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Which of the electrical appliances is the most dangerous. The impact of electronic devices on human health

It's no secret that Appliances makes life easier and more carefree. But along with the undoubted benefits and conveniences, household appliances bring some harm to our lives. It is, first of all, about electromagnetic radiation that accompanies the operation of any electrical device. No matter how hard the developers of technology try to reduce its possible impact on human health, but completely shield electromagnetic waves fails. About what household appliances can be called the most dangerous - read our article.

TOP 10 dangerous household appliances

  1. Leading the list of the most dangerous household appliances TV set. There are several reasons for this: firstly, in the company with the TV, we spend enough a large number of time, and secondly, many do not adhere to the recommendations regarding the ratio of the diagonal of the TV and the size of the room. How to protect yourself from harmful radiation? Well, of course - watch less TV and not do it too close.

  2. The second place of honor is taken. The design of modern microwave ovens sufficiently provides shielding from harmful radiation, but a guarantee complete safety all the same does not give, because there is enough microcrack in the case for it to be broken. Therefore, first of all, you need to treat the microwave oven with care, do not slam the door, and do not use the device with damage in the case. Do not install the microwave in a residential area or close to a workplace in an office.

  3. Mobile and radiotelephones, in addition to the convenience of communication, can cause certain harm to health. Even though the tube manufacturers claim that the radiation from a mobile phone is negligible, you shouldn't wear it on your body: in your pants or shirt pocket.

  4. Refrigerators, unfortunately, are also harmful. The harm caused to health by a refrigerator directly depends on the year of its release. The earlier this device was released, the fewer functions it performs, the fewer "technical bells and whistles" it has, the more safe it is for humans. For modern models, and especially for models equipped with a drip system, you should not approach less than 20 cm for a long time.

  5. Electric kettles, which have become indispensable in almost any home and office, are also unsafe. At a distance of less than 20 cm, the radiation from them exceeds allowable values, therefore, after turning on the kettle, it is better to move away from it.

  6. came to the liking of many ordinary people. But in addition to significant energy savings, these bulbs are becoming a real time bomb. And it's all about mercury vapor, which begins to seep into microscopic damage to the bulb, not to mention broken lamps. In addition, "economical" bulbs have to a large extent ultraviolet radiation, which means it is harmful to people with skin diseases and very sensitive skin.

  7. Oddly enough, but the harm caused to the health of ordinary table lamp, commensurate with the harm from the TV. Therefore, it is better not to overuse reading under a table lamp, replacing it with more distant light sources.

  8. Washing and dishwasher during their work, they create a sufficiently powerful electromagnetic field. Therefore, during their work, you should not approach them closer than a meter.

  9. When cooking on an electric stove, you should not be closer than 25 cm to it. It is this distance that is considered safe in terms of the level of electromagnetic radiation.

  10. During heating, an electric iron becomes dangerous at a distance of less than 25 cm. That is why it is worth setting it aside during heating.

The mobile phone is far from being in the first place in terms of radiation!

We are constantly scared harmful radiation household appliances. It turns out that you can independently check the level of electromagnetic radiation. The test is certainly not a laboratory one, but it will show the presence and the approximate strength of the radiation.

Turn on the radio (transistor). Switch to long or medium waves so that no station is heard, only the noise of the turned on receiver.

Turn on the appliances that you most often use - a computer, TV, microwave oven, toaster, iron, electric kettle, this is not a mistake iron and electric kettle. The refrigerator does not need to be turned on; it is always connected to the network, but it works periodically.

Go to the switched on device with a radio receiver. You will hear crackling, squeaking and various noises. How stronger noises the stronger the electromagnetic field, and therefore the more harmful the device under test.

Walk along the walls with the radio turned on, through which electromagnetic waves penetrate from the equipment working behind the wall, in other rooms. It is advisable to rearrange beds or chairs if they are in the area of ​​strong electromagnetic waves.

Scientists have been trying for many years to determine how electromagnetic radiation affects a person? For example, Italian scientists have come to the conclusion that electromagnetic fields can cause infertility. Americans believe that radiation from household appliances negatively affects the brain.

And Swedish experts have set a safe limit for the intensity of electro magnetic field, it is equal to 0.2 μT (microtesla). But all scientists of the world have long recognized that electromagnetic radiation has a negative effect on the central nervous, cardiovascular, hormonal and reproductive systems.

Fatigue, headaches, insomnia and general discomfort can all be the result of our "communication" with home appliances. Even weak electromagnetic radiation, the power of which is measured in hundredths and thousandths of a watt, is no less dangerous than radiation more power... For example, exposure to radiation from household appliances can be even stronger than prolonged exposure to power lines. It turns out that you and I live on a powder keg for a long time and stubbornly, daily breaking the bioenergetic balance of the body.

  • Refrigerators NO FROST

You can even sleep on the Dnepr refrigerator. But to the compressor modern refrigerator it is better not to come closer than 10 cm. At this distance, the field intensity exceeds the maximum permissible level. But it is better not to approach refrigerators equipped with the NO FROST system with an anti-freezer at all. He opened the door, quickly grabbed sour cream from the shelf and ran away. After all, the excess is extremely acceptable standards near such a miracle of technology, it is fixed at a distance of a whole meter from the door.

  • Electric stoves

It is better to cook lunch more than 25 cm from the front panel. The intensity of the magnetic field in this place is 1-3 μT (even more directly at the burners). But moving away to a distance of 50 cm, where the intensity of the EMF is already indistinguishable from the general field of the kitchen and is about 0.1-0.15 μT, you can safely cook! Even if it is on an outstretched arm, it is safe!

Electric kettles

Even these tiny ones, but irreplaceable devices, at a distance of 20 cm become dangerous. The radiation intensity in this radius is about 0.6 μT.

  • Irons

For most irons, a magnetic field exceeding 0.2 μT is detected at a distance of 25 cm from the handle, and only in heating mode. There is no way you can help yourself. We'll have to endure the torment of electromagnetic radiation - how to iron at a distance of 25 centimeters from the handle?

  • Washing machines

The washing machine field is much more intense. At the control panel, it is more than 10 μT! Therefore, the automatic washing machine not worth watching up close.

  • Vacuum cleaners

The vacuum cleaner has an even larger field - about 100 μT. But the vacuum cleaner, fortunately, is not an iron - the hose saves the situation.

  • microwaves

They deserve special attention... There are opinions that microwaves occupy the first place in the rating of dangerous household appliances and can carry real threat our health. At a distance of 30 cm, they create a magnetic field of 0.3-8 μT. True, their design does provide adequate shielding.

Of course, modern furnaces, according to manufacturers, are equipped with good protection, which prevents the electromagnetic field from breaking out of the working volume. But at the same time, no one gives guarantees that the field does not penetrate outside at all. By different reasons part of the electromagnetic field intended, say, for a chicken, still seeps out. Especially intense in the area of ​​the lower right corner of the door. And over time, micro slots appear on the stove in the door seal, and the degree of protection gradually decreases. This is due to the ingress of dirt and mechanical damage. Therefore, do not slam the door like in a minibus. Handle it carefully and take good care of it.

  • Computers

This is also a special article. Their electromagnetic radiation spreads along all fronts. Employees of the Center for Electromagnetic Safety conducted an independent study of a number of personal computers, the most common in our market. They found that the level of EMF in the user's area exceeds biologically dangerous level... Therefore, it is better to stare at the monitor all day at least at a distance of at least 70 cm (1.5-2 m - from a nearby monitor, for example, in an office).

Everyone knows that electrical household appliances are unsafe for health. How to protect yourself from harmful effects?

A modern person is surrounded by technology from all sides: TV, refrigerator, microwave oven, hair dryer, computer, air conditioner, heater and many others - it is difficult to do without them, because they make our life so comfortable. And including one or another of them, we, of course, do not even remember about such side effects of their activities as electromagnetic radiation.

However, scientists have long determined that electromagnetic fields negatively affect the central nervous system, cardiovascular, reproductive. And some even claim that they can cause cancer and become the cause. But since no one is going to give up the achievements of civilization, the question arises before all of us: how can we protect ourselves from the harmful effects of our assistants?


Refrigerators equipped with the No frost system are considered the most dangerous - they emit electromagnetic radiation in a radius of up to 1.5 m. And the walls do not interfere with this radiation. Therefore, so that the refrigerator does not turn from a friend into a systematic pest, you must, firstly, not be near it for a long time, and, secondly, do not place the bed, and even more so its headboard, behind the wall in such a way that there is a refrigerator through the wall. That is, no permanent neighborhood!


If the housing of the microwave oven is not damaged, then, in principle, it reliably protects against electromagnetic radiation. There is nothing wrong with the products cooked in such an oven - increasing the microwaves, the frequency of oscillation of the particles of the substance (product), only increases its temperature. Let's just say that a working oven is no more harmful than an always working refrigerator - just keep away from it, when it is turned on, at a distance of 1.5 m.

Electric oven

When cooking, try to stay at least 30 cm away from it. Do not under any circumstances snuggle up to it!

Washing machine

The degree of "sabotage" when the mode is on is about the same as that of an ever-working refrigerator. The best way protection: place your irreplaceable assistant in the bathroom, and while she is working, washing clothes, do not visit her too much.

TV set

Since most of us cannot not watch it, then when buying and installing, you need to take into account three main rules:

  1. The more modern the model, the safer it is.
  2. Try to install it at a distance of at least 1.5 m from your eyes.
  3. Before choosing a place for a bed (especially a headboard), ask your neighbors where their TV is located - remember that walls (even bearing ones) do not protect against EMP.

It was recently a luxury item available to a select few, and today it is found in almost every home. And, as a rule, children sit at computers even more often than their parents. Therefore, teach them how to use this electrical device correctly, since it is he who is one of the most powerful EMI emitters, since it has two sources of radiation at once: a monitor and system unit... You need to adhere to the following basic rules:

  • It is better to install the computer in the corner of the room - this will reduce the impact from the back of the monitor, install the system unit as far as possible;
  • do not forget that the distance from the eyes to a must be at least 70 cm;
  • when working at a computer, take a break of 15 minutes every hour;
  • ventilate the room where the computer is installed more often;
  • make friends for your computer - live plants partially neutralize the harm of EMF;
  • buy modern models- they are safer;
  • give up the habit of being at the computer at night: the light coming from it is harmful to the eyes; in addition, such "gatherings" negatively affect the nervous system and can provoke.
Hair dryer

One of the most harmful electrical appliances, creating electromagnetic radiation, tens of times higher than the norm. In addition, performing its direct function, the hair dryer is dangerously close to the head. Therefore, try to minimize the use of this device - this will only make your hair healthier.

General protection rules
  1. When buying a device, be sure to pay attention to the mark of its compliance with the requirements of the "International Sanitary Standards acceptable levels physical factors in the use of consumer goods in everyday life. "
  2. Less harmful equipment with automatic control- try to get just this.
  3. Pay attention to the power of the household appliance: the lower the power, the lower the level of its field, and, therefore, the less powerful the appliance is safer.
  4. When choosing a "warm floor" system, especially if you plan to install it in a children's room, be sure to look for one that provides more low level magnetic field.
  5. Try not to turn on multiple sources of magnetic field at the same time.
  6. When planning an apartment, consider an important aspect: household appliances should be placed at a distance of at least 1.5 m from your place of permanent residence.
  7. Try to keep the wires straight and not tangled in rings and loops.
  8. Do not purchase electric lamps in which the shades are directed downwards - it is safer when the light is directed upwards.

Why are electrical appliances dangerous?

Under certain conditions, when using familiar equipment and devices, dangerous situations can arise for you, for your loved ones and for your home.

Such situations can arise for two reasons. In the first case, you yourself can create a dangerous situation by violating the rules for the use of equipment and household appliances. In another case, regardless of you, a dangerous situation may arise: the electrical voltage in the network has increased sharply, the tap that shut off the water in the bathroom has flowed, etc.

In order for you to know how to avoid a dangerous situation in everyday life, and if it has arisen, to reduce its harmful consequences, we will consider the main everyday situations in which certain rules must be observed.

Rules for the use of electrical appliances.

Electric current passing through the human body causes it to heat up and can cause burns. Electrical burns can seriously damage the internal tissues of the human body. Also, defeat electric shock can lead to cardiac arrest or respiratory arrest.

To prevent this from happening, in everyday life it is necessary to observe a number of general rules safe handling of electricity:
- do not use faulty electrical appliances, never leave a switched on electrical appliance unattended;
- do not plug several electrical appliances into one outlet;
- follow the order of turning on the appliance into the network: first, connect the cord to the device, and then connect the cord to the network.

The device is turned off in the reverse order;
- do not touch the switched on electrical appliance with wet hands;
- remember: do not use electrical devices while in the water;
- Immediately inform your parents or elders about any faults found in electrical appliances, or about bare and poorly insulated wires.

Do not extinguish with water burning electrical devices connected to the electrical network.

A computer is a very useful and sometimes necessary thing. However, improper handling can be harmful to health.
Rules for working at a computer:
- make sure that the position of the monitor corresponds to the direction of sight, the middle of the monitor screen is located horizontally, at eye level or 10-20 ° lower;
- do not work in a dark or semi-dark room.
- in accordance with the established norms, the continuous duration of a student's work at the computer should not exceed 25 minutes;
- It is recommended to do certain physical exercises after each prolonged use of the computer.

Household gas and its properties

You may be using your gas stove for cooking with parental permission. For the use of household gas, a gas pipeline has been installed in the apartment and gas stove or a gas water heater. You constantly use various electrical appliances: iron, lamp, TV, radio equipment. For this, there is an electrical wiring, and in certain places electrical outlets and switches for room lighting are installed.

Currently, household gas is widely used in everyday life. It can be used in cooking gas stoves and in gas water heaters for heating water.
Gas used for domestic purposes can be of two types: liquefied gas in cylinders and city main gas.

Household gas has neither color nor smell, but in order to detect its leak, special substances with a specific smell are added to it.

Safe handling of gas appliances

A gas leak can lead to human poisoning and an explosion in the room. To prevent this, you must follow the safety rules when using household gas. Let's list the main ones:
- to light the gas burner, first bring up a lighted match, and then gently and carefully open the gas cock.
- do not leave the switched on gas burners unattended.
- make sure that the liquid heated on the gas stove does not flood the burner flame.
- if you notice an extinguished burner, do not try to ignite it again - this may lead to an explosion. Turn off the gas tap, open the windows and ventilate the kitchen properly. Report the incident to an adult.

The most ordinary gas stove in the kitchen can become a source of many troubles, if you do not follow some precautions: after all, when burning, the gas releases various toxic substances into the air.
Therefore, while the gas is on, keep the window or transom open, and be sure to close the kitchen door.

Make sure that the flame above the burner is blue, without any admixture of yellow and red.

Try to place kettles or pots with a wide bottom on a high stand, otherwise air access to the burner is reduced and the gas does not burn out completely.

Gas is convenient and safe only with skillful and correct handling of gas appliances.
You must constantly remember and follow the rules for using it:

Do not leave switched on gas appliances unattended;
- do not allow children to use gas appliances preschool age as well as persons not knowledgeable rules handling these devices.

Keep gas appliances clean and in good working order.
During the period of soil freezing, the possibility of rupture of underground gas pipelines is not excluded. Gas leaving damaged areas can spread over long distances and penetrate into basements, first floors of even non-gasified buildings. When going down to basements, do not use open fires and electrical switches without making sure that there is no smell of gas.

If you smell gas, notify us immediately by phone 04. Before the arrival of the emergency vehicle, take safety measures: do not allow open flames and, if possible, ventilate the room.

Be careful and careful!

Do not neglect safety measures. Save gas.
Do not allow long-term work gas burners without cookware.
Regulate the flame of gas burners. Reduce the gas to the minimum torch size after boiling water in the pan.
With gas burners different power use a large burner only when necessary.

Prevent limescale build-up in kettles. Boiling the water for a long time will increase the scale build-up.

Covering the dishes with lids while cooking, this technique saves 15% of gas.

What to do in case of a gas leak?

Switch off the gas burners. Close the gas cock.
Avoid any activity that causes sparks and increases the temperature of the room air. Do not touch the electrical switches, this may also cause a spark. Provide intensive ventilation by opening all windows. Remove everyone present. Cut off the gas supply if possible. Call the master at 04.

Devices containing mercury

Household appliances containing mercury:
- lamps daylight(these are gas discharge tubes containing inert gases and mercury vapors). All such lamps contain mercury - from 40 to 70 mg.
- mercury thermometers;
- instruments for measuring pressure (manometers).

Thermometers are found in every home, they are glass and break easily if dropped. At the same time, the balls of mercury easily roll into the crevices of the floor or are sucked into the carpet.

Fluorescent lamps are often thrown with household waste in trash cans, where they break easily and mercury vapor is released into the surrounding atmosphere.

Children and adolescents who break such lamps out of hooliganism usually do not even suspect what gets into their lungs.

The toxic properties of mercury

Mercury is a heavy liquid metal silver color... Has a strongly convex surface. In small quantities, it is collected in very mobile balls. It easily penetrates into the crevices of floors, furniture, walls, is absorbed by porous bodies, including wood, paper, cloth, plaster, and remains there for a long time and is a source of indoor air pollution. Mercury freezes at -38.9 ° C. Mercury evaporates at room and even zero temperature, mercury vapor is colorless and odorless.

The entry of mercury and its compounds into the body is possible through the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, skin.

Mercury vapors and mercury compounds are highly toxic. In chronic poisoning with mercury and its compounds, a metallic taste appears in the mouth, loose gums, severe salivation, excitability, and weakening of memory. The danger of such poisoning exists in all rooms where mercury is in contact with air. Particularly dangerous are the smallest drops of spilled mercury, clogged under the baseboards, linoleum, furniture, in the floor cracks. The total surface area of ​​small mercury balls is large and evaporation is more intense.

In children, a few hours after the start of inhalation of mercury vapors, severe pneumonia (pneumonia) may develop - cough, shortness of breath, and fever appear. In severe poisoning, pulmonary edema is possible (this is a deadly condition). Possible diarrhea (diarrhea), drowsiness, alternating with nervous excitement.

Mercury spill response

Particularly dangerous are the smallest drops of spilled mercury, clogged under the baseboards, linoleum, furniture, in the floor cracks. The total surface area of ​​small mercury balls is large and evaporation is more intense.

If the device breaks and mercury hits the floor, you should carefully collect all visible balls in a hermetically sealed vial, wipe the place of the mercury spill with a cloth moistened with a solution of potassium permanganate, and then contact a specialized organization that will check if there are any mercury vapors left in the apartment, and if left, it will help to remove them.

It is better not to use mercury fluorescent lamps (fluorescent lamps) in living quarters at all. Remember that one mercury Fluorescent Lamp broken in a medium-sized room can create a concentration of mercury vapor in the air above the maximum permissible level.

When using electrical appliances, there is a danger of electric shock to a person. The most common cause of an electric shock to a person is his touch to non-insulated electrical wires, to electrical conductors with damaged insulation, as well as to metal structural elements of machines, mechanisms and apparatus that accidentally turn out to be energized. Sometimes electrocution occurs when using defective protective equipment. The reason can also be the occurrence of step voltage on the surface of the ground or on the floor on which a person is standing, as a result of a wire short to ground or a ground fault. A person can get under the influence of electromagnetic fields and an electric arc that occurs when the electric current conductors touch or come together, as well as suffer from a lightning discharge. One of the main reasons for electrical injuries is people's poor knowledge of electrical safety rules.

Passing through the human body, the electric current produces thermal, electrolytic, mechanical and biological effects. In this case, irreversible violations of the functional activity of human vital organs are possible. The dangerous and harmful effect on a person of electric current, electric arc and electromagnetic fields is manifested in the form of electrical injuries and occupational diseases.

The thermal effect of the current is manifested by burns of individual parts of the body, heating to high temperature body tissues, blood vessels, nerves, heart and other organs located in the path of the current.

The electrolytic (electrochemical) action of the current leads to the decomposition of organic fluids (blood, lymph and plasma) and disruption of their physicochemical composition.

The mechanical action consists in stratification, rupture and other mechanical damage to body tissues, in particular, muscle, walls of blood vessels, blood vessels of the lungs, due to the electrodynamic effect, as well as instant explosion-like formation of vapor from tissue fluid and blood due to the thermal action of electric current

The biological effect is manifested in the irritation and excitement of living tissue, as well as in the violation of internal bioelectric processes occurring in the body and directly related to its vital functions. This can be accompanied by involuntary, vascular muscle contractions, including those of the heart and lungs. In this case, blood circulation and the work of the respiratory organs are disrupted or their activity completely stops.

Electrical trauma is an injury caused by electric shock or electric arc. They are conventionally divided into general and local. The general include electric shock, in which the process of excitation different groups muscles can lead to seizures, respiratory arrest and cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest is associated with fibrillation - a chaotic contraction of individual fibers of the heart muscle (fibrils). Local electrical injuries are clearly expressed local violations of the integrity of body tissues caused by the action of an electric current or an electric arc. These include electrical burns, electrical signs, skin metallization, mechanical damage, electrophthalmia. The metallization of the skin is associated with the penetration of the smallest particles of metal into it during its melting, most often with an electric arc. Most electrical injuries (~ 55%) represent a combination of local electrical injuries and electrical shocks.

The outcome of an electric shock to a person depends on many factors: the strength of the current and the time it passes through the body, the characteristics of the current (alternating or constant), the path of the current in the human body, when alternating current- on the vibration frequency.

The danger of electric current for humans increases with the duration of its exposure to the body.

The body's resistance to electric current is influenced by the physical and mental state of a person. Unhealthiness, fatigue, hunger, drunkenness, emotional excitement lead to a decrease in resistance. Unfavorable microclimate ( elevated temperature, moisture) increases the risk of electric shock, since moisture (sweat) lowers the resistance of the skin.

To ensure the safety of life during the maintenance of electrical installations and the reliability of operation, strict adherence to the rules is necessary technical exploitation electrical installations and measures to protect against electrical injuries. Measures to prevent electric shock to a person and daily preventive work include certain aspects of activities (Fig. 11).

The main means of protection against electric shock are: ensuring the inaccessibility of conductive parts for accidental contact; use of electricity with safe levels voltage; elimination of the danger of shock to people when voltage appears on the structural parts of electrical equipment; use of personal protective equipment against electric shock.

To prevent electric shock, it is necessary: ​​clearly and in in full comply with the rules for the production of work and technical operation; to service the equipment and work with the tool to allow persons who have been trained and have a certificate for the right to perform work; use low voltage... In rooms with increased danger, the voltage must be used no higher than 42 V, and in especially dangerous and outside rooms for lamps and power tools - voltage no higher than 12 V; it is necessary to connect portable pantographs to the mains using a special plug and socket with a grounding contact, which is 1.5 - 2 times longer than the working contacts.

It is forbidden to operate the power tool: if there is a damaged plug connection, cable or its protective tube, brush holder cover; with sparking brushes; with fuzzy operation of the switch; leakage of grease; the appearance of smoke and the smell of burning insulation; the appearance of increased noise, knocking, vibration; in case of breakage or cracks in the body, handle, protective fence; damage to the working body.

Store the power tool in a dry place.

Plug sockets used for voltages of 12 and 42 V must be different from sockets with a voltage of 127 - 220 V. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of accidental contact with live parts of electrical installations by insulation, protective fences, etc.

To prevent the danger associated with the transition of voltage to non-current-carrying metal parts, special measures are used - grounding, grounding and protective shutdown.

Rice. 11. Protective measures to ensure electrical safety

Renovation work must be performed with the obligatory observance of safety measures: make necessary trips, put up warning posters ("Do not turn on - people are working!"), check the absence of voltage, apply, if necessary, portable grounding; apply special means protection.

Defence from static electricity consists in removing from the metal parts of the equipment isolated from the ground of the electrical voltage arising from static electrification during technological processes, accompanied by friction (winding fabric, paper, film), crushing solid materials, pouring bulk materials, pouring liquids - dielectrics (gasoline, kerosene). The effect of static electricity on a person can be felt as a weak, moderate or very strong injection, which in itself is not dangerous, but can be an indirect cause of an accident due to reflex movement of the person in the danger zone. Static electricity discharges to the ground or between parts of equipment can cause flares and explosions of gas, vapor, and dust-air mixtures. One of the most simple and effective methods ESD protection is grounding.

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