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  • What is the most effective ad for small businesses? A quick overview of where and how to advertise affiliate links? Gaming and gambling affiliate programs.

What is the most effective ad for small businesses? A quick overview of where and how to advertise affiliate links? Gaming and gambling affiliate programs.

Which affiliate program to choose and which affiliate programs are the most profitable? This question interests and baffles many people who want to make money on traffic arbitrage.

Let's consider what gives the affiliate marketer more profit and which affiliate networks are better for making money.

Which offer is profitable?

First, you need to decide on the criteria for the profitability of the offer.

The partner's earnings are calculated using the formula:
(commission * number of confirmed orders) - the cost of attracting traffic.

  • Expenses.
    As competition grows, the cost per click on popular advertising platforms increases, respectively, increases the cost of one buyer. Each source has its own tips for reducing the cost of a click and reducing the cost of advertising - read the articles in the headings.
  • Leads.
    How much sales will be made largely depends on your actions - on the choice of the traffic source, the accuracy of reaching the target audience, the quality of ads, landing page conversion, setting the campaign parameters and other factors. But, with any effort, you will not earn anything by driving at least tons of traffic to the landing page, if the offer is not in demand and is not interesting to people.
  • Affiliate commissions.
    This is the amount or percentage of the sale fixed by the advertiser, and practically does not depend on your desire. And the amount of deductions directly affects the profitability of advertising, and here's why:
    if an affiliate program pays a little money for one lead, not every campaign can be brought to a profit, let alone make money on it good sums- profits will not cover the costs of attracting traffic.

We conclude: the criteria for evaluating the profitability of an affiliate program - is it converting traffic well into sales and what is the size of the partner's reward.

The most profitable affiliate programs.

  • commodity;
  • information products - courses, trainings, coaching;
  • services;
  • games;
  • banks and credit organizations;
  • adult and so on.

Let's consider what is suitable in them for the terms of benefit.

Product affiliate programs.

Affiliate deductions for most offers CPA networks the average is 500-700 rubles. What is the maximum cost per click we can afford to avoid losing money?

Every hundred clicks on the advertisement will bring one sale and 600 rubles into our pocket. If the cost of a visitor is 6 rubles, we will go to zero - costs will be equal to income. And for profit, we need an average click cheaper than 6 rubles, or best conversion landing page.

All this is real if the competition for the offer does not go off scale, but requires certain conditions: an inexpensive source of traffic, very accurate targeting of the target audience, or an exuberant demand for supply.

There is a big question about cheap sources - competitors are not asleep and where it is good today, tomorrow it will be like everywhere else. Catching an interesting product on the rise in demand is a great success, but wow, the supply does not last long, and there is no question about stability.

Another option is to sell expensive goods, such as iPhones, genuine leather bags, watch brands, and the like. For these offers, the commission is 3-5 tr, and in theory they should recoup the advertising costs with interest. But in such affiliate networks, the conversion to sales is low: you need to know which sites the target audience lives on and try to convince it of the benefits of your offer.

So what, among product affiliate programs No profitable offers? Yes, and with stable demand, besides with themeasier to work with. I described how and what affiliate program to choose among the products.

Gaming and gambling affiliate programs.

Gambling is a love of gambling that turns into pathology, that is, addiction. One of the most profitable affiliate programs with gambling and a very worthy reward for attracting new members -. Payments in US rubles, and here is an example of the earnings of some webmasters

Agree, not bad.

It's worth reading this.

I decided to allocate a separate paragraph with high commissions - 1000-2000 rubles.

The main feature of the program is that it pays for a targeted call. That is, an interested person attracted by you called to clarify the details - you were credited with a lead and accrued a reward. Naturally, it is necessary to involve the most targeted traffic- but this is the whole job of an affiliate marketer.

Offers range from financial to medical, but the main and most profitable are real estate and cars. The topic is very worthwhile, you can make good money here. The only thing is that when registering, they ask you to provide screenshots of work in other affiliate programs. Although this is all drawn at a time, if there is nothing to show.

Information products.

Promotion of information products requires a slightly different approach. I myself for a long time I dealt exclusively with merchandise, and was not particularly interested in this category. But once I came across an offer to learn the tricks and methods of making money on affiliate programs of educational products, and I took part in the training from an expert in this area.

Let me summarize.

I did not consider other categories - the principle of determining the criteria for the profitability of an offer is the same. From my experience, the most profitable affiliate programs are in information products- it is worth getting in there once, getting the result, and everything will go on increasing.

What is the most effective ad? How necessary is it in small and large businesses? These and other questions arise for everyone who starts doing business and is faced with the fact that in order to increase sales and promote their own product, they need to talk about their business.

Types of advertising

Today you can submit information about your activities completely different ways... Before you start promoting an enterprise, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of existing advertising and choose the most suitable one for yourself. This is required in order to understand what is the most effective advertising for construction company, For example.

Majority information messages that we see is commercial advertising aimed at attracting buyers, also social and political.

  • outdoor - presented in the form of shields, posters on public transport, signboards, signs, etc .;
  • through the media - television, radio, newspapers and magazines;
  • internet banner, social networks, contextual advertising, hyperlinks.

The role of advertising in business

Advertising is not just a luxury. This tool is necessary for every entrepreneur to disseminate information about himself target audience and promoting your name in the rating of enterprises. This will help present you as a reliable, solvent and responsible company.

When using competent marketing, you can easily answer which advertising is the most effective for your business, and in addition create a positive image, emphasize dignity and form a loyalty to the company.

It should not be assumed that small businesses do not need advertising, that only word of mouth works here. This is not true. Advertising in any case helps to tell potential buyers about the company, to promote the product of this company to the market.

It is important to choose the type that will not affect the budget too much, but at the same time will help to develop and increase awareness.

Small business: how to advertise it

A small business, like a large one, requires advertising, which should not be discarded, even if there is no extra money. You should know: the decisive period in the development of any activity is the first 2 years, when the initial acquaintance, habituation and recognition occurs. During this period, the promotion should be as intense and intense as possible.

Before deciding on a way to promote an enterprise, it is worthwhile to study the information as much as possible on the question: which advertising is the most effective? Statistics is a convincing thing and with the help of specific data will help to determine the this choice.

It is important to focus on specific offers and stop using formulaic words such as “cheap”, “fast”, “with a guarantee”, “profitable”, etc. If once such methods worked well for potential buyers, now it is does not attract, but even repels. People need specific numbers, an understanding of what they will pay for.

Methods to increase sales

There are several methods and types of advertising, each of which is aimed at increasing sales and making a profit, but these are not spontaneous actions, but a well-thought-out strategy. Which advertising is the most effective for small businesses can be understood after a while, but the fact that any type obeys a certain structure is a fact:

  • problem - if you sell a product or service that can help in solving, then when advertising you can use interrogative sentences: "Tired of waiting for prices to fall?", "Are you tired of paying too much?" etc.;
  • solution of the problem - after the question has been asked, you give an answer in advance that it is your company that is able to solve it and on favorable terms;
  • the offer is unique - many firms can help, but you must be different from them and offer something that will attract the target audience even more;
  • restrictions - people may be interested in your product and service, but at the same time they will think about buying later in order to think about everything thoroughly. It is worth introducing a time or availability limitation so that they can go shopping faster;
  • call - after there is an interest and desire to purchase, the buyer should immediately see where to call, how to order, how to pay.

How to attract a consumer?

What is the most effective ad? Statistics confirm that not every company can afford to talk about itself on television or radio, since it does not have large in cash... Of course, before placing an advertisement on one or more sources, the owner studies the data showing the most effective ways... But it is worth remembering that for each area of ​​business, its own type of promotion and its own indicators are effective.

According to statistical data, for example plastic windows in the city of Ufa, the cost of one attracted client is very different in different ways. Advertisements were given on radio, in newspapers and magazines, outdoor advertisements, in help desk and the internet. The cheapest was promotion on the Internet, where 42 rubles were spent, and the most expensive was on the radio - more than 15 thousand rubles. This suggests that on the Internet, you can set up specific advertising for your client, control the budget and determine the cost of a contact.

Budget Advertising in Small Business

  1. Telemarketing - Calls to potential customers can attract buyers, but they can also repel them. Advertising in this way should be competently composed: the text should be short, but succinct and understandable. but this way ineffective and can repel people.
  2. Sending messages to email addresses and in in social networks- this species takes time, but does not require financial investments. It is also ineffective, but it can attract a certain percentage of buyers.
  3. Leaflets. Certain investments given view advertising, of course, requires: it is necessary to print the material in a printing house, preferably in color, which will attract more people. It is a recognized marketing tool, but only if well-designed - good text, bright picture, quality paper. It should be distributed on streets where there is a lot of traffic.

How to evaluate effectiveness?

What is the most effective advertising method, how to evaluate it? After this tool will be launched, the owner will want to know how the ad influenced sales, whether it is worth using it in the future or is it better to change something.

There are two dimensions of advertising effectiveness: communicative (that is, how well and accurately the message conveys information to the target audience) and financial. It is worth knowing that this indicator partly depends on the owner, who determines the budget, strategy, parameters, and partly does not depend, because there are uncontrollable factors: audience characteristics, advertising time, legal requirements.

But the assessment of efficiency depends on the specific situation in the market: how many similar firms are there, what methods have been chosen and why? For small businesses, it is recommended to build promotions using direct click methods, that is, the result should be commensurate: if you launch an advertisement for ten rubles, you get thirty, which means it works. Launched for five rubles - got three, the method does not work and the company goes into the red.

A complex approach

It is impossible to give the same assessment of the effectiveness of advertising for each business area and use the statistics of the results of one company to analyze another. This method will only waste the budget, but there will be no sense.

Small companies need effective advertising strategy no less than giant corporations. Properly structured promotion will help you achieve excellent results with minimal costs.

Advertising Is not a luxury, but an absolute must for a budding entrepreneur. It allows you to increase market awareness, build a good reputation, and attract paying clients... Neglect of this component of the work leads to a sad outcome. For small business marketing campaigns to be successful, you need to build them taking into account the existing specifics, listen to the advice of experts.

The Role of a Smart Advertising Strategy

In the early stages of development, a novice entrepreneur faces serious difficulties. While nothing is known about the goods and services to the target audience and suppliers, the company is perceived with caution and distrust.

An important impetus for further development small business - creating a good business reputation, which will help to declare the following qualities of the company:

  • reliability;
  • solvency;
  • responsibility.

An irreplaceable assistant in the formation of reputation -. It will help create a positive image of the company, highlight its merits, form a loyal attitude towards goods and services, and identify advantages over competitors' products.

Advertising helps small businesses to gain attention potential clients to the products sold, to announce the appearance of new items on the market. She performs two important functions: informs about the advantages and features of the product, allows, and with them, the revenue.

A small business should not give up advertising due to lack of free funds. Modern marketing offers tools and methods that, when minimum costs ah give a significant effect.

Effective advancement is not a spontaneous action directed to nowhere. He has a clear goal, audience,. To make advertising work for you and not become a waste of money, use five key points:

  • Problem

This is what draws attention to the appeal, allows you to "grope" the target audience. The public is often more likely to be attracted to negative-sounding questions. So, the inscription "Tired of constant stress?" will allow you to "select" people who are interested in the product.

  • Ways to solve the problem

When you have captured the attention of potential customers, offer them a way out of this situation. For example, spa treatments can help you cope with stress and completely relax.

  • The uniqueness of the offer

Tell the target audience what is the "highlight" of the product or service, why it is worth choosing the promoted product. At this point, it is recommended to give free rein to imagination.

  • Restrictions

People tend to delay adoption. important decisions... To overcome procrastination, make it clear to the consumer that there is no time to think. Please indicate that the offer is valid for a limited time.

  • Call to action

Clearly indicate to potential consumers how to take advantage of the offer: call the phone number indicated in the ad, book the time for the spa procedure on the website.

Features of small business advertising campaigns

A key feature of small business promotion is a shift in emphasis from the company itself to the uniqueness of the product offered. An entrepreneur with a small grocery store cannot compete with the giants of the international scale - Coca-Cola, Adidas and others. Its task is not to increase brand awareness, but to increase sales.

Juicy slogans and catchy logos are bad helpers in increasing the profitability of a small company. The purpose of advertising is to tell consumers about specific offers of goods and services, to attract new buyers, to keep old ones.

The answer to the question of how to make effective advertising for a small company lies in the rejection of common words and lengthy formulations: "cheap", "a lot", "the most", etc. The "abstract" approach worked 15-20 years ago, but today it is useless. No one will go to a store that offers “the cheapest sofas in town,” but a point of sale selling a sofa for 10,000 rubles will certainly attract visitors.

Specific Methods to Increase Sales

There are three effective tools that can increase the sales of a small firm:

  • "Stock"

This Special offers, the validity of which is limited. So the company does not leave a potential buyer time to think, minimizes the risk of his leaving for competitors.

If you indicate in the ad that the promotion is valid for one day (week, month), the target audience will look at the offer differently. She will think: the trousers are not needed today, but then they will tear, wear out. There is no point in overpaying tomorrow if the price tag is so attractive today.

  • "Special price"

This method has been used for a long time, but it remains effective and relevant. Indicate on the label the new "favorable" cost and the "old" one, 30-50% higher. The greater the difference between the two values, the more the "limited supply" effect will work. Seeing the benefits that the purchase promises, the client will quickly part with the money.

  • "Announcement of the enterprise"

If you are starting a small business (dry cleaning, laundry, bakery, pharmacy booth etc.), announce the appearance before starting work. Hang up a signboard, signpost, distribute leaflets to residents of nearby houses. So you awaken in potential buyers interest in the new product, let them get used to the idea that the company "N" will be here.

How to choose the type of advertising for a small company?

According to the rules of business, the amounts spent on implementation advertising companies, depend on the level of profit of the enterprise. Small business budgets are usually limited, but they grow as they develop and scale up.

  • the cost of placement;
  • features of the goods (services) being promoted;
  • place, time of placement;
  • the number of contacts with the target audience, etc.

Marketing tools depend on the goals of the small business. It may be interested in:

  • informing potential customers about the existence of the company;
  • forming a positive opinion of the target audience about yourself;
  • drawing attention to new products;
  • informing the population about ongoing actions;
  • increasing the flow of customers.

When the goals and objectives are clear, it remains to decide on the budget. It can be calculated in two ways. The first is based on business goals, as a percentage of the desired indicators. For example, you want to increase your revenue by 100,000 rubles and are ready to "donate" 20% of your income - you can spend 20,000 rubles on promotion.

The second method is to calculate a budget that “repeats” the costs of competitors. If you know how much a car wash in another area spends, you can plan the costs of a similar structure. It is logical to assume that this will allow you to achieve the same level of revenue.

If the promotion is carried out on their own, it is worth starting with inexpensive, easy-to-implement methods. As sales grow, the budget should be increased.

Budget advertising for small businesses: their types

The modern market offers a variety of promotion tools. There are many ways of it that do not require significant financial investments. They answer with three important criteria: simplicity, availability and efficiency.

  • Telephone Marketing

These are "cold" calls to potential clients - legal and individuals... The goal of a manager during a conversation is to briefly talk about the advantages of a product or service, to persuade a person to make a purchase decision. This type of promotion requires minimal investment, but it is not very effective: people on the other end of the line may not be interested in the offer or not find the time to listen to you. Experts recommend using phone marketing on initial stages business development in conjunction with other activities.

  • Distribution of leaflets

Bright, stylish, laconic leaflets printed on quality paper are a recognized marketing tool that is effective at the start of sales. They can be distributed in crowded streets, thrown into mailboxes apartment buildings.

  • Asphalt lettering

This type of advertising is sold almost free of charge. Witty, laconic lettering, painted in crowded places, will not go unnoticed and will help to attract customers. The disadvantage of this method is that drawings on the asphalt are prohibited in some places, and the target audience often does not take them lightly.

  • Internet promotion

The main method is to create your own company website. It will become an effective promotion tool for many years before. On the pages of the resource, you can place information about goods and services, a description of the benefits of the product, contact information.

Another way to promote online is to post information about your business on solid resources that attract a large number of visitors. For example, banners and ads on information portal the site will help you draw the attention of the target audience to your product. This is the most effective advertising of services, an investment in your own reputation and an impetus for the development of sales.

  • Word of mouth

Help in promotion new products posts on forums or social networks will help. Ask satisfied customers to write a review, or take the time yourself to compose messages that are useful and interesting to potential customers. You can turn to the services of professionals, but such a step will require significant expenses.

How to evaluate the effectiveness of an advertisement?

Evaluation of the effectiveness, feasibility of advertising depends on the specific situation in the market. For example, in a small village there is only one auto repair shop, where all residents apply. There is no need for marketing costs: the company is a monopolist, the costs will increase the cost of services, without bringing in new customers and revenue growth.

The opposite situation is if there are several auto repair shops in the city, between which there is fierce competition. In these conditions, a competently built advertising campaign will become a significant advantage of the company in the eyes of the consumer. You cannot invest in it recklessly: every ruble spent should be returned by an influx of new solvent customers.

Experts recommend small businesses to build promotions on the principle of direct response. This means that the result from every banner, post in social networks must be measurable. Based on the measurements carried out, the profitability of each investment in the promotion is calculated.

If you invest one ruble in a specific type of advertising and get ten, it works. If you spend ten rubles and get three rubles in profit, the money is wasted. This marketing tool is ineffective and needs to be turned off. A big mistake of firms in the early stages of development is not knowing which promotion methods work and which don't.

Many, in search of earnings, choose this great way making money on the Internet is like making money selling other people's information products. That is, earnings in affiliate programs.

For a beginner trying to make his first money on the Internet, this is just a gold mine that can bring a good income, if you approach this issue wisely ...

The essence of such earnings is very simple. You find the author of a product (course or service) with whom you decide to cooperate, register in his affiliate program, select the product that you want to promote, receive an affiliate link to promote this specific product and start advertising the product on the Internet using your personal affiliate link.

If you make a purchase using your link, that is, if there is a sale, and someone pays for the goods using your link, you will be charged a commission (from 15% to 75% depends on the affiliate program). Then the author pays you a commission for the details you specified.

And that's it! The first money in your pocket 🙂

The circuit is simple and it looks pretty easy!

But, the most interesting thing is that not many, undertaking to make money in affiliate programs, know how to properly promote an affiliate product and what promotion methods exist for this ...

Today we will talk about 20 popular ways promoting affiliate programs and consider each of them in more detail.

Let's start by defining what methods are used to promote affiliate programs:

Active and passive methods.

Active- this is when we use some of our resources:

1. Ideas

2. Fantasy

3. Efforts

4. Energy

5. Actions

Passive methods that require some one-time action from us and that's it - they start to work ...

And of course there are Paid and Free methods.

Paid methods:

1. contextual advertising(Yandex Direct and GoogleAdwords)

4. Placing paid banners (buying banners on other people's sites with high traffic).

Free methods:

  • 1. Signature letters in your mailbox.

Customized signature in your mail service... At the very end of the letter, you write an unobtrusive offer and indicate your affiliate link. Some of the people with whom you communicate by mail will notice your recommendation.

  • 2. The "Recommend" page on your blog.

Placing on your own blog the page " Recommend», Where you indicate what you recommend to your visitors, namely partner information products. Loyal and responsive subscribers will always benefit from your recommendations.

  • 3. Banners on your blog.

Placing widgets on your blog in the sidebar (sidebar) of the blog (usually banners different sizes with an embedded affiliate link).

  • 4. The "Recommend" widget on the blog.
  • 5. Signature at the end of your email to subscribers.

If you have your own mailing list, and you periodically send useful letters to your subscribers, then at the end of the letter you can write a recommendation of a partner information product. Some subscribers will definitely click on this signature and go to the advertised site.

  • 6. Redirect page after subscribing to your newsletter.
  • 7. Promotions and bonuses (author / own).

Example- order such and such an affiliate course using my link, and you will receive such and such courses as a gift, or some other affiliate course with a discount (you need a preliminary agreement with the author of another course and the presence of your own subscription base).

What BONUSES can be: books, pdf-reports, audio, video, personal consultations, discount cards, discounts on your other products, full courses.

And remember: almost always people buy because of BONUSES! Make an offer you can't refuse!

  • 8. Reviews of courses.

A very powerful method of promoting affiliate products. You bought some new course and make a video review of it. In the video, you show him in your hands and be sure to talk about the results that he brought you, how he helped you ... This has a very strong effect on people (for this method, you need to have own blog to post a video review on it).

  • 9. Personal PDF reports.

for instance, you bought a course, studied it and put it into practice. Let's say a course on e-mail marketing. And they got the benefit and the result from its application. And in the future you can already sell it, or give it to your subscribers for free. Show your results in this report BEFORE passing the course and what steel AFTER... and finally recommend this course by pasting your affiliate link to this info product.

How can you use this method? You can agree with the author of a certain course to record a joint interview and structure it in such a way that it will be aimed at the advantage of this or that author's product. The author himself will talk about the benefits that the buyer will receive, and most importantly, in the interview process, he will give free useful techniques on the topic of the product and himself will push the potential client to buy paid material. This super-duper method turns out to be unobtrusive, and in turn, you recommend your affiliate product. No author will refuse a joint interview, because he himself is interested in selling his products. Sales will be guaranteed!

  • 11. Video reviews.

Here is what one very famous Runet entrepreneur Andrey Parabellum says - Quote: “ Do you want to light up? Do you want to become famous, recognizable? Do you want all internet gurus to know you by sight? What do you need to do for this? Record once a week a live video review of the courses of famous Runet personalities". That is, the author of the course always welcomes video reviews, and he, of course, will post this review on his selling site. Thus, you will promote yourself and your sales, because you will attract traffic to this selling site, and there will be your live video on it. From here, the trust of your potential customers will grow steadily.

  • 12. Comments on blogs.

Leaving comments, you kill 3 birds with one stone - you get acquainted with a new post on a topic of interest to you, leave a comment and leave a link to your partner information product. But ... it is important that the comment is in the topic and is useful, it is desirable to solve some problem. Otherwise, your comment will simply not pass the moderation of the blog author. Do it like this so that your comment is liked by the blog author himself.

  • 13. Forums.

These are places where a large number of people of interest gather, and like comments, you can give something useful from yourself by communicating in different themes forum. Answer questions to forum participants and recommend one or another partner product as a solution. Your best bet is to customize your message signature with a link to an affiliate product and just be fun to chat. Remember - direct advertising of anything is NOT encouraged on the forums!

  • 14. Recommendations / letters in your mailing list.

You can send a recommendation letter to your mailing list, where they recommend your affiliate product. But recommendations should not be made directly, but first give a portion of useful free material that you need to prepare yourself, and at the end, give a small recommendation on global solution problems with your partner product... That is, the subscriber will receive both free and a pleasant recommendation, which he can either use or not use. That there was no direct imposition. Everything should be natural.

  • 15. Unpaid / unconfirmed orders in the admin panel of the partner account.

Few people use this method, but it is sometimes very effective. The bottom line is that you choose those customers who tried to make an order at one time, but for some reason they could not pay for it, and send them manually a letter reminding them of some promotions or discounts from the author, and possibly offer him your bonuses if the customer completes their order. This method can be called customer return.

  • 16. Blog post with hidden ads.

Write your story on the blog, or write a problem of yours that you dealt with. Describe a story about how you did not do well at first, how everything did not work out for you, what your problem was, and, as a solution, give an unobtrusive recommendation on how you dealt with your problem or difficult situation.

  • 17. « Blog hype»- contests, releases, limited promotions and prizes.

Endless quality content on the blog. The role of content should not be underestimated, as only live, interesting and useful materials able to warm up your audience and make them buy, no matter what you sell. Write interesting and free stuff to your blog more often. The more visitors you constantly have on your blog, the better they will click on links, banners and your other offers. The main thing is that these proposals are present on your blog! And after every such excitement, partner sales grow by leaps and bounds.

  • 18. Interchange articles with authors of other mailings (if you have your own).

The bottom line is that you are offering to exchange articles. You advertise his article in his mailing list, and he in turn advertises your article with your affiliate links to the information product.

  • 19. Viral books with affiliate links.

Create useful book on the topic of the product, where you give out all useful information on a specific topic and introduce affiliate links to the affiliate information product into it. How can you sell this book and distribute it for free, or you can even embed resale rights into it so that each buyer can sell this book on their own, and you will receive a commission on every sale through the affiliate link in this book.

  • 20. Participation in the release chain of the course author.

A release chain is a sequential series of sales letters that the author of the product prepares. You just take his series of emails, insert your affiliate links into them and advertise to your subscriber base. And, as a result, you are guaranteed to get sales of the partner information product. Alternatively, you can prepare your own release chain to stand out from the competition.

That's all, Friends!

Thanks for reading the article.

Use wisely all of the above methods to develop your affiliate business and the results will not be long in coming.

13 Comments on 20 Powerful Ways to Promote Affiliate Info Products

    Hello Anton. Thank you very much for your article. I liked the very good advice, especially for us newcomers who do not know anything in this area. I myself have only got to know and learn from all of you for a few days. knowledgeable people This business has long wanted to try working on the Internet, but somehow I don’t dare. Thank you again Tatiana for sharing your experience and valuable information.

    Sincerely, Alexander.

    For me it useful lessons Thank you.

    Hello Anton. I read the article with interest, it turned out that I did not know everything about the promotion of partner information products.

    Good day to all.

    After reading an article about 20 powerful ways decided to write a couple of lines from myself.

    Everything that is written in the article works. Even if you don't have your own website, you can still earn your five kopecks. True, with your own god or website, this is much easier to do. Beginners will have to work hard. site traffic is small for many. The author of the article is silent that today there is competition in this type of business. More experienced partners with a more popular site and a subscriber base skim the cream off new products. The authors themselves are also promoting their own product. But I think there will be a buyer for a beginner if you apply any non-standard ways or originality in the same video review or article. I wish you all success.

  1. Thank you Anton, I read your post with interest, good overview ways. I liked your suggestion to put “Recommend” buttons in the right sidebar, I have to try. By the way, I recommend reading the article "15 effective models of information business" on my blog, there is food for the further development of your business on the Internet.

    Great article! You have a lot interesting information on the blog. I learned something new for myself.

    Hello! I have been thinking about affiliate programs for a long time, but somehow did not dare. And now I finally made up my mind, because I started a blog, while still young, only 30 articles. The attendance is small, but I decided to practice. And immediately the question arose. When I decided to place the info product on my website, I had doubts about its design. Do I need to describe the product in my own words, or just copy word for word from the site affiliate program?

  2. Having your own promoted website for sale will definitely not hurt!

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