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How to access the iCloud cloud from a computer to your page? iCloud cloud storage. How to use it on iPad

In this post, I told you how to create and log into iCloud. What is it for and how can you use it to restore your iPhone.

What is iCloud

iCloud is Apple's cloud storage that automatically synchronizes information between your devices. For example, contacts and notes between iPhone and iPad.

If there is enough free space in iCloud, then iPhone stores a backup copy of photos and other information there.

You receive iCloud storage automatically when you register an Apple ID, which you will need to use Apple technology.

By default, iCloud has 5 GB of free space available. Of course, this is not enough to backup a phone even with 16 GB of memory. Therefore, I recommend expanding iCloud to at least 50 GB.

50 GB - $0.99 per month;
200 GB - $2.99;
2 TB - $9.99.

How to log into iCloud on iPhone

You can sign in to iCloud directly on your Apple device. To do this, enter your Apple ID in:

Settings ▸ Sign in on iPhone

Login to iCloud through iPhone settings. To do this you will need an Apple ID

How to log into iCloud through a browser

If your phone breaks down or you lose it, you can always access your photos and contacts through the web version of iCloud.

If you log into iCloud through a browser, you can view your email, contacts, photos and other information

If you have an Apple ID, then to log in through the browser you need to confirm your identity with a digital code that will be sent to your other Apple devices or via SMS to your main and backup phone numbers.

How to set up an iCloud backup

By default, iCloud backup is disabled. It only makes sense to enable it when you have purchased additional space of 50, 200 or 2000 GB.

Settings ▸ Apple ID ▸ iCloud ▸ iCloud Storage ▸ Change storage plan

By default, you only have 5 GB in iCloud. Additional space can be purchased in the “Change storage plan” tab

You can also enable iCloud backup in Settings:

Settings ▸ Apple ID ▸ iCloud ▸ Backup

You can enable iPhone backup to iCloud in Settings. But, for this you must have enough free memory in iCloud itself

Such a backup will store absolutely all data from the phone, including photos, contacts and videos.

With an iCloud backup, you can completely restore your phone if your old iPhone breaks, you lose it, or you just buy a new one.

How to set up settings synchronization via iCloud

Even if you haven't purchased additional iCloud storage, your iPhone can still store calendars, contacts, and other settings there. And also synchronize this information between your devices.

You can configure applications that have access to iCloud in:

Settings ▸ Apple ID ▸ iCloud

In iCloud settings, check those apps that can sync their settings and data between your Apple devices


  1. iCloud storage is provided automatically. Standard volume - 5 GB;
  2. iCloud is needed to automatically synchronize settings and data between your devices;
  3. If you buy more iCloud storage, you can back up your iPhone and other devices to it.
  4. Additional iCloud storage will also allow you to free up space on your phone.
  5. If you lose your phone, you can access all of its information through the web version of iCloud.

Hi all! I probably should have started this blog with this article. Well, or it absolutely should have appeared much earlier. Why? Because iCloud, along with Apple ID, are the basic terms necessary for any user of Apple technology to study and understand. Without these two “things” you simply can’t get anywhere!

And if I already have you with the identifier in the IOS system, then with the “clouds” (“cloud” is also sometimes called iCloud) there was some omission, which today I undertake to correct. Let's start with the most important thing - find out what kind of service this is, what useful functionality it has and how to use all this stuff for its intended purpose.

Let's get started! :)

iCloud on iPhone - why do we need it and what kind of program is it?

Although, rather, it is not even a program, but one large service, which includes several quite important functions, without which the experience of using Apple products would not be so positive. Here are the main ones:

  1. Creating backups. All information stored on the device is always saved and access to it is open exclusively to you. It's incredibly convenient! You can read about how to use iCloud backups and what restrictions exist.
  2. The ability to share photos - photo stream. Imagine - you took a cool photo on your iPhone and it was immediately copied to your iPad. Thanks to photo streaming, there is no need to send photos; they will automatically be distributed to all your Apple gadgets.
  3. Find iPhone (iPad tablet, iPod Touch player). It will help if you forgot or lost your device. It will block, show the coordinates on the map, erase all data if necessary, and send a message to the attacker. Mega-useful thing!

All these points together answer the question - what is iCloud, and why is it needed? I tried to explain in the description of these functions. We smoothly move on to another, no less important issue.

Here, in fact, the answer is simple and unambiguous - all the information that you send to iCloud is concentrated on Apple servers. Geographically speaking, the main data center is located in North Carolina.

For those readers who at this moment do not yet fully understand what we are talking about, I will tell you a little more in detail... Imagine that there is a huge hard drive and it is located somewhere far from you. And with the purchase of an iPhone or iPad, you are allocated a small amount of space in this storage. Which is used for all iCloud services.

What’s important is that all information is stored securely encrypted, and only you are allowed to access it. To do this, it is important not to tell anyone yours, and also carefully store the passwords of the email to which it is registered.

It is necessary to know the answer to this question not so much for the sake of curiosity (it’s interesting!), but for the purpose of freeing up space in the cloud storage. After all, only 5 gigabytes are given for free and filling them with all sorts of unnecessary data is a big waste.

So, what exactly can be saved in iCloud:

  • Backup copy. One or more, depending on the number of iPhones or iPads under your account.
  • Letters, drafts, attachments to email messages. Do you want to envy yourself such a box? everything is planned down to the smallest detail.
  • Contacts, calendars, reminders, notes, SMS messages.
  • Photos and videos.
  • Documents and data (some programs and applications can store their information in “clouds”. For what? For example: they started editing a document on one device and continued on another).
  • Music purchased or downloaded from the iTunes store. Stored, but not taken into account when calculating space.

In general, almost all data from your device can be stored in iCloud!

I hope that after this article you clearly and clearly understand what iCloud does on your iPhone and how to use it for its intended purpose. If suddenly this does not happen, welcome to the comments! Let's discuss all the unclear points!

P.S. Have you learned anything new about the cloud service? Click on the social media buttons! Do you know more than what is written in the article? Also like it and tell everyone!

P.S.S. I repeat that all questions can and even should be asked in the comments - I will definitely try to help and suggest the right solution!

Or other Apple technology, you will have to create your own Apple ID. Do this and remember the password, or better yet, write it down somewhere. An Apple ID is required to synchronize and store data in iCloud, as well as to download programs and media files from the App Store and iTunes Store.

Select what you want to sync

If you go to iCloud settings, you will see a bunch of items, and opposite there are switches. Select the types of data that should be on all your devices: photos, contacts, calendars, notes. It’s better not to disable the “Find My iPhone” function - in case of theft or loss, you will thank yourself.

Additional items that can also be synchronized are hidden in other menu tabs. For example, you can receive calls on all devices, regardless of which one you are being called on. Just turn on the toggle switch in the FaceTime item. To sync all messages across devices, go to the “Messages” section. There you can add all the email addresses and phone numbers where SMS should be sent.

When purchasing second hand, make sure that all data is deleted

If you are starting to use a phone that someone else has already used before you, take a look at the iCloud settings at the seller. The former owner of the device must delete all data from the iCloud, iTunes Store and App Store sections. You won't be able to do this yourself - the device will ask for a password. Make sure that the seller completely removes all data that was already on the phone/tablet. For your own peace of mind, you should reset all settings in front of the seller - the “Basic” item.

A guarantee that your device will never remember the previous owner will be that he removes the gadget from the list on the website. We advise you to check it.

Don't give your Apple ID to anyone

It's simple - never give your Apple ID to anyone. Even your best friend, with whom you have been together since the cradle. Stupidly, it might set up your devices to sync. In the worst case, change the password. If they did give you a password, check to see if someone else’s phone has been added to your devices. This can be done in iCloud settings.

If suddenly you did give someone your Apple ID and password, there is a huge chance that the devices have synchronized and are being monitored. This is especially true for separated couples: after all, it was so romantic - shared access to iCloud and the App Store.

To understand whether your data is on someone else’s device, scroll through the photos in the photo stream - are there any strangers? The same should be done with the contact list and Safari. The latter can show open tabs on synchronized devices. Don't forget to check your notes in the iCloud section.

Another sign of synchronization is extra contacts in iMessage. Try creating a new message and typing each letter of the alphabet in turn. Doesn't it show strange contacts?

Change your password and check your messaging settings and associated devices

The easiest way to correct the situation is to contact this person and ask him in a good way to erase your access from his phone, at the same time deleting all the data that has already been synchronized.

If a person does not want to get rid of your phone, then you need to change the iCloud password. Then go to the message settings and check which numbers and email addresses SMS messages from iMessage are sent to. Delete unnecessary ones in the “Sending / Receiving” section.

To delete all data from someone else's phone, you need to go to iTunes, connect your phone and look at the associated devices. Remove all other people's gadgets from the list.

After all the above manipulations, the data may stop synchronizing - or not. They can be deleted from someone else's device. Or not. If nothing has changed, contact Apple Support. After much correspondence and questioning, they will definitely help you.

Don't let your Apple ID be hacked

Today, no one will be surprised by hacking of email and social media accounts. In order to get money, scammers hack your Apple ID, activate “Lost Mode” and turn your phone into a brick. To avoid this, first, never sign into someone else's iCloud. Secondly, set different passwords for mail and Apple ID (as for all other applications).

So, if you entered someone else's Apple ID and your phone is blocked, only support can help you. Call 8-800-555-67-34 and prepare a check. Without it, your phone can be sold for parts, unfortunately.

If the scoundrels found the password to your mail and account, you have a chance to get everything back. To do this, you need to reset your password. Let's go to the official website You will have to answer three questions and indicate your backup email address: the password reset email will arrive there. After this, you need to go to and in the “Find iPhone” section disable “Lost Mode”.

Among the numerous Apple branded services created by the company exclusively for its users, there are a number of them that everyone must be able to manage. One such service is iCloud cloud storage.

Don’t know what a “cloud” is yet? Then read this article, in it we will tell you what cloud storage is and how to use the iCloud service on iPhone.

Cloud storage (cloud) is a remote server/servers of a third-party company, which, under certain conditions, provides users with the opportunity to store their data on them. Using the cloud, you can be sure that even if your device is lost or stolen, the information will be restored.

iCloud is a cloud storage created by Apple for users using Apple products. 5 gigs on Apple servers are provided to users for free. If you need more space you have to pay.

iCloud: initial setup

iCloud does not require special installation; it is already integrated into iOS, not as a separate program, but as a special section in the Settings menu. In order to start using the Apple cloud, you need to specify the Apple ID parameters in the appropriate section.

If your iPhone has iOS 10.3 or a later version of the platform installed, then to log in to iCloud:

If you have, say, an iPhone 4 or 4S, or an even older model (you never know), then iOS 10.3 is no longer available to you. This means that the iCloud login scheme will be slightly different:

However, perhaps you have, say, an iPhone 5S or even an iPhone 6, but you have not updated to the latest available iOS, then the second instruction will also work in your case.

iCloud Management

Well, we found iCloud, “registered”, now let’s start studying the functionality and setting the necessary parameters.


In the iCloud menu we see a bunch of strange sliders that can be turned on or off. All this is great, but what to do with all this? Look, the main option of iCloud is synchronizing your data using your Apple ID, this means that the information that appears on the iPhone is automatically transferred to the “cloud”, and, in addition, to all other gadgets on which your Apple ID is registered. If you have only one Apple device, the information is synchronized only with remote storage.

Using sliders, you set the types of information that need to be synchronized and which not. That is, if you need to store phone book numbers in the cloud, the “Contacts” slider is activated. But, say, you don’t want to store reminders, which means the slider remains turned off. Of course, the temptation to store everything at once is great, they say, everything will be useful in the household, but you need to remember that there is only 5 GB of free space.

As you explore the iCloud menu, you'll quickly notice that some items have subsections rather than just an activation/deactivation slider opposite. There are currently four such items - “Photos”, “Keychainchain”, “Find iPhone” and “iCloud Backup”. iCloud Drive also has a separate line. Let's look at each of these sections in order.


There's really nothing special in this section. It is similar to other “slider” items - contacts, calendars, etc. Simply, since photos weigh a lot, the user is given the opportunity to make additional settings.

For example, there is a slider “Upload photo series”. If you take photographs in burst mode, only the best shots are added to the cloud by default, to save space, of course. Is it possible to have all burst photos uploaded to iCloud? Yes! But then you should activate the “Upload photo series” slider.

Bunch of keys

But this is a more interesting “thing”. In this section there is only one slider “Keychain in iCloud”; by activating it, you automatically transfer all passwords and payment information from the iPhone on which you enable the option to other devices on which your Apple ID is registered. When activating the option, you must confirm the action from a “friendly” device.

Find iPhone

Further - more, “Find iPhone” is perhaps the most useful additional section of iCloud. This option implements two mechanisms. The first one will appeal to forgetful people. Imagine this: you set your smartphone to silent mode, put it somewhere and conveniently forgot where. Now you need it, but how to find it?

If you managed to set the “Find iPhone” slider to the active position before losing it, then:

Do you agree, this is a great opportunity? However, the second option “Find iPhone” is even cooler. If you lost your device outside of your home, and you don’t know where, or it was stolen from you, then with the help of you can use the “Lost Mode” button to leave a message and your contacts to the person who found the device. This will lock your iPhone and display the message you left on the lock screen.

Moreover, if the smartphone was stolen, the thief will most likely try to bypass the lock screen and reset the lost mode by restoring the device through iTunes. However, if the “Find iPhone” option is enabled, after recovery (as well as after updating and resetting), the owner’s Apple ID login and password will be requested. If you do not enter the parameters, you will not be able to use your smartphone. There is no way to bypass this request. Thus, the device in the hands of a thief turns into a piece of unnecessary metal and his only way to make money from the theft is to return the iPhone to the owner for a reward.

iCloud backup

Another interesting section of iCloud. By going into it, you can activate the “iCloud Backup” slider, and you will enable the automatic creation of backups - they will be performed whenever the iPhone is charging and connected to Wi-Fi. If you want to create backups manually, leave the slider turned off and click “Create a backup copy” - do not forget to periodically return to the menu and click this button again if you want the data in the copy to be updated.

However, we hasten to note that perhaps the backup option is already an unnecessary measure, because by setting the synchronization parameters using the main menu sliders, you are actually duplicating important information in the cloud. The only thing is that when backing up, more types of data are sent to the cloud than during synchronization, but not all of it is actually necessary. No, of course, if free space in the cloud were unlimited, why not store everything at once. But if you save space, why store all your correspondence in instant messengers, but they also go to a backup copy. So think about it, maybe just synchronization is enough for you.

iCloud Drive

And finally iCloud Drive. This option, having appeared in the iCloud section, confused everyone quite a bit. However, very quickly everyone figured out what was what. Just above we already mentioned the site, where, by specifying the Apple ID parameters, you can view the synchronized information. However, users have been complaining for a long time that this is not very convenient and it’s high time to create something like Dropbox or Yandex.Disk for iCloud. And so Apple came up with iCloud Drive.

To start using iCloud Drive, you need to move the corresponding slider in the iCloud menu on your iPhone to the active position, and then use the levers below to indicate information from which programs are allowed to sync with iCloud Drive.

Now go to the Home screen, look for the application of the same name on it and open it. If you've ever used Dropbox, you'll immediately recognize the interface. Here you can create various folders and drop the contents of allowed programs into them.

For example, you created a document in Pages on your iPhone, but want to continue on your iPad or Macbook - just drop the file into the iCloud Drive app and open it on the device you want to edit or complete it on, of course, through the same app. On all Apple devices, it is installed by default. If you want to use the drive on a Windows PC, you will have to install it first.

Let's summarize

Well, as you can see, iCloud functionality is quite wide. The main functions of the service are synchronizing data with the cloud and creating backups, however, additional options are no less interesting and some deserve a separate article. You can read more about the iCloud service in a special section of the Apple website, and if this or that moment raises questions, you can always turn to the Russian-language support service of the Apple giant for help.

The iCloud cloud service stores and syncs contacts, notes, calendar events, Safari favorites and more, so you always have up-to-date information on your iPhone and iPad. iCloud is also used to back up your iPhone and iPad and run Find My iPhone. Setting up an iCloud account is easy, but if you have any difficulties, please refer to our instructions.

Apple ID

To set up iCloud, you use your Apple ID account. If you don't have an Apple ID yet, then read.


In Settings, open the iCloud section and log in with your Apple ID.

After logging in, you will see a warning that Find My iPhone is activated. Now you see the location of the device on the map, you can block it or delete all data if lost.

The iCloud item on your iPhone or iPad contains information about the amount of cloud storage and the applications and services that are synced with your iCloud account.


At this point you can work with files from iCloud and change the storage plan.

Apple gives you 5 GB of free space, but you can pay to expand the storage up to 1 TB.

iCloud Drive

With iOS 8, you can store any type of file in iCloud. The section displays the status of file downloads and a list of programs that work with Drive.


Apple offers iCloud photo storage solutions: Photo Library, Photo Stream, and Shared Photo Streams. This section contains function activation items.


Mail, Contacts, Calendar, Reminders and other standard Apple apps sync data between devices via iCloud. In the main menu you can disable/enable synchronization.

Backup copy

You can set up iCloud to automatically back up your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Data will be backed up while charging. iCloud backup allows you to restore all data on your device without connecting it to your computer.

Bunch of keys

When Keychain is active, iCloud syncs passwords, banking information, and other data between iPhone, iPad, and Mac. To activate Keychain, you must come up with a 4-digit password and indicate your phone number. You will receive an SMS with a code that you must enter in the appropriate field.

Find My iPhone

Find My iPhone is a service that, in a special application or on, shows the location of each of your Apple devices and allows you to remotely block, send a message asking to return the device, or, in a hopeless situation, erase all data.

Find My iPhone is part of iCloud; in the appropriate section you can enable/disable the service and set up automatic saving of geolocation when the charge level is critically low.


When you create an iCloud account, you receive a mailbox with the domain of the same name. The name you choose can be used later to sign in to your Apple ID.

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