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  • How to exit sleep mode if Windows does not wake up from it. How to wake up from sleep mode if Windows does not wake up from it The computer unexpectedly wakes up from sleep mode

How to exit sleep mode if Windows does not wake up from it. How to wake up from sleep mode if Windows does not wake up from it The computer unexpectedly wakes up from sleep mode

Computer sleep mode, which is also relevant for Windows 7, is an excellent invention for those who actively and daily use such technology, but do not want to greatly increase energy costs. In this case, the screen of a PC that is not in use for some time turns off, and the computer switches to energy saving for a while, and if it is necessary to use the computer device again, Windows 7 itself wakes up from sleep mode. The most important thing is that the current session is completely saved, with all the tabs and programs open by the user, which can then be used again, but to ensure this result it will be important to know how to wake up from Windows 7 sleep mode.

The method for waking up a particular computer from sleep mode depends on many factors and settings, primarily on the settings specified by the manufacturer, the specific type and model of the device, because each case may have its own nuances. For example, methods suitable for laptops are sometimes not suitable for desktop PCs, and vice versa, but there are also some virtually universal methods that turn out to be relevant for a great variety of gadgets of a similar variety. So, often, in order to switch a “asleep” computer back to an active state while preserving the tabs previously used during the current work session, pressing certain buttons is required.

Moreover, in most cases, to wake up from sleep mode, you need to lightly press the power key, indicated by a circle partially crossed out by a small dot, and this method works with many desktop computers and laptops. For the latter, the list of keyboard buttons required to return the device to the “wake” state may be a little wider - in some cases you will have to press, for example, Fn, although for some laptops everything is even simpler. A number of models of laptop computers have such settings that they can be exited from sleep mode by pressing almost any key on the keyboard or even the mouse, which will give the system a signal to resume the current work session.

By the way, with laptops running Windows 7, sometimes the usual way of lifting the flap on which the monitor is located above the keyboard and moving it to a virtually vertical position also works. This method is especially relevant in cases where the laptop PC was switched into a “sleepy” state by folding it, i.e. connecting the sashes in a horizontal position, respectively, the reverse action and effect should have a corresponding effect. However, sometimes it happens that, despite performing any of the above actions, the computer or laptop does not wake up from sleep mode - Windows 7 does not work properly to allow such a transfer.

In a situation of this kind, the most important thing is to try to find the reason why the system settings do not work, and the first thing that requires especially close attention in this regard is the condition of the battery, however, this moment is relevant only for laptop computers equipped with a battery. If it was not properly charged before entering sleep mode, then it is possible that, even while in sleep mode, the device will gradually discharge, which is why it will stop responding to pressing any buttons. Therefore, if you have problems getting the laptop into an active state, it is advisable to first connect it via a suitable power cord to the mains to recharge a possibly discharged battery.

It is advisable to start repeated attempts to transfer a laptop PC from sleep mode to active mode not immediately after connecting this gadget to the power supply, but wait at least ten minutes so that the battery has a small reserve of charge. This should be enough to start the system, which you should try to do by pressing any of the above keys: power, Fn or another, which, when pressed, activates the computer. By the way, even for stationary PCs, lack of power supply can sometimes become an obstacle to waking up from sleep mode: there may be a power outage or the power cord may be damaged.

In the case where the issue is not at all a matter of electricity, it is possible that the problem with waking the computer from sleep mode lies in a system failure that occurred while it was in this state or a violation of some settings. To eliminate such problems, the restart button is useful: for stationary PCs it is usually located on the system unit next to the power key, and for laptops it is on the bottom; pressing it allows you to restart the system while maintaining the current session. If, for some reason, it is not possible to independently resolve the difficulties with waking up your computer from sleep mode, it is not a sin to turn to a qualified technician for this.

People are often interested in what sleep mode is, how it is useful, and how to put a computer/laptop to sleep. There are also a lot of questions about why the computer wakes up from sleep mode on its own. There are many answers on this topic, but they are often written by incompetent individuals, resulting in confusion. In this article we will try to answer all questions regarding this option, as well as resolve the issue of waking up the computer independently. So let's get started.

What is hibernation mode?

There is some confusion with the modes. It arose due to the fact that there are two of them, and not everyone understands how they differ. Let's figure out what each of them is and establish what is their difference.

  1. Waiting mode. We are used to seeing it under this name in Windows XP. In the seven it was called “sleep mode”. That's why people get confused, mistaking him for sleeping. How does he work? The computer or laptop, it doesn’t matter so much, goes on hold. All programs that were currently open are stored in RAM, which continues to work. Therefore, if you hear somewhere that equipment does not consume electricity in standby or sleep mode, it is a myth. This is a volatile mode that is not very reliable. After all, if you stop the supply of electricity, the computer will turn off. Accordingly, all data that you worked with before the computer was sent to standby will be lost.

  1. Sleep mode. In XP it continues to exist under this name, but in Windows 7 Microsoft once again decided to show their unbridled imagination by renaming it, which completely confused novice users. Here it is called hibernation. How is he different from someone who is waiting?
When your computer goes to sleep or hibernates, it does not consume any power. You can even unplug it “you can remove the battery from the laptop”, the saved work data will still not be lost.

Unlike waiting during hibernation, all data from RAM is written to the hard drive in a file calledFiberfil. sys . This is a special file that is created by the system to store data in sleep mode. When the computer is awakened, all data from it is returned to RAM in the same form as it was before hibernation.

We've sorted out the general description. Now you know how they work and how they differ. Now let's pay more attention to sleep mode in Windows XP and 7 systems, since the settings are slightly different in each of them. We will also consider the issue of independently exiting standby/hibernation mode and find out how to fix it.

Windows XP

Setting Sleep Mode

  1. Inclusion. In this system, sleep mode is initially disabled for some reason. It's easy to turn it on. To do this, do one of the following:
  • Open control Panel, Power Options and go to the Sleep tab. Next, check the box "allow sleep mode" and save the changed settings.
  • Click on an empty space on your desktop and select Properties. Next, go to the screensaver tab, open the power item. Next, perform the same steps as in the previous method.

  1. Setup. Depending on what kind of technology you use, a computer or laptop, entering sleep mode can be done in different ways.
  • For a computer, you can use the corresponding key on the keyboard, as well as the power button. The transition to sleep mode is configured as follows: "control Panel", "power supply", tab "additionally". Next, select an action for the power button and sleep mode from the list. I would like to draw the attention of Windows XP users that in some cases the sleep button, even if it is on the keyboard, is not displayed in these settings. For it to appear, you must press this key for the system to identify it. By default, it puts the computer into standby mode.
  • For laptops, there are 3 ways to enter sleep mode: by pressing the power button “if it is pre-configured”, by using the combination FN + a certain key and after closing the lid. Actions for all of the above methods in laptops can also be configured in the power supply on the Advanced tab.

Why does my computer/laptop wake up from sleep mode on its own?

There are few such reasons in Windows XP and they are not something out of the ordinary.

  1. The most common "strange" wakeup call for computers is touching the keyboard or mouse. In fact, there is nothing supernatural here. It’s just that most modern computers react to keypresses and regard them as a signal to wake up from sleep. How to solve this problem? If you send your car to sleep, it means you don't need it. Do not touch the keyboard, or better yet, move away from the computer altogether. :)

There are dubious programs that supposedly disable this feature, but I don’t recommend using them, as they often contain keyloggers.

  1. Some computers support automatic scheduled wake-up. If you do not need this function, you can disable it in the BIOS.
  2. There are many specialized programs that turn your computer on and off, as well as put it into sleep mode and wake it up at a specified time. If you don't need it, delete the program data. But these programs do not work without an active scheduled on/off function, which is controlled in the BIOS settings.
  3. If your computer wakes up and none of the above methods help, it means that it is either infected with a virus or one of the controllers has failed. The second is more likely, since such breakdowns are not uncommon. Contact the service center and they will help you.

Windows 7

Setting Sleep Mode

In order not to confuse you, first we will define that in this system “sleep mode” is called “hibernation”. And in the future I will use the concept of “hibernation” rather than “sleep mode”.

In the seven, Microsoft took care of the users. Here, hibernation is enabled by default. All the user needs to do is configure it. The fact is that Microsoft cares not only about the user, but also about saving energy. :) By default, the computer falls asleep after 20 minutes of inactivity. In Windows XP, automatic sleep mode is initially disabled. This is not good, because sometimes you have to leave your workplace for 30 minutes or more, but not turn off the machine. To prevent equipment from “sleeping on the job,” open the control panel, power options, and select the active plan (usually balanced). Next, you should specify the interval after which the computer can rest, or even disable sleep mode and hibernation by setting the slider to “never” in the lists. Then save the changed settings.

As for the keys that when pressed, a computer or laptop goes into hibernation, they remain the same in Windows 7. For a computer, this is the power button and the sleep key on the keyboard. For laptops, the combination FN + a specific key, power button and closing the lid. The setup is a little different, but basically everything is the same. You need to open the control panel, the power supply item and the required plan. Next, make the required settings. Once again I would like to draw your attention to the names of the modes.

Due to the wild imagination of Microsoft developers, “sleep mode” turned into hibernation, and “standby mode” received the name “sleep”. Do not confuse these terms during setup.

Why does my computer/laptop wake up on its own?

The information below not only answers the question posed, but also explains how to wake up from sleep mode in Windows 7.

  1. If you still use “sleep” and not hibernation, then another reason for the equipment to independently exit this mode may be wake-up timers. They are disabled in the power settings. Open control Panel, Power Options and select the plan you are using. Then find the item additional power settings and click it with a rat. After that, from the list that opens, select sleep and expand it. Find an item "allow wake timers" and clicking it, set the value to Disable. Save all changes.

  1. As in XP, awakening is possible by pressing any key on the keyboard. If the computer has been put into hibernation, do not touch it.
  2. Waking up on a schedule and the corresponding programs in the seven are also relevant. If you don't need this, simply disable the wake-up feature in the BIOS settings and uninstall the programs that control these processes.

That's probably all. This article covers all questions regarding this option. I hope you find this information useful.

Many computer users are familiar with the situation when Windows 7 does not wake up from sleep mode, which sometimes creates a lot of inconvenience and dissatisfaction with the operation of the system. What to do if the computer does not wake up from sleep mode and how to quickly return it to “life”?

How to authorize sleep mode

One of the reasons why the computer does not turn on after win7 standby mode is that the corresponding function on the keyboard is disabled. To authorize it you will need to perform the following steps:

  • go to the “Device Manager” section. In order not to search for it for a long time, just enter the query “device manager” in the “Menu” search bar;
  • select the “Keyboards” tab;
  • in the “Properties” window, click “Power management”, next to the line “Allow the device to wake from standby mode” check the box and confirm your choice with the “OK” button.

If the “Power Management” item is not available, you must go to the “Change Settings” tab, after which a new “Keyboards: Properties” window will open, in which this function will be available for access.

If there is already a checkbox next to the line “Allow the device to wake up from standby mode,” but the equipment still does not want to turn off standby mode when you press a keyboard key, you need to check whether it supports this function. Information can be viewed in the “Properties” - “Power Information” section. Typically, the problem occurs as a result of device incompatibility.

To set up sleep mode, you need to go to the “Power Options” section on the control panel opposite the “Balanced” button and select “Power plan settings”.

In the window that opens, you should select the desired parameters.

Windows 7 does not wake up from sleep mode: no response to the power button

The computer's lack of response to external influences may be caused by outdated utilities. To fix the problem, you should update the device's video card drivers. Of course, the easiest way to power up the equipment is to press the power button and hold it in the off position for a few seconds. In this case, the computer will turn off and turn on again. But such manipulations are fraught with system software problems. Therefore, it would be advisable to contact a specialist; perhaps the problem lies in the cable connecting the monitor to the video card.

Frankly speaking, this is not what is called a “problem on the head.” They say that sleep mode is “not needed by anyone” anyway, and then there are problems with getting out of it.

No, not at all like that.

Hibernation can be very useful:

  • Especially for laptops that don’t turn off for days. At the same time, the user does not sit at the computer all the time, and if we are powered by a battery, we inexorably drain it. Hibernate saves the entire RAM image in a separate file and turns off the power. This is how the battery is saved.
  • Moreover, subsequent loading “through the image” is much faster, and Windows returns exactly to the point from which it left. And when exiting, there is no need to even save the completed files if work with them will continue.

In general, going out while “sleeping” is a very useful thing. But if it did not create a problem, the system would refuse to “wake up” when turned on.

The reason why the computer does not wake up from sleep mode, whether this applies to Windows XP or Windows 10, is most likely systemic in nature, so you will have to understand it at a global level.

For this:

Typical for Windows 7

Windows 7 fans may encounter the following. In this system, a time can be set to turn off the power to the hard drive after a specified amount of time the computer is in sleep mode.

Windows 7 has a standard setting to turn off the hard drive 20 minutes after entering sleep mode. When you subsequently try to return to work, the system either takes a very long time to boot or the computer does not turn on at all.

Stop teasing the geese and disable the power off function completely. For this:

The result of all these wanderings will be a constant supply of power to the propeller. As a result, a solution to the problem in Windows 7 if the laptop does not turn on after going into a “sleepy state”.

Let's talk about USB devices

This problem of the first Windows with USB, when they did not recognize or installed the driver for this bus incorrectly, has long gone away. Nevertheless, we can still feel the echoes of that disaster today when Windows 8 does not wake up from sleep mode due to the fact that some USB devices do not allow it to start working “from sleep”.

Among the devices, we first note the simplest ones - the mouse and keyboard.

Thus, while I sleep, I turn off the mouse and try to “wake up” only with the keyboard. If the problem is not with the mouse, then I change the combination the other way around - connect the mouse, disconnect the keyboard and turn on the computer with the mouse. What’s interesting is that this trick sometimes works. But according to the “science of shutdown,” you still need to do things differently:

Small nuances

It cannot be said that the problem under consideration has a definite solution once and for all. Not all options come with a guarantee. Therefore, we advise you not to forget the following nuances:

  • Sometimes updating the BIOS version helps.
  • The Aero theme really doesn't like sleep mode in Windows 7, if you're a fan of sleep mode, you'll have to choose one.
  • As practice shows, with some video cards the problem has no solution at all. In this case, you will have to decide what is more expensive - a video card or sleep mode, and make a choice. Many people stop at the map, and this is probably right.

This can happen to anyone: the user’s computer goes into standby mode, and after some time, when waking up, it does not exit it, showing a black screen or BSOD - blue screen of death. The problem is not that common, but it does occur. What’s worse is that it’s not possible to cope with it in all cases, but we’ll still try to do it.

Update your video card driver

The first and one of the simplest solutions that can help is. I will not describe this process, since I talked about it in detail in the next article.

The main thing is to be sure to perform this easy operation, which can easily solve your problem.

Prevent your mouse or keyboard from waking up from sleep mode

In this case, the problem may be due to the fact that when waking up from sleep mode, some USB devices do not support this very mode incorrectly, resulting in an error. Therefore, you need to disable one of these devices. Please note that you cannot turn off both devices at the same time, since in this case you will not be able to wake the computer from sleep mode at all. Therefore, first turn off, for example, the keyboard and, if that is not the problem, turn off the mouse, and at the same time do not forget to turn on the keyboard.

This is how it is done. (for example, press WIN+R and in the Run window enter the word devmgmt.msc, then click OK). Here select a device, for example a mouse. Right-click on the device and select Properties.

Prevent the hard drive from being disconnected

Here we will look at turning off the power supply to the hard drive when entering standby mode. To do this, go to the control panel and select “Power Options”. In the new window, select the current power plan setting.

Then click "Change advanced power settings."

In the additional parameters window, in the “Hard disk” subsection, in the “Turn off hard disk through” item, set the value to 0 and click OK.

This must be done if there are problems with the hard drive when exiting standby mode.

What else?

  • The problem may be related to the hard drive itself, or rather, to its performance. The hard drive should be checked using a special utility.
  • Experts often recommend updating the BIOS version to the latest. And this method helps.
  • For Windows 7 you can try.
  • On some video cards, according to Internet users, the problem cannot be cured. The only solution is to replace the video card itself. Of course, in this case it is much easier to refuse to use standby mode altogether.

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