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Which processor is best for a gaming computer. How to choose a processor for your computer? New processor: review, prices, photos

The first quad-core processor was released in the fall of 2006. It was the Intel Core 2 Quad model based on the Kentsfield core. Bestsellers such as The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion and Half-Life 2: Episode One were considered popular games at the time. The "killer of all gaming computers" Crysis has not yet appeared. And the API DirectX 9 with Shader Model 3.0 was in use.

How to choose a processor for a gaming PC. We study the effect of processor dependence in practice

But it's the end of 2015. On the market, in the desktop segment, there are 6- and 8-core CPUs, but 2- and 4-core models are still popular. Gamers admire the PC versions of GTA V and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, and in nature there is still no gaming video card capable of delivering a comfortable FPS level in 4K resolution with maximum graphics quality settings in Assassin's Creed Unity. In addition, the release of the Windows 10 operating system took place, which means that the era of DirectX 12 has officially come. As you can see, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge in nine years. Therefore, the question of choosing a central processor for a gaming computer is more relevant than ever.

The essence of the problem

There is such a thing as the effect of processor dependence. It can manifest itself in absolutely any computer game. If the performance of a video card rests on the capabilities of the central chip, then they say that the system is processor-dependent. It should be understood that there is no single scheme by which one can determine the strength of this effect. It all depends on the features of a particular application, as well as the selected graphics quality settings. Nevertheless, in absolutely any game, tasks such as organizing polygons, calculating lighting and physics, modeling artificial intelligence and many other actions fall on the "shoulders" of the central processor. Agree, there is plenty of work.

The most difficult thing is to select a central processor for several graphics adapters at once.

In processor-dependent games, the number of frames per second can depend on several parameters of the "stone": architecture, clock speed, the number of cores and threads, and the size of the cache. The main purpose of this material is to identify the main criteria affecting the performance of the graphics subsystem, as well as to form an understanding of which central processor is suitable for a particular discrete video card.


How to identify processor dependency? The most powerful way is empirically. Since the central processor has several parameters, let's analyze them one by one. The first characteristic that gets the most attention is the clock speed.

The clock frequency of central processors has not been increasing for a long time. At first (in the 80s and 90s), the increase in megahertz led to a wild increase in the overall level of performance. Now the frequency of AMD and Intel central processors is frozen in the 2.5-4 GHz delta. Anything below is too budgetary and not quite suitable for a gaming computer; everything above is already overclocking. This is how processor lines are formed. For example, there is an Intel Core i5-6400 running at 2.7 GHz ($ 182), and there is a Core i5-6500 running at 3.2 GHz ($ 192). These processors have absolutely the same characteristics, except for the clock frequency and price.

Overclocking has long been a marketing weapon. For example, only a lazy motherboard manufacturer does not brag about the excellent overclocking potential of its products.

You can find chips with an unlocked multiplier on sale. It allows you to overclock the processor yourself. Intel has such “stones” with letters “K” and “X” in the name. For example, Core i7-4770K and Core i7-5690X. Plus there are standalone models with an unlocked multiplier: Pentium G3258, Core i5-5675C and Core i7-5775C. AMD processors are labeled in a similar way. So, hybrid chips have the letter "K" in the name. There is a line of FX processors (AM3 + platform). All "stones" included in it have a free multiplier.

Modern AMD and Intel processors support automatic overclocking. In the first case, it is called Turbo Core, in the second - Turbo Boost. The essence of its operation is simple: with proper cooling, the processor increases its clock frequency by several hundred megahertz during operation. For example, the Core i5-6400 operates at 2.7 GHz, but with Turbo Boost active, this parameter can be permanently increased to 3.3 GHz. That is, exactly at 600 MHz.

It is important to remember: the higher the clock speed, the hotter the processor! So it is necessary to take care of high-quality cooling of the "stone"

I'll take the NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN X graphics card - the most powerful single-chip gaming solution of our time. And the Intel Core i5-6600K processor is the mainstream model equipped with an unlocked multiplier. Then I'll launch Metro: Last Light, one of the most processor-dependent games of our day. The graphics quality settings in the application are selected in such a way that the number of frames per second each time depends on the performance of the processor, but not the video card. In the case of GeForce GTX TITAN X and Metro: Last Light - maximum graphics quality, but without anti-aliasing. Next, I will measure the average FPS level in the range from 2 GHz to 4.5 GHz in Full HD, WQHD and Ultra HD resolutions.

Processor-dependent effect

The most noticeable effect of processor dependence, which is logical, manifests itself in light modes. So, at 1080p, as the frequency increases, the average FPS also steadily increases. The figures turned out to be quite impressive: with an increase in the speed of the Core i5-6600K from 2 GHz to 3 GHz, the number of frames per second in Full HD resolution increased from 70 FPS to 92 FPS, that is, by 22 frames per second. With an increase in the frequency from 3 GHz to 4 GHz - by another 13 FPS. Thus, it turns out that the processor used with the given graphics quality settings was able to "pump" the GeForce GTX TITAN X in Full HD only from 4 GHz - it was from this point that the number of frames per second stopped growing with increasing CPU frequency.

When the resolution is increased, the effect of processor dependence is less noticeable. Namely, the number of frames stops growing, starting from 3.7 GHz. Finally, in Ultra HD resolution, we almost immediately ran into the potential of the graphics adapter.

There are many discrete video cards. It is customary in the market to catalog these devices into three segments: Low-end, Middle-end, and High-end. Captain Obvious suggests that different processors with different frequencies are suitable for different graphics adapters in terms of performance.

Dependence of performance in games on the frequency of the central processor

Now I will take a video card GeForce GTX 950 - a representative of the upper segment of the Low-end (or lower Middle-end), that is, the absolute opposite of the GeForce GTX TITAN X. The device belongs to the entry level, nevertheless, it is capable of providing a decent level of performance in modern games in Full HD resolution. As you can see from the graphs below, the processor, operating at a frequency of 3 GHz, "pumps" the GeForce GTX 950 in both Full HD and WQHD. The difference with the GeForce GTX TITAN X is visible to the naked eye.

It is important to understand that the less load falls on the "shoulders" of the video card, the higher the frequency of the central processor should be. It is irrational to buy, for example, an adapter of the GeForce GTX TITAN X level and use it in games at a resolution of 1600x900 pixels.

Low-end video cards (GeForce GTX 950, Radeon R7 370) will have enough CPU operating at a frequency of 3 GHz or more. Middle-end adapters (Radeon R9 280X, GeForce GTX 770) - 3.4-3.6 GHz. Flagship High-end video cards (Radeon R9 Fury, GeForce GTX 980 Ti) - 3.7-4 GHz. Performance SLI / CrossFire links - 4-4.5 GHz


In reviews devoted to the release of this or that generation of central processors, the authors now and then state that the difference in performance in x86 calculations is a scanty 5-10% from year to year. This is a kind of tradition. Neither AMD nor Intel have made any significant progress for a long time, and phrases like “ keep sitting on my Sandy Bridge, wait next year"Become winged. As I said before, in games, the processor also has to process a large amount of data. In this case, a reasonable question arises: to what extent is the effect of processor dependence observed in systems with different architectures?

For both AMD and Intel chips, you can define a list of modern architectures that are still popular today. They are relevant, on a global scale the difference in performance between them is not so big.

Let's take a couple of chips - Core i7-4790K and Core i7-6700K - and make them work at the same frequency. Processors based on the Haswell architecture, as you know, appeared in the summer of 2013, and Skylake solutions - in the summer of 2015. That is, exactly two years have passed since the update of the line of "so" -processors (as Intel calls crystals based on completely different architectures).

Impact of architecture on gaming performance

As you can see, there is no difference between the Core i7-4790K and the Core i7-6700K operating at the same frequencies. Skylake is ahead of Haswell in only three games out of ten: Far Cry 4 (12%), GTA V (6%) and Metro: Last Light (6%) - that is, in all the same processor-dependent applications. However, 6% are mere trifles.

Comparison of processor architectures in games (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980)

A few platitudes: it is obvious that it is better to build a gaming computer on the basis of the most modern platform. After all, not only the performance of the chips themselves is important, but also the functionality of the platform as a whole.

Modern architectures, with a few exceptions, have the same performance in computer games. Owners of the Sandy Bridge, Ivy Bridge and Haswell families of processors can feel quite safe. With AMD, the situation is similar: all sorts of variations of the modular architecture (Bulldozer, Piledriver, Steamroller) in games have approximately the same level of performance

Kernels and threads

The third and possibly determining factor limiting the performance of a video card in games is the number of CPU cores. It is not for nothing that more and more games specify the need for a quad-core CPU in the minimum system requirements. Striking examples include such modern hits as GTA V, Far Cry 4, "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt", and Assassin's Creed Unity.

As I said at the very beginning, the first quad-core processor appeared nine years ago. Now there are 6- and 8-core solutions on sale, but 2- and 4-core models are still in use. I will give a table of markings of some popular AMD and Intel lines, dividing them depending on the number of "heads".

AMD APUs (A4, A6, A8, and A10) are sometimes referred to as 8-, 10-, and even 12-cores. It's just that the company's marketers add elements of the built-in graphics module to the computing units. Indeed, there are applications that can use heterogeneous computing (when x86 cores and embedded video together process the same information), but this scheme is not used in computer games. The computing part performs its task, the graphic part does its own.

Some Intel processors (Core i3 and Core i7) have a certain number of cores, but double the number of threads. Responsible for this is the Hyper-Threading technology, which was first used in Pentium 4 chips. Threads and cores are slightly different things, but we'll talk about that a little later. In 2016, AMD will release processors based on the Zen architecture. For the first time, Red's chips will acquire technology similar to Hyper-Threading.

In fact, the Core 2 Quad on the Kentsfield core is not a full-fledged quad core. It is based on two Conroe crystals, divorced in one package for LGA775

Let's do a little experiment. I took 10 popular games. I agree that such an insignificant number of applications is not enough to assert with 100% certainty about the full study of the effect of processor dependence. However, the list includes only hits that will clearly demonstrate the trends in modern game development. The graphics quality settings were selected in such a way that the final results did not rest against the capabilities of the video card. For GeForce GTX TITAN X, this is the highest quality (no anti-aliasing) and Full HD resolution. The choice of such an adapter is obvious. If the processor can "pump" the GeForce GTX TITAN X, then it can handle any other video card. The top-end Core i7-5960X for the LGA2011-v3 platform was used at the stand. Testing was carried out in four modes: when activated, only 2 cores, only 4 cores, only 6 cores and 8 cores. Hyper-Threading technology was not involved. Plus, testing was carried out with two frequencies: at nominal 3.3 GHz and overclocked to 4.3 GHz.

Processor dependence in GTA V

GTA V is one of the few games of our time that uses all eight cores of the processor. Therefore, it can be called processor-dependent itself. On the other hand, the difference between six and eight cores turned out to be less impressive. Judging by the results, the two cores are very far behind other operating modes. The game slows down, a large number of textures are not easily rendered. The bench with four cores demonstrates noticeably better results. It is only 6.9% behind the six-core, and 11% behind the eight cores. Is it worth it in this case - it's up to you to decide. However, GTA V clearly demonstrates how the number of processor cores affects the performance of a video card in games.

The vast majority of games behave in a similar way. In seven out of ten applications, the system with two cores turned out to be processor-dependent. That is, the FPS level was limited by the central processor. At the same time, in three out of ten games, the six-core stand showed an advantage over the four-core. True, the difference cannot be called significant. The most radical game turned out to be Far Cry 4 - it stupidly did not start on a system with two cores.

The gain from using six and eight cores in most cases turned out to be either too small, or there was none at all.

Processor Addiction in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The three games loyal to the dual-core system turned out to be The Witcher 3, Assassin's Creed Unity and Tomb Raider. The same results were demonstrated in all modes.

For those who are interested, I will give a table with the full test results.

multi-core gaming performance

Four cores are the optimal amount today. At the same time, it is obvious that gaming computers with a dual-core processor should not be assembled. In 2015, just such a "stone" is the bottleneck in the system

We figured out the cores. The test results clearly show that in most cases four "heads" of a processor are better than two. At the same time, some Intel models (Core i3 and Core i7) boast support for Hyper-Threading technology. Without going into details, I would like to note that such chips have a certain number of physical cores and twice the number of virtual ones. In ordinary applications, Hyper-Threading is undoubtedly useful. But how is this technology doing in games? This issue is especially relevant for the line of Core i3 processors - nominally dual-core solutions.

To determine the effectiveness of multithreading in games, I collected two test benches: with a Core i3-4130 and a Core i7-6700K. In both cases, a GeForce GTX TITAN X graphics card was used.

Core i3 Hyper-Threading Efficiency

In almost all games, Hyper-Threading Technology has affected the performance of the graphics subsystem. Naturally, for the better. In some cases, the difference was gigantic. For example, in The Witcher, the number of frames per second increased by 36.4%. True, in this game without Hyper-Threading, disgusting freezes were observed every now and then. Note that the Core i7-5960X did not have such problems.

As for the quad-core Core i7 processor with Hyper-Threading, support for these technologies made itself felt only in GTA V and Metro: Last Light. That is, only two games out of ten. The minimum FPS has also significantly increased in them. Overall, the Core i7-6700K with Hyper-Threading was 6.6% faster in GTA V and 9.7% faster in Metro: Last Light.

Hyper-Threading in Core i3 really drags, especially if the system requirements indicate a quad-core processor model. But in the case of the Core i7, the performance gain in games is not so significant.


We figured out the main parameters of the central processor. Each processor has a certain amount of cache. Today, up to four levels of this type of memory are used in modern integrated solutions. The cache of the first and second levels, as a rule, is determined by the architectural features of the chip. The L3 cache can change from model to model. I will give a small table for your reference.

So, the more efficient Core i7 processors have 8 MB of L3 cache, the less fast Core i5 - 6 MB. Will the 2MB have any impact on gaming performance?

The Broadwell family and some Haswell processors use 128MB of eDRAM (L4 cache). In some games, it can seriously speed up the system.

It's very easy to check. To do this, you need to take two processors from the Core i5 and Core i7 lines, set them to the same frequency and disable Hyper-Threading technology. As a result, in the nine games tested in F1 2015 alone, there was a noticeable difference of 7.4%. The rest of the 3D entertainment did not respond to the 2 MB L3 cache deficit in the Core i5-6600K.

Impact of L3 cache on gaming performance

The difference in L3 cache between Core i5 and Core i7 processors in most cases does not affect system performance in modern games

AMD or Intel?

All tests discussed above were conducted with Intel processors. However, this does not mean at all that we do not consider AMD solutions as the basis for a gaming computer. Below are the results of testing using the FX-6350 chip used in AMD's highest performing platform AM3 +, using four and six cores. Unfortunately, I didn't have an 8-core AMD "stone" at my disposal.

Comparison of AMD and Intel in GTA V

GTA V has already established itself as the most processor-dependent game. With the use of four cores in the AMD system, the average FPS level turned out to be higher than, for example, in the Core i3 (without Hyper-Threading). In addition, in the game itself, the image was rendered smoothly, without slowdowns. But in all other cases, Intel cores were consistently faster. The difference between the processors is significant.

Below is a table with full AMD FX processor benchmarks.

Processor Dependency in AMD System

There is no noticeable difference between AMD and Intel only in two games: The Witcher and Assassin's Creed Unity. Basically, the results lend themselves well to logic. They reflect the real balance of power in the central processing unit market. Intel cores are noticeably more powerful. Including in games. Four AMD cores vie with two Intel cores. At the same time, the average FPS is often higher for the latter. Six AMD cores compete with four Core i3 threads. Logically, the eight "heads" of the FX-8000/9000 should impose the fight on the Core i5. Yes, AMD kernels are absolutely deservedly called "half-cores". These are the features of modular architecture.

The bottom line is trivial. Intel solutions are better suited for gaming. However, among budget solutions (Athlon X4, FX-4000, A8, Pentium, Celeron) AMD products are preferable. Testing has shown that the less efficient four cores in processor-dependent games perform better than the faster two Intel cores. In the middle and high price ranges (Core i3, Core i5, Core i7, A10, FX-6000, FX-8000, FX-9000) Intel is already preferred

DirectX 12

As mentioned at the very beginning of the article, with the release of Windows 10, DirectX 12 became available for computer game developers. You can get acquainted with a detailed overview of this API. The DirectX 12 architecture has definitively determined the direction of development of modern game development: developers have become necessary low-level programming interfaces. The main task of the new API is the rational use of the hardware capabilities of the system. This is the use of all the processing threads of the processor, and general-purpose computing on the GPU, and direct access to the resources of the graphics adapter.

Windows 10 has just arrived. However, applications that support DirectX 12 already exist in nature. For example, Futuremark has integrated the Overhead subtest into the benchmark. This preset is able to determine the performance of a computer system using not only the DirectX 12 API, but also AMD Mantle. The way API Overhead works is simple. DirectX 11 imposes limits on the number of processor rendering commands. DirectX 12 and Mantle solve this problem by providing the ability to call more drawing commands. Thus, an increasing number of objects are displayed during the test. Until the graphics adapter ceases to cope with their processing, and the FPS does not drop below 30 frames. For testing, I used a stand with a Core i7-5960X processor and a Radeon R9 NANO video card. The results are quite interesting.

Noteworthy is the fact that in patterns that use DirectX 11, changing the number of CPU cores has practically no effect on the overall result. But with the use of DirectX 12 and Mantle, the picture changes dramatically. First, the difference between DirectX 11 and low-level APIs turns out to be simply cosmic (about an order of magnitude). Secondly, the number of "heads" of the central processor significantly affects the final result. This is especially noticeable when moving from two cores to four and from four to six. In the first case, the difference reaches almost a twofold mark. At the same time, there are no special differences between six and eight cores and sixteen threads.

As you can see, the potential of DirectX 12 and Mantle (in the 3DMark benchmark) is simply enormous. However, do not forget that we are dealing with synthetics, they do not play it. In reality, it makes sense to evaluate the profit from using the latest low-level API only in real computer entertainment.

The first PC games to support DirectX 12 are on the horizon. These are Ashes of the Singularity and Fable Legends. They are in active beta testing. Recently colleagues from Anandtech

When it comes to gaming build, the focus is on the graphics card. It is logical, because it is the graphics adapter that is responsible for supporting certain technologies, as well as for the level of performance in games. However, only a well-chosen central processor will allow it to reach its full potential. The question often arises: will such and such a chip pump such and such a video card? This material is an attempt in practice to determine the main characteristics of the central processor that affect the performance of a 3D accelerator in modern games.

The first quad-core processor was released in the fall of 2006. It was the Intel Core 2 Quad model based on the Kentsfield core. Bestsellers such as The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion and Half-Life 2: Episode One were considered popular games at the time. The "killer of all gaming computers" Crysis has not yet appeared. And the API DirectX 9 with Shader Model 3.0 was in use.

But it's the end of 2015. On the market, in the desktop segment, there are 6- and 8-core CPUs, but 2- and 4-core models are still popular. Gamers admire the PC versions of GTA V and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, and in nature there is still no gaming video card capable of delivering a comfortable FPS level in 4K resolution with maximum graphics quality settings in Assassin's Creed Unity. In addition, the release of the Windows 10 operating system took place, which means that the era of DirectX 12 has officially come. As you can see, a lot has passed under the bridge in nine years. Therefore, the question of choosing a central processor for a gaming computer is more relevant than ever.

The essence of the problem

There is such a thing as the effect of processor dependence. It can manifest itself in absolutely any computer game. If the performance of a video card rests on the capabilities of the central chip, then they say that the system is processor-dependent. It should be understood that there is no single scheme by which one can determine the strength of this effect. It all depends on the features of a particular application, as well as the selected graphics quality settings. Nevertheless, in absolutely any game, tasks such as organizing polygons, calculating lighting and physics, modeling artificial intelligence and many other actions fall on the "shoulders" of the central processor. Agree, there is plenty of work.

In processor-dependent games, the number of frames per second can depend on several parameters of the "stone": architecture, clock speed, the number of cores and threads, and the size of the cache. The main purpose of this material is to identify the main criteria affecting the performance of the graphics subsystem, as well as to form an understanding of which central processor is suitable for a particular discrete video card.


How to identify processor dependency? The most powerful way is empirically. Since the central processor has several parameters, let's analyze them one by one. The first characteristic that gets the most attention is the clock speed.

The clock frequency of central processors has not been increasing for a long time. At first (in the 80s and 90s), the increase in megahertz led to a wild increase in the overall level of performance. Now the frequency of AMD and Intel central processors is frozen in the 2.5-4 GHz delta. Anything below is too budgetary and not quite suitable for a gaming computer; everything above is already overclocking. This is how processor lines are formed. For example, there is an Intel Core i5-6400 running at 2.7 GHz ($ 182), and there is a Core i5-6500 running at 3.2 GHz ($ 192). These processors have absolutely the same characteristics, except for the clock frequency and price.

You can find chips with an unlocked multiplier on sale. It allows you to overclock the processor yourself. Intel has such “stones” with letters “K” and “X” in the name. For example, Core i7-4770K and Core i7-5690X. Plus there are standalone models with an unlocked multiplier: Pentium G3258, Core i5-5675C and Core i7-5775C. AMD processors are labeled in a similar way. So, hybrid chips have the letter "K" in the name. There is a line of FX processors (AM3 + platform). All "stones" included in it have a free multiplier.

Modern AMD and Intel processors support automatic overclocking. In the first case, it is called Turbo Core, in the second - Turbo Boost. The essence of its operation is simple: with proper cooling, the processor increases its clock frequency by several hundred megahertz during operation. For example, the Core i5-6400 operates at 2.7 GHz, but with Turbo Boost active, this parameter can be permanently increased to 3.3 GHz. That is, exactly at 600 MHz.

I'll take the NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN X graphics card - the most powerful single-chip gaming solution of our time. And the Intel Core i5-6600K processor is the mainstream model equipped with an unlocked multiplier. Then I'll launch Metro: Last Light, one of the most processor-dependent games of our day. The graphics quality settings in the application are selected in such a way that the number of frames per second each time depends on the performance of the processor, but not the video card. In the case of GeForce GTX TITAN X and Metro: Last Light - maximum graphics quality, but without anti-aliasing. Next, I will measure the average FPS level in the range from 2 GHz to 4.5 GHz in Full HD, WQHD and Ultra HD resolutions.

The most noticeable effect of processor dependence, which is logical, manifests itself in light modes. So, at 1080p, as the frequency increases, the average FPS also steadily increases. The figures turned out to be quite impressive: with an increase in the speed of the Core i5-6600K from 2 GHz to 3 GHz, the number of frames per second in Full HD resolution increased from 70 FPS to 92 FPS, that is, by 22 frames per second. With an increase in the frequency from 3 GHz to 4 GHz - by another 13 FPS. Thus, it turns out that the processor used with the given graphics quality settings was able to "pump" the GeForce GTX TITAN X in Full HD only from 4 GHz - it was from this point that the number of frames per second stopped growing with increasing CPU frequency.

When the resolution is increased, the effect of processor dependence is less noticeable. Namely, the number of frames stops growing, starting from 3.7 GHz. Finally, in Ultra HD resolution, we almost immediately ran into the potential of the graphics adapter.

There are many discrete video cards. It is customary in the market to catalog these devices into three segments: Low-end, Middle-end, and High-end. Captain Obvious suggests that different processors with different frequencies are suitable for different graphics adapters in terms of performance.

Now I will take a video card GeForce GTX 950 - a representative of the upper segment of the Low-end (or lower Middle-end), that is, the absolute opposite of the GeForce GTX TITAN X. The device belongs to the entry level, nevertheless, it is capable of providing a decent level of performance in modern games in Full HD resolution. As you can see from the graphs below, the processor, operating at a frequency of 3 GHz, "pumps" the GeForce GTX 950 in both Full HD and WQHD. The difference with the GeForce GTX TITAN X is visible to the naked eye.

It is important to understand that the less load falls on the "shoulders" of the video card, the higher the frequency of the central processor should be. It is irrational to buy, for example, an adapter of the GeForce GTX TITAN X level and use it in games at a resolution of 1600x900 pixels.

Low-end video cards (GeForce GTX 950, Radeon R7 370) will have enough CPU operating at a frequency of 3 GHz or more. Middle-end adapters (Radeon R9 280X, GeForce GTX 770) - 3.4-3.6 GHz. Flagship High-end video cards (Radeon R9 Fury, GeForce GTX 980 Ti) - 3.7-4 GHz. Performance SLI / CrossFire links - 4-4.5 GHz


In reviews devoted to the release of this or that generation of central processors, the authors now and then state that the difference in performance in x86 calculations is a scanty 5-10% from year to year. This is a kind of tradition. Neither AMD nor Intel have made any significant progress for a long time, and phrases like “ I continue to sit on mySandyBridge, wait next year"Become winged. As I said before, in games, the processor also has to process a large amount of data. In this case, a reasonable question arises: to what extent is the effect of processor dependence observed in systems with different architectures?

For both AMD and Intel chips, you can define a list of modern architectures that are still popular today. They are relevant, on a global scale the difference in performance between them is not so big.

Let's take a couple of chips - Core i7-4790K and Core i7-6700K - and make them work at the same frequency. Processors based on the Haswell architecture, as you know, appeared in the summer of 2013, and Skylake solutions - in the summer of 2015. That is, exactly two years have passed since the update of the line of "so" -processors (as Intel calls crystals based on completely different architectures).

As you can see, there is no difference between the Core i7-4790K and the Core i7-6700K operating at the same frequencies. Skylake is ahead of Haswell in only three games out of ten: Far Cry 4 (12%), GTA V (6%) and Metro: Last Light (6%) - that is, in all the same processor-dependent applications. However, 6% are mere trifles.

A few platitudes: it is obvious that it is better to build a gaming computer on the basis of the most modern platform. After all, not only the performance of the chips themselves is important, but also the functionality of the platform as a whole.

Modern architectures, with a few exceptions, have the same performance in computer games. Owners of the Sandy Bridge, Ivy Bridge and Haswell families of processors can feel quite safe. With AMD, the situation is similar: all sorts of variations of the modular architecture (Bulldozer, Piledriver, Steamroller) in games have approximately the same level of performance

Kernels and threads

The third and possibly the determining factor limiting the performance of a video card in games is the number of CPU cores. It is not for nothing that more and more games specify the need for a quad-core CPU in the minimum system requirements. Striking examples include such modern hits as GTA V, Far Cry 4, "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt", and Assassin's Creed Unity.

As I said at the very beginning, the first quad-core processor appeared nine years ago. Now there are 6- and 8-core solutions on sale, but 2- and 4-core models are still in use. I will give a table of markings of some popular AMD and Intel lines, dividing them depending on the number of "heads".





FX-4000, A8, A10, Athlon X4

FX-8000, FX-9000

Pentium, Celeron, Core i3

Core i5, Core i7

Core i7-3900, Core i7-4900, Core i7-5800

AMD APUs (A4, A6, A8, and A10) are sometimes referred to as 8-, 10-, and even 12-cores. It's just that the company's marketers add elements of the built-in graphics module to the computing units. Indeed, there are applications that can use heterogeneous computing (when x86 cores and embedded video together process the same information), but this scheme is not used in computer games. The computing part performs its task, the graphic part does its own.

Some Intel processors (Core i3 and Core i7) have a certain number of cores, but double the number of threads. Responsible for this is the Hyper-Threading technology, which was first used in Pentium 4 chips. Threads and cores are slightly different things, but we'll talk about that a little later. In 2016, AMD will release processors based on the Zen architecture. For the first time, Red's chips will acquire technology similar to Hyper-Threading.

Let's do a little experiment. I took 10 popular games. I agree that such an insignificant number of applications is not enough to assert with 100% certainty about the full study of the effect of processor dependence. However, the list includes only hits that will clearly demonstrate the trends in modern game development. The graphics quality settings were selected in such a way that the final results did not rest against the capabilities of the video card. For GeForce GTX TITAN X, this is the highest quality (no anti-aliasing) and Full HD resolution. The choice of such an adapter is obvious. If the processor can "pump" the GeForce GTX TITAN X, then it can handle any other video card. The top-end Core i7-5960X for the LGA2011-v3 platform was used at the stand. Testing was carried out in four modes: when activated, only 2 cores, only 4 cores, only 6 cores and 8 cores. Hyper-Threading technology was not involved. Plus, testing was carried out with two frequencies: at nominal 3.3 GHz and overclocked to 4.3 GHz.

GTA V is one of the few games of our time that uses all eight cores of the processor. Therefore, it can be called processor-dependent itself. On the other hand, the difference between six and eight cores turned out to be less impressive. Judging by the results, the two cores are very far behind other operating modes. The game slows down, a large number of textures are not easily rendered. The bench with four cores demonstrates noticeably better results. It is only 6.9% behind the six-core, and 11% behind the eight cores. Is it worth it in this case - it's up to you to decide. However, GTA V clearly demonstrates how the number of processor cores affects the performance of a video card in games.

The vast majority of games behave in a similar way. In seven out of ten applications, the system with two cores turned out to be processor-dependent. That is, the FPS level was limited by the central processor. At the same time, in three out of ten games, the six-core stand showed an advantage over the four-core. True, the difference cannot be called significant. The most radical game turned out to be Far Cry 4 - it stupidly did not start on a system with two cores.

The gain from using six and eight cores in most cases turned out to be either too small, or there was none at all.

The three games loyal to the dual-core system turned out to be The Witcher 3, Assassin's Creed Unity and Tomb Raider. The same results were demonstrated in all modes.

For those who are interested, I will give a table with the full test results.

Four cores are the optimal amount today. At the same time, it is obvious that gaming computers with a dual-core processor should not be assembled. In 2015, just such a "stone" is the bottleneck in the system

We figured out the cores. The test results clearly show that in most cases four "heads" of a processor are better than two. At the same time, some Intel models (Core i3 and Core i7) boast support for Hyper-Threading technology. Without going into details, I note that such chips have a certain number of physical cores and a doubled number of virtual ones. In ordinary applications, Hyper-Threading is undoubtedly useful. But how is this technology doing in games? This issue is especially relevant for the line of Core i3 processors - nominally dual-core solutions.

To determine the effectiveness of multithreading in games, I collected two test benches: with a Core i3-4130 and a Core i7-6700K. In both cases, a GeForce GTX TITAN X graphics card was used.

In almost all games, Hyper-Threading Technology has affected the performance of the graphics subsystem. Naturally, for the better. In some cases, the difference was gigantic. For example, in The Witcher, the number of frames per second increased by 36.4%. True, in this game without Hyper-Threading, disgusting freezes were observed every now and then. Note that the Core i7-5960X did not have such problems.

As for the quad-core Core i7 processor with Hyper-Threading, support for these technologies made itself felt only in GTA V and Metro: Last Light. That is, only two games out of ten. The minimum FPS has also significantly increased in them. Overall, the Core i7-6700K with Hyper-Threading was 6.6% faster in GTA V and 9.7% faster in Metro: Last Light.

Hyper-Threading in Core i3 really drags, especially if the system requirements indicate a quad-core processor model. But in the case of the Core i7, the performance gain in games is not so significant.


We figured out the main parameters of the central processor. Each processor has a certain amount of cache. Today, up to four levels of this type of memory are used in modern integrated solutions. The cache of the first and second levels, as a rule, is determined by the architectural features of the chip. The L3 cache can change from model to model. I will give a small table for your reference.

No L3 cache

10 or more MB L3

A4, A6, A8, A10, Athlon X4

FX-6000, FX-8000, FX-9000

Core i3, Pentium

Core i3, Core i5 Broadwell

Core i5, Core i7 Broadwell

Core i7-3900, Core i7-4900, Core i7-5800, Core i7-5900

So, the more efficient Core i7 processors have 8 MB of L3 cache, the less fast Core i5 - 6 MB. Will the 2MB have any impact on gaming performance?

It's very easy to check. To do this, you need to take two processors from the Core i5 and Core i7 lines, set them to the same frequency and disable Hyper-Threading technology. As a result, in the nine games tested in F1 2015 alone, there was a noticeable difference of 7.4%. The rest of the 3D entertainment did not respond to the 2 MB L3 cache deficit in the Core i5-6600K.

The difference in L3 cache between Core i5 and Core i7 processors in most cases does not affect system performance in modern games

AMD or Intel?

All tests discussed above were conducted with Intel processors. However, this does not mean at all that we do not consider AMD solutions as the basis for a gaming computer. Below are the results of testing using the FX-6350 chip used in AMD's highest performing platform AM3 +, using four and six cores. Unfortunately, I didn't have an 8-core AMD "stone" at my disposal.

GTA V has already established itself as the most processor-dependent game. With the use of four cores in the AMD system, the average FPS level turned out to be higher than, for example, in the Core i3 (without Hyper-Threading). In addition, in the game itself, the image was rendered smoothly, without slowdowns. But in all other cases, Intel cores were consistently faster. The difference between the processors is significant.

Below is a table with full AMD FX processor benchmarks.

There is no noticeable difference between AMD and Intel only in two games: The Witcher and Assassin's Creed Unity. Basically, the results lend themselves well to logic. They reflect the real balance of power in the central processing unit market. Intel cores are noticeably more powerful. Including in games. Four AMD cores vie with two Intel cores. At the same time, the average FPS is often higher for the latter. Six AMD cores compete with four Core i3 threads. Logically, the eight "heads" of the FX-8000/9000 should impose the fight on the Core i5. Yes, AMD kernels are absolutely deservedly called "half-cores". These are the features of modular architecture.

The bottom line is trivial. Intel solutions are better suited for gaming. However, among budget solutions (Athlon X4, FX-4000, A8, Pentium, Celeron) AMD products are preferable. Testing has shown that the less efficient four cores in processor-dependent games perform better than the faster two Intel cores. In the middle and high price ranges (Core i3, Core i5, Core i7, A10, FX-6000, FX-8000, FX-9000) Intel is already preferred

DirectX 12

As mentioned at the very beginning of this article, with the release of Windows 10, DirectX 12 became available for game developers. The DirectX 12 architecture finally determined the direction of modern game development: developers needed low-level programming interfaces. The main task of the new API is the rational use of the hardware capabilities of the system. This is the use of all the processing threads of the processor, and general-purpose computing on the GPU, and direct access to the resources of the graphics adapter.

Windows 10 has just arrived. However, applications that support DirectX 12 already exist in nature. For example, Futuremark has integrated the Overhead subtest into the benchmark. This preset is able to determine the performance of a computer system using not only the DirectX 12 API, but also AMD Mantle. The way API Overhead works is simple. DirectX 11 imposes limits on the number of processor rendering commands. DirectX 12 and Mantle solve this problem by providing the ability to call more drawing commands. Thus, an increasing number of objects are displayed during the test. Until the graphics adapter ceases to cope with their processing, and the FPS does not drop below 30 frames. For testing, I used a stand with a Core i7-5960X processor and a Radeon R9 NANO video card. The results are quite interesting.

Noteworthy is the fact that in patterns that use DirectX 11, changing the number of CPU cores has practically no effect on the overall result. But with the use of DirectX 12 and Mantle, the picture changes dramatically. First, the difference between DirectX 11 and low-level APIs turns out to be simply cosmic (about an order of magnitude). Secondly, the number of "heads" of the central processor significantly affects the final result. This is especially noticeable when moving from two cores to four and from four to six. In the first case, the difference reaches almost a twofold mark. At the same time, there are no special differences between six and eight cores and sixteen threads.

As you can see, the potential of DirectX 12 and Mantle (in the 3DMark benchmark) is simply enormous. One should not forget that we are dealing with synthetics, they do not play it. In reality, it makes sense to evaluate the profit from using the latest low-level API only in real computer entertainment.

The first PC games to support DirectX 12 are on the horizon. These are Ashes of the Singularity and Fable Legends. They are in active beta testing. Recently, colleagues from Anandtech conducted large-scale testing of Fable Legends with DirectX 12. The results were not as impressive as they might have liked.

The tests were carried out with three Intel processors and two video cards: GeForce GTX 980 Ti and Radeon R9 Fury X. Processor dependence was observed only at a very low resolution of 1280x720 (720p), which is not surprising. At higher resolutions, the stands showed almost the same results.


Let's summarize all the information received. What should be the ideal central processing unit for a gaming computer? First, it must have at least four threads. As testing has shown, the Hyper-Treading technology in the Core i3 really contributes to an increase in the number of frames per second. If we are talking about Intel processors, then Core i5 models are the golden mean. At the same time, several games have demonstrated that they are well optimized for working with 6- and 8-core "stones". Why Core i5? Unfortunately, the difference in price between a quad-core Core i5-6600K and a six-core Core i7-5820K is no less than $ 147, and the difference in performance in games is a few percent.

If we are talking about AMD processors, then for video cards of the upper end of the Middle-end, as well as the High-end, only an 8-core FX-8000/9000 chip is required. At the same time, in the budget segment, 4-core AMD models (A8, Athlon X4) look preferable to dual-core Intel Pentium / Celeron models. In the middle and high ranges, the opposite is true. The superiority of Intel processors is noticeable here.

If you try to make a recommendation on choosing a processor for a gaming computer in one phrase, you will get something like this: take the Core i5.

Secondly, the clock speed of the processor is important. Graphics cards of the upper Low-end and lower-end Middle-end are suitable for models operating at a speed of 3 GHz and higher. Middle-end and initial High-end adapters - 3.4-3.6 GHz. The flagship AMD Radeon and NVIDIA GeForce will require a 3.7-4 GHz CPU. Finally, tandems of top-end CrossFire / SLI video cards need a chip operating at frequencies of 4-4.5 GHz and higher. Do not forget about such a moment as the rational use of the graphics adapter.

Testing has shown that architectural features do not significantly affect the performance in games. Therefore, for assembling a gaming computer, solutions based on modern architectures are equally suitable: for Intel - Sandy Bridge, Ivy Bridge, Haswell, Broadwell and Skylake; AMD has Bulldozer, Piledriver, and Steamroller.

In conclusion, I will give a table in which, in my opinion, I will try to arrange the processors and video cards in their places. Hope you find it useful.

Processor, brand

CPU frequency

Examples of gaming video cards

AMD (4 cores):

  • Athlon X4;
  • FX-4000.

Intel (2 cores, 4 threads):

  • Core i3.

3000 - 3300 MHz

  • AMD Radeon R7 370;
  • AMD Radeon R7 265;
  • AMD Radeon HD 7850/7870;
  • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950;
  • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti;
  • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti.

Initial Middle-end:

  • AMD Radeon R9 270 / 270X.

AMD (6 cores):

  • FX-6000.

Intel (2 cores, 4 threads):

  • Core i3.

3400-3600 MHz

  • AMD Radeon R9 380;
  • AMD Radeon R9 280/285;
  • AMD Radeon R9 280X;
  • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960;
  • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760.

AMD (8 cores):

  • FX-8000.

Intel (4 cores):

  • Core i5.

3400-3600 MHz

Initial High-end:

  • AMD Radeon R9 290 / 290X;
  • AMD Radeon R9 390;
  • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970.

AMD (8 cores):

  • FX-8000;
  • FX-9000.

Intel (4 cores or more):

  • Core i5;
  • Core i7.

3700-4000 MHz

  • AMD Radeon R9 Fury;
  • AMD Radeon R9 Fury X / NANO;
  • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980;
  • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti;

For an office, home or gaming computer, it is not so difficult to choose the right processor. You just need to determine the needs, navigate a little in the characteristics and price ranges. It makes no sense to thoroughly study the smallest nuances, if you are not a "geek", but you need to understand what to pay attention to.

For example, you can look for a processor with a higher frequency and cache memory, but without paying attention to the chip core, you can get into a mess. The core, in fact, is the main factor of performance, and the rest of the characteristics are plus or minus. In general terms, I can say that the more expensive a product is in the line of one manufacturer, the better, more powerful and faster it is. But AMD processors are cheaper than Intel's.

  • The processor should be chosen depending on the tasks at hand. If in normal mode you have about two resource-intensive programs running, then it is better to buy a dual-core "stone" with a high frequency. If more threads are used, it is better to opt for a multi-core of the same architecture, albeit with a lower frequency.
  • Hybrid processors (with an integrated video card) will save you money on buying a video card, provided that you do not need to play fancy games. These are almost all modern Intel and AMD processors of the A4-A12 series, but AMD has a stronger graphics core.
  • Along with all processors marked "BOX", a cooler should be supplied (of course, a simple model, which will not be enough for high loads, but that is what you need to work in the nominal mode). If you need a cool cooler, then.
  • The OEM processors are covered by a one-year warranty, and the BOX is covered by a three-year warranty. If the warranty period provided by the store is shorter, it is better to think about looking for another distributor.
  • In some cases, it makes sense to buy percent off hand, so you can save about 30% of the amount. True, this method of buying is associated with a certain risk, so you need to pay attention to the availability of a guarantee and the seller's reputation.

Main technical characteristics of processors

Now about some of the characteristics that are still worth mentioning. It is not necessary to delve into, but it will be useful to understand my recommendations for specific models.

Each processor has its own socket (platform), i.e. name of the connector on the motherboard for which it is intended. Whichever processor you choose, be sure to look at socket matching. There are several platforms at the moment.

  • LGA1150 - not for top-end processors, used for office computers, gaming and home media centers. Entry-level integrated graphics except Intel Iris / Iris Pro. Already out of circulation.
  • LGA1151 is a modern platform, recommended for future upgrades to newer "stones". The processors themselves are not much faster than the previous platform, that is, there is really no point in upgrading to it. But on the other hand, there is a more powerful integrated graphics core of the Intel Graphics series, DDR4 memory is supported, but it does not give a strong performance gain.
  • LGA2011-v3 is a top platform designed for building high-performance desktop systems based on Intel X299 system logic, expensive, outdated.
  • LGA 2066 (Socket R4) - socket for HEDT (Hi-End) Intel Skylake-X and Kaby Lake-X processors, replaced 2011-3.
  • AM1 for weak, energy efficient processors
  • AM3 + common socket, suitable for most AMD processors, incl. for high-performance processors without integrated video core
  • The AM4 is designed for Ryzen brand Zen microprocessors with and without integrated graphics and beyond. Added support for DDR4 memory.
  • FM2 / FM2 + for budget Athlon X2 / X4 variants without integrated graphics.
  • sTR4 is a type of connector for the HEDT family of Ryzen Threadripper microprocessors. Similar to server sockets, the most massive and for desktops.

There are outdated platforms that you can buy in order to save money, but you need to take into account that new processors for them will no longer be made: LGA1155, AM3, LGA2011, AM2 / +, LGA775 and others that are not on the lists.

Kernel name. Each line of processes has its own kernel name. For example, Intel now has Sky Lake, Kaby Lake and the newest eighth generation Coffee Lake. AMD has Richland, Bulldozer, Zen. The higher the generation, the more high-performance chip, with lower power consumption, and the more technologies are introduced.

Number of Cores: from 2 to 18 pieces. The bigger, the better. But there is such a moment: programs that do not know how to distribute the load across the cores will run faster on a dual-core with a higher clock frequency than on a 4-core, but with a lower frequency. In short, if there is no clear technical task, then the rule works: more is better, and the further, the more correct it will be.

Technical process, measured in nanometers, for example - 14nm. Doesn't affect performance, but it does affect CPU heating. Each new generation of processors is manufactured using a new process technology with a lower nm. This means that if you take a processor of the previous generation and approximately the same new one, then the latter will heat up less. But, since new products are made faster, they heat up in about the same way. That is, improving the technical process allows manufacturers to make faster processors.

Clock frequency, is measured in gigahertz, for example - 3.5 GHz. The more, the better, but only within the same series. If you take an old Pentium with a frequency of 3.5 GHz and a new one, the old one will be many times slower. This is because they have completely different kernels.

Almost all "stones" are capable of accelerating, i.e. operate at a higher frequency than that indicated in the characteristics. But this is a topic for those who are versed, tk. you can burn the processor or get a non-working system!

Cache size 1, 2 and 3 levels, one of the key characteristics, the more, the faster. The first level is the most important, the third is less important. Directly depends on the kernel and series.

TDP- dissipated thermal power, well, or how much at maximum load. A lower number means less heating. Without clear personal preferences, you can ignore this. Powerful processors consume 110-220 watts of electricity per load. You can see the diagram of the approximate power consumption of Intel and AMD processors under normal load, the less the better:

Model, series: does not refer to the characteristics, but nevertheless I want to tell you how to understand which processor is better within the same series, without delving into the characteristics too much. Processor name, for example " consists of the series " Core i3 ″ and model numbers "8100". The first number means the line of processors on some core, and the next one is its "performance index", roughly speaking. So, we can estimate that:

  • Core i3-8300 is faster than i3-8100
  • i3-8100 is faster than i3-7100
  • But the i3-7300 will be faster than the i3-8100, despite the younger series, because the 300 strongly more than 100. I think you get the point.

The same goes for AMD.

Are you going to play on the computer?

The next point that needs to be decided in advance: the gaming future of the computer. For Farm Frenzy and other simple online games, any built-in graphics will do. If buying an expensive video card is not included in the plans, but you want to play, then you need to take a processor with a normal graphics core Intel Graphics 530/630 / Iris Pro, AMD Radeon RX Vega Series. Even modern games will run in Full HD 1080p resolution at minimum and medium graphics quality settings. You can play World of Tanks, GTA, Dota and others.

If so, it makes sense to take a processor without integrated graphics at all, and save on this (or get more power for the same price). The circle can be narrowed in this way:

  • AMD has FX series processors for AM3 + platform and A12 / 10/8/6/4 hybrid solutions, as well as Athlon X4 for FM2 + / AM4
  • Intel has SkyLake and Kaby Lake series processors for LGA1151 and LGA2066 platforms and outdated BroadWell-E for LGA2011-v3 (there are only a few models).

You also need to take into account that a powerful video card and a processor need to match. I will not give clear answers to questions like "what processor is needed for this video card". This question needs to be studied independently by reading the relevant reviews, tests, comparisons, forums. But I will give a couple of recommendations.

First, you need at least a 4-core processor. Even more cores will not add much fps in games. At the same time, it turns out that 4-core AMD are better suited for games than 2-core Intel at the same or even less price.

Secondly, you can orient yourself like this: the cost of the processor is equal to the cost of the video card. In fact, despite dozens of models, making the right choice is not difficult.

AMD note

The most budgetary line is called "Sempron". With each new generation, performance improves, but still these are the weakest processors. Recommended only for working with office documents, surfing the Internet, watching videos and music.

The company has a series of FX - these are obsolete top-end chips for the AM3 + platform. All have an unlocked multiplier, i.e. they are easy to overclock (if necessary). There are 4, 6 and 8 core models. Supports automatic overclocking technology - Turbo Core. Only DDR3 memory works. Better when the platform works with DDR4.

There are also mid-range products - Athlon X4 and a line of hybrid processors (with integrated graphics) A4 / A6 / A8 / A10 / A12. This is for FM2 / FM2 + / AM4 platforms. The A-series is divided into 2- and 4-cores. The power of the integrated graphics is higher in the older models. If the name has the letter "K" at the end, then this model comes with an unlocked multiplier, ie easier to overclock. Turbo Core is supported. It makes sense to take something from the A-series, only on condition that there is no separate video card.

For socket AM4, the newest processors are Ryzen 3, Ryzen 5, Ryzen 7. They are positioned as competitors to Intel Core i3, i5, i7. There are no integrated graphics and with it, then the model name will have the letter G, for example, AMD Ryzen A5 2400G. The top-end lineup with 8-16 cores is the AMD Ryzen Threadripper with a massive cooling system.

Intel Note

The LGA1151 platform includes a full set of models, listed in order of increasing performance: Celeron, Pentium, Core i3 / i5 / i7. There are economical processors, in their name there are letters "T" or "S". They are slower and I see no reason to install them in home computers if there is no special need, for example, for a home file storage / media center. Supports DDR4 memory, embedded video everywhere.

The most budgetary dual-core processors with integrated graphics are the Celeron, AMD's analogue of Sempron, and the more powerful Pentium. For everyday needs, it is better to install at least a Pentium.

Top LGA2066 for Skylake and Kabylake with i5 / i7 and top i9 series processors. They work with DDR4 memory, have 4-18 cores on board and have no integrated graphics. Unlocked multiplier.

For information:

  • Core i5 and i7 processors support Turbo Boost automatic overclocking technology
  • Kaby Lake processors are not always faster than their Sky Lake predecessors. The difference in architecture can be offset by different clock rates. As a rule, the faster percent costs a little more, even if it's Sky Lake. But Skylake accelerates well.
  • processors with integrated Iris Pro graphics are suitable for quiet gaming builds, but they are quite expensive
  • processors based on the LGA1151 platform are suitable for gaming systems, but it makes no sense to install more than two video cards, because a maximum of 16 PCI Express lanes are supported. For a complete detachment, you need an LGA2011-v3 or LGA2066 socket and the corresponding stones.
  • The Xeon line is designed for servers.

Which is better than AMD or Intel?

This is an eternal controversy, to which thousands of pages of forums on the Internet are devoted, and there is no definite answer to it. Both companies follow each other, but for myself I made a choice which is better. In a nutshell - AMD produces optimal budget solutions, while Intel produces more technological and expensive products. AMD rules in the low-cost sector, but this company simply has no analogues to the fastest Intel processors.

Processors do not break, such as monitors or, therefore, the issue of reliability is not an issue here. That is, if you do not overclock the "stone" and use a fan no worse than the boxed one, then any processor will serve for many, many years. There are no bad models, but there is a feasibility of buying, depending on the price, characteristics and other factors, such as the presence of one or another motherboard.

For reference, I provide a summary table of the approximate performance in games of Intel and AMD processors on a powerful GeForce GTX1080 video card, the higher -> the better:

Comparison of processors in tasks. close to everyday, the usual load:

Archiving in 7-zip (less time - better result):

To independently compare different processors, I suggest using the tables. So, let's move from verbosity to specific recommendations.

Processors under $ 40

Of course, you shouldn't expect high performance for this money. Usually such a processor is bought in two cases:

  1. For an office computer that does not require high performance
  2. For the so-called "home server" - a computer, the main purpose of which is the storage and playback of video and audio files.

These computers will run high-definition movies and simple games without any problems, but don't count on anything more. To work in the nominal mode, AMD A4, A6 processors are suitable (the higher the model, the slightly more expensive and faster). The cheapest models from the A4 series are NOT recommended, these are slow processors with lagging graphics, worse than those of Intel.

An excellent choice is the Intel Celeron G3900-3930 (LGA1151 socket) with DDR4 memory support and more powerful integrated graphics. These processors overclock well.

If you have an external video card, you can save a little more and take AMD Athlon A4 X2, but it is better to aim at 4 Athlon II X4 cores or, since this processor does not have an integrated graphics core. It is worth mentioning separately that you should NOT pay attention to the quad-core AMD Sempron and Athlon Kabini X4 for socket AM1. These are slow processors, unsuccessful products of the company.

Up to 80 $

There are a few more possibilities here, since you can buy a good quad-core processor for this amount. This also includes the motherboard + integrated processor starter kits. Their purpose is to ensure the stable operation of low and medium power stationary computers. Usually they are enough for comfortable work on the Internet, but such a kit is not suitable for a serious load.

To work in nominal mode, it is best to choose an AMD Athlon X4 processor for the AMD AM4 platform. If you need integrated graphics, then take any one you like for the price from the AMD A8 series, or the Intel Pentium Dual-Core G4600 microprocessor for the Intel LGA1151 platform.

AMD FX or Athlon X4 xxxK processors show good performance in overclocking mode, i.e. with the letter "K". The multiplier is unlocked in these models, which means they can be easily overclocked. But when buying it, you need to take into account that not every motherboard is suitable for overclocking. Can be used with NVidia GTX1050Ti level video card.

About 120 $

You can choose from AMD Ryzen 3 Series Quad Core APUs on AMD AM4 platform for media center and even gaming at medium settings. In these "stones" is built in a very nice video card Radeon Vega R8 Series. If you look at Intel in the price category up to $ 120, then there is nothing interesting, except for the Pentium G5600.

For overclocking and more, choose an Intel i3-7100 processor. Not the best option for games, because there are only 2, but very fast cores. But the AMD FX-8350 processor with its 8 cores will come in handy. And the clock frequency can be raised from the standard 4 to 4.5 GHz.

Up to 200 $

The best performance in this category is given by Intel processors based on the LGA1151 platform, although AMD is still trying to maintain its position. The Intel i5-7400 is the best choice. Despite its 4 cores, it supports multithreading up to 8. It will show good performance in games and ideal in home applications. Draws attention to AMD Ryzen 5 with excellent Vega 11 graphics card.

At a slightly lower price point, AMD may be more efficient in multi-threaded operations. In other words, you can take the Ryzen 5 series for games, you can save money. For other tasks where multithreading is not required, it is better to take a closer look at Intel.

Up to 280 $

For nominal performance, the Intel Core i5-8600 is best suited. If you need to save a little, then the i5-8500 will do. Among AMD, you can take the Ryzen 5 2600X without hesitation. This is a great LAST processor from AMD that makes sense to buy (and overclock;).

For overclocking, the best choice would be an Intel Core i5-8600k processor for LGA 1151, which in this case has no competitors. The high frequency and unlocked multiplier make this gem ideal for gamers and overclockers. Among the processors used for overclocking, it is he who so far shows the best price / performance / power consumption ratio.

The Core i5-5675C of the Broadwell generation carries on board the most powerful integrated video card Iris Pro 6200 (GT3e core) and at the same time it does not get very hot, because made according to the 14nm process technology. Suitable for compact and uncompromising gaming systems.

Processors starting at $ 400

If we talk about the best model in this price range, here it is worth highlighting the Intel Core i7-8700K for the Intel LGA 1151 platform. This percentage is the best for both use in nominal mode and for overclocking, and is also great for top-end games at high settings. at corresponding video card... Its antipode is AMD Ryzen 7 products.

If you can afford to spend more on the "stone", the choice here is clear - an Intel Core i7-7820X processor for the LGA 2066 socket. For an adequate price, you get fast 8 cores, but no integrated graphics. Yes, I think who takes such a quickie and thinks to work on an integrashka From AMD there is a worthy competitor - this is the monster Ryzen Threadripper 1920X with 12 cores.

But the flagship Intel Core i9-7980XE with 18 cores is worth buying only for greater solidity, because, despite the significant difference in price (the flagship costs three times more), in desktop PC tasks, the processor is not far behind in performance. This animal is the sole leader in this price category, both for nominal use and for overclocking.

Should you change your processor?

Unlike smartphones and tablets, there has been little progress in the desktop and laptop industry. As a rule, the processor does not change for several years and works normally. Therefore, it is better to treat his choice responsibly, better with a small margin.

So, processors of 2 or even 3 years ago are not particularly inferior to their modern brothers. The increase in productivity, if we take similar prices, is on average 20%, which is almost imperceptible in real life.

Finally, I want to give a couple more tips:

  • Don't chase the top models with super power. If you do not play or work in highly demanding applications, then a powerful processor will only consume extra power and quickly become cheaper over time.
  • New items are not much faster than their predecessors, by 10-20% percent, which is almost imperceptible in everyday work, but they are more expensive and sometimes require replacement of the motherboard for installation.
  • When choosing a powerful processor, consider that there is enough power for your power supply based on the power consumption of the "stone" and the entire system unit as a whole!

The central processor is the heart of the computer and the speed of computing operations depends on it. But the speed of work depends not only on him. With slow other components, for example, a hard disk, your computer will slow down even with the coolest animal!

It seems that he told everything he wanted, now if something is not clear, ask in the comments! Only one request - do not write, such as "which processor is better than Intel i5-xxxx or amd fx-xx" and similar questions. All processors have been tested and compared with each other for a long time. There are also ratings that include hundreds of models.

Alexey Vinogradov, 2013-10-06 Edited: 2018-06-15

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    - This is the main computing component, on which the speed of the entire computer depends heavily. Therefore, usually, when choosing a computer configuration, first choose the processor, and then everything else.

    For simple tasks

    If the computer will be used to work with documents and the Internet, then an inexpensive processor with an integrated video core Pentium G5400 / 5500/5600 (2 cores / 4 threads), which only slightly differ in frequency, will suit you.

    For video editing

    For video editing, it is better to take a modern multi-threaded AMD Ryzen 5/7 processor (6-8 cores / 12-16 threads), which, in tandem with a good video card, will also cope well with games.
    AMD Ryzen 5 2600 processor

    For the average gaming computer

    For a purely middle-class gaming computer, it is better to take the Core i3-8100 / 8300, they have honest 4 cores and perform well in games with middle-class video cards (GTX 1050/1060/1070).
    Intel Core i3 8100 processor

    For a powerful gaming computer

    For a powerful gaming computer, it is better to take a 6-core Core i5-8400 / 8500/8600, and for a PC with a top-end video card i7-8700 (6 cores / 12 threads). These processors show the best results in games and are able to fully exploit powerful video cards (GTX 1080/2080).
    Intel Core i5 8400 processor

    In any case, the more cores and the higher the processor frequency, the better. Focus on your financial capabilities.

    2. How the processor works

    The central processing unit consists of a printed circuit board with a silicon crystal and various electronic components. The crystal is covered with a special metal cover that prevents damage and acts as a heat spreader.

    On the other side of the board are the legs (or pads) that connect the processor to the motherboard.

    3. Processor manufacturers

    Processors for computers are produced by two large companies - Intel and AMD at several high-tech factories in the world. Therefore, the processor, regardless of the manufacturer, is the most reliable component of a computer.

    Intel is a leader in the technology found in today's processors. AMD partially adopts their experience, adding something of its own and pursuing a more democratic pricing policy.

    4. What is the difference between Intel and AMD processors

    Intel and AMD processors differ mainly in architecture (electronic circuitry). Some are better at some tasks, some at others.

    Intel Core processors generally have higher performance per core, which makes them outperform AMD Ryzen processors in most modern games and are more suitable for building powerful gaming computers.

    AMD Ryzen processors, in turn, win in multi-threaded tasks, such as video editing, in principle, are not much inferior to Intel Core in games and are perfect for a universal computer used for both professional tasks and games.

    For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that the old inexpensive AMD FX-8xxx series processors with 8 physical cores do a good job of editing video and can be used as a budget option for these purposes. But they are less suitable for games and are installed on motherboards with an outdated AM3 + socket, which will make it problematic to replace components in the future in order to improve or repair your computer. So it's better to get a more modern AMD Ryzen processor and a matching socket AM4 motherboard.

    If your budget is limited, but in the future you want to have a powerful PC, then you can first purchase an inexpensive model, and after 2-3 years, change the processor to a more powerful one.

    5. Processor socket

    Socket is a connector for connecting the processor to the motherboard. Processor sockets are marked either by the number of processor legs, or by alphanumeric designation at the discretion of the manufacturer.

    Processor sockets are constantly undergoing changes and new modifications appear from year to year. The general recommendation is to purchase a processor with the most recent socket. This will ensure that both the processor and the motherboard can be replaced in the next few years.

    Intel processor sockets

    • Permanently obsolete: 478, 775, 1155, 1156, 2011
    • Obsolete: 1150, 2011-3
    • Modern: 1151, 1151-v2, 2066

    AMD processor sockets

    • Obsolete: AM1, AM2, AM3, FM1, FM2
    • Obsolete: AM3 +, FM2 +
    • Modern: AM4, TR4

    The processor and motherboard must have the same sockets, otherwise the processor simply won't install. Today, the most relevant processors are with the following sockets.

    Intel 1150- they are still on sale, but in the next few years they will go out of use and replacing the processor or motherboard will become more problematic. They have a wide range of models - from the most inexpensive to quite powerful ones.

    Intel 1151- modern processors, which are not much more expensive, but much more promising. They have a wide range of models - from the most inexpensive to quite powerful ones.

    Intel 1151-v2- the second version of socket 1151, differs from the previous one in supporting the most modern processors of the 8th generation.

    Intel 2011-3- powerful 6/8/10 core processors for professional PCs.

    Intel 2066- top most powerful and expensive 12/16/18 core processors for professional PCs.

    AMD FM2 +- processors with integrated graphics for office tasks and the most basic games. The lineup includes both budget and middle class processors.

    AMD AM3 +- obsolete 4/6/8-core processors (FX), older versions of which can be used for video editing.

    AMD AM4- modern multi-threaded processors for professional tasks and games.

    AMD TR4- top most powerful and expensive 8/12/16 core processors for professional PCs.

    Considering purchasing a computer on older sockets is impractical. In general, I would recommend limiting the choice of processors on sockets 1151 and AM4, since they are the most modern and allow you to assemble a sufficiently powerful computer for any budget.

    6. Main characteristics of processors

    All processors, regardless of manufacturer, differ in the number of cores, threads, frequency, cache memory, supported RAM frequency, built-in video core and some other parameters.

    6.1. Number of Cores

    The number of cores has the greatest impact on processor performance. An office or multimedia computer requires at least a 2-core processor. If the computer is supposed to be used for modern games, then it needs a processor with at least 4 cores. The processor with 6-8 cores is suitable for video editing and heavy professional applications. The most powerful processors can have 10-18 cores, but they are very expensive and are designed for complex professional tasks.

    6.2. Number of threads

    Hyper-treading technology allows each processor core to process 2 data streams, which significantly increases performance. Multi-threaded processors are Intel Core i7, i9, some Core i3 and Pentium (G4560, G46xx), and most AMD Ryzen.

    A processor with 2 cores and Hyper-treading support is close to 4-core in performance, and with 4 cores and Hyper-treading - to 8-core. For example, a Core i3-6100 (2 cores / 4 threads) is twice as powerful as a 2-core Pentium without Hyper-treading, but still somewhat weaker than an honest 4-core Core i5. But the Core i5 processors do not support Hyper-treading, so they are significantly inferior to the Core i7 processors (4 cores / 8 threads).

    Ryzen 5 and 7 processors have 4/6/8 cores and 8/12/16 threads, respectively, which makes them kings in tasks such as video editing. The new Ryzen Threadripper processor family features processors with up to 16 cores and 32 threads. But there are lower processors from the Ryzen 3 series that are not multi-threaded.

    Modern games have also learned to use multithreading, so for a powerful gaming PC, it is advisable to take a Core i7 (for 8-12 threads) or Ryzen (for 8-12 threads). The new 6-core Core-i5 processors are also a good choice in terms of price / performance ratio.

    6.3. CPU frequency

    Processor performance is also highly dependent on the frequency at which all processor cores operate.

    For a simple computer to type and access the Internet, in principle, a processor with a frequency of about 2 GHz is enough. But there are many processors with a frequency of about 3 GHz, which cost about the same, so it is not advisable to save money here.

    A mid-range multimedia or gaming computer should use a processor around 3.5 GHz.

    A powerful gaming or professional computer requires a processor closer to 4 GHz.

    In any case, the higher the processor frequency, the better, and then look at the financial possibilities.

    6.4. Turbo Boost and Turbo Core

    Modern processors have a concept of base frequency, which is indicated in the characteristics simply as the processor frequency. We spoke about this frequency above.

    Intel Core i5, i7, i9 processors also have a concept of maximum frequency in Turbo Boost. It is a technology that automatically increases the frequency of the processor cores under high load to increase performance. The fewer cores a program or game uses, the more their frequency increases.

    For example, a Core i5-2500 processor has a base frequency of 3.3 GHz and a maximum Turbo Boost frequency of 3.7 GHz. Under load, depending on the number of cores used, the frequency will increase to the following values:

    • 4 active cores - 3.4 GHz
    • 3 active cores - 3.5 GHz
    • 2 active cores - 3.6 GHz
    • 1 active core - 3.7 GHz

    AMD A, FX and Ryzen series processors have a similar automatic processor overclocking technology called Turbo Core. For example, the FX-8150 processor has a base frequency of 3.6 GHz and a maximum Turbo Core frequency of 4.2 GHz.

    For Turbo Boost and Turbo Core technologies to work, the processor needs to have enough power and not overheat. Otherwise, the processor will not raise the core frequency. This means that the power supply, motherboard and cooler must be powerful enough. Also, the operation of these technologies should not be interfered with by the BIOS settings of the motherboard and the power supply settings in Windows.

    Modern programs and games use all processor cores and the performance gain from Turbo Boost and Turbo Core technologies will be small. Therefore, when choosing a processor, it is better to focus on the base frequency.

    6.5. Cache memory

    Cache memory refers to the internal memory that the processor needs to perform computations faster. Cache size also affects processor performance, but to a much lesser extent than the number of cores and processor frequency. In different programs, this effect can vary in the range of 5-15%. But processors with a large cache memory are much more expensive (1.5-2 times). Therefore, such an acquisition is not always economically feasible.

    There are 4 levels of cache memory:

    The L1 cache is small and usually overlooked when choosing a processor.

    The 2nd level cache is the most important. On low-end processors, it is typical to have 256 kilobytes (KB) of L2 cache per core. Processors designed for mid-range computers have 512 KB of L2 cache per core. Processors for high-performance professional and gaming computers must be equipped with at least 1 megabyte (MB) of L2 cache per core.

    Not all processors have L3 cache. The weakest processors for office tasks can have up to 2 MB of cache of the 3rd level, or they do not have it at all. Processors for modern home multimedia computers must have 3-4 MB of L3 cache. Powerful processors for professional and gaming computers should have 6-8 MB of L3 cache.

    Only some processors have L4 cache, and if there is, then this is good, but in principle it is not necessary.

    If the processor has a level 3 or 4 cache, then the size of the level 2 cache can be ignored.

    6.6. Supported RAM type and frequency

    Different processors can support different types and frequencies of RAM. This must be taken into account in the future when choosing a RAM.

    Legacy processors can support DDR3 RAM with a maximum frequency of 1333, 1600, or 1866 MHz.

    Modern processors support DDR4 memory with a maximum frequency of 2133, 2400, 2666 MHz or more, and often for compatibility, DDR3L memory, which differs from the usual DDR3 in a reduced voltage from 1.5 to 1.35 V. Such processors can work with regular DDR3 memory, if you have it. is already there, but processor manufacturers do not recommend this because of the increased degradation of memory controllers designed for DDR4 with an even lower voltage of 1.2 V. In addition, an old motherboard with DDR3 slots is also needed for the old memory. So the best option is to sell the old DDR3 memory and upgrade to the new DDR4.

    Today, the most optimal price / performance ratio is DDR4 memory with a frequency of 2400 MHz, which is supported by all modern processors. Sometimes you can buy memory with a frequency of 2666 MHz for a little more. Well, the 3000 MHz memory will cost much more. In addition, processors do not always work stably with high-frequency memory.

    You also need to consider what the maximum memory frequency is supported by the motherboard. But memory frequency has a relatively small impact on overall performance and shouldn't be chased after.

    Often, users who are beginning to understand computer components have a question about the availability of memory modules with a much higher frequency on sale than the processor officially supports (2666-3600 MHz). For the memory to work at this frequency, the motherboard must have support for XMP (Extreme Memory Profile) technology. XMP automatically raises the bus frequency to keep the memory running at a higher frequency.

    6.7. Integrated video core

    The processor can have a built-in video core, which allows you to save on the purchase of a separate video card for an office or multimedia PC (watching videos, basic games). But for a gaming computer and video editing, a separate (discrete) video card is needed.

    The more expensive the processor, the more powerful the integrated video core. Among Intel processors, the Core i7 has the most powerful embedded video, followed by i5, i3, Pentium G and Celeron G.

    AMD A-Series Processors on Socket FM2 + have a more powerful integrated video core than Intel processors. The most powerful is the A10, followed by the A8, A6 and A4.

    Socket AM3 + FX processors do not have a built-in video core and have been used as the basis for inexpensive gaming PCs with a discrete mid-range graphics card.

    Also, most AMD Athlon and Phenom processors do not have a built-in video core, and those that have it on a very old socket AM1.

    Ryzen G processors have an integrated Vega video core, which is twice as powerful as the previous generation processor from the A8, A10 series.

    If you are not going to buy a discrete graphics card, but still want to play undemanding games from time to time, then it is better to give preference to the Ryzen G processors. But do not expect the integrated graphics to pull the demanding modern games. The maximum it is capable of is online games and some well-optimized games at low to medium graphics settings in HD resolution (1280 × 720), in some cases Full HD (1920 × 1080). Look at the tests of the processor you need on Youtube and see if it is right for you.

    7. Other characteristics of processors

    Also, processors are characterized by such parameters as the manufacturing process, power consumption and heat dissipation.

    7.1. Manufacturing process

    A technical process is the technology by which processors are manufactured. The more modern the equipment and production technology, the thinner the technical process. Power consumption and heat dissipation strongly depend on the technical process by which the processor is made. The thinner the process technology, the more economical and colder the processor will be.

    Modern processors are manufactured in a 10 to 45 nanometer (nm) process. The lower the value, the better. But first of all, be guided by the power consumption and the associated heat dissipation of the processor, which will be discussed below.

    7.2. CPU power consumption

    The more the number of cores and the frequency of the processor, the greater its power consumption. Also, energy consumption is highly dependent on the manufacturing process. The thinner the technical process, the lower the energy consumption. The main thing to consider is that a powerful processor cannot be installed on a weak motherboard and it will need a more powerful power supply.

    Modern processors consume between 25 and 220 watts. This parameter can be read on their packaging or on the manufacturer's website. The parameters of the motherboard also indicate what kind of processor power consumption it is designed for.

    7.3. Heat dissipation of the processor

    The heat dissipation of the processor is considered to be equal to its maximum power consumption. It is also measured in watts and is called the Thermal Design Power (TDP). Modern processors have a TDP in the range of 25-220 watts. Try to choose a processor with a lower TDP. The optimal TDP range is 45-95 W.

    8. How to find out the characteristics of processors

    All the main characteristics of the processor, such as the number of cores, frequency and cache memory, are usually indicated in the price lists of the sellers.

    All parameters of a particular processor can be specified on the official websites of manufacturers (Intel and AMD):

    By model number or serial number, it is very easy to find all the characteristics of any processor on the site:

    Or just enter your model number in a Google or Yandex search engine (for example, "Ryzen 7 1800X").

    9. Processor models

    Processor models change annually, so here I will not give them all, but I will only give a series (line) of processors, which change less often and by which you can easily navigate.

    I recommend purchasing processors of more modern series, as they are more productive and support new technologies. The higher the processor frequency, the higher the model number after the series name.

    9.1. Intel processor lines

    Older series:

    • Celeron - for office tasks (2 cores)
    • Pentium - for entry-class multimedia and gaming PCs (2 cores)

    Modern series:

    • Celeron G - for office tasks (2 cores)
    • Pentium G - for entry-class multimedia and gaming PCs (2 cores)
    • Core i3 - for entry-class multimedia and gaming PCs (2-4 cores)
    • Core i5 - for mid-range gaming PCs (4-6 cores)
    • Core i7 - for powerful gaming and professional PCs (4-10 cores)
    • Core i9 - for ultra-powerful professional PCs (12-18 cores)

    All Core i7, i9, some Core i3 and Pentium processors support Hyper-threading technology, which significantly increases performance.

    9.2. AMD processor lines

    Older series:

    • Sempron - for office tasks (2 cores)
    • Athlon - entry-level multimedia and gaming PCs (2 cores)
    • Phenom - for mid-range multimedia and gaming PCs (2-4 cores)

    Obsolete series:

    • A4, A6 - for office tasks (2 cores)
    • A8, A10 - for office tasks and simple games (4 cores)
    • FX - for video editing and not very heavy games (4-8 cores)

    Modern series:

    • Ryzen 3 - Entry-End Multimedia and Gaming PCs (4 Cores)
    • Ryzen 5 - for video editing and mid-range gaming PCs (4-6 cores)
    • Ryzen 7 - For Powerful Gaming & Pro PCs (4-8 Cores)
    • Ryzen Threadripper - For Powerful Professional PCs (8-16 Cores)

    Ryzen 5, 7, and Threadripper processors are multi-threaded, making them a great choice for video editing with their high core count. In addition, there are models with an “X” at the end of the marking, which have a higher frequency.

    9.3. Restarting episodes

    It should also be noted that sometimes manufacturers restart old series with new sockets. For example, Intel now has Celeron G and Pentium G with integrated graphics, AMD has updated Athlon II and Phenom II processor lines. These processors are slightly inferior to their more modern counterparts in performance, but significantly gain in price.

    9.4. Core and processor generation

    Along with the change of sockets, the generation of processors usually changes. For example, on socket 1150 there were 4th generation Core i7-4xxx processors, on socket 2011-3 - 5th generation Core i7-5xxx. With the transition to socket 1151, 6th generation Core i7-6xxx processors appeared.

    It also happens that the generation of the processor changes without changing the socket. For example, on socket 1151, the 7th generation Core i7-7xxx processors came out.

    The generational change is due to improvements in the electronic architecture of the processor, also called the core. For example, the Core i7-6xxx processors are built on a core code-named Skylake, and the Core i7-7xxx that have come to replace them are based on the Kaby Lake core.

    The kernels can have various differences from quite significant ones to purely cosmetic ones. For example, Kaby Lake differs from the previous Skylake in its updated integrated graphics and overclocking blocking on the bus of processors without the K index.

    Similarly, there is a change of cores and generations of AMD processors. For example, the FX-9xxx processors have replaced the FX-8xxx processors. Their main difference is the significantly increased frequency and, as a result, heat release. But the socket has not changed, but the old AM3 + remains.

    AMD FX processors had many cores, the last of which are Zambezi and Vishera, but they were replaced by new much better and more powerful processors Ryzen (Zen core) on socket AM4 and Ryzen (Threadripper core) on TR4 socket.

    10. Overclocking the processor

    Intel Core processors with a “K” at the end of the label have a higher base frequency and an unlocked multiplier. They can be easily overclocked (overclocked) for better performance, but a more expensive Z-series motherboard is required.

    All AMD FX and Ryzen processors can be overclocked by changing the multiplier, but their overclocking potential is more modest. Overclocking Ryzen processors is supported by motherboards based on B350, X370 chipsets.

    In general, the overclocking capability makes the processor more promising, since in the future, with a slight lack of performance, it will not be possible to change it, but simply overclock it.

    11. Packaging and cooler

    Processors with the word "BOX" at the end of the marking are packed in a high-quality box and can be sold with a cooler.

    However, some more expensive boxed processors may not have a cooler.

    If “Tray” or “OEM” is written at the end of the marking, it means that the processor is packed in a small plastic tray and there is no cooler in the kit.

    Entry-class processors like Pentium are easier and cheaper to purchase with a cooler. But a mid-range or high-end processor is often more profitable to buy without a cooler and separately select a suitable cooler for it. In terms of cost, it will be about the same, but in terms of cooling and noise level it will be much better.

    12. Setting up filters in the online store

    1. Go to the "Processors" section on the seller's website.
    2. Choose a manufacturer (Intel or AMD).
    3. Select socket (1151, AM4).
    4. Select a processor line (Pentium, i3, i5, i7, Ryzen).
    5. Sort the sample by price.
    6. Browse processors starting with cheaper ones.
    7. Buy a processor with the highest possible number of threads and frequency that suits you for the price.

    This way you get the best price / performance processor that meets your requirements at the lowest possible cost.

    13. Links

    Intel Core i7 8700 processor
    Intel Core i5 8600K processor
    Intel Pentium G4600 processor

    Those who want to build a new computer for themselves in 2018 can make a big mistake when choosing a processor. Last year and the beginning of this year, there were major events in the processor industry, a lot has changed, new generations of CPUs are entering the scene.

    Computer stores now have an abundance of processor models, old and new generations mixed. And to buy a processor of previous generations means to seriously lose in terms of money and in terms of the platform's lifespan.

    Generations of processors in 2018

    A year ago, the market for desktop and mobile processors was, if not a revolution, then at least a strong shake-up. AMD, which lagged behind Intel for many years in processor performance, released processors on a completely new architecture:

    • Ryzen 3 1200 / 1300X / 2200G
    • Ryzen 5 1400 / 1500X / 1600 / 1600X / 2400G
    • Ryzen 7 1700 / 1700X / 1800X
    • Ryzen Threadripper 1900X / 1920X / 1950X

    The first three lines use socket AM4, Threadripper uses premium TR4. These are new AMD platforms that will live on for at least a few more years. They use the latest standard of RAM - DDR4, and also support PCIe 3.0, NVMe SSD, and other modern features.

    Ryzen performed so well against the background of Intel processors that it also updated the platform in the fall of 2017, releasing 8th generation Coffee Lake processors:

    • Core i3 8100 / 8350k
    • Core i5 8400 / 8600k
    • Core i7 8700k
    • Core i9 7900X / 7920X / 7960X / 7980XE

    As is the case with AMD, the first three lines use the LGA1151-2 desktop platform, and the last one uses the LGA2066 premium platform. And in the same way, they use DDR4, PCIe 3.0, and everything else.

    When assembling a new computer, it is on these platforms that you need to focus. But now the stores are inundated with processors of previous generations, for sockets AM3, AM3 +, LGA1150, LGA2011. There is no point in buying them, for a number of reasons:

    1. They use the outdated DDR3 RAM standard, with lower frequencies and volumes, with higher power consumption. It will not be possible to transfer it to a new computer in a few years; you will have to buy a new one.
    2. New processors from those that already exist, and those that will be, do not work on these sockets. After 3-4 years, it will not be possible to simply change the processor for two generations newer, you will also have to buy a motherboard and RAM.
    3. They don't have access to PCIe 3.0, NVMe SSD support, etc.
    4. Previous generation processors are much weaker than the latest ones, especially for AMD.

    The LGA1151 socket of the first revision looks a little better against their background, which does not support Intel 8th generation processors (Coffee Lake), but works with the previous generations: Kaby Lake and Skylake. This platform already uses DDR4 and other innovations, but it is also no longer supported, and it will have to be changed when the processor is updated.

    Buying Kaby Lake and Skylake processors is now simply unprofitable, because for the same price you get fewer cores and less frequency than in the case of Coffee Lake. For example, the old Core i5 with 4 cores is equivalent to the current Core i3 with the same 4 cores, while the current i5 already has 6 cores. The Core i7 8700k can run 12 threads at the same time, up from 8 threads for the Core i7 7700k / 6700k.

    So the choice of processor when assembling a new computer is better limited only to the Ryzen and Coffee Lake models - especially since new programs are increasingly using many cores. Then the assembled computer will be valid for at least 5 years.

    How much money should you spend on a processor?

    Processors can be conventionally divided into several categories based on their price and performance.

    • Ultra-budget (low-end) - Intel Celeron and Pentium, as well as AMD A6 / A8 / A10 / A12 / Athlon. As a rule, these are 2 cores without HT and with a low frequency. The cost is up to 4.000 rubles.
    • Office (low-middle) - this includes Intel Core i3 and old i5, newest Pentium with HT (each core is kind of double, i.e. 2 cores are seen as 4), along with AMD Ryzen 3/5 with SMT (same as HT). From 2 to 4 (8 thanks to SMT) cores, price - from 4,000 to 12,000 rubles.
    • Middle segment (middle) - here you can already count on 6 cores in the latest Intel Core i5 and 6 (12) cores in AMD Ryzen 5. Price range: 12,000-20,000 rubles.
    • Top (top) - the most powerful processors for the LGA1151 and AM4 platforms, have 6 (12) -8 (16) cores. These are Intel Core i7 and AMD Ryzen 7. From 20,000 to 30,000 rubles.
    • Premium segment (HEDT) - workstation processors using separate sockets - LGA2066 and TR4, and with a number of cores from 8 (16) to 18 (36). This includes everything that is more expensive than 30,000 rubles, and the most powerful models can cost about 140,000 rubles.

    There are two approaches to spending on a processor: buy cheaper and upgrade after a few years, or immediately choose at least an average one about price and performance. However, the first approach is appropriate, for the most part, only in the case of AMD processors - this company rarely changes sockets, so you can install the latest processor in a motherboard 3-5 years ago. To do this, you just need to update the BIOS.

    Intel changes sockets much more often, and most likely it will happen again after Coffee Lake. Therefore, it makes no sense to take an Intel processor "up-to-date". The only option is not to spend a lot of money on a powerful processor right away, but to take the least suitable one, for example, Core i3. And after 4 years, take a used Core i7 at a much lower price. However, one must remember that then when the processor is replaced, the platform will already be outdated.

    If you need performance right now, then it is better to spend money on top-end or premium models right away. Having bought such a processor, you can not experience a lack of power and cores for 5-7 years. So, in 2018, computers based on 2012 Core i7 processors remain very fast in operation, and the lack of performance is felt only in difficult tasks like video encoding and compilation.

    On the other hand, there are often cases when processor power is wasted - it turns out that they just spent extra money on it. To prevent this from happening, it is better to proceed from the tasks for which the computer is being bought. After all, even low-end processors are not bad by themselves - they are quite enough for some tasks for convenient operation.

    Which processor to choose for ...

    ... computer games

    Although more and more games have been created with an eye on multi-core lately, 4 cores are still more than enough for the vast majority of new products. A high frequency and fast work with RAM are much more relevant here. Therefore, AMD Ryzen processors, where the emphasis is on multi-core, in games, as a rule, do not shine even against the background of previous generations of Intel Core. However, the gap is small.

    To comfortably play in conjunction with a sufficiently powerful video card in most games, a 4-core Intel Core i3 8100 processor is suitable, but a Core i3 8350k with a frequency of 4 GHz is better. If we take the 6-core Core i5 8400 / 8600k, then there will be a good supply of cores for games in the next 5 years. But with a Core i7 with 6 (12) cores, the supply will be even greater. Intel processors are good here also because the k-models can be overclocked to somewhere around 5 GHz, with good cooling.

    Does it make sense to take AMD Ryzen processors for games? Yes, if we are talking about playing and doing something else at the same time - for example, recording and encode video. The lag of Ryzen 5/7 in games from Intel processors is rarely felt, but at the same time, older Ryzen have many cores, which are still multiplied by 2 by SMT technology - i.e. we are talking about formulas 6 (12) and 8 (16). Excellent groundwork for the future.

    There is no point in buying premium processors from both companies for games. A large number of cores turns into a reduced frequency, which is bad for games.

    Well, office and low-end processors will fit for games of the past, as well as light toys without graphic frills. At the same time, it is not even necessary to buy a separate video card - the integrated video core does it. Especially when it comes to the Ryzen 3 2200G and Ryzen 5 2400G, their video core is equal in power to the Nvidia GeForce 1030 video card.

    ... Internet and office tasks

    Here, as in the case of games, you need a high frequency and a sufficiently powerful core, and the number of cores is not so important. Therefore, the office segment of processors is 2 (4) cores or full 4 cores with a frequency of up to 4 GHz. However, ultra-budget Intel processors with 2 cores are enough for working on the Internet and with office programs. Even the cheapest Pentiums are equipped with powerful HD530 video cores - with hardware acceleration in an Internet browser and office suite, the processor does not suffer from the load.

    AMD looks worse here - for such tasks it is reasonable to take only the younger Ryzen 3 with 4 cores or Ryzen 5 with 4 (8) cores, this is already the office segment. The ultra-budget Athlon and A-series are hopelessly outdated and weak even for the office.

    The Internet and working with documents are those tasks for which it makes no sense to spend money on top or HEDT processors. Even if many office and Internet applications are used at once, the capacity of the middle segment is sufficient in abundance. These are Intel Core i5 with 6 cores and AMD Ryzen 5 with formula 6 (12). Exception: intensive work with large and complex tables, top processors will come in handy here.

    ... work with video and 3D

    The area where there is not a lot of processing power. Despite the fact that when working with video and 3D graphics, a significant part of the operations is transferred to the video card, it is very inconvenient to work without a powerful processor. It all depends on the budget - if it allows, then it is better to take HEDT Intel Core i7 and i9 processors on the LGA2066 socket, or AMD Threadripper on the TR4 socket. At the same time, AMD processors are more profitable because they are more powerful than Intel processors of equal price.

    Also a good option is the top-end Intel Core i7 and AMD Ryzen 7 processors with 6 (12) and 8 (16) cores. Well, for amateurs who cannot afford expensive hardware, we can recommend the AMD Ryzen 5 1600 / 1600X with its 6 (12) cores, which is in the middle segment and outperforms the Core i7 of previous generations.

    Office processors and low-end processors for working with video and 3D can only be used out of desperation. Such difficult tasks on such weak processors will cause great inconvenience in work, bordering on suffering.

    ... programming

    Building source codes of programs also requires a powerful processor - the more cores and the higher the frequency, the more comfortable it is for the programmer to work. Premium AMD Threadripper and Intel Core i9 processors give it the ultimate productivity. However, the top-end AMD Ryzen 7 and Intel Core i7 also show excellent results. In compilation, the lack of cores can sometimes be compensated for by the frequency, and it is higher for top processors than for HEDT.

    The average Ryzen 5 1600 / 1600X is also suitable for programming, but its pricey Core i5 counterparts already have few cores for fast compilation. Of course, if necessary, you can completely work on office processors like Core i3 and Ryzen 3, but there is no need to talk about high speed of work when compiling large projects.

    Final theses

    • AMD platforms live longer and have processors that can be upgraded years later.
    • Don't overpay for power that will almost never be used.
    • The new computer on Intel processors should only be on the Coffee Lake generation.
    • AMD Ryzen 5 can compete with top-end processors in heavy tasks.
    • To work with video, 3D, compilation, you should take the most powerful tops and HEDTs.

    More on the site:

    The best PC processors of 2018 updated: March 29, 2018 by: alex ferman

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