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How to close a profile in classmates for outsiders. You can find a person in Odnoklassniki without prior registration, users say

Since 2011, the safety of personal data has become especially acute because:

Now all VKontakte pages are available to guests;

Yandex indexes the pages of VKontakte, which means that by typing your name in the search engine, you can see the information that you indicated on your page.

Here's what the page looks like without access settings:

As you can see, almost all information is open. How to hide personal information from prying eyes? Go to Settings -> Privacy and set visibility like this:

Now only friends can see the information on our page. For everyone else, the page will look like this:

It is better to have a separate mailbox for registering VKontakte. What would your friends and acquaintances not even know about its existence;

The password must be complex. No dates of birth, pet names, or home phones;

It is highly desirable to connect to the page mobile phone- this will greatly simplify the restoration of access, in unforeseen cases.
(P.S. Since 2011, all new users register by invitation, and they automatically have a mobile phone attached to their account).

How pages are hacked

To protect yourself from hacking, you need to be aware of what hacking methods generally exist. We list the main ones:

- popular and effective way password theft. They register a site similar to, for example, on this site they make the same design as on the contact. And if a careless user goes to this site and enters his login and password to enter, then the owner of the phishing site receives this data.

Password guessing programs- if the mail by which you registered becomes known to a hacker, he can start guessing passwords with the help of special programs. And if the password is not complex, but 12345, then such a password will be selected very quickly.

Viruses and Trojans- antiviruses protect against most viruses on the network, but it happens that the user installs a virus for himself, which steals access from him and blocks the website. How do they do it? Yes, it’s very simple - they spread the virus on the network, and make a description for it, like “with this program you can wind up your rating up to 100,000! Absolutely free!". And they do believe...

But, no precautions will help, and no antivirus will save you if you are "engaged" professional hacker. Therefore, it is better not to spread, even in closed sections, information of a particularly personal or intimate nature.

Information for crackers

Access to personal information is a criminal article. Therefore, before flattering your pride and hacking other people's pages, think about whether you need such pampering, which can turn into serious problems.

Of course, most users won't go anywhere to complain. But there were cases when, for example, a person was hacked, and a child's ##but was written on his page - the person wrote a statement, and the “wise guy” was found very quickly.

When Facebook was just launched, its creators tried to create the most convenient conditions for users to search for their friends and acquaintances. Over time, the policy of the management of the social network has changed somewhat, and more and more attention has been paid to the privacy and security of personal data of users.

Facebook users now have the ability to restrict the access of social network members to published personal information. For example, many account owners prefer to hide their date of birth from casual page visitors. If you also want to do this, carefully read the instructions below.

Hiding personal information

The desire to hide age visits people quite often, and everyone has their own reasons. Someone thinks that true friends always remember their date of birth, someone worries about the security of personal data, and someone just doesn’t want to “shine” their real age. Regardless of the reason, there is only one way to remove the age, and it is to change the privacy settings.

It should be noted that some time ago, Facebook users had access to a separate “Hide age” function, but today you can no longer find it on the pages of the social network. But now you have the opportunity to choose the format for displaying the date of birth, as well as the audience for which this important information will be visible.

So, to hide information about the date of your birth, you must perform the following steps:
1. Log in to your Facebook account by entering your username and password.

2.Go to your profile page.

3. In the profile header, click on "Update information".

4.Go to the tab " General information”, move the mouse cursor to the date of your birth and click on the pop-up link “Edit contact and basic information”.

5.Choose the audience that will have access to information about your birthday.

Facebook offers several options for hiding data. First, you can separately edit the settings for the day, month, and year of birth. Secondly, you can designate the audience that will see the data - everyone, Friends, Friends of Friends, or users defined by you. In addition, you can remove your date of birth from the view of all visitors to your profile by selecting the "Only me" category.

Thus, on Facebook pages, you can, for example, hide only the year of birth from everyone, keeping your age secret, choose the people to whom the data will be available, or completely close this personal information.

There is a problem. About 6 years ago, he registered himself as a nominal director of several companies. I was young and stupid. Not so long ago, I was invited to the Economic Crime Department, where I was informed that the company that was registered in my name had been caught in money laundering. I am the founder of the company. I searched the internet and found out that this moment I am the director of two companies. Perhaps there are more. Now the question arises of how to close these companies as painlessly as possible or exit them.

The other day I bought a car and decided to register it for myself. Prior to that, I went to the site of bailiffs and found myself in debt in the amount of 27 thousand rubles. Details were not given, but I am almost sure that this is the result of the work of the OBEP department. I did some research on the Internet according to my data and found out that a total of 8 companies and 1 individual entrepreneur were registered in my name. 6 firms are currently liquidated. IP I closed myself, I have good friend with the same history. He was involved in the closure of the LLC in 2014. I submitted some applications to the tax authorities to terminate all activities, but I did not study the issue in detail. What to do?


There's an answer

Gavrilov Sergey NikolaevichLawyer

LLC liquidation. An LLC can be liquidated voluntarily or by a court decision (all such cases are listed in Article No. 61 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Liquidation process: Deciding on liquidation and creation of a liquidation commission. Notice of the beginning of the liquidation of the tax service. Publication in the Bulletin state registration» liquidation notices. Notice of liquidation of creditors. Notification of employees and the employment center about the upcoming dismissal. Preparation for a possible on-site inspection from the IFTS. Preparation and submission to the IFTS of an interim liquidation balance sheet. Settlements of the organization's debts. Preparation of the liquidation balance sheet and distribution of LLC assets. Submission to the IFTS of the final package of documents.

If you want to use all the functionality of Odnoklassniki, you should create own page, going through the steps quick registration. True, if you need to just find specific person can do without pre-registration.

Odnoklassniki is a social network, the Russian analogue of the Classmates website. It is used to search for classmates, classmates, former graduates and communicate with them. In Odnoklassniki, you can start your own page, add personal information, your photos there, writes Wordyou. And that's not all: you can invite friends, send each other private messages, play games, join interest groups, give each other picture gifts and, of course, watch news from friends and groups.

Odnoklassniki, enter without registration: Watch VIDEO

Odnoklassniki, enter without registration: You can find a person without pre-registration

Odnoklassniki is designed in such a way that it is impossible to enter the site and use it without registration. After all, people are sitting there under their real names, and the site should somehow distinguish them from each other. Otherwise, it would just be a bunch of people without names - how then to figure out where your friends are? Therefore, everyone registers on the site. But there is one but...

To date, there is only one opportunity to visit the Odnoklassniki social network without registration - to use the help special search Yandex on the pages of popular social networks. So, by going to, you need to enter the person you are looking for in the search bar, namely, select the Odnoklassniki tab and specify his additional data. After that, you should open his profile and see the information open for viewing. It is worth noting that in order to correspond with this or that person, you still need to register on this site. Otherwise, you will not be able to correspond with him.

People are increasingly relying on the Internet, and personal information is becoming more accessible. If you enter your name in a popular search engine, you will be surprised to find much more information about yourself than you would expect. Perhaps it will be reviews about the work of your company or even full name and address. It is almost impossible to quickly and completely remove information about yourself from Internet search results, but you can make it difficult to access such information when making queries.


Part 1

Privacy in in social networks

    Close access to information on Facebook. Page in Facebook networks will be one of the first search results for your name, so it's best to make your profile private. The changes will take effect within a few days.

    Block access to information on Google+. If you have an account Gmail entry or YouTube, you almost certainly have a Google+ profile. Google Profiles+ are also displayed among the first search results in Google.

    Change your social media name. The people who are important to you on social networks probably know your page, so you can change the name to hide your profile from search engines. Change your name to a nickname that your friends and family know but not other people.

    Part 2

    Contact site owners
    1. Search by your name. It will be much easier for you to solve the problem if you know exactly where to focus your efforts. Search for your name on various search engines. Add options like location to narrow your search results. Pay attention to the top results in each system.

      • Various search engines use various search algorithms, so this way you will find all the information you are interested in.
      • Remember that the reason your name appears is the content of the web, not the search engine.
    2. Find the site's contact information. Many sites have a "Contact Us" section at the top or bottom of the page. Use this data to send a message to the site owner asking them to remove content containing your personal information.

      • You can use the WHOIS domain registration database to try to find an address if it is not listed on the site. If the domain is privately registered, then your request will be sent to an authorized representative who may or may not pass it on to the site owner.
    3. Send a polite message. If information with your name is published on a third-party resource (for example, a blog post), then the problem can be solved with a polite short letter. Just kindly ask to have your name removed from the site. Do not forget that this person is not obliged to comply with your request; That's why try to be as polite as possible.

      After removing the information, use the site removal tool on Google. If the site owner went to your meeting and removed the content, then the information may still appear in Google search results. Over time, search results will begin to remove given result, but you can speed up the process by submitting a request. Fill out this form to remove the corresponding URL.

      Refer to the sites "People finder" and "411". There are different online directories, which may contain your name, phone number, and address. Submit information removal requests for each site. Other popular directories include Intelius and Spokeo.

      • You can use Abine's DeleteMe service to automatically submit requests to remove information from all help sites. This service is paid, but much more effective.

    Part 3

    Contact hosting companies
    1. Define a host. You can find the site host using WHOIS service. Hosts have the power to remove pages, especially if they violate the host's terms and policies. Hosts almost certainly prohibit the publication of defamatory or defamatory information, which allows you to remove personal information. Contact the host if the site owner is unresponsive or uncooperative.

      Send a request to the host. Send a polite but firm message to the host's contact address. Try to point out the specific conditions that the content violates. If your complaint is legitimate and the host is trustworthy, then this is usually sufficient.

      Submit a removal request to DCMA. If someone illegally publishes your copyrighted material, then you can file a takedown request with the DCMA. This will not help in the case of personal information, since it is not subject to copyright, but you can stop the illegal distribution of your product. Some hosting companies may indicate special address for copyright infringement questions, while in other cases the message will have to be sent to a general address.

      • We have a dedicated article on our website on how to properly file a DMCA claim.

    Part 4

    legal action
    1. When to file a claim. If the site owner and host refuse to remove the content, then you should resort to legal action. For a positive outcome, it is desirable that the site owner or hosting company is located in the same country as you.

      • Do not forget, this way will only be effective if the posted content is indeed illegal (defamatory, defamatory, infringing). There is nothing illegal about just posting your name on a website.
    2. Contact an attorney to write a letter of "intent to sue". This is the most cheap option, which is usually enough to scare the recipient into deleting the content. Drafting a letter will take several hours of a lawyer's time and should not cost too much. Send an email to the site owner and hosting company.

      Get a court order. This is the most expensive solution, so make sure the content is illegal. You will have to pay all legal fees if you cannot win against the site owner or host. Ask a lawyer if this course of action is right for you. It will be very difficult for you to achieve even simple purpose date of the hearing if the host is in another country.

      • There is a special article on our website dedicated to obtaining a court order.

    Part 5

    Change your search results
    1. When to use this approach. If you can't get others to remove information about you, then your best bet is to try to hide it behind positive content. To do this, you need to actively use the opposite approach and flood the search results with positive links.

      Register on all major social networks. You should create as much neutral or positive content as possible to hide negative information. Start with social networks, since they are usually among the first results of search results. Register on all major social networks and make your profile open to search engines.

      Create profiles and posts in public forums. Create your profile on popular sites (including wikiHow). All of these actions will affect the search results. Create account and leave a few useful publications in popular topics to increase the chances of your name appearing in searches.

      Register your real name as a domain name. Such a link will quickly take the first place in search results thanks to the exact match.

      Create a blog. If you want to seriously influence search results, then this is great for this. popular blog. It will take a lot of time, but this way to hide an unwanted article or page will be the most effective. Services like Blogger or WordPress allow you to create a blog for free. Post at least once a week to fill your blog with content.

      • There is a special article on our website dedicated to creating a blog.
    2. Ask happy visitors to leave a good review. If you own a business and want to hide a bad review, then ask happy customers to leave their review on services like Yelp or Google+. Sufficient quantity positive feedback will quickly hide a negative review.

      Stock up on patience. It can take weeks or months before you can cover that negative review, especially if it's popular. Search results will not change very quickly, even if you use the services of paid services.

    Part 6

    Use "Right to Be Forgotten" (EU)
    1. Visit the European deletion page for search results. If you are a resident of the European Union, you may have viewed your details in Google search and decide that they can be removed from the search results. To do this, you will need to fill out a form and indicate which results you want to delete. Not all requests are taken into account, and such public information like criminal convictions, illegal activities and financial fraud are usually not removed from search results.

      • Go to the form page to submit your request.

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