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What is the incoming mail server for mail. How to set up IMAP access to Gmail in third-party email clients

This is a completely revamped email client. has changed both internally and externally: related messages are now automatically grouped together in Conversations, search markers help you find the message you need more quickly, and the Favorites bar provides quick access to the most important folders.

The new is so good that I, after using the web versions of Gmail for almost seven years, completely switched to the desktop Apple application. The speed of the program, the responsiveness of the interface and deep integration with the operating system please every day.

In this post I would like to tell you how to set up to work with popular mail services. The reason for writing the post was questions from readers on Twitter and VKontakte. Hope you find this helpful.

The developers have included configuration information for some of the world's most popular mail services. There are no Russian mailers there, but if you use Gmail or Yahoo, consider yourself lucky.

When you log into your Gmail page for the first time in Safari, a window appears with a short message: Would you like to use, iCal calendar and iChat IM client to work with your Google account? You just need to enter your login and password information.

The ease of setup was simply amazing. It is not necessary to specify the server for receiving / sending messages, ports, etc. Just a username and password.

If Gmail is configured to work over the IMAP protocol, then in you will have the entire hierarchy of labels / folders recreated. The mailer will start downloading letters, and this procedure may take a long time. After loading, you will most likely notice a fan noise. This Spotlight has started indexing new content. After a couple of hours, the computer will return to normal.

You can set up your mailbox right after, but the urgent need for this appears after some time. The reason for this is active correspondence, registration in various services, news coming to the mail. Therefore, there is a need to sort all the letters on the shelves, put things in order, all this can be done using the settings tools.

The settings menu is located in the "MORE" tab of the main mail menu.

Settings panel

After creating your first mailbox on, some time has passed, and you can't find anything in the mailbox? All letters arriving in the mail end up in the Inbox folder and over time the number of letters becomes so large that the received letter, postponed for reading at your leisure, cannot be found.

Create folders

In order for the mailbox to be in complete order, it is necessary that all incoming letters be arranged in different folders according to our classification, for example, by topic or authorship. Create new folders in the settings in the "Folders" section. To do this, enter this section and click "Add folder".

Section "Folders"

In the window that appears, you need to enter the name of the folder and the location where we want to save this folder. For example, we want to create a folder named "Registration" and save it at the top level, then we do as shown in the figure. Having created all the necessary folders, we can move the corresponding letters there.
Creating a new folder "Registration"

Configuring the movement of letters to folders

In the mailbox, you can configure the automatic movement of letters to certain folders, for this you need to click on in the settings "Filters and Correspondence"... The "New filter" window that opens. This window specifies the conditions for automatic movement of letters. We put a checkmark in the places where it is required. After correct configuration of the mail filter, letters will not be saved in the general heap in the Inbox folder, but specially created for this. That's it, now all letters from friends will go to special folders, where it will be easy to find them.

Setting up a filter for moving letters to folders

Box decoration

The New Year is coming and I want the page of the box to look appropriately, elegantly. You can change the design of the box by clicking on the "Themes" button. Themes can be changed for any occasion. For example, when the New Year is approaching, the system offers different design options.

Mailbox themes

Do you want your friends to know immediately that the letter came from me? To do this, Mail.Ru offers to upload your photo and come up with a template for your signature. At the same time, it may be necessary to reduce the volume that the photograph takes with the help of special programs and services.

Uploading your photo to the mail and setting up a signature for letters

Working with letters

Another important configuration section is the section " Working with letters". This section allows you to make your work in mail most efficient. For example, here you can configure automatic basket emptying when leaving the mail, change the number of letters shown on one page etc.

Configuring the display of letters in the mailbox

I continue a series of articles about the function of collecting mail to one main e-mail box from any other located on any mail services. In the last article, we talked about setting up mail collection on the Yandex service, which is as easy as shelling pears. And in this article I will talk about how to do the same in another, no less popular today service -, where many still keep their main e-mail box, despite the fact that, for example, the GMail service has clear advantages (I have described setting up mail collection in Gmail). But as they say, to each his own and sometimes it's just a matter of habit :)

Setting up mail collection in the service is as easy as, for example, on Yandex. Just a few simple steps and everything will be ready, mail will start flowing from the mailboxes you connected to one, on Mail.

The process of setting up mail collection in the service

First of all, log into your account on Mail, where you will collect mail from other e-mail boxes and open the "Letters" section (the mail is located there).

Now you need to go to the mail settings. To do this, click the "More" button at the top and select "Settings".

You can also open the settings by clicking in the upper right corner on your email address and then selecting “Mail Settings”.

Then go to the "Mail from other mailboxes" section.

The first connection window of the second e-mail box will open.

Let me remind you that the second e-mail box from which you want to collect letters can be located on any service, not just Mail!

In the example for this article, we will consider connecting a mailbox located on the Yandex.

In this window, you need to specify the username and password for the mail that you are connecting. If the mailbox you connect is located on one of the services listed below, then click the appropriate button at the top, enter the full address of the connected mail below and click “Add mailbox”:

If the mailbox that you want to connect is located on some other service (not from the list above), then click the "Other mail" button at the top, after which you need to enter the full address of the connected mail, the password from it and click "Add mailbox".

If you have not yet entered your second mail in this browser, which you are connecting, then in the next window you will need to enter your username and password from it. Example:

After that, click "Allow" (you allow mail on to use some of the data of the connected second mail).

If everything went well, you will receive a message that the collector has been added. Now you need to choose which folder to collect mail: in a specially created folder by the name of the mail you connected or in the inbox. It's up to you to decide, but, in my opinion, it is more convenient when mail collected from another mailbox goes to a separate folder. One way or another, then this can be configured by filtering letters.

The option “Apply filters to received emails” means that all filters that you have already configured in the main mail on Mail will also apply to mail received from the connected mailbox. Disable or not is up to you.

That's it, the letter collector is set up! Now, within a few minutes (sometimes the process is delayed if there are a lot of letters on the connected mail), mail from the second mailbox will begin to flow into your main one.

In this way, you can connect as many mails as you like to collect.

How to separately see all letters from the connected mail?

You can look at the letters separately if, when setting up mail collection in Mail, you indicated that letters should be collected in a separate folder with the name of the connected mailbox. In this case, open this folder and you will see all the letters you need. Example:

If you did not immediately configure the receipt of letters in a separate folder, you can configure it at any time by opening the created collector (more on this below).

Configuring the created letter collector, disabling and enabling it

Sometimes you may need to make changes to the settings of the mail collector you created in Mail, and also disable it or enable it again.

This can be done in the same section “Settings” - “Mail from other mailboxes”, where you originally created your mail collector.

Here you will see the generated collector. If you want to turn it off or on again, click on the corresponding switch. If you need to open the collector settings, click "Change".

And the same settings for the letter collector will open, as at the stage of its creation (see).

Hello, friends! I'm sure many of us have forgotten the last time we wrote letters in stamped envelopes ... Yes, progress does not stand still! Why not use it? Today, to send a letter, you just need to use a computer or phone. Competent configuration of mail to on these devices is simply necessary. How to do it correctly? Today this problem will be solved and there will even be a small bonus.

Actually, about the bonus. Do you know at least one sensible tutorial that can really help you learn to work on the net? In fact, they can be quite difficult to find in an endless heap of different proposals. A rather serious project caught my eye. I will not disclose the details now, if you are interested you can see here. And we continue.

To date, a huge number of projects have appeared on which you can create mail. is one of the most popular. Once you are on the main page, you can start creating a new email.

The registration sequence is quite simple:

  1. Write your name, surname, login and other data in the specified lines.
  2. Come up with a password, which is better to write down so as not to forget.

Congratulations, registration is complete!

Using email programs

There are a variety of e-mail programs to make the use of your e-mail more comfortable. Outlook is a fairly easy-to-use program and has a significant number of advantages.

What is so great about the mail program? Using Outlook using special protocols, it becomes possible to download and save letters to a computer, which is very useful if the Internet is disconnected soon.

The Outlook interface is quite simple, you just need to configure all the functions in the "service" menu.

When creating an account, enter the mailbox address and your name. Yes, pay attention to the fact that the name that will be chosen will automatically appear at the bottom of every email sent.

To configure you need:

  1. Your e-mail address.
  2. In the item "server of incoming letters" you need to write -, and in the column "server of outgoing letters" - For the first port 993, for the second - 465. Encryption should be classified as SSL.
  3. Write down the name of the mail in full.
  4. Actually, the password for the box, previously recorded earlier.

After completing these fairly simple steps, you can start using the new features.

Mailbox on mobile

It is possible to use mail while being far from the computer. To do this, you may need to register several settings in the phone.

Here are the basic steps to set up android mail over IMAP:

  1. Open your email app and write down your email address and password there. Do not be alarmed if you already had another email account on this device. You can select "add account".
  2. Next, choose from the proposed protocols "IMAP".
  3. We enter and for outgoing correspondence on incoming correspondence.
  4. When choosing the type of protection, pay attention to SSL / TLS
  5. Next, we look at the "port" item. In the field, enter 993 for incoming and 465 for outgoing letters.

Ready. Do not forget that your phone must be connected to the Internet to use the new features.

For happy iPhone owners, there is a small recommendation - put your letters in the archive before synchronizing. Otherwise, the "old" correspondence will be at the very beginning, and if there are several hundred incoming messages, you will need time to view new messages.

That's all, dear friends, use your email, both on your computer and on your phone. Subscribe to the blog news and learn more interesting about the world of electronics, as well as about profitable work in the global network.

You can work with Gmail in third-party email clients such as Microsoft Outlook or Apple Mail. To do this, you need to enable IMAP access and configure the SMTP settings. With IMAP access, you can receive Gmail emails on multiple devices at once; messages will be synchronized in real time. You can also use the POP protocol to work with mail.

Note. To avoid losing access to your own account, make sure that you do not exceed the traffic limits for the IMAP protocol: no more than 2500 MB per day for downloads and no more than 500 MB per day for downloads. If you need to set up IMAP access to one account on multiple computers, take breaks after setting up on each device.

How to set up IMAP

Step 1. Turn on IMAP access

Step 2. Change SMTP and other parameters in the client

Provide your customer with the data from this table. Look online for more help on IMAP settings for your client.


Can't sign in to mail client

If you are unable to log into your email client, you may see errors like this:

  • "Application does not accept username or password."
  • "Invalid credentials".
  • The username and password prompt appears constantly.

Step 1. Check your password

If any of the above problems occur, please make sure you enter the correct password.

Step 2. Try to troubleshoot

  • Please update your client to the latest version.
  • Use the application password. If you're using 2-Step Verification, enter your app password.
  • Allow unsafe apps. If you're using 2-Step Verification, you might need to allow unsafe apps to access your account.
  • If you recently changed your Gmail password, you may need to re-enter your Gmail account information or reconfigure your Gmail account in a third-party client.
  • If the above steps did not help, open the page and follow the instructions that appear.
  • The client might be using an insecure login method. Try signing in directly to the Gmail app.
  • Check to see if your email application is checking your mail too often. If this happens more than once every 10 minutes, your application may be blocked.

Too many concurrent connections error

A maximum of 15 simultaneous IMAP connections are allowed for one account. If there are too many clients accessing Gmail at the same time, an error will appear.

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