavaScript tools for mobile development.
As of 2016, almost all the work of programmers is focused on web projects. Everything is somehow connected with this huge platform, with the World Wide Web. And the coming generation of home appliances that you can talk to, and cars that will pick your kids up from school, will all be part of the web, too.

From the above, the simple conclusion follows: learn JavaScript.

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