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What is the mail on the domain of the Russian Federation. Sending a letter to a unicode email address

Mail services Gmail (owned by the American corporation Google) and Yandex began to support fully Cyrillic email addresses. That is, now the client can receive letters from postal addresses type "[email protected]". The rest of the services can only accept letters from domain zones, designated in Cyrillic (for example, "@ moskva.rf"), and the name itself must be indicated in Latin or numbers.

Sergei Sharikov, director of the Russian Names company, believes that the innovations can increase the popularity of Cyrillic domain names. He considers this a "revolutionary leap" in the development of Cyrillic addressing of domains and mail addresses.

Very few people use Cyrillic mail yet, because mail clients they are just starting to accept letters from such addresses, but now it will spread rapidly, ”comments Sergey Sharikov. - There are already 11 thousand registered names in the .rus domain zone, which has been open since May this year, and they will gladly use fully Cyrillic addresses for their mail.

The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), created in 1986, was responsible for developing support for Unicode (a character encoding standard that supports nearly all existing written languages) in email addresses. He submitted his developments back in 2012. In 2014, Google was the first to announce the use of a new email standard. However, according to the developers - the interlocutors of Izvestia, - until recently, this function for the Cyrillic alphabet on the left side of the email address simply did not work.

Recently, the Cyrillic address standard has been adopted and Russian company Yandex - in the company the exact date could not name.

Of the major Russian players in postal services, the function of Russian-language domains is not supported only by the mail of the Group company.

Anna Artamonova, Vice President and Head of the Mail and Portal business unit at Group, said that the company is carefully studying the solutions existing on the market, and so far they see that support for Cyrillic addresses “practically does not work”. According to Artamonova, when assessing the feasibility of a technological innovation, user convenience should come first.

WITH technical point It is easy to implement the standard for Cyrillic email addresses, the problem is that support for Cyrillic addresses will work correctly only if all mail services around the world do it, but this has not happened and is unlikely to happen, '' explains Artamonova. - Moreover, there is no established practice of ensuring compatibility with non-supporting this standard postal services... There are isolated attempts in the Russian segment: for example, the standard was supported by the little-known service "Letter.RF". But first, they use old version standard and therefore not compatible with the same Gmail, which introduced support recently. Secondly, when registering, the user in any case must enter an additional non-Cyrillic address, and it is from this address that letters to all postal services actually go. In such conditions, hurry up with official support the standard is not worth it.

Support for Unicode characters with the national language is actively developing in China. For example, CN NIC ( Chinese counterpart The focal point national domain the Internet in Russia) sponsored the development of support for new standards in China's popular open mail server Postfix.

Chief specialist of the department application services"Internet Technical Center" Igor Lidin believes that support for unicode (not only the Cyrillic alphabet, but all languages) needs to be developed and popularized all over the world, since it is important that technologies approach ordinary users who want to communicate on the Internet on their own native language.

The Internet was created so long ago that then the diversity of languages ​​on the planet was not taken into account, and the main protocols (including those involved in work email) were developed without the slightest regard for internationalization, says Lidin. - In the process of development, props and supports were added to them, to one degree or another solving problems multilingual support. New set email standards - a step forward, adding support rather radically unicode characters to many places where they were previously prohibited.

Andrei Vorobyov, director of the Coordination Center for the national domain of the Internet, believes that the lack of support by email clients for fully Cyrillic addresses was the only limiting factor for the development of Cyrillic domains.

There are already almost 900 thousand domain names in, we also have zones.deti and.moskva, there is a Belarusian Cyrillic domain.bel, Ukrainian domain.ukr; the development of all of them was held back by the possibility full use mail, - says Andrey Vorobyov. - In general, talks about the support of such addresses by large postal services have been going on since 2010, then it was said about a period of one or two years for the implementation of the opportunity, but, as we can see, everything has moved a lot.

The press service of the Yandex company noted that they do not plan to open registration of Cyrillic logins in Yandex.Mail and use the Yandex.rf domain for mailboxes.

The world's largest services, when registering new users, do not accept non-standard mail formats as a postal address, - comments in the Yandex press service. - We do not want to give users "broken" addresses and we believe that the use of local languages in e-mail can disrupt communication between users, serve to establish language boundaries, and can disrupt Internet connectivity.

V Google They could not promptly comment on the situation.

When registering, the username can really be specified in Cyrillic. The password is indicated in the same way - also in Cyrillic. When you try to enter a password in Latin, the service will remind you that it can only communicate in Cyrillic. The fact that the service can communicate with users in their native language is evidenced by the slogan: "Speak Russian, we understand you!"

In fact, the Cyrillic alphabet is present only in the title, name and login. In addition to the Cyrillic address, users @ Letter.РФ are provided with alternative address in the domain, that is, the address [email protected] ... The first part of the address - username - is also transliterated from Cyrillic to Latin. According to the authors of the project, such an address is used if the receiving party does not support Cyrillic addressing.

When working with the service via the web interface and trying to send a letter from an address in the domain to other web addresses, an alternative address in the domain was used by default, that is, all letters came from

During testing, sending to,,, was checked in this way. In the same way, it was not possible to send a letter to the Cyrillic web address from these mail addresses. Thus, until the Cyrillic webmail service is meaningless, until other mail services learn to work correctly with web addresses. At the same time, the service can be a good application for the future, when the Cyrillic Runet will be truly active.

Instructions for creating and managing e-mail based on Yandex.Mailis free!

Briefly about I ndex. P ochta.
I am ndeks.P ochta for the domain is free service, which makes it possible to have an address of the form [email protected](where name is any name you choose, and is the name of your domain), while using the convenient web interface and other advantages of the Yandex.P mail (spam filtering, automatic check letters for viruses, etc.).

You can register up to 1000 mailboxes on one domain connected to Yandex.Pmail and use them yourself or distribute them to other users.

1. How to connect Ya Ndeks.P ochta on your domain?

To connect your domain toI am ndex.P ochtf you must:

  • Log in to the site, if you are not registered on Ya NDEX, then go through the registration and then log in;
  • Go to the section "";
  • At the bottom, click on the tab “ mail»;
  • And click on the button "Enable I ndeks.P ochtu for domain";
  • After that, you will automatically be redirected to the Ya Ndex service ( - don't do anything else. Within an hour, the records on the domain will update themselves.
  • Then, on the page - an inscription will appear opposite your domain “ DOMAIN CONFIRMED". And link create mailbox, follow this link and create a box like
Detailed instructions on how to connect a domain to a site to Yandex.Mail

Attention! The domain name must be delegated to our dns servers (, otherwise you will not be able to complete the mail setup.

If you want to create Yandex.mail for your domain, then first of all you need to create a mailbox on the Yandex service, that is, register.

Then in personal account the site go to the section "domains" - "my domains", in the list of domains click on the desired one; on the page that opens, select the "mail" tab and click on the "enable Yandex.mail for domain" button, then the "continue" button:

You will be redirected to the Yandex page, where you will need to specify your username and password for your mail in this system.

After authorization, you will see a page on which it will be written that in order to continue setting up the mailbox, you need to change the dns servers for the domain name, confirm the rights to the domain and create an MX record in the domain zone settings:

Do not be alarmed! There is no need to change servers, and our panel will do all the other settings for you! you just need to wait 10-15 minutes and update the page in the Yandex interface. If the confirmation is successful, then after the update you will see the following picture:

Here you create the first mailbox on a domain name, specify its name and password.

To create additional boxes and to edit the already created ones, you need to click on the "Add mailbox" and "configure" links, respectively.

At the end of this procedure, it should take some time to update the data on the dns servers.

In the future, so as not to search in Yandex settings desired section, if you need to edit mailboxes, you can use, for example, the link,, of course, you will need to replace it with your domain name.

2. How to connect Ya Ndeks.P ochta if the domain is registered on your site, but the DNS servers are used by third-party hosting?
To connect your domain to Ya ndeks.P ochta, then you need to have access to the DNS servers (zone management on the domain), where your domain is located. Therefore, if you have placed your domain on a third-party hosting, you can create email address of the kind without connecting Ya NDEX.P ochta, but activate the service Hosting Mail... To do this, you need to contact your hosting provider for help, where the domain (site) is located.

If you still want to use Ya ndeks.P ochta, then contact your hosting provider, where the site is hosted, how to connect to the Ya ndeks.P ochta domain.

3. How do I or my acquaintances (users) to whom I have distributed electronic boxes can log into I ndex.P ochtu for my domain registered on the site?

Option number 1
For authorization on Ya ndeks.P ochta based on your domain, you or your acquaintances (users) can use the address to enter the mailbox:у, where "У"- your domain name.
[email protected]у

Option number 2
You can also configure access to the Yandex.Nodex.P mail at http: // mail.у, where "У"- your domain name.
On this page, enter your username and password for the mailbox. Login is the name of your mailbox, for example, [email protected]у
In order to use this method, you must first configure it. To learn how to do this, read here: How to make it possible to log into Yandex.Mail at the address: mail.у or you can also get detailed information on the page:

Option number 3
In addition, to access Yandex.Mail based on your domain, you can use the form on home page I am ndexa
On this page, enter your username and password for the mailbox. Login is the name of your mailbox, for example, [email protected]у

4. How to make it possible to enter the Yandex.Domain.P ochtu at the address: mail.у
To do this, you need to configure CNAME record for subdomain mail pointing to dot at the end is required), here's what you need to do ( Attention: this setting is made to the already connected Yandex.P ochta):

  • Log in to the domain control panel:;
  • Go to the section "";
  • Click on the domain name for which you are ordering the I ndeks.P ochta service;
  • At the bottom, click on the tab “ Manual control zone»;
  • Go to the section " CNAME (canonical name record)»And enter the following data according to the template:
    mail IN - (the dot at the end is required)
  • And click the "Save" button;
  • Within an hour, the records will be updated and you can use this way authorization.
Detailed information You can also get it on the page:

5. Why do I need to register on I NDEX, if I want mail to be based on my domain name?

I ndeks. P ochta for domains is one of the services I ndeks. In order to be able to connect your domain to Ya Ndex.P ochta, you need to create an account on Ya Ndex. In the future, on this account, you will be able to manage mailboxes created on the basis of your domain.

6. Why do I get an error when I connect to Yandex. Mail?
If an error occurred in our panel, then we ask you to describe in detail your actions that led to the error. Or, if the error is related to the work of the mail itself, such as sending letters, etc., then you need to contact the support service I ndex at: (or E -mail: [email protected] ).

7. How do I manage my mailboxes: create, delete mailboxes, etc.?
On the Manage Yandex.Mail page, you can directly manage the created mailboxes based on your domain. On this page you can change passwords, block mailboxes, create new ones or delete created ones.

8. I did everything (connected), but the mail does not come. Why?
WITH possible reasons You can familiarize yourself with this help page of the I ndex: If the mail does not come for any other reason, then please write your request through the form feedback: In addition, if your sender received a letter with an error (a letter in which it is written that it is impossible to deliver the letter), then send your request also through the feedback form with a copy of the letter.

9. Does Ndeks.P ochta work with the .РФ domain and other domains using Cyrillic characters?
Works in the presence of some nuances:

  • there are difficulties in the interaction of mailboxes based on the domain.RF, created using the Ya Ndeks.P ochta service, with the mail service Gmail... The difficulty lies in the fact that sending emails with Gmail to mailboxes based on domain.RF is not possible (yet). In the opposite direction, letters are delivered without problems;
  • when a mailbox based on domain.RF interacts with some other mail services, problems are also possible;
  • when sending letters from one mailbox in the Ya ndeks.P ochta system to another, you can write the recipient's address in the “To” line in Russian letters;
  • when using the mail client " Microsoft Outlook »You can also enter the mailbox name in Russian letters in the recipient's address, since the program will automatically translate it into the required encoding;
  • On the this moment active work is underway to adapt the RF domain to normal functioning on the Internet, so in order not to miss important mail wait with the use of mail for the RF domain. Sites, unlike mail on the RF domain, work fine.

Finally, your messenger of goodwill, the site is in a hurry to communicate good news to all the owner of .rf domains. "Soon" e-mail will start working on the .rf domain. 2 years later, after they were allocated cash for the implementation of the project of introducing mail on the domain.rf, progress has appeared. Soon everyone will be able to use the addresses Email in Russian, for example: "[email protected]".

Now ask me how do I know?
Do not believe it when making another request to the Coordination Center of the national domain .рф request, when the mail is already working, I received the first time for for a long time first positive answer. Tentatively at the end of June, beginning of July 2013 (of course, the deadlines can be canceled and the post office can start working even earlier).

So now I think you understand why I put the word "soon" in quotation marks ... As you know, domain.rf recently celebrated its 2nd anniversary, for 2 years of work it was not found optimal solution which would allow with minimal cost implement the use of e-mail on Cyrillic domains. The developers came to the conclusion that it is necessary to create and implement a special data exchange protocol. Since each IDN domain has a name in Latin, the task simply boiled down to the fact that it was decided to create an email service that would be able to recognize and translate the Cyrillic into Latin.

The new protocol for working with mail was created by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), which actually received the development subsidies. The international community of designers, scientists, engineers, programmers and providers presented their protocol to the public only in February this year.

According to representatives of the IETF, the protocol is now undergoing a "trial run" stage, but the owners of postal services can, if they wish, start implementing this protocol into their services. Andrey Kolesnikov, Director Coordination Center, said that negotiations are underway with all major services providing post services on the mass launch of a new protocol, which should allow us to receive and send letters by e-mail from addresses in our native language.

Rambler were the first to react, stating that they are interested in the transition to the ability to work in Cyrillic mail.
Vladislav Kreinin commented on the emergence of the new protocol: “Of course, this is a step forward, but now our company does not observe the demand for the mail function on Cyrillic domains, either people are used to doing without mail, or no one really needs it” ...

the press service of the Yandex.Mail service commented on the lack of support for Cyrillic names of mailboxes. The whole point turned out to be that all this time there were no relevant standards that would allow working with the Cyrillic alphabet, but we are actively monitoring the development of a new protocol and, in cases of interest by our clients in mail in Cyrillic, we will do our best to ensure the implementation of this functionality.

So, as it seems to me, the problem of the lack of mail on the .rf domain is a misconception. People have been actively buying domain.rf for 2 years now and do not bother about whether or not they have mail. However, it seems to me that the appearance of mail on the will in any way be a positive impetus for the zone. A huge demand for mail in this zone should not be expected, but the demand will be 100%, unless it is worth noting that among the mail services, who will be the first to introduce Cyrillic mail, there will not be a special alignment of forces, everything, it seems to me, will remain stable, and the appearance of mail , it will become simple good bonus for the zone.rf, sort of gift wrap, for an already valuable gift.

The head of the Skolkovo IT cluster, Alexander Turkot, believes that additional incentives are needed for the massive introduction of Cyrillic mail addresses.

Companies will implement such mail if it brings some additional dividends, for example, an increase in demand for their mail service by several percent. Also, if there is a massive demand for Cyrillic mail or there is some kind of political decision. However, if the mail in Cyrillic starts working, then the demand for it will gradually appear. Several years ago there was little trust in the Cyrillic domain zone ".рф", but now addresses are in great demand.

Today, the number of registered domains in the .рф zone has approached 800 thousand. According to statistics on the use of .РФ domains from the Ru-center registrar, today 28% of Cyrillic addresses are used to address independent web resources, and 24% are used for external redirect or parking (reservation); 14% of domains now have stubs, another 16% of names are delegated, but not used by their owners in any way; 18% of paid names do not even contain stubs and are not tied to any site.

November 11 this year in Russian Cyrillic domain.РФ has started open registration domains, and in the first day more than 250 thousand domain names were registered in it, in a week. Russia entered the top twenty domains in Europe. But! E-mail with fully Cyrillic addresses in the RF zone does not work. It will take more than a year to wait. You will need to make changes to 47 documents.

E-mail business is as follows: in addition to traditional addresses consisting only of Latin characters ([email protected]), "hybrid" addresses with Latin letters before the "@" separator and Cyrillic or a mixture of Cyrillic and Latin after it are supported ( [email protected] example is test or [email protected] It is clear that such a situation can hardly be called normal. After all, when they started a project with the .РФ domain, the main argument in its favor was the convenience of working with the Russian language for Russian-speaking users, and the mixture of Cyrillic and Latin letters does not correspond to this slogan.

For domains whose addresses are written in non-Latin characters, the IDN (International Domain Names) system was created several years ago, and for converting domain names containing such characters into a sequence of standard ASCII characters (26 letters Latin alphabet, numbers 0 through 9 and hyphen) the Punycode method was developed. It assigns the “xn-d1abbgf6aiiy.xn-p1ai” character sequence to the “president.rf” domain name, which, of course, looks like gibberish, but at the same time it is quite understandable for applications transmitting Internet users' requests throughout the global network.

Ready number X

Most importantly, Punycode symbols do not require modification of most applications running on the Internet to support the new type of domain name. The only exceptions are Internet browsers and email clients, which must accept from the user domain names in "non-standard" spelling, re-encoding them for further transmission over the Internet, and upon receiving a domain name encoded using Punycode, transform it for correct presentation to the user. However, not all postage client programs and Internet e-mail services work correctly with addresses in already existing Cyrillic domains (let me remind you that we are talking about “hybrid” addresses like “ [email protected] president.rf ", and not about the maximum program for completely Russian-language mailing addresses). For example, Microsoft Outlook, starting from version 2007, works completely correctly with Russian-language IDN addresses, but Thunderbird 3.0 does not support them.

To assess the readiness of popular free mail services to process Cyrillic addresses, RU-CENTER carried out a small study (see table). We decided to check how far they can use e-mail now regular user, who has a correspondent with an address in the Cyrillic domain and who would like to read the messages sent, send own messages, work with the address book and filter incoming mail. And if such a user has his own IDN-domain, for example, in the .РФ zone, then he should be able to report mail server about the existence of this domain and log in with your full address on this server.

Let's start with postal service Google's Gmail. A Gmail user will be able to read a message sent from an IDN domain, but he will see the sender's address in the Punycode technological form (i.e. [email protected], but not [email protected] mail.rf). But you cannot send a message to the owner of an address in the IDN domain, an error message will appear on the screen. There are also problems with the address book: add the address to it [email protected] mail.rf is possible, but you cannot send a letter to it.

The situation is similar with filters for incoming mail: configure them using Russian-speaking addresses You can, but they will not work, since there is no internal address conversion in Gmail. For owners of Russian-language Internet domains, the function of organizing a mail service based on Gmail works only if the domain is specified in the server settings in Punycode form, and in the same form it must be entered when authorizing on the server. However, all this applies only to those first-level IDN domains that are located in the traditional first-level zones (Latin two-letter country domains, .com, .org, .net, etc.), and the new .РФ domain in the list of allowed in Gmail domains even in the form of Punycode, apparently, does not appear.

The situation with the mail services and Rambler is even worse. They only support receiving a message from a sender from an IDN domain, but, as in the case of Gmail, the Punycode sequence will appear in the "from" line, and it is very difficult to understand who the letter came from. You cannot send a letter to an address in an IDN domain either in or in Rambler, you cannot enter such an address in address book and you won't be able to use it when setting up email filters either.

Against this background, Yandex.Mail looks almost perfect. It supports both the ability to read a message from the IDN domain (and the sender's address will look readable), and the function of sending a letter to the recipient from the IDN domain. You can add IDN addresses to the address book and send letters to them too. With customization and correct work there are no problems with email filters either. But there is some inconvenience for the owners of IDN domains: it is allowed to specify the domain in the server settings, but you can log in to it only by specifying the technological Punycode name.

Towards complete happiness

When will users, who have been so much talked about and talk about the convenience of working with a completely Russian-language domain.RF, will receive the same Russian-language e-mail and will be able to get themselves a mailbox of the type "[email protected]"? Unfortunately, not soon.

The implementation of this feature requires changes to 47 specifications and RFC standards that regulate certain aspects of the functioning of the Internet, and the correction of one such document takes at least a year. The change in the standard for writing e-mail addresses affects many aspects of message delivery. It should be noted that the email address is now used not only for messaging, but also as a user ID in various online services, in social networks, online stores, etc. In addition, the introduction of a new type of addresses will require the solution of security problems, with the transmission of encoded messages and messages signed with digital signatures. In general, the amount of work to be done is very large. So new standard for IDN email addresses will see the light of day best case by the end 2011 year ., and its first implementations will appear not earlier than the beginning 2012 year ... So you have to be patient.

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