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What does an antenna look like in an android. Homemade antenna for phone

We will need:

3) Nippers, knife and straight arms

So let's get started:



5) Putting on the casing


Grakovne Grakovne

2011-06-13T17: 18: 19Z 2011-06-13T17: 18: 19Z

Often we need to listen to FM radio without headphones. But headphones are used by the phone as an antenna, so even listening to the radio through the speaker of the phone, headphones remain a necessary accessory. In this article I will tell you how to replace an inconvenient headset with a comfortable and compact antenna.

We will need:
1) Old headphones (in fact, you only need a jack - if you don't have a 3.5 mm jack, don't despair - just use the plug under your jack)
2) A needle, or a piece of rigid wire
3) Nippers, knife and straight arms

So let's get started:

1) Cut off the jack from the headset, and remove the casing:

2) We remove the insulation from the wire and clean it with a knife (you should also remove the thread, if any)
3) We twist the wires and thread them into the eye of the needle (if you use wire, wind it around the wires)

4) We stick the needle into the plastic so that it does not fall out (from the side of the ear, of course)
5) Putting on the casing
6) Now we remove the insulation from the part of the remaining wire and put it on the needle.

7) Cut off the edge with pliers (optional)
8) We plug into the phone, switch the radio to loudspeaker mode and enjoy
Depending on the jack and the needle, the size of the device can be different, I got 66 mm in length. The device, as promised, turned out to be compact, but it provides stable radio signal reception.

It is also worth noting several advantages of this device:
1) If not in use, you can stick it somewhere (for example, on a table) and it will not be lost
2) The device does not interfere when listening (unlike a headset)
3) Also, a squeak was not noticed when the GSM module of the neighboring phone was operating (with a headset - it squealed quite loudly)
4) The device does not eat up the battery, unlike the headset. does not play sound through speakers

P.S. The article was prepared and written by GrakovNe
P.P.S Sorry for the quality of the screenshots - I did it on a rather weak camera without autofocus

Diagnostics and elimination of malfunctions of the GSM-module is one of the most difficult and time-consuming. It is recommended to use a GSM tester for diagnostics. For example, something like this:

GSM tester Will "tek

However, it is very expensive and a novice master cannot buy it. In the future, you should purchase this device.

It is necessary to clearly distinguish between faults of the receiving and transmitting paths, as well as take into account what is common to them antenna switch, which is made on a fragile ceramic substrate and often cracks when dropped and hit.

As a result, the phone does not see the network, or it sees it, but cannot register. In many phones, the antenna switch and the power amplifier (and sometimes the transceiver too) are combined into one microcircuit.

Typical failures of the GSM module:

1. The phone does not "see" the network- a permanent message on the phone display of the type: "no network" or the like and, accordingly, the absence of stripes (lines) of the indicator of the electromagnetic field strength of the GSM network. First, you should check if the phone finds the network in manual search mode. If the networks are found, it can be assumed that the receiving path of the GSM module is in order and the phone cannot register in the network, since there is no way to send a registration request. The fault should be looked for in the transmitter, power amplifier (Power Amplifier), as well as in the antenna switch.

If the phone does not find any network, the check should be started sequentially as the signal passes, that is, from the antenna to the transceiver.

An external examination of the antenna and the contact terminals of the antenna circuits of the telephone board is carried out for the absence of oxides, deformation or absence of springy contacts for connecting the antenna, as well as broken antennas made in the form of a thin loop glued to one or another body of the phone.

Almost every phone is equipped with a diagnostic connector, which is designed to connect a GSM tester or an external GSM antenna (for areas of poor signal reception).

Since this connector is in series between the antenna and the input circuits (switch and so on), if the contact of the internal contact group of the connector is broken as a result of exposure to moisture, oxides, fur. exposure, the antenna is disconnected from the phone. It is checked by a dial tone tester and, if necessary, is replaced with a known good one. Replacing the connector with a jumper is also allowed. In this case, the function of connecting a GSM tester or external antenna will be unavailable. It should be noted that the connector contact may not be completely absent, but have resistance from hundreds of milliohms to several ohms. However, for such ultra-high frequencies of the GSM band, at such a resistance, there will be huge losses (attenuation) of the signal and, accordingly, the phone will not see the network, or the level will be very low and constantly "float".

The next element that breaks down as a result of drops and shocks is the 850 / 900MHz and 1800 / 1900MHz filters - each for its own frequency range.

Without a GSM tester and / or an oscilloscope, it is possible to identify a faulty one only by replacing it with a known good one.

In case of falls and shocks, the soldering of the GSM-module microcircuits is often disrupted, and in some cases the Power Amplifier breaks down and gives a short circuit in the power supply. Soldering or replacement of the corresponding microcircuits is in progress.

2. The phone registers on the network, but the call cannot be made... This defect can occur for several reasons:

Incorrect configuration of the phone software (software) - the "Hide number" option is selected if the operator does not support this function by default. Dialing stops almost immediately after pressing the "Call" button. It is necessary to select the option "Set by the network", "Show number" or others, according to the menu items of a particular phone.

Poor shielding of the GSM module. Applies to phones in which the shielding is made in the form of a metallized sputtering of the back cover of the case. Over time, the transition contacts (for connecting the shielding to the common wire of the board) oxidize, the deposition crumbles, and when a call is made, part of the power emitted by the power amplifier and antenna is directed to the elements and circuits of the telephone board. Typical for phones Samsung X100, X480 and the like.

Phone software failure. Violation of the settings of a special memory area containing all kinds of calibrations, security data, etc. They are named differently for each phone. For example, for NOKIA - PM (Permanent Memory), for Sony Ericsson - GDFS (Global Data File System), for Samsung - EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory), etc. by default through the appropriate menu item, usually called "Reset settings" or "Restore factory settings" or do it using a special service code (not supported by all phones). The most effective way is to restore the software using the appropriate programmer.

Modern mobile gadgets are necessary communication devices, without which it is already unthinkable to do without, this technique has become so tightly embedded in our life. However, even with full coverage, there are still areas where these devices can be in a "blind zone" or have a rather poor signal reception quality. As a rule, such places include not only the suburbs, but also megalopolises, in which the signal transmission is interrupted by many high-rise buildings. To solve this problem, the easiest way is to use special devices - cellular signal amplifiers: external or internal. But how do you make an antenna for your phone? This issue can be solved by first understanding the features of their design.

An antenna for a mobile phone is necessary if the reception of a signal from the relay tower to the phone is of poor quality, which, as a rule, is due to the influence of a variety of factors. Before you start looking for a suitable additional antenna for a mobile phone, first of all, you should understand the principles of the cellular communication itself.

A smartphone is a full-fledged miniature radio station that receives and transmits a signal in a certain frequency range (determined by the provider providing communication services).

The parameters of signal transmission between the base station (repeater) and the mobile amplifier are usually called "Down Link", from the smartphone to an external antenna - "Up Link". Note that, as a rule, providers almost always provide for some limitation when transmitting a signal from a basic repeater (up to 35 km). This allows you to create a configuration that implies the implementation of 8 channels for user conversations. These parameters are provided by the relevant communication standards. GSM operators provide fewer channels for conversation (no more than 3), however, in this case, the transmission duration increases and reaches 100 km. Often this cellular network configuration for an outdoor antenna is used in the coastal area of ​​the coverage area.

Features of choice

For phones with 3G technology, not every connected mobile antenna is suitable. There are many factors that affect the quality of the signal received from a base station:

  • relief features;
  • geographic localization;
  • climatic conditions;
  • technical characteristics of both the antenna itself and the mobile device.

The most preferred place to place the 3g antenna for the signal booster is the elevation. This can be the roof of a building or a car, in the case of using external equipment for the vehicle.

It should be borne in mind that it is recommended to direct the amplifier for three or 4g towards the nearest repeater tower, which will help to ensure better signal reception and transmission. The antenna placement is shown schematically in the figure.

Note! By installing an antenna for a cell phone for amplification, you can improve the quality of communication not only on mobile phones, but also on other devices: laptop, tablet, PC and TV. Then the general scheme will be more complicated. When improving the signal for all gadgets at home, the power of the antenna, modem and adapter used in the circuit is of great importance.

There are a remote model and equipment with a stationary device. There are options that connect to the phone and transmit a signal like Wi-Fi. For amplification, you can use active repeaters and work with passive devices. The former additionally transform the signal, while the latter receive only due to their configuration.

In addition, there are several main types of devices:

  • wave receiver;
  • flat antenna;
  • parabolic antenna;
  • pin-type antenna amplifier.

The design of a wave signal receiver includes the following elements: a traverse and reflectors located perpendicular to it. This type of external amplifiers does an excellent job of amplifying the signal, but requires precise tuning (pointing) of the device to the base station.

Flat outdoor antenna - this type of remote device has a fairly wide directional range. The device consists of an irradiator, which is built into the reflector structure. To tune the antenna, an approximate direction to the repeater is selected.

Parabolic external antenna - a device for outdoor placement, consisting of a feed and a reflector. The use of such an amplifier significantly enhances signal reception, but installing an antenna for a telephone requires certain knowledge and skills. If installed and configured incorrectly, the effectiveness of the use of this device will be minimal.

A whip-type antenna amplifier is a rod that simultaneously plays the role of a reflector and an irradiator. The design of this antenna assumes a circular directivity. A prerequisite when using such an amplifier is the absence of screening devices that interfere with the reception of signal transmission.

But how to connect the external and internal parts of the devices?

Connecting the mobile to an external antenna

To operate a smartphone, a cellular antenna requires a coaxial cable with a high-frequency connector. This is due to the fact that most mobile phones operate precisely in the range of such frequencies. Note that the efficiency of signal amplification directly depends on the quality characteristics of both the connector itself and the used cable products.

If the design of the phone is not equipped with a jack to connect the antenna, you can use a speakerphone to solve the problem. In addition, you can use a method that is uncomfortable for the user by wrapping the mobile with several turns of the antenna wire. Although in this case, using the device is rather inconvenient, nevertheless, it allows you to achieve good signal reception in the phone.

Important! When using any kind of device, it is necessary that the antenna itself be positioned towards the repeater.

Diamond antenna, self assembly

Often, users do not have the means or the opportunity to buy an antenna amplifier for a smartphone (a place of residence in areas remote from large population centers). In this case, a person interested in improving the reception and transmission of the signal of his mobile phone can make a design for the phone with his own hands. In addition, even simple homemade products can connect well to the network and give the desired signal.

To create a device for improving the signal with your own hands, you will need a certain set of tools and materials:

  • pliers and a sharp knife designed for accurate stripping of insulation from cable products;
  • directly the cable itself (RG6) for connecting a mobile gadget to the antenna and a copper wire (2 mm cross-section), its length must be at least 8 cm;
  • soldering tool with solder;
  • adapter for a mobile device.

The procedure for assembling an antenna for a mobile phone:

  • first of all, the insulation of cable products is stripped, while this work should be done carefully so as not to damage the inner core, which will subsequently be connected with one end to the mobile device, and the other to the antenna;
  • the copper wire is bent at the ends in such a way that it turns out to be a rhombus at both ends;
  • at the next stage, a copper wire is soldered to the cable core (strictly in the "up" position), the other part of the copper wire is soldered to the shielding braid of the cable (strictly in the "down" position);
  • further, the copper wire is fastened to any surface of a suitable size (a wide wooden bar is better), while one should not forget about the reliable insulation of all connections made during the assembly process;
  • the resulting structure is placed on the roof of the building and is securely fastened, the provided free end of the cable goes down and is connected to the phone using a special adapter.

Important! It should be borne in mind that adherence to the placement of the copper wire will significantly improve the received-transmitted signal, even if it is almost completely absent.

The self-assembled design of a diamond-shaped cellular antenna is a very easy-to-implement circuit that can be assembled by almost any user without special knowledge and experience. The only condition when assembling a cellular communication with your own hands is the sequence of the above actions and a high-quality connection of all elements. The increase in the signal is in direct proportion to the quality of the performance.


Despite the widespread use of mobile communications, the question of how to strengthen the signal of the phone, or rather the cellular connection to which it is connected, is still relevant. It doesn't matter if you live in a small village or in a metropolis, the likelihood that your device will stop picking up a signal is everywhere.

Operators are gradually solving this problem, new base stations appear, and communications are increasing. What if the problem lies with your phone and not the network? Today we decided to figure out what the bad signal level is connected with and whether it is possible to fix it with our own hands.

What is Cellular Signal?

The principle of cellular communication is quite simple: there is a base station of the operator and your phone, a radio frequency channel is organized between them, through which SMS messages are transmitted, calls are made, data is exchanged on the Internet.

There are several standards for cellular communication, differing in the way the signal is transmitted and the frequency. Typically, base stations are erected at higher elevations in order to maximize coverage. However, you can't get away from the obstacles that impede the passage of the signal. These can be walls, trees, and other obstacles, upon contact with which the signal weakens.

It is clear that in an open area where high-rise buildings do not abound, the coverage area will be higher. For example, for stations operating according to the GSM-900 standard, in this case, the zone is no more than 30,000 kilometers. In urban areas, the figure is reduced to 7 kilometers. Stations with more advanced communication standards, such as 3G and LTE, cover an area that is half the diameter.

Why do we have a weak phone signal?

Due to the above mentioned barriers, so-called dead zones or holes in the coating can form. That is, places where the signal is weak, unstable or completely absent. Where people most often encounter a bad signal level on the phone:

  • places located at a significant distance from the nearest station (there is simply no coverage);
  • basements, underground parking lots, lowlands (the signal cannot simply penetrate here);
  • hills, skyscrapers (often “to rise higher” does not mean the presence of a signal - above the 12-14th floor there is often no signal at all);
  • buildings made of metal structures that do not transmit a signal.

However, obstacles and remoteness from the station are not always the reason for the lack of a signal. Often the reason is the user's phone. You have probably been in situations where a friend has a cellular signal, but you do not.

And at the same time, you use the services of one operator. It is common for two identical phones to have different signal levels. There can be many reasons:

  • a phone in a metal case or in a metal case can catch the network much worse than a plastic device;
  • quite often, no matter how surprising it sounds to you, the reason is the "clumsy" firmware of the phone;
  • damage to any components as a result of falls, immersion in water, and so on;
  • the phone may have a defect in the antenna from the factory, which is especially the case with Chinese manufacturers of inexpensive models.

How to amplify a phone signal with your own hands?

Well, let's go over the theory, let's move on to practice. We will analyze several ways to amplify a cellular signal, from the simplest to the most complex and expensive.

The reason is the firmware

It is worth starting with checking the correctness of the software before trying to get to the insides of the phone. Hundreds of users face the deterioration of the communication signal after flashing, so attention should be focused.

We have already written, so we will not repeat ourselves. Firmware is a fairly simple process, but with its own nuances. Just remember to back up your important files.

If the flashing helped, then we congratulate you, if the phone still does not catch the network well, then move on to the next point.

The signal is poorly picked up due to damage to the phone

As already noted, the phone often picks up the signal poorly after accidentally falling on a tile or plunging into the sea. In this case, the average user has no choice but to go to the service center.

Modern phones are rather complex devices, so most people cannot identify the source of the problem on their own. It is likely that specialists will detect damage and carry out the necessary work so that your phone can again cope with the network search without any problems.

How to amplify a phone signal with your own hands

In most cases, the reason for a weak cellular signal lies in a defect in the antenna, which, in fact, is responsible for this function. Often, owners of inexpensive smartphones from the Middle Kingdom are faced with the fact that the manufacturer cheated a little by loosely connecting the antenna to the motherboard of the device. You can correct the mistake yourself, but you need at least a little understanding of how the phone works. Otherwise, we contact the service center with a description of the problem.

  1. today smartphones are represented by a very different design, therefore, they are disassembled in different ways; the easiest way to get to the insides of a phone with a removable cover and a battery is more difficult when the smartphone is not separable;

Do not hurry... Before starting the disassembly, find a video or text material on the Internet that will show and tell you how to disassemble your particular device, what you should pay attention to.

Please also note: after disassembling your smartphone, you lose your warranty.

  1. as a rule, the antenna is hidden in the lower or upper part of the case, represented by small copper strips (again, for the location of the antenna specifically in your model, see the corresponding materials);
  2. after you get to the board, you will find several spring contacts, which should fit snugly to the ribbon cable located on the back of the structure;
  3. if the spring contacts of the motherboard do not fit well with the ribbon cable, carefully correct them using, for example, tweezers;
  4. assembling the phone and enjoying a good network signal.
We connect a homemade antenna to the phone to amplify the signal

The above methods only work if the problem lies with your phone. But, as we noted at the beginning of the material, the cause of a bad signal can be various kinds of obstacles or a significant distance from the station. In this case, you can try to amplify the antenna of our device with just a piece of wire.

Immediately, we note that this method is not suitable for all phones. The fact is that for its implementation, a special diagnostic port is required, which is difficult to reach in a modern non-separable smartphone (in a number of models it cannot be found at all). It looks like a small round-shaped connector in golden color.

    take a small piece of thin insulated wire;

    insert into the connector;

    we put it so that it does not interfere with other components and the closure of the lid.

Everything, as practice shows, the signal of the telephone network is greatly enhanced. Isn't it amazing ?!

Some users inserted a piece of wire into the 3.5 mm port (under the headphones). Sometimes it works too.

Sticker or foil to enhance phone signal

In the vastness of foreign online stores, it will not be difficult to find a bunch of different devices for signal amplification. Among them, a small sticker-sticker is popular, which is a few metal tracks, which, according to the manufacturer, allow you to get rid of interference.

Similar stripes can be seen in some smartphones by default, so the “magic” properties of the sticker have a right to life.

However, to achieve a slight improvement in the signal, according to a considerable number of users, a piece of ordinary foil will help. It is located under the phone cover, closer to the antenna. The method is simple, so you can try.

Strengthening communication using a repeater

In some cases, when the signal cannot be amplified by any of the methods (too thick walls of the room, remoteness from the base station), they resort to using special antennas or repeaters. Such devices can significantly enhance the signal, but their cost often scares off a potential buyer.

Where to buy cheap?

You can build something similar with your own hands, but often it does not amplify the signal at all or does it very, very badly.

For example, some people use the following method:

  1. we take a metal rod (50 cm is enough), a coaxial cable, a piece of foil (about 10x4 cm) and plywood or plastic;
  2. we bend the metal rod so that we get a rhombus-shaped structure;
  3. glue the foil to the plywood;
  4. the metal rhombus and the foil are connected by means of a coaxial cable (soldered);
  5. the end, on which the rhombus turned out to be, we raise it higher, the other, with the foil, we leave it at the bottom;
  6. we bring the phone to the foil to check the signal quality.

You will probably need to find the most suitable place for the resulting structure to pick up the signal.

It is clear that such an amplifier is unlikely to provide communication for a large company that is not lucky enough to have an office in an area without network coverage. Here you will already have to seek help from specialists. Today, many companies provide such services, and not only will offer modern equipment, but will also be engaged in installation.

By the way, it is not worth saving on specialists - for installation, workers use special devices that help determine the most suitable place, select frequencies, and so on. An ordinary user, of course, will find it difficult to cope with such a task.

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