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How does a laser beam read or write a disc? CD-R - Compact Disk Recordable - a disk with a single record and multiple reading. Session of Practical Magic in Video CD

What is LaserDisc January 24th, 2016

Somehow I did not even know that such carriers existed. Many will think that these are the same CDs, but they are not. Look here...

LaserDisc (LD) is the first commercial optical storage medium, primarily intended for home movie viewing. However, despite the technological superiority over VHS and Betamax, Laserdisc did not have significant success on the world market: it was mainly distributed in the USA and Japan, it was treated coolly in Europe, in Russia laserdiscs had little distribution, mainly due to amateur collectors. video.

Unlike Video CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs, LaserDisc contains analog video in composite (full color TV signal) and sound accompaniment in analog and/or digital form. Standard laserdisc for home use has a diameter of 30 cm (11.81 inches) and is glued together from two single-sided plastic-coated aluminum discs. Signal information is stored in billions of microscopic pits etched into the aluminum layer below the surface. Surface acrylic layer (1.1 mm) protects them from dust and fingerprints. To read data from a disk, a low-power laser beam is used, which, through a mirror-optical system, creates a thin beam of light (1 μm in diameter) on the surface of the disk and, being reflected, hits a photo sensor and, further, is transmitted as an encoded high-density audio / video signal for subsequent playback.

The process of writing and reading information is carried out using a laser.

Content format: NTSC, PAL
60 minutes per CLV side (constant line rate)
30 minutes per side CAV (Constant Angular Velocity)
Reading mechanism: laser, wavelength 780 nm (infrared)
Designed by: Philips MCA
Size: diameter 30 cm (11.81″)
Application: audio, video storage
Released: 1978

Laserdisc technology using light-transmitting media was developed by David Paul Gregg in 1958. In 1969, Philips created a video disc operating in the reflected light mode, which has great advantages over the transmission mode. MCA and Philips joined forces to showcase the first videodisc in 1972. The first laserdisc went on sale in Atlanta on December 15, 1978, two years after VHS VCRs hit the market and four years before CDs based on LaserDisc technology. Philips produced turntables and MCA published discs, but their collaboration was not very successful and ended after a few years. Several scientists involved in the development of technology organized the Optical Disc Corporation.

The first laserdisc to be sold in North America was the 1978 MCA DiscoVision film Jaws. The latest are Sleepy Hollow and Raising the Dead by Paramount, released in 2000. At least a dozen more films were released in Japan until the end of 2001. The last Japanese film released in LaserDisc format was "Tokyo Raiders".

Since digital encoding (video compression) was either unavailable or impractical in 1978, three methods of recording compression based on changes in disk rotation speed were used:

CAV (Constant Angular Velocity - constant angular velocity (as when playing a phonograph record)) - standard video discs (English Standard Play), supporting functions such as freeze frame, variable slow-motion forward and backward. CAV discs play at a constant rotational speed (1800 rpm for NTSC standard(525 lines) and 1500 rpm for PAL standard(625 lines)), and one frame is read per revolution. In this mode, one side of a CAV disc can store 54,000 individual frames - 30 minutes of audio/video material. CAV was used less frequently than CLV, mainly for feature film special editions, bonus material, and special effects. One of the advantages of this method is the ability to jump to any frame directly by its number. Random access and the freeze frame function have allowed manufacturers to create the simplest interactive video discs by placing separate static images on the disc in addition to video materials.

CLV (Constant Linear Velocity - constant linear speed (as when playing CDs)) - long-playing video discs (Extended Play) do not have accessibility playback of CAV discs, offering only simple playback on all Laserdisc players except high class that have a digital freeze function. These players can add new features not normally available on CLV discs, such as variable speed forward and reverse playback and tape recorder pause. By gradually slowing down the rotational speed (from 1800 to 600 rpm), constant linear speed CLV discs can store 60 minutes of audio/video material per side, or two hours per disc. Movies less than 120 minutes long could fit on one disc, reducing the cost of one movie and eliminating the distraction of having to swap discs for the next at least for those who had a two-way player. The vast majority of releases were only available in CLV (a few titles were released part CLV, part CAV).

CAA (English Constant Angular Acceleration - constant angular acceleration). In the early 1980s, due to crosstalk problems with long-playing CLV laser discs, Pioneer Video introduced CAA formatting of long-playing CLV discs. laser discs. Constant angular acceleration encoding is very similar to constant linear velocity encoding, except that in CAA there is an instantaneous decrease in speed when the angular displacement is a certain step, instead of gradually slowing down at a steady pace, as when reading CLV disks. With the exception of 3M/Imation, all Laserdisc manufacturers have adopted the CAA coding scheme, although the term was rarely (if ever) used on consumer packaging. CAA encoding markedly improved image quality and greatly reduced crosstalk and other tracking problems.

In 1998, LaserDisc players were in about 2% of American homes. For comparison, in 1999 in Japan this figure was 10%.

In the mass sector, LaserDisc completely gave way to DVD, and the production of obsolete discs and players for them was discontinued. Today, the LaserDisc format is popular only among amateurs who collect laserdiscs with various recordings - movies, music, shows.

Many enthusiasts claim that the LaserDisc format is able to convey the phases of movements more naturally than digital video, and in the vast majority of cases, LaserDisc video looks more comfortable than digital. There is a reason for this: LaserDisc is an analog format, there is no intra-frame or inter-frame compression here, it is a recording of a composite signal, frequency bands.

In addition, on this moment there are still plenty of videos that have not been released on DVD/BluRay or released in quality inferior to that of LaserDisc. For example, Olympia by Leni Riefenstahl.

Quite a lot of time has passed since the creation of the first disc with an optical way of reading information. Such discs became known as CDs (compact disks), or simply CDs. Initially, CDs were developed for sound recordings, but they turned out to be very convenient for storing and distributing quite significant amounts of any information.

The cost of storing a megabyte of information on a CD does not exceed hundredths of a cent. Therefore, now almost no computers are produced without a CD-drive. As a result of mass use, both the disks themselves and the disk drives for them are currently continuing to become cheaper.

CD-ROM laser discs How is ROM stands for? Read Only Memory, read only. Information on such discs is recorded at the time of manufacture, at the factory. Sign up for them new information impossible. Information on the disk is written in the form of "pits" (pit - hole, depression).

The pits are arranged along an imaginary spiral that runs from the center of the disk to the edge. When reading, the laser disc installed in the drive rotates with high speed. The beam of a miniature laser located in the disk drive falls on the surface of a rotating disk and is reflected. Since the beam either hits the hole or not, the intensity of the reflected beam "blinks". These light pulses are converted into electrical impulses by means of photocells.

Recordable laser discs A significant disadvantage CDs long time was that such discs could only be read. This disadvantage was successfully overcome: CD-R discs were developed, on which information can be written, but only once (R - Recordable, recordable). And CD-RW discs, on which information can be written repeatedly (RW - ReWritable, rewritable).

To record and rewrite such discs, special drives are used with a sufficiently powerful laser capable of "burning" information on the disc. In terms of its structure, a CD-R disc (blank for recording), as well as its “stamped” counterpart, resembles a layer cake. The main difference is the active (recording) layer.

For the base of the CD-R, the same polycarbonate is used, which is used in the manufacture of CD-ROMs. But the relief of the base is much more complicated than that of a stamped disc (CD-ROM). During manufacture, the basis of a CD-R disc receives markings - a continuous spiral groove.

To store information in CD-R media, a “storage” layer of an organic polymer is used, which “darkens” when heated by a laser beam, and in CD-RW discs it changes the phase state (from crystalline to amorphous and vice versa) when heated by a laser and rapidly cooled.

More and more, faster The information capacity of a CD-ROM is megabytes, and the reading speed depends on the speed of rotation of the disc in the drive. The first CD-ROM drives read information at a speed of 150 KB/s. Disk drives are constantly being improved, reading speed is growing. In modern drives, the read speed (and write speed, if it is a recording drive) can be set in arbitrary units equal to the same "first" speed: 4x, 8x, ... 52x, ...

There may be different speeds for reading and writing. For example, marking a CD-RW drive "48x/24x/52x" means that the maximum speed for writing CD-R discs- 48-fold; multiple for CD-RW discs; reading - at 52x speed.

Relatively recently, DVD discs (Digital Video Disk, digital video disc) have become widespread. Currently, there are a number of varieties of DVD: among them are "stamped", and recorded once, and rewritable. The optical tracks on them are placed more densely, the recording can be on both sides, with two layers on each side.

Therefore, their capacity is much larger than that of CDs (4.7 - 9.4 GB). The read speed of the first generation of DVD drives was approximately 1.3 MB/s. On the following models, the speed can also be set to a multiple of the "first" speed. For example, 16x is about 21 MB/s. Thus, the simplest and cheapest drive can only read information from a CD-ROM, while the most modern and "cool" one can read and write CDs and DVDs.

Introduction Remember, in the days of MS-DOS there was a driver that allowed you to write up to 800 KB of information on a regular 740 KB floppy disk? Do you remember Oh times, oh manners! Today, when floppy disks have long gone out of fashion, and the capacity of mass storage media has stepped over the 650 MB mark, old ideas are giving new shoots...

The capacity of CD-R/RW blanks declared by the manufacturer is always much less than the physical capacity of the given disc and is equal to the amount of information that can be written in MODE 1. Of course, in addition to MODE 1, there are other data recording modes that differ from each other in the first place capacity and reliability.

If data integrity is not a prevailing factor, the capacity of the laser disc can be significantly increased, gaining about 15% extra space by eliminating redundant corrective Reed-Solomon codes. The use of unused subcode channels gives another 4% capacity, and the rejection of the lead area - 2%. Finally, do not forget about this useful opportunity like overburn ("reburning" the disc).

Thus, on a regular 700 MB laser disc, if desired, you can fit from 800 MB to ~ 900 MB of data, and on a 90-minute one - from 900 MB to 1 GB. Below will be explained how.

How many bits are in a byte? That's right, eight. How many bits are in 700 megabytes? And this - depending on what megabytes! So, for example, a standard 700 MB CD-R/RW disc contains at least 23 million bits or about three gigabytes of "raw" information, most of which is spent on service data structures that ensure the laser disc's performance. The colossal redundancy of the adopted coding system is explained by the physical properties of the light beam, which, due to its wave properties, simply goes around single "pits" and "lands". The minimum "mountain formation" confidently recognized by a laser beam is a sequence of three "pits" ("lands"), corresponding to three logical zeros. The transition from pit and land or vice versa - corresponds to a logical unit. Since two adjacent ones are always separated by at least three zeros, one has to resort to a complex recoding system that converts any 8-bit character of the source data into a 15-bit EFM word (from the English Eight to Fifteenth Modulation - Modulation Eight to Fifteen), and EFM - words cannot follow each other closely (think what happens if an EFM word ending in one is followed by an EFM word with the same one and beginning) and are forced to be separated by three merging bits. Thus, for every 4 bits of raw data, there are 9 bits of physical data. It is obvious that the standard modulation scheme is not ideal and leaves enough room for improvement (see "Reserve-6 or additional capacitance sources" section).

The minimum piece of data directly addressable at the software level is a sector (or, in Audio CD terminology, a block). One block consists of 98 frames, each of which, in turn, contains 24 bytes of useful data, 8 bytes of Reed-Solomon codes, often called CIRC codes, although with technical point this is not entirely true, 3 sync bytes and 8 bits of subcode channels - one bit for each of the eight channels, conventionally denoted by Latin letters P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W, respectively. Q-channel stores service information about disk layout, the P-channel is used for quick search pauses, other channels are free.

Thus, the effective capacity of one block is 2352 bytes, or even 2400 bytes, taking into account the subcode channels (out of 98 bytes of subchannel data, 34 bytes are allocated for service needs). Correcting Reed-Solomon codes allow you to correct up to 4 corrupted bytes per frame, which is 392 bytes per block.

Data discs (CD-Data), leading their lineage from Audio discs, support two main data processing modes: MODE 1 and MODE 2. In MODE 1 mode, out of 2352 bytes of raw sector capacity, only 2048 bytes are given directly to user data. The rest are distributed between the sector header (16 bytes), the sector checksum (4 bytes) and additional correction codes that increase the disk's resistance to physical damage (276 bytes). The remaining 8 bytes are not used in any way and are usually initialized with zeros.

In MODE 2 mode, out of 2352 bytes of raw sector capacity, only 16 bytes are allocated for service structures (header), and the remaining 2336 bytes contain user data. It is easy to see that when a disc is written in MODE 2, its effective capacity becomes ~15% larger, but the reliability of data storage is also about a third lower. However, when quality media (from industry leading brands) is used and handled with care, the risk of irrecoverable data corruption is fairly low (see "Appendix: Drive Reliability Testing"). In addition, many data formats painlessly endure even multiple distortions of medium and high severity. This category includes DivX, MP3, JPEG and other file types. With some risk, you can burn archives and executable files, the loss of which you will not be very upset about, or which can be restored from the main storage (for example, when transferring files between computers, duplicating rented discs, etc.).

Pure MODE 2 is extremely rare in wildlife, but we have to deal with its derivatives literally at every step. These include CD-ROM XA MODE 2 (used in multi-session discs), Video CD/Super Video CD, CD-I, and much more.

The CD-ROM XA format, which emerged on the foundation of MODE 2, compares favorably with its predecessor by the ability to dynamically change the type of track throughout its entire length. Part of the track can be recorded in FORM 1 mode, almost identical to MODE 1, but using eight previously empty bytes for the needs of a special header, and part - in FORM 2, an improved MODE 2: 2324 bytes of user data, 16 bytes of main and 8 bytes auxiliary headers plus 4 bytes of checksum to control the integrity (but not recovery!) of the contents of the sector. FORM 1 mode was supposed to be used for data critical to destruction (executable files, archives, etc.), and FORM 2 - for audio/video data. Alas, these plans were not destined to come true and the FORM 2 modes were not widely used. The only more or less popular format based on the XA MODE 2 FORM 2 mode was the Video CD/Super Video CD, which allows you to burn up to 800 MB of information on a regular 700 MB disc and 900 MB on a 90-minute one (plus overburn), which is approximately four megabyte is less than pure MODE 2, but such losses can be neglected. But, unlike pure MODE 2, the Video CD/Super Video CD format is supported by operating systems Windows families and Linux.

Figure 1. "Table of Ranks" - a diagram of the distribution of the volume of a laser disc different structures. As you can see, slightly more than half of the total is allocated to user data. disk space.

Figure 2. The surface of a laser disk under an electron microscope. Alternating chains of depressions - "pits" (from the English pit - a hole, a depression) and hills - "lands" (from the English land - a plain, land) are visible. The lands reflect most of the laser emitter light falling on them, and the pits, due to their distance from the focus point, reflect almost nothing (the figure is taken from the EPOS website).

Figure 3. "Pits" and "lands" form chains with a length of three to ten "pits" ("lands") each. The transition from "pit" to "land" (or vice versa) corresponds to a logical one, and a logical zero is represented by no transitions in this place. Since the diameter of the focused laser spot is three pits, shorter chains are no longer recognized by the laser, and the chain length is limited from above by the degree of accuracy of the clock generator and the uniformity of disk rotation. Indeed, if the accuracy of such a generator is about 10%, then when measuring a 10-pit chain, we get an error of 1 pit (the figure is taken from the EPOS website). Some manufacturers reduce the length of one "pit" by 30%, which increases the effective capacity of the disk by the same amount. The question arises: how, then, does the drive manage to determine the length of a particular chain? Indeed, in the absence of any reference values, the wire is forced to compare the length of the "pits" with the standard standard, which means that a chain of N compacted "pits" will be interpreted as N / 2! Having disassembled the firmware of his PHILIPS "a, the author found out that the drive has an automatic speed controller that selects a T value that would correspond to the least number of read errors.

Figure 4. On CD-R discs, there are no "pits" in the truest sense of the word, but they are replaced by special layer a burnt dye that deforms the reflective layer and prevents the reflection of the laser beam in this place. However, from the point of view of a CD-ROM drive, stamped and CD-R discs look almost the same, except that stamped discs have more contrast (picture taken from the EPOS website).


By itself, MODE 2 does not cause any difficulties. This is the standard mode, natively supported by all drives, media and drivers. The problem is that the ISO9660 mother and all her offspring impose hard limits on the sector size, requiring it to be a power of two (i.e. equal to 512, 1024, 2048, 4096... bytes). The size of the user data area of ​​the sector written in MODE 1 satisfies this requirement (211 = 2048), but MODE 2 does not, leaving a tail of 288 unused bytes at the end of the sector (211 + 288 = 2336).

Professional burning programs allow you to burn a disc in both XA MODE 2 FORM 1 and XA MODE 2 FORM 2, but this does not increase its volume in the least, since the tail of the sectors written in FORM 2 is forced to be empty, reducing reliability storing data and giving nothing in return.

Theoretically, it is possible to create a driver that translates n MODE 2 sectors into k * n MODE 1 sectors (and such a driver was actually created by the present author), however, the feasibility of using it is very doubtful, since not every user will agree to install a "handicraft" driver in their system - driver errors are often very costly (up to the loss of all data on the hard drive), and programmers, like all people in this world, tend to make mistakes. One way or another, the author abandoned the idea of ​​using a driver, because testing it looked like a too large-scale project.

Things are a little better with the Video CD/Super Video CD. At first glance, it seems: well, what problems can there be? We take Ahead Nero Burning ROM, in the menu of the "New Compilation" dialog box we select Video CD and... the disc is indeed recorded, but only in MPEG1. The Super Video CD format, in turn, corresponds to MPEG2. There is no cheating here - you get 800/900 MB of real MPEG1/MPEG2, which is 100 MB more than the capacity of a standard CD-R.

At the same time, the use of DivX (MPEG4) gives a much larger gain in capacity by compressing two Video CDs into one CD-ROM. But what prevents us from recording the same MPEG4 or MP3 in Video CD format? Alas, not everything is so simple! Most burning programs (including Ahead Nero Burning ROM) carry out a thorough check of everything written to the disc and, when faced with MPEG-4, either forcibly re-encode it to MPEG1 / MPEG2, or refuse to burn it at all. The motivation for this is that the Video CD must comply with the Standard, otherwise it is not a Video CD. Indeed, standalone Video players support discs strictly certain types and they don't have the brains or hardware power to decode MPEG4. Personal Computer- another thing. With the appropriate codecs, it will play any multimedia format, no matter how it is recorded.

But even if you magically "wean" Ahead Nero Burning ROM to ask extra questions and force it to burn MPEG4 as Video CD, it won't lead to anything, because operating systems of the Windows family "support" Video CD discs in a rather perverted way. The "raw" video stream in the "real" MPEG1/MPEG2 format, you see, does not suit them, and they forcibly add their own RIFF header (Resource Interchange File Format) to it, explicitly specifying the file format. Obviously, after such interventions, no normal format will be played, and an attempt to play MPEG4 as MPEG1/MPEG2 is unlikely to succeed.
Dead end? Not at all! There is a way out of every situation, and more than one...

Figure 5. Burning a Video CD/Super Video CD using Ahead Nero Burning ROM. The capacity of one such disc is about 800 MB (900 MB for a 90-minute CD-R), but the source data must be in MPEG1/MPEG2 format.


The solution to the MODE2 problem is to burn the disc in a non-ISO 9660 mode. The simplest thing is to arrange each file as an independent track, refusing to use the file system at all. Certainly, regular means operating system, such a disc will not be read, however, the contents of such a track can easily be "robbed" on HDD and read from there in the normal way. The only disadvantage of this solution is the impossibility of playing the recorded file directly on the disk itself, which creates certain problems and makes Windows users nervous, who are accustomed to opening any file with a simple mouse click and who do not agree to perform any additional actions. True, the UNIX community, skillfully owning the keyboard, batch files and scripts, solves this problem without problems. Indeed, the robbery of a track is easy to automate (and we will show how later), and before starting to play the file, it is not at all necessary to wait for the entire track to be extracted - these operations can also be performed in parallel (after all, Windows and UNIX are multitasking systems!).

Alternatively, you can burn a disc in Video CD format. To do this, we need a program that is not too pedantic about the requirements of the Standard and obediently records everything that is given to it. Naturally, if the format of the recorded files is other than MPEG1/MPEG2, there will be serious problems when trying to play them, because the operating system Windows system forcibly "sticks" an MPEG1 header onto them, which misleads the standard media player, often bordering on freezing. There are at least two ways out of this situation: the simplest (and most versatile) is to equip the system with a special DirectShow - filter that supports RIFF / CDXA - splitting (also called "parsing" from English parsing). An example of such a filter is the XCD DirectShow filter/NSIS installer by Alex Noe and DeXT, which can be found here. Another way: use software, which calmly transfers the "extra" title and ignores it (for example, Freecom Beatman CD/MP3 Player).

Session of practical magic in MODE 2

Among the programs that support disc burning in MODE 2 mode, first of all, we should highlight the CDRWin utility, which is always loved by professionals. It's extremely powerful tool, the possibilities of which are limited only by the imagination of the burner himself. The latest version of the program can be downloaded, in particular, from here. We will also need a console edition of the program, controlled from command line, which lies here.

We will start the process of burning a disc by preparing the source file. The first and only requirement for it will be the alignment of its length to an integer number of sectors. Let the file length be 777.990.272 bytes, then, in order to fit into an integer number of 2336-byte sectors, we must either cut off 1824 bytes from the end of the file, or add 512 zeros to it. Audio / video files painlessly endure both the truncation of their body and the "garbage" in the tail. Both of these operations can be performed in any HEX editor, for example HIEW "e. Truncating files is very simple. Open the file, run standard Windows calculator and, switching to the "Engineering" mode, we translate the decimal file length into its hexadecimal value: 777990272 - 1824 777988448 2E5F2960(characters typed on the keyboard are typed in normal font, and the answer of the calculator is in bold). We return to HIEW, click , enter the resulting number (in this case: 2E5F2960) and, confirming the seriousness of their intentions with the key , successively press , and finally "Y" (from the English "YES" - yes, we want to perform "circumcision"). Accordingly, filling the tail of the file with zeros is carried out as follows: by simultaneously pressing on the + we move to the end of the file, and with the key go to edit mode. Now we press on<0>until the hand gets tired... Joke:). Truncating a file is much more practical than expanding it. The kilobyte that we will cut off from it will not make even a second of sound, and therefore we do not lose anything at all.

We proceed to the second stage - the creation of a cue sheet-file containing all the information about the structure of the burned image. A typical cue sheet file should look something like this:

FILE "my_file.dat" BINARY
TRACK 1 MODE2/2336
INDEX 1 00:00:00

Here: "my_file.dat" is the name of the file being written to the disc, "TRACK 1" is the track number, "MODE2/2336" is the recording mode, and "INDEX 1" is the index number within the file. You can read more about the syntax of cue sheet files in the documentation that comes with CDRWin.

Insert the CD-R/CD-RW disc into the drive, run CDRWin, click "Load Cuesheet" and specify the path to the newly generated cue-file. After waiting for the completion of its compilation, press "Record Disk", after making sure that the RAW MODE checkbox is not checked. That, in fact, is all. Despite the fact that the size of the original file is much larger than the declared capacity of the disc, the burning process proceeds without any problems.

Figure 6. Burning 800/900 MB disk in MODE 2 using CDRWin. The initial data can be presented in any format, however, such a disk is not supported by the standard means of the operating system.

However, an attempt to view the table of contents of a newly recorded disc using the standard means of the operating system does not lead to anything good, and they try to convince us that this disk empty But it's not like that! We launch CDRWin, select "Extract Disc/Tracks/Sectors" and in the "Track Selection" window we see our track TRACK 1 in person. Do you want to lose it? With a slight movement of the mouse, move "Extract mode ..." to "Select Track", and in the "Reading Options" uncheck "RAW" (if this is not done, the contents of the track will be read in raw mode, interleaving useful data along with headers, which not included in our plans). We select the track that we will extract and, having selected the nominal reading speed, click on "START" (reading a MODE 2 track at maximum speed often leads to numerous errors).

Figure 7. Reading a disc recorded in MODE 2 using CDRWin by first copying one or more tracks to the hard drive.

Having returned the file to its legal extension (which is recommended to be written on the disc box with a felt-tip pen, since it is irreversibly lost during the recording process), run " Universal Player" (or any other audio / video player of your choice) and relax to your heart's content.

If desired, the process of "robbing" a file can be automated using the SNAPSHOT.EXE utility from the package of the console version of the CDRWin program. Using the MAKEISO.EXE utility provided with CDRWin, create one legal track, written in MODE 1/ISO9660 format and containing batch file for automatic extraction user-selected MODE 2-track. You can find details of this process in the CDRWin documentation. Minimal programming skills will not hurt you either.

Session of Practical Magic in Video CD

To burn DivX/MP3 files in Video CD format, we need the MODE 2 CD MAKER utility, a free copy of which can be found here. If the command line gives you a hard time (and MODE 2 CD MAKER is a command line utility), use the special graphical shell downloadable from here.

The program's interface is simple and quite traditional: you drag and drop the files to be recorded into a large white window (or click on "Add Files"), at the bottom of which a snake indicator is displayed showing the used volume. By default, the program is set to MODE 2 FORM 1 (2048 bytes per sector) and to switch to MODE 2 FORM 2 (2324 bytes per sector), you must click on the "Set/Unset Form 2" button.

Another harmful default - to place each file in "its own" track - is disabled by checking the box next to the "Single Track" item. The fact is that creating one track consumes about 700 KB of disk space and separate recording of a large number of files simply becomes unprofitable (although a disc recorded in Single track-mode is not supported by the Linux operating system).

Finally, when all the preparations are completed, you press "Write ISO" and after a while a CUE image is formed on the disk, for burning which you can use the same CDRWin or Alcohol / Clone CD - but this is already an amateur.

Figure 8. Burning an 800/900 MB Video CD using MODE 2 CD MAKER "a. If RIFF / CDXA filters are installed, such a disc is quite correctly supported by the operating system.

Just don't forget to install a special DirectShow filter, without which you won't be able to work with a Video CD in normal mode!

Reserve-6 or additional capacity sources

Believe it or not, but 800/900 MB per disk is far from the limit! In addition to the main data channel, in which, in fact, the raw sectors are stored, there are also subcode channels, in the amount of eight pieces. One of them is used by the optical head positioner, and the other seven are free. In total, we lose about 64 bytes per sector, or ~20 MB on a standard 700 MB disk.

Unfortunately, direct storage of user data in subcode channels is impossible, since operating systems of the Windows family refuse to support this possibility. Suitable utilities from third party developers also not observed. However, it is easy to hide confidential information that is not intended for prying eyes in the subcode channels.

Using Clone CD or any other disc copyer of a similar purpose, take an image of a burned disc, after placing it on a CD-RW. At the end of the operation, three files are formed on the hard disk: IMAGE.CCD, which stores the contents of the disk (the contents of TOC "a); IMAGE.IMG, which stores the contents of the main data channel and IMAGE.SUB with subchannel data inside. Open last file in some HEX editor (for example, HIEW). The first 12 bytes belong to the P channel, which is designed to quickly search for pauses, we will not touch it (although the vast majority of modern drives simply ignore the P channel). The next 12 bytes are occupied by Q-channel overhead containing markup data. In no case should it be modified, otherwise one or more sectors will no longer be read. Bytes 24 to 96 belong to unused subcode channels and may be used at our discretion. This is again followed by 12 bytes of P/Q channels and 72 bytes of empty sub-channel data, and so on. - alternating in the specified order up to the end of the file.

Clicking , move the cursor to any free space and write down the secret information, if necessary, having previously encrypted it. Key saves all changes to the file. It remains only to run Clone CD and burn the modified image to disk. When viewing the contents of a disk by regular means secret information is categorically invisible and to view it, you should use the already familiar Clone CD, launched in the image reading mode ("File" - "Reading CD to image file"; HIEW - IMAGE.SUB). Look! Here is the message that we managed to inject into the sub-channel data (see Figure 9)

Attention! Not all drives support reading/writing "raw" subchannel data. Make sure the "Profile Options" of the Clone CD is set to "read subchannels from data tracks" and the checkbox "do not restore subchannel data" is unchecked. Otherwise, you won't succeed.

Figure 9. Use of empty subcode channels to hide from prying eyes confidential information.

Finally, an additional 13.5 MB can be obtained from the output area of ​​the disk, which, in general, is not necessary to close. Disks with a missing output area are quite successfully read by the vast majority of modern drives and the risk of encountering a "wrong" drive is minimal. Just uncheck "always close last session" in the burning program you are using.

But that's not all! The disadvantages of the standard EFM encoding are obvious (and this has already been discussed above), but it is impossible to impose more advanced modulation methods on the drive. So far - it is impossible, but in the foreseeable future the situation may change radically. Recorders have already appeared that allow you to "manually" form the concatenation bits (which greatly simplifies the copying of protected discs), however, there are still no drives that allow you to read the concatenation bits from the interface level of the control hierarchy. Nevertheless, almost any existing CD-ROM/CD-RW drive can be modified accordingly - it is enough just to slightly upgrade its firmware. Experimenting with his suddenly deceased PHILIPS "th - CD-RW 2400 model ("automatic speed controller flew, as a result of which the drive always runs at 42x, reading only high-quality discs without errors), the author increased the physical density of information storage by 12%, and this is practically without any decrease in reliability, thanks to which the effective capacity of a 700 MB disk has increased to one gigabyte!
The main (and only) disadvantage of this recording method is its incompatibility with standard equipment and, as a result, complete intolerance. Nevertheless, the proposed technology looks quite promising and promising...

Appendix: Drive Reliability Testing

The use of MODE 2 imposes rather stringent requirements both on the quality of the media themselves and on the technological excellence of the writing and reading drives. Otherwise, the risk of irreversible data loss becomes too great, and the MODE 2 mode itself is inappropriate.

Testing just recorded discs is pointless. Firstly, we need to know the nature of the increase in the number of destructions over time, and, secondly, we need to collect certain reliability statistics for several batches of the same carriers.

To obtain reliable results, it is absolutely not necessary to examine discs recorded in MODE 2. After all, with physical point From the viewpoint, MODE 1 and MODE 2 are completely identical to each other, and all we need to know is whether the restoring power of CIRC codes is sufficient or not. Using the Ahead Nero CD Speed ​​utility or any other similar utility, test your collection of CD-R/CD-RW discs for damage. Squares filled in in green, mean good (good) sectors, reading errors of which are recovered at the level of the CIRC decoder. The squares filled in yellow symbolize partially damaged (damaged) sectors recoverable at the MODE 1 level. At the CIRC level, such errors are already unrecoverable and a disk containing a large number of damaged sectors is categorically unsuitable for recording in MODE 2 mode. Red squares indicate completely destroyed (unreadable) sectors, not recoverable at any level. The presence of even a single unreadable sector indicates an abnormality of the situation and requires a transition to better discs, or indicates a malfunction of the read / write drives (the presence of destruction at the end of the disk is quite acceptable, since there are 150 sectors of the post-gap area that does not contain any data ).

Figure 10. A blank from Verbatim (left), burned on a TEAC 552E, shows the highest recording quality, ideally suited for MODE 2. A blank from an unnamed manufacturer (right), burned on the same drive, shows a large number of bad sectors and for recording in MODE 2 is unusable.

What is all this for?. The penny price of "blanks" almost completely devalues ​​the advantages of MODE 2. Based on the average price of a disk of 15 rubles, a hundred additional megabytes saves us a little more than a ruble and fifty, greatly reducing the reliability of data storage, which is already low on cheap discs. Even when writing 100 GB of data, we win about 20 discs, or a little less than 300 rubles. Is the game worth the candle?

It all depends on what is being recorded. In particular, when transcoding a DVD to CD-R, the image quality inevitably decreases, and it is too expensive to burn a movie onto two CD-R discs. A hundred additional megabytes in such a situation is most welcome. On the other hand, when choosing a compression ratio, it is never possible to calculate in advance the exact length of the recoded file, and what a shame it is when a file created with such labor exceeds the size of a CD-R disc by some miserable 30-50 megabytes! You have to reluctantly delete the file from the disk and repeat the entire compression procedure again, and this is from three to twelve hours, depending on the speed of your processor. Needless to say, recording such a file in MODE 2 saves not only money but time.


A laser disk is by no means such a simple thing as it seems at first glance, and the fine structure of the spiral track contains many secrets and mysteries, only a small part of which was considered in this article. Do not be afraid to cross the border of established dogmas and opinions, experiment! Combine all kinds of recording modes and enjoy the non-triviality of the results. Perhaps one of the readers will later decide to associate with optical media not only your professional career, but life...

The main example of the operation of semiconductor lasers is magneto-optical drive(MO).

MO drive is built on the combination of magnetic and optical principle information storage. Information is written using a laser beam and a magnetic field, and reading is done using a laser alone.

In the process of writing to an MO disk, the laser beam heats certain points on the disk, and under the influence of temperature, the polarity reversal resistance for the heated point drops sharply, which allows the magnetic field to change the polarity of the point. After the end of heating, the resistance increases again, but the polarity of the heated point remains in accordance with the magnetic field applied to it at the time of heating. In the currently available MO storage devices, two cycles are used to write information, an erase cycle and a write cycle. During the erasing process, the magnetic field has the same polarity, corresponding to binary zeros. The laser beam sequentially heats the entire erasable area and thus writes a sequence of zeros to the disk. In the write cycle, the polarity of the magnetic field is reversed, which corresponds to a binary unit. In this cycle, the laser beam is turned on only in those areas that should contain binary ones, and leaving areas with binary zeros unchanged.

In the process of reading from the MO disk, the Kerr effect is used, which consists in changing the plane of polarization of the reflected laser beam, depending on the direction of the magnetic field of the reflecting element. The reflecting element in this case is a point on the surface of the disk magnetized during recording, corresponding to one bit of stored information. When reading, a laser beam of low intensity is used, which does not lead to heating of the read area, thus, when reading, the stored information is not destroyed.

This method, unlike the usual one used in optical discs, does not deform the surface of the disc and allows re-recording without additional equipment. This method also has an advantage over traditional magnetic recording in terms of reliability. Since magnetization reversal of disk sections is possible only under the action of high temperature, then the probability of accidental magnetization reversal is very low, in contrast to traditional magnetic recording, which can be lost due to random magnetic fields.

The scope of MO disks is determined by its high performance in terms of reliability, volume and turnover. The MO disk is needed for tasks that require a large disk space, these are tasks such as CAD, audio image processing. However, the low speed of data access does not make it possible to use MO disks for tasks with critical system reactivity. Therefore, the use of MO disks in such tasks is reduced to storing temporary or backup information on them. For MO disks, a very advantageous use is the backup copy hard disks or databases. Unlike tape drives traditionally used for these purposes, storing backup information on MO disks significantly increases the speed of data recovery after a failure. This is because MO disks are random access devices, which allows you to recover only data that has been found to have failed. In addition, with this recovery method, there is no need to completely stop the system before full recovery data. These advantages, combined with high reliability of information storage, make the use of MO disks for backup profitable, although more expensive compared to streamers.

The use of MO disks is also advisable when working with large volumes of private information. The easy replacement of disks allows you to use them only during work, without worrying about protecting your computer during non-working hours, data can be stored in a separate, secure location. The same property makes MO discs indispensable in situations where it is necessary to transport large volumes from place to place, for example, from work to home and back.

The main prospects for the development of MO disks are primarily associated with an increase in the speed of data recording. Slow speed is determined primarily by the two-pass write algorithm. In this algorithm, zeros and ones are written in different passes, due to the fact that the magnetic field that determines the direction of polarization of specific points on the disk cannot change its direction quickly enough.

Most real alternative two-pass recording is a technology based on phase change. Such a system has already been implemented by some manufacturers. There are several other developments in this direction related to polymer dyes and modulations of the magnetic field and laser radiation power.

Technology based on the change of the phase state is based on the ability of a substance to move from a crystalline state to an amorphous state. It is enough to illuminate a certain point on the surface of the disk with a laser beam of a certain power, as the substance at this point passes into an amorphous state. This changes the reflectivity of the disk at that point. Writing information is much faster, but this process deforms the disk surface, which limits the number of rewriting cycles.

Polymer dye-based technology also allows re-writing. With this technology, the surface of the disk is covered with two layers of polymers, each of which is sensitive to light of a certain frequency. For recording, a frequency is used that is ignored by the upper layer, but causes a reaction in the lower one. At the point of incidence of the beam, the lower layer swells and forms a bulge that affects the reflective properties of the disk surface. For erasing, a different frequency is used, to which only the upper layer of the polymer reacts, during the reaction the bulge is smoothed out. This method, like the previous one, has a limited number of write cycles, since the surface is deformed during writing.

Currently, technology is already being developed that allows you to change the polarity of the magnetic field to the opposite in just a few nanoseconds. This will make it possible to change the magnetic field synchronously with the arrival of data for recording. There is also a technology based on the modulation of laser radiation. In this technology, the drive operates in three modes - a low-intensity read mode, a medium-intensity write mode, and a high-intensity write mode. Modulating the intensity of the laser beam requires a more complex disc structure, and supplementing the drive mechanism with an initialization magnet placed in front of the bias magnet and having opposite polarity. In the simplest case, the disk has two working layers - initializing and recording. The initializing layer is made of such a material that the initializing magnet can change its polarity without additional laser action. During the recording process, the initializing layer is written with zeros, and when exposed to a medium-intensity laser beam, the recording layer is magnetized by the initializing one, when exposed to a high-intensity beam, the recording layer is magnetized in accordance with the polarity of the bias magnet. Thus, data recording can take place in one pass, when the laser power is switched.

Of course, MO disks are promising and rapidly developing devices that can solve emerging problems with large amounts of information. But their further development depends not only on the technology of recording on them, but also on progress in the field of other storage media. And if no more is invented effective method storage of information, MO disks may take a dominant role.

On laser, or optical, discs, information is recorded due to the different reflectivity of individual sections of such a disc. All optical discs are similar in that the media (disk) is always separate from the drive, which is a standard device in a computer. Unlike hard disks or flash drives, there are much fewer hardware problems with laser discs, and they are much easier to solve - by simply replacing the drive. Physical location data on laser disc is strictly standardized, and information about all standards is publicly available, although many specifications have been created.

Types of media and technologies

The first laser discs were created in 1980 by Sony and Philips to record sound. These discs (CD-DA) were played on home players. Since appearance and the geometric dimensions of any laser discs remain unchanged. The disk is a polycarbonate plate with a diameter of 120 mm and a thickness of 1.2 mm, in the center of which there is a hole with a diameter of 15 mm. The disk has a spiral track starting in the central part and going to the periphery. Initially, there were only discs that were replicated industrially from specially manufactured matrices, but subsequently technologies were developed that made it possible to record laser discs on computer CD-R drives and then CD-RW

At the beginning of the 21st century, DVD standards were developed, which should gradually replace CD. These discs differ from CDs in their increased track density by several times, and a laser with a shorter wavelength is used to read and write them. Double-sided (Double-Sided - DS) and double-layer (Double Layer - DL) discs have appeared, which contain two reflective layers and have almost doubled, compared with regular discs, capacity. Recent developments, the Blu-Ray and HD-DVD standards, have made it possible to further increase the amount of data stored on a laser disc, although the principle of recording has remained almost the same. Great importance attached backward compatibility standards and formats so that more modern drives can work with older discs.

On factory-made, or stamped, discs, the track is formed by alternating depressions and protrusions extruded onto the surface of the plate during the stamping process of the disc. A thin reflective aluminum layer is subsequently deposited onto this surface. Since the projections and depressions reflect the laser beam differently, it becomes possible to read the resulting pattern.

On recordable and rewritable discs ("blanks"), both surfaces of the plate are completely smooth, and the recording and reading of information are associated with a change in the physicochemical characteristics of a thin recordable layer deposited on the upper side of the plate (Fig. 5.1). The recordable layer in write-once discs (CD-R or DVD-R) consists of an organic dye that changes irreversibly under the influence of a powerful laser beam, and in rewritable discs (CD-RW or DVD-RW) it is formed by a special alloy film that can change its reflectivity depending on the conditions of heating and cooling. One way or another, the physical quality of the recording entirely depends on the quality of the disc itself and the characteristics of the drive on which the recording was made: speed, focusing accuracy and beam power.

In all cases, a number of protective layers are applied to the upper, farthest from the laser, surface of the disk, which protects the reflective layer from damage. Although the protective layers are quite strong, the disk is much more vulnerable on this side than on the substrate side. Rewritable discs are especially unprotected - active layer close in its properties to liquid crystals and reacts even to slight pressure or bending of the disk.

From the center to the periphery, the disk is divided into several concentric regions, or zones (Fig. 5.2). The diameter of each area is strictly standardized:

Rice. 5.2. Laser disc zones

The landing area, or fixation, does not contain any data and lies on the drive spindle. Roughness and dirt in this area can affect the balance and runout of the disc as it rotates;

The Power Calibration Area (PC A) is present only on recordable discs and is used for trial recording and automatic adjustment of the recording laser power depending on the individual characteristics of the disc and drive;

The Program Memory Area (PMA) also exists only on recordable discs. It pre-records a temporary table of contents (Table of Content - TOC). At the end of the recording session, this information is rewritten to the zero track;

Zero track (Lead-in) contains the table of contents of the disc or recording session. The table of contents includes the starting addresses and lengths of all tracks, the total length of the data area, and information about each of the recording sessions. If a disc is recorded in several sessions, a separate zero track is created for each of the sessions. Standard size zero track - 4500 sectors, or about 9.2 MB of data;

The data area contains useful data. This is the main part of the disk;

The end zone (Lead-Out) serves as a marker for the end of the recording session. If the disc is written in one session, the size of the target zone is 6750 sectors. If the disc was recorded in several sessions, each subsequent session creates its own end zone with a size of 2250 sectors.

Information when written to a CD is many times redundant. This is necessary to correct possible errors. Although it is believed that the capacity CD-ROM is about 700 MB, in fact, such a disk carries about 2.5 GB of information!

The spiral track is divided into sectors, the length of one CD-ROM sector is 17.33 mm, and on standard disk fits up to 333,000 sectors. For a DVD disc, the standard number of sectors is 2298496 (single layer DVD, DVD-R(W)) or 2295104 (single layer DVD+R(W)). Each sector consists of 98 blocks, or frames (frames). The frame contains 33 bytes of information, of which 24 bytes carry useful data, 1 byte contains service information, and 8 bytes are used for parity and error correction. These 8 bytes contain the so-called Reed-Solomon code, calculated from 24 usable bytes. Thus, the sector size is 3234 bytes, of which 882 bytes are redundant. From them, the drive firmware is able to recreate the true values ​​of the remaining 2352 bytes in case of errors. Moreover, out of the remaining 2352 bytes, 304 bytes are reserved for sync codes, identification bits, ECC error correction code, and EDC error detection and correction code. As a result, 2048 bytes are useful in one sector.

To minimize the impact of scratches and other physical defects, cross-block interleaving between adjacent sectors is used. Due to this, any limited defect is likely to affect blocks belonging to different sectors and will not end up on two or three consecutive blocks. In this case, error correction can be very effective.

Physically, sequences of "dark" and "light" areas, obtained as a result of EFM modulation, are recorded on the disk. Eight-to-Fourteen Modulation is another layer designed to provide redundancy and data integrity. Instead of each byte, i.e. 8 bits, a sequence of 14 binary values ​​(bits) is written. Three merge bits are added to these 14 bits, and the length of the sequence increases to 17 bits. A 24-bit sync number is added to the beginning of each block.

The algorithms schematically described here are standard and embedded in the firmware of any drive. In the process of reading the disk, the drive firmware performs error correction if necessary and shows through the interface already clean sectors of 2048 bytes each.

Optical disc drives

The design of any laser disc drive has not changed much since the 20th century (Fig. 5.3). All significant differences between CD or DVD drives, reading or writing, are only in lasers, sensors and optical elements. Of course, the support of new standards also required new error correction algorithms embedded in the firmware of disk drives.

Rice. 5.3. Laser disc drive scheme

The disc rotates on the spindle axis. The rotation frequency can reach up to 12,000 rpm. Under the disk, a carriage moves along guides, on which a miniature semiconductor laser, a system of lenses, prisms and mirrors, as well as a photocell receiver are fixed. Modern combination drives may have multiple lasers. The laser beam passes through the optical system, is focused on the lower surface of the rotating disk, is reflected from it, and again enters the receiver through the same lenses and prisms. The receiver converts the light beam into electrical signals that are sent to preamplifier and further into the electronic circuit of the drive.

The top lens is focusing. It is mounted on very light suspensions and can move slightly relative to the rest of the optical system. The position of this lens is controlled by complex automation, so the beam must always be accurately focused on the reflective layer of the CD. By moving the carriage, the laser beam can be directed to any part of the disk.

According to the CD standard, the track width is about 0.6 µm, the distance between adjacent tracks is about 1.6 µm. Each element of the track (a depression or a platform, or a section that differs in reflectivity from the adjacent one on the disc being recorded) must have a length of 0.9 to 3.3 microns. For DVD, these dimensions are much smaller. The difference in the reflectivity of the "dark" and "light" areas is quite small and amounts to no more than a few tens of percent. When reading, the laser disc drive picks up fairly slight fluctuations in the brightness of the reflected beam. When the laser beam is focused on the reflective layer of the disk, the spot it creates should roughly correspond to the geometric dimensions of the tracks. If the spot is larger, the fluctuations in the brightness of the reflected beam become even smaller, and deviations in positioning exacerbate the situation.

The laser power, focusing accuracy, response speed of the focusing system, as well as the degree of vibration and beating of the disc are different for different models drives. In addition, to work specific instance device makes a negative contribution to the wear of bearings and guides, as well as the aging of suspensions.

This explains the well-known case when a disk is read normally on one drive, on the other it is read, but uncertainly, and on the third it is not read at all with an error message. Paradoxically, it is not at all necessary that a disc will be best read on the same drive it was written on! The variety of parameters, both the disks themselves and the drives, is quite large. It's not even worth talking about cheap discs from unknown manufacturers and the percentage of defects among them. There are also initially unsuccessful drive models.

Drive quality is a very vague concept. It includes the thoroughness and accuracy of manufacturing and assembly of mechanics and optics, design features, including mechanisms for balancing and compensating for backlash, the properties of the laser emitter, as well as the features of the microprogram.

The behavior of the drive during unstable reading of problematic disks depends on the firmware. In general, the lower the speed, the greater the chance of successfully reading a disk with poor optical characteristics. When a large number of errors occur, the drive must step down the read speed until the read becomes stable, but this mechanism is implemented differently in different drives. The lower the disk rotation speed, the simpler the requirements for its quality. Practice shows that the quality of a CD or DVD drive can be indirectly judged by the ratio of plastic / metal, that is, by the weight of the device and its price. In this case, we are talking about prices for models of one generation.

Plextor drives are well known. They cost more than double or triple the average price for common drives, but they are stable and durable. In addition, some LG drive models have the ability to read even a heavily scratched disc or the poorest quality disc. Teas drives were also characterized by stable reading, however, release models after 2006, for some reason, began to cause criticism. Experienced computer users, whose occupation often has to extract data from unstable disks, usually choose for a long time, and then carefully use the drive. Sometimes such a drive is connected to a computer only to read a problematic disk, and the rest of the time it is physically disconnected to avoid unnecessary wear.

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