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Which widget could not be added. Fix "Failed to Add Widget" Error on Android Lollipop

This is one of the windows through which we draw what interests us in the surrounding information field. Of course, I want this connection to be always at hand. In this article, we will look at how you can add a widget to the lock screen (Lockscreen, English) in Android.

Although these operations are only available for different modifications android version 4, but there is a way out for others too.

If you select "None", then you will not have a lock screen and you will not be able to place a widget on it by definition.

We offer you as the most convenient of possible ways unlocking, select "swipe" - it will not take much time (compared to entering a pin code) to unlock.

Also, make sure your widget is enabled - in "Settings" - "Security and Locks" - "Enable Widgets":


Now, with the display turned off, swipe left or right for the “+” icon to appear:

After activating it, your selection set will be opened in front of you and you just have to touch one of them to add it to the screen.

You can adjust its size: moving the lower part will increase, and moving the upper part will reduce the size of the visible fragment.


If you want to remove the widget from the lock screen, you can use one of two options:

  • disabling all widgets by unchecking their enable in "Settings" "Security and blocking";
  • touch it on the screen and, holding, move it to the desired location.

Search for new

IN Play store there are many additional widgets worthy of your attention integrated into the Lockscreen.

Software screen-designer

Stereotyped screens do not have the ability to create an individual spirit, do not give much choice in design and interfere with the manifestation of user creativity.

What can we say about cases when you need to use the video camera mode very quickly or simply turn on the flashlight.

One of these for designing a lock screen to your requirements - WidgetLocker - will allow you to work very deeply on the look of the locked screen. It's not easy for you to "add" or "remove" a widget.

Here you can choose actions with any of the elements thanks to the menu that appears with a long touch. Adjustment sliders include many stylistic options. For example, you can assign some action to the drag of the slider.

Here is one of the results.

When using the Android OS, sooner or later some users may see the error "Failed to add widget" when editing desktop widgets. Everything you do with the device and all the settings you make affect the system and its behavior. If you decide to root your smartphone or tablet, you should be ready for the appearance similar mistakes and their elimination falls entirely on your shoulders.

What action led to the appearance of such a message, as well as how to restore normal work devices, we will tell in this short material.

Why is the error "Failed to add widget" displayed?

There can be two reasons for the appearance of this error, but both of them, one way or another, are related to the Google Search application, which in Android Lollipop is even more integrated into the various components of the system and constantly interacts with them.

  1. The Google Search application has stopped working in an emergency and therefore it is not possible to add a new widget.
  2. During the process of obtaining root rights, the operation of the Google Search application was broken and the system cannot start it, or it works, but not quite correctly.

How do I restore the Google Search app?

  • Check if the system is in place google app Search and see if it works properly. If not, we recommend doing the following:
  • Open the Google Play Store.
  • In the search, find the Google Search application, which, although it is standard Android application Lollipop can be downloaded separately and installed from the store.
  • Install it in your device.
  • Open the Google Search app and check if it works.

It may happen that such a procedure did not fix the situation with adding a widget to the desktop. In this case, proceed to the next method.

  • Press and hold the power button on your device until the power off menu appears.
  • Press and hold the Power off button for a few seconds until you are prompted to put your phone in safe mode.
  • Click OK and wait full reboot devices.
  • When the device is fully turned on, you will see a small message on the screen stating that in this moment device works in safe mode.
  • After that, turn off and on the device in the usual way without any additional manipulations.

After performing the procedure for booting the machine in safe mode and returning to standard mode work, try adding the widget to your desktop again. If you see the error message again, continue to the next step in the instructions.

  • Go to the Settings menu of your device.
  • Select the Applications category.
  • Find the Google Search app ( Google Search) and open its properties page.
  • Clear the cache and completely erase all its data by clicking the appropriate buttons on the properties page.

The error "Failed to add widget" should no longer remind you of yourself.

Hello dear readers. Today we'll talk about Yandex widgets about how to set up home page for yourself and how to attract additional visitors to the blog, because the cost of website promotion is growing every day and you have to come up with new ways to attract visitors.

By default, the Yandex home page has a lot of widgets and informers, such as weather, exchange rates, TV programs, traffic jams, etc.

Few people think about the fact that their can be customized and remove all unnecessary. You can remove everything altogether and only the search bar and banner will remain, which can also be blocked if the computer is desired program.

To customize Yandex for yourself, on the page at the top, select the menu item "Set up Yandex":

Then you can remove unnecessary widgets or swap them.

At home, I left only the weather and Yandex Webmaster, added blog widgets that I often read and a few more useful sites, for example, the widget of the site, which displays information about and issuance of Yandex.

Some of these informers look like this:

Very convenient to go to start page and see all the news you need.

You can create such informers yourself for any sites in. Choose "Create Widget" -> "RSS Widget", insert the blog address and a link to RSS feed.

You can even try attract readers to your blog in this way and promote your site a bit. To do this, you need to create an informer and take it in your account "code to embed blog". Then add this code next to the buttons social networks at the end of each post.

If you create an informer yourself, then in the developer's office there will be information about the average number of users per day. That is, you can trace the effect of widgets and find out how many people use them. It will look like this:

Do not forget to close 3 external links to from indexing, otherwise it already has 270,000 TIC))). I left one external link"Add to Yandex", and I made a link from the photo and from the blog name to internal pages website.

P.S. If earnings on the site are already tired, then open

Greetings colleagues! Now I will try to explain why and how to install the Yandex Search widget on the site (Yandex.Search).

Every site/blog should have a site search. This applies to personal blogs, online stores and corporate portals.

And if the search is done clumsily, then the user leaves such a site without finding necessary information. This is fraught with the loss of customers, subscribers and ultimately money.

Applicable to my activities, I can say the following - among my suppliers there are several large federal networks with their corporate portals. Their assortment intersects, the prices are the same, whom to choose? The answer lies on the surface - the convenience of finding the right product and the ease of placing an order.

Such large corporations usually implement portals on their own, but it must be said that this does not always work out well. There are internal and external revolutions of the medal. On the one hand, the system works without failures and errors, but on the other hand, the interface is poor and the search function is implemented terribly.

Recently, one of my suppliers said that he purchased a search module from Yandex, and after a while his sales began to increase. Do you understand what I'm getting at? But this is all lyrics, let's get back to our blogs, where everything is much simpler.

The implementation of the search function can be organized in several ways:

  • Built-in WordPress Search
  • A tool from search engines (Yandex.Search)

Installation third party module favorably affects SEO optimization site for search engines, as well as on seo optimization your blog content. I highly recommend reading my article, in which you will find answers to what a site should be like from the point of view of search engines.

Installation Widget Yandex Search on the site

The built-in search from the WordPress platform is rather poor, it does not have such advanced features as Yandex.Search:

  • Possibility of taking into account morphology;
  • Flexibility of settings - the ability to customize the form for the design of the site;
  • extradition search suggestions for ease of searching;
  • search statistics;
  • Complementing the database with synonyms for your options.

Installing the Yandex.Search module on your site is very easy. Let's walk through this procedure step by step.

Installation start

To install the search module from Yandex, follow the link and press the big button of the same name.

Clarification - before starting the installation, you must log into your Yandex account, who does not have an account, you must create it. After pressing the button Set search will be asked to accept Terms of use, which must be confirmed with a checkbox at the end of the agreement.

Step 1 - General Settings

Further on the installation, everything is logical and understandable. Specify the name of the search, leave the filter Moderate. You need to add your site to the search area, you can add several sites that belong to you, and when you enter a query, the search will occur on the specified sites.

Step 1 - General Settings

If the rights of use are not confirmed to your site, you will not be allowed to go further. You need to confirm the rights to the site in Yandex.Webmaster. It is very simple to do this, now we will not dwell on this procedure.

Step 2 - Setting up the search form

At this step, using the visual constructor, we create a design search form for your site. You can choose a form with or without a background, choose the background color, the color of the field for entering a request, etc. Be sure to experiment with these fields and match the colors to your blog design.

At the bottom of the constructor, the final search form is shown. In the future, it will always be possible to change the design of the form, so we do not linger on this step for a long time and move on to the next one.

Step 3 - Displaying Search Results

This step determines how the search results will look. Here I advise you not to change anything much, but only to correct the tab Where to show results:

Customizing search results

The rest of the items can be left as default. The only check item here I advise you to put - by relevance.

Step 4 - Checking the operation of the Yandex Search module

At this step, you need to check how the Yandex Search module works on the site. IN search string enter the title of any of your articles and make sure the search works fine.

Testing the search

Step 5 - Embed Code

At this step, we get the search module code to insert into our site.

Step 6 - Embed the code on your website

After copying the code (Ctrl-A) go to the admin panel of our blog - Appearance- Widgets. Choosing a widget Text and drag it to the side column to the place we need. As a rule, the Yandex Search widget is installed in the upper right part of the blog.

Hi all! Today I took some time to slightly improve the design and operation of the blog: I fixed a few layout mistakes, added a few subtle features, changed the background and, most importantly, changed the blog logo (I just took a pen and wrote, and then scanned). So one of the improvements was adding a site image to the Yandex.Browser scoreboard. The fact is that the Y. Browser scoreboard displays favorite or frequently visited sites and Yandex assigns the same template to all of them: some kind of background plate, a favicon in a circle and the name of the site. But I think many people have noticed that some sites look almost the same on the scoreboard, and some have "personal" tiles.

UPDATE: Yadneks.Browser has recently been updated and all the old widget settings on the scoreboard have stopped working. In addition, the links to the "Scoreboard API" documentation have also changed. So the article had to be rewritten.

For example Yandex, Google, In contact with, Rutracker have their beautiful easily recognizable dies, while the rest do not. For example, the picture above shows that such venerable masters of the Network as IXBT, Computerra And THG so far, they have not taken care of such a detail, although small, but still not superfluous, given the fact that so many people now use Yandex.Browser.

Personally, I am annoyed by sites with default tile designs. Now we will figure out how to make your site a beautiful plate (widget) for the Yandex.Browser scoreboard. Everything is very simple:

In any image editor, create a picture in PNG format. Image size limits are listed below. The image must have a transparent background. It is better to make a picture with the logo of the site. Let's call her logo.png.

Logo size restrictions:

  • long horizontal logos - width up to 300 pixels, height up to 85 pixels;
  • short horizontal logos - width up to 250 pixels, height up to 120 pixels;
  • square logos can be up to 120 pixels high;
  • the length of the logo should not exceed its width by more than 4.6 times.

( "api_version": 4, "layout": ( "logo": "", "color": "#ffffff", "show_title": false ) )

"logo": "", - the path to the image (moreover, with the full address of the image, this is the only way the new widget has earned;
"color": "#fbfbfb", - plate background

Now picture logo.png and file manifest.json put in the root of the site. And in the code on all pages of the site, between and add the following line:

That's all. Now the site has its own beautiful plate. By the way, if it doesn't appear right away, you need to remove the site's badge from the scoreboard, and then re-add it there. For other users, it will be updated the next time they open the browser and scoreboard.

The manifest has a few other interesting features that can be found on the Tableau API page. There are very interesting feature notifiers - icons informing the user about the new private message or any other updated information. This is very convenient if the site supports the display of notifications, that is, if there is something to show with two or three digits.

If it still doesn’t work, then clear the cache of the site (namely, the site in order to new file correctly returned by the server). It didn't work for me after that either. And only removing the old widget from the “Scoreboard” and adding it again helped. And finally, everything was as it should be.

What are widgets and how to install them

Widget is a graphics module, or rather small programs, which are located on the desktop and can be constantly used to view the weather, time, news, mail, play any simple game, and are also used for fast transfer information without the help of a web browser. In order to install the widget you need to download special program in the Internet.

Widgets (gadgets) are based on standard web technologies, including JavaScript and CSS, but they can not always be considered an AJAX product, because they cannot communicate with remote server. For widget developers, the guidelines state that better code to give the ability to work when the connection to the network is disconnected.

How to install widgets?- this question is often asked, especially if you are encountering widgets for the first time. Now we will tell you how to install modules for the site, Yandex widgets and Google Gadgets.

Widgets for Yandex

To install widgets on a page search engine Yandex at the top of the main page of Yandex, click on the link "Configure" and select the item " Appearance". After that, the Yandex Settings page will open there you need to click on the green button "Add new block”, which will take you to the widgets directory. Further, everything will be simple. We go to the category we need, there we stop our choice on the gadget we like and click on it. After that, we find ourselves on the Yandex settings page, where we select “keep” the selected widget or “delete”. After installing all the widgets we need, we save the results of our work by clicking on the "Save" button.

Widgets under Google

To install gadgets on a page search engine Google you need to go to the iGoogle page and there click on the "Add content" link. After that, you will find yourself in a directory with various gadgets. Choose the gadget you like and click on the "Install" button. So you installed Google gadgets, it turned out to be not so difficult.

Such modules can be installed on any site that is located on the hosting. In order to install gadgets, you must have administrator rights or have access to change the content on the site pages. Do you own all rights?

Great, now we stop our choice on the widget we like, tear off its installation code, copy and paste the code on the page on which we want to install the widget. Everything is very simple, immediately after installation, the widget begins to delight your visitors with its presence and, of course, trouble-free operation.

A large number of graphics modules are useless and will be in demand by teenagers who are more interested in their external data than their functionality. But, all the same, some of them can become very useful and may even be necessary for the work of the developer.

It's no secret that many users start their surfing the Internet from the start page of the Yandex search engine. It is from here that they type their requests, here they watch the weather, the traffic situation or read the news.

For those users who have an account in Yandex, it is possible to customize the start page of the search engine to your liking. For example, add a widget to Yandex third party site. What does it mean? This means that when you enter the main page, in addition to information from Yandex itself, you will see latest news from the site of interest. For example, you can add the widget " Good news and good stories". And every time you visit the search engine start page, you will see the headlines and pictures of our latest articles.

In order to add a widget, you need to click on the green "Add to Yandex" button at the top of any page of our site (or right here :). In the new tab that opens with the Yandex start page, the question will appear: “Are you sure you want to add this widget?”. If yes, then click "Save". If for some reason you change your mind, select "Delete"

Having tried to add our widget, you will understand that it is added to any free place On the page. But what if you want to make it more visible, for example, raise it higher?

To do this, the search engine has provided the ability to customize the design. To do this, on the right upper corner page, you need to click on the gear image and select the "Configure Yandex" item.

Immediately after that, the page will reload - and it will be possible to move any block with information to a convenient place for you. For example, you can raise the Good News & Stories widget higher so that it is immediately visible when you open the page.

You can even do as shown in the picture below: add our widget on Yandex to the very top, next to the main news of the country and the world.

After all the necessary rearrangements of the blocks on the start page are completed, you must remember to click the "Save" button in the upper right corner.

After that, the page will reload, and now all blocks will be located at the places you specified on any visit to the page.

And now let's briefly repeat the entire algorithm for adding a widget to Yandex and setting its location.

Adding a widget to Yandex

  1. Follow the link "Add to Yandex" (click on the green button).
  2. In the window that opens, click "Save".

Moving a widget on Yandex

  1. In the upper right corner, click on the gear (wheel with teeth) and select "Set up Yandex".
  2. Move desired block to where you need.
  3. Click "Save" in the upper right corner.

Note that adding a widget and setting up Yandex is possible only if you have an account and are authorized.

It's so easy to add a widget with any information you are interested in to the start page of the search engine. Of course, not every site has such a development. You can find all existing widgets for Yandex in the company's special catalog at

Widgets are one of the unique features of the operating Android systems. After all, there are no widgets that could be added to the screen even on the iPhone. In this article, you will learn how to add a widget to android screen and how to remove it.

Depending on the version of Android that is installed on your smartphone, the process of adding widgets to your desktop can vary greatly. In addition, there are differences in different shells. In the standard Android shell, widgets can be added in a completely different way than in the shell from some conditional Samsung. In general, describe everything possible options within the framework of one article is simply impossible. Therefore, we will consider only a few of the most common methods.

If you have a smartphone with a standard Android shell, then in most cases, in order to add a widget to the screen, you need to click on any empty place on the desktop and hold your finger on the screen until a menu appears. This menu may look different, depending on which version of Android is installed on the phone. For example, in older versions of Android, it looks something like this:

If you have such a menu, then you need to select the "Widgets" option and then add desired widget on the screen by selecting it from the list.

In more modern versions android after long press on empty place The desktop menu appears like this. In which you can select "Wallpaper", "Widgets" or "Settings".

Select "Widgets", after which a list of available widgets opens. In order to add one of these widgets to the Android screen, you need to click on it and hold your finger on the screen to transfer the widget to the desktop.

In addition, in some versions of Android, the list of widgets can be opened through the application list. To do this, click on the button that opens the list installed apps(button with dots at the bottom of the screen).

And after the list of applications opens, you need to swipe to the left in order to go from the list of applications to the list of widgets.

To add a widget to the screen, do the same as described above. Click on the widget and without releasing your finger transfer it to one of the desktops.

If the widget is tired or you added the wrong widget, then you can always remove it from the desktop. To do this, you need to click on the widget and, without releasing the panel, drag it to the "Delete" button. Usually such a button is located at the top or bottom of the desktop.

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