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How to make a phone call with an extension number. International dialing rules

Saving time when communicating between company employees and customers and among themselves is an important factor in the effectiveness of communications. Therefore, telephony means are becoming more and more popular, allowing you to minimize the search for responsible and necessary persons for the subscriber. One of the most relevant and effective ways to optimize telephony is an extension number, also called an internal number. With its help, a call is forwarded to a person who has the authority and competence to resolve the issue of the caller.

An internal subscriber number is an opportunity to contact the required employee not only by a landline phone, but also by a mobile, SIP, Skype account on electronic gadgets. When using it, calls are forwarded from a short number. The subscriber hears a greeting and, using voice instructions, dials an extension number - this allows him to be “taken away” from the main line and establish communication with intermediaries.

The mechanism is implemented using numeric identifier codes that are assigned to individual lines or divisions of the company. Before calling an extension number, you need to dial the main number, and then - the internal one, which connects the subscribers with the people they need. Therefore, the code contains four digits - from 0001 to 9999. The first two indicate the number of departments in the general forwarding list, and the second - to the personal one that identifies employees.

What is an extension number in terms of digital telephony? This is a part of cloud PBX, a forwarding point in a single communication space. Internal phone:

  • erase the physical, spatial boundaries between employees and customers of the company;
  • will help to establish work without additional costs for renting premises, purchasing office equipment and laying engineering networks;
  • will help to get access to employees wherever they are - it can be connected to the home, mobile phones of the personnel, and before dialing an additional one, it will be enough to call the main number of the company.

How extensions work

How to call an internal number and what is the principle of its operation? A useful communication tool is widely used in companies where departments are "physically" isolated from each other, and it is inconvenient to call the right employee from the office at the other end of the corridor. The subscriber dials the main city number of the company (often the only one), and after connecting - the internal one.

Before calling with an extension number, you need to know it. Therefore, if the system is recently installed, or the company has many heterogeneous partners and customers, it is recommended to record a short instructional announcement in the voice greeting. At the stage of establishing interaction, it is worth indicating the extension number in all forms of communication.

Modern landline telephones are equipped with pulse-tone switches to select modes. If the subscriber's PBX supports tone dialing, before calling the extension number, you need to move the telephone switch to the Tone position. If only the pulse mode is provided, you need to call and press the "star" button. Any further keystrokes on the phone will be transmitted as tones. Switching is not required if the subscriber uses a mobile phone.

How do I call extension numbers from mobile phones?

The standard action before calling an extension from a mobile is to press the Pause button after dialing the main landline phone. Then you need to enter the remaining digits of the employee / department code. Let's see how to dial an extension number from a mobile phone step by step:

  • study the company phone number: the first part is the landline number, then the extension is in brackets;
  • before entering the extension number from the mobile, dial the main number and wait for the connection with the answering machine;
  • listen to the message completely so that the connection does not break off, and at the end concentrate on listing the internal numbers;
  • after being prompted to dial the desired combination of numbers and a sound signal, enter it from your mobile phone and wait for the employee's response.

You do not need to set the phone to Tone mode before calling an extension from a mobile phone. This happens automatically. In some cases, automatic telephone exchanges connect subscribers incorrectly, but you should not “hang up” at the same time. You should ask the person who answered the call to independently switch the subscriber to the desired extension number. If this fails, you will have to re-enter all the numbers.


Why do businesses need extensions and how to set them up

Modern digital solutions are an opportunity to optimize the financial and time costs of communication in any organization. What does an extension number mean for a company? This:

  • time optimization by means of almost instant transfer of subscribers to personal managers;
  • the ability to abandon the installation of separate telephone lines for all sectors and offices of the company and get a convenient means of intercom;
  • improving the quality of customer service and the ability not to miss a single valuable call (if one number is busy, the subscriber is forwarded to any of the free ones);
  • reducing the cost of organizing customer service - with additional numbers, employees will be able to work remotely;
  • strengthening customer loyalty of the company, improving its reputation and image, and so on.

In order to connect internal telephones, it is necessary to resort to the support of professional distributors of telecommunication solutions, the services of which include. Experts will tell you how to dial an extension number for intra-company communication, customize voice instructions for customers and help you realize all the benefits of effective and progressive tools. This will provide the company with the convenience of work and success in the market competition for the client.

In this article, we would like to reveal such a question as how to call from a mobile to a home. We were inspired to write it by questions on many forums, where users are asked to describe the correct process for dialing phone numbers in cases when you need to call from mobile to home. Probably many users do not experience difficulties in this process, but there are still subtleties in it, so you should familiarize yourself with the information that we have prepared for you.

How to make a correct call from your mobile to your home?

Mobile and home numbers are very similar in structure and for a call you should dial in the following sequence:

  1. Country code(so for Russia it is 8 or +7).
  2. Operator code for mobile and area code for home.
  3. The actual phone number of the user(for mobile numbers, these are the last 7 digits, and for home numbers, the number of digits can vary from five to seven).

To dial a landline phone number from a cell phone, it is necessary to complete a full set of numbers, as opposed to dialing between two city subscribers, when the dialing of the country and area codes is canceled in order to call.

Before making a call from a mobile, you need to make sure that you have the required amount of funds on your personal account, since such calls are charged much more expensive than within the mobile network.

In Russia, there are differences in dialing a home phone depending on the location of the subscriber.

You can call from the same city where the contact is located without using the international format - just put the number 8 in front of the city identifier. The intercity format is necessary for subscribers who have left the region.

Long-distance communication format of mobile and landline numbers

Once Alexanr M. left the city of Yaroslavl for Moscow on business. And now I urgently needed to contact my mother, and since the elderly man was an opponent of modern mobile phones, she used only a home stationary device. As a result, the son, who had already lost the habit of such "gadgets", got a little confused in this situation - he had to contact his neighbors (fortunately, they were more advanced technically). But when faced with a problem, Alexander nevertheless decided to find out what is the process of dialing a phone when connecting mobile and home subscribers.

Video instruction:

For long distance calls, city identifiers are provided, which can be found in any address directory. Also, many sites on the Internet will help you find the information you need. For our part, we will indicate the most popular destinations in Russia:

Moscow and the region495 Omsk381 Voronezh473
St. Petersburg and the region812 Chelyabinsk351 Saratov845
Novosibirsk383 Rostov-on-Don863 Tolyatti848
Yekaterinburg343 Ufa347 Krasnodar861
Nizhny Novgorod831 Permian342 Izhevsk341
Samara846 Volgograd844 Yaroslavl485
Kazan843 Krasnoyarsk391 Ryazan491

Reference! In addition to the main regional code, many of its administrative units (cities, towns, villages, etc.) have a few more digits that identify the settlement. Be sure to find out the code of his settlement before contacting the subscriber of your home phone.

How to dial a home number in international format?

To make a call from your mobile to your home, while you are outside the country, you must dial in a special procedure, which is developed in accordance with international standards.

In the Russian Federation, home numbers are dialed as follows:

  • XXX XX XX - when you need to call from home to home (the country and city encoding is omitted).
  • 8 (УУУ) ХХХ ХХ ХХ - is to be dialed for long-distance connection between mobile and landline, where UUU is the "address" of the city.
  • +7 УУУ ХХХ ХХ ХХ - a combination of a fixed subscriber in the international format (+7 - international code of Russia).

The principle is the same when you need to call a home telephone registered abroad. Here are some codes for popular destinations:

The countryThe countryThe country
Armenia374 Czech420 Kazakhstan7
Austria43 Finland358 Kyrgyzstan996
Azerbaijan994 France33 Latvia371
Belarus375 Georgia995 Lithuania370
Bulgaria359 Germany49 Poland48
China86 Greece30 Ukraine380
Croatia375 Israel372 USA1
Uzbekistan998 Portugal351 Great Britain44

A few decades ago, we did not even know that the time would come when we would be able to call from almost any corner of the globe! But often we forget the correct sequence of dialing numbers. But this is very important! Next, we will tell you how to dial a phone number.

The most important thing is to choose the right package for your calls. Sometimes it is more convenient to buy two or even three starter packages, because the services are provided in such a way that it is extremely unprofitable to call the numbers of other operators. But now this is no longer a problem, there are phones for two or more SIM cards.

Calls to Belarus

First, the eight is dialed (if you are calling from Russia), then you dial the ten, so you go to the international line. The next step is to dial "375" (the code of the Republic of Belarus). Then enter either the area code or the mobile operator code, and only then dial the phone number.

How to dial a phone number correctly

It all depends on which phone number you will call: from a mobile or a landline. If you call from a mobile phone, then first you need to dial the country code: plus three hundred and eighty, then we dial the operator's code, and then the number itself. But it is possible that the audibility will not be the best, and the call can be interrupted at any moment. The dialing procedure is slightly different from a landline phone. Such a sequence: 8 (beep) then 10, then we dial the code of Ukraine, then the area code (you can find it from the Internet), and then just dial the phone number itself.

There are times when you run out of funds on a cell or it is simply expensive to call from a mobile phone.

Find the number you want to call, so that you do not dial an extra digit when you call. You need to dial, as the saying goes, "in one fell swoop" because if you dial for a long time with pauses, then the station can mean a call to another city to your home phone.

It should be borne in mind that when dialing from a home number to a cell phone, instead of seven, you need to dial an eight. Plus seven is the code of the Russian Federation. A city automatic telephone exchange, which forwards all calls from landline phones, implies that the call goes to a city number, and it is the eight that makes it clear to the mini automatic telephone exchange that the number is international or cellular.

As we wrote earlier, after dialing an eight, you wait for a dial tone. Then you dial your cell phone number. In sequence: operator code (three digits), number (seven digits).

If you call the mobile number of another operator in another country, then the procedure is very similar to the previous one. We dial eight, wait for a dial tone, then dial ten (we indicate that this is an international call), after that we dial the number of the mobile operator.

We hope that our article will help you more than once, but it should also be noted that for older people it is better to write a phone number to call abroad or to a cell phone with all beeps or no dial tone. That is, after the number where there should be a dial tone (or vice versa, it should not be), and register in the manual "dial tone" or "without dial tone".

Nowadays, cellular communication has long and firmly entered everyday life. It seems strange that 20 years ago a cell phone was a luxury.

However, not everyone knows how to use it. For example, older people cannot always master this miracle of modern technology. Grandparents have a good life with a stationary device. But the children and grandchildren are worried about them. Therefore, we came to a compromise: let a loved one call their relatives from a landline phone.

What if my grandmother does not understand how to call from home to mobile? Let's teach her with the help of this instructional article.

How it all starts

How is a mobile number dialed correctly for a call within Russia?

First of all, we need to know the phone number we want to call. Don't laugh at this reminder. When it comes to an elderly person, there is very little chance that they will remember a few long phone numbers.

A little tip: write in large the numbers that the elderly parent will have to call. And hang it near where the phone is installed. Or place the list next to the machine.

And now we will figure out how to call from home to mobile in Russia.

Calls within Russia

So, we learn to dial the number correctly:

    First, they dial 8. And be sure to wait for the dial tone. The fact is that if you start dialing a number immediately after having dialed eight, the call will not reach the subscriber. And the caller will hear short beeps, which indicate that the caller's number is busy.

    Heard a long beep after eight? Dial the operator code. What is this code? The first three digits of the mobile number after the eight. For example, 916, 906, 926.

    And only after the above numbers have been dialed, it comes to a seven-digit mobile number.

Calling from home to mobile, as we can see, is not so difficult. The main thing is to do everything right when dialing a number. We emphasize the need to wait for the dial tone after eight.

Calls abroad

The family moved to live abroad, and the grandmother remained in Russia. We agreed that she would call them every day. They just didn't warn me how to dial the number. Let's figure out how to correctly call from a home to a mobile person who is abroad.

The scheme of action does not differ much from the one outlined above:

    First, dial the number 8.

    After that, they immediately dial the number 10.

    Wait for a long beep, as in the previous version.

    As soon as they hear a dial tone, they dial the country code.

    And only after all the manipulations carried out, the subscriber's number is dialed.

Not very clear, I guess. Let's look at a specific example.

It is necessary to make a mobile call to a person living in Israel. What is the correct way to call from home to mobile in this country? It will look like this:

  • 8-10-972-2-subscriber's number.

Here 972 is the country code, 2 is the Jerusalem area code. If the person you need to call lives in Jerusalem, this is the pattern.

Therefore, to make calls abroad, you need to know the country code and the city code in which the subscriber is located.

If the call does not go through

It happens that you dial someone's mobile number from your home phone, and there is silence in the receiver. No beeps, no mechanical female voice announcing that the subscriber is out of network coverage.

What to do in this case? Call back again, dialing the number more carefully.


We talked about how calls are made from home to mobile. There are no particular difficulties in this manipulation. If a person calls within Russia, he only needs to dial the mobile operator's code.

The technique of calls to foreign countries is somewhat more complicated. How to call someone who lives abroad from home to mobile is described above.

Your question:

How do I dial an extension phone number?

The master's answer:

When you dial the phone number of a large enterprise, you very often have to face the problem of dialing an extension number in order to talk to a certain person or contact the right department. Such extension numbers allow the enterprise to organize the correct and well-coordinated work of all employees. However, many do not know how and do not know how to dial extension numbers correctly.

To get started, study the phone number of the required company. If the number is in two parts, the first will represent the main phone number, and the second, which is usually written in parentheses, represents the extension. It is the second part that will help you connect with the required department. Now dial the main number on your phone and call it. You will hear the answer from the answering machine.

You need to fully listen to his greeting, because otherwise the call may fail and you will have to dial the number again. At the end of the message, the answering machine will list all the extensions, and then prompt you to dial the required number after a beep.

Now you need to check if your landline phone is in tone mode. This is necessary for normal communication with the extension number. If the mode is disabled, then you just need to press the "star" button on your phone. It is located below, under the main numbers. Some landline phone models also have a dedicated Pulse-Tone button. If your telephone is already in tone mode, then just dial the extension number.

Wait for your phone to switch to tone mode. Then start entering the digits of the extension number. As you dial, you will hear different short beeps at different frequencies. They mean that you have correctly switched to tone mode on your phone.

After dialing the extension, wait for a response. Sometimes the PBX of the organization may fail, and from that you will be incorrectly connected. If this happens, then just contact the person who answered the phone, connect you this time correctly. As a rule, employees of firms treat such requests with understanding. If not, then you will have to re-dial the main number, and then the extension.

It is not advisable to make calls to extension numbers using a mobile phone. After all, not all of them can support the tone mode of the PBX, so you are unlikely to be able to get through. Moreover, mobile operators charge such calls as city calls. And the countdown of time and money starts from the moment the answering machine answered you. So such a call may cost you a pretty penny, or you won't get through at all due to a lack of funds on your cellular device.

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