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Which intel processor is better. Which processor is the best for Gta5? Intel Pentium or Intel Celeron

After the announcement of the LGA1155 platform, Intel is methodically updating its processor lines. Starting with top-end CPUs, the manufacturer is switching to Sandy Bridge and more affordable solutions - Core i3 and Pentium. The latter are intended for entry-level and intermediate-level systems. Models costing "about $ 100" have always been the objects of close attention from users who are accustomed to looking for the best options when completing the system. Often people who choose a processor from a given price category approach this issue even more responsibly than those who are ready to pay any price for maximum performance. Let's take a look at what Intel's new products are capable of in comparison with their predecessors and alternative solutions from the main competitor.

Core i3

From a technical point of view, the most important difference between Core i3 and Core i5 / i7 chips is that they are originally based on a dual-core crystal, and not a quad-core one with deactivated computing units. That is, no tricky unlocking tricks will work here, however, Intel chips did not provide such an opportunity before. The area has decreased from 216 to 131 mm2, therefore, much more workpieces from one silicon wafer are obtained, and their production cost is lower. Accordingly, Intel has a chance to offer interesting retail prices, while continuing to earn even on budget processors.

What changes have occurred in terms of functional equipment? The amount of cache memory L1 and L2 is identical for all models on Sandy Bridge (64 KB and 256 KB per core), but the third level buffer in Core i3 has decreased in proportion to the number of cores - from 6 to 3 MB. The compact crystal, made using 32nm technology, allows you to count on good power consumption. The TDP for the second generation Core i3 is 65 W, while the predecessors from the Clarkdale family had this parameter within 73 W.

3DMark 06, CPU test, points
System power consumption, W
PCMark 7 Computation Scenario Score
Fritz chess Benchmark 4.2, thousand nodes / s
x264 HD Benchmark 4.0, frames / sec
WinRAR 4.0, KB / s
CineBench 11.5, points
Resident Evil 5, 1920 × 1080, DX9, medium quality, fps
Colin McRae: DiRT 3, 1920 × 1080, medium quality, fps
Far Cry 2, 1920 × 1080, medium quality, frames / sec

The chip is integrated graphics Intel HD Graphics 2000 with 6 computing units. The nominal frequency of the video core is 850 MHz, while during operation it can dynamically increase up to 1.1 GHz. Retained support for Quick Sync, a powerful video transcoding tool. The advantage of the Core i3 is also the Hyper Threading technology, which adds a couple of virtual cores to the two physical cores. In multithreaded applications, this function can sometimes play a very important role, allowing more efficient use of CPU resources. We also note the presence of the processor's ability to execute instructions from the AVX (Advanced Vector Extensions) set, which, with the proper degree of optimization, will help speed up floating point calculations, which are actively used in multimedia software.

Alas, Core i3 does not support the technology of dynamic increase in the frequency of processor cores Turbo Boost, which is to some extent compensated by high nominal values. Given the positioning of this family of CPUs, there are also no AES encryption instructions.

The current line of processors consists of four models. The younger Core i3-2100 with a clock speed of 3.1 GHz is offered for $ 117. The Core i3-2120 runs at 3.3 GHz and costs $ 20 more. Intel also envisioned a low-cost version of the i3-2100T with a 35W TDP. Typically, CPU power consumption can be reduced by lowering the operating clock frequency and supply voltage. On motherboards that allow the user to downlock on their own and reduce the voltage below the recommended values, it is often possible to achieve similar results. But in the event that this is not possible, the purchase of energy efficient models will be justified. Core i3-2100T operates at 2.5 GHz, and the frequency of the graphics unit has been reduced from 850 to 650 MHz, while it can dynamically increase to 1.1 GHz.

Chips with reduced power consumption will be in demand for systems with compact cases that have a small volume and, accordingly, limited options for choosing a cooling system.

The Core i3-2105 stands alone in the series. This model has identical clock speeds with the i3-2100, but differs from other devices in the family by using more efficient Intel HD Graphics 3000 graphics. Returning to the die topology, we note that the graphics component takes up a significant part of it - about a quarter. In turn, the lion's share of the space is allocated to computing units. Therefore, taking into account the fact that in most budget models HD Graphics 2000 with 6 blocks, and not 12, will be integrated, Intel developers rightly considered that the banal deactivation of half of the computers is not a very rational solution. Therefore, from a technological point of view, it turned out to be more profitable to have two designs of dual-core crystals. The version with more powerful graphics has a slightly larger area (149 mm2), but in terms of power consumption it also fits into 65 watts. As we could see earlier, the performance of HD Graphics 2000 and 3000 differs markedly: depending on the tasks, the latter turns out to be 1.5–2 times faster, while being a serious competitor to budget discrete video cards. The $ 14 overpayment for a faster graphics upgrade makes sense if you are determined to use integrated video and the HD Graphics 2000's capabilities seem insufficient for the intended use.

Unlike mobile solutions, where even dual-core processors can be offered under the Core i7 brand, among desktop Core models with Sandy Bridge architecture, there is currently a fairly clear segmentation by the number of computing units (physical and virtual): Core i7 - 4 cores and Hyper Threading , Core i5 - 4 cores without HT, Core i3 - 2 cores and Hyper Threading.


Moving down the conventional scale of differentiation of current Intel processors, Core i3 is followed by Pentium chips. With the advent of the Core architecture, without exaggeration, the legendary brand was used to denote reasonably affordable CPUs with a traditionally good price / performance ratio. The modernization of this line has been asking for a long time. Recently, it was no longer easy for models for the still actual LGA775 platform to contain the onslaught of inexpensive solutions from AMD, especially to compete on equal terms with the three-core Athlon II X3, which often offered higher performance at a similar price. Pentium on the Clarkdale core for the LGA1156 socket have not received significant distribution. The market situation at the time of the release of this platform developed in such a way that it was primarily positioned by Intel as a solution for mid-range and high-end systems. Therefore, even after the expansion of the initial range of processors, the minimum cost of an admission ticket here remained quite high. The most affordable Pentium G6950 has a retail price of about $ 100, which is a bit expensive for an entry-level PC. It is easy to assume that Pentium for LGA1156, combining two crystals (CPU and GPU), has a higher cost price. Therefore, it is quite difficult to seriously reduce the price of these processors. Moreover, in this case we are talking about budget chips of mass production. And motherboards cheaper than $ 80-90 for LGA1156 actually appeared only after the announcement of Sandy Bridge.

The updated Pentium modifications are the result of a simple simplification of the dual-core chips used for the Core i3. First of all, the Pentium lost its Hyper Threading technology, as well as the ability to execute AVX instructions. At the same time, the amount of cache memory is identical to those of the Core i3. The new chips of the Pentium family also use Intel HD Graphics 2000, although with a number of restrictions regarding the support of proprietary technologies. In particular, Quick Sync, Intel Clear Video HD video visual enhancement and stereoscopic image output (Intel InTru 3D) do not work here.

Initially, the lineup includes four models: Pentium G850 (2.9 GHz), G840 (2.8 GHz), G620 (2.6 GHz) and G620T (2.2 GHz). As you might guess, the latter belongs to economical modifications, the level of power consumption of which does not exceed 35 W. In addition to the clock speed reduced to 2.2 GHz, as in the energy-efficient Core i3-2100T model, it also has the nominal frequency of the graphics core reduced to 650 MHz with a cut-off value of 1.1 GHz.

As you can see, the new Pentium processors, in comparison with the Core i3, are mostly lighter in terms of functionality, while the basic characteristics should provide a decent level of performance. The used Sandy Bridge microarchitecture promises a good performance gain, as we will try to make sure during practical tests. As for the price, in wholesale quantities the cost of the CPU family is in the range of $ 64–86. Retail will be slightly higher, but it is obvious that Pentium will cost less than not only Core i3, but also its predecessors with the Clarkdale core.

The updated Pentium models were presented quite recently - at the end of May. And almost immediately they appeared in retail sales in Ukraine. Intel has a good practice of bringing its products to market when they become available to customers either at the same time as a global presentation or as soon as possible after it.

Processor specifications
ModelCore i3-2120 Core i3-530 Pentium G620 / G850 Pentium G6950 Athlon II X3 455 Phenom II X4 955
CodenameSandy bridgeClarkdaleSandy bridgeClarkdaleRanaDeneb
Number of cores (threads), pcs.2 (4) 2 (4) 2 2 3 4
Clock frequency, GHz3,3 2,93 2,6/2,9 2,8 3,3 3,2
L3 cache size3 4 3 3 6
Integrated graphics (core clock)Intel HD Graphics
2000 (850/1100)
Intel HD
Graphics (733)
Intel HD Graphics 2000 (850/1100)Intel HD
Graphics (533)
production, nm
32 32 + 45 32 32 + 45 45 45
CPU socketLGA 1155LGA 1156LGA 1155LGA 1156AM3AM3
Power consumption (TDP), W65 73 65 73 95 125
Recommended price, $138 ~105* 64 87 76 117
* According to the catalog


Overclocking is quite a popular pastime for many enthusiasts. Someone is thus trying to increase the performance of the system in the hope of delaying the next upgrade. For some, this is a hobby, a sport, or a way to satisfy idle curiosity by exploring the possibilities and hidden potential of the CPU.

Unfortunately, those who like to experiment with overclocking will be disappointed this time. Considering the specifics of the clock generator operation in the new platform and the locked processor multiplier in the considered chips, it is obvious that the room for maneuver here is seriously limited. Even in spite of the relatively high multiplication factors (+ 100-150 MHz), this is all that can be squeezed out after raising the carrier bus to 103-106 MHz, on which current motherboards remain stable. Of course, these are not the indicators that we would like to get, especially given the fact that older models of Sandy Bridge, even in the air, often take frequencies of 4500 MHz and higher. Alas, the new Pentium and Core i3 are not designed for overclocking at all. You will have to come to terms with this fact and take into account when buying. At the same time, it is also important not to forget that these chips, even in the standard mode, are noticeably more productive than their predecessors, which is able to neutralize the difference in frequencies.

Modifications with unlocked multipliers among Core i3 and Pentium, in our opinion, should not be expected. The models with the K index so beloved by overclockers will be available only in the lines of the more expensive Core i5 / i7.


As shown by the test results, the new Intel processors in the mid-price category in terms of performance have a noticeable superiority over their predecessors. In conditions of good multi-threaded program optimization, AMD chips with a large number of physical computational units can sometimes offer serious resistance. For example, if you look at the performance of Athlon II X3 455 and Pentium G620, which are now offered at about the same price, then a triple-core CPU has a definite advantage in applications where calculations can be performed in parallel. Even though the core speed in terms of megahertz in AMD products with the K10.5 architecture is noticeably lower than in Intel chips on Sandy Bridge, in such software, brute force is often quite effective, although this is achieved by a 1.5-fold increase in power consumption. However, we must admit that this is an ideal case when all processor cores are used as efficiently as possible. Alas, this does not occur often in real applied applications. In games, new Intel solutions are unconditionally superior. As we could have seen before, the Sandy Bridge microarchitecture copes well with such loads, and the gap between both predecessors and competitor's models is maximum here.

The new Pentiums are on average 20% more productive than the CPUs of the same name for the LGA1156 and practically compete on an equal footing with the Core i3 on the Clarkdale core, which are much more expensive. Simplification of the functional part of these chips did not affect their speed performance too much. Therefore, these models may well be recommended for creating universal systems and entry-class gaming platforms. In turn, the second generation Core i3 has significantly accelerated. Of course, it is difficult for them to compete with quad-core Core i5s, but high clock speeds and support for Hyper Threading technology allow them to demonstrate very decent results, including in applications with multi-threaded optimization. Well, in games they sometimes look preferable to the quad-core AMD Phenom II X4. Considering that these processors have retained the functionality of older models, they may be interesting for creating both mid-level gaming PCs and powerful multimedia systems.

This time Intel did everything to make the LGA1155 platform truly universal. The existing infrastructure allows you to create both a top-end system and an inexpensive entry-level PC. For powerful configurations on the market, motherboards based on Intel Z68 and P67 chipsets are enough, and for the most affordable solutions, it is quite possible to use models based on Intel H61. Intel's processor line now looks very smooth. There are no distortions or obvious competition between solutions from different families. So far, one brick is missing - the most affordable CPU models. Soon Celeron is also planned to transfer to the rails of 32-nanometer process and progressive microarchitecture. Presumably, these chips will appear in the third quarter of this year, at the same time the assortment of other lines on Sandy Bridge will be expanded.

Test bench configuration

Intel has earned fundamental trust among active users desktop gaming pc, working and home computers... Reliable and high-performance - this, of course, about its modern multi-core central processing units... But choosing between AMD and Intel, many of us are faced with very confusing series and names of crystals from the "blue" chipmaker.

This is an instruction on how to understand processors. Intel v 2017 year which is better in the series Core what characteristics mean model ranges i3, i5 and i7, and where have gone Intel Pentium and Celeron?

What kind of processors does Intel have in 2017?

Modern Intel processors are divided into three types of the Core family.

Intel "Core i" processors differ from each other:

Level cache(its own super-memory is a very important characteristic that helps the CPU to perform tasks more efficiently);

The presence and absence of certain technologies;

architectural solutions;

Your goals and your marketing destiny.

Intel Core i3

These are dual-core processors equipped with technology Hyper-Threading... It helps to improve performance under high load. It is enough for simple games and most applications for Windows.

Family Intel Core i3 It is not equipped with a large cache, does not support Turbo Boost technology, and is most suitable for work and home computers, where the main tasks are related to the Internet, web browsing, light games and office programs.

Intel Core i5

Quad-core processors without Hyper-Threading, but with faster processing of intensive tasks at the physical level. The optimal choice for fans of games and resource-intensive applications. In terms of performance, they often outperform capabilities. Core i3.

Intel Core i7

Quad-core processors with Hyper-Threading for computer enthusiasts, gamers (for gaming PCs) and professionals. High level of cache memory, advanced integrated graphics technologies and the latest achievements of the company at the level of core architecture.

Where did the Intel Pentium and Celeron processors go?

There are practically no old processors left on sale Intel... Series Pentium(for home computers and gaming) and Celeron(working systems) officially transferred from the architectural series to the category of the brand by 2017.

Intel Pentium processors not released since 2009. Since then, the name has been used as a brand name for some entry-level products based on the Intel Core architecture.

Intel Celeron Processors finally phased out of commercial production in 2011, giving way to the Atom, Core and, in some cases, Pentium series.

Everyone thinks that Core i3 is just cheaper, and Core i7 is more expensive - no

The established belief that Intel thus segmented its desktop processors into inexpensive Core i3, massive mid-budget Core i5 and high-performance Core i7 for enthusiasts - not entirely true. The model numbers in each family will confuse you.

Can you tell what is the difference between Intel Core i5-6400 and Core i5-7600K?

Central processors within the same series may differ in performance levels, modifications, and even generations. Now we will analyze in a few steps what all these numbers and letters mean. You will immediately determine which of the processors, for example, the Intel Core i5, is better.

What does the number mean in Intel Core processors after i3 / i5 / i7?

Number 6 in Intel Core i5- 6 400 stands for the generation number ("6th generation Intel Core") as 7 in Core i5- 7 600K means 7 generation of Intel processors for Windows 10. This way you can determine which one is newer and arrange the models in order.

The last three digits define SKU... In fact, they show how powerful this processor is within the production line. Core i5-7 600 K will be faster compared to Core i5-7 500 K.

Letters in the title show the various additional qualities of the Intel Core processor. Here are the differences:

H- high-performance graphics.

K- Ability to unlock Intel processor overclocking.

Q- four physical cores.

QM- the same, but for mobile computers.

T- Optimized for efficient desktop PCs.

U- optimized for low power consumption for mobile computers.

How to compare Intel, AMD, laptop, PC processors?

There is a universal online service where you can enter the processor model ID and get a table with a full comparison of characteristics and features:

Until recently, some 20 years ago, the performance of a computer was completely determined by the central processor. Actually, the computers themselves were named after the generation of processors - "three", "four", "pentium". And it was immediately clear to everyone what the system was capable of. But since 1997, 3D accelerators have begun to play an important role, dramatically increasing the performance in games. At first they were an addition to the main video card, but very soon they moved to it itself. Moreover, video cards have learned to take on some of the load that used to be on the central processor.

Therefore, today the performance of a PC is determined by a bundle of processor, video card, memory and storage. None of the components are capable of "pulling" speed alone. And yet the processor still sets the machine level, and this is where the choice of configuration begins.

I remember a time when choosing a processor was easy. They differed only in generation, frequency and, of course, price. The newer the generation and the higher the frequency, the faster. You evaluate your financial capabilities - and you buy. Those were good times. It is a pity that there was not enough money for normal processors then.

Interestingly, the “waffle” that comes out of the oven can have very different processors. I mean, the crystals are the same, but how they will be marked is a big question.

Now everything is, to put it mildly, more complicated. Let's take Intel products first. Three generations of processors (and in some cases four) for desktop systems are on sale at the same time. Each generation is divided into three families. Each family, in turn, is divided into groups, from 3 to 10 (!). And in each group there are from several pieces to fifteen processors. Okay, huh? Even a person who understands this a little can find it difficult to decide. And for normal people who need to quickly, without bothering to buy a computer, it is very difficult.

After reading this text to the end, you can choose a processor for your needs without spending extra money on it. Which, in fact, are very useful.

Let's start from the basics

Processors for personal computers today are made by two companies - Inteland AMD... A couple of years ago, I would have said that you should only choose from Intel products, because AMD was catastrophically lagging behind in performance. But, fortunately, the company managed to close the gap, and today processors compete almost on equal terms. In this article we will talk about what Intel produces, and I will write about AMD later.

Desktop and laptop processors vary widely in performance and performance. Simply put, they generally have little in common, except for the names. Mobile versions are significantly slower: Core i7 in an ultrabook loses to Core i3 in a home system. In this material, we are talking specifically about stationary, desktop versions. We can choose them according to our own taste, while in a laptop the chip is sealed tightly and cannot be replaced. You can only change the entire laptop.

The number of cores alone does not determine performance... Sellers in stores like to say the opposite: they say, four cores are better than two, take more! In fact, a lot depends on the tasks. If the computer will be used for typing, amateur photo manipulation and even 3D games like World of Tanks, you will not feel the difference between 2 and 4 cores. Simply because most programs still know how to use only two cores, and the rest will be idle. Of course, if the chickens don’t peck money, we must take all the EXPENSIVE. But in a budget-constrained situation, a high-frequency dual-core processor looks like a better buy. It also makes sense to save on the processor if you don't have enough for a fast video card: it's definitely more useful in games. The four cores come in handy when rendering video, mass converting photos from RAW to JPEG, when working with 3D graphics, archiving large amounts of data, etc. etc. That is, when solving professional rather than domestic tasks.

The cache matters. Cache is ultra-fast memory built into the processor itself. In the old days, when RAM and storage were slow, cache size was a critical performance parameter. But seriously, when the cache size in the processor increased from 512 kilobytes to 1 megabyte, at the same frequency the speed jump was noticeable with the naked eye. Now the cache does not play such a role anymore, but nevertheless, when the most frequently used data is inside the processor, it is useful. This does not affect performance tests, but the higher the volume, the higher the responsiveness of the computer. In modern Intel processors, the cache size ranges from 2 to 12 megabytes.

Processors differ in generations. Now on the shelves, there are three generations of Intel Cores - the sixth, seventh and eighth. The first two differ purely cosmetic, use the same socket on the motherboard, and are generally interchangeable. Which is cheaper - then we take it. The eighth generation has undergone significant changes, which I will write about separately. And it, alas, requires a new motherboard, on which the processors of the sixth and seventh generations do not work. So the buyer is faced with a kind of dilemma: to buy a slightly cheaper non-scalable system based on processors of the old generation, where during the upgrade you will have to change both the processor and the motherboard, or take a new one right away, where - if possible - only the processor can be changed if necessary. This is such an illusory hope, because the "old" processor will have enough performance reserve for a long time, for sure for two years. And by then Intel will come up with some other incompatible socket. But hope, of course, is necessary.

What's the difference there?

Intel today has three processor families - Celeron, Pentium, and Core.

Celeronhistorically cheapest and slowest variety designed for basic computers. When they first appeared, it was not very comfortable to use them without overclocking. However, the first Celerons were overclocked well, I managed to overclock the Celeron 300A from 300 MHz to 450, which gave performance at the level of the top Pentium IIs of that time.

But times have changed. For example, Celeron G3950 operates at 3 GHz, has two cores and is made using a modern 14-nanometer process technology. And it costs a little more than 3 thousand rubles. Not a record holder, of course, but just perfect for most office machines.

Pentium- vigorous middle peasants... The Pentium G line is clocked at 3.5 to 3.7 GHz, which, combined with 3 MB of cache and two cores, provides decent performance, to put it mildly. Paired with a top-end video card, such a processor will not disgrace even a top-end game. The only drawbacks can be attributed to the lack of support for the Turbo Boost technology, which additionally overclocks the processor cores under high load, but taking into account the base frequencies of modern Pentiums, this is hardly so important. Moreover, the new Pentium models, in contrast to the sixth and seventh generation Core i3, support Hyper-Threading technology, which helps to execute two threads of commands on one core. Price from 3300 to 5000 rubles.

Core- top family. But inside it, not everything is so simple, because very, very different processors live inside it.

Corei3 until recently were very similar to the Pentium. Differences were found only in frequencies (a little higher) and cache size (4 megabytes instead of 3). There was no point in overpaying, to be honest. But recently, the 8th generation Core i3 appeared on sale, where at the old price of a dual-core model they give a quad-core one, and the cache size is 8 megabytes. In Russia, however, there is still a difference in price with older models, but not serious, several hundred rubles. For example, Intel Core i3-8100 costs about 9 thousand, and if not all users will feel the "free" cores, then the 8-megabyte cache is very relevant. The price of Core i3, depending on the generation and frequency, ranges from 7 to 14 thousand rubles.

Corei5 - the golden mean. In the vast majority of cases, this is the top processor for home needs. Everything is there at its best - 4 cores for serious tasks, and high frequencies, and Turbo Boost for acceleration under load, and there is enough cache. And in the eighth generation, the number of cores in the top Core i5 was increased to 6 pieces. To be honest, it's hard for me to imagine a task where so much will be useful. There are still few applications that know how to load four cores properly, but when will they learn to work with six? It's a big question. On the other hand, here, as with the Core i3, the principle "more cores at the same price" is used. And if six stand like four - why not take it? For the sake of all the same cache. Honestly I warn you: you won't feel the difference. But moral satisfaction is quite possible. The range of prices is again large - from 11 to 24 thousand rubles.

Corei7 - top of the tops. Difference from Core i5 in higher frequency and increased cache size. Plus, there is such a beast as the already mentioned Hyper-Threading. This is a rather old technology, which appeared back in the Pentium 4, thanks to which each core pretends to be two at once for applications. That is, from the point of view of programs, the system has not 4 cores, but eight. Well, or not 6, but 12, if we talk about the eighth generation. There is no serious point in buying a Core i7 home. That's just not all. Recommended only for those who cannot eat until they buy the coolest. In the eighth generation, the Core i7 also received 6 cores and as much as 12 megabytes of cache. The price of the issue is from 20 to 34 thousand rubles. By the way, I have a Core i7.

Useful Tips

Do not spare money on the motherboard... Here, do not regret it, and that's it. So that both the breed is good, and there are plenty of connectors, and even some excesses will not interfere, such as improved built-in sound and Wi-Fi / Bluetooth modules. The mother is the head of everything, and it depends on her how stable the system will work. I like ASUS, ASRock and Gigabyte products.

The name of the processor familyCorethere is a letter K at the end... For example, Intel Core i7-8700K. This means that the processor has an unlocked multiplier, and you can try to overclock it to a higher frequency using standard motherboard means, without additional magic. There is no economic sense in this, because the multiplier is unlocked only in the most expensive and productive models, already operating at high frequencies. But you can have fun. The main thing is not to forget to buy a good cooler with a large radiator.

Dual coreCeleron, Pentiumand Corei3 may well work with passive cooling if there is at least one fan in the computer case. It is enough to put an efficient radiator on them and lubricate them with thermal paste sparingly.

In all modern processorsIntelthere is a built-in graphics core... It is poorly suited for games, but it copes with everything else. Moreover, all current models have hardware video encoding and decoding, which used to be an attribute of older processors.

I deliberately left the ruler behind the scenes.CoreX, where there are very expensive models for wealthy maniacs. If you already have a lot of money, you will find yourself one without my prompts.

A sequel to AMD is in the works. Questions can (and should) be asked at [email protected].

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For an office, home or gaming computer, it is not so difficult to choose the right processor. You just need to determine the needs, navigate a little in the characteristics and price ranges. It makes no sense to thoroughly study the smallest nuances, if you are not a "geek", but you need to understand what to pay attention to.

For example, you can look for a processor with a higher frequency and cache memory, but without paying attention to the chip core, you can get into a mess. The core, in fact, is the main factor of performance, and the rest of the characteristics are plus or minus. In general terms, I can say that the more expensive a product is in the line of one manufacturer, the better, more powerful and faster it is. But AMD processors are cheaper than Intel's.

  • The processor should be chosen depending on the tasks at hand. If in normal mode you have about two resource-intensive programs running, then it is better to buy a dual-core "stone" with a high frequency. If more threads are used, it is better to opt for a multi-core of the same architecture, albeit with a lower frequency.
  • Hybrid processors (with an integrated video card) will save you money on buying a video card, provided that you do not need to play fancy games. These are almost all modern Intel and AMD processors of the A4-A12 series, but AMD has a stronger graphics core.
  • Along with all processors marked "BOX", a cooler should be supplied (of course, a simple model, which will not be enough for high loads, but that is what you need to work in the nominal mode). If you need a cool cooler, then.
  • The OEM processors are covered by a one-year warranty, and the BOX is covered by a three-year warranty. If the warranty period provided by the store is shorter, it is better to think about looking for another distributor.
  • In some cases, it makes sense to buy percent off hand, so you can save about 30% of the amount. True, this method of buying is associated with a certain risk, so you need to pay attention to the availability of a guarantee and the seller's reputation.

Main technical characteristics of processors

Now about some of the characteristics that are still worth mentioning. It is not necessary to delve into, but it will be useful to understand my recommendations for specific models.

Each processor has its own socket (platform), i.e. name of the connector on the motherboard for which it is intended. Whichever processor you choose, be sure to look at socket matching. There are several platforms at the moment.

  • LGA1150 - not for top-end processors, used for office computers, gaming and home media centers. Entry-level integrated graphics except Intel Iris / Iris Pro. Already out of circulation.
  • LGA1151 is a modern platform, recommended for future upgrades to newer "stones". The processors themselves are not much faster than the previous platform, that is, there is really no point in upgrading to it. But on the other hand, there is a more powerful integrated graphics core of the Intel Graphics series, DDR4 memory is supported, but it does not give a strong performance gain.
  • LGA2011-v3 is a top platform designed for building high-performance desktop systems based on Intel X299 system logic, expensive, outdated.
  • LGA 2066 (Socket R4) - socket for HEDT (Hi-End) Intel Skylake-X and Kaby Lake-X processors, replaced 2011-3.
  • AM1 for weak, energy efficient processors
  • AM3 + common socket, suitable for most AMD processors, incl. for high-performance processors without integrated video core
  • The AM4 is designed for Ryzen brand Zen microprocessors with and without integrated graphics and beyond. Added support for DDR4 memory.
  • FM2 / FM2 + for budget Athlon X2 / X4 variants without integrated graphics.
  • sTR4 is a type of connector for the HEDT family of Ryzen Threadripper microprocessors. Similar to server sockets, the most massive and for desktops.

There are outdated platforms that you can buy in order to save money, but you need to take into account that new processors for them will no longer be made: LGA1155, AM3, LGA2011, AM2 / +, LGA775 and others that are not on the lists.

Kernel name. Each line of processes has its own kernel name. For example, Intel now has Sky Lake, Kaby Lake and the newest eighth generation Coffee Lake. AMD has Richland, Bulldozer, Zen. The higher the generation, the more high-performance chip, with lower power consumption, and the more technologies are introduced.

Number of Cores: from 2 to 18 pieces. The bigger, the better. But there is such a moment: programs that do not know how to distribute the load among the cores will run faster on a dual-core processor with a higher clock frequency than on a 4-core processor, but with a lower frequency. In short, if there is no clear technical task, then the rule works: more is better, and the further, the more correct it will be.

Technical process, measured in nanometers, for example - 14nm. Doesn't affect performance, but it does affect CPU heating. Each new generation of processors is manufactured using a new process technology with a lower nm. This means that if you take a processor of the previous generation and approximately the same new one, then the latter will heat up less. But, since new products are made faster, they heat up in about the same way. That is, improving the technical process allows manufacturers to make faster processors.

Clock frequency, is measured in gigahertz, for example - 3.5 GHz. The more, the better, but only within the same series. If you take an old Pentium with a frequency of 3.5 GHz and a new one, the old one will be many times slower. This is because they have completely different kernels.

Almost all "stones" are capable of accelerating, i.e. operate at a higher frequency than that indicated in the characteristics. But this is a topic for those who are versed, tk. you can burn the processor or get a non-working system!

Cache size 1, 2 and 3 levels, one of the key characteristics, the more, the faster. The first level is the most important, the third is less important. Directly depends on the kernel and series.

TDP- dissipated thermal power, well, or how much at maximum load. A lower number means less heating. Without clear personal preferences, you can ignore this. Powerful processors consume 110-220 watts of electricity per load. You can see the diagram of the approximate power consumption of Intel and AMD processors under normal load, the less the better:

Model, series: does not refer to the characteristics, but nevertheless I want to tell you how to understand which processor is better within the same series, without delving into the characteristics too much. Processor name, for example " consists of the series " Core i3 ″ and model numbers "8100". The first number means the line of processors on some core, and the next one is its "performance index", roughly speaking. So, we can estimate that:

  • Core i3-8300 is faster than i3-8100
  • i3-8100 is faster than i3-7100
  • But the i3-7300 will be faster than the i3-8100, despite the younger series, because the 300 strongly more than 100. I think you get the point.

The same goes for AMD.

Are you going to play on the computer?

The next point that needs to be decided in advance: the gaming future of the computer. For Farm Frenzy and other simple online games, any built-in graphics will do. If buying an expensive video card is not included in the plans, but you want to play, then you need to take a processor with a normal graphics core Intel Graphics 530/630 / Iris Pro, AMD Radeon RX Vega Series. Even modern games will run in Full HD 1080p resolution at minimum and medium graphics quality settings. You can play World of Tanks, GTA, Dota and others.

If so, it makes sense to take a processor without integrated graphics at all, and save on this (or get more power for the same price). The circle can be narrowed in this way:

  • AMD has FX series processors for AM3 + platform and A12 / 10/8/6/4 hybrid solutions, as well as Athlon X4 for FM2 + / AM4
  • Intel has SkyLake and Kaby Lake series processors for LGA1151 and LGA2066 platforms and outdated BroadWell-E for LGA2011-v3 (there are only a few models).

You also need to take into account that a powerful video card and a processor need to match. I will not give clear answers to questions like "what processor is needed for this video card". This question needs to be studied independently by reading the relevant reviews, tests, comparisons, forums. But I will give a couple of recommendations.

First, you need at least a 4-core processor. Even more cores will not add much fps in games. At the same time, it turns out that 4-core AMD are better suited for games than 2-core Intel at the same or even less price.

Secondly, you can orient yourself like this: the cost of the processor is equal to the cost of the video card. In fact, despite dozens of models, making the right choice is not difficult.

AMD note

The most budgetary line is called "Sempron". With each new generation, performance improves, but still these are the weakest processors. Recommended only for working with office documents, surfing the Internet, watching videos and music.

The company has a series of FX - these are obsolete top-end chips for the AM3 + platform. All have an unlocked multiplier, i.e. they are easy to overclock (if necessary). There are 4, 6 and 8 core models. Supports automatic overclocking technology - Turbo Core. Only DDR3 memory works. Better when the platform works with DDR4.

There are also mid-range products - Athlon X4 and a line of hybrid processors (with integrated graphics) A4 / A6 / A8 / A10 / A12. This is for FM2 / FM2 + / AM4 platforms. The A-series is divided into 2- and 4-cores. The power of the integrated graphics is higher in the older models. If the name has the letter "K" at the end, then this model comes with an unlocked multiplier, ie easier to overclock. Turbo Core is supported. It makes sense to take something from the A-series, only on condition that there is no separate video card.

For socket AM4, the newest processors are Ryzen 3, Ryzen 5, Ryzen 7. They are positioned as competitors to Intel Core i3, i5, i7. There are no integrated graphics and with it, then the model name will have the letter G, for example, AMD Ryzen A5 2400G. The top-end lineup with 8-16 cores is the AMD Ryzen Threadripper with a massive cooling system.

Intel Note

The LGA1151 platform includes a full set of models, listed in order of increasing performance: Celeron, Pentium, Core i3 / i5 / i7. There are economical processors, in their name there are letters "T" or "S". They are slower and I see no reason to install them in home computers if there is no special need, for example, for a home file storage / media center. Supports DDR4 memory, embedded video everywhere.

The most budgetary dual-core processors with integrated graphics are the Celeron, AMD's analogue of Sempron, and the more powerful Pentium. For everyday needs, it is better to install at least a Pentium.

Top LGA2066 for Skylake and Kabylake with i5 / i7 and top i9 series processors. They work with DDR4 memory, have 4-18 cores on board and have no integrated graphics. Unlocked multiplier.

For information:

  • Core i5 and i7 processors support Turbo Boost automatic overclocking technology
  • Kaby Lake processors are not always faster than their Sky Lake predecessors. The difference in architecture can be offset by different clock rates. As a rule, the faster percent costs a little more, even if it's Sky Lake. But Skylake accelerates well.
  • processors with integrated Iris Pro graphics are suitable for quiet gaming builds, but they are quite expensive
  • processors based on the LGA1151 platform are suitable for gaming systems, but it makes no sense to install more than two video cards, because a maximum of 16 PCI Express lanes are supported. For a complete detachment, you need an LGA2011-v3 or LGA2066 socket and the corresponding stones.
  • The Xeon line is designed for servers.

Which is better than AMD or Intel?

This is an eternal controversy, to which thousands of pages of forums on the Internet are devoted, and there is no definite answer to it. Both companies follow each other, but for myself I made a choice which is better. In a nutshell - AMD produces optimal budget solutions, while Intel produces more technological and expensive products. AMD rules in the low-cost sector, but this company simply has no analogues to the fastest Intel processors.

Processors do not break, such as monitors or, therefore, the issue of reliability is not an issue here. That is, if you do not overclock the "stone" and use a fan no worse than the boxed one, then any processor will serve for many, many years. There are no bad models, but there is a feasibility of buying, depending on the price, characteristics and other factors, such as the presence of one or another motherboard.

For reference, I provide a summary table of the approximate performance in games of Intel and AMD processors on a powerful GeForce GTX1080 video card, the higher -> the better:

Comparison of processors in tasks. close to everyday, the usual load:

Archiving in 7-zip (less time - better result):

To independently compare different processors, I suggest using the tables. So, let's move from verbosity to specific recommendations.

Processors under $ 40

Of course, you shouldn't expect high performance for this money. Usually such a processor is bought in two cases:

  1. For an office computer that does not require high performance
  2. For the so-called "home server" - a computer, the main purpose of which is the storage and playback of video and audio files.

These computers will run high-definition movies and simple games without any problems, but don't count on anything more. To work in the nominal mode, AMD A4, A6 processors are suitable (the higher the model, the slightly more expensive and faster). The cheapest models from the A4 series are NOT recommended, these are slow processors with lagging graphics, worse than those of Intel.

An excellent choice is the Intel Celeron G3900-3930 (LGA1151 socket) with DDR4 memory support and more powerful integrated graphics. These processors overclock well.

If you have an external video card, you can save a little more and take AMD Athlon A4 X2, but it is better to aim at 4 Athlon II X4 cores or, since this processor does not have an integrated graphics core. It is worth mentioning separately that you should NOT pay attention to the quad-core AMD Sempron and Athlon Kabini X4 for socket AM1. These are slow processors, unsuccessful products of the company.

Up to 80 $

There are a few more possibilities here, since you can buy a good quad-core processor for this amount. This also includes the motherboard + integrated processor starter kits. Their purpose is to ensure the stable operation of low and medium power stationary computers. Usually they are enough for comfortable work on the Internet, but such a kit is not suitable for a serious load.

To work in nominal mode, it is best to choose an AMD Athlon X4 processor for the AMD AM4 platform. If you need integrated graphics, then take any AMD A8 series that you like for the price, or the Intel Pentium Dual-Core G4600 microprocessor for the Intel LGA1151 platform.

AMD FX or Athlon X4 xxxK processors show good performance in overclocking mode, i.e. with the letter "K". The multiplier is unlocked in these models, which means they can be easily overclocked. But when buying it, you need to take into account that not every motherboard is suitable for overclocking. Can be used with NVidia GTX1050Ti level video card.

About 120 $

You can choose from AMD Ryzen 3 Series Quad Core APUs on AMD AM4 platform for media center and even gaming at medium settings. In these "stones" is built in a very nice video card Radeon Vega R8 Series. If you look at Intel in the price category up to $ 120, then there is nothing interesting, except for the Pentium G5600.

For overclocking and more, choose an Intel i3-7100 processor. Not the best option for games, because there are only 2, but very fast cores. But the AMD FX-8350 processor with its 8 cores will come in handy. And the clock frequency can be raised from the standard 4 to 4.5 GHz.

Up to 200 $

The best performance in this category is given by Intel processors based on the LGA1151 platform, although AMD is still trying to maintain its position. The Intel i5-7400 is the best choice. Despite its 4 cores, it supports multithreading up to 8. It will show good performance in games and ideal in home applications. Draws attention to AMD Ryzen 5 with excellent Vega 11 graphics card.

At a slightly lower price point, AMD may be more efficient in multi-threaded operations. In other words, you can take the Ryzen 5 series for games, you can save money. For other tasks where multithreading is not required, it is better to take a closer look at Intel.

Up to 280 $

For nominal performance, the Intel Core i5-8600 is best suited. If you need to save a little, then the i5-8500 will do. Among AMD, you can take the Ryzen 5 2600X without hesitation. This is a great LAST processor from AMD that makes sense to buy (and overclock;).

For overclocking, the best choice would be an Intel Core i5-8600k processor for LGA 1151, which in this case has no competitors. The high frequency and unlocked multiplier make this gem ideal for gamers and overclockers. Among the processors used for overclocking, it is he who so far shows the best price / performance / power consumption ratio.

The Core i5-5675C of the Broadwell generation carries on board the most powerful integrated video card Iris Pro 6200 (GT3e core) and at the same time it does not get very hot, because made according to the 14nm process technology. Suitable for compact and uncompromising gaming systems.

Processors starting at $ 400

If we talk about the best model in this price range, here it is worth highlighting the Intel Core i7-8700K for the Intel LGA 1151 platform. This percentage is the best for both use in nominal mode and for overclocking, and is also great for top-end games at high settings. at corresponding video card... Its antipode is AMD Ryzen 7 products.

If you can afford to spend more on the "stone", the choice here is clear - an Intel Core i7-7820X processor for the LGA 2066 socket. For an adequate price, you get fast 8 cores, but no integrated graphics. Yes, I think who takes such a quickie and thinks to work on an integrashka From AMD there is a worthy competitor - this is the monster Ryzen Threadripper 1920X with 12 cores.

But the flagship Intel Core i9-7980XE with 18 cores is worth buying only for greater solidity, because, despite the significant difference in price (the flagship costs three times more), in desktop PC tasks, the processor is not far behind in performance. This animal is the sole leader in this price category, both for nominal use and for overclocking.

Should you change your processor?

Unlike smartphones and tablets, there has been little progress in the desktop and laptop industry. As a rule, the processor does not change for several years and works normally. Therefore, it is better to treat his choice responsibly, better with a small margin.

So, processors of 2 or even 3 years ago are not particularly inferior to their modern brothers. The increase in productivity, if we take similar prices, is on average 20%, which is almost imperceptible in real life.

Finally, I want to give a couple more tips:

  • Don't chase the top models with super power. If you do not play or work in highly demanding applications, then a powerful processor will only consume extra power and quickly become cheaper over time.
  • New items are not much faster than their predecessors, by 10-20% percent, which is almost imperceptible in everyday work, but they are more expensive and sometimes require replacement of the motherboard for installation.
  • When choosing a powerful processor, consider that there is enough power for your power supply based on the power consumption of the "stone" and the entire system unit as a whole!

The central processor is the heart of the computer and the speed of computing operations depends on it. But the speed of work depends not only on him. With slow other components, for example, a hard disk, your computer will slow down even with the coolest animal!

It seems that he told everything he wanted, now if something is not clear, ask in the comments! Only one request - do not write, such as "which processor is better than Intel i5-xxxx or amd fx-xx" and similar questions. All processors have been tested and compared with each other for a long time. There are also ratings that include hundreds of models.

Alexey Vinogradov, 2013-10-06 Edited: 2018-06-15

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    Choosing a processor is one of the most important decisions affecting the performance of your computer or laptop, so you should at least know what to expect from it.

    When choosing, everyone wants to get the best. There are not many tasks here. Usually they ask what is the best amd manufacturer or intel manufacturer, which generation, which line and which manufacturer.

    As for which processor is better than amd or intel, then everyone is leaning towards intel, and they are, respectively, more expensive.

    Usually in search they rush between intel core2 duo, pentium, celeron, atom, i3, i5, i7, but if you choose, for example, for games, then it is not a fact that intel core i5 will be better than i3, since there are many of those and those.

    The wrong choice of computing device can lead to deep feelings of dissatisfaction, for example, when you are a player and accidentally bought a model strictly for the office.

    Unfortunately, this will not go away painlessly, since the inspiration for change comes too late.

    There are significant differences among the systems installed in desktop PCs, which make it difficult to make a quick decision.

    The number of cores, confusing symbols, Turbo mode, multipliers - such a stream of information, most buyers are in a stupor.

    They can't figure out what's what and rely on the experience of retailers, who are not always competent in these matters, but are well versed in marketing.

    How to choose the best Intel processor yourself

    Many sites publish processor comparisons, although such publications are usually aimed at advanced readers, showering them with confusing analyzes, which does not mean anything to ordinary users.

    If you do not have the slightest idea about computer components, then you better sit in front of the monitor for a while, and not rely on someone else's opinions, so to speak, master the basics.

    Contrary to appearances, choosing the “best processor” for your computer is easier than you might think, just a little technical knowledge to navigate the categories.

    Let's start with a simplified card - Intel processors have a very diverse offering that is divided into several segments, ranging from budget.

    Of course, faster models are more expensive - they offer higher performance and additional technologies.

    Detailed characteristics of each line can be found on this page below, which will further understanding the description.

    Which is the best Intel Celeron processor

    Celeron - the cheapest dual-core processors for office applications and computers with basic functionality, that is: for word processing, simple browser games, surfing the Internet or watching movies.

    Pentium is dual-core, but noticeably faster than Celeron, but still not primarily intended for solving complex problems. Often chosen by players with modest requirements.

    The Core i3 is a very versatile device for work and play, with dual cores and Hyper Threading.

    Core i5 - has four cores and Turbo Boost technology, supports all typical applications, including semi-professional ones. Designed for gaming.

    Core i7 is the fastest model with four or more cores, Hyper Threading and Turbo Boost modes, combining the best features of the aforementioned systems. They deliver uncompromising performance on every front.

    Intel K-series / X processors with an unlocked multiplier for overclockers and unlimited power, which, if necessary, can independently increase their clock frequency, to a higher than standard settings.

    Intel T / S series - Both types of processors have a lower TDP, which emits less heat. Their performance is lower than in conventional models, but at the same time the demand for electricity decreases.

    To choose the best processor - determine your needs

    First, you need to answer the main question - what will be mainly used on the computer?

    Only then can you look for a suitable solution. If you are in a circle of interests that does not require computer games and powerful software, a low to mid-range processor is sufficient for you.

    The situation is completely different for entertainment lovers who use a multithreading application.

    Here you will definitely need a modern block of the best work. For processors that play Battlefield 4, Crysis 3 tudzież Watch Dogs well, and you want the latest releases of Grand Theft Auto V, Far Cry 4 and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, the bar needs to be raised.

    The processor is the most important, as it is responsible for part of the calculation, no other system does it.

    A weak processor combined with a fast graphics card will limit the performance of the entire computer. Let's take a look at what features the various series offer.

    Hyper Threading is a technology that doubles the number of supported threads in order to increase the efficiency of parallel computing, that is: a dual-core processor can perform four operations simultaneously. It is available in Core i3 and Core i7 models.

    Turbo Boost - Automatically increases the processor clock speed to the value specified by the manufacturer, providing a safe way to free up performance. You don't need to configure anything. It is available in Core i5 and Core i7.

    Intel Quick Sync is a technology that uses special mechanisms for creating and processing multimedia, which makes it faster and easier to convert. Supported by all 4th Gen Celeron, Pentium, Core i3, Core i5 and Core i7.

    Layout - All Intel Core LGA 1150 socket based on Haswell architecture have an integrated Intel HD graphics chip, so no external graphics card is required to start the computer. The performance of such microcircuits varies greatly.

    Instructions are a set of programmed instructions to speed up the execution of certain operations that have a very significant impact on processor performance.

    The 4th Generation Core series supports multiple instructions depending on the model, and the number increases with a higher position in the product hierarchy.

    Load "to the maximum" - insurance processor

    An interesting service that, probably, few people have heard of is the extended warranty on Intel processors, which provides for emergencies due to the fault of the user.

    The fact is that processors "die" extremely rarely, however, incorrect settings can cause overheating.

    If the product will function normally, use the normal warranty. The problem may be in the cases mentioned above, which is not included in the standard contract.

    In other words, the extended service provides a completely new warranty for replacement in case of damage.

    The cost of such protection depends on the model, starting at $ 10 and rising to $ 35.

    All action is aimed primarily at overclockers, various enthusiastic experimenters and covers only blocks with an unlocked multiplier (K ​​or X versions).

    Which is the best Intel Celeron processor

    For desktops, the cheapest dual-core Celeron processors use the modern energy efficient Haswell architecture, thus delivering good performance in mainstream applications.

    Working with spreadsheets, documents, tests, surfing the net or watching movies with Celeron will not be a problem.

    It is important to note that the integrated Intel HD graphics chip eliminates the need for an external graphics card, thus keeping your computer costs down if you are interested in gaming.

    • Celeron G1840T - 2500 MHz ->
    • Celeron G1840 - 2800 MHz ->
    • Celeron G1850 - 2900 MHz -> dual cores / dual threads / Intel HD.

    For example, the Celeron G1840 assembly is suitable for creating a small media center connected to a TV or a home file server, taking up the minimum amount of energy, so they can be passively cooled.

    Which is the best Intel Pentium processor

    Like the Celeron processors, the Pentium is dual-core and is aimed at users with modest requirements who need a PC mainly for simple tasks.

    Their advantages over weaker brothers at a higher clock speed, but the price is still low.

    Although the manufacturer did not create them for entertainment, i.e. technically advanced games, combined with an external graphics card, have worked well in games that do not use more than two cores.

    Unfortunately, people looking to the future should consider buying something faster. The Pentium lineup includes the following models:

    • Pentium G3240T - 2700 MHz -> 2 cores / 2 threads / Intel HD.
    • Pentium G3440T - 2800 MHz -> 2 cores / 2 threads / Intel HD.
    • Pentium G3240 - 3200 MHz -> 2 cores / 2 threads / Intel HD.
    • Pentium G3258 - 3200 MHz -> 2 cores / 2 threads / Intel HD.
    • Pentium G3440 - 3300 MHz -> 2 cores / 2 threads / Intel HD.
    • Pentium G3450 - 3400 MHz -> 2 cores / 2 threads / Intel HD.

    Pentiums are inexpensive - pricing varies by configuration. Since they have integrated Intel HD, they can work successfully without an external video card.

    This solution is admittedly weak, but easily allows you to display your desktop, watch a movie, or play a simple game.

    The newest Pentium celebrated its twentieth birthday, which the manufacturer celebrated with the release of a limited-edition G3258 processor that allows overclocking. It is an interesting choice for the budget-conscious enthusiast.

    Which is the best Intel Core i3 processor

    The Core i3 certainly belongs to a bigger league than the Celeron and Pentium processors. It supports Hyper Threading technologies, doubling the number of threads supported and improving the efficiency of parallel computing.

    In this case, a dual-core processor can perform up to four operations simultaneously. But here you should clearly understand that such a function must be supported by the operating system and the application being launched.

    Thus, the advantage of Hyper Threading may not always work, but on the latest games it is noticeable right away. The series includes the following models:

    1. i3-4150T - 3000 MHz ->
    2. i3-4350T - 3100 MHz ->
    3. i3-4150 - 3500 MHz -> two cores / 4 threads / Intel 4400 HD.
    4. i3-4350 - 3600 MHz -> two cores / 4 threads / Intel 4600 HD.
    5. i3-4360 - 3700 MHz -> two cores / 4 threads / Intel 4600 HD.

    The fourth generation Core i3 can be used for a variety of tasks. While players recommend investing in a Core i5 Quad, the Core i3 also provides decent liquidity, especially when paired with NVIDIA GeForce graphics, whose drivers enable Hyper Threading.

    In addition, the Core i3 processors have their own integrated Intel HD 4000 cards, which are much faster than those found in the Celeron and Pentium, allowing you to run more modern games.

    Which is the best Intel Core i5 processor

    The Core i5 must meet the expectations of the vast majority of computer users looking for efficient and future-proof solutions.

    First, they have four cores (no Hyper Threading) that have enough processing power for every type of application.

    Secondly, they are equipped with Turbo Boost technology, automatically increasing their sync. Overall, this makes a very powerful combination, especially with Intel's Haswellam architecture.

    Four cores are slowly becoming the standard these days, so you should consider buying them, especially if you want to play Battlefied 4, Grand Theft Auto V, or The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. The series includes the following models:

    • i5-4460T - 1900 MHz -> 2700 MHz Turbo / 4 cores / 4 threads / Intel 4600 HD.
    • i5-4590T - 2000 MHz -> 3000 MHz Turbo / 4 cores / 4 threads / Intel 4600 HD.
    • i5-4690T - 2500 MHz -> 3500 MHz Turbo / 4 cores / 4 threads / Intel 4600 HD.
    • i5-4460S - 2900 MHz ->
    • i5-4590S - 3000 MHz ->
    • i5-4690S - 3200 MHz ->
    • i5-4460 - 3200 MHz -> 3400 MHz Turbo / 4 cores / 4 threads / Intel 4600 HD.
    • i5-4590 - 3300 MHz -> 3700 MHz Turbo / 4 cores / 4 threads / Intel 4600 HD.
    • i5-4690 - 3500 MHz -> 3900 MHz Turbo / 4 cores / 4 threads / Intel 4600 HD.

    The Core i5 can be equipped with a dedicated graphics card for comfortable gaming. But like the rest of Intel's fourth-generation processors, the Core i5 has an integrated graphics chip that allows it to self-select images.

    Such devices do not require additional investment in other components. The original cooling system is sufficient for them, as well as the mid-range power supply and the motherboard.

    Although the price of the Core i5 is noticeably higher than the Core i3, such a purchase will be justified in the long run. A good processor doesn't change too often after all.

    Which is the best Intel Core i7 processor

    The Core i7 is the absolute top shelf in Intel's offerings and is designed for the discerning gamer and professional alike, bringing together all the goodies of other models in one system.

    The first one - four cores and support for Hyper Threading, doubling the number of supported threads in parallel, that is: a four-core processor can perform up to eight operations simultaneously.

    Of course, this feature must be supported by the operating system as well as the application being launched. The second thing is Turbo Boost mode, in which the clock speed is automatically increased to very high values, going up to 4400 MHz, providing owners with uncompromising performance. The series includes models:

    1. i7-4785T -> 2200 MHz - 3200 MHz Turbo / 4 cores / 8 threads / Intel 4600 HD.
    2. i7-4790T -> 2700 MHz - 3900 MHz Turbo / 4 cores / 8 threads / Intel 4600 HD.
    3. i7-4790S -> 3200 MHz - 4000 MHz Turbo / 4 cores / 8 threads / Intel 4600 HD.
    4. i7-4790 -> 3600 MHz - 4000 MHz Turbo / 4 cores / 8 threads / Intel 4600 HD.

    Until recently, the Core i7 required specialized software that was able to take advantage of Hyper Threading.

    Nowadays, more and more games are starting to use Hyper Threading like Crysis 3.

    The Core i7 processors have integrated graphics and are among the fastest in the desktop market.

    Which is the best processor from Intel manufacturer

    A separate category of Core i5 and i7 core socket LGA 1150 models with the letter K in the name (except for the Core i7 Extreme series, intended for absolute performance enthusiasts) will provide free overclocking using a multiplier.

    Despite the fact that until now the Pentium G3258 has been released for twenty years, it offers identical functionality, this certainly applies to the lower segment of the market.

    So let's focus on the above two. What benefits will K processors bring?

    When you find that your computer is underpowered, you can manually increase or release unused computing power.

    Conventional models do not allow such operations to be performed in any respect, and the profit can reach several hundred megahertz, increasing the overall performance by tens of percent. The series includes:

    • i5-4690K -> 3500 MHz - 3900 MHz Turbo / 4 cores - 4 threads / Intel 4600 HD.
    • i7-4790K -> 4000 MHz - 4400 MHz Turbo / 4 cores / 8 threads / Intel 4600 HD.

    For the privilege of having a processor with an unlocked multiplier, you have to pay a little extra, but then you will play at the highest settings, consider buying at least an i5-4690K core.

    Of course, overclocking is useful and requires a little bit of knowledge in this area, a better motherboard and a better cooling system, so it's a pleasure for a little more advanced users.

    Don't worry - I'll explain soon how to do this safely. Only if you are very afraid of damaging the processor, you can take advantage of the extended warranty covering accidents, for example, when it burns out through too high supply voltages.

    A good game is definitely worth it, and gaming loads will only increase in the future - no doubt about it, but now you know which is the best processor and which generation is better to choose: intel i5 or i7, celeron or intel pentium, intel or mediatek, pentium or intel, mediatek or intel atom. Good luck.

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