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What percentage of conversion is considered good. Average conversion of online stores

the same frequently asked question, which we get at the stage of discussing cooperation - “What will be the average conversion of the site?”.

At this point, the client is waiting for a response from the series “it will be 23.57634 percent.”

But in reality, everything happens differently, we tell for a long time and tediously why we cannot say the exact figure and close it all with the phrase “In fact, there is no site conversion”. Now I will reveal a sinister secret, but I will start with what you so want to hear.

A landing page with a conversion guarantee is a bluff

Due to many factors, the conversion can be radically different even for two identical sites advertised in different cities of Russia. Therefore, when you are guaranteed something, know that you are being deceived.

And so that you understand exactly why we say this, let's first define what the conversion is made up of and what affects it.

And here we will not talk about those factors that depend on the development studio, but about those that the studios cannot influence.

Quality and quantity of traffic

You can attract traffic from 30 people per day, or you can attract traffic from 1300 people per day.

Accordingly, the conversion will be very different, at least, because with low traffic, only hot customers are selected who are ready to buy right here and now.

In the second case, both warm and cool, and warm-cool and even cold clients are added, with whom you also need to work, for example, through the same one, but, whatever one may say, they spoil the indicators.

By the way, for those who still cannot decide or do not know how to increase traffic, we have written an article.

Image/brand/prominence of the company

Everyone in the sales area can know your company and just go to you because they trust you, or they may not know you at all and, even with the coolest, they will bypass you, as the fear of making a mistake takes over.

The same thing can happen if your company has already managed to “break wood”, and is now trying to restore a reputation that, unfortunately, does not return so quickly.



Each city has its own atmosphere, its own districts, its own Brooklyn, its own Manhattan. And each city has its own specifics. For example, in the European part of Russia people eat "Manti", and in Siberia people eat "Poses".

But if you can somehow object here, then here, for example, specific example from our experience, namely from the sphere of satellite television:

Demand in different cities

As you can see in the image, demand in such cities as Kyiv and Minsk is increased, but in St. Petersburg, on the contrary, it is lower. Therefore, the city of the city - strife.


You can be a monopolist in the market, or you can, on the contrary, be in the red ocean with. Moreover, the number and quality of competitors in different cities is different. It's very different.

For example, according to 2gis, in the city of Omsk, there are as many as 419 companies involved in the construction of houses!

Of course, not all of them are presented on the Internet, but this is also an indicator, because the client not only compares companies among the Internet space, but captures different sources information.


You may have a good and tasty offer, but if a competitor sells 30-50% cheaper, then most likely you will lose in. But price is not the only reason to steal customers from you.

Therefore, always be prepared for the fact that today you may have a lot of applications, and tomorrow a competitor makes a stronger offer, introduces new line products and ... I think everything is clear here.

Well, how so?

General market situation

The crisis was and will be, and even probably always is. And purchasing power is falling, demand is falling, and therefore supply is falling, due to the absence of the first.

Yes, and it can happen that your technology simply died out, as the technology for accessing the Internet through telephone line(modem), replaced by wired Internet(optics).

But do not think that everything always just falls. There are niches where demand is growing every day. And this can also affect the distribution of the market for different products and solutions.

Calls to Action

By making a call on the site “Leave a request and get an Iphone 6”, your conversion will increase and will be, as when voting for the president, 126% out of 100 possible (we have nothing against the president).

And is it fair? Of course not. And all because all these are not applications, but “freeloaders”.

For example, our experience - we made the button “Free test drive of one service” and “Get offer”, the difference in performance was 4 times and it seems to be great.

But! At the same time, we attracted a lot of unnecessary traffic, which took time, energy, resources, which we would be better off directing to the right customers.

Call to Action: Comparison

The studios are to blame too

Not everything is your fault. There are other factors that a website development agency can influence. And it also depends on the conversion. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Advertising channels

  1. CTR of your ad (ratio of shown advertisements and transitions to the site);
  2. /transition;
  3. Conversion on the site (this is where the problem is, because if you made the site yourself on the designer for landings), then the conversion cannot be predicted at all;
  4. Conversion to sales (the ratio of received applications to actual sales).

Based on this, we still rest on the fact that we need to know the result of your site. But once again I will repeat and even highlight this in bold:

Average temperature in the hospital

I'm not evading the answer and not trying to shield us as developers, I just want to convey the idea that everything is too individual.

But still, in order for the topic of the article to justify itself, I will lay out a very rough table of averages with average traffic and other average indicators. This information created on the basis of our experience and the experience of colleagues of large companies:

Forget what they taught you at school

And now just brain-tearing information. Attention. Are you sitting on a chair? There is no site conversion. I did not lie to you when I wrote about this above. I prepared you and even hinted at this idea in some words and sections.

  • – 100 people came in, 30 left an application (30% conversion).
  • Question. What is the conversion? The logical answer is to add up all the indicators and divide by three channels. But is it correct?

    Of course not. After all, if we studied analytics in this way, we would never know that traffic from social networks brings us a minus to the company.

    By the way. If you are interested in analytics, then Roistat will be your faithful assistant. And in addition to free 14 days, you will receive another 5,000 rubles. (by promo code “INSCALE”) as a gift.

    Briefly about the main

    Therefore, now, gentlemen, we are not talking about the average conversion of the site, but traffic. Now you are a professional.

    And in our practice there are paranormal phenomena, namely landing in the wholesale area with TRAFFIC conversion ( contextual advertising) 45%.

    Just like landing pages in pretty popular topics, but barely reaching 1%, and all this provided that plus or minus the same technologies are used everywhere.

    Therefore, this indicator, as a clear figure, is nothing more than a myth. AND best solution when creating a site will rely only on a hypothesis. No matter how strange it may sound.

    Or if you want to be deceived, you can believe in the promises and experience of the company or the experience of competitors. And here "deceived"? If you read the article carefully, you will understand what I am talking about 😉

    Many marketers are wondering: “What is a good conversion rate for my landing page?” But it is not so easy to answer it.

    Conversion rates depend on many factors, including your industry, offer features, and marketing strategy. A hotel booking in the travel industry is a type of conversion that is quite different from a lead in the healthcare industry. Therefore, you can evaluate your achievements only within the framework of own sphere activities.

    To make this task easier, Unbounce has prepared a report with data on averages and trends in various industries. To do this, in each of the categories, they analyzed the performance of thousands of landing pages.

    With this information, you can easily determine whether your performance is “good” or “bad”. Also below you will find recommendations on from leading experts.


    As part of the first report, Unbounce decided to focus on the 10 most popular industries. They are represented online by more than 2,500 brands and marketing agencies.

    Unbounce analyzed the behavior of 74,551,421 visitors on 64,284 landing pages. As a result, business services (26.5%) turned out to be the largest industry, followed by such areas as healthcare (12.8%), real estate (11.28%), business consulting (10.1%), lending ( 9.71%), higher education (8.16%), home improvement (7.16%), law (5.45%), tourism (4.77%) and advanced training (4.06%).

    The conversion rates for the industries listed were as follows:

    It should be noted that companies use the most different texts for landing pages, traffic generation strategies and offers. This is why average conversion rates vary widely across industries.

    The most successful in generating leads were the tourism, lending, business consulting and skills development industries. The average conversion rate for them exceeds 12%. But for real estate, higher education and healthcare, a conversion above 6% can be considered excellent.

    After analyzing the indicators of different industries, experts have identified the following patterns:

    • 6 out of 10 industries (real estate, business consulting, lending, healthcare, home improvement and legal) have higher conversion rates if the text is written as simply as possible and understandable even to schoolchildren.
    • For most industries (tourism, real estate, business services, business consulting, lending, healthcare, home improvement) it is better to use short texts, conversion rates are higher for them.
    • Using words that build trust can help increase conversion rates in travel and business services, but lower them in lending.
    • Arousing fear in landing page text leads to lower conversion rates in most industries, with the exception of business consulting.

    Unbounce took a detailed look at the performance of each industry, specifically highlighting the following aspects:

    1. Information about page conversion within the industry.
    2. Data about various aspects of page text that affect conversion rates.

    Below you will find data for each of the 10 industries listed above.

    1. Tourism

    • Below average - 2.1%
    • Medium - 5.0%
    • Very good - 11.6%
    • Best - 19.7%

    45.6% of marketers in this industry have at least one page with conversion rates below 2.1%. If your page has a conversion rate of more than 19.7%, then you are ahead of 90% of your competitors.

    • In this industry, the readability of the text does not significantly affect the conversion, but it is still better to use simple and understandable texts on landing pages.
    • Short landing pages in this industry convert better. Try to be short and to the point.
    • Be positive. If at least 1% of the text causes a feeling of fear or anger (limited, money, endless, hot, challenge), you risk losing up to 25% of conversions.
    • Use words that build confidence (enjoyment, ideal, best, guide, savings). Between 7 and 10% will be enough to increase your conversion rates by 20%.

    2. Real estate

    Industry Conversion Rates:
    • Below average - 1.3%
    • Medium - 2.9%
    • Very good - 5.3%
    • Best - 8.7%

    41.6% of marketers in this industry have at least one page with a conversion rate below 1.3%. If your page has a conversion rate of more than 8.7%, then you are ahead of 90% of your competitors.

    • For texts written at the 6th grade level, conversion rates are almost twice as high as for university-level texts. Use an accessible language.
    • Be brief. Long landing pages have 33% lower conversion rates than short ones.
    • Less negativity. If more than half of your text evokes a sense of fear (highest, problem, risk, difficult, mortgage), you can hurt conversions.

    3. Business consulting

    Industry Conversion Rates:
    • Below average - 1.8%
    • Medium - 5.0%
    • Very good - 12.1%
    • Best - 21.7%

    37.3% of marketers in this industry have at least one page with a conversion rate below 1.8%. If your page has a conversion rate of more than 21.7%, then you are ahead of 90% of your competitors.

    • Texts written at grade 7 and below convert much better.
    • Using more than 1.5% of text to create a sense of anticipation (predict, achievable, achievement, surpass, differ) can result in conversion rates dropping by up to 25%.
    • Pay attention to the length of the text. For every additional 250 words on a page, you risk 20% fewer conversions.
    • Using words that evoke feelings of dislike (guilt, deceit, destruction, disaster, violation) can hurt conversions.

    4. Business services

    Industry Conversion Rates:
    • Below average - 1.4%
    • Medium - 3.5%
    • Very good - 7.2%
    • Best – 13.0%

    36.6% of marketers in this industry have at least one page with a conversion rate below 1.4%. If your page has a conversion rate of more than 13.0%, then you are ahead of 90% of your competitors.

    • Be as concise as possible. Pages with less than 100 words convert 50% better than those with more than 500 words.
    • In this industry, the complexity of the language and the awakening of variety has little effect on conversion rates.
    • The only exception is the feeling of trust. If more than 8% of the text will build reader confidence (management, system, content, real, politics), you will be able to increase conversion rates.

    5. Lending

    Industry Conversion Rates:
    • Below average - 2.0%
    • Medium - 5.6%
    • Very good – 11.0%
    • Best - 17.9%

    43.8% of marketers in this industry have at least one page with a conversion rate below 2.0%. If your page has a conversion rate of more than 17.9%, then you are ahead of 90% of your competitors.

    • Simplify the page as much as possible. Texts written at grade 8 and below have 5%-30% higher conversion rates.
    • Do not use more than 400 words. And if your text is less than 100 words, you can double your performance.
    • Allocate no more than 3% of the text to words that build trust (trust, personal, economy, advice, law). If you go beyond these limits, you can lose up to 10% of conversions.
    • Words that subconsciously evoke fear (mortgage, power of attorney, bankruptcy, insolvency, government) lower conversion rates. If they make up more than 0.25% of the text, then you can lose up to 15% of conversions.

    6. Healthcare

    Industry Conversion Rates:
    • Below average - 1.4%
    • Medium - 2.9%
    • Very good - 5.8%
    • Best - 9.3%

    45.0% of marketers in this industry have at least one page with a conversion rate below 1.4%. If your page has a conversion rate of more than 9.3%, then you are ahead of 90% of your competitors.

    • Text complexity does not significantly affect conversion rates in this industry.
    • Be brief. Pages with over 750 words convert 30% fewer visitors than pages with 500 words.
    • Every percentage of text that causes fear (pain, loss, trauma, treatment, surgery) can reduce conversions by up to 10%.

    7. Higher education

    Industry Conversion Rates:
    • Below average - 1.1%
    • Medium - 2.6%
    • Very good - 5.3%
    • Best - 9.3%

    42.1% of marketers in this industry have at least one page with a conversion rate below 1.1%. If your page has a conversion rate of more than 9.3%, then you are ahead of 90% of your competitors.

    • Higher education is the only industry where college and grade 7 texts have the same effectiveness.
    • On average, texts less than 125 words in length have a 15% higher conversion rate. At the same time, if we compare pages with texts of 250 words and 750 words, the conversion rates for them are approximately equal.
    • Use at least 5% of the text to create a sense of joy (successful, improve, receive, scholarship, achievement) to increase the number of conversions.

    8. Home Improvement

    Industry Conversion Rates:
    • Below average - 1.4%
    • Medium - 3.3%
    • Very good - 6.9%
    • Best - 11.7%

    45.1% of marketers in this industry have at least one page with a conversion rate below 1.4%. If your page has a conversion rate of more than 11.7%, then you are ahead of 90% of your competitors.

    • Using words that evoke joy (save, friendly, clean, perfect, safe) can hurt conversions. It is better to use no more than 1% of such expressions.
    • Avoid any aggressive words (money, limited, stable, damaging, detrimental).
    • Do not use words to create a sense of anticipation or persuasion (time, money, setup, efficient, pay). Pages with 2% of similar words have half the conversion rate of those without them.
    • Be as brief as possible. Texts with 100 words convert 30% better than those with 250 words.

    9. Jurisprudence

    Industry Conversion Rates:
    • Below average - 1.4%
    • Medium - 3.3%
    • Very good - 7.1%
    • Best - 11.2%

    39.7% of marketers in this industry have at least one page with a conversion rate below 1.4%. If your page has a conversion rate of more than 11.2%, then you are ahead of 90% of your competitors.

    • In this industry, language complexity does not affect conversion rates.
    • It is better to use about 250 words in the text to get the best results.
    • Using 5% - 10% of positive words will help increase conversion rates (experienced, expert, advocacy, justice, information). However, don't overdo it.
    • Only no more than 1% of fear-inducing words (deal, criminal, divorce, damage, accident) will not hurt conversions. More frequent use of them can reduce the performance by up to 15%.

    10. Professional development

    Industry Conversion Rates:
    • Below average - 2.5%
    • Medium - 6.1%
    • Very good - 11.8%
    • Best - 18.4%

    47.9% of marketers in this industry have at least one page with a conversion rate below 2.5%. If your page has a conversion rate of more than 18.4%, then you are ahead of 90% of your competitors.

    • Simplify the text as much as possible. But don't be afraid to use terms where necessary.
    • Texts between 300 and 400 words have the highest conversion rates.
    • Avoid excessive use of positive words (career, information, learn, professional, knowledge). Even 5% of these expressions can cut your conversion rates in half.
    • The fewer words that cause joy (development, success, income, confidence, ideal), the better. Even 1.5% of such words can lead to a conversion drop of up to 40%.
    • Also, including even 0.5% of words designed to evoke a sense of surprise (amazing, unique, art, award, successful) in the text can reduce conversion rates by up to 40%.

    Use this data for overall assessment state of affairs in different industries. But remember that your business, your marketing is unique, your landing page is unique. So what works in your industry on average may not work for you. Be sure to test all hypotheses to optimize conversion rates as effectively as possible.

    How to evaluate the effectiveness of the site? How to evaluate quality advertising company in the Internet? Many such questions can be asked. And all the answers revolve around the concept of "website conversion".

    Site Conversion- is the ratio of users who made the target action to the total number of visitors. Most often, conversion is measured as a percentage, so the result of the division is multiplied by 100%.

    Formula for calculating website conversion

    Conversion = / * 100%

    • Sum_Eystvie - the sum of users who have reached the goal
    • Sum_All - total sum of all website visitors

    Under the target action can be almost anything. Most often this is:

    • Purchase of goods (in the case of an online store)
    • Sending an application (for example, for a conference, for a loan)
    • Service registration
    • registration on the site
    • Order callback
    • Visiting the page with the address and contacts

    Conversion can be attributed not only to the site, but also to offline business. For example, what percentage of visitors to the store people buy something.

    The higher the conversion, the higher the efficiency of your site. All adequate webmasters and owners of online stores strive to increase the percentage of conversion.

    2. Why it is important to improve and study the conversion rate

    Having studied the actions of users, we will begin to understand what the problem is - why many do not reach the action we need. We may improve and refine the functionality and design of the site in order to maximum number users turned into buyers. You also need to strive to increase traffic volumes from those places that convert well. In my opinion, this is the most important task of any website owner.

    Knowing the conversion, it is easy to estimate your costs per visitor, which is the most important metric for business.


    We attracted 100 people with the help of advertising and spent 1000 rubles (1 visitor cost us 10 rubles). For example, one client who places an order will bring us net 300 rubles. If the site conversion is 5%, that is, 5 people out of 100 make an order, then we will earn net 5x250 = 1250 rubles. Taking into account our costs of 1000 rubles, our net income at the output is 1250 - 1000 = 250 rubles. Those. We are very profitable to attract traffic. However, if the conversion drops to 4%, then we will only recoup our costs, which means it is not profitable for us.

    Such calculations are most often made during traffic arbitration.


    Not always high conversion this is a great result. For example:

    Despite such different website traffic (100 vs 1000 vs 5000), the average income turned out to be almost the same. Even though the conversion of the third site with more high attendance at first glance it seems to be a leader.

    3. How to check website conversion

    Checking and studying the conversion of a site is not an easy task. But still there is turnkey solutions, which will help you not to spend money on developing your metrics. by the most the best tools for conversion tracking are two popular counters from two top search engines:

    Yandex Metrica, in my opinion, has several great opportunities and generally more intuitive. This can be explained by two reasons:

    • Yandex Metrica appeared much later than its Western competitor, which means that all the shortcomings of Google were taken into account
    • This is purely our design. This is probably why we like her more, although I have nothing against Google Analytics

    1. Possibilities of Yandex Metrica in determining the conversion of the site

    • The number of pages viewed by visitors to your resource;
    • Number of views specific page resource;
    • An event that is a successful indicator for the owner;
    • Sequential steps that visitors follow to complete an action;
    • Webizor (recording the mouse action and user movement around the site);

    2. Possibilities of Google Analytics in determining the conversion of the site

    • Achievement by the visitor of the page you need;
    • The visitor spends a certain amount of time on the resource;
    • The visitor views the specified number of pages;
    • The user performs the action you need;

    4. What is considered a good conversion

    In different topics, the percentage of conversion will vary greatly. As an example, you can bring a trite order for a taxi or pizza. Many users do not care which taxi to take or which pizza to order. On such sites, the conversion should be in the region of 10-30%, i.e. on average, every fifth person who visits the site must take an action.

    If we take an online store household appliances, then the conversion will be much less. Goods here are often not cheap, so buyers choose and consider their purchases more carefully before ordering. Here, the factor of the lowest price, trust and delivery conditions of the goods have a strong significance. You can't please everyone (except for the price, at least). Even despite the relatively low conversion of online stores of household appliances, the profit in this industry from one client is much higher than in the same taxi or pizza.

    5. Impact of traffic quality from different sources

    The source of traffic greatly influences the conversion. For example, the user came to the request "buy a refrigerator of such and such a brand." His request clearly contains a desire to make a purchase. Customers who come in for sales requests should be better converted into buyers.

    Another thing is information requests. For example, the query "what to look for when choosing refrigerators." It is clear that the user is interested in buying a refrigerator, but this " cold client". He went to your site for information, and then maybe he will look at the catalog with the goods. The conversion of such users will be very small, but nevertheless they are also potential customers.

    Website conversion is one of the most important performance indicators of an online store. Usually, an increase in conversion means an increase in turnover without increasing costs, but there are nuances in this process. Mikhail Morozov, head of the retailer's online promotion department, debunks the most popular conversion myths and talks about mistakes in the development of trading platforms.

    Myth #1: Conversion is everything

    Conversion, of course, is one of the main indicators of the site. But no less important are turnover, average check, number of goods in a check, margin, traffic, customer returns. All this is closely interconnected, and when optimizing each parameter, you must carefully monitor the others. For example, the most common problem is blocks of related products (in our case, “accessory” blocks). They may reduce the conversion of the site as a whole, but nevertheless increase the sales of accessories. Also, a higher conversion is usually for products with a low cost, which can reduce the average check.

    Myth #2: It is enough to track the average conversion of an online store

    The average conversion of an online store is like " average temperature in the hospital," she will not give an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "state of each patient".

    There is always a lot in the big different channels drive traffic, and they all have different conversion rates. It is foolish to refuse those channels where the conversion is low if they are effective in terms of ROI. Roughly speaking, every second visitor buys a Lada car from you, but only every 20,000th visitor buys a Bentley. Nevertheless, the economic impact of buying a Bentley will greatly please your business.

    You need to look at the conversion in the context of channels and campaigns, taking into account seasonality, the current assortment and promotions. If you still want to have one common figure, take the most conservative channels in terms of structure (for example, direct visits or transitions from search engines) and look at the figure for them.

    Myth #3: Increasing website conversions is always a good thing.

    If this were the case, then the order forms on the site would be reduced to entering a phone number. You need to build a sales funnel for your online store, from traffic to product acquisition. Moreover, this funnel can be with "branches" - for example, for placing an order on credit, for each type of delivery. Each level of the funnel should have its own metrics.

    Let's take, for example, a questionnaire for buying goods on credit, which is available on the Svyaznoy website. While working with her, we made several conclusions:

    • If you remove one of the fields, the conversion to the order increases, but the bank approves the loan less often;
    • Entering SMS verification reduces the conversion, but increases the redemption of the goods;
    • A large number of warnings and checks in the questionnaire reduces the conversion, but at the same time, the number of errors due to which the client is denied the delivery of goods.

    Another case will prove that all processes should be considered in more detail. Testing a new checkout process without mandatory authorization showed a 4% increase in conversions. But, having decomposed it by traffic sources, we saw that the conversion behavior was extremely diverse. According to some sources, it has increased, and in another part, it has fallen. It turned out that the drop occurred in those channels where there is a high proportion of old visitors/buyers. For example, this is direct traffic. That is, people who buy often are used to using authorization, a personal account. Some visitors were so inconvenient to place an order without personal account that they either refused to buy or followed it offline. Further analysis and refinement of the checkout process allowed us to increase the conversion by another 3%.

    Myth #4: Conversion depends only on website usability

    In addition to usability, conversion is affected by:

    • Prices, assortment, promotions;
    • Website content, especially product descriptions;
    • traffic structure;
    • Customer loyalty to the brand;
    • Speed ​​and convenience of delivery;
    • Warranty and exchange conditions, the quality of the store.

    It’s silly to blame usability if your diapers cost five times more than competitors, or delivery takes a month, and competitors take two days. In all these areas, it is necessary to permanent job to improve performance.

    Myth #5: Increasing block conversions is always a good thing.

    The block can "drag" the conversion from other blocks of the site. Despite point 2, you still need to monitor the overall conversion of the site. If you are working on any block or page, then remember that improving their performance does not always lead to an overall increase in efficiency. It often happens that new version"pulls" the conversion from other blocks. This is especially true for recommendation blocks. Relatively speaking, if your strategic goal is to sell expensive smartphones, a threefold increase in sales of cheap headphones will not a positive result. You cannot evaluate the effectiveness of blocks separately.

    Myth #6: A/B testing always produces the right results.

    A/B and multitesting are by far the most effective tools measurement of conversion when laying out new functionality. But they need to be approached wisely and remember a few circumstances:

    • Data that changes in options A and B must be statistically significant;
    • Test results can be influenced by third-party factors - the distribution of the audience, technical features(for example, one of the servers is running faster). To understand the influence of these factors, it is necessary to conduct A / A tests from time to time, as well as to change options A and B in places;
    • Customer behavior differs seasonally and depending on the day of the week. Especially on holidays and weekends. Therefore, all significant improvements need to be tested for at least a week;
    • For all options, it is necessary to build sales funnels in the context of traffic sources. It happens that an improvement on one level gives a deterioration on another;
    • Often, when a site changes significantly, visitors, especially regular ones, need to get used to it. It is important to pay attention to the dynamics of conversion.

    From my experience I can say that in Lately there were practically no tests of major changes that would immediately give unambiguous results. The data obtained has to be analyzed and “finished with a file”.

    And finally, myth number 7: Visitors act on the principle of "came - saw - bought"

    The behavior of buyers today is much more complicated than "came to the site - chose a product - bought / did not buy." A purchase is preceded by a series of visits to the site from several sources: choosing products, reading reviews, studying the conditions of purchase and return, the purchase itself, tracking order statuses. There are visitors who just go to the site to read reviews about new products, product reviews, ask questions about using the gadget. The conversion does not have to be an order. This can be any action that will "push" the visitor further down the sales funnel.

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    Explain on simple example. Let's imagine that you opened a store by renting a room for it in the center. And in order to understand how successful your business is, you decided to supply it with secret equipment.

    First― this is a camera at the entrance and a sensor on the door, automatically counting the number of visitors per day (let's imagine that the sellers do not leave at all or leave an insignificant number of times). The account is kept both for a certain period and in total amount during the life of the shop.

    Second- This is a small counter at the checkout itself. As soon as the check breaks through and payment arrives, the number of purchases also increases by one.

    After that at the end certain period you divide one number by another, thereby determining how people are interested in your products.

    What is hidden behind the term "conversion"

    To calculate the indicator, you need to know the total number of views and set the target action counter. You yourself determine what is the target action for you. This may be a purchase, adding goods to the cart, a call, providing personal data.

    Why you need to know this indicator

    Increasing the conversion of an online storethe main task for a sales person. This is very important indicator, indicating how profitable your site is. If the percentage is high, you can be proud of yourself. If it's too low, then it's time to change something.

    Otherwise, you can be content with a dozen buyers, not even knowing that thousands of potential customers visit the resource every day.

    How to calculate the average conversion of an online store

    To do this, you need to divide the number of people who made an order by the total number of visitors. Indicators can be taken both for the entire lifetime of the resource, and for a specific reporting period. Multiply the resulting number by one hundred percent. The formula looks like this:

    Conversion = (Number of clients / number of visitors) * 100%

    To get this data, use the services for analytics: Yandex.Metrica or Google Analytics. They are free and available for any sites without restrictions.

    What is considered a good conversion rate for an online store?

    Many people, having received a result of a few percent, are upset. But in fact, such indicators are quite normal.

    Usually the results are in the range of 0.5% (for furniture, musical instruments and sporting goods) up to 14% (for food delivery services).

    Ways to increase conversion

    Design change

    To bring your indicators back to normal, sometimes it is enough to redesign the page. Focus on modern trends. See how the most popular stores in the chain are designed. Remember that the site must necessarily call for a purchase, and not push away from it.

    Try to make the store colorful and bright. Animation and sliders are welcome. But do not overdo it, users do not like bad taste.

    Add some interesting marketing offers. People love various promotions and discounts. Seeing a large percentage on the price tag, they will even buy the product that they have not looked at before. The standard gifts for a purchase or “1+1=3” work the same way.

    Organize a promotion and add information about it in the most prominent place, for example, in the header of the resource.

    Shipping Policy

    Users love it when products are delivered right to their door. So if you don't bring your stuff to customers, start doing it.

    It is also important to have free shipping on purchases over a certain amount.

    positive rating

    Monitor the reputation of the site. Many really are guided by information on the network. If a resource constantly quarrels with someone or deceives customers, its conversion will decrease significantly.

    Be kind to customers. Try to hush up all quarrels and conflicts, appease dissatisfied customers. If something unpleasant happened through your fault, offer nice gift or discount. Talk to him, apologize. Do not try to just block the client and disappear, because the truth will still be hidden.

    But here it is worth distinguishing between affected people and just impudent persons. From inadequate and insolent it is better to get rid of by any means.

    Great photo

    Significant increase in online store conversion achieved by adding good and quality photos from different parties. How more photos- topics more likely purchases.

    The client gets the opportunity to look at the product from all sides, to decide whether he likes what he buys. Images should be bright, interesting and informative.

    Quality texts

    A simple product name and photo is not enough. Hire copywriters. They must fill out the product cards, write the text on home page, to the "About me" section and other pages.

    IN good text must be:

    • Benefits of a product or company.
    • Its specifications.

    Try to always include the name of the company so that you speak for the individual and not for an unnamed group. Place a call to action at the end of the text.

    The buyer will read the text and receive all the information of interest. Don't forget about bulleted lists and subheadings. They significantly increase the attractiveness of the text, make it structured. Such material is perceived better than a canvas of text.

    Good feedback

    Add a block with product reviews to the resource. To increase the level of buyers' trust in you, give them a chance to speak out about all the shortcomings and advantages. Filter the suggested content, but don't overdo it.

    Traffic sources

    Keep track of where new customers come from. If you constantly get views from VKontakte ads, then the conversion will not be too high. The link is clicked for fun.

    Another thing is if he purposefully typed the request "buy". Therefore, do SEO and optimize the pages of your online store for search queries.

    Availability of an online consultant

    Be sure to add a chat with an online consultant. Some people don't like to make phone calls, especially if the issue is minor. It is much easier to ask a question of interest via the Internet.

    Hire at least one or two people who are ready to tell the buyer about the product at any time of the day.

    Site search

    Be sure to add a search box, provide it with additional filters. The more of them, the more convenient your site will become. If you sell clothes, for example, add sorting by color, material, gender, and price. You can also make a section for promotional items.

    Availability of guarantees and benefits

    Place in the most visible place all the positive information about your online store. It should contain benefits, warranties and information about the site, as well as all new exciting promotions.

    Also place the most important aspects in the header. First of all, these are the guarantees provided.

    Price in plain sight

    Never hide the price. Forget about various "download the price" or "check by phone". Place it next to the name and write in large print.

    The buyer should see the cost immediately and understand if he can afford the purchase.

    Resource Optimization

    To attain normal online store conversion, engage in resource optimization. A page that takes too long to load is a reason to leave the portal and never return to it. Nobody likes to wait, especially when there are thousands of different chain stores on the Internet.

    Structuring information

    All information on your site should be short, concise and structured. No one will read a multi-page text describing a product from an artistic point of view. Try to highlight the most important points and put them at the beginning.


    And the last - no registration. This has long been a relic of the past. Let people make a purchase without having to create another account, the password for which they will forget in a few days. Remember that in the twenty-first century, time is already short. Do not let you place an order quickly? So others will.

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