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Apple releases a new version almost every year operating system... The firmware update pleases fans of the Apple company, since installing a fresh iOS on an iPhone means speeding up the device and introducing a wide variety of new functions - or at least improving the previous options.

However, updating the system should not be thoughtlessly cut off as soon as the latest version of iOS is released. First you need to find out if a particular version of iOS is suitable for your iPhone model. Otherwise, you can only harm the system by knocking down important settings.

In this article it will be about which version you can update iPhone 4. Often users of this particular model of smartphone are faced with a dilemma, which firmware is suitable for their device, because they really want the gadget to have maximum power and rich features.

When Apple introduced the new version of the operating system to the users' attention iOS systems 8, it immediately became clear that the iPhone four was not updated to it. More precisely, this procedure can be done on the iPhone 4, but the possible result of these actions is unpredictable. And, most likely, he will be sad, tk. the device after all this will not be able to function normally. What is the reason for this misunderstanding?

The fact is that the iOS eight was developed for mobile devices exclusively with dual-core processors, while the iPhone model under consideration has a single-core processor. Nevertheless, the last firmware option at that time to install on the four turned out to be a matter of course, and not in one, but in several ways:

  • Using the aytyuns utility, via a computer.
  • Via WiFi wireless network.
  • Through the settings of the gadget.

Each method is discussed in detail below. But before proceeding with the procedure for changing the firmware, you should think carefully, tk. all consequences will be the responsibility of the user. In any case, this is a risky move. If the functions of the gadget are violated, on warranty repair you don't have to count.

Installing iOS eight on the fourth iPhone through the settings

Before you start, you need to make sure that your smartphone has enough memory, which is enough for installation. Next, you need to do the following:

1 Upload a file with firmware (it will take about 1 gigabyte of memory, and when unzipped - about 6 gigabytes). Accordingly, the device must have at least 8 GB free space... If there is not enough memory, the firmware will not be installed, and when the system boots, restoration to the previous version of iOS will start. 2 Go to the device settings section, namely - click on the update item software and make a choice to download and install a new file. 3 After completion previous actions the installation of the firmware will start, after which the iPhone will need to be rebooted. The installation will then continue, which may take some time. When the process is complete, the gadget needs to be restarted again.

The user can now test the new iOS version.

The above procedure is allowed only when connected WiFi networks... The battery must be at least half as charged to prevent it from being discharged in the process. It is strictly forbidden to turn off the device both during the download and in the process of unpacking the file.

We use aytyuns and a computer

As mentioned earlier, updating the iPhone 4 firmware is allowed. different ways, including, using the popular aytyuns utility, familiar to every owner of an "apple" device. How to do this procedure correctly?

First, order a new firmware version using the named utility or from the manufacturer's website. Before connecting a mobile gadget to a PC or laptop, you need to check that you have the most recent version of aytyuns installed. To do this, you need to click on the help and enable the update button.

  • Connect iPhone to PC or laptop using USB cable.
  • Expect automatic start utilities or do it manually.
  • Click the device button (located to the left of the iTunes Store).
  • Click on the update section, and if it is available, the download and installation of the file will happen automatically.
  • After that, a pop-up window will display all the information the user needs about the firmware. He is required to click on special button for download and update new iOS... If the information that appears contains a line that the device already has the latest firmware version, then you need to download it by clicking on the corresponding link.

If the user is using Safari, the automatic unzip option must be disabled. To download a file, you can also use Firefox browsers or Chrome.

Download and install iOS 8 over Wi-Fi

We note right away that this method is much simpler than the previous one. But here, too, it is impossible to guarantee the success of the procedure by 100%. Uploading the firmware file even to high speeds will be a rather lengthy procedure, because its weight is 1 gigabyte. The battery, if it is discharged to 50% and below, can also prevent the successful completion of all actions, because unexpectedly, the charge may run out and the device will turn off. If this happens to your gadget, the process can be continued only with the subsequent connection of the smartphone to the PC and work with aytyuns.

However, if, after all the warnings, the user still decides to use WiFi to update the firmware on the fourth iPhone, he will need to do the following:

  • See if it is configured wireless connection on the smartphone, and whether the browser is accessible.
  • Go to the section of basic settings, stop at the point of updating the software, start downloading and installing the firmware file by selecting the appropriate item.
  • The procedure will start automatically, everything will happen in background... It is prohibited to carry out the procedure without jailbreak.
  • After finishing the download, you need to click on the install button. By accepting the proposed user agreement.

The update will be completed soon, and the owner of the smartphone will only need to make some adjustments to move the files from the backup to the device's memory. Of course, it is necessary that the backup has been created in advance. You can do it in aytyuns or icloud.

As you can see, updating the firmware on the fourth iPhone to iOS 8 is not that difficult, but it is a lengthy process that can take an hour or more. If during the procedure there are any difficulties, the user can always contact the service Apple support on the official website of the company.

Does the fourth iPhone really need iOS 8?

On various forums from ordinary users as well as from experts, you can come across a warning that it is still not worth updating the operating system on the iPhone 4. Others argue that a firmware upgrade is necessary. In defense of both opinions, users give the following arguments:

1 Experienced users of "apple" devices probably familiarized themselves with testing the technical characteristics of the four, carried out by the popular site ArsTechnica. According to the test results, the employees of this resource made a visual table of the functioning of iOS 8 on the fourth iPhone after installing the firmware, using only the latest programs. The result showed positive results, but the changes, for example, in the speed of opening browsers, are not so significant as to take risks and make a procedure, the results of which are unpredictable. The difference in application opening times was only 0.5-1 seconds. 2 If the owner of the smartphone is of the opinion that his device should always have the most recent version of the firmware, so as not to be left far behind technical innovations and new functions, for this purpose the system update will be justified. 3 In a situation where the user is a fan of games or often installs heavy programs on the device, it is better to refrain from updating the firmware. If you do not heed this advice and do the procedure. The device will start to work intermittently and will become very hot, not withstanding the loads that are not suitable for it. 4 The iPhone 4 has a decent fifth-generation processor, but most latest applications designed to work with A8 chips. Therefore, a conflict will be inevitable.

If the opinions "for" and "against" the updates discussed above did not help you to make right choice, watch the video. Perhaps the tips given in it will help you decide and make the right decision.

iOS 8 on iPhone 4s: why you shouldn't update your iPhone 4, video:

Everyone knows that mobile Apple devices work under iOS control... Many people know that iOS is a light version of the desktop Mac OS X. Some people surmise that Mac OS X is based on the POSIX-compatible Darwin OS, and those who are seriously interested in IT know that the basis of Darwin is the XNU kernel, which appeared came into being as a result of the merging of the Mach microkernel and the FreeBSD kernel components. However, all these are bare facts that will tell us nothing about how iOS actually works and how it differs from its desktop counterpart.

Mac OS X

The operating system installed today on all poppies and (in a modified form) on IDs dates back to 1988, which is also known in the IT world for being the year of the release of the first beta version of the NeXTSTEP operating system. NeXTSTEP itself was the brainchild of the development team of Steve Jobs, who by that time had already left Apple and founded NeXT, which was engaged in the development of computers for educational purposes.

At the time of its birth, NeXTSTEP was a truly advanced operating system that included many technological innovations. The operating system was based on a modified Mach microkernel, supplemented by components of the FreeBSD kernel, including a reference implementation of the network stack. The higher-level NeXTSTEP components were written using Objective-C and provided application developers with a rich object-oriented API. The system was equipped with a developed and very convenient graphical interface (the key components of which were preserved in OS X and even iOS) and a powerful development environment, which included a visual interface designer well-known to all modern developers.

After the failure of NeXT and the return of Steve Jobs to Apple in 1997, NeXTSTEP formed the basis of the Rhapsody project, within which the development of a system-successor to Mac OS 9 began. In 2000, the open source project Darwin was separated from Rhapsody, the sources of which were published under the APSL license, and already in 2001 OS X was born 10.0 built on top of it. A few years later, Darwin formed the basis of the operating system for the upcoming smartphone, which until 2007, except for rumors, was known almost nothing.

XNU and Darwin

Conventionally, the OS X / iOS stuffing can be divided into three logical levels: the XNU kernel, the POSIX standard compatibility layer (plus various system daemons / services) and the NeXTSTEP layer, which implements the graphics stack, framework, and Application API... Darwin includes the first two layers and is free, but only for OS X. iOS version ported to ARM architecture and includes some improvements, is completely closed and is distributed only as part of firmware for devices (apparently, this is protection against porting iOS to other devices).

At its core, Darwin is a "bare" UNIX-like OS that includes the POSIX API, a shell, a set of commands and services that are the minimum required to run the system in console mode and run UNIX software. In this regard, it is similar to the basic FreeBSD system or minimum installation some Arch Linux that allow you to run UNIX console software, but do not have a graphical shell, nor everything you need to run serious graphics applications from GNOME or KDE environments.

A key component of Darwin is the hybrid XNU kernel, which, as mentioned above, is based on the Mach kernel and FreeBSD kernel components such as the process scheduler, networking stack, and virtual filesystem (VFS layer). Unlike Mach and FreeBSD, the OS X kernel uses native API drivers called I / O Kit and allows you to write drivers in C ++ using an object-oriented approach that greatly simplifies development.

iOS uses a slightly modified version of XNU, but due to the fact that the iOS kernel is closed, it is difficult to say what exactly Apple changed. We only know that it is compiled with other compiler options and a modified memory manager that takes into account small amounts of RAM in mobile devices. Otherwise, this is the same XNU, which can be found in the form of an encrypted cache (kernel + all drivers / modules) in the /System/Library/Caches/ directory on the device itself.

Above the kernel in Darwin is the UNIX / BSD layer, which includes a set of standard C libraries (libc, libmatch, libpthread, etc.), as well as tools command line, a collection of shells (bash, tcsh, and ksh) and daemons such as launchd and the standard SSH server. The latter, by the way, can be activated by editing the file /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ssh.plist. If, of course, you jailbreak the device.

This is where the open part of the OS called Darwin ends, and the layer of frameworks begins, which just form what we are used to thinking of OS X / iOS.


Darwin implements only the basic part of Mac OS / iOS, which is responsible only for low-level functions (drivers, system start / stop, network management, application isolation, and so on). The part of the system that is visible to the user and applications is not included in its composition and is implemented in the so-called frameworks - sets of libraries and services that are responsible, among other things, for the formation of a graphical environment and a high-level API for third-party and stock applications


As with many other operating systems, the Mac OS and iOS APIs are split between public and private. Third-party applications have access to an exclusively public and heavily truncated API, but jailbreak applications can also use the private one.

In the standard delivery of Mac OS and iOS, you can find dozens of different frameworks that are responsible for accessing the most different functions OS - from implementation address book(the AddressBook framework) to the OpenGL library (GLKit). A set of basic frameworks for developing graphical applications is combined into the so-called Cocoa API, a kind of metaframe that allows you to access the main features of the OS. In iOS, it is called Cocoa Touch and differs from the desktop version in orientation to touch displays.

Not all frameworks are available in both operating systems. Many of them are iOS-only specific. Examples include AssetsLibrary, which is responsible for working with photos and videos, CoreBlueTooth, which allows you to access the blue tooth, or iAd, which is intended for displaying advertisements in applications. Other frameworks exist only on the desktop version of the system, but from time to time Apple transfers certain parts of iOS to Mac OS or vice versa, as, for example, happened with the CoreMedia framework, which was originally available only in iOS.

All standard system frameworks can be found in the system directory / System / Library / Frameworks /. Each of them is in its own directory, called a bundle (boundle), which includes resources (images and descriptions of interface elements), C language headers describing the API, as well as a dynamically loaded library (in dylib format) with the framework implementation.

One of interesting features frameworks - their versioning. One framework can have several different versions at once, so an application developed for outdated versions of the system will continue to work, even despite the changes made to newer versions of the OS. This is how the mechanism for launching old iOS applications in iOS 7 and higher is implemented. An app developed for iOS 6 will look and work exactly as if it were launched in iOS 6.


On a higher level, there are applications that are system and installed from the application store. Central place among them is, of course, SpringBoard (iOS only), which implements the home screen (desktop). It is it that is launched first after starting the system daemons, loading the frameworks into memory and starting the display server (aka compositing manager, aka Quartz Compositor), which is responsible for displaying the image on the screen.

SpringBoard is the link between the operating system and its user, graphical interface that allows you to launch applications, switch between them, view notifications and manage some system settings (since iOS 7). But it is also a handler for events such as touching the screen or flipping the device. Unlike Mac OS X, which uses various applications and agent daemons for implementing interface components (Finder, Dashboard, LaunchPad and others), in iOS almost everything basic capabilities the user interface, including the lock screen and "shutter", are enclosed in one SpringBoard.

Unlike other stock iOS applications, which are located in the / Applications directory, SpringBoard, along with the display server, is considered part of the frameworks and is located in the / System / Library / CoreServices / directory. For many tasks, it uses plugins that are located in / System / Library / SpringBoardPlugins /. Among other things, you can find there, for example, NowPlayingArtLockScreen.lockboundle, which is responsible for displaying information about the currently playing song on the lock screen, or IncomingCall.serviceboundle, which is responsible for handling an incoming call.

Starting with iOS 6, SpringBoard is divided into two parts: the desktop itself and the BackBoard service, which is responsible for communication with the low-level part of the OS that works with the hardware (HAL level). The BackBoard is responsible for handling events such as screen taps, key presses, receiving readings from the accelerometer, position sensor, and light sensor, and also controls the launch, pause, and termination of applications.

SpringBoard and BackBoard have so much great importance for iOS, that if you stop them in any way, the entire system will freeze in place and even the currently running application will not respond to screen touches. This distinguishes them from home android screen which is only standard application, which can be stopped, replaced or removed from the system altogether (in this case, quite working navigation buttons and a status bar with a "shutter" will remain on the screen).


At the very top of this pyramid are applications. iOS distinguishes between built-in (stock) highly privileged applications and third-party ones installed from iTunes. Both are stored in the system in the form of bundles, much like those used for frameworks. The only difference is that the app bundle includes slightly different meta information, and the place dynamic library takes executable file in Mach-O format.

The standard directory for storing stock applications is / Applications /. In iOS, it is completely static and changes only during system updates; the user cannot access it. In contrast, third-party applications installed from iTunes are stored in the user's home directory / var / mobile / Applications / inside subdirectories that look like 4-2-2-2-4, where two and four are hexadecimal numbers... This is the so-called GUID - a unique identifier that uniquely identifies the application in the system and is also needed to create isolated sandbox(sandbox).


In iOS, sandboxes are used to isolate services and applications from the system and from each other. Every third-party application and most of the system ones run in a sandbox. WITH technical point view, the sandbox is a classic UNIX chroot, reinforced by the TrustedBSD MAC forced access control system (sandbox.kext kernel module), which cuts off applications not only access to files outside the home directory, but also direct access to hardware and many system functions OS.

In general, the application enclosed in the sandbox is limited in the following possibilities:

  • Access to the file system except for its own directory and the user's home directory.
  • Access to the Media and Library directories inside the home directory, except for Media / DCIM /, Media / Photos /, Library / AddressBook /, Library / Keyboard /, and Library / Preferences /.
  • Access to information about other processes (the application "considers" itself the only one in the system).
  • Direct access to hardware (only Cocoa API and other frameworks are allowed).
  • Limit on the use of RAM (controlled by the Jatsam engine).

All of these restrictions correspond to the sandbox profile (set of restrictive rules) container and apply to any third-party application. For stock applications, in turn, other restrictions, softer or more stringent, may apply. An example is an email client (MobileMail profile), which in general has the same severe limitations as third-party applications, but can access the entire contents of the Library / directory. The opposite situation is SpringBoard, which has no restrictions at all.

Many system daemons work inside the sandboxes, including, for example, AFC, designed to work with the file system of a device from a PC, but limiting the "scope" only to the user's home directory. All available system sandbox profiles are located in the / System / Library / Sandbox / Profiles / * directory and are sets of rules written in the Scheme language. Apart from this, applications can also include additional sets rules called entitlement. In fact, these are all the same profiles, but sewn directly into the application binary (a kind of self-limitation). You can view these rules, for example, like this:
# cat -tv /Applications/ | tail -31 | more
The raison d'être of all these restrictions is twofold. The first (and main) task that sandbox solves is protection against malicious applications... Coupled with careful checking published in iTunes applications and the prohibition on the launch of applications that are not signed with a digital key (read: any ones not obtained from iTunes), this approach gives excellent results and allows iOS to be at the top of the list of the most virus-protected OS.

The second problem is protecting the system from itself and the user. Bugs can exist both in the stock software from Apple and in the heads of users. Sandbox protects against both. Even if an attacker finds a hole in Safari and tries to exploit it, he will still remain in the sandbox and will not be able to harm the system. And the user will not be able to "break his favorite phone number" and will not write angry reviews in Apple address... Fortunately, knowledgeable people can always jailbreak and bypass the sandbox protection (in fact, this is the point of jailbreak).


One of the most controversial iOS features is an implementation of multitasking. It seems to be there, but on the other hand, it is not. Compared to traditional desktop operating systems and the notorious Android iOS is not a multitasking operating system in the usual sense of the word and does not allow applications to run freely in the background. Instead, the OS implements an API that an application can use to perform individual tasks while it is in the background.

For the first time, such an API appeared in iOS 4 (before that, background tasks could only be performed by stock applications) and increased as the operating system developed. Today ( it comes about iOS 7) the so-called Background API allows you to do the following:

  • play audio;
  • make VoIP calls;
  • receive information about a change in location;
  • receive push notifications;
  • schedule delayed display of notifications;
  • request additional time to shutdown after going into the background;
  • exchange data with accessories connected to the device (including Bluetooth);
  • receive and send data over the network (since iOS 7).

Such restrictions on working in the background are necessary primarily in order to save battery power and avoid interface lags, so familiar Android users where applications can do whatever they want in the background. In fact, Apple cares so much about conserving battery that it even implemented a special mechanism to group background app activities and launch them in the right moments, for example, when the smartphone is actively used, connected to a Wi-Fi network or to a charger.


It is worth saying that during its development and subsequent move to mobile devices, NeXTSTEP not only did not lose all its advantages, but also multiplied them. You can listen to the tales of Google employees for a long time, claiming that Android was developed without looking back at iOS, but the fact remains: many architectural Android solutions borrowed from iOS. And not because it was easier that way, but because of their beauty and effectiveness.

Six stages of iOS download

  1. Boot ROM... After turning on the device, a minimalistic bootloader is launched first, which is stitched into the device's permanent memory. Its task is to perform the initial initialization of the hardware and transfer control to the primary LLB loader. Boot ROM is always factory firmware and cannot be updated.
  1. Low Level Bootloader (LLB)... Further, the LLB takes over control. This is the primary bootloader, whose task is to find the iBoot device in the memory, check its integrity and transfer control to it, or switch the device to recovery mode, if this fails. The LLB code is stored in the device's NAND memory and is updated with the installation new version firmware. Among other things, it displays the boot logo on the screen.
  1. iBoot... This is a secondary and primary bootloader for devices. It includes a file system driver that accesses the contents of the NAND memory, locates the kernel, and transfers control to it. IBoot also has a built-in UART driver, with which you can debug the kernel and OS by connecting the device to a COM port or USB port of a computer (using USB cable- UART).

4 Core... Everything is as usual here. The kernel initializes the hardware and then transfers control to the launchd daemon.

5 Launchd... This is primary iOS process and Mac OS X, it connects file systems, starts daemons / services (e.g. backupd, configd, locationd), display server, frameworks, and on the last stage boot hands over control to SpringBoard. On iOS and Mac OS X, launchd is used as a replacement for the standard / bin / init on UNIX, but its functionality is much broader.

6 SpringBoard... Here comes the lock screen!

The first four stages in this chain form a chain of trust, implemented by verifying the digital signature of the loaded component. Digital signature have LLB, iBoot and a kernel, which allows you to exclude the introduction of a hacked bootloader or kernel into the chain, which can be used to boot a third-party operating system or jailbreak. The only way bypass this mechanism - find a hole in one of the bootloaders and use it to bypass the check. At one time, several such holes were found in the Boot ROM (the most famous is the limera1n exploit from geohot, which is relevant for iPhone 1–4), and in early 2014, in iBoot (hacker iH8sn0w, the exploit was never published).

While holding the Home button while turning on the iPhone, you can force iBoot to boot into what is known as Recovery Mode, which allows you to restore your iOS firmware or update it using iTunes. However, the automatic OTA update mechanism uses a different mode called DFU (Device Firmware Upgrade), which is activated at an early stage of the boot immediately after the Boot ROM and is implemented in two components: iBSS and iBEC. In fact, these are analogues of LLB and iBoot, the ultimate goal of which is not to load the OS, but to put the smartphone into update mode.

The iPhone 4 is a relic of the past, but we're going to answer the question that Lately Many people ask: in iOS 8 on iPhone 4, is it possible to update? What's the latest iPhone 4 firmware? (iOS 8 for iPhone 4)

Smartphones and tablets are in a constant state of evolution, and many legendary devices have been left in the dust over time. This happened with the iPhone 4.

with iOS 8 for iPhone 4 is not available - and you can't force it to your device. But iOS 8 is available for iPhone 4s.

Should you upgrade to iOS 8 for iPhone 4s?

iPhone 4s owners are concerned about performance with iOS 8.

Apple has already encountered this problem with older devices, and usually fixes known issues with iOS update. iPhone 4C users may prefer to wait while iOS 8 is optimized for 4s devices.

In addition to the increased application launch time and animation lag, in some cases the iPhone 4C display is smaller than on later models. This affects usability in some iOS 8 apps. Other iOS functions 8, such as airdrop or LTE speeds will never come to the iPhone 4S, as they depend on hardware.

Overall, Ars explains that “getting new materials is worth putting up with the slight slowdowns you will experience”.

Update to iOS 8.1.1 for iPhone 4s

Apple has officially released iOS 8.1.1. The update includes bug fixes and performance improvements for older hardware. This good news for iPhone 4S and iPad 2, who were worried that a previous report at ARS Technica that iOS 8 is slower on these devices. iOS 8.1.1 also patches the recently released Pangu jailbreak and should be avoided if you plan to keep your jailbroken phone.

Similar articles:

How to install iOS 8 directly from an iOS device

1) On the home page of your iPhone iPod or iPad, open Settings and select the “General” option, then select “Software Update”.

2) click “download and install button” START download iOS installation package 8.

3) After flashing, the 8.1 installation package has been downloaded successfully, click the "install now" button. Then your device will reboot and you can experience iOS 8.1 right away!

How to install iOS 8 on iPhone and iPad via iTunes

1) connect your device to your computer and iTunes will launch automatically. If not, open it on your computer.

2) click your device icon from the left sidebar, then click on the summary tab.

3) If there is no notification about iOS 8, click on the “check for updates” button and then click the “update” button. When the download is complete, the device will reboot and install the new OS.

Download iOS 8.1.1 for iPhone 4s

To install iOS 8.1, you need to go to iPhone, iPod touch and iPad in Settings -> General -> Software Updates or download the update from the links at the end of the article and using iTunes. It should be remembered that at the moment there are no software tools for jailbreak iOS 8.1, so users who expect to retain access to the Cydia store should refrain from installing the firmware.

    • iOS 8.1.1 for iPad 2 Wi-Fi (Rev A) (iOS 8 for iPhone 4)

With the release of updates to the mobile operating system iOS, Apple is much more organized than its rival product from Google. And although the number of smartphone models supporting iOS hardly reaches two dozen, the company periodically restricts access to the current firmware version on devices that it considers "morally obsolete."

This is due to both hardware incompatibility and device performance (for example, to present iPhone work 3GS on iOS 10 is extremely difficult) and with a marketing decision. After all, Apple stops signing past firmware and restricts access to new ones. It is not possible to install unsigned firmware (firmware with expired digital certificate).

Which iOS and which iPhone can be installed - you will find out in this material.

iPhone 2G

Minimum iOS version: iPhone OS 1.0 (1A543a)
Maximum iOS version: iOS 3.1.3 (7E18)
Average update size: 91 - 245 MB

The original iPhone is the only device that you can install the first version of the operating system on. Then they were also called like iPhone OS... The latest firmware available for installation on the original iPhone is iOS 3.1.3. Downgrade is available.

iPhone 3G

Minimum iOS version: iOS 2.0 (5A347)
Maximum iOS version: iOS 4.2.1 (8C148)
Average update size: 225 - 322 MB

The updated iPhone 3G came out of the box with iOS 2.0. Firmware is supported up to today... It is not possible to update above iOS 4.2.1. Please note that Apple does not sign iOS 4.0, 4.0.1 or 4.0.2.

iPhone 3GS

Minimum iOS version: iOS 4.1 (8B117)
Maximum iOS version: iOS 6.1.6 (10B500)
Average update size: 382 - 784 MB

With the "high-speed" version of the iPhone 3GS, Apple has done quite generously. The latest firmware version is iOS 6.1.6. But with the version of iOS 5, a strange situation turned out. She no longer subscribes and cannot be installed. At the same time, the minimum possible iOS that will work on a smartphone is iOS 4.1.

iPhone 4 (GSM / CDMA)

Minimum iOS version
Maximum iOS version: iOS 7.1.2 (build depends on model)
Average update size: 1.12 GB

The only firmware that can be installed on the iPhone 4 is iOS 7.1.2. Since the iPhone 4, Apple has shut down any selection options. A complete rejection of skeuomorphism on the part of the company was met with a forced transition to the "flat" iOS 7. Be careful when installing, since the iPhone 4 is presented in three versions: GSM, CDMA and GSM (rev. A) 2012. Each must have its own firmware.

iPhone 4s

Minimum iOS version: iOS 9.3.5 (13G36)
Maximum iOS version: iOS 9.3.5 (13G36)
Average update size: 1.5 GB

Until September 2016 iPhone years 4s supported the latest iOS 9.C the release of iOS 10 Apple has limited the installation of new items for a smartphone released 4 years ago.

iPhone 5 and all subsequent models released after 2012

Minimum iOS version: iOS 10.0.2 (14A456)
Maximum iOS version: updates are up-to-date

The first smartphone that Apple opened access to latest firmware iOS 10. Together with iPhone 5, the current version of iOS 10 can be installed on:

  • iPhone 5s, 5c
  • iPhone 6, 6 Plus
  • iPhone SE
  • iPhone 6s, 6s Plus
  • iPhone 7, 7 Plus.

At the time of publication of this material the current version of iOS 10 remains iOS 10.1. The iOS 10.0.1 firmware version cannot be installed because Apple has stopped signing it.

Download the latest iOS versions for specific device can be found on the website. There you can also find out the status of the system's subscription from Apple.

iOS is the simplest operating system in terms of interacting with it inexperienced user, and this is one of the main reasons for the popularity of the iPhone and iPad among absolutely all categories of the population. Almost any user can solve the problems that have arisen software environment iOS problems and even self-produce.

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What is iOS and what types of updates are there

So, iOS is a software shell that controls hardware iPhone modules or iPad. The main advantage of this operating system is that it is produced by the manufacturer itself. mobile gadgets- Apple. In addition, developers of third-party applications also focus on a fairly narrow range of devices, which means that there are almost no problems with compatibility, choice of software version and installation.

Another important nuance - Apple distributes its operating systems for free, without any hidden conditions(required subscriptions for products or services, the presence of paid previous versions, etc.). That is, you can download the current firmware version for your device from the official website, without the risk of installing a pirated copy with malware.

Apple releases 3 types iOS updates:

1. Official (final).

2. Beta versions for registered developers.

3. Beta versions for regular users registered in.

We talked in more detail about all types of iOS updates.

How to find out which version of iOS is currently installed on your iPhone or iPad

To find out which system is currently controlling the device, you need to go to the menu " Settings —> The main —> About this device"And pay attention to the line" Version«.

To check for iOS updates for this device you should return to the previous menu " Settings —> The main", Select the item" Software Update”And wait for the data to be loaded.

The reasons why updates may not appear on an iOS device are described.

How to install new (latest) iOS on your iPhone or iPad

The easiest way is to reflash the iPhone “over the air”. To do this, just go to the above-mentioned section " Settings —> The main —> Software Update", Press the button" Download and install". In this case, all available data will be saved on the device. It is important to remember that installing iOS "over the air" should never be done if the device is jailbroken.

For complete reinstallation iOS via iTunes, you will need to perform a slightly more complex algorithm of actions, which is described in detail in the material. This will require current version iOS for a specific iPhone or iPad.

Where to download the latest iOS IPSW files for any iPhone or iPad

Apple does not allow installing on its mobile devices outdated versions of the operating system (i.e. roll back or downgrade iOS), so only the latest firmware released for it will be available for each gadget.

  • For iPhone 2G, the latest possible firmware to install is iOS 3.1.3;
  • iPhone 3G - iOS 4.2.1;
  • iPhone 3Gs - iOS 6.1.6;
  • iPhone 4 - iOS 7.1.2;
  • iPhone 4s - iOS 9.3.5;
  • iPhone 5, iPhone 5c - iOS 10.3.3;
  • iPhone 5s - iOS 11.2.6;
  • iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus - iOS 11.2.6;
  • iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus - iOS 11.2.6;
  • iPhone SE - iOS 11.2.6;
  • iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus - iOS 11.2.6;
  • iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus - iOS 11.2.6;
  • iPhone X - iOS 11.2.6;
  • iPod Touch 2G - iOS 4.2.1;
  • iPod Touch 3G - iOS 5.1.1;
  • iPod Touch 4G - iOS 6.1.6;
  • iPod Touch 5G - iOS 9.3.5;
  • iPod Touch 6G - iOS 11.2.6;
  • iPad 1 - iOS 5.1.1;
  • iPad 2 - iOS 9.3.5;
  • iPad 3 - iOS 9.3.5;
  • iPad 4 - iOS 10.3.3;
  • iPad mini 1 - iOS 9.3.5;
  • iPad mini 2 - iOS 11.2.6;
  • iPad mini 3 - iOS 11.2.6;
  • iPad mini 4 - iOS 11.2.6;
  • iPad Air 1 - iOS 11.2.6;
  • iPad Air 2 - iOS 11.2.6;
  • 10.5-inch iPad ProiOS 11.2.6;
  • 12.9-inch iPad Pro - iOS 11.2.6;
  • 9.7-inch iPad Pro - iOS 11.2.6;
  • iPad 2017 - iOS 11.2.6.

All necessary IPSW files for iOS installations can be downloaded from the official Apple website at the links posted

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