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What does a Twitter page look like? Twitter - what is it? All about the microblogging service

To date, there are dozens of popular social networks, where the number of registered users exceeds hundreds of millions of people. Each such service has its own characteristics, its own style and communication formats that attract certain circles of people. Despite the fact that all social networks of this magnitude have worldwide recognition - this does not mean that every Internet user should have an account on such a site in order not to appear ignorant. The main thing in all this diversity is to choose a resource that is truly suitable for you, where you will feel comfortable, receive necessary information in the form you need and communicate with interesting people for you. Twitter is no exception, which is not suitable for all Internet users.

What is Twitter

Twitter is a microblogging service where users share a variety of information, links, news, photos and videos with each other. The text of messages on Twitter should not exceed 140 characters, which forces participants social network write briefly, clearly and to the point. One of the predominant topics for entries is the rapid coverage of news and the publication of links to articles with a brief announcement.

By visiting the user's Twitter profile, you can see the statistics of the page where it will be displayed:

  • Tweets - the number of messages written by the user on the page for the entire existence of his account;
  • Reads - the number of subscriptions to the pages of other users;
  • Readers - the number of subscribers to the user's page;
  • Lists - the number of lists.

The list is a group of suggested Twitter users, with the help of such lists you can group tweets based on your interests.

Why you need Twitter

If you are a public figure, a site administrator, or just love blogging, then Twitter will allow you to find an audience that will be interested in your content, creativity or activities. You will be able to quickly share relevant information with your subscribers, publish links to interesting articles on your site, post themed and taken by you videos or photos.

If you do not have a goal of writing news every day, but at the same time you like to keep abreast of the latest events, on Twitter you can find information of interest to you. Many people have their own social media accounts. public figures, companies and websites (politicians, show business stars, businessmen, news and thematic resources, etc.). By subscribing to profiles that interest you, you will form the information background that is of interest to you. Now it is not necessary to go to different sites to find out if something interesting has been written there, this information will be available to you in one place. Reading short headlines will not take you a lot of time, and when you see the news that interests you, you can turn to the original source.

Why join Twitter

Registration on Twitter opens up wide opportunities for interaction with the audience of the social network. By registering, you can create own tape news, which will save you from jumping from one profile to another, all the most relevant and fresh materials will be available on your page. Also authorized social. networks can add the news they like to their page and then return to it if necessary.

If you need to view a page of interest to you on a social network once and after that you no longer need Twitter, then this can be done without registration.

Many novice users ask questions - “How to communicate on Twitter? What is there to do? What to write about? How to get more followers? Without knowing the subtleties how to chat on twitter, it will be more difficult to promote an account, so we bring to your attention a selection useful tips, unspoken rules and warnings.

  1. Write posts with sober thinking about their content, avoid tweets in the heat of the moment, which can cause irreversible consequences. Write in such a way that later there will be no regrets about publishing short messages.
  2. Try not to use offensive language, jargon and foul language in your vocabulary. For insulting users, you can unsubscribe many followers.
  3. Do not use veiled phrases when answering the questions posed, try to answer as quickly as possible in order to stir up interest in the interlocutor to continue communication. After answering, try to put a counter question that will express your interest in this user.
  4. Pay users with a return coin, in the good sense of the phrase. As a thank you to a new subscriber, follow him back, make retweets, thereby helping to develop projects and popularize other accounts if you are asked to do so.
  5. Add variety to communication - share interesting photos, useful links, interesting video, which has received hundreds of thousands of views around the world, add emoticons to cheer up and express your emotions. However, do not forget that the number of characters per tweet has remained unchanged - 140 characters with spaces.
  6. Write concisely, brightly and intriguingly so that users have a desire to retweet your post. Do not write insults - this is a sign of bad taste and the right way deprive yourself of the opportunity to communicate with interesting interlocutors.
  7. Fill out your profile, add real photo or a picture that characterizes you, downloaded from the Internet, so as not to remain a “silhouette” in the eyes of other users.
  8. Avoid posting tweets every minute. Tweet throughout the day, but with short breaks. Beware of publishing an uninteresting flow of information, this will inevitably lead to unsubscribing followers from a "boring follower that clogs the feed."
  9. PR own blog or a site is a delicate matter, try to publish a piece of information that involuntarily forces users to read the unpublished rest of the information directly on the page of your site or blog.
  10. Read celebrities of the world of show business, athletes, politicians and other famous personalities who have great amount active followers? You can write them answers, mention them in tweets, and maybe they will answer you.
  11. Use the lists to sort accounts by topic. This flexible Twitter tool helps you organize your followers into categories, making your feed easier to read.
  12. Take advantage of special Twidium programs Accounter and Twidium Inviter, which are easy to find on the site


Today, social networks play a big role in the lives of Internet users. Thanks to such resources, people have the opportunity to communicate with friends and acquaintances from all over the world, share photos and videos, find like-minded people by interests, and so on. Social network " Twitter» is one of such Internet resources.

In this review, we will talk about what is " Twitter", who invented it, why is it needed, how to use it, what is " tweet" in " Twitter" and so on. Let's take a quick tour of the world of tweets.

What is "Twitter"?

Social network " Twitter"(from English. " tweet” - “chat” or “tweet”) allows Internet users to share short messages in which a person puts out what he thinks about or what he is concerned about in this moment time.

« Twitter”was created in America by Jack Dorsey in 2006 and is now practically the leader among all the so-called microblogs. " Twitter» differs from other similar resources in such characteristics:

How to use Twitter?

What is Twitter on the Internet, and why is it needed, how to use it What is a tweet on Twitter

Send short messages from your phone or other gadget. To do this, click on the feather icon, after which the message window opens.

Send short messages from a computer. To do this, you need to log into your account in any browser and use the line under the avatar, or also click on the feather.

As you understood short message- this is the same "tweet". Send a message - means "tweet". In one such "tweet" you can:

What is Twitter on the Internet, and why is it needed, how to use it What is a tweet on Twitter

Tweets on Twitter

Above, we have already explained what tweets and tweets are. If something hurts you, or you want to please your followers on Twitter with something, then let us know. What can you tweet about? Twitter»?

You can tweet about:

What is Twitter on the Internet, and why is it needed, how to use it What is a tweet on Twitter

What does it mean to retweet on Twitter?

retweets in " Twitter"- this is when you post the tweets of other users that you like on your page. To do this, click on the two green arrows(highlighted when you move the mouse cursor) at the bottom of the tweet you like, and then in the window that opens, click on the button " Retweet". In the same window, you can leave your comment on this tweet. As a result, both the tweet and the comment to it will be displayed on your wall:

What is Twitter on the Internet, and why is it needed, how to use it What is a tweet on Twitter

What is Twitter on the Internet, and why is it needed, how to use it What is a tweet on Twitter

What is Twitter on the Internet, and why is it needed, how to use it What is a tweet on Twitter

Video: Twitter for dummies - how to use

Despite the fact that today there are many well-known social networks, many are still wondering: Twitter - what is it?

What is Twitter?

First of all, despite the whole bunch useful features, Twitter is a social network based on microblogging.

In other words, instead of posts the size of China, as can be done in the same "VKontakte", "Facebook" or "Instagram", small messages are exchanged here, which are limited to characters (each language has a different number of characters, in Russia - 140) and the ability to attach multiple images, videos or .gif files (animation).

The history of Twitter begins back in 2006, when it was conceived as a chat, fast exchange SMS messaging and a small platform for communication.

But such positioning did not particularly attract people, so the creator of the network, Jack Dorsey, having assembled a team, decided to start everything from scratch. And with good advertising.

Then people responded positively about the platform, and the developers began to completely re-saw the design and functionality, created a logo and began to make themselves even louder, having received a rather large monetary contribution to the site.

Actually, this event became a turning point, and since 2007 we see Twitter as it is now. Yes, some features have changed, but over time they have only gotten better.

And yet, what is Twitter for? What features does it give users?

Twitter Features

Microblogging has become very convenient opportunity to share short news and major events on news channels Twitter, so that you can leave small notes about your life, impressions, events, etc.

Another advantage of such a network, in addition to microblogging, is the opportunity to be seen and heard with the help of hashtags and followers.

In fact, everything is very simple:

as soon as a user registers a page, he has the ability to subscribe to "channels" (pages) and in return receive subscribers who will follow your news and updates.

You can choose the channels you can subscribe to from thousands, hundreds of thousands and even millions of others.

A list with channels from your country will open immediately upon registration, but this does not oblige you to subscribe to channels dedicated to politics or to "stars" that you do not listen to or watch.

You can find the channels you are interested in using the search.

At the same time, it is not necessary to choose the channels of your own country, you can choose or find any, in any language, from all over the world.

Perhaps, also because there are simply no gifts, sticker packs and other usual “buns” ... but this does not spoil the impression at all!

Emoticons are available, using the Internet you can insert any emoji, all known symbols are supported.

And the ability to change the interface pleases the eye, not everywhere users have such freedom in choosing settings for their personal page.

So how can one register on this site and become part of a family of over 500 million people?


Registering on a social network is very, very simple. First of all, you need to go to the main page of the website, where you will be offered an application for any smartphone or tablet platform.


When installing the application, it will be possible to synchronize the page for several devices or log in simultaneously from two different accounts. Therefore, it is advisable not to neglect such a proposal.

If you have already acquired the application or decided to download it later, then you will need to complete several steps to register:

  • In the right upper corner select item “Already registered? To come in". And don’t let the name scare you, when you click on this inscription, a window will open where you will be asked to either log in or create a new account.
  • Naturally, then you need to select the item "Registration".
  • In the window that opens, you will need to enter your data. The name can be changed, and Twitter does not require verification of identity, so you have the opportunity to limit yourself to a nickname. And everything is according to the standard: mail and password.
  • Then a confirmation will come to the mail, you just need to go to your mailbox and follow the link.
  • When registering, you may also be asked to provide information about mobile phone, which will need to be done to secure the account. At the same time, no one except you and the system will know the data.
  • And finally, you will be offered channels to which you can always return later or unsubscribe.

That's all! Just a few clicks and you have already successfully become a new user of the social network.

What to do after registration?

Twitter main menu

Often, the Twitter interface causes a state of deep thought in those who are there for the first time. Some incomprehensible hashtags, “tweet”, “whom to read” ...

But it's much easier than you think.

There are much fewer functions here than in most social networks, but they are all much more useful and compact, and they are always at hand.

So, for example, consider top panel. The icon with the house and the signature "Home", as well as the bird in the center (Twitter's logo) are displayed on the home page.

If you already have channels (pages) to which you are subscribed, then their notes and news will be displayed on the “main” page, if not, then just popular tweets.

There is also a bell labeled "Notifications", which will show all the events of your page. That is, the number of subscribers, "likes", retweets and comments under your tweets or answers to you under strangers.

Also there is a function here private messages, which opens when you click on the envelope. You can choose absolutely any user and write to him.

True, the number of characters here is also limited, which is not always convenient ... but the feature of the site has been preserved - the ability to support microblogging.

FROM right side there is a search bar, the ability to create a new tweet and a settings menu that opens when you click on your avatar, which is taken in a circle.

The menu on the left offers the most popular hashtags of your country and around the world, the menu on the right - interesting channels on the same principle.

Well, the number of tweets, subscribers and channels that you read displays the statistics of the page, which, by the way, is visible to all users, if you do not restrict access.

Got it? It's time to tweet!

What is a tweet

Microblogging has already been mentioned above, and the tweet is its basis.

A tweet is a small message that you can post on your page and on a social network..

Like the name of the network (look at the bird logo), "tweet" refers to the sound that the chick makes. That is, you can literally tweet your message on Twitter.

You can do this with home page, where the line reads "What's new?" , or using the "Tweet" button in the upper right corner.

As already mentioned, the number of characters is very limited, but usually this is enough for greetings, news, impressions, and just a story about today's events.

In extreme cases, a big story or, well, a very long thought can be divided into several such tweets.

You can attach an image, photo or drawing, video, animation, link to a tweet.

All this is done using an intuitive button in the form of a picture with mountains and the sun.

Any entry here can be retweeted by clicking on the arrow icon below it, after which it will be displayed on your page.

You can "like" by selecting a heart, and it will remain with you in a kind of bookmarks, which are marked with the "Like" section. And finally, you can comment.

And you can hide your posts from users who do not read you. Thus, they will be available only to subscribers.


Use hashtags when tweeting. If you are talking about some series or music that you listen to, it will not be superfluous to put a hash mark (“#”), and then, without spaces, the name of this very series or the name of the artist.

In this way, your tweets can be found by other users, commented on, retweeted and "liked".

How to hide tweets from others

To do this, go to the settings, and then perform a few simple tasks:

  • In the upper right corner, in front of the "Tweet" button, there is a picture of your avatar. You need to click on it.
  • Select a function from the menu that opens. "Settings and Security".
  • Now in the left menu you need to select the item "Privacy and Security".
  • It remains only to put a tick in the first paragraph “Tweet privacy. Hide my tweets.

In addition, the settings give the user almost unlimited possibilities in personalizing the page, in its functions and work.

Here you can change your password, country, increase security, set up notifications for e-mail, phone, or the site itself, select a tweet can even enable Twitter-related apps that can be installed on both personal computer, and on a smartphone or tablet, for example - without additional program it will remain blue and white. Or "classmates" who support, in the majority, default theme design.

In this regard, Twitter has overtaken any communication platforms. It allows users to "beautify" and modify their page however they want.

Here, if it is possible to change not only the avatar, but also the “cap”, and the color of the design, and even the font. And yes, not only the user will see all this, but also everyone who will visit his page.

You can go to your page by clicking on your name, which is located in the menu on the left. And already on the right you can see a bubble with the inscription "Edit Profile". We click there.

In this case, the menu will be significantly reduced, but will appear more possibilities. For example:

1 You can change the header image. Simply upload any image and select its position;

3 It is possible to change the name that you chose during registration. It will be seen by other users;

4 You can tell about yourself. The number of characters, as always, is limited, but this is enough for several sentences;

5 Finally, you can change the color of the theme, buttons, font, the font itself, and even add a website or page on another social network where you can be found.

At the same time, it must be remembered that images that promote drugs, weapons, pornography and violence are not allowed on the cap and avatar.

By the way, the same applies to the content of tweets, due to non-compliance with the rules, the page may be blocked.

If personalization is successful, then it's time to subscribe to the channels of other users!

back to menu

Five years ago, Twitter was the most explosive social network in Russia. Thanks to him, people finally understood why hashtags are needed, Pavel Durov found a place for splashing bile, and Timati and Philip Kirkorov staged a grandiose war, which ended with a cheerful clip #Let's goodbye.

Most importantly, on Twitter, celebrities always responded to mere mortals, and they rejoiced and collected retweets: never before have superstars and their fans been so close to each other.

Twitter posts were quoted on radio and TV, while VKontakte and Facebook faded into the background. It seemed that Russian users fully mastered the format and got used to the 140-character limit, but no: twitter quickly gave way to instagram on the throne.

According to my feelings, if you now ask an ordinary smartphone owner what social networks he regularly uses, the answer will be something like this:

1. VKontakte. Because there are friends, relatives, free music and funny bands.

2. Instagram. Because it is interesting to observe how others live. Including celebrities.

3. Either Facebook or Odnoklassniki, or nothing at all.

When asked about Twitter, our random respondent will respond as follows: “Yes, I had an account there, but I got bored. Sometimes I went there, then I got tired of it. I haven't been there for a long time. And why is it needed at all?

Now I will explain why.

Firstly, modern twitter is a gigantic catalog of sources. People, publications, brands - they all not only create their own content, but also retweet someone else's. That is why Twitter is much larger than a banal RSS feed, where all channels are determined only by the user.

Basically, twitter best option for those who want to observe the situation in the country and in the world from all sides. Certainly better than TV.

Secondly, Twitter has an adequate algorithmic feed. On Facebook and VK, posts dance as they want, but here the feed is formed from two sections. The main section is sorted by time (as everyone is used to), and popular tweets per day are collected in the “You might have missed” tab.

This is extremely convenient - to miss something important and the truth will not come out.

Thirdly, Twitter posts news faster. Yes, most often you don’t give a damn about speed, but, for example, during the St. Petersburg terrorist attack, I found out about everything earlier than those who consume news from the main page of Yandex.

Fourth, Twitter is the home of stand-up comedians. Denis Alien , Sergey D , Roma Bordunov- this is the name of people who shamelessly steal public jokes on VKontakte (for example, Lepra).

Fifth, the 140-character limit is insanely useful and correct. There is much less rubbish and demagogy on the Twitter feed than on Facebook, where every second user is a graphomaniac philosopher.

I recently realized the beauty of Twitter, where the Internet appeared from time to time. The algorithm was as follows: I connected to open wifi network and instantly loaded the twitter feed in a few hours.

As a result, the entire agenda was placed in the palm of your hand, which was not lost, even when the Internet disappeared.

How to use twitter and not be disappointed?

Per Last year I have already dragged (returned) several friends to Twitter, and now I will tell everyone about this technique.

The first thing to do after installing the application is to subscribe to all accounts that are somehow of interest.

Do you remember what you are reading? Oops, they screwed up. Like commentator

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