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What name to choose for the channel. Channel names for YouTube - list

Many users who have registered on YouTube are concerned about one important question: "How can you name your channel?" The question is quite interesting considering how well-known bloggers make serious money from their broadcasts, attracting hundreds of thousands of subscribers. And the name of the channel is often one of the factors behind such an overwhelming success. Let's try to figure it out and understand how to make the name a really effective way to increase popularity and attract users.

When choosing a name for a channel, you should, first of all, build on the following parameters:

  • the name should be as simple as possible, but at the same time memorable;
  • it should correspond as much as possible to the theme of the video materials that will be uploaded.

Now let's take a closer look at each item.

The name of the channel should be such that the name is not just easy to remember. It is better to do it so that it seems to be something ordinary for a person, literally stuck in the head. For example, a piece from the chorus of a popular song. Yes, at first glance, this seems to be literally an unrealistic task, but if you complete it, then the user will very, very significantly increase the effectiveness of promoting his channel.

As an example, let's assume that some kind of video materials about the user's life will be posted here. If he has a fairly common surname: Petrov, Ivanov, and so on, then well, everything is literally fine. You can also replace the first and last name with a known pseudonym. And recently, there has been a trend that bloggers have started using different verbs in their titles.

As for the name to be as close as possible to the subject matter of the materials, we note that this is done so that the user and potential subscriber understands what exactly this or that channel is about. Nowadays, the direction about game reviews is extremely popular - the so-called “Let’s Play” (from the English Let’s Play - let's play). You can, for example, use your name in conjunction with the verb - "YarikPlay" or "TolyaObzor". And if the user is filming a show, sketches or vines, then you can add any of these words to your first or last name.

If we say what exactly should not be done, then it is to use some incomprehensible or non-standard symbols, as well as a lot of numbers. There are two reasons:

  • it can have a bad effect on the channel ranking by the video hosting itself;
  • It will be difficult for users to search for the name in the search bar, and this, of course, will harm the popularity of the channel.

It will be important that one of the factors in order for the channel name to be as high as possible in the list and to rank well, both by Google and by YouTube itself, is that you need to organically insert the keyword in the title. For example, if a user removes pranks, then the corresponding word will certainly not be superfluous in the name of the channel.

Finally, we note that only the user himself can name the channel. The main thing in this business is simplicity and creativity. If the user really manages to come up with something really unique and unusual and at the same time memorable, then this will be a really significant step towards success and popularity on the largest video hosting in the world.

In this article, we will provide several techniques - how to name a channel on Youtube, as well as give advice on choosing a name, on which the promotion of the project as a whole will depend.

    • What should be the name for a YouTube channel: 5 options
    • 5 simple tips to help you come up with a catchy name
    • Instead of a conclusion: what should be done immediately with the invented name?

What should be the name for a YouTube channel: 5 options

  1. Unique and sonorous name - brand (ex: +100500, thisIsGood, EeOneGuy), the most profitable channels on youtube use brand names;
  2. Channel name, from which it is clear, which content is posted on it (example: Golden replays of the week, Sons and Daughters, Soviet films, First-person travels);
  3. Modeling top channel titles - on services socialblade and VspStats you can see earnings of the most popular channels;
  4. Channel name for the top key phrase , which users are looking for on the Internet, for example Investments in real estate, How to make money on the Internet from scratch, and so on. To do this, you can use the Yandex service - wordstat;
  5. Compound name - Brand + Key phrase + content content

Watch a detailed video tutorial in which we will break down the specific rules for creating a cool channel name on Youtube:

We recommend the course on making money on the Internet Find out more than 50 ways to make money on the Internet, including ways to make money on Youtube

Rule 1. Check the availability of the name in other social networks

When you gain enough weight, you decide it's time to create your website and open groups in social networks. If your channel is already popular, nimble moneymakers will already register these names in order to receive a free audience from the search, which will search for your project by name.

Rule 2. Choose a unique and sonorous name - brand

Everything is very simple - apart from the simple need to come up with at least some name, the original name will allow you to get the maximum effect during promotion of your blog... Match the name of the channel on YouTube with its theme. During registration, you will be asked to enter your first and last name in transliteration.

It is best to choose simple and cool words that are now "heard" and very quickly sink into memory. You can come up with a word of your own, but it should be easy to read and certainly catch the people who first visited your YouTube channel.

Channel name ideas should be unique and interesting. It's best not to try to imitate the names of popular bloggers, but to choose your own path and show your own talent. Consider the fact that not everyone thinks the same way as you - that you just remember, it will be much more difficult for others. It is best to develop several options at once, you can make a list with the names for the channel on YouTube and consult with your friends and family to find out their opinion.

Rule 3. Choose a title that makes it clear what content is posted on it

Look at TOP video bloggers who earn the most and pay attention to the fact that 99% do not use key phrases, but rather memorable brand names, plus, if possible, a connection with the content that is posted on the channel

Do not assume that you will have to give up your own name altogether. The wisest thing to do is to "kill two birds with one stone." For example, you want to launch an online channel where you will talk about new movies, play games on PC and consoles, or run a beauty blog for girls. In this case, you can add a prefix to your own name, like "LetsPlays" or "Games with". Try not to make it too large, it should blend harmoniously.

Rule 4. Choose the name of the channel for the top key phrase

If you are seriously planning to run your channel on YouTube, then you should come up with a name that will be immediately contain a key request... But in no case should you overdo it! The name of the channel on YouTube should be easy to remember.

Name generators - how to choose a nickname, name a project, channel or group

Rule 5. Consider future development when choosing a name

When developing your channel for reviewing games, films or other topics, you can change something dramatically only at the same time as the linked Google+ page. Even if you don't think about the inconvenience, changing the name of the channel will have a bad effect on your subscribers, because they are used to the same name.

When choosing a channel name on YouTube, choosing a too narrow niche is a common mistake. As an example, here are some erroneous options: “French cooking” - when you run out of French recipes, your audience will most likely want to receive videos with recipes from other countries; “How to make money on repairing windows in Lipetsk” - imagine that you are moving, your audience comes from other cities by 80% and instead of earning money on windows, you suddenly decide that the doors are much cooler. In this case, you should think in advance and name your channel for example: “ Do-it-yourself earnings" or " Earnings for men ”.

How to come up with a name using other people's brains

If you have already "broken 1 brain", trying to figure out how to name a channel on YouTube, but have not been able to invent anything suitable, do not despair. There is another way how to come up with a channel name: Formulate the task and announce a competition on one of the freelance sites.

Naming is a whole science; if you cannot cope with the task yourself, shift it onto the shoulders of professionals. It will cost you less than placing an order in a specialized agency: on the site you will get a lot of options for titles from many different freelancers and you can choose the best one. The main thing is to clearly define the task: first of all, performers must understand what kind of channel you are creating, what goals you set for yourself and what exactly the title should display, what associations it should evoke, how short / long it can be. The better you explain your wishes, the more chances you will get into the top ten.

For freelancers, this will be a good opportunity to make money (from a thousand rubles and more), having come up with just 1-2 words, and you will choose the one that best suits your expectations. The only negative is that you have to pay for a good idea.

  1. Rhymes ... This is a very difficult task, but it helps to firmly sit in the memory of YouTube users. Many popular people have already used this technique more than once, not only bloggers, but also filmmakers, so you can sweat a little.
  2. Word games ... This technique is often used in marketing.
  3. Alliteration ... This is a kind of audio repeat. Both vowels and consonants that appear in the first syllables of the word are repeated. If Coca-Cola was able to promote itself, then your YouTube channel will be able to!
  4. You can think of oxymoron .This is a joking phrase that contains a contradiction in its title. Simple examples from literature are "Living Corpse" or "Honest Thief".
  5. The best thing is to come up with something funny ... It is not a sin to show your sense of humor, but a good joke will help to win the recognition of site users.

In general, choosing a name is only part of your video marketing strategy.

Check out our free master class, in which we went into detail on this topic in its entirety:

Instead of a conclusion: what should be done immediately with the invented name?

Just imagine - you thought of all the possible options, took all the advice into account and were able to create a name with rhyme and humor. You, elated by your success, go to the site, and there you see that such a name is already taken ... Angry, you sneeze for a long time, add your birthday numbers or a couple of dashes, and then register. Emotions make you do the wrong thing, and you will certainly regret doing it! Moreover, such manipulations make reading and memorizing your channel downright difficult, and this will negatively affect your brand.

Come up with 20 name options for your YouTube channel and test them:

  1. Check their availability on other social networks.
  2. Get feedback from your friends and family:
    • is it easy to remember the name;
    • what they associate the name of your channel with;
    • is it clear what the videos will be about on your channel.

Be sure to watch the free video from Andrey Merkulov, in which he analyzes various ways to make money on video:

How to make a good YouTube video?

That's all. When the name of your channel is ready, you can safely complete its design... YouTube has a wide variety of original templates that allow you to create something your own unique. The very first thing a person pays attention to when visiting such channels is the name and appearance, and only then he evaluates your content. Make it bright, interesting, and most importantly - yours! Good luck.

Do you want to know how to make money on your channel? All the most relevant information is here 50 Ways To Make Money Online

If you don't succeed with earning money on YouTube, try other ways of investing, in particular in cryptocurrency. With competent investments in crypto, you can make good money here. And to avoid mistakes, sign up for training on cryptocurrencies.

You have decided to create a YouTube channel. Let's start choosing a name?

At first glance, this is a simple matter, but ... for me it is always the most difficult thing. And for you?

Read the article to the end, and you will forget about this difficulty once and for all.

Why is it important to name your YouTube channel correctly?

This is what your visitors see first. They decide whether to continue exploring the channel or not. Click on it in the search results or scroll down the page.

Apart from that, the correct name will promote the channel on its own. Every time they type in a key phrase, visitors will find you.

What should be the name?

There are no clear rules. But several criteria can be distinguished. Make it:

  • Understandable - Explain to your visitors what your channel is about.
  • Original - To make your YouTube channel name easy to remember, it must stand out.
  • Memorable - so you can be found by simply typing a phrase into a search engine.
  • Non-copyright infringing - discard popular brand names. After all, when you promote the channel, these enterprises may require you to change the name.

How to name your YouTube channel?

Start coming up with different options. Don't be limited to 5-10. Unleash your imagination and write down 40, 50, 100 points. And then select the name that will meet the criteria specified above. You can ask your friends / colleagues / customers for advice.

What can be used as a channel name:

Brand name with a light and beautiful sound

Apple, Nike, Tesla - simple and memorable. If you are also planning to create your own brand, then there should be no problems with the name of the channel. Give it your brand or company name. The more often your business flashes on the web, the more people will search for your channel.

Another option is to give the channel your name. You can choose different options:

  • name and surname;
  • pseudonym;
  • last name + word "channel".

This name is also well suited for vlogs or surveys where you, your life and interests are the center of attention.

A name that reflects the theme

This is a good option if you are planning to promote not yourself, but content. To do this, first think about which videos you will publish, write a list of several categories, and then come up with a name.

Possible options:

  • Hunting and fishing.
  • Find your recipe.
  • - Interior design, decor, architecture.

Title for YouTube channel with key phrase

Want to make friends with search engines and attract new users for free. Choose according to the following algorithm:

  • Write down up to 10 topics for which you can create a channel.
  • Think about how the target audience can search for you using these options.
  • Enter the selected phrases into the search engine and see the tips:
    • enter the beginning of the phrase in the line and see how Google continues;
    • Scroll down the page and look at the casts in the "Searches related to [your phrase]" block.
  • Check the number of requests for the selected topics using Yandex.WordStat.

Compound name

Combine the previous options. This way you can promote your brand, plus visitors will immediately understand what the channel is about. For example, take a name and add a subject (separated by a dash, slash, or other character):

  • Elena's Vegetarian and Lean Cuisine | Good recipes.
  • Cooking with Irina Khlebnikova.
  • Victoria Snow Workshop of Inspiration.
  • Beautiful Nails by Alina Bykova.

Contact a specialist

If you do not have time or imagination, entrust this difficult task to a specialist. Find a freelancer and give him a task. Or contact a specialized agency (this is more expensive, but more reliable)

To do this, write:

  • the general direction and goals you want to achieve with your YouTube channel title;
  • length and association requirements;
  • possible video categories and topics.

The more detailed you explain all your wishes, the more chances you will get the desired name the first time.

The channel name is the first step in driving free leads from YouTube. Learn how to hook a visitor and .

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Tips to help you name your YouTube channel

If you've been sitting in front of an almost blank sheet of options for an hour now, use these tips:

1. Make it short

Pay attention to the names from the list of TOP-10 popular channels. What unites them?

They are short. Because such names are easy to remember and find. A good option is to name your YouTube channel in one word, for example:

  • ELLO is a popular Russian music channel.
  • Sorax is a web development tutorial channel.
  • Barboskiny is a channel for children.
  • Lifehacker - advice on health, work, sports, relationships, finances.
  • NTV - all the most interesting that was on the air: programs, series, author's projects.

2. Come up with a name based on the purpose

Typically, people watch videos to learn something or to relax and have fun. What will you stake on? And what kind of videos will you shoot? This can be: educational or motivational videos, reviews, an entertaining show.

  • Online Java lessons.
  • Yoga for Health.
  • United Traders - Learning to be smarter than money.
  • Traveler's blog ✈ World @ Around.
  • I am a Guitarist (video tutorials on playing the guitar).

3. Choose a name for the YouTube channel depending on the interests of the audience

Create a portrait of your customer. Think about what he is striving for, what difficulties he faces, what he is looking for in the search, what videos he watches and what channels he is subscribed to. And based on that, come up with a name.

  • How to learn to draw.
  • Wake up the genius in you.
  • Chess lessons for beginners (RUS).
  • How to learn to sing - Vocal Academy.
  • Video tutorials for Lady.

4. Analyze your competitors

If you have no ideas, peep them from others.

  • Explore popular channels and choose the most interesting and revealing titles. For example, statistics are collected on the number of subscribers, videos and views.
  • Browse your competitors' channels. What techniques do they use. Try to understand their approach and apply it to your business.

You can find more tools and tips in this article:.

You will not become popular from the first days. Channel promotion takes time. And, perhaps, you will have new opportunities. You've noticed how the content on the channels changes over time. Become more advanced both picture and content.

Think about what you want to implement in the future and choose a name based on this. So, after a year you will not need to change your name and confuse existing subscribers.

6. Use rhymes

This is a good way to create a nice title for your YouTube channel. Yes, it's hard to find them. But popular brands, bloggers, filmmakers use it. Join this company.

7. A play on words

Since YouTube is primarily an entertainment resource, a pun will help grab the attention of your visitors.

Here are some interesting examples for inspiration:

  • hated for a long time;
  • uncontrolled attack of brightness;
  • you know the more, you revenge harder;
  • work burden;
  • daffodils;
  • chocolate removes the press;
  • freedom;
  • would turn the time to fall back.

8. Alliteration

This is the repetition of the same or similar consonants. Its main advantage is ease of memorization. For example, Coca-Cola.

9. Or an oxymoron

This is an expression that contains conflicting concepts. Thanks to the connection of the incompatible, the brain stops at this phrase and tries to present it. This engages the creative right brain and piques interest.

Examples of oxymorons:

  • sad joy;
  • dead Souls;
  • the end of eternity;
  • true lies;
  • society of dead poets;
  • back to the Future.

10. Come up with a funny name for your YouTube channel

The humor is popular. And if you can find a cool name, your followers will love it.

Finally, catch some more interesting examples:

  • English like notes.
  • Wake up the genius in you.
  • Adventures of Flying Penguins.
  • Woolen stories.
  • Himself a Gardener.
  • Piping hot! - recipes in a minute.

What happens if you misnamed your YouTube channel?

Actually, it's okay. Visitors will not scatter, and your channel will not be at the very tail of the rankings.

Sometimes video quality, frequency of posting, optimization of the title and description of videos are much more important.

But the name of the channel for YouTube is an additional factor that will help you promote it. All together will be the key to your success.

Also check out the list of other articles that may be useful to you:

Channels on YouTube are created by people of different interests, ages and social groups. Many blogs on this video hosting today are run by girls. After all, "YouTube" in our time is not only a good way of self-expression. It is also an opportunity to make good money. In order to attract as many subscribers and viewers to your video blog as possible, you need, of course, to make, first of all, interesting films. But many are also asking the question of what to call the channel on YouTube for girls. After all, using a sonorous, memorable nickname, you can attract quite a lot of additional subscribers.

Basic principles of selection

Choose a nickname for the channel on "YouTube" primarily on the basis of what topic the video will be devoted to. A blog on this hosting can be focused, for example, only on one, but a very big problem. In this case, the solution to the latter is simply suggested piece by piece in different videos. But most often on "YouTube" blogs are created on different issues on the same topic. The best thing, of course, would be to create just such a channel.

When choosing a topic for a blog, you should first of all ask yourself this question: "Why do people go to YouTube?" They do this mainly in order to obtain any information or skills (master classes, news, etc.) or to have fun (jokes, unknown). Therefore, for a start, it is worth deciding on the topic. Do you want to share your knowledge and skills with Internet users? Or maybe you prefer to make the life of those around you more pleasant and easy by entertaining them? In accordance with your preferences and choose the main direction of the channel.

Popular themes for girls

After you have decided on the direction of the blog, you can proceed to the selection of the actual topic itself. The best thing for a girl, of course, is to do just a women's blog. This condition is, of course, optional. In principle, you can choose any topic. For example, how to make money on the Internet, install software, use all sorts of services in life or the Web. But still, more often than not, girls create blogs on the following topics:

How to name a channel on YouTube for girls: simple rules for choosing a nickname

So, you have decided on the topic of the video blog. Now you can start choosing a name for the channel. Of course, any name for a blog should carry, first of all, a semantic load. The users of "YouTube" who have come to the channel should immediately more or less understand its main theme. Also, when choosing a name, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

    There is no need to use the already promoted names of other channels or, for example, groups in social networks, regular blogs, etc. Nickname must be unique. To make sure that you are not repeating yourself, just fill in the invented name in the search engine and look at the search results.

    NThe title should be simple and at the same time as sonorous as possible.Nicknames that are too long and incomprehensible should not be used.It is believed that the best option for "YouTube" would be a channel name of no more than 50 characters.

    Do not include numbers and unreadable characters in the channel name. Nick should also be easy to pronounce.

"Yandex Wordstat": choosing a nickname according to SEO rules

Search engines themselves can help in finding an answer to the question of what a channel on YouTube can be called for girls. After all, visitors to blogs, including those on You Tube, often come from here.

In order to find a video on any topic of interest to him, the user usually clogs a certain phrase into the search line of "Yandex", "Google" or actually "YouTube" itself. Of course, such requests can be very different. However, some of them get hammered in searches more often, others less often. To find out what exactly interests web users on a topic of your choice, you just need to look at the number of requests for a particular problem.

This can be done using, for example, the Yandex Wordstat service. Having entered it, you should simply type in the words from the name of the channel you have invented into the search bar and see how many visitors you can get on them per month. Yandex Wordstat also has a section called "Request History". Here you can see how many people scored a particular word or phrase during the year by months. It can also be very helpful. After all, for example, for the query "jams and pickles" the most views will be, for obvious reasons, in August - September. At other times of the year there will be very few of them.

How can you call the girl's YouTube channel: literary techniques

As already mentioned, the nickname of the channel should be not only short, but also sonorous and attractive to potential subscribers. In order to make it that way, it is worth using all sorts of literary techniques. This, for example, can be:

  1. Play on words. An example of such a phrase is the following: “ Genes affect bone growth. "
  2. Rhyme . It is, of course, quite difficult to come up with it. But it's the short rhymes that people remember best.
  3. The combination of the incongruous. "Living corpse", "The only choice" and so on.

Alliteration can also be a good answer to the question of what to call a YouTube channel for girls. Phrases with frequently repeated letters or words stick into people's minds just fine. Examples of alliterations are the name "Coca-Cola" or the phrase: "Meli Emelya is your week."

We carry out audience analysis

According to statistics, narrowly targeted blogs find their viewers the fastest. Therefore, you should not choose too general topics for your channel. Decide who exactly you want to shoot the video for. Study your future audience. She probably has a few special terms that are unique to her. Try to use them in your nickname.

Also try to reflect the solution to the most pressing problems of your audience in the name of the girls channel on YouTube. Let's say cash. For example, the nickname "Bake Pies" is likely to attract fewer subscribers than the title "Delicious Pies at No Cost". You can also interest potential viewers by using words such as "secret", "tips", "interesting facts" and more in the name of your blog.

Sometimes a very good decision can be to choose a name for a video blog, which is a famous slogan or a quote. Using words that emphasize a potential audience’s value is also often a good answer to the question of what to call a girls channel on YouTube. Examples of such nicknames are such phrases: "A blog for the brave and beautiful" or "Skillful hostesses". Many people will surely want to subscribe to such channels. After all, every girl is pleased to feel brave, beautiful or skillful.

Using the personal nickname of the blog owner herself can also be a good answer to the question of what to call a YouTube channel for girls. It can be inserted both at the beginning and at the end of a phrase. The nickname can be just an IO, written in English or Russian, or some nickname. There are actually a lot of channels with this name on YouTube today (if not most).

Examples of nicknames: list

So what can you call a YouTube channel for girls? The list of nicknames below shows that on this video hosting they can really be simple and memorable at the same time:

  • School - Funny memories;
  • SveTanTV;
  • MiniBaby;
  • KseniaAndYou;
  • Knitting Lessons by Sasha;
  • Granny Emma's Recipes;
  • VIKKAvideo-Simple recipes.

It often happens that not one girl is blogging, but two or even three. This fact can also be reflected in the nickname. Here, for example, are good answers to the question of how to name the channel on YouTube for 2 girls:

  • TwoBlondesRussia;
  • Polina and Anya - speak.

The above guidelines can of course be very helpful. A sonorous, catchy, short nickname will surely draw attention to the channel. However, it is often difficult to come up with a name for a video blog right off the bat. If the muse has turned away from you, try to consult with your girlfriends and friends regarding the nickname. The majority of young people today are very active users of the YouTube video hosting service. Perhaps someone you know will come up with an interesting idea for the name of your blog.

Well, if friends also don't think of anything, then, as already mentioned, you can simply not invent anything and call the channel by your name. For example, "Tanya Ivanova's Blog" or TanyaIvanova "s-Blog. In some cases, this method may even be very successful. For example, a channel with a personal nickname will certainly attract viewers if you already have some then fans - from VKontakte, Instagram, Facebook, etc. In this case, to promote your channel, you just need to post its name in social networks - and wait for subscribers.

The answer to the question about two girls, in this case, may look like this: AnyaTanya and You or Galya and Mila. You can also add a short, catchy word to the names that denotes the topic of the blog.

Instead of your own nickname, you can use just the type of solution to the problem or the topic of the channel. Examples of such names may be: "The classic cookbook", "Learning to knit", "Cutting and sewing workshops", "Yoga lessons", etc. English words are often used in such nicknames. But it is worth using them mainly only if they are on everyone's lips. It is better not to use English words that are too unfamiliar to a wide Russian audience.

Instead of a conclusion

As you can see, coming up with a name for a YouTube channel is relatively easy. All that is needed for this is just to connect a little imagination. Use literary techniques, study the tastes of your potential audience, decide on a topic. And then you will definitely succeed. Viewers will remember the nickname of your channel and sooner or later they will definitely subscribe to it.

Shooting a video and putting it online is half the battle. If you want a channel on YouTube to be visited, you need to give it a sonorous, attractive name.

Then views and popularity will not be long in coming. With proper promotion, the account name can eventually become a kind of well-known brand.

What can you call a YouTube channel for girls

There are a few basic rules to help you choose a name for your channel. Following them, it is not so difficult to do this.

  1. You need to check the selected name on other social networks - if it already exists, you should not use it, as viewers will be confused.
  2. The name should be branded, unique, sonorous. If the channel is named in an original way, then it is not difficult to promote it. The topic of the video on the channel should have something with a title.

It is best to use words in the title that are cool, but simple, those that will quickly sink into memory. Alternatively, come up with your own word, it should also be simple, memorable, catchy.

There is no need to imitate famous bloggers if the videos are not caricatures of them. Such imitation can cause laughter and even disgust. It is better to show your talent and come up with several names and consult with the closest people, which one you like best.

The title should make it clear what content is posted on the channel. That is, if it is assumed that there will be information useful for girls, for example, needlework, then it is logical that the name should not contain the words “boy”, “psychology”, “construction” and others, but “handmade”, “ do it yourself ”and the like.

99% of popular bloggers on YouTube are referred to by their original names, rather than typing in keywords. You can kill two birds with one stone and name the channel, for example, “Review of cheats in The Sims 3 with Ksyusha Lisichkina”. Don't make the channel name too long.

Imagine that the channel will become very popular over time. Think about whether you will then become uncomfortable with your invented name.

It will be undesirable to change it - this is, firstly, unnecessary problems with google +, and secondly, subscribers are accustomed to the old name and may perceive the new name badly or completely forget about changing the name.

How to come up with a catchy name for a YouTube channel

There are several techniques that will allow you to name a channel with a memorable name, but you have to use all your imagination.

  1. Rhyme. Although it is difficult to come up with it, it will definitely remain in the memory of channel visitors. This technique is used not only by bloggers, but also by writers and directors, therefore it is worth considering with creativity to come up with a name.
  2. Play on words. Genes affect Kostya's growth - that's a play on words. This technique is used in marketing to attract people.
  3. Alliteration (repetition of any letters, vowels or consonants) is cut out loud, thereby being well remembered. An example of such a name is Coca-Cola, where 3 out of 8 letters are K. If this brand has won such love, then the name of the channel can!
  4. People love oxymorons. This is a combination of the incongruous. An example of an oxymoron is a "living corpse."
  5. The humor and funny joke in the title will attract viewers.

Choosing a channel name for girls

Having considered the basic rules for naming a channel, let's return to the question of how you can name a channel on YouTube for girls.

First of all, start from what this channel and the video on it are about. Maybe it's reviews of cartoons, discussion of girly problems, or recipes for girls' meals.

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