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What is the best TV brand in the world in terms of quality? Choosing the perfect TV: what are the criteria to choose so as not to be disappointed

The question of which TV is better to choose is becoming more and more relevant every year. The problem of choice is exacerbated by the expansion of the range of offers and the emergence of new manufacturers on the world market.

Weighing all the pros and cons of each model they like, the buyer turns to the Internet information on how to choose the right TV for the home, and to the reviews of friends.

This is how the final conclusion is formed, allowing you to make the most successful choice. Meanwhile, the basic principles for making this purchase are relatively simple.

The easiest way for the average consumer is to decide on the technology of the purchased product. Most often, a potential buyer decides to choose a led TV. LED-backlit devices are by far the most popular.

Comparative Analysis: Diagonals of Yesterday and Today

Next, the selection of models begins along the diagonal - one of the most important parameters. Not so long ago, in the era of CRT devices, it was believed that the distance to the screen should have been from 4 to 5 diagonals.

Today this indicator for models of the LED category is three diagonals.

If, when deciding how to choose a TV for the home, the buyer liked a device with a diagonal of 32 inches (82 centimeters), then it is worth considering that the distance to the screen should be about 2.5 meters.


After covering the question of how to choose the diagonal of the TV, you should move on to another, no less important, characteristic of the device: its resolution. A significant part of modern models are Full HD.

The meaning of the above: the device is able to display a signal with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels. When focusing on how to choose a good TV, you must also take into account that currently terrestrial television is transmitting a signal with a resolution of 720x576 pixels.

It is highly unlikely that it will be possible to transmit HD images to them in the foreseeable future. This fact is extremely important for those who are dealing with the question of how to choose a led TV and are inclined to buy a budget model without Full HD.

At the same time, it is known that satellite and cable operators are already able to present certain channels in HD quality to their viewers.

And for the owners of the coveted brand, this is a significant plus. It is possible to get the most out of the TV resolution when watching movies from external media.

When deciding how to choose the right LCD TV, focusing on such characteristics as picture quality, you will most likely have to rely on your own perception - to one degree or another subjective.

Taking a balanced approach to solving the problem of how to choose the right plasma TV, and, therefore, getting acquainted with the widest range of models, you can see that some manufacturers of products have purposefully increased sharpness, almost to "surgical", while others have a seemingly more natural a certain blur.

The same can be seen with regard to colors and their shades. Studying the review presented by experts, the TV is ultimately chosen by the buyer on the basis of personal value judgments and, as practice shows, is not always successful. It is worth using certain recommendations.

The principle that allows you to successfully solve the question of how to choose a plasma TV for picture quality is as follows: all colors should be natural, in particular, white and black should not have any shades. The reproduction of the color of human skin should be as natural as possible - in the complete absence of excessive pink or yellow tones.

To successfully cope with the task of choosing a high-quality TV, when testing the device, you need to pay special attention to the image of dynamic scenes. The best type of model is one in which all movements are displayed smoothly and without jerks, and clear contours have no halo at all.

The answer to the question of how to choose a TV also implies the following pattern: at a higher frame rate, there will be better picture transmission.

Another plus: much less visual fatigue. This principle is also true when studying the topic "TV for the kitchen: how to choose."

However, it must be borne in mind that the difference between 50 and 100 Hz is more sensitive for the eyes than between 100 and 200 Hz. Values ​​such as brightness and contrast can be adjusted in-store without relying on factory settings.

Trust in the brand

When presenting certain requirements for a TV, including paying attention to digital set-top boxes, one should attach importance to the reputation of the manufacturer. It is best to place your trust in well-known and popular brands.

However, you need to be prepared for the fact that all the most competent advice will turn out to be useless and the products of even the most promoted brand will hopelessly fail.

Having an impressive warranty on a model built on the basis of the latest technology will be a kind of reliable insurance.

At the same time, a TV set in the kitchen or another type of device from a little-known manufacturer can "hang" on the user with an unsolvable problem: the lack of necessary spare parts in the event of another breakdown.

A TV set for the kitchen, like any other subtype of proposals on the modern market, every year more and more approaches in its functionality and appearance to the computers that have become familiar.

When deciding which device to choose, the user wants to solve a wide range of tasks based on its use: freely go online, chat with friends, colleagues and relatives on Skype, connect all digital devices in the house to a common network.

On sale you can already find a 55-inch TV, which is controlled by gestures and voice. This also applies to devices with a characteristic "28". Moreover, there is a continuous expansion of possibilities with the appearance of each new series.

Evaluating which of the models of the “28” series has the functions really necessary for the consumer, you can make a good purchase. Overestimation of the "28" characteristic often entails the purchase of a product with functions that are absolutely unnecessary for a particular buyer, which means an unambiguous overpayment.

The 3D capabilities of the representatives of the "28" series have already become familiar to many. Important: for models 28, like other types of products, a volumetric image can be obtained by referring to one of two technologies. Their subspecies are represented by the following names:

  • passive;
  • active.

The 28-inch model, based on any of these technologies, has pros and cons. Even the best camera has a certain amount of flicker, which can be reduced by using higher frame rates or expensive battery-operated glasses. At the same time, both the best and less expensive devices allow you to enjoy the picture in good resolution.

In 2017, as in previous years of release, models with passive technology will be inherently halved in resolution.

Models "40" do not require expensive glasses, just light accessories that function without a battery. For devices of the "40" series, it is enough to carry out a simple test - directly in the shopping center. To do this, you need to tilt your head a little and change the distance to the screen. In this case, you also need to move away from the center of the TV 40.

A more detailed overview of the most important selection principles

The 40 series model, like many of its other analogues, can be successfully chosen on the basis of observing three simple rules. In particular, for a 40-inch screen, etc., they are represented by the following list:

  • the quality of the picture can be judged not only on the basis of the technical characteristics of the product;
  • it is best to purchase a larger TV;
  • plasma is always a great choice.

The opinion of savvy buyers often comes down to the fact that 4K TVs and other models cannot be adequately judged on the basis of technical specifications. Their main task is to be able to manipulate the mind of the buyer by influencing him through the language of numbers. It is this factor that complicates the choice of the device in terms of parameters, including diagonally.

Often, managers and sellers, when communicating with a potential buyer, focus on some indicators and thus incline him to a choice that is beneficial for the selling company. The parameter "diagonally" says a lot not to every consumer, as well as other characteristics. However, this factor is decisive - the most important for misleading the buyer.

Samsung TV is the most striking confirmation that the refresh rate is a criterion that does not always have to be chosen in the complex. Orientation in the question of "which company is worth buying" does not have to be based on the study of indicators such as SPS, CMR, TruMonitorFlow, etc.

Their presence in lg or Samsung does not play a special role when making a choice. The viewing angles are the same, as are the vast majority of HDMI cables. From all of the above, we can conclude that the difference between this connector is not a privilege.

So, in order to install a long-awaited device in your favorite corner of the room, you should not bother yourself carefully reading a long list of obscure abbreviations with many numbers and indicators.

When buying a device 42 and others, you can easily ignore the entire list of characteristics.

However, when you need to own a good 42 TV with a wide range of truly advanced features, it's worth considering all the specs.

The best way to select Smart TV 42 is to refer to the datasheet. If you want to buy a model 42 based on the picture quality, there is practically no sense of referring to the specifications, the overwhelming part of them will be just an empty sound.

For models in the 42 series and many others, one of the most important values ​​should be given to size. 42 "is a panel setting that allows you to truly enjoy watching a movie or broadcast. Moreover, a panel smaller than 32 inches is simply a useless purchase. 42 inches and even less so is a device for the kitchen or bedroom.

For a room such as a living room, and for an office, the 50 "or 60" model is the best choice. LG TV will deliver maximum pleasure with more impressive parameters.

No matter how high-quality the device is, the more impressive parameters it has, the more pleasure the user will enjoy watching the news, morning show or an exciting movie on Saturday evening. The device "ice" is an excellent opportunity to spend interesting free time.

The rating of models also reflects the following fact: size is important both when buying a 3D device, and when purchasing a smart device for both home and office. The rating, combined with reviews, is also information that any advanced function, and even more so a set of them, in conjunction with an impressive panel size, requires significant capital investments.

The rating allows you to determine the limit of the upcoming costs. When choosing a model, it is necessary to take into account the size of the budget, the peculiarities of taste, the location of the purchase in the house, the type of room for which the TV is purchased.

In the perception of most buyers, a TV is primarily a thin bright panel and a certain design of the model. The rest of the choice is determined by the nuances of the needs of a particular consumer. Rating is information, familiarity with which allows you to refuse to study such a characteristic as the diagonal.

With the right approach to the study, it is the rating that can allow you to abandon unnecessary worries and make the most successful choice.

Modern TVs in this category allow you to enjoy high-quality picture at a lower cost than LCD counterparts. The characteristic "TV size" in this case is secondary.

However, it is worth mentioning the minus of the series models: they are inherent in the "burning" of the image on the monitor, it seems to stick to the surface. Nevertheless, size selection in combination with this characteristic is most often the basis for a successful choice.

When deciding which brand of TV is better, it is worth paying attention to the models of the 50 series. These devices, falling under the category of "plasma", function as much as their liquid crystal counterparts. 50 models have the same shelf life.

Some 50 model buyers confuse plasma devices with LCD panels. Confusion often occurs between new and old plasmas. Plasma design has often been relegated to the background by manufacturers of 50 devices, giving them the utmost modesty.

This was the case with thin plasma machines, including the 50 designs. It must also be understood that the 50 "model is not one that needs to be replaced every year and a half. Today, fortunately for discerning consumers, there is no dynamic development in the industry responsible for the production of 50-inch models, etc.

Plus, the cost of a truly high-quality 50-inch device will not allow once a year or two to choose a modern TV and buy it with a fairly new predecessor.

The price in the store, combined with the slow obsolescence of modern TVs, does not allow choosing and purchasing these products too often, as is the case with mobile equipment. The same applies to the models of line 43. TV 43, purchased at the present time and having relatively new developments, will be relevant in 5-10-15 years.

Plasma device 43 inches successfully reflects the following feature: it is inexpensive, but good product, suitable for long-term use. The screen size among the models in this series does not exceed 65 inches. The TV screen, which must be over 80, can be found among the LCD TV.

In order to successfully select the model, it is better to opt for LCD. As a rule, they have a much higher margin of brightness, thanks to which the picture will be perfectly visible both during the day and at night.

Home operating experience for plasma is the best. A trip with this device to a hut in the mountains is not recommended: the device does not tolerate high altitudes well.

An expert specialist, like an ordinary consumer, will confirm that plasma models consume more electricity than other types of TV. Even the best-chosen product leads to additional costs in the amount of 40-45 dollars annually. Because of this factor, LJJ was considered by many to be the best choice.

Quality control

Choosing a TV among models with different levels of picture quality can be a waste of time, effort and money. Better purely intuitively to select a model that you just like more.

It is this approach that will allow you to purchase a device in which television will bring maximum pleasure. And to which category - plasma, etc. - the model will be assigned, this is a secondary question.

Choice of soul and mind

A detailed acquaintance with all the recommendations - professional experts and ordinary users, the study of all technical characteristics will give the most successful result, if, in the final decision of the issue, the buyer connects his intuition - and makes his choice carefully and with confidence in himself, his feelings.

Choosing any technique is not easy. Today you will be presented with a rating of televisions (TV). However, it is very difficult to choose the best from the huge number of new technologies that are not understood and known to everyone. The buyer is faced with many incomprehensible options, functions and permissions. At one glance at the matte surfaces of the displays, their curved shapes or enormous dimensions, your head starts to spin. Arriving at the store, a person cannot decide for a long time. And that's just about the design! The main thing is the technical component, which is hidden inside.


So, we will consider new items relative to last year, since 2017 has not yet had time to please buyers with interesting models. But in 2016 there were a sufficient number of models who were able to surprise and become the best. It should be noted right away that the rating presented below is quite subjective, since it is always difficult to determine the best one, since there are a couple of devices next to it that are considered not the worst.


As a result, you can install the following TV groups:

  • the presence of HDR;
  • 4K resolution;
  • new with OLED;
  • Full HD device;
  • choice of buyers.


Before revealing all the cards, it's worth knowing what HDR is. This abbreviation denotes a special technology that is used when working with images and video, if their brightness range exceeds standard indicators, and conventional technologies are not able to cope with this. In 2015, TVs appeared for the first time with this technology. The rating of HDR models was immediately led by Samsung. In addition to the fact that the manufacturer was the first to use this option in his models, by 2016 he managed to launch a series with the maximum brightness indicator to date.

The KS9500 has three models, which differ only in the screen size. So, the youngest has an impressive diagonal of 65 inches, and the older one - as much as 88 inches. The company did a great job on this project. It uses a 10-digit display - cadmium-free, and even one of a kind. All this affects the realism of the image, its detail and brightness. A special technology also works to minimize glare.

The screen looks very attractive. It has a curved display with no bezels or unnecessary details. Thus, the viewer is maximally immersed in what is happening on the screen. Of course, the entire series consists of smart TVs that run on the Tizen OS. Thanks to this system, all services and content, television, films, games, etc. can be easily used. One more "chip", in addition to HDR, is the presence of the most popular resolution nowadays - 4K. All together gives the image of the highest quality, transmits excellent sound and picture saturation. But the main disadvantage of such models is their cost. On average, it ranges from 200 to 400 thousand rubles.


This category has now also stood out among all. Some users dream of acquiring TVs of a similar resolution. The rating of such models is also topped by Samsung with its KS7000 series. These are relatively affordable models that have received high technology, but are slightly inferior in some indicators for the sake of economy. The design style is corporate. There is nothing superfluous, like the frames that are now trying to remove in every possible way in every device. The TV is very thin, stands on four legs, looks expensive and sophisticated. If you hang this model on the wall, it looks like a painting on glass.

The display size is 60 inches, which is also quite comfortable. Such dimensions are now becoming more and more popular. People are starting to get out of the habit of small kitchen 20 "models, but they are not very attracted to the giants with 80-90". All of the main connectors are on an add-on block that plugs in separately to keep the slimness of the case intact.

Continuing the ranking of the best TVs that combine affordability and technology, then this model ranks first in all respects. At the moment, this device, which has an LCD display, collects all the popular functions, has 4K resolution, acquired backlighting, HDR technology and a "smart" system.


But the rating of TVs with this technology is headed by another company - LG and its E6 series. It should be said right away that OLED is an organic light-emitting diode. Thanks to him, the picture on the screen becomes bright, contrasting and saturated, in many respects, of course, thanks to the presence of HDR already known to us. The specification states that the TV is equipped with a 3D mode that works correctly, and even special glasses are available. The introduction of this technology came as a surprise, as many manufacturers in 2016 cheated their models with a three-dimensional image.

Naturally, the model also works with a “smart” system. All OS functions are presented clearly and intuitively easy to use. You just need to connect your smartphone to your TV to play content from your phone on a large display. This way, you can easily show your guests photos and videos from your vacation. It is possible to connect to the Internet via a wireless connection and enjoy the World Wide Web on TV. It became easy to play games, watch videos and films. By the way, to control the device, you can use voice commands, proclaiming them to the remote control. This TV received a diagonal of 65 and 55 inches, depending on the modification. There are a lot of special specifications that are not known to many, but in fact they turn out to be very useful. The display resolution is 3840 x 2160 pixels.

Full HD

Not everyone and everyone needs legendary 4K resolution. Therefore, the rating of smart TVs can acquire models with Full HD. Sony took over last year with its W805 / 809C series. It presents models with a screen from 43 to 55 inches. The appearance of these devices is attractive, as always. Everything is done in a minimalist style. A subtle bezel makes the screen weightless, and a small stand on the bottom helps the display to visually soar above the surface. The many technologies and discreet design received a lot of positive reviews.

This TV was originally developed to save those who do not want to be led by fashion and look for megacool permissions. Everyone has already begun to forget that Full HD will be enough for everyday use. By making a choice in favor of this permission, the buyer can get a technological device that will last more than one year. Inside this handsome man there is everything you need for picky users. Responsible for the operating system is Android TV, which, according to buyers, is a bit cluttered. In addition, there is a smart TV, as well as support for 3D and Edge LED.

32 inch

Despite the fact that people are increasingly starting to pay attention to models with a diagonal of 50-60 inches, still the smaller options remain the most optimal. So, the rating of 32-inch TVs can be endless. This is due to the demand for such dimensions. Nevertheless, Philips 32PFS6401 became one of last year's champions in this segment. Outwardly, it continues the style of modern devices, has almost lost its frame, stands on small legs that make the whole structure "airy". The model works on Android version 5.1. The TV was equipped with a lot of cool technologies, which sent it to the top of the rating of 32-inch TVs. Firstly, there is a two-way ambilight, which makes viewing at night more comfortable and of better quality. Secondly, it runs on a Dual Core processor. Thirdly, I got an excellent cloud service.

40 inches

40-inch TVs have also become popular. Their rating is difficult to compile, since a lot of models with this size appeared on the market over the past year. This includes the Samsung UE40J5100AU for 27 thousand rubles. Its resolution is 1080 r, there is a backlight, 100 Hz scan, support for tuners.

Sony KDL-40RD353 in the same price segment has a slightly different design, although there is again a bezel-less trend. There is HDR technology, multi-format and a host of other options that make the image juicy, bright and saturated.

Of course, these are not all 40-inch TVs. Their rating can be made up of one hundred positions or more. But in the top three is Philips 40PFT4101. This budget model received all the necessary and important technologies for which the maximum demand is now. The TV is very easy to use, so it is ideal for those who do not need extra options.

Modern televisions have gone far beyond the original set of tasks. Today they perform many additional functions that open up new facets and the possibilities of their use. According to, the best manufacturers offer multifunctional TVs that embody innovations and modern technologies.

Choosing the best TV, you need to decide on a number of parameters:

  1. LCD (LCD / LED)... The most common models that use liquid crystals. They have small thickness, power consumption and weight. They are characterized by a large selection of diagonals, no restrictions on operation and service life. The ice models are very bright, which allows you to achieve good viewing in different types of lighting. However, their black depth is often inferior to plasma models. In addition, they have a long response time, which interferes with watching action scenes in games and movies. They also have high demands on signal quality.
  2. Plasma... A good option with a special screen design. In terms of brightness, "plasma" is inferior to Led TVs. They feature rich blacks, high color rendering and wide viewing angles. The technology stands out for its high refresh rate, which improves the transmission of dynamic scenes. Lower quality signals have a softer picture. When choosing such a model, it is necessary to take into account the fact that they are distinguished by higher energy consumption and rather high heating, an afterimage may appear on static elements. In addition, the brightness is lower than that of the Ice models. In addition, TV manufacturers practically do not produce TVs with a small diagonal.
  3. OLED... They are characterized by absolutely black color, high contrast, improved color rendering, large viewing angles, fast response and minimal display thickness. But for now, only large diagonals can be produced, and they have a very high cost.
  4. Permission... HD Ready and Full HD with high definition images.
  5. Dimensions (edit)... 15, 19, 22, 26 (for small bedrooms and kitchens), 32 (for medium sized kitchens, living rooms and rich bedrooms), 37, 40, 42 (for large rooms) and 46, 50, 52, 55 inches (for home theaters and very large rooms where the distance between walls is more than 4 m).
  6. Features and functionality... Models of 2018 are equipped with numerous functions, including support for 3D, Smart TV, media player, connectors (HDMI, SCART, DVI, VGA, RCA, Wi-Fi adapters), video recorders, modes (100, 200 Hz and others), digital tuner and PIP mode.

Today, there is a TV in almost every home. Thanks to him, we will learn the latest news and have a rest. But thanks to modern technology, you can now also play, go online and communicate. And design solutions allow you to bring originality and zest to the interior.

The best TV brand is different for everyone, but each company has its own advantages and disadvantages, which sometimes significantly affects the final choice of the consumer.

1. LG

Probably the most popular company that has been known to the domestic buyer for a very long time. The company produces models of all types (LCD, plasma, OLED). Now the company offers a huge range of models with different matrices.

Thanks to numerous positive qualities, LG products are in great demand all over the world and are the leader in sales.

  • current models;
  • modern design;
  • functionality, offers with different resolutions and diagonals;
  • the best ratio of quality and price;
  • cost-effective, excellent sound and picture;
  • high performance indicators.

But even this brand of TVs has some disadvantages. For example, people with poor eyesight often report discomfort when watching TV. 3D glasses have standard sizes, so they may not suit everyone, besides, they are produced only for specific models. 3D is present, but expensive. Over time, LCD models use up a resource and the screen fades, pixels fade, brightness and colors depend on the viewing angle, expensive repairs. In "plasmas" there is an inconvenience in the location of the plugs and a lack of dynamics.

Prices LG 49UJ630V TV:

2. Samsung

A well-known brand all over the world that offers reliable TVs in a large assortment. 3D and LCD models of the brand are read by the leaders in the world market.

Most models are characterized by an unusual and original design, the remotes are very similar to each other, but without unnecessary buttons and are intuitive.

The main advantages of the models:

  • huge functionality;
  • the ability to connect additional devices;
  • menu hints;
  • additional outputs for various devices;
  • customization by colors;
  • high indicators of image and sound clarity;
  • convenience of selection by series;
  • high reliability and performance.

The main problem with all LCD TVs is that over time they lose their brightness and color due to the fact that they gradually fade. Also, there is often a problem with the use of standard 3D glasses. However, thanks to the many additional options, the problem is easily solved.

Prices Samsung TV UE55MU6100U:

3. Sony

It is not by chance that Sony got into the rating of manufacturers. It is also well and for a very long time known to the domestic buyer and at one time it proved to be excellent. Today the company sticks to its original tradition, offering new solutions every year.

Every year the company presents the latest solutions of modern generations.

Benefits of the new Sony TVs:

  • the use of the most modern technologies, including 4K Ultra HD;
  • installation of the latest models of decoders, video processors, lighting, and so on;
  • unique, inimitable and original design;
  • high quality picture and sound;
  • TVs with curved and large screens.

But, despite the many positive aspects and innovations, the company's products have their drawbacks. The majority of users note that the sound and image quality of products is somewhat inferior to previous brands. However, if you deal with the settings, then this problem is solved quite simply. Also, some users have questions about the TV menu.

Prices Sony KDL-40WD653 TV:

4. Philips

When looking for the best TVs for your home, don't miss out on Philips. This is another brand that is known to our customer from the distant 90s. Although the products of this brand were not as widespread as other companies, they still had their own consumer, who happily preferred only Philips. And there are arguments for this.

As the reviews show, Philips products have their advantages:

  • favorable cost;
  • great functionality;
  • excellent build;
  • a good selection of models;
  • use of modern technologies.

But even the best and highest quality Philips TV can be inferior in many ways to the products of the most popular brands. There are a number of reasons for this. First of all, the high functionality of the models is noted, but slightly inferior to the advanced leaders. Sometimes there are problems in the operation of the TVs themselves, for example, freezing and even restarting, problems with the software. But the update fixes this problem quite easily.

Prices Philips TV 24PHT4031:

5. Panasonic

A quality and durable option at an affordable price. And all this is about Panasonic products, which were initially known to our consumers only in VCRs.

But today the brand offers a large selection of technology, among which there are many options for modern TVs.

And the company knows how to attract a buyer and surprise him:

  • the main advantage is favorable prices;
  • availability of models and configuration options;
  • the ability to connect modern technologies;
  • the original installation of advanced electronic systems.

But there are also some problems that users really don't like. Many are not satisfied with the fact that problems arise when viewing sites through the installed browser. There is not enough TV memory, sites are constantly freezing and you have to overload them. In general, the same as in LG.

Prices Panasonic TX-43DR300ZZ TV:

6. Toshiba

If you want to opt for an inexpensive TV, then Toshiba is a good option. Everything is simple and standard - a well-known brand from the 90s, which initially proved itself quite well. But over time, the company lost its position and for some time practically disappeared from the domestic market. However, the use of modern technology has allowed the brand to loudly declare itself again. And this became possible due to certain advantages of the company:

  • competitive prices;
  • high-quality assembly;
  • high performance indicators;
  • the efficiency of using the installed software.

But many users point out that this brand has its drawbacks. Many people don't like the functionality of the models. Others are unhappy with the inconvenience of the developed software, problems in the operation of numerous applications, browsers, and so on. There are questions about the service.

Prices Toshiba 32S1750EV TV:

7. Thomson

This company became known not so long ago. But if you want to save money, then this is a great option. Thomson offers numerous solutions for a wide variety of wallets.

The company itself positions its products as high-quality and affordable, thanks to a thoughtful and beneficial combination of functionality and equipment.

The advantages of the brand's products are as follows:

  • cost-effectiveness of models due to the minimum software equipment;
  • use of modern technologies;
  • installation of LED backlighting;
  • adjusting image colors and much more.

But all the benefits can be canceled out by the sound and picture of Thomson TVs. It is necessary to understand that you do not have to expect high quality from an inexpensive TV in all forms. And this means that the problem may arise where it was not expected - mismatch of connectors and bolts, poor-quality plastic, poor picture, functionality and much more.

Prices Thomson T40D21SF-01B TV:


What to choose is everyone's personal business. But as practice shows, it is better to pay more and get quality that will delight you for a long time. Inexpensive and not always high-quality models in all forms can cause a lot of negativity. The best manufacturers of modern TVs offer their own options and solutions to various problems that bother consumers, but the amount of the product depends on the final result. And here you need to think - you need a TV for pleasure, work, decor, entertainment or information.

He is the king of all living rooms, love and even addiction of billions of people, a means of entertainment and information. It's about the TV. The first television sets appeared in the United States back in 1929 and had a screen the size of a postage stamp. In 1942, a TV set more reminiscent of modern devices was created in Europe. Evolution has taken place by leaps and bounds, and today flat, large, high-contrast and even smart TVs have become the norm. And it seems that the development of technology is taking place before our eyes, but it is not easy to understand the range of products. In the store, next to each model, there are a lot of non-persistent abbreviations, numbers and, of course, the price. Sellers are trying to push us to sell us a TV at a higher price, and we, not knowing all the intricacies of technology, deliberately let ourselves be fooled. It's time to end this. Let's figure out how to choose a TV in 2018 and what parameters are really important to pay attention to. We have also prepared for you a rating of the best TVs in 2018.

Dimensions of the device

Let's start with the simplest. There is an opinion that it is necessary to buy as large a TV as the budget allows. Previously, the standard was widespread that the distance from viewers to the screen should be 3-4 diagonals, later they started talking about 2-3 diagonals. Today it is believed that the optimal distance to the screen is a subjective concept, i.e. to whom it is convenient. How can you find this optimal value, because too small a screen will not convey details, and too large will make you turn your head to see the whole scene?

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