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What status about a person you can write VK. How to write a status in WhatsApp: simple steps

Almost every VKontakte user wants to put some kind of status on his page. He plays a significant role in the social network, because he helps profile visitors to understand the mood of the owner. The status allows you to attract attention, attract new friends or customers, if the account is used for commercial purposes.

What status can be set in "VK"? This question probably worries many users. Interesting ideas do not always come to a person right away. Sometimes you have to spend a lot of time on this.

There are certain techniques that help the owners of personal pages to cope with this task:

  • reflect the emotions experienced by a person in a given period of time;
  • write about your desires, dreams, thoughts;
  • place a bright and memorable text to attract the attention of others;
  • tell about an important event in your life so that your friends know about it;
  • to devote warm words to a loved one or a loved one;
  • inform about the services provided if the account owner is promoting something;
  • congratulate friends on a significant celebration;
  • play or make everyone laugh.

There are also people who are not tormented by the question of what status can be put on "VK". They just leave the line blank.

Traditional options

Young representatives of the stronger sex traditionally put smiles, funny rhymes, short humorous statements, music in the status. Older people often use clever quotes from great philosophers, thinkers, writers, write about their goals and their achievement. For instance:

Life consists of a set of accidents, but their sequence is established by the person himself.
It makes no sense to live by past mistakes, it is better to strive for future victories.
I can always see perfection, for this you just need to go to the mirror!

What status can be given to a "VK" girl? The beautiful half of humanity prefers to talk about their feelings, love, sadness. If a person knows how to beautifully express their own thoughts, then it is worth composing a status yourself, so as not to meet it on someone else's page. Let's say:

I can't imagine life without you, you and I have the same destiny!
When you hold my palm in your strong hand, I understand that I can overcome everything!
Disappointment is an ordeal, but it forces us to move forward to find something better and more beautiful.

Original ideas

If the owner of the account wants to draw attention to himself, to interest subscribers, then he seriously approaches the question of what status can be set in "VK". There are many good ideas:
  1. Find the code of the desired emoticon using the specialized groups for this. They have a huge assortment of all kinds of pictures, which is often updated.
  2. On the vastness of the World Wide Web, there are many resources where you can copy the original symbols. Their variety is also great.
  3. To please a loved one, you can write a couple of gentle sentences about him. What is the "VK" status about love? If you can't write anything suitable, then you can always compose a text based on other people's creative ideas. For example: " For me, love for you is not a test, but the greatest gift!" or " As long as you are near, I can do everything!"
  4. Some people prefer to look for statuses in the Bible. Moreover, this method is used not only by believers.
  5. Briefly and succinctly speaking about something will help Japanese hockey.
  6. A person with a sense of humor can put a funny pun on their page.
  7. Sometimes it's interesting to deliberately make mistakes in order to achieve an exciting pun and provoke friends to comment on the status.
  8. People who work on VKontakte will find vivid and memorable slogans suitable.

Thus, it is possible to ponder for a very long time about what kind of status can be put in "VK", because the variety of options is endless. If you connect imagination, then your profile will be able to advantageously decorate, transform or make popular.

If a person is an active user of social networks, then it is very important for him to know how to put the VKontakte status. It is the status and avatar that is the first thing that catches your eye on the page.

How to set VKontakte status

After that, the status is considered successfully changed. In general, in that how to set the status in contact, there is absolutely nothing complicated, and if desired, a person will be able to write any offer that will surely be seen by both friends and other users who visit this page.

You can also hover the mouse cursor over this status, and click the item " tell friends". Thus, a VKontakte repost is made, which will be posted on the wall.

If you want to have a lot of hearts under your avatar, then the function of our service is suitable for you - free cheat likes. Likes can be added to absolutely any photos, as well as posts and videos.

How to put an emoticon in Vkontakte status

Sometimes users want to stand out from the crowd, not only because of the original written status, but also because it will combine letters and emoticons. Statuses for VKontakte from symbols are becoming more and more popular today, but at the same time, not all users understand well how exactly such a status can be created.

And so, in order to make such a unique status, you must first of all know the codes of emoticons. For example, a person decides to apply an emoticon with the code 🍱. To do this, you need to select the appropriate code, insert it into the field where the status is written and save.

After that, it is imperative to update your personal page and the status will be visible both to the account owner and to all users who visit the page.

Collection theme: What you can write in VKontakte status. Although human life has no value, we always act as if there was something even more valuable. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

It would be nice to have a "think about nothing" function.

The touch is the most gentle that there is on earth. And if you really feel when trembling goes through the body, then you are really good with this person.

Divorce is like slamming the door. Colette

Love arises suddenly and unconsciously: we are pushed towards it by passion or weakness. J. La Bruyere.

Everything that makes up a piece of happiness in this world is either harmful or illegal.

Don't think about the problem - think about the solution.

Although girls attach great importance to friendship, they forget about it; men are suspicious of her, and lovers are jealous. Paul Charles Joseph Bourget

Friendship, which is given for money, and is not acquired by the greatness and nobility of the soul, can be bought, but cannot be kept. Niccolo Machiavelli about friendship ...

Only nesting dolls can live in perfect harmony.

There are so many virtues and positive qualities in you. Take this world into your warm sleepy embrace in the morning!

People, believing that the new ruler will turn out to be better, willingly rebel against the old, but soon they are convinced by experience that they were deceived, for the new ruler always turns out to be worse than the old one. Niccolo Machiavelli

Love can be won by affection, not by force. Publius Sire

A beautiful woman is heaven for the eyes, hell for the soul, and purgatory for the pocket. Bernard de Fontenelle

Harold Jenin, American manager

The highest degree of human wisdom is the ability to adapt to circumstances and remain calm despite external threats. Daniel Defoe

My opinion about travel is brief: when traveling, do not drive too far, otherwise you will see something that later will be impossible to forget ... Daniil Kharms

The physician, when starting the treatment of his patient for the first time, should do it gracefully, cheerfully and with pleasure for the patient; and the gloomy doctor will never succeed in his craft. Michel de Montaigne

Sleep, my beloved, and may you dream of a magical land where you and I will never part!

Do not wait for the water to come to your throat, leave early; with mature reflection, prevent the cruelty of the blows. Baltasar Gracian y Morales

A man should say something pleasant to a woman, courtesy, and sometimes even a heart, requires this. But the vows that you give on the night of love lose their strength by morning. Violating them is a forgivable sin After all, a woman seduced us with an apple! Lyon Feuchtwanger

A grave mistake often takes on the meaning of a crime. Lucius Anney Seneca (the Younger)

Someday I will tell you just 3 words I LOVE YOU!

Women forgive everything, except for one thing - unpleasant treatment of themselves. Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky

Let this night pass under the banner of a good fairy tale and inspiration.

The beginning of a clear day I will boldly liken the birth of an innocent baby: perhaps the first will not do without rain, and the life of the second without tears. Kozma Prutkov

The rising sun has more fans than the setting sun. Pompey the Great

What a pity that I'm not sick with you ... But with an extra mug I drank yesterday ...

People are born to help each other, like the hand helps the hand, the leg helps the leg and the upper jaw helps the lower one. Marcus Aurelius

Fear the man whose god lives in heaven. George Bernard Shaw

Are you awake? I love you so much, miss you and dream to see you sooner!

Although there is no object in the world that is weaker and softer than water, it can destroy the hardest object.

For many women, experiencing love means discussing it with a friend.

Sons are strangers close to their father. Wilhelm Schwöbel

Destroy love and our earth will turn into a grave. Robert Browning

The more beautiful a woman is, the more often she is alone. A warm bed cannot replace a cold heart.

Remember, if you want to defeat a person, you must eat more than that person! J.M. Blakely

Don't look for the perfect girlfriend. I'm home.

Beautiful women are counted among the talents of their husbands today. Georg Lichtenberg

It is impossible to be created for sports, but creating oneself for sports is difficult, but real.

The most courageous and most reasonable people are those who, under any plausible pretexts, try not to think about death. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Business is the art of guessing the future and making use of it.

Marriage is a ceremony in which one ring is put on the lady's finger and the other is threaded through the gentleman's nose. Herbert Spencer

Fate gives each of us the opportunity to be an actor, to play a role in our life. Telet.

Good morning, beloved, happiness will be happy for you! And the day is warm and successful!

Only one road leads to freedom: contempt for that which does not depend on us. Epictetus

With freedom, flowers, books and the moon - how can you not be completely happy. Oscar Wilde

With a tender kiss I will wake you up, I will tell you something pleasant in your ear, I will kiss you and I will go to work.

It is legal to pray to God that he will not let us fall into temptation, but it is illegal to avoid the temptations that come to us. Robert Louis Stevenson

Life is like playing poker: you always have to be ready for someone else's bluff and have a trump card in your sleeve.

The truth is so tender that as soon as you step back from it, you fall into error; but this delusion is so subtle that one has only to deviate a little from it, and one finds himself in the truth. Blaise Pascal

There is something comforting in every position, if you look well. Daniel Defoe

Ask a drunkard how he could stop drinking. I will answer for him: let him often remember the deeds that he does while drunk. Pythagoras

What can you write in VKontakte status - Let the fabulous, beautiful night enchant you with its beauty, take you into the magic captivity of love, lift you on the wings of happiness high, high right to the stars and the bright full moon.

The fabric of our life is woven from entangled threads, good and evil coexist in it. Honore de Balzac

A negligent guy, but lucky, unprepossessing, but talented.

Woe to the man trying to bring sincerity to love. Georges Sand

I want to wish you, from all my warm heart, the very good morning in the world, may the sun smile through your window and wake you up with its soft and gentle light.

The answer to the question of what can be written in the status is rather ambiguous. In order to accurately draw attention to your page, you just need to set an interesting, and sometimes even provocative phrase.

Statuses for a good mood

  1. The woman's to-do list should say “solarium,” “spa,” or manicure. But there is no way to “fix boots” and “buy a toilet cleaner”.
  2. In fact, jokes are created so that we can express what we cannot say in real life ...
  3. Guys, the “(c)” icon in the status is not a reason for pride yet.
  4. The longer you are silent, the better your mood. The more you talk about your plans, the less often they come true. It is a fact.

Life is definitely not given to us for constant reflection, and not for meaningless promises. In order to understand this, you should familiarize yourself with what you can write in the VK status.

  1. How to define a good mood? This is when you can utter pleasantries even to the enemy.
  2. People, keep my positive. This is in the name of doing good for you!
  3. Time to be smart, but there is also time to be blunt!
  4. Some people love peace and quiet so much that they themselves want to convert to Buddhism.

The most incredible quotes for mood

What to write on Vkontakte on the status? The safest option is to use sayings that have already become winged. Here are some examples.

  1. In order for you to want to work, you need to get tired of something else. A. Strugatsky, B. Strugatsky
  2. If you started to cook something for yourself, and it did not work out, do not be discouraged. It could turn out that you had to cook it for someone. Author unknown
  3. If you survive without a person for a day, a week, a month, and there are no special circumstances for your separation, then there is no love. And there will be no love between you. D. Shaw
  4. In order to gently sew a girl off, you just need to say that she looks like your grandmother ... with wrinkles. M. Zakharov

They say that in order to become lonely, you need to settle in another city. And in order, on the contrary, to feel in demand, you should think carefully about what you can write on the Vkontakte status.

  1. Revolutions are created and used by completely different people. Napoleon
  2. Sometimes, in order to ask yourself an important question, you need to hear it somewhere. Perhaps - even repeating it to someone else a couple of times. E. Maria Remarque
  3. Those who can think rarely talk. Anyone who knows how to act at the same time will not be silent in the right situation. R. Sheridan
  4. The thought in the leader's head that he cannot accomplish everything only adds to the fervor. S. Spielberg
  5. Love is such a thing that everyone will have to face sooner or later. Someone will lose heart, someone will get angry ... Ch. Bukowski

The best pattern is absolute randomness

Again, no idea what status to write to Vkontakte? Why not make a choice, not based on any parameters ...

  1. When a woman cannot explain the root of the problems in her life for a long time, she becomes interested in Feng Shui.
  2. Wait, he will start running after you. You have time to start a family and work for 5 years.
  3. In order for the girl not to leave, you need to walk with her more often. At least somewhere.
  4. Usually, your girlfriend's weight is directly proportional to the thickness of your wallet.

It will take a lot of time for a girl to decide what to wear tonight. And in order to find out what status to put on Vkontakte, she just has to look at the next selection.

  1. Found a way to get up faster in the morning: just find someone to make a delicious breakfast.
  2. It doesn't matter who is in your pack - lions or rams. If you yourself are a lion, you can lead both.
  3. Take it easy with your motivation. Every big deal is just a bunch of little ones.
  4. If the husband was wrong, he should apologize, if the wife - give the opportunity to apologize.
  5. My husband is so useless in the kitchen that while I cook borscht, he is looking for where we have potatoes.

If you decide to steal something, think about what you will do with what was stolen

You should not think for a long time about what Vkontakte status you can write. Instead, just choose what is suggested below.

  1. Do you want to do bullshit? Do it, but don’t lie that this is the last time.
  2. Parents, remember, worse than “below average” can only be “very bad” or “very good”.
  3. I don’t prepare for an exam, not because I’m lazy, but because it will never be useful to me in my life. Yes.
  4. Do you know what is the difference between love and passion? The fact that even a strong passion then does not bring suffering.
  5. Breast augmentation takes a lot of money and a little brain. In order to enlarge the brain, you do not need any breast, or, in general, money.
  6. Do you want to be the most unforgettable for him? Behave as if you will break up tomorrow!
  7. People who don't answer often are not really uncommunicative. They just don't want to talk to you. Humble yourself.
  8. You can sleep at work, you can live seven days a week. Adulthood will prove.
  9. The difference between a girl and poker is that in poker, the solution is still unraveled ...

Don't know how else to surprise your friends? Give them an unusual status, and then see what they set in response.

Which status to write in VK depends on what worries you individually at the moment. Statuses can be very different: compliments, congratulations, impressions of events in your life, philosophical - about the meaning of life, about choice, about justice and conscience. Listen to yourself that at the moment this status is significant for you personally and put it on your VK page.

For love!

Which status to write in VK - decide for yourself. We offer the most popular topics and sayings. The most popular is the eternal theme of love: about a beautiful feeling, about unrequited, about the bitterness of betrayal, about unfulfilled hopes. If this topic is close to you, then choose the status:

  1. I fell in love, I thought I would fly, but it turned out - to crawl ... at her feet.
  2. Do not dissolve in a loved one - keep your core and your uniqueness.
  3. In order not to be disappointed in your beloved, really look at his actions and actions.
  4. The dream of beautiful love often develops along with unwashed dishes.
  5. Preserving the feeling of love for many years is given only to those who know how to understand, sympathize, empathize and forgive.
  6. Do not renounce your loved one after his first mistake, give homework - to work on the mistakes, and resume the relationship.
  7. True love does not go nowhere - either both trample it, or alone cannot cope with it.
  8. Take care of love, this is a gift from above, a second feeling may not be given.
  9. Love inspires and disarms at the same time.
  10. Only a man in love is capable of feats and unusual deeds.
  11. Do not be afraid to love, because not everyone has this opportunity.
  12. It's never too late to love, even for an old woman there is a hole, not to mention the old man….
  13. The feeling of falling in love helps to overcome obstacles that seemed insurmountable before.
  14. Want to get away from blues and depression - then fall in love. But along with falling in love, you can get insomnia, anxiety and excitement.
  15. If your feeling is unrequited, then do not pray for love, pass by, because it still warmed your soul.
  16. Often we fall in love not with those, but they are all waiting for us to understand this.
  17. There are ups and downs in love, it is important not to hurt each other when moving.
  18. How do I know that this is my soul mate? Only the heart will tell.

About friendship

When you think about what status you can put in contact, listen to yourself, what your heart tells you. But the second place among the most common statuses is taken by statements about friendship - and not necessarily about loyal friends, but also about meanness and betrayal. If the topic is yours, read and put:

  1. “A friend can always help me out,” we sang songs at school. But it turned out that not always. Was he a friend at all….
  2. If you are a busy friend at a difficult moment, then this can be forgiven, but if in trouble he also says that there is no way to see you, why are you such a friend?
  3. Many of my friends can support in difficult times, but nobody can rejoice with me in my new fur coat!
  4. I believed that I have real friends until my husband gave me a car.
  5. A friend does not need to explain anything, he will understand everything by your eyes and facial expression.
  6. Keeping friendships can sometimes be difficult, especially when the game is one-sided.
  7. If your friend talks a lot but does little, you may need to discuss the topic with him. But if he did not draw conclusions and continues to stupidly constantly promise - let him work on himself for now without you.
  8. Infinite friendship still has boundaries, especially when it comes to common business or falling in love with one woman.
  9. Forgive a friend a lot, just not meanness and not betrayal.
  10. Your friend's weaknesses should not alienate you from him, but meanness ... that's different.
  11. Male friendship is tested not only in the trenches, but also on the barricades of everyday life.
  12. Female friendships are more fragile, as women are more selfish and do not forgive when they encroach on their territory or a man.
  13. Do not betray friendship, this is one of the few that is given for life.

About the state of mind

Do not rack your brains on what status you can write on VKontakte - put the one that is in your soul. These can be statuses about disappointment, joy, grief, loss, deeds, conscience, sincerity, and so on. Read:

  1. Disappointment is a fall into the abyss due to the fact that he could not take off his rose-colored glasses in time.
  2. A real view of things comes over the years, but while experience is accumulating, a sea of ​​mistakes and unjustified actions are committed.
  3. Do not judge your children for mistakes - you made them at their age too. And what kind!
  4. Living without a mask is more difficult in our world, but it is more convenient for yourself.
  5. Do not wear other people's masks - they do not suit you.
  6. Be yourself and do not change yourself, life will reciprocate.
  7. If there is no conscience, then beautiful speeches will not save you.
  8. Living by conscience is difficult, but necessary. It is easier for a shameless person to live, but all his actions return with a vengeance, and eventually knock him off his feet.
  9. Each serious matter must be approached with a grain of indifference, otherwise it will blow the roof.
  10. Everything bright is attracted to a joyful positive person, and only negative is attracted to malicious ones.
  11. Wish others what you would like for yourself.
  12. Evil people drown themselves in a swamp of hatred and envy.
  13. Kind people go through life easily and cheerfully. After all, they know how, even in the most negative situation, to see the benefits for themselves.
  14. When trouble has come and the gates are open, then all the misfortunes simply gather around you - do not panic and do not be angry. Tell yourself - stop! Stop, catch your breath and try to tune in to the positive - this is the only way to get out of the swamp of failures.
  15. Never blame others for what happened to you, because the choice to follow this or that path was made only by you, and no one else.
  16. Resentment gnaws, so let the offenders go, life itself will decide what to do with them.
  17. Even when it's hard, try to start smiling - at first taut, then more fun. You will see - everything will end in complete hilarity!
  18. Never be discouraged - it hurts.
  19. If you are listening to a person - hear him, but you better look at it in practice.
  20. When it seems to you that the whole world is against you, change your attitude towards it yourself - become kinder and more open.
  21. The most serious overcoming is overcoming your own fear.
  22. In order not to be afraid, close your eyes and take the decisive first step into the unknown, then you will be surprised how life will carry you through life, it is important not to relax.
  23. All problems, like joys, are only in the head of a person. After all, one and the same object can be looked at in different ways, for example "the glass is half empty or full.
  24. If you don't see the positive in everyday life - change the angle of view - see the sunrise first and that you are healthy and nothing hurts you.
  25. I used to worry when I heard unflattering statements about myself, now I am happy - if they envy, then there is something.
  26. You should not try to be good in the eyes of strangers to you. My grandmother used to say: "You can't put a scarf on someone else's mouth," they will gossip anyway. And dad kept repeating: "You are not a gold piece to please everyone."

For family people

If you cannot decide what status to put on VKontakte, and you have a wonderful family and children, then put statuses about a happy family. They can be not only beautiful and light, but also ironic, even with a grain of smirk at themselves:

  1. So they wanted twins - they got it, now everything is upside down. Fear your strong desires!
  2. Children are big joys and little troubles.
  3. How I want to be not a mom, but a dad: I came home from work, went up to the baby - "usi-pusi, goat-goat", laughed and went to the sofa. And then, as I put morning coffee on the table, I didn’t have time to drink it in the evening.
  4. To prevent love from crashing into everyday life, get out of the house more often - at least wherever, at least on a bench in the yard.
  5. The first month is difficult in raising a child, then everything happens automatically.
  6. A smart woman always emphasizes that the head of the house is a man, although she knows very well that she is.
  7. How to make a general out of my warrant officer? I don’t know, or there’s nothing to apply ...
  8. They say that happiness should be quiet. We are not like that - we always start to rejoice - we don't go home for three days.
  9. Our friends think we are crazy: no money - we go hitchhiking, we face problems - we go to celebrate in a restaurant, we want to cry - laugh. This is probably why we have been living happily for 22 years.
  10. The strength of our family is to breathe and live in unison.
  11. Trust in the family gives rise to responsibility, distrust - cunning and resourcefulness.
  12. A friendly family shows itself not in walking hand-in-hand, but in joint solutions to all small and large issues - and with respect and understanding.
  13. If you value your family, it is safe.
  14. In a close-knit family, they do not close their eyes to sharp moments, they simply smooth out sharp corners.

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