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What types of headphones are there names. Vacuum: maximum comfort

There are many criteria for dividing headphones by type.

1. In accordance with design features allocate:

  • Overhead. Based on the name, it is clear that the speakers are superimposed on the auricle and fixed on the head with a bow. The earhook is used to adjust the earbuds to the required size. On-ear headphones can be worn outdoors - small, no frills. And large ones for home use, with sound-isolating ear cushions for great sound quality.

  • "Plugs" (plug-in, droplets). These headphones are small in size and fit directly into the ear canal, where they are fixed with a small rubber "earplug". When placed in the ear, "earplugs" provide excellent sound insulation from extraneous noise. This type of headphone is convenient for wearing outdoors, as it does not restrict movement and does not squeeze your head.

2. By method of forming acoustics headphones are:
  • Open. This type of headphone transmits some of the sound waves into an open space, making them natural and clear. The downside is the interference from the sounds of the outside world, which distracts from listening to melodies. Suitable for use in quiet rooms.

  • Closed. The ear pads and earplugs create an isolated acoustic zone free from external noise. However, the air cushion formed in this area is capable of slightly distorting the sound of music, impairing the clarity of the sound.

3. By signal transmission method there are headphones:
  • Wired. The signal comes through a wire coming out of both "ears" or from one. Wires can be a nuisance, confusing and interfering. One "Great Mind" knows how headphones manage to get messed up to such an extent that it takes tens of minutes to untangle.

  • Wireless. This type of headphone transmits a signal in the infrared and radio bands. The absence of wires makes life much easier for the user. However, the sound quality suffers, various radio interference will spoil the nerves a lot. Another drawback is the considerable weight of the headphones and the need to buy batteries.

4. Based on operating principle, headphones are:
  • Electrostatic. This type is preferred mainly by music lovers. They are equipped with a thin diaphragm that vibrates the electrostatic field. This type of headphone reproduces music with minimal distortion and high detail. These headphones are often equipped with a dedicated amplifier. The sound volume here is not as high as in other types of devices.

  • Electret (electrostatic stationary). They are similar in principle of operation to the previous type, however, due to design features, they have a smaller resource of use.

  • Dynamic. The most common type of device. Differs in ease of use and reliability. These headphones are often used in recording studios.

  • Isodynamic. Sound is generated by a flat voice coil that vibrates in a magnetic field generated by magnetic components. They differ from the previous type of devices in higher weight, lower volume and lower efficiency.

5. Depending on method of noise reduction Emit Headphones:
  • Active (with the elimination of sounds). This type of device is equipped with a special system that picks up extraneous ambient sounds and generates an inverted signal inside the earphone, which eliminates noise. This technology is particularly effective in neutralizing low-frequency noises - the hum of vehicles. Combined with ear cushions that tightly wrap around the ears, this system makes these headphones indispensable on the street.

  • Passive. This type of headphone eliminates external noise due to dense ear cushions that are close to the ears and isolate extraneous sounds. The disadvantages of this system include the impossibility of long-term wearing (pressure on the ears prevents normal blood flow) and discomfort from excessive squeezing. Also, this type of noise cancellation has a bad effect on low frequencies.

6. Based on method of forming a sphere of acoustic impact, allocate:
  • Crossover headphones. In them, the speakers do not fit snugly against the auricle, making it possible to hear sound from another speaker. Sound waves affect the areas of the brain responsible for its localization, and a spatial sound effect is formed. However, of course, there is no sound insulation in such headphones.

  • Frontal Localization (IFL) Headphones. In devices of this type, sound transducers are installed in such a way that acoustic waves are perceived by the sound receptors as coming from the front.

  • Surround sound headphones. Two pairs of transducers (two on each side) create the illusion of spaciousness by feeding sound from the front and rear through four channels. Create a more realistic surround sound effect than conventional stereo headphones.

7. By fixation type headphones are:
  • With a bow on the back. Provides more comfortable wearing without squeezing the crown or spoiling the hairstyle.

  • With a bow on top. Fixes the speakers securely to your head, ensuring the optimal fit of the ear cushions to your ears.

  • With behind-the-ear clips. It is fixed as a hearing device for the hearing impaired.

  • With clamps - "earplugs".

Parameters we pay attention to

If you are not a drunken music lover and do not have an ideal ear for music, you should not delve deeply into the technical parameters of the headphones. However, in order to avoid a banal "divorce" for money, you need to know what you are paying for.

Frequency range. This parameter affects the quality, richness and depth of the sound palette. Human hearing organs perceive sound vibrations in the frequency range from two tens to twenty thousand hertz. Manufacturers often set frequencies several times higher than the capabilities of human hearing organs. This pays off in speakers that affect more than just the ears. Air vibrations affect the entire human body, thereby increasing the frequency range of perception. In the case of headphones, the purchase of devices with such parameters is a waste of money for that part of the sounds that you will not hear. Your pleasure will be delivered solely by the consciousness of the potential supply of "drivers", and the fact that such headphones are "cooler" than others.

The power and size of the "drivers" (speakers). As you know, size matters in most cases. But for headphones, these are mostly marketing ploys of manufacturers. They proudly present the impressive size of the device, replacing the concept of size and power. As they say, do not confuse warm with soft. In reality, it is not the size that matters, but the power of the speakers. This parameter determines the volume, richness, fidelity and depth of the sound. The downside of powerful headphones is the high level of power consumption.

Sensitivity. This parameter affects the volume of the audio playback. The higher the sensitivity of the headphones, the stronger the sound with the same speaker output. The optimal sensitivity is considered to be from 95-100 decibels.

Resistance. This parameter is quite important. At high impedance, the sound through the headphones will be much lower. The optimum impedance value for portable audio devices is 32 ohms.

Amplitude-frequency characteristic of the device (AFC). This parameter helps to visually demonstrate the capabilities of the purchased device. AFC is a graph with a curve. The smoother the curve and the longer its length, the more balanced the sound and the more accurate the sound reproduction transmitted by the headphones. The height of the graph demonstrates the loudness of the sound. The low-range frequency region should be represented by a "hump". This shows the accuracy of their transmission.

Harmonic distortion factor. This parameter clearly indicates the sound quality of the headphones. The lower the ratio, the better the sound quality. Since human hearing organs are better able to perceive high frequencies, the distortion factor should not exceed 0.5%. Anything higher sounds worse. For low frequencies, this figure can be equal to 10%. The absence of this parameter on the packaging should immediately alert you and make you think.

Cable type. The cable can be balanced or unbalanced. The symmetrical cable extends from both ear cups and may cause some discomfort during wearing and use.

An unbalanced cable comes out of one bowl, which is much more convenient, since the wire can simply be thrown around your neck, avoiding many inconveniences.

Also, the cable can be flat. This allows it to be less prone to entanglement (the scourge of all headphone wearers). For convenience, the studio headphone cable can be twisted into a spiral (like on a telephone).

Choosing headphones with a microphone (headset)

When choosing a headset, one should be guided, first of all, by comfort, since prolonged communication (in the same) implies the same prolonged wearing of headphones.

1. Fastening microphone on the device:

  • On the wire - this is the best option for those who are not entirely sure about the need for a microphone. In most cases, it is completely invisible, as it is located on the volume control. The simplicity of the design is quite simple, therefore, the price of a headset with a microphone is not much more than ordinary headphones.

  • A permanently mounted microphone is a great option for continuous microphone communication - call center operators, gamers, and so on. The microphone is fixed on a special plastic holder and is moderately moved forward.

  • Dynamic microphone mount - this option is perfect for a computer headset, because with this type of mount you can adjust the position of the microphone near the mouth, thereby affecting the quality of the sound perceived by the interlocutor. If not needed, the microphone can be hidden in the headphone case or raised up so as not to interfere.

  • The built-in microphone is not the best option for mounting a microphone right away. This type of microphone will register, in addition to your voice, all ambient sounds. The only advantage of the built-in type is its invisibility, which has a positive effect on the aesthetics of the entire headset.

2. Presence in the microphone noise canceling functions... This feature will filter all extraneous noise, transmitting exclusively your voice.

3. Connection type... We have already covered wired and wireless connection types. The choice of the appropriate option is yours. Although, in our opinion, it is better to choose wired headphones.

Headphones for the player

When choosing headphones for, you must be guided by the following considerations:
  1. Value for money. If you are an ardent and ardent lover of quality music, it is better to listen to it on good equipment or in large monitor headphones, sitting at home, where nothing distracts. Moving along the street, while in transport, you are involuntarily distracted from the music, focusing on the road and obstacles. Therefore, it makes no sense to buy expensive headphones with excellent sound quality. The budget version of "plugs" will broadcast you an excellent sound background, without distracting from the outside world, which, by the way, is fraught with various disasters for you.

  2. Form factor. Since you mainly listen to the player while walking along the street (walking, while jogging), it is better to choose “plugs”. They do not restrict the movement of the head, do not put pressure on it and do not provide complete sound insulation, which is fraught with loss of control over the environment.

  3. Power. We have already said that too powerful headphones, of course, will shake you with a music flurry from head to toe, but this threatens the danger of hearing loss, as well as a quick discharge of the player's battery (a consequence of the high energy consumption).

But, in any case, the choice is yours.

Among the many brands of headphones, it is not easy to navigate. The most respected and reputable brands among fans and connoisseurs of truly high-quality sound are: Sennheiser, Audio-Technica, AKG, Beyerdynamics, Philips, Grado, KOSS, Bose, Sony, Fostex, Denon, Shure and others.

The AKG brand will captivate lovers of high frequency sound. On the other hand, KOSS will offer you products suitable for fans of low frequencies of sound.

The Sennheizer lineup will delight you with a relatively flat frequency response curve.

And finally, some general tips for choosing headphones:

  1. If you want really high-quality sound, headphones from the above-average price range are your choice.

  2. It is worth buying exclusively the products of well-known brands, otherwise there is a risk of running into a cheap craft that will ruin your mood.

  3. If you are dazzled by the parameters and values, do not bother with abstruse terms - just listen to the sound.

  4. Choose a device that is optimal in terms of weight and size. Wearing heavy headphones can not only bring you discomfort, but also adversely affect your health - fatigue of the neck muscles, obstructed blood supply - this is not a complete list of consequences.

  5. Pay attention to comfort and detail. They are all the beauty of exclusive products.

  6. Immediately replace the headphones that come with the playback device for better ones. Why? See point one.

  7. Be wary of the "latest innovations". Most often, they are backed by ordinary marketing, the purpose of which is to siphon more money from you for an absolutely mediocre product.

Peace and musical harmony to your soul!

To listen to music, modern society uses headphones, among which monitor and overhead models stand out. Headphones are used everywhere in specialized studios, at home, in the gym and on the street.

For the most part, this type of headphone is used only by professional musicians... However, at home, monitor headphones are also widely used; it is customary to use them for listening to recordings, controlling sound control. In recording studios, monitor headphones are used to create compositions (tracks).

Headphones of this type have a high degree of noise isolation. They try to choose them according to the acoustic characteristics that are necessary for specific highly specialized purposes.

Types of monitor headphones

According to the type of acoustic design, monitor headphones are usually divided into:

  • Closed.
  • Semi-open.
  • Open.

The closed type is equipped with maximum sound insulation that only can exist. This headphone is ideal for recording vocals in the studio. However, closed headphones have one drawback: if the ear cushions do not fit tightly to the human ear, then the quality of low frequency reproduction can be noticeably reduced. For this reason, this type of monitor headphone has a much higher headband pressure than open counterparts.

Semi-open models are able to maintain good sound insulation, while retaining all the properties inherent in an open model. Many experts point out that the creation of a semi-open type of headphones was just another marketing move on the part of the market to attract buyers, since in fact this option is not a separate type of headphones, but is just a compromise way to design open-type headphones.

Open headphones are very comfortable in terms of operation model, since during their use there is no pressure on the inner ear. In such models, it turns out to hear a more natural sound, which is created through the use of sound recording equipment.

Frequency response (AFC)

When choosing monitor headphones, you should separately pay attention to their frequency response. The human ear can pick up sounds that vary in frequency 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz(these numbers are the limit).

In the event that a frequency range is indicated on the package, which is between the above two figures, then in this case the person buying this product may not hear something later.

Too low a frequency level will allow you to hear sound with its characteristic noticeable hiss, at a higher level the sound will acquire a metallic tint.

It is believed that the lower the frequency level of the monitor headphones, the clearer the sound will be. In recording studios, when creating a musical composition, all the instruments used are listened to separately.

Monitor headphone sensitivity

There is no need to explain to anyone that since this type of headphone is mostly used for professional purposes, then their sensitivity should be quite high. The volume of the sound reproduced in the device directly depends on them.

On-ear headphones are the type of headphones that superimposed on the ear.

Modern urban hectic life has a depressing effect on human consciousness, as a result of which humanity tries to protect itself from extraneous sounds uninteresting to it with music players, mobile phones and other devices that allow you to listen to your favorite tunes everywhere.

When buying such a product, first of all, always close attention to their sensitivity, on which the sound volume depends.

Resistance- no less important indicator of headphones, the higher it is, the quieter the melody played by the device will play. The high resistance will save the electrical load of the used device that plays music, that is, the battery will run out more slowly.

The frequency range when choosing on-ear headphones is not so important, since the level of this indicator is determined directly by the manufacturers of the on-ear headphones themselves.

Types of on-ear headphones

  1. Open - a model in which the back wall of the case does not separate the membrane from the external environment. These headphones offer natural sounding sound.
  2. Closed - in them, the membrane is separated from external external noise by means of the back wall. The sound becomes perfectly clear, without any intrusion of extraneous noise.

In common between monitor and on-ear headphones

  1. Both types of headphones are designed for listening to sounds individually or melodies.
  2. May be produced by the same manufacturer.
  3. Both are the most common headphone models.


  1. It is customary to use monitor headphones most often for professional purposes - creating compositions in recording studios.
  2. When choosing monitor headphones, you should pay attention to the frequency response; the frequency range for on-ear headphones is not important.
  3. Monitor headphones cover the entire auricle, overhead headphones are superimposed on it.
  4. The sound heard from the monitor headphones will be clearer and more distinct than in the over-ear counterpart.

Headphone classification or how not to get lost when choosing

Most of us enjoy listening to music. Some are in the background from time to time, and some do not go beyond the threshold of their abode without headphones and a player or smartphone. In any case, the question of buying headphones is relevant, and there are a huge number of them on the market, of a variety of designs, schemes and price categories.

In this article, we will try to slightly streamline all this chaos in the range of headphones. It should be noted right away that there is a percentage of the population who is not too careful about headphones and / or does not care about sound quality. Sounds - and okay. This approach has every right to life, for such cases there is a bunch of "penny" headphones in each transition, we will not dwell on them.

Electrophone System

It is not worth delving into the history in this material, today we are not talking about that, but it is still worth mentioning the progenitors of the current headphones in a nutshell. From 1895 to 1926, there was a service for listening to concerts and church services at home in Britain. The device was called the Electrophone System and looked like old phones, but with four hard-grip headphones. Of course, the similarity of the current headphones was used by telephone companies and for military purposes. The progenitors of today's "plugs" were invented in 1891 by the French engineer Ernest Mercadier. These were miniature, in-ear headphones with rubber caps that were used "to reduce friction on the auricle and effectively block out external sounds." The development was even patented, but they returned to this design much later.

A lot of manufacturers in the first half of the 20th century were already engaged in headphones, including such giants as Beyerdynamic and AKG, but KOSS headphones became really popular among consumers. The $ 200 donated for the wedding of John Koss's wife was invested in the business, namely, the rental of televisions to hospital patients in 1953. A little later, Koss met engineer Martin Lange, with whom he made a "portable" turntable, and military headphones were redesigned to demonstrate the possibilities. It was they who in 1958 interested the public at the exhibition, and this is how the KOSS SP-3 appeared.

Well, enough history, let's go directly to the topic. It is worth remembering that if you buy headphones not "for show", but really get confused with the choice, in any case, you should listen to them and try them on before buying. Each has its own physiology and personal preferences and it is highly undesirable to rely solely on reviews and reviews. So, for a start, it is worth deciding on the sound source, the conditions in which the headphones will be used and their necessary functionality. Accordingly, let's move on to the first point.


The cheapest, simplest and most common are headphones. liners, popularly referred to as "droplets". Quite often, these headphones come bundled with portable electronics and usually have poor sound quality and design. Such headphones usually have poor sound quality, do not always fit specific ears and provide a low level of sound insulation, even with ear cushions that are made of foam. The number of models of such headphones is decreasing, they are being replaced by in-ear models, which provide better sound insulation and convenience. In the more expensive earbuds, special replaceable ear tips are supplied for better fixation in the ear. Sometimes you come across unique models like Dunu Alpha 1 with a hybrid emitter circuit and a bizarre shape. The earbuds are compact for easy travel.

Dunu Alpha 1 plug-in hybrid headphones with a rather bizarre shape

Some of the most popular at the moment (if not the most popular) are intracanal headphones (popularly "plugs" or "vacuum"). Their feature is the attachment directly to the ear canal, plugging it with elastic nozzles. This design provides good sound insulation and allows you to reduce the amplitude of membrane vibration, distortion and increase the frequency range. The design was originally borrowed from hearing aids and in-the-ear monitors for musicians. Actually, this is another name for in-ear headphones (In-ear Monitors or IEM). The main disadvantages of this type of headphone are the need for increased attention on the street and not very good reproduction of the upper part of the range, which is usually solved by using emitters with a balanced armature (armature) or hybrid circuits.

Overhead headphones have a design that involves pressing the headphones to the auricles, while they are not covered by the headphones. Usually fixed by means of a headband (both in the upper part of the head and behind the head) or special earhooks. In this case, the emitters are already outside the ear, so you need to turn up the volume for comfortable listening. These headphones are usually lightweight and can be used as portable headphones. But you should not expect good sound insulation from such headphones.

Cups full-size The headphones cover your ears completely for better sound isolation and less sound loss. Initially, they were intended primarily for home use, but now there are many full-size models that differ in a light, convenient (sometimes foldable) design and a relatively short cable, which makes it easy to use with portable equipment.

Monitor Headphones are basically similar to full-size ones: the cups completely cover the ears. But in this case, the headphones themselves are larger, more massive, as a rule, equipped with more serious emitters and a long, thick cable. This is a typical stationary option, usually with a fairly high impedance, which is poorly suited for portable use. They are actively used by people who are professionally engaged in sound.

Acoustic design

In headphone cases open type, there are usually holes, slots or slots, this is done so that the speaker is not in an insulated chamber. This allows sounds to enter from the outside, and some of the sound waves of the speakers come out, thereby reducing the amount of reflections and distortions in the sound. Usually, such headphones sound cleaner and more natural, but they are poorly suited for use in noisy environments and public places: an excessive amount of noise will interfere with listening to music, while others may well be annoyed by your music, which they will hear perfectly.

V closed Headphones of the case do not have any slots and holes, thus the speakers are closed from the external environment, and the sound is directed into the auricle. These headphones have much better sound insulation and can be used in noisy places. These headphones are usually more "bass".

There is also such a concept as Semi-open (or Semi-closed) headphones, this is a compromise between the above, which does not have any clear requirements and different manufacturers from time to time put different meanings in this name.

Types of emitters

Dynamic emitters are the most common and are used in headphones of all designs and types. They use a membrane to which a coil of wire is attached and a permanent magnet in the magnetic field of which it is located. When an alternating current is passed through the coil, a magnetic field is generated, which interacts with the magnetic field of a permanent magnet. Due to this, the membrane begins to vibrate, repeating the shape of the electrical signal of the sound wave. Dynamic headphones usually have a fairly wide frequency range, but not the best accuracy and detail.

Scheme of "reinforcing" emitter of the Westone company

Emitters with balanced armature (reinforcement) were invented back in the 20s of the last century and were distinguished by high sensitivity and power, their first application was hearing aids. Their main part is a U-shaped plate (anchor), around which the coil is located. The armature can move only around an axis passing through the center of that part of it, which is inside the magnetic field. Electrical signals cause the magnetic field to vibrate, causing the armature to move, which is transmitted to a membrane that produces sound waves. "Armatura" is used only in in-ear headphones. The main advantages are high accuracy, detailed reproduction and high sensitivity. Of the minuses - relatively small range, in particular at low frequencies. This problem is solved by using several reinforcing emitters at the same time, or a hybrid scheme with an armature and a dynamic emitter.

Westone W50 in-ear headphones with five reinforcing drivers

At the heart of Isodynamic, orthodynamic (planar magnetic) of the emitters is a thin and light film membrane with metal paths applied to it. It is located between two magnets, when current is applied to which it is set in motion. The so-called Hale emitter, which was patented in 1973. In isodynamic ones, a rectangular membrane is used, in orthodynamic ones - a round one. They are used in full-size headphones, they are distinguished by high sound fidelity, but at a rather high cost.

V Electrostatic The headphones use an ultra-thin membrane that is located between the two electrodes. Under the influence of high voltage, the membrane is set in motion and creates sound vibrations. Electrostatic headphones deliver incredibly smooth, high-quality, detailed sound that is virtually distortion-free. The impedance of such headphones is measured in kilo-ohms and they usually come with their own amplifier. These are solutions for the most hopeless audiophiles with an impressive income: such headphones are usually very expensive.

Connection options

The standard is wired connection option with a 3.5 mm connector. This option is compatible with the vast majority of sources, be it a portable player, smartphone, laptop, tablet or computer. In some cases, a 1/4 "(6.3 mm) connector is used. More often it can be found in stationary and professional equipment, in some cases an adapter is supplied in the kit, if not, it will not be difficult to find it on sale. Wired connection wins in terms of sound quality and signal stability , however, not so convenient.

Options wireless there may be several connections: home options with radio and infrared connections are gradually fading into the background. More and more models with Wi-Fi connection appear. The most common at the moment are the models with Bluetooth, which usually have a microphone and can be used with mobile phones as a headset. There are models of wireless headphones that also support a wired connection, which will be useful if the battery runs out.

Technological progress has led to the fact that there are an immense number of devices on the market for every taste and color. This applies to every sphere of human activity and his life, and because of this, the problem of choice arises. The same problem has overtaken the headphone market. Today, there are a huge number of different solutions for personal listening to music, from those created for professional sound engineers to those that transmit sound through bone tissue. The choice of headphones is a difficult and rather tedious process, because it all depends not only on the sound quality, but also on the comfort of wearing, the scope and appearance of the gadget.

People often ask questions: what types of headphones are there? How do they differ from each other? What type of headphones is right for a particular user? In this material, we will consider the main types of headphones, photos, characteristics and features of certain subspecies.

Types of headphones by their scope

There are two main types of headphones. Those that are used in the music industry, and those that are purchased for personal use, daily listening to music.

Professional (monitor) headphones are similar to regular full-size ones, but they are created for a separate category of people for whom sound is a profession. Such headphones look impressive, usually their design seems too massive, unattractive. Powerful technical equipment is used to transform sound, providing high details of such. This type of headphones is distinguished by the highest quality sound from the point of view of the "real" sound of the composition and a competent balance of frequencies, thanks to which the sound engineer notices minor defects and inconsistencies in the recording. Such headphones are not suitable for listening to music on an ongoing basis, since "clean" sound implies the ability to hear minor imperfections during recording, such as pick clicks, microphone crackles, unpleasant background noise and others like them. Other headphones have a narrower range, focus on specific frequencies, which means that most of the compositions in them will sound richer than in "monitor" ones, which smooth the sound beyond recognition.

Custom headphones are headphones for the masses, for mere mortals, and they don't have such polished characteristics. They often target a specific genre. For example, the famous Beats brand boosts low frequencies in an attempt to add bass. Due to such distortion, the sound seems more pleasant and rich. Earbuds like these come in a variety of shapes and designs. Many of them, in contrast to studio solutions, lose their sound quality for the sake of ergonomics and compactness. What kind of headphone doesn't exist for sure is the one that combines the capabilities of studio and consumer. As you can see, already at this stage the user is faced with a choice between the "sincerity" of the sound and its "attractiveness".

Types of headphones by sound transmission method

Everything is simple here: the sound is transmitted either over the wire, as most are used to, or using wireless technologies (mainly bluetooth).

In the first case, the headphones are connected to the sound source via a digital or analog cable. This is the easiest connection option and at the same time relatively inexpensive. Even on budget wired headphones, the sound quality is often impressive. Nevertheless, untangling wires and their "unexpected" break have long become a separate reason for jokes, therefore, wireless options have been created.

There are different types of wireless headphones. Some of them use an analog signal, some use a digital signal. Wireless headphones, as the name implies, save users from the problems with wires, which often fail in the first place. At the same time, most of the devices already existing on the market have a number of typical disadvantages, including:

  • The need to recharge the headphones.
  • Poor sound quality.
  • Delay in signal transmission.
  • High price.

These problems have plagued bluetooth headphones for years. Recently, new types of bluetooth headphones began to appear, manufacturers began to equip them with full-fledged processors that allow you to transmit sound of higher quality and without delays. The cost of such solutions is disappointing, but it drops every day due to market saturation and technology adaptation, and modern batteries often provide users with a whole day without recharging. A striking example of high-quality bluetooth headphones is Apple's AirPods.

Wireless headphones can take a variety of forms: from full-size to ultra-compact, but in any case, they are created for those who move a lot and do not want to embarrass themselves with wires, and wired options should be classified as "Types of headphones for a computer", where wires will not interfere ...

Types of headphones by the number of channels used

The simplest type of headphone in this category is monaural. In such headphones, an identical signal is sent to all sound emitters, which has a detrimental effect on the volume of the sound and its saturation. The more common type is stereophonic. In such headphones, a separate signal is sent to each sound emitter, which allows you to add atmosphere and depth to the songs being played. The third type is the most advanced, but it is used less often due to its high cost - multi-channel headphones. Thanks to this technology, each of the sound emitters (and there are several for each ear) receives its own unique signal, which allows you to achieve the most pleasant and detailed sound without sacrificing post-equalization and other methods of sound distortion.

By type of construction

Perhaps this is the most important category, because it is on it that you should rely on when choosing headphones in the first place. Different construction types imply different conditions of use. By and large, they can be divided into what source of sound they will work with, be it a phone, an expensive media player or a computer.

There are, for example, different types of headphones for the phone, but most often ultra-compact solutions are used: either in-ear (those that are inserted directly into the ear canal), or plug-in (those that are inserted into the auricle).

In-ear headphones are often called vacuum headphones because they completely isolate the ear canal. Due to this, the suppression of extraneous noise and deep, surround sound is achieved. The types of vacuum headphones are divided (in addition to the main parameters) according to the shape of the nozzle used to fix it in the ear. Sometimes they are made from plastic, sometimes from silicone, they come in different sizes and thicknesses. It so happens that it is very difficult for a person to find a suitable nozzle, because the shape of the ear is different for everyone, so you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to experiment, look for a suitable shape and material that will be most comfortable for the ear. The final sound quality also depends on this.

In-ear headphones are significantly inferior to vacuum ones in sound quality, but at the same time they feel more comfortable, since they remain in the auricle without going deep. Since it is impossible to achieve sealing when wearing in-ear headphones, in addition to music, extraneous noise breaks into the ear, interfering with listening to music or talking. Due to air ingress, low frequencies are also lost and bass is almost completely absent.

Owners of expensive players or those who use headphones at the computer prefer over-ear or full-size ones.

On-ear cushions cover a specific part of the ear with a small ear cushion. In terms of comfort, such headphones are comparable to plug-in ones, but due to their more massive design, high sound quality is achieved, since the manufacturer can equip them with large sound emitters in large quantities.

Full-size (classic) headphones cover your head and completely cover your ear with a large leather or foam ear cushion.

Acoustic design for full-size headphones

Over-ear headphones fall into three main categories:

  • Open.
  • Closed.
  • Hybrid (semi-closed).

Open headphones are equipped with a series of large openings in the ear cushions so that external sounds can enter the ear. Thus, the most natural sounding is achieved, as well as a certain level of safety, because when listening to music on the street, it is important not to lose touch with the outside world. You can recognize such headphones by the characteristic perforation on the outside of the ear cushion.

Closed-back headphones can give you an unforgettable experience of listening to hip-hop and electronic music, because they are the ones that abound in the greatest amount of bass and bass. These headphones do not allow any external noise to pass through, leaving the user alone with their favorite music (or audiobook). To enhance the effect, manufacturers often resort to the use of active noise isolation technology, that is, they equip each cup with microphones that capture and neutralize external sounds. Such headphones do not let in unnecessary sounds even on the subway. The disadvantage of headphones is the discomfort that they cause with prolonged use (ears sweat, the sound is too booming).

The last type is hybrid. These headphones combine the best of both closed and open designs. Used massive, tightly pressed to the ear cushions with small slots on the outside.

By type of attachment

There are several options for attaching headphones to your head or ears. Arcs are used to secure the headphones to the head. The most common type of arc is vertical. She connects two cups and lies directly on her head. Less often, you can see arcs that are fixed at the back of the head. In such headphones, the arc is used rather to hold the cups, and in order to prevent them from falling off the head, the ears are used (small bends of the arc in the shape of the ears). Many sports headphones do not have an arc at all, but are equipped only with earhooks and clips. These are often found on in-ear headphones because they are the easiest to lose. Portable solutions, such as plug-in and vacuum, are not equipped with mounts, as they stick to the ears by themselves.

By cable connection method

In massive overhead and full-size headphones, the connection wire goes to only one cup, and the second one functions by pulling the cable through the arc. In more compact solutions, two wires are used at once, going separately to each ear. In some models, the wires can be disconnected not only from the side of the sound source, but also from the side of the headphones. Thus, they can be easily replaced in case of damage or replaced with more expensive and high quality ones, for example gold ones, which is especially important for those who listen to music on specialized equipment with additional sound amplification.

By the design of the emitter

The most common type is the dynamic radiator headphone. They work like a loudspeaker. They use a standard coil, magnet and diaphragm. By supplying an alternating current to the coil, a magnetic field is created that interacts with the magnetic field of the permanent magnet, which generally leads to a movement of the membrane that follows the shape of the electrical signal.

There are also more advanced options, such as armature headphones, which are often called "armature". Their main feature is a ferromagnetic armature, which is set in motion due to fluctuations in the magnetic field and amplifies the signal. Such devices, despite the use of a more complex emitter, remain available.

In the professional environment and among the so-called audiophiles, headphones with an electrostatic emitter are popular. They provide the highest and most realistic sound, but they are too expensive and only work when connected to a dedicated docking station.

Headphones with an isodynamic emitter based on the Hale emitter round out the four.

By resistance level

Everything is simple here: headphones can be either low-impedance - up to 100 ohms of resistance, or high-impedance - more than 100 ohms of resistance. Considering the types of headphones for the phone, you should pay attention to the fact that the resistance level in them is not higher than 50 Ohm, otherwise the audio chip in the phone simply will not be able to provide sufficient volume. This state of affairs can be corrected by introducing additional amplification (headphones - amplifier - player / phone) into the connection circuit (headphones - player / telephone). After that, it will be possible to connect devices with any resistance level to the phone, even above 100 ohms.

Headphones: types of connectors

There are currently 4 main types of headphone jacks:

  • Mini-jack (analog, 3.5 mm) - the standard port used in all modern headphones, suitable for any portable player and computer.
  • Jack (analog, 6.3 mm) - used in professional-grade headphones, including some monitor ones.
  • USB (digital) - used to connect to modern smartphones and audio cards.
  • Lightning (digital) - Used to connect to Apple smartphones and tablets.

Other species

Besides the generally accepted ones, headphones can be divided into an infinite number of unusual categories. This refers to design decisions or specific ones for gaming. There are zip-style headphones that you can zip up and put away in your pocket so they don't get tangled. There are unusual solutions sewn into clothes (laces on a sweater, for example). Video game enthusiasts use headphones equipped with a microphone, light and vibration motor for maximum immersion and feedback.

Have you studied all the characteristics and have rich theoretical knowledge? The best way to choose headphones, however, is to go and personally try out the model you like. Regardless of its design and characteristics. After all, everyone's ears are different, and everyone perceives sound in their own way, so you should listen to what you hear.

Modern manufacturers offer various types of headphones, which have their own characteristics - constructive and functional. Structure, acoustic properties, sound quality, price - these are the main parameters on the basis of which we choose one or another model. Which headphones are right for you and what should you consider when choosing them?

Design features

Any type of headphone is a TRS jack (through which they are connected to devices), a cable and two cups with ear pads. The latter are made of various materials, but most often silicone, which is soft and comfortable. There is another detail in the on-ear headphones - this is the bow, or headband, which covers the head from above or at the back of the head. All models differ in the way they are attached to the head, of which there are four:

  1. Classical. The earpieces are secured with elastic, supra-parietal temples that connect the ear cups. By the way, the bows themselves are also different: the most reliable are self-adjusting, they are a design of arcs and tape; sliding arms are easy to use; molded plastic bows do not need to be adjusted, since it is enough to move the cups themselves.
  2. Fastening at the back of the head. Some types of headphones are equipped with an elastic arch that connects the cups, only at the back of the head. This design transfers mechanical stress to the ears, so it is important when choosing to focus on the weight of the cups themselves.
  3. Fastening on the ears. Headphones of this model are attached to the ears with clips or earhooks.
  4. Without fastening. These models are only foam ear pads that are located in the auricle.

How to connect?

Modern manufacturers offer a variety of wired headphones. Their connection types are as follows:

  1. One-sided.
  2. Bilateral.

The first option is suitable for overhead and in them there is one wire from the plug, brought to one cup, while the connection of the second cup is done by a tap coming from the first cup. One-way connection has one important disadvantage: in the area where the common wire joins with the cup, the latter often breaks or breaks.

Some types of headphones have a two-way connection - these are plug-in and in-ear. With this method, the common wire that goes from the plug is divided into two, and they are fed to the cups. Users note that such headphones are not the most comfortable, as they often fall out of the ears, and the wires, which are long enough, constantly twist and tangle.

There are also different types of headphone jacks. There are two of them: 6.3 mm and 3.5 mm. In most models, the second connector, but the first one is often found, so it is better to choose universal headphones that can support both types of connectors.

Plug-in, vacuum or surface-mounted?

Modern types of headphones are a variety of designs and product designs. And this serves as a guarantee that each customer will find what he likes and is comfortable with. When choosing, you need to understand that the earbuds are inserted into the ear, while the overhead models are adjacent to the hearing organ. The degree of fit is different thanks to the ear cushions, soft cushions, due to which the listening comfort is ensured. Note that they are complemented by circum-aural ear cushions, which exclude the spread of sound outward, and in overhead models - supra-aural ear cushions, which fit snugly to the ear, but do not completely cover it.

Plug-in models, otherwise called inserts, are very convenient due to their compactness. In addition, they often have attractive designs. For example, a stylish solution is headphones in the form of a macaroon or other sweets that emphasize the flirtatiousness of the image. But in terms of sound quality and sound insulation, the ear pads of vacuum headphones are much better than those of plug-in ones. We also note that the sound in vacuum headphones is much cleaner, so no noise from the outside will interfere with your listening to your favorite music.

The difference between plug-in and overhead models is the size of the emitting membrane. In vacuum models, it is small, up to 12 mm, while on-ear headphones have a large membrane - from 30 mm and more, which improves sound performance.

For phone

Where do we most often listen to music or audiobooks? That's right, on the road. And it is very important that the headphones are good, do not let sounds from the outside and sit comfortably in the ear. Depending on the design, the following types of headphones for the phone are distinguished:

  • Earbuds: This is the most popular option, most often these models come with the device itself. They are cheap, but the sound quality and soundproofing are not the best.
  • Plug-in: These are called "droplets" or "plugs". They sit well in the ears, close them tightly, which affects the increase in sound insulation.
  • Overhead: for a phone, this is not the best option, since they are too large, and it is inconvenient to carry them with you in your bag.

Depending on the area of ​​use, all headphones are either audiophile or special. The first ones are designed to ensure that sound reproduction will be at a high level, and special models are made for people with hearing impairments.

Location and quality

When buying headphones, we strive to ensure that they are comfortable in them, so that the sound is good, and the cord does not get tangled. Many models, including headphones in the form of laces or cat ears, seem beautiful, but in fact they turn out to be not the most functional. When choosing, you should be guided by where the music will be listened to - indoors or out. In addition, the portable player itself plays an important role: the better it is, the better the sound will be.

Some headphone models are not quite suitable for those who listen to music for a long time. So, on-ear headphones begin to deliver discomfort after an hour, as pressure is exerted on both the head and the auricles. Plus, overhead models are best worn at home. Compact earbuds are suitable for the outdoor version, in addition, they are equipped with ear pads of different sizes. Let's consider the features of each type of headphone in more detail.

Plug-in: modern and compact

If you are for convenience and small size, then you will like in-ear headphones. Why are they good? Firstly, they are compact, so they fit easily even in a pocket. Secondly, you can choose the size of the ear pads, which will ensure the comfort of wearing them. Third, they are varied in design. For example, someone will choose the classic and laconic models from Sony, while someone will like the original headphones in the form of a lightning bolt.

On the other hand, due to the design features of plug-in models, acoustic properties are greatly lost. In addition, not everyone likes it when a foreign body is located inside the ears. Among the best brands supplying in-ear headphones are Philips, Shure, Sennheiser.

Vacuum: maximum comfort

The vacuum earbuds are ideal for everyday use. They attract lightness, good acoustic characteristics. Thanks to the silicone ear cushions that fit snugly in your ear, the headphones will not fall out even when moving. Lightweight and compact, they can be stored in your bag or pocket. Good sound insulation is another advantage that distinguishes these varieties. And the sound quality is also pleasing - it is powerful and spacious, and therefore you can listen to your favorite music in excellent quality. Popular models of vacuum headphones are created by the brands Sony, AKG, Sennheiser, Beyerdynamic - with efficiency, they attract at an affordable price.

Overhead: great sound

On-ear headphones come in a variety of sizes, but they all feature good sound, comfort and stylish design. These models can be open and closed, but the most popular are models of the second type. Users choose headphones, in which the contact of the membrane with the ear is much better, so you can listen to tracks in high quality of any style - from rock to hip-hop.

You can use these headphones everywhere, but because of the size, many people prefer to choose them for home. A compromise option is semi-closed headphones, in which the cups are left open, but the holes are closed with a special grill or fine mesh. Popular on-ear headphones produced by AKG, JBL, Harman Kardon Soho, Denon .

Monitor: the best for the computer

Various types of headphones for your computer help you both listen to music and play on your PC. They are large in size, so they have a large headband and ear cushions that tightly cover the ears. As a result, such models are good for high-quality sound lovers. But the weight of such models is quite high. The design features of the headphones are such that sound is transmitted in all spectra without distortion. The distinctive features of monitor headphones include:

  • wide stage and large diaphragm, which improves the positioning of different sound sources;
  • uniformity and balance of frequencies;
  • great resistance, due to which listening to music on weak devices will be uninteresting, since the sound will be quiet.

A variety of monitor headphones are studio headphones, which are designed to work with high quality sound. No less popular headphones, which are additionally equipped with a microphone. It is needed when working, for example, with Skype or online games. It is also noteworthy that many monitor headphones are used at home, for example, when watching movies. But due to their heavy weight, they create noticeable discomfort. Note that brands such as AKG, Beyerdynamic, Sennheiser have proven themselves well among the leading manufacturers of monitor headphones.


Modern technologies lead to the fact that various types of wireless headphones are becoming more and more popular. Their feature is in the reproduction of high quality sound, and they work on the basis of a transceiver in the infrared or radio range. Infrared headphones are good for excellent sound quality, mobility and, most importantly, the absence of wires that annoy many. When used in conjunction with a computer, the wireless headphones work on the basis of Bluetooth, due to which the connection is carried out. You can use them in this combination when working, listening to music, talking or playing.

Stylish and modern wireless for mobile devices and tablets appear, however, their cost is too high. Among the cheap models designed for a computer or TV, the following can be noted: LG HBS-730, Sven AP-B770MV, Plantronics BackBeat GO 2.


Computer games have taken over the world, the number of gamers is growing every day. And users have simply gigantic requirements:

  1. They must transmit the entire gamut of the sound of the game, so good-quality models make it possible to select sound modes, have a built-in sound card and allow you to adjust the equalizer.
  2. Headphones should be comfortable, as the game can drag on for more than one hour. Comfortable headband, lightness of design, comfortable ear pads - all this should be taken into account when choosing.
  3. Convenient use is a guarantee that during the game you can easily adjust the sound or microphone without interrupting the game process.
  4. The microphone in the headphones should be of high quality - a real gamer simply cannot do without it!

Monster Beats: an overview of popular models

Probably everyone knows that Beats headphones are attracting the attention of buyers with their high quality, reliability and stylish design. The types of these accessories are presented in a wide variety, and each new product is met with delight. The Monster Beats Tour is compact and fits well in your ear for a comfortable listening experience, so you can listen to music in high quality. Fans of an active lifestyle will appreciate the Monster Beats Powerbeats, which can be adjusted as much as possible to suit the characteristics of their ears. An inexpensive model of monitor headphones is the Monster beats Solo HD, which are distinguished by good sound and compact size. Professional models include Monster Beats Studio, which are compatible with any musical devices and gadgets and are of high quality, two wires and versatility. It is easy to find among the headphones of this popular brand that matches your ideas of convenience, functionality and aesthetics.

Original models

Modern manufacturers offer innovative solutions that are reflected in the accessories we use every day. For example, there are special types of luminous headphones created by the Glow brand. They are equipped with a special fiberglass that is embedded in the wire. It, in turn, pulsates to the beat of the music. The uniqueness of Glow is that they are headphones that perfectly match Android devices. Exclusive headphones let you not only listen to music, but also take pictures or work with a range of applications. Well, one cannot fail to note the purity of the sound and its excellent quality.

Headphones in the form of cat ears will help create a flirty look. Such models were released in Japan and were liked by those who love both cats and music. The shape of the cat ears is stylish and bright, and they also glow in the dark. Color schemes are planned very different, so you can easily choose what is in harmony with your image. And if earbuds don't suit you, choose other, original and fashionable ones.

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