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What programs are designed to process numerical textual and graphic information. Text information processing

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In the discipline "Informatics"

On the topic "Modern technologies and means of processing

text information"

Moscow - 2009

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • 1. Text editors
  • 2.1 Window layout
  • 3.1 Creating a document
  • 3.3 Saving and printing
  • Conclusion
  • Applications


Despite the wide possibilities of using computers to process a wide variety of information, programs designed to work with text are still the most popular. When preparing text documents on a computer, three main groups of operations are used: input operations, editing operations, and document design.

Programs designed to process text information are called text editors. A text editor (processor) provides very wide possibilities for manipulating text documents. The main functions of text editors and processors are: entering and editing text characters; the ability to use different character fonts; copying and transferring part of the text from one place to another; automatic page numbering; creation of tables and construction of diagrams; Spell check of words and selection of synonyms; construction of tables of contents and subject indexes; printout of the finished text on the printer, etc.

Today, almost all powerful text editors are part of integrated software packages designed for the needs of the modern office. For example, Microsoft Word is part of the most popular Microsoft Office suite. The Microsoft Word program is designed to perform work on the creation of documents that include a variety of elements that have a hierarchical organization with the provision of work at the level of individual components, the document as a whole, combining information from several files in the form of a main document.

1. Text editors

1.1 Concept and general purpose

To process text information on a computer, general-purpose applications are used - text editors.

Text editors are programs for creating, editing, formatting, saving and printing documents. A modern document may contain, in addition to text, other objects (tables, diagrams, figures, etc.).

Simple text editors (such as Notepad) allow you to edit text and perform basic font formatting.

More advanced text editors that have a whole range of capabilities for creating documents (for example, searching and replacing characters, spell checkers, inserting tables, etc.) are sometimes called word processors. An example of such a program is Word from the Microsoft Office suite.

Powerful word processing programs - desktop publishing systems - designed to prepare documents for publication. An example of such a system is Adobe PageMaker.

Text editing is the whole complex of operations for internal and external work on the text. Each text can be "tailored", i.e. cut out pieces from it, "glue" them, insert parts from other texts into the working material, swap them, etc. You can change the location of the text on the page, the format of lines and paragraphs, insert illustrations into the text (drawings, graphs, diagrams, etc.). ).

1.2 Types of text editors

Modern word processors provide the user with ample opportunities for preparing documents.

The most famous text editors can be divided into 3 groups:

1. General purpose processors ("Lexicon", Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, etc.)

2. editors of scientific documents (ChiWriter, TeX, etc.)

3. editors of source codes of programs (Multi-Edit, built-in editors of programming systems BASIC, Pascal, etc.)

Let's take a closer look at several general processors. The WordPad editor is not called particularly powerful. No frills inherent, for example, Microsoft Word, can not be found in it. It also does not have any special formatting capabilities: it does not support such a simple function as aligning text on both edges, but it copes quite well with writing letters, abstracts and other tasks. This editor has several controls: a text menu, an action button bar, a formatting bar, and a control bar (Appendix 1).

With WordPad you can: work with fonts; save texts, both in its own format and in other formats; insert images in text formats.

Notepad (Notepad) - a word processor allows you to create simple files without formatting (Appendix 2).

Most often, notepad is used to check, and in some cases write, HTML code for web pages. This is due to the fact that notepad writes to its file only pure character code without formatting, which is very convenient for programmers.

And sometimes it's a preview. dll. inf. cfg and. bat files that are small in size but important in content.

Microsoft Word is the foundation of any office and the most needed and popular program in all of Microsoft Office. With Word, you can not only type text, but also arrange it to your liking: include tables and graphs, pictures, and even sounds and video images.

2. Text editor Microsoft Word

2.1 Window layout

Word (often MS Word, WinWord or simply Word) is a text editor produced by Microsoft as part of the Microsoft Office package. The first version was written by Richard Brody in 1983.

Word is one of the most advanced programs in the class of word processors, which provides for hundreds of operations on text and graphic information. You can put text, pictures, tables, charts, and graphs into a Word document, and automatically correct spelling and grammatical errors in the text.

After starting Word, a new document is opened with the name Document 1, which is located in the central part of the Main window and is the work area. Here you can type and correct the desired text.

The Microsoft Word program window consists of the following elements:

title bar, menu bar, toolbars, measuring rulers, scrollbars, text box, status bar (Appendix 3).

The title bar displays the name of the active document.

The menu bar contains the following items: File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Service, Table, Window, Help.

The File menu contains commands that you can use to create, open, or save documents. The Edit menu allows you to edit a document. The View menu allows you to select the form of presentation of the document on the screen and control the indications of the elements of the main Word window. The Insert menu allows you to insert various objects into the text: footnotes, notes, forced page breaks, pictures, graphics, etc. You can format text using the Format menu. The Tools menu has commands for checking spelling and correcting typos in a document. The Table menu contains all the commands you need to work with tables. Using the Window menu, you can switch from working on one document to working on another and change the arrangement of document windows in the Main Word window. The Help menu contains everything you need to get help with Word.

The horizontal control ruler is used to set tab stops and indents in selected paragraphs, as well as to adjust the width of columns in newspaper-type documents. By moving the mouse, the lower triangles on the ruler, you can set the right and left paragraph indent. Similarly, using the upper triangle, you can set the "red line".

To the right and bottom of the document are vertical and horizontal text scroll bars. They are used in cases where all the text does not fit on the screen and requires scrolling up - down or left - right.

At the bottom of the Main Word window is the status bar, which displays information about the position of the text cursor in the document and the current mode of operation.

Word is a multi-window processor. This means that you can open several documents at the same time, and some of them can be ready-made files, and some can be blanks (without a name, but with the designations Document1, Document2, etc.)

2.2 Features of Microsoft Word

Word features include:

1. creating tables;

2. development of forms and macros;

3. copying objects;

4. work with large documents, etc.

The main functions of Word for working with a text document:

· Typing

Correction of typed text

Cutting out pieces of text, memorizing them

Finding the right words or sentences in the text

Substitution of words one for another partially or completely

· Text formatting

· Automatic pagination

・Highlight part of text AND, To, H font.

Line tabs

The ability to see the text in finished form on the screen

· Wide choice of fonts.

· Ability to insert formulas, tables, figures into the text.

· Automatic search and correction of grammatical errors, etc.

Not only spelling is checked, but also declension, conjugation, and punctuation. The specified word is compared with its spelling in the dictionary and in case of any inconsistencies it is displayed on the screen for editing. In this case, the user is offered a choice: to carry out a correction; ignore error; add the given word to the auxiliary dictionary.

3. Working with information in Microsoft Word

3.1 Creating a document

The easiest way to create a new document is to use templates. Templates are standard document preparations of a certain type, used to facilitate the preparation of documents. Templates allow you to create and store universal forms of documents of various types: letters, memos, powers of attorney, payment orders. Starting to compose a certain document, the template of this type of documents is first called, and only then it is filled. Drawing up a document in this case is reduced to filling its certain fields with text. Once made on the basis of standards, a template can be reused in the future to create documents of a certain type.

To edit an existing document, you must first open it. Once a document is open, it can be edited, printed, or simply read.

The most commonly used operations in a word processor are copying, moving, and deleting pieces of text. The technology for performing these operations includes several stages: selection of a part of the text; transfer of the selected fragment to the intermediate storage buffer; move the cursor to the desired location in the document; copying the selected fragment from the clipboard to the location of the document indicated by the cursor.

Also in Word, it is possible to delete a character, word, line, text fragment by first selecting the corresponding text element, and then using either a key , or delete operations. The space occupied by the deleted text element is automatically filled by the text placed after it.

For convenience, there is still a rollback operation. To implement this operation, the word processor fixes the sequence of actions for changing the text in the form of successive steps. With a special rollback command, the user can return the document to a state that was a few steps ago. The depth of a possible rollback depends on the power of the computer used and other reasons.

3.2 Editing and formatting

Editing is a transformation that adds, removes, moves, or corrects the content of a document. Editing a document is usually done by adding, deleting, or moving characters or pieces of text. And Formatting is a transformation that changes the form of a document presentation. Any document consists of pages, therefore, at the beginning of working on a document, it is necessary to set the page parameters: format, orientation, margins, etc. The standard page format is A4 (21x29.7 cm). There are two possible page orientations - portrait and landscape. For ordinary texts, portrait orientation is more often used, and for tables with a large number of columns, landscape orientation (Appendix 4).

3.3 Saving and printing

The save operation writes the edited document in RAM to disk for permanent storage. The saved document type is usually assigned automatically by the word processor. In Word, a document is assigned a type. DOC (Appendix 5).

An important factor in protecting the documents you create is the autosave feature, which can be performed as a normal save operation or as a special operation to save the current state of the word processor in a special file. In the latter case, this state can be restored in the event of an abort, including the contents of all windows, the position of cursors in windows, and so on.

Printing a document - creating a hard (paper) copy of a document. To print a finished text document, go to the File menu and click the Print command. Having set the necessary parameters, confirm and click OK (Appendix 6).


Recently, computer technology has been advancing very intensively, and this contributes to the rapid development of software. Every six months, products with many innovations are released. So text editors do not stand still. Each time more and more functions include these programs. But their development is staged in such a way that with each new version the program retains the previous set of features and the user can use both old and new functions, the latter are introduced only to facilitate the work with the program.

To date, Word is one of the most advanced programs in the class of word processors, which provides for hundreds of operations on text and graphic information. With the help of Word, you can quickly and with high quality prepare any document - from a simple note to a layout of a complex publication.

List of used literature

1 . Ostreykovsky V.A., Informatics, M.: Higher School, 2001-319s.

2 . Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia, Microsoft Word // Russia 27.09.2008 - http://ru.

3 . Simonovich S.V., Informatics: Basic course, 1st ed., St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003-640s.

4 . Stepanov A.N., Informatics: Textbook for universities, 5th ed., St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007-768s.

5 . Makarova N.V., Informatics and ICT: Textbook, entry level., St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008-160s.


Appendix 1. WordPad

Appendix 2

Appendix 3. Elements of the Word window

Appendix 4. Page Options

Appendix 5. Saving a Document

Appendix 6. Printing the finished document

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The use of computers has radically changed the technology of writing and publishing. The desire to simplify the work with different texts has led to the creation of application software focused on solving these problems. There are two main groups of programs for preparing text documents: text editors and word processors.

Text editors are programs that create text files without formatting elements. Editors of this kind are indispensable for creating texts of computer programs, they are understandable and easy to use. The whole variety of modern text editors can be conditionally divided into three main groups:

The first includes the simplest text editors that have a minimum of features and are able to work with documents in the usual text format .txt, which, as you know, for all its simplicity and universal support, does not allow you to format text more or less decently. This group of editors can be attributed to the WordPad editors included in the delivery of the Windows family of OSes and the very low-functionality NotePad (Notepad), and many similar products from other manufacturers (Atlantis, EditPad, Aditor Pro, Gedit, etc.).

An intermediate class of text editors includes a fairly wide range of possibilities regarding the design of documents. They work with all standard text files (TXT, RTF, DOC). Such programs include Microsoft Works, Lexicon.

The third group includes powerful word processors such as Microsoft Word or StarOffice Writer. They perform almost all operations with text. Most users use these editors in their daily work.

The main features of word processors include the following operations, which form the basis of technology for working with texts:

    document creation;

    document editing (moving through text; inserting and replacing characters; deleting, moving, copying, searching and replacing text fragments; canceling commands; exchanging fragments between different documents);

    saving documents in external memory (on disks) and reading from external memory to RAM;

    formatting documents, i.e. performing transformations that change the appearance of the document (designing individual characters, paragraphs, pages of the document as a whole - changing the length of the line, line spacing, text alignment, changing the type and size of the font, etc.);

    printing of documents;

    automatic compilation of tables of contents and indexes in the document;

    creating and formatting tables;

    introduction of drawings, formulas, etc. into the document;

    punctuation and spelling check.

The modern object-oriented approach makes it possible to implement the mechanisms for embedding and embedding objects - OLE technologies (Object Linking and Embedding). This technology allows you to copy and paste objects from one application to another. For example, in a text document created in MS Word, you can embed images, animation, sound, and even video clips, and thus get a multimedia document from a regular document.

Editorial and publishing systems. This class of programs is intended for typing, design and complete preparation for printing publication of books and magazines. Examples of such systems are: Microsoft Publisher, Corel Ventura, Adobe PageMaker, Quark XPress. Publishing systems are indispensable for computer layout and graphics, they greatly facilitate the work with multi-page documents, because they provide the ability to automatically break text into pages, arrange page numbers, create headings, etc. Creating layouts for any publications using such systems is greatly facilitated.

When preparing text documents on a computer, three main groups of operations are used:

Input operations allow you to transfer the source text from its external form to an electronic form, that is, to a file stored on a computer. Input can be carried out not only by typing using the keyboard, but also by scanning a paper original and then transferring the document from graphic format to text (recognition).

Editing (editing) operations allow you to change an existing electronic document by adding or deleting its fragments, rearranging parts of the document, merging several files, splitting a single document into several smaller ones, etc.

Typing and editing when working on text are often done in parallel. When entering and editing, the content of a text document is formed.

Document formatting is specified by formatting operations. Formatting commands allow you to precisely define how text will look on a monitor screen or on paper when printed on a printer.

Programs designed to process text information are called text editors.

The whole variety of modern text editors can be conditionally divided into three main groups:

1. The first includes the simplest text editors that have a minimum of features and are able to work with documents in the usual text format.txt, which, as you know, for all its simplicity and universal support, does not allow you to format text more or less decently. This group of editors can be classified as editors included in the delivery of the OS of the Windows family. word pad and very little functional. NotePad (Notepad), and many similar products from other manufacturers (Atlantis, EditPad, Aditor Pro, Gedit, etc.).

2. An intermediate class of text editors includes a fairly wide range of possibilities regarding the design of documents. They work with all standard text files (TXT, RTF, DOC). Such programs include Microsoft Works, Lexicon.

3. The third group includes powerful word processors, such as Microsoft Word or StarOffice Writer. They perform almost all operations with text. Most users use these editors in their daily work.

The main functions of text editors and processors are:

Entering and editing text characters;

Ability to use different character fonts;

Copying and transferring part of the text from one place to another or from one document to another;

Contextual search and replacement of parts of the text;

Setting arbitrary parameters of paragraphs and fonts;

Automatic word wrapping to a new line;

Automatic page numbering;

Processing and numbering of footnotes;

Creating tables and building diagrams;




By discipline: Informatics and computer technology

on the topic: Text information processing technologies.


Tynkacheva L.S.

FEU, BUiA, 12, 1 course


Kushakova N.P.

Tyumen 2010

Introduction ................................................ ................................................. ...................................... 3

1. Features of word processors ............................................... ....................................... 5

2. Text editors............................................................... ................................................. ................ 7

Text editor Lexicon .......................................................... ................................................. .... 7

WordPad Text Editor .................................................................. ................................................. ..... eight

WordPerfect text editor............................................................... ................................................. 9

Text editor Microsoft Word 6.0............................................... ...................................... ten

Notepad++ text editor............................................................... ................................................. eleven

Text editor Microsoft Word 2003............................................... ................................... 12

3. User interface of Microsoft Word 2010............................................... ................. 13

4. General view of the Word window and basic working methods .............................................. ................... fifteen

Conclusion................................................. ................................................. ............................... 17

Bibliographic list .................................................................. ................................................. ..... eighteen


Each computer user is faced with the need to prepare, edit, this or that textual information. One of the first programs created for the computer were word processing systems or, as they came to be called, text editors.

Computers are widely used to prepare text documents. For this, special programs are used - text editors.

Computers equipped with word processors were to replace typewriters. Accordingly, the first such programs had the functions of entering characters, simple text editing (erasing, transferring, copying and pasting) and printing the resulting document. The difference from a typewriter was the ability to save the finished text and then reuse it. However, the implementation of the functions of a typewriter could not satisfy computer users. The development of text editors was very fast. In addition, the development of printing (publishing) computer programs began in parallel. The ideas and discoveries of the developers of various systems mutually complemented and “nourished” each other, as a result of which not only powerful printing programs appeared, but also “household” text editors, which, in their capabilities, are only slightly inferior to professional ones. The possibilities of these programs are different - from programs for preparing small documents of a simple structure, to programs for typing, design and complete preparation for printing publishing house publishing books and magazines (publishing systems). The advantages of a computer equipped with a special word processor (editor) over a typewriter were obvious and consisted in the fact that they provided a significant increase in convenience, productivity, and, most importantly, an increase in the quality of the documents obtained.

The time separation of the document preparation stages, such as input, editing, design, preparation for printing and the actual printing itself, made the process of creating a document easier and more technologically advanced.

There are different types of text editors:

Editors designed to prepare documents containing only a test (for example, Notepad). The size of the document created in such an editor in bytes is equal to the number of characters (letters) in the document. Such text editors can be used to edit program texts and to prepare HTML documents.

Editors with which you can edit and format (format) text (for example, WordPad). Documents prepared in such editors contain not only text characters, but also information about their format, that is, the form of presentation (size, italics and underlining, etc.)

Editors that allow you to prepare complex documents, that is, those that contain not only text, but also other objects - pictures, diagrams, sound, etc. Such editors are often called word processors.

This abstract contains the most common or standard editors in a number of institutions and organizations. In this work, six text editors are considered in sufficient detail: Lexicon, WordPad, Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, Notepad ++, Microsoft Word 2003, as well as the user interface of Microsoft Word 2010. providing preparation and processing of text information.

1. The possibilities of word processors.

Program text editors are designed for editing programs in one or another programming language. Text editors are designed for program texts and perform the following functions:

Dialog text preview;

Editing program lines;

Copying and moving blocks of text from one place to another;

Copying one program or part of it to the specified location of another program;

Contextual search and replacement of text substrings;

Automatic search for a line containing an error;

Printout of the program or its necessary part;

Document editors- programs for processing documents, focused on working with texts, having a document structure, i.e., consisting of sections, pages, paragraphs, sentences, words, etc. Therefore, document processing editors provide features such as:

Ability to use different character fonts;

Setting arbitrary line spacing;

Automatic word wrapping to the next line;

Automatic page numbering;

Processing and line numbering;

Print top and bottom page headers (footers);

Paragraph edge alignment;

Typing in multiple columns;

Creating tables and building diagrams;

Spell check and character selection;

Program text editors can be used to create and correct small documents. However, if you need to work seriously with documents, it is better to use document-oriented editors.

Modern word processors provide the user with ample opportunities for preparing documents. These are editing functions that allow any change, insertion, replacement, copying and moving fragments within the same document and between different documents, contextual search, character formatting, paragraphs, pages, document sections, layout, grammar and spelling, use along with with simple text elements of lists, tables, pictures, graphs and diagrams.

A significant reduction in document preparation time is provided by such typing automation tools as autotext and autocorrect, the use of forms, templates and standard document wizards.

The presence of external memory of the computer provides convenient long-term storage of previously prepared documents, quick access to them at any time.

Significantly simplify the data entry procedure scanners and voice devices. Existing systems for recognizing texts received from a scanner include the function of exporting a document to text editors.

A wide range of printing devices, combined with the functions of document preparation for printing, print preview, provides high-quality black and white and color copies on paper and transparency.

Thus, modern programs provide many functions that allow you to prepare the text part of the document at the typographic level. In addition, modern programs allow you to include graphic objects in the text: drawings, diagrams, photographs.

Thanks to these capabilities, a file, which is a text document, can contain, in addition to alphanumeric characters, extensive binary information about text formatting, as well as graphic objects.

2. Text editors.

Text editor Lexicon.

The Lexicon text editor is designed to process simple documents with text in Russian and English. LEKSIKON has the following text editing functions:

Viewing and editing text;

Automatic text formatting;

Automatic pagination of text;

Transferring fragments of text from one place to another;

Creating a table of contents for document sections;

Simultaneous editing of several documents;

Lexicon features that distinguish it from other text editors are:

Multiple windows (TP Lexicon has 10 windows, each of which can contain an independent text, which allows you to perform complex processing of a complex documentation system or a set of program modules).

Macro sequences (macro keys) - macro programming allows you to define frequently used text structures or command sequences with a single keystroke.

Calculator (built-in on-screen calculator allows you to perform calculations with numbers in different bases, calculate arithmetic expressions, use elementary functions).

Text editor WordPad.

Word Pad Editor is a text editor that allows you to create and edit fairly long texts.

The Word Pad editor included with Windows isn't powerful enough, but most of the day-to-day tasks - writing a letter, a student essay, making a greeting card - Word Pad copes quite well.

With WordPad you can:

Work with fonts, use a variety of font styles and colors;

Save texts both in your own format and in other popular formats (including Microsoft Word format);

Insert pictures in various formats into the text.

Text editor Word Perfect.

Word Perfect text editor is one of the most popular text editors in the computer world. Word Perfect has a rather unusual set of properties. Using the same universal principles underlying it, on the one hand, it is quite easy to process simple documents, and on the other hand, to prepare texts with a complex structure, illustrations, tables, etc.

Here are some of the main features of the Word Perfect editor:

Contains all traditional text editing actions

Constantly supports text format

Has a wide range of built-in characters

It is possible to automatically build content, lists of figures and references, various indexes, put down headers and footers, etc.

It stands mathematical formulas, inserts pictures, graphs, tables, etc. into the text.

Text editor Microsoft Word 6.0.

Microsoft Word 6.0 is a powerful word processor designed to perform all text processing processes: from typing and layout to spell checking, inserting graphics into the text in the *.pcx or *.bmp standard, text printing. It works with many fonts, both Russian and any of the twenty-one languages ​​of the world. One of the many useful properties of Word includes automatic text correction along the borders, automatic word wrapping, as well as spell checking of words, saving text in a certain set period of time, the presence of text wizards and templates that allow you to create a business letter, fax, autobiography in a matter of minutes, schedule, calendar and more. Word searches for a given word or piece of text, replaces it with the specified piece, deletes it, copies it to the internal clipboard, or replaces it by font, typeface, or font size, as well as by superscript or subscript characters. The presence of a bookmark in the text allows you to quickly jump to the embedded place in the text. You can also automatically include the date, time of creation, return address and the name of the person who wrote the text in the text. With the help of macro commands, Word allows you to include databases or graphics objects in the text, music modules in *.wav format. To restrict access to the document, you can set a password for the text that Word will ask when loading the text to perform any action on it. Word allows you to open many windows to work with multiple texts at the same time, as well as split one active window horizontally into two and align them.

The word processor can be controlled using the main menu commands, commands from the context menu, and the toolbar.

Each main menu item contains its own submenu to perform various actions in the text editor.

Notepad++ text editor.

Notepad++ is a text file editor with syntax support for a wide range of programming languages. The program has a wide range of options and is characterized by minimal consumption of processor resources.

Among the advanced features of Notepad++ are the option to highlight text and the ability to collapse blocks according to the syntax of the programming language. The user can independently define the syntax of the programming language. It is possible to set the backlight mode. Color highlighting of directives and programming language operators is available.

Notepad++ provides the ability to view and edit multiple documents at the same time. You can also view and edit the same document in two display windows in different places. A change to a document in one viewport will be automatically moved to the second viewport (i.e. you are editing one document that has a clone in the second viewport).

Other features of Notepad++:

· Auto-completion of the typed word.

· Ability to create your own list of API functions (or download it from the download page).

· Support for Regular Expressions Find/Replace.

· Full support for dragging text fragments.

· Dynamically change viewports.

· Automatic detection of the file state (notification about changing or deleting a file by another program - with the ability to reload the file or delete it from the program).

· Zoom in and out (scaling).

· Support for a large number of languages.

· Listing of programs can be printed in color - as you see on the screen in the editing window.

· Document notes.

· Selection of brackets when editing text.

· Macro recording and execution.

Text editor Microsoft Word 2003.

Microsoft Word text editor is one of the best professional word processing programs today. It is also a user-friendly publishing system for typesetting and layout of books and periodicals.

Microsoft office- a package designed to perform various operations with documents. Unlike other programs with similar functions, applications included in Microsoft Office are integrated into a single system, which ensures their effective work with documents that include elements of different types (for example, a Word document may contain an Excel spreadsheet and part of an Access database).

Modern text editors can perform the following functions:

Remember and insert characters or text fragments;

Use a large number of different fonts

Automatically hyphenates words that do not fit in a line;

Check and correct spelling and syntax errors;

Replace repeating words with synonyms;

Insert illustrations, including photographs;

Automatically replace a character, word or fragment in all text;

Insert tables and charts;

Automatically number pages;

Automatically create footnotes, alphabetical index and table of contents;

Format text in the form of newspaper columns;

Set the size of the printed page, margins and indents, etc.

Other features are provided in various editors, in particular, a built-in programming language that allows you to automate many operations. Any text editor allows you to save information as documents and print it on paper, but Word can do much more.

Word- a multifunctional program for editing texts and graphics, creating web pages and processing documents, in which, in addition, it is easy to insert even audio and video fragments. With Word, you can create almost any document, publish it electronically, or print it as hard copies.

3. Working with Microsoft Word 2010.

Now let's take a closer look at some of the menu commands:

1. File menu

2. Menu "Home"

3. Insert menu

4. Page Layout Menu

4. General view of the Word window and the basic methods of working with documents.

The first line of the main window, which is the title bar, contains the name of the package - Microsoft Word.

The menu bar, beginning with the word “File”, contains the names of the main menu modes, each of which in turn expands into a list of commands. By default, when creating a new document, the toolbar is always displayed on the screen, but the toolbar can be removed from the screen if desired. On the screen, you can display one or another panel, depending on the need.

Below the toolbar is the document window. The document title line displays the name of the document, more precisely, the name of the file in which it is located. By default, new documents are given names. You can change the names of the documents in the future.

The next line is called a ruler. This line allows you to see and change the position of indents and tabs for the current paragraph of text. Below the formatting ruler is the working area, into which text, formulas, illustrations and other document objects are entered.

The penultimate line of the screen contains a horizontal scroll bar. It allows you to view the right side of a wide document that does not fit in the window. Moving the window horizontally along the page of the document is carried out using the arrow buttons and the slider. To the right of this ruler in the same line of the screen there are buttons for turning pages of a large document in both directions and setting the first or last page.

On the right side of the screen is a vertical scroll bar for viewing long documents.

The last line of the screen - the status line - displays auxiliary information about the active document (number of the current page and their total number).

To start, you need to click on the icon of this application. Immediately after launch, a window with an empty document will open on the screen. When creating a new document in Word, we see an empty input window.

To enter text, just move the cursor to the desired location in the document and type the text.

In Word, you can work on multiple documents at the same time. Each created or opened document is placed on the screen in its own window.

One advantage of working with multiple documents at the same time is the ease of copying or moving text from one to another, making it easy to create two different versions of the same base document or borrow from an existing document when building a new one.


Document editors are the most widely used kind of application programs.

Text editors have many modes, commands and features that are not included in this work. It is impossible to describe within the framework of one work all the features of the behavior of programs that sometimes require great skill and experience from the user. Many subtle layout issues, such as vertical alignment, or the peculiarities of a set of formulas, tables, and complex indexes, deserve separate consideration in themselves.

Thus, we observed a kind of "evolution" of programs that allow the user to work with text files: from a simple text editor that offers the minimum necessary set of functions for creating and processing text files, with which you can perform only basic operations with text, to a modern word processor Microsoft Word, which contains a huge set of all kinds of functions and features that allow you to create documents of very high quality. Accordingly, the difference between documents created in these editors will be huge. The concept of "text editor" no longer satisfies the capabilities of such programs as Microsoft Word - in this case, a new term is introduced - a word processor.

The constant development and improvement of word processors brings them as close as possible to publishing programs. This is exactly what was observed on the example of the modern Microsoft Word word processor, which occupies almost the main place in an automated office.

Bibliographic list:

1. IBM PC for the user. Edited by V.E. Figurnov, Moscow, 2007

2. Agafonova I.V., Dmitrieva O.V. The evolution of replacement fonts: ideas and mechanisms. Part 1. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House of the Center for Educational Informatization, 2006, N5, pp. 9-15.

3. Bogomolova O. Practical work on MS Excel in computer science lessons. Toolkit. - M.: Publishing house "BINOM. Laboratory of knowledge", 2004. - 119 p.

4. Duvanov A.A. Basics of informatics. We write on the computer. Book for the student. Series "The basics of informatics". - St. Petersburg: BHV-Petersburg, 2004. - 352 p.: ill.

5. Self-instruction manual for working on a computer. MS Windows XP Home Edition. Edited by A. Zhurin Moscow 2006

6. Modern text editor. Edited by A.N. Luchnik Moscow 2004

General information about the systems for preparing text documents. Introduction to the Microsoft Word word processor interface. Reference system. Stages of creating text documents. Spellchecking. Move through the document. Bookmarks. Hyperlinks.

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Topic 1. Text information processing.

  1. The composition of the MS Office package.
  2. General information about the systems for preparing text documents.
  3. Introduction to the word processor interface Microsoft Word . Reference system.
  4. Stages of creating text documents.
  5. Spellchecking.
  6. Move through the document. Bookmarks. Hyperlinks.
  7. Find and replace text.
  8. Working with files.
  9. Printing documents.

1.1. Package content MS office.

Integrated packagea set of several software products that functionally complement each other and support unified information technologies implemented on a common computing and operating platform.

The components of integrated packages can work separately from each other, but the main advantage of the package is a reasonable combination of all its programs.

The salient features of these programs are:

  • completeness of information technologies the ability to solve most of the tasks facing the user;
  • the same type of interface for all programs included in the integrated package common menu commands, standard icons, standard work with dialog boxes, etc.;
  • common service for integrated package programs (for example, dictionary and spelling tools);
  • ease of exchange and references to objects created by programs of the integrated package;
  • the presence of a single language platform for parsing macros, user programs;
  • the ability to create documents that integrate the capabilities of various programs included in the integrated package.

Integrated application package Microsoft office developed by the company Microsoft , is designed for users of various categories and different levels of preparedness and is designed to automate the solution of tasks that daily arise before employees in any organization.

As part of an integrated package Microsoft Office includes:

  • text editor Word , intended for preparation of text documents;
  • spreadsheet processor excel , designed to process numerical information presented in the form of tables;
  • presentation graphics program PowerPoint , designed to create multimedia presentations;
  • database management system Access , designed for storage and operational processing of information;
  • email program outlook;
  • front page program , serving to create Web sites;
  • Microsoft Office panel , which allows you to run programs and switch control between them with a single click of the mouse button;
  • binder program , which makes it possible to combine files and represent their combination in the form of compact binders;
  • simple graphics editor picture manager , intended for solving problems related to toning images, resizing them and rotating them by a given angle, etc.;
  • Graph program , which allows you to enter numbers and quickly convert them into a chart;
  • Organization Short program , designed for building organizational charts;
  • Equation Editor , which allows you to present on paper the most complex mathematical and physical formulas;
  • word art , which allows you to design symbols and numbers for use in creating logos and headings;
  • illustration gallery clip art gallery containing hundreds of drawings.

MS Office programs use common menus, the buttons on their toolbars look the same, therefore, learning to work in one of these programs, the user acquires a number of skills that will be useful when working in other MS programs office.

In addition to the MS Office package there are similar packages from other companies in the software market, such as Lotus Notes/Domino from Lotus, StarOffice from Sun, Claris Works, etc.

There are several versions of the Microsoft Office suite:

  • Microsoft Office 6.0;
  • Microsoft Office 97;
  • Microsoft Office2000;
  • Microsoft Office XP;
  • Microsoft Office2003;
  • Microsoft Office2007;
  • Microsoft Office 20 1 0 .

There are slight differences between versions, but knowing the general concept of working with a particular program, you can move from one version to another.

1.2. General information about the systems for preparing text documents.

Text processing as a direction in the development of technology arose at the beginning of the 20th century. with the advent of the mechanical typewriter. Then, for more than half a century, the typewriter remained the only public means of obtaining printed text on paper. Obviously, when typing on a typewriter, the most time-consuming process is the process of making changes to the text, when, at best, a new version of the document is created with the help of scissors and glue, which is then retyped again to obtain a final version.

With the advent of the 80s. personal computers, the situation has changed dramatically. Preparing documents, making corrections to them have become much easier. But in order to be able to type text on a computer, special programs must be installed on it. At first, these programs were quite simple and only allowed you to type texts and make changes to them. Such programs are called text editors.

Text editor (text editor) provides input, modification and saving of any symbolic text, but it is intended mainly for the preparation of program texts, since program texts do not require formatting. The result of the text editor is a file in which all characters are ASCII code characters. Such files are called ASCII files. Using a text editor to prepare and print a document is qualitatively equivalent to using a typewriter. Performance in this case is ensured by the ease of obtaining a large number of printed copies from the workpiece stored in electronic memory and the possibility of both correcting typos and partial text processing by inserting or excluding new fragments. One of the text editors is the Notepad editor.

With the development of technology, it became possible to automate some routine operations for processing text documents, and text editors were replaced by word processors.

Word processors is the general name for software tools designed to create and process texts. Unlike text editors that only allow you to type and correct (edit) text, word processors have special additional features that are designed to make it easier to enter text and present it in printed form. Among these functions are the following:

  • text input under the control of formatting functions that ensure an exact match of the document's screen image to its printed one about pi. This principle is called in English WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get what you see is what you get);
  • a preliminary description of the structure of the future document using a special language; this description specifies such parameters as the amount of paragraph indents, the type and size of the font for various elements of the text, the location of headings, line spacing, the number of columns of text, the location and method of numbering footnotes (at the end of the text or on the same page), etc. .;
  • automatic spell checking and getting hints when choosing synonyms;
  • entering and editing tables and formulas with their image on the screen in the form in which they will be printed;
  • combining documents in the process of preparing the text for printing;
  • automatic compilation of the table of contents and alphabetical reference;
  • the possibility of joint work on one document of several co-authors, taking into account the corrections made by each of them.

Almost all word processors have a unique data structure for representing text, which is explained by the need to include additional information in the text describing the structure of the document, fonts, etc., since each word or even character can have its own special characteristics. Therefore, text prepared with one word processor usually cannot be read by other word processors and therefore cannot be edited and printed.

In Russia, the word processor MS Word, which is part of the Microsoft Office package, is now the most common.

1.3. Introduction to the word processor interface Microsoft Word . Reference system.

You can use the Start button to start Word. From the drop-down menu that appears, select All Programs, and then Microsoft office , Microsoft Word 2007. If the Microsoft Office panel is installed on the computer, then you can start Word by clicking on the corresponding button on this panel.

The study of any program should begin with familiarity with its interface. Interface is the way the user interacts with the program.

The main elements of the Microsoft Word 2007 interface are:

  • office button round button located in the upper left corner of the window;
  • the shortcut bar is located to the right of the button office;
  • Ribbon Word 2007 located between the work area and the Quick Access Toolbar;
  • context menu called by right-clicking in the workspace;
  • workspace the central part of the interface in which operations are performed with the contents of the document;
  • status bar information and functional element located above the bottom edge of the program window;
  • rulers;
  • scrollbars.

Office button. It opens the menu office , which combines commands for working with files, such as create, open, convert, save, print, etc.There is also a button Exit Word . To the right, the first line indicates the name of the currently open document and the window control buttons Minimize , Minimize to Window , Close .

Quick access panel.By default, it is located next to the button. office above the tape. It contains buttons for frequently performed operations. The default is: Save , Cancel input , Redo input . You can customize this panel by clicking on the small arrow to the right of the panel.

To change the composition of the quick access panel, select the menu itemOther teams...The settings window will open. Desired section Setting it will be selected by default. To add the desired command to the quick access panel, select it in the left part of the list and click the button Add . To delete an unnecessary command, select it in the right list and press the button Delete . In addition, here you can also specify whether the panel will have a specified view when opening all documents by selecting from the listFor all documents, or only for a specific document.

Each command can be assigned a keyboard shortcut. To do this, press the button Setting . In the window that appearsKeyboard customizationyou need to select the required menu item in the lists Categories and Teams . If keyboard shortcuts are already assigned to this command by default, they will be displayed in the fieldCurrent combinations. You can change them in the lineNew keyboard shortcut. In this case, you can save changes either for all documents ( template), or only for the text editor currently open in the window.

Ribbon. The entire top of the window is occupied by the main menu ribbon. By selecting any of its items, we have at our disposal the necessary tools, presented in the form of icons. It should be said that it is not possible to add or remove icons on the main menu ribbon.

The menu buttons are grouped by functional features. For example, the Main menu consists of the following groups: Clipboard, Font, Paragraph, Styles, Editing. The most frequently used buttons are placed on the panel. If the desired button is not on the panel, then it can be found by clicking on the small arrow in the lower right corner of a particular group. At the same time, a tooltip is initially shown, which informs about the purpose of the tools. Similar tooltips are displayed when hovering over any menu button.

Rulers. The horizontal coordinate ruler helps to adjust the position of a document fragment on the page. Using the sliders, you can set paragraph indents. The dark areas on the rulers show the margins of the page. Text can only be typed within the white areas of the coordinate bars. You can display the ruler on the screen or remove it with a flag Ruler on the View ribbon.

Workspace.This is where they work with the content of their documents. The text area can be marked with borders. These borders are set and removed with the command: buttonShow document contentShow text borders. Checking this box makes the borders of the text area visible.

Scroll bar.The slider and arrow buttons on the scroll bar allow you to scroll through the document. This process is sometimes referred to as scrolling, and the scroll bar is called the scroll bar.

Status bar.By default, this line (on the left side) indicates the number of pages and the number of the current page, the number of words, the text input language; (on the right side) - document view mode, scale.All of these modes are also available via the ribbon View . Most often, the most convenient mode isPage layout. To change the set of displayed elements, you need to right-click on the status bar. By unchecking or checking the boxes of the corresponding menu items, you can customize the appearance of the status bar as you wish.

To obtain the necessary information on working with the program, use the menu item Help (F 1). At the same time, you can work with it as with a catalog and use the search bar.

1.4. Stages of creating text documents.

Preparation of documents using word processors consists in the sequential execution of a number of stages. Can be distinguished:

  • typing;
  • editing the entered information;
  • formatting (formatting) of individual parts of the document;
  • printing a document;
  • saving the document and maintaining an archive of texts.

Each stage consists of many operations. When working with text, there is usually a multiple alternation of operations of various stages, so individual operations cannot be clearly attributed to a specific stage of document preparation.

Typing. The main instrument for entering the text of documents is the keyboard. The entered text is located in the text box. The screen location at which the next input character appears, i.e. the input position is marked with a special sign by the cursor. The status bar always displays information about the current cursor position. MS Word supports two input modes insert and replace. The key is used to switch between these modes. Insert on the keyboard or double-click on the ZAM indicator in the Status Bar. When the character replacement mode is on, the ZAM indicator is highlighted in black. If Word does not respond to a key Insert , then you need to execute the command button Office  Word Options button  Advanced  Use key INS to switch insert and replace mode. The character you enter automatically expands the string in insert mode, or replaces an existing character in replace mode.

Backspace key deletes the character to the left of the cursor, the key Delete removes the character to the right of the cursor from the text.

The cursor is moved to a new line by the word processor program automatically upon reaching the end of the current line, i.e. text input is controlled by the automatic formatting function.

Sometimes you need to insert a character into the text of a document that is not on the keyboard. In this case, you must perform Symbol on ribbon Insert. In the window that appears, select the desired font (for example, Wingdings, Webdings, symbols ) and click on the desired symbol.

If a word processor is used to work with documents, then the concept of a “soft” and “hard” separator is essential. By pressing the key Space a hard space character is inserted into the text. In addition to this character, there may be so-called “soft” spaces in the text, which are automatically inserted into the text of the document by the Word program to equalize the length of the lines. Similarly, you can interpret the concept of "soft" and "hard" end of the line. A "hard" line terminator is created when a key is pressed Enter to indicate the end of an input paragraph of text, it cannot be deleted by a word processor program or automatically repositioned. The line terminator is not always shown on the monitor screen, but, nevertheless, always exists in the text. In order to see the non-printing characters present in the document, you can click the Non-printing characters button on the toolbar. Displaying nonprinting characters can be useful when editing complex documents.

When typing, you should take into account the rules for spacing with punctuation marks:

Punctuation marks


. , : ; % ? ! $ …

A space is placed only after a punctuation mark.

() {} “” «»

A space is placed before the first and after the last character, inside the word without spaces.

A space is placed before and after the sign (not to be confused with a hyphen).

The non-breaking space sign prevents the characters between which it is placed from being located on different lines, and remains fixed for any paragraph alignment (it cannot increase, unlike a regular space). This sign is very convenient to use when entering dates (which are not usually placed on two lines), last names with initials, etc. To put a “non-breaking” space, you must simultaneously press the keys Ctrl + Shift + Space .

Rules to follow when using abbreviations:

  • at the end of commonly used abbreviations kg, t, c, km, a dot is not put;
  • type abbreviations etc. and s.g. are written without a space;
  • abbreviations, etc., etc., etc. can only be used at the end of a sentence; in the middle of a sentence, they must be written in full.

Editing This is a check and correction of the text in preparation for printing.

The main editing operations are the following:

  • adding text snippets;
  • deleting text fragments;
  • moving text fragments;
  • copying text fragments;
  • context search;
  • context substitution.

Formatting is the process of formalizing the elements of a document. In other words, formatting is the process of changing the values ​​of the attributes of the objects that make up the document.

1.5. Spellchecking.

The spell check operation allows you to find misspelled words (spell check), as well as grammatical errors or stylistically incorrectly constructed phrases (grammar check). Spell checker searches for words that are not in dictionaries Word . Grammar checking uses a set of grammatical and stylistic rules. Errors are underlined by a wavy line: spelling red, grammatical green. Right-clicking on an underlined word opens a context menu that offers suggestions for the correct spelling.

Spell checking can be performed automatically during text entry or using the command Spelling (F 7) (Review ribbon ) at the end of input. In the latter case, the check is performed within the selected fragment or until the end of the document from the point marked by the cursor.

In the process of typing, you can use automatic hyphenation (ribbonPage layoutHyphenationHyphenation OptionsAutomatic hyphenation checkbox). In this case, forced transfers can be set.

In the text, you can also select synonyms for words (tape Peer review  Thesaurus or call the context menu on the word, item Synonyms).

1.6. Move through the document. Bookmarks. Hyperlinks.

Key combination

Type of movement

   

One element in the right direction.

Home, end

To the beginning, end of the line.

PgUp, PgDn

Up a screen, down a screen.

Ctrl  , Ctrl 

One word to the left, one word to the right.

Ctrl  , Ctrl 

One paragraph up, one paragraph down.

Ctrl+Home, Ctrl+End

To the beginning, end of the document.

Ctrl+PgUp, Ctrl+PgDn

To the beginning of the previous, next page.

You can also use bookmarks and hyperlinks to move around a document faster and more conveniently.

To place a bookmark in the text, you need to place the cursor in the appropriate place, execute the command Bookmark (ribbon Insert) and give it a name. You can jump to this place in the document at any time using the commands Find and Replace (Home ribbon), Go To tab.

Hyperlink a selected object (usually a piece of text or a picture) that establishes a link with another object. Inserting hyperlinks occurs in a dialog boxAdding a hyperlink(Command Ribbon Hyperlink Insert ). In this case, four types of communication can be established:

  1. link to a place in the document (for this, the document must have correctly formatted headings and bookmarks);
  2. link to a file or web page;
  3. link to a new document (you need to specify the name of the created document, its type and full address);
  4. connect with e-mail (specify the e-mail address).

Editing (deleting) hyperlinks is done by the commandEdit hyperlink (Remove hyperlink) in the context menu. You can follow a hyperlink by clicking on it while holding down the key Ctrl .

1.7. Find and replace text.

In Microsoft Word documents searchable tape Home  Find... (With trl + F ) or find and replace tape Home  Replace... (With trl + H ) text, formats (font, paragraph, language, style), various special characters (paragraph marker, footnote or note, end of section, column, etc.).

Button More Expands the window and gives access to additional search criteria. Button Less minimizes the window.

Combo box Find the search pattern is specified, in the combo box Replaced by A: sample replacement. The search and replace object is a group of characters with or without format consideration font, paragraph, language, style. To use an extended set of template search criteria, check the boxWildcards. In this case, the pattern search is carried out with or without case sensitivity (uppercase and lowercase letters may not differ from each other), the entered search pattern is considered as one word or part of a word.


Search result and example

Any arbitrary symbol (m?l chalk, they say, soap)

Any number of any characters (m * - chalk, they say, soap, little, mom, etc.)


One of the specified characters (string[au] string, strings)


Any of the specified characters ([k-p]ol count, they say, gender])

[ ! m]

In addition to the specified character ([! m]ol ox, goal, dol, evil, stake, floor, tol)

[! v-d]

In addition to the indicated characters ([! in-d]ol angry, count, they say, gender, tol)

n <2>th finds oily, but does not find oily)

Not less than n occurrences of the previous character (oil<1,2>th finds oily, oily).

Not less than n and not more than m occurrences of the previous character (oil<1,2>th finds oily, oily)

Finds words with an arbitrary number of repetitions of the previous character ( [email protected] finds 5, 55, 555, 55555, etc.)


Search for words starting with the specified characters (<(м) – находит мол, мыло, машина)


Search for words ending with the specified characters ((l)> finds ox, they say, gender)

Button Remove formattingallows you to remove the formatting of the samples specified in the combo boxes Find and Replace with:. The search direction in relation to the current cursor position in the document text is indicated in the drop-down list Direction (Forward, Back, Everywhere).

Find Next button searches for or selects the next occurrence of the text or format specified in the combo box Find . Replace button replaces the found pattern with the text or format placed in the combo box Replaced by: , and looks for the next occurrence. Button Replace All searches for all occurrences of text or format from a combo box Find and replaces them with the text or format from the combo box Replaced by: without prior requests.

The contextual replacement procedure is used if it is necessary to replace one fragment that occurs several times in a document with another. If the word occurs in the document in different cases, then the replacement may misuse the replacement word. Without problems, only words that change according to the same rules are replaced with each other.

By default, Word is case-insensitive when searching. If the checkboxCase sensitiveis set, Word will find words that exactly match the specified search pattern.

Checkbox Whole word onlyskips inclusions that match the specified search pattern if they are part of a word. This option can be useful when searching for words that are often fragments of other words. For example, the word "house" occurs in such words as "home", "brownie", "homeless", etc.

Checkbox Pronounced likeuseful if the spelling of the searched word is in doubt. In this case, you can enter the word as it is heard, and Word will automatically find such a word. For example, "engineer" "engineer".

Checkbox All word forms is used to search for all grammatical forms of the specified word, such as the plural "machine" "machines".

Button Format allows you to search for specific text formatting options (font, paragraph, language, frame options, etc.).

Microsoft Word allows you to effectively reduce the amount of text you type using the AutoCorrect tool. It allows you to replace the input of long sequences of characters with an arbitrary (preferably short) combination of other characters. For example, if the phrase “dialog box” is very common in the text, you can replace it with the short combination “.to”. Accordingly, instead of "dialog boxes" use ".dn", and instead of "dialog box" ".yes". The dot is placed in front of the characters on purpose to distinguish them from two-letter prepositions or conjunctions such as "yes".

The AutoCorrect tool is configured in the dialog box AutoCorrect (Microsoft Office Button  Word Options button  Spelling menu item  Button AutoCorrect options). To do this, check the boxReplace as you type, enter the replacement combination in the field Replace , and the replacement combination in the field On the: , then add to the autocorrect list by clicking on the button Add .

1.8. Working with files.

There are three ways to create a new document:

There are also three ways to save documents.

The first saving method refers to saving a new (created) document. With this saving, you can use any of the commands:

As a result of executing any of these commands, a dialog box will appear.Saving a document.

In this window, you must select the folder where the document will be saved and enter the name of the document. When entering a name, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • the file name can contain up to 255 characters; it can be much shorter, down to one character;
  • the file name can be followed by an extension of arbitrary length (but not more than 255 characters along with the name). The extension is an arbitrary character that appears after the last dot in the filename. The standard extension for Word 2007 documents is .doc x;
  • in the file name, you can use any letters from A to Z and from A to Z, as well as numbers from 0 to 9;
  • the following special characters can be used in the file name $, %, -, _, @, ~, !, ^, #, &, +, ;, =;
  • you can use square brackets, curly brackets, single quotes, apostrophes, and parentheses;
  • You can use multiple dots in a file name. The Office family programs will automatically add a trailing period to the dotted name you specify, separating the name from the extension and the extension itself.

Here, in the file type field, select the required option from the drop-down list:

  • word document the current document is saved in the format Word 2007 (docx extension);
  • word document with macro support format Word 2007 with macro support (extension docm);
  • word document 97-2003 Format compatible with previous versions 1997 to 2003 Word (doc extension);
  • word template the document is saved as a template Word 2007 (dotx extension);
  • word template macro-enabled also as template Word 2007, but with macro support (extension dotm);
  • word template 97-2003 format compatible with previous versions 1997 to 2003 Word (dot extension);

The second and third saving methods refer to saving an open (ie previously created and saved document, called the original document), and then a modified document.

The second way is to save the modified original document. To do this, you can use any of the following:

With this save, the dialog boxSaving a documentdoes not appear, but changes are made to the original document.

The third way is to save the modified original document in a document with a different name. Saving in this way does not change the original document. This save is performed by the command Save As... Office menu. After executing the command, a dialog box will appear.Saving a document, which gives the modified original document a new name.

In the event that you did not save the new document or the changes made to the original document, then when you try to close the program window or the document window, an information dialog box will appear. Microsoft Word.

If the document is new, then when you click on the button Yes a dialog box will appearSaving a document.

If the document was previously saved, then when you click on the button Yes changes will be made to the original document.

Saving files regularly Word can take over. To do this, you need to run the command Microsoft Office button  Word Options button  Save menu item and checkmark autosave every n minutes. After that, after a specified number of minutes, the program Word will keep the work done. At the same time, closing the document or exiting the editor Word , be sure to save the changes made, otherwise all autosave results will be lost. If during work Word detects a problem and stops responding or the computer crashes, then after restarting when restarting M S Word will attempt to restore the current document. However, the Document Recovery task pane displays a list of all files that were recovered when the application stopped responding.

After the file name, a status indicator is displayed showing what was done to the file when it was restored.

The Document Recovery task pane allows you to open files, view recovery results, and compare recovered versions. After that, you can save the best version and delete the remaining versions, or save all open files for later viewing.

There are several ways to open documents:

If you use one of the first three methods, a dialog box will appear.Opening a document. If the fourth or fifth way, then the dialog box will not appear.

To close the document, run the command Close the Office menu.

1.9. Printing documents.

Getting a printed copy of a document is usually one of the main purposes of creating documents.

Before printing a document, it is convenient to get acquainted in advance with what the result will be. To do this, use the command Printing  Preview Office menu or button on the Quick Access Toolbar. The main purpose of preview is to show the pages of a document exactly as they will appear on paper when printed. If at the same time there is little text on the last page, then you can reduce the document by one page (buttonon the corresponding tape). This will automatically reduce the font size and reduce the number of pages.

You can print a document with the command Printing the Office Menu (key combination ctrl+p ). At the same time, it is possible to independently configure the print settings: specify the range of pages output to the printer, the number of copies, the printer name, etc.

You can also use the button to print the document.on the Quick Access Toolbar. However, in this case it is not possible to change the settings and a single copy of the entire document will automatically be obtained.

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7130. Text Information Processing Technology 20.35KB
Any text editor allows you to store text information in a document and print it on paper, but Word can do much more than that. Therefore, Word can be called a word processor. Over the past years, computer networks and the power of computing systems have been constantly growing; The definition of a document has expanded and Word has evolved along with it. Currently, Word is a full-featured program for editing text and graphics, creating Web pages and processing documents.
13407. Perception, collection, transmission, processing and accumulation of information 8.46KB
Perception of information is the process of converting data coming into a technical system or a living organism from the outside world into a form suitable for further use. Thanks to the perception of information, the connection of the system with the external environment is ensured, which can be a person, an observed object, a phenomenon or a process, etc. The perception of information is necessary for any information system.
2143. Image processing 140.56KB
Digital transformations can be divided into two types according to the purpose of the transformation: Image restoration Compensation for existing distortion, for example, poor photographic conditions Image enhancement is the distortion of an image in order to improve visual perception or to convert it into a form convenient for further processing. Digital transformations according to transformation methods can be divided into three types: Amplitude transformations AP Geometric transformations GP Combined...
3920. Event Handling 5.99KB
Events that occur in the system in the DOM2 Events specification are divided into three groups: GUI events related to user interaction UI Events; GUI events not related to user interaction UI Logicl Events...
The parameters of the elements of the information technology design system are interdependent. Considering the main characteristics of the technological processes of data processing, generalized indicators are used with their further detailing at other levels of analysis of the data processing system. These parameters include: the economic effect of automating the processing of OA data; capital expenditures on computer and organizational equipment; cost of designing technological processes for OD; resources on...
19110. Post-harvest processing of grain 203.89KB
Gross harvest of grain and its distribution by fodder purpose. Material technical base for cleaning post-harvest work and storage of grain on the farm. Technology of post-harvest processing of grain. Active grain ventilation.
11762. Production and processing of seed buckwheat 34.55KB
Thus, according to Rosstat, in 2014 the grain harvest in Russia exceeded 1085 million tons, which is a record level in the recent history of Russia. At the same time, in the general production process of cultivation, harvesting and post-harvest processing of grain and other crops, the main costs fall precisely on post-harvest processing, which consists in cleaning and drying, as a result of which the grain seed material must be brought to the required standards for the purity of moisture and other indicators of grain and seeds. which are installed...
969. Harvesting and primary processing of hops 155.64KB
Test. Drying modes of grain and seeds. The choice of drying mode depending on the culture, quality and purpose. Various drying methods are used: air-solar thermal chemical, etc. Modes of drying grain and seeds.
7902. Electrospark processing in the restoration of parts 39.08KB
The process is used to build up and harden the surface with wear up to 02 mm with high requirements for hardness and wear resistance of the restored surface and a non-rigid requirement for coating continuity. With a rational choice of the anode material, a layer of high hardness and wear resistance is formed on the surface of the hardened restorable part. The initial roughness of the restored surface should not exceed Rz 10 µm. Treatment of parts after coating application Under operating conditions, the deposited surfaces...
Thermomechanical treatment makes it possible to improve the mechanical properties of steel compared to those obtained by conventional quenching and tempering. It combines the plastic deformation of steel in the austenitic state with hardening. There are two main methods of thermomechanical processing

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