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What phones are used by Putin, Trump and other presidents03.04.2017. Hardware solutions: what kind of smartphones besides the iPhone do Russian billionaires use

From all other Chinese flagships, the model is distinguished by a round flash, a cool sound in headphones, a case with curved antenna grooves (even before it was embodied in the iPhone 7), outstanding autonomy and a powerful, but “hot” and voracious 10-core processor. Not to say that the model is luxurious, but it is clearly “closer to the people” than smartphones, which can usually be seen in the hands of politicians and pop stars.

Donald Trump - Samsung Galaxy S3

The American media dissect the biography and work activities of the new US president with such persistence that even pop divas never dreamed of. In general, by common efforts they make America great again and pay attention to every little thing along the way.

Even if this little thing is the cell phone of the billionaire president. The fact is that the eccentric head of state, according to some sources, until recently used almost a "grandmother's phone" - Samsung Galaxy S3. In Russia, it is customary to give this flagship of 2012 to retired parents after you realize that a smartphone is no longer suitable for the selfie era and exploits in fattened applications. This generation of Galaxy was generally not the most successful, otherwise Samsung would not have sold an overabundance of Exynos 4412 processors to the “basement Chinese”. And it’s also worth remembering that the latest Android for this model stalled at version 4.3 - from that time on, the smartphone stopped receiving updates.

Samsung is actively recruiting "brand ambassadors" among celebrities - it has always been interesting how they manage to convince spoiled people who are used to iPhones to use some kind of Galaxy Note 3. It turns out that there is a whole system behind this, which was told by Shane Snow, Fast Company journalist .

When Brunetti came to the party and sat down at the dinner table, he remembered that the organizer of the party, the editor of Treats! Magazine Steve Shaw wrote in the invitation: "You will be given a phone."

Of course, a Samsung representative was already waiting for Brunetti - he had a brand new Galaxy S3 in his hands with Dana's name on the wall paper. Brunetti owned almost all Apple products faithfully, yet he politely accepted the gift and listened to a brief briefing on the use of a smartphone, occasionally glancing at the faces of the stars around him, twisted with contemptuous grimaces.

Of course, the producer was going to forget about the Samsung smartphone immediately after dinner was over. But Shaw was his friend, and the phone felt good in his hand, so Brunetti decided to use both Galaxy and iPhone for a month.

And a month later, he completely abandoned the iPhone.

Samsung could just bribe celebrities to shine with its products, but they have a slightly different approach. There's a program called "White Glove" that they use to turn Apple addicts and influencers into Samsung evangelists. This is very important for the brand - because when some Beyoncé takes out her phone in public, thanks to the paparazzi, everyone can immediately see what exactly she plays in Angry Birds.

Representatives of the White Glove program resemble a cross between Kirby salesmen and Jehovah's Witnesses, but at the same time they do not force people to buy anything or refuse blood transfusions. A friendly and pretty person walks up to you at a party, talks unobtrusively about the phone, and lets you take it home to work things out for yourself. For free.

Brunetti says it makes sense - people love freebies, especially celebrities. Moreover, they would not buy it on their own, even though they have plenty of money. And when they try Samsung smartphones, they often like them.

Sales for the Galaxy line are very, very good, but it is not clear how the stars twirling their mobile phones in front of the cameras influence this.

Shane Snow met the man behind the White Glove, Mitch Kanner, president of 2Degrees. Mitch is Hollywood's powerhouse, formerly of special effects with James Cameron, and now helps companies build their brand. It was thanks to his efforts that Jay Z's latest album was given away for free to 1 million Galaxy smartphone owners. Kanner, according to Snow, is full of stories and jokes about all kinds of celebrities.

Kanner tries not to shine in the press, but despite this, he knows almost all the right people - and they know him ( this is a parable about the importance of networking). Therefore, information about him and the White Glove program itself is sometimes still leaked to the media.

In general, Kanner does not believe that you can force people to use a bad product - if Jay Z did not like Galaxy, he would have scored on it anyway. Or do you remember the case with Alisha Keys, who endors BlackBerry on duty, but for some reason writes tweets from an iPhone?

Not only the quality of the product works here, but also the service - Samsung representatives appreciate the time of celebrities, explain everything, give a hotline number, etc., so that the flattered opinion leaders semi-automatically tell everyone about their new phone, if only out of gratitude.

At the same time, not the design, but the possibility of customization is presented as a key feature ( ha, as if these people have time to sit and set something up there).

Dana Brunetti went one step further and traded in his iPad for a Galaxy Tab. In it, he likes widgets and a flexible interface. At the same time, Brunetti uses this technique to its fullest, answering 300 letters and 50 calls a day, and everything suits him. Dana has begun preaching about Samsung to his Hollywood acquaintances, which is why colleagues who have not yet been processed by him are more and more surprised when the color of the message bubble on the iPhone changes from blue to green.

Another time, the party was already at Brunetti's house, and Samsung representatives were there, getting to know other celebrities - the author of "50 Shades of Grey" E.L. James, actors Oliver Cooper and Jerry Ferrara, venerable producers. For Dana, it was important that the guests were satisfied with this turn of events, because the quality of the party affects his personal brand. And he, without a shadow of a doubt, allowed the guys from White Glove to spud his friends, and then he also asked them how it all went. It turned out that quite a large percentage of people decided to switch to Samsung.

According to rumors, the guys from White Glove got to Russian celebrities

The author of this material himself also encountered this sect - he received a call from a man named Jose, who offered to bring him a phone of the appropriate brand. José and Snow met - the representative was a nice man with a bag filled with Samsung products. He said that he came from a meeting with rapper Swizz Beatz, and his favorite White Glove member was Martha Stewart - she was supposedly very nice. Jose offered Snow a choice of Galaxy S4 and Galaxy Note II. Snow decided to have fun, knowing that he would still return to his iPhone, and chose a monstrous Note. Oh.

From that moment on, Snow's life changed - everyone he met first laughed at the giant smartphone screen, then asked to play with it. In any case, in terms of use, the difference with the iPhone is small - here you can answer email calls and use the map in the same way. True, I had to get used to typing with two hands.

The White Glove support team was quick to respond to Snow's stupid questions - even the ones he asked as a test. Over time, the smartphone showed some things that Snow liked - swipes, durability, a back button, a removable battery.

Indian celebrities are also in the subject

A few weeks later, he was presented with a spare battery, which he once had to use in order not to miss an important call.

In general, two months later, Note became an “extension of the hand” for Snow, despite the fact that he could not imagine before that he would not return back to the iPhone. That is, the White Glove program worked for the journalist as well.

True, according to journalistic ethics, Snow will have to call them and offer money in exchange for the phone. Perhaps they will ask him to organize a party instead.

04/02/2014 07/17/2015 by Mnogoto4ka

Despite increased security standards, presidents and prime ministers cannot do without mobile phones. Today, classic "mobile phones" have given way to multifunctional smartphones. In turn, the leaders of many powers also went on about the most fashionable and current trends in the world of mobile electronics.

Angela Merkel needs two phones at once
The German chancellor became the centerpiece of a scandal last year over the recording of her telephone conversations by employees of the US National Security Agency. Ms. Merkel (Angela Merkel) used to separate outgoing calls, using for this purpose two phones of different companies.

Angela Merkel has a Nokia 6260 Slide to communicate with her party members, and if issues are to be discussed at the state or international level, then BlackBerry Z10 with a built-in proprietary encryption chip from Secusmart is used for negotiations.

Obama + BlackBerry = Security
Barack Obama has long been known to 3DNews readers as a user of Canadian BlackBerry devices. However, this preference is hardly due to the exclusive love of the US president for the proprietary BlackBerry OS platform, the QWERTY keyboard of his old BlackBerry 8830 World Edition, or the presence of unique proprietary services offered to owners of “blackberry devices”.

The leadership of the Canadian company has long been cooperating with the Pentagon, the army and US government agencies, providing government officials with the highest level of security when encrypting data. True, in recent years, BlackBerry is gradually being abandoned. Among the first "swallows" were the US Air Force, which decided to use a smartphone from Apple for their own purposes. The latest rumors even talked about the likely transition of Barack Obama himself to the products of another brand, but the special services responsible for the confidentiality of the president's negotiations are not yet ready to take this step.

“For security reasons, I am not allowed to use the iPhone,” the president said in one of his interviews.

Kim Jong Un backs Asian manufacturer
Kim Jong-un (Kim Jong-un) in the world political arena is perhaps one of the most odious people who, moreover, does not like to reveal the details of his life and pose for cameras too much. However, journalists at a meeting of the National Security Committee in 2013 managed to capture a modern mobile gadget on the table of the top leader, the leader of the party, the army and the people of the DPRK. It turned out to be a smartphone that was very similar to the device of the Taiwanese company HTC.

Given the established reputation of the head of North Korea, such advertising for HTC is not the most desirable, and the personality of Kim Jong-un is unlikely to become the main PR campaign and replace the actor Harry Oldman, who starred in the recent promotional video for HTC One M8.

Later, the North Korean media stated that the head of the DPRK really uses a mobile phone to communicate with members of the Workers' Party of Korea and his relatives, but the manufacturer of the device was not named. On the other hand, this does not hurt to slightly correct the key slogan of HTC's marketing policy, which could sound victoriously in North Korean realities like: "Bold, Authentic, Playful, Dictatorial".

The head of the Russian Federation does not have a love for modern mobile technologies. Unlike Dmitry Medvedev, who is known for his addiction to Apple devices, in particular, the iPhone and iPad, Vladimir Putin does not see such devices as an absolute necessity.

“If I had a mobile phone, it would not stop for a second and constantly call,” the Russian president once complained.
Perhaps the hostility to modern methods of communication is connected with his professional activities in the past, as well as the regularly arising scandals around the total wiretapping by the US intelligence services of the negotiations of the leaders of the largest powers. Or Vladimir Vladimirovich simply does not want to share his preferences when choosing a phone with journalists and the public.
In addition, the recent decision of the government of the Russian Federation was the refusal to use office iPads in favor of Samsung devices. Also, the news that in the near future we will see the domestic “YotaPhone for special services” in the hands of Russian officials may well stimulate Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to set an example and soon leave the close ranks of Apple fans, joining a wide column of Yota device owners devices.

Italian Prime Minister: "Steve Jobs is the Leonardo Da Vinci of today"
Matteo Renzi is an ardent admirer of Apple and all "apple products". However, it is difficult to call the prime minister just a fan of the American brand, since he is listed as a fan not only of the iPhone, but also of the late founder of the Apple empire, Steve Jobs. During the election campaign, Matteo Renzi even installed a protective cover on his smartphone, on which the famous slogan “Keep Calm and Rottama” was applied, which became the personification of the political struggle of the future prime minister.

Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has been seen carrying at least 2 smartphones from leading companies in the mobile device world - Samsung and Apple. However, both of these apparatuses do not belong personally to the Prime Minister. But with him, Sharif, like Barack Obama, prefers to carry a rather old Blackberry model.

In addition to the obvious advantage for data encryption, the head of Pakistan is actively using a proprietary messaging service, thanks to which Nawaz Sharif keeps in touch with his relatives and friends from the world of big politics.

François Hollande, like his colleague from Italy, can be constantly observed with a smartphone from Apple. The presidential iPhone 5 is not only used to call relatives and friends, but is also responsible for mobile communications with Hollande's beloved French actress Julie Gayet. She and the head of France regularly exchange text messages with each other. Hollande's iPhone is used exclusively for his personal needs and is not used for official purposes.

France has also recently been the victim of a scandal involving NSA spying on high-profile statesmen. Therefore, high-ranking government officials have abandoned mobile devices for official use. In order to avoid such unpleasant incidents in the future, former French President Nicolas Sarkozy was given a Teorem phone, which has an exceptional level of security.

However, the ex-head did not like the device because of its large overall dimensions and inconvenient functional component. To make a call, it was necessary to wait for a connection for about 30 seconds, and this greatly annoyed Sarkozy. In the future, he used his BlackBerry for calls and, it is worth noting, was not at all too keen on communication security issues.

So, since we started to figure out what our celebrities wear and what they use, we simply cannot lose sight of such a necessary thing as a mobile phone. Yes, yes, this time we were insanely interested, What phones do celebrities use?. Take a look, maybe yours is the same?

What phones do stars use? Go!

Let's start with Brad Pitt. Screen Mister Smith uses the services of Apple. He has an iPhone.
The next Hollywood hottie and great actor is Leonardo DiCaprio with his iPhone 5s.
Selena Gomez, like her previous ones on our list of What Phones Stars Use, has an iPhone. And it is with his help that he regularly posts fresh photos on his social media accounts.
Next - no less vociferous young lady - Rihanna. Guess what's in her hand? That's right, iPhone! We got to Ashton Kutcher. In his hand is nothing but an iPhone. I wonder if this is his personal preference, or after playing the part of Apple's creator in the biopic, he just can't choose anything else? :)
But Ashton's favorite, Mila Kunis, also uses Apple! They seem to have a family... Cameron Diaz. Imagine, not an iPhone! "The most beautiful smile in Hollywood" prefers BlackBerry. And you thought: “What phones do stars use? Probably, without exception, all iPhones ”No! Ben Affleck has an Apple smartphone to his credit.
Everyone's favorite Blake Lively is also an iPhone.
Prince Harry, Emma Watson's new admirer, also prefers the iPhone.
Just like Kim Kardashian, who does not part with her iPhone even in the toilet, as you can see. Oh those selfies... ;) David Beckham is also on the list of iPhone lovers.
... Naomi Campbell is in it. You ask: "So what phones do stars use, except for the iPhone?". And we will answer - Lady Gaga - BlackBerry.
Britney Spears, by the way, also has a BlackBerry. What phones do stars use. And a little more iPhone: Paris Hilton.
Russian rapper Timati.
The "father" of our beloved Facebook is Mark Zuckerberg. And finally, the whole article “What phones do the stars use” is a small surprise. Joking, of course, but I think you'll appreciate it. For all the time that the selfie rules the world, we have already seen a lot of interesting options for its implementation. But these were all photos of (mostly) unknown people, but stellar selfies, like everything else stellar, are of great interest. Here's a snapshot of an interesting selfie taken by Alec Baldwin. An adult serious man knows a lot about great photography.

The Canadian manufacturer of hack-resistant smartphones is rightfully popular with the leaders of the world's leading powers.

After it became known in 2013 that German Chancellor Angela Merkel's smartphone had been hacked, her administration began a systematic replacement iPhone for BlackBerry Z10s model. The German government purchased 5,000 of these smartphones with 256-bit encryption and secure message routing, as well as a special micro-SD card with additional eavesdropping protection. The cost of such a smartphone is €2.5 thousand.

However, Merkel herself chose the BlackBerry Q10 model with a full-sized QWERTY keyboard. Her smartphone is also well protected and transmits data over a special internal VPN connection.

Barack Obama became the first head of the United States, who was allowed to use a smartphone by the secret services, and the president's choice also fell on a BlackBerry. Obama uses two phones BlackBerry Curve 8900 and BlackBerry Q10, while he is strictly forbidden use iPhone. Nevertheless, the President of the United States loves Apple products and is the owner of the iPad and MacBook.

BlackBerry is also used by the British Queen Elizabeth II. She got her smartphone during the visit to the manufacturer's plant in Canada in 2010.

Also, BlackBerry is preferred by British Prime Minister David Cameron and his counterpart from Pakistan, Nawaz Sharif.

Support import substitution

After the scandal caused by Snowden's information about the wiretapping of Presidents Jacques Chirac, Nicolas Sarkozy and Francois Hollande, the French government bought 14,000 ultra-secure Teorem military cryptographic mobile phones manufactured by the defense company Thales. Additional data protection is ensured by the operation of devices in fixed secure government networks. These phones are used for important government calls, but in everyday life Hollande uses an iPhone 5s.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, in his own words, does not use smartphones, but the head of the country is always ready to support the domestic manufacturer. In 2012, Putin appeared in public with an Android smartphone MTS Glonass 945, and at the end of 2014 the YotaPhone 2 was presented to the president, which he presented to Chinese leader Xi Jinping.

It is not known which smartphone Jinping himself uses, but his wife appeared in public with an iPhone 5, which she took photos with.

Dmitry Medvedev and his gadgets

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has the image of the most advanced Russian politician in modern technologies, who also actively blogs on social networks Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and VKontakte. Dmitry Anatolyevich received an iPhone 4 from the hands of Steve Jobs and has been using an iPad since 2011. However, then the prime minister changed his smartphone to the Samsung Galaxy S4, which lasted until the release of the iPhone 5.

Now Dmitry Medvedev uses the iPhone 6. In particular, this smartphone was used to take a selfie of the prime minister from the gym, under which he thanks his Instagram followers for reaching the mark of 1.5 million followers and calls for more sports. Also, the prime minister was one of the first to appear in public in the Apple Watch.

It should be noted that the Russian intelligence services do not recommend that Russian officials use Apple products, including because they contradict the requirements of the legislation on the storage of personal data of Russians on the territory of the Russian Federation. It is now being phased out by Samsung, which also has enhanced security in specialty models and was considered as the US President's communications tool along with LG's smartphones before BlackBerry was chosen. However, Samsung devices also do not fully comply with the requirements of the RF legislation on personal data.

HTC and Lumia

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, like no one else, should take care of the secrecy of his telephone conversations, and it was easy to doubt that he even uses a regular smartphone. However, in one of the photographs of the DPRK leader, a black smartphone resembling HTC was seen. Apparently, the choice of a Taiwanese manufacturer does not contradict the beliefs of the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea.

Among the smartphones preferred by world leaders, Nokia/Microsoft products were also noted. So, at the canonization of John Paul II and John XXIII, Pope Francis captured the ceremony with the Lumia 900.

And Yingluck Shinawatra, the 28th Prime Minister of Thailand and the first woman in this post, manages five smartphones at once, one of which is the Lumia 920.

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