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How to choose a data collection terminal - tips on Yandex.Market. How to choose the required data collection terminal

Data collection terminals- these are special devices that are necessary to optimize many processes in the field of trade. So, they are used for inventory, receipt or shipment of goods, etc. With their help, it has become much easier to prepare reports on the presence / absence of goods in the warehouse, to receive information about the manufacturer or the date of production of a particular batch of products.

If you are interested in maintaining strict inventory control and making it easier for your employees to complete tasks, it is worth buying a data collection terminal. Let's consider what types of these devices are presented.

Compact data terminals

Compact data collection terminals are widely used in retail and wholesale trade, as well as in warehouse operations. They quickly and timely transfer data to the computer, which allows you to organize and save the data. Data collection terminals of this type have several advantages:

  • ease of use;
  • light weight;
  • affordable cost.

If you need to buy compact data collection terminals, take a look at such a model as the Datalogic Memor. This device allows one-handed operations, is equipped with a built-in barcode scanner, and performs all the functions of a smartphone.


Tablets can be an excellent option for acquiring and collecting data. They successfully replace a stationary computer, allow accounting operations without being tied to a workplace. Among the advantages of this type of terminals, it is worth noting a fairly high efficiency of work, a significant amount of memory and ease of use.

For those who are going to buy tablets, we recommend paying attention to the Motorola ET1 device. It allows you to optimize many business processes, works without recharging during a shift (8-9 hours), supports wireless communication and is even equipped with a GPS receiver.

General purpose data collection terminals

General purpose data collection terminals are indispensable at those facilities where you need to perform a wide range of accounting and trading operations. These devices are compact, can be used in harsh storage conditions, and are resistant to damage.

You can buy general purpose data collection terminals, for example, the Honeywell Dolphin 6100 model, right now. This device is stable in operation, resistant to moisture and mechanical damage, and has a wide range of functions. Such a data collection terminal will become your reliable assistant in your work.

Industrial terminals for data collection

Industrial terminals for data collection are distinguished by high functionality; they can be used both in a store and in a warehouse or production.

If you have decided to buy industrial data collection terminals, pay attention to the model

For the operation of every modern warehouse, a mandatory requirement is the use of a special terminal. However, not everyone knows how to choose a terminal for data collection right. It is with this moment that the main difficulties are often associated.

Choosing a data collection terminal

There are often situations when people whose work is related to trade, logistics, warehouse services, mention in a conversation about data terminal.

In this case, we are talking about a device that can become an alternative to a dozen employees. Let's try to find out what is meant by such an unusual device as reading terminal.

This device is a small device that can be easily put in your hand. It is distinguished by the presence of a barcode identifier, which in its design is very similar to a mobile device, which has a display and buttons or a touch screen. Most often, the TSD is equipped with a powerful processor and a significant amount of internal memory to hold the read information. This makes it possible to use it if necessary.

Most often, the terminal has a certain data transmission channel. With its help, information is fed into the database. As such, it can act infrared port, wired connection, radio channel, etc.

All terminals are designed primarily to read barcode goods. This is precisely why they are often used in the warehouse automation system. Due to the use of such machines, it is possible in a short time to make acceptance and shipment of goods, to carry out an inventory at a high level, to quickly carry out procedures with labeled products.

Types of data collection terminals

  1. Base class

Understand how choose a terminal for data collection, you can know their features. Terminal this type is distinguished by the absence of wireless channels. The data on the received barcodes, as well as the information that was typed on the keyboard, are contained in the video text.

To transfer this data to a computer, it will be necessary to place the device in a special communication stand, after which the file must be uploaded. Appliances in this category should not be used in extreme conditions. Opticon OPL9728 devices can be considered an example of this type.

With help PDA employees get the opportunity to work with all warehouse information without restrictions. Such terminals immediately support wireless communication standards.

Such devices seem to be an excellent choice for freight forwarders, representatives of the transportation service, as well as workers who have to regularly leave their place of work to solve business issues. The capabilities of the Casio IT-800 model allow you to use it as a barcode scanner, as well as other devices.

  1. Fullsize

This type of terminal used resembles PDA, however, it is distinguished by the presence of a full keyboard row, and in addition to this, a group of scanners, with which you can solve various types of tasks. The Honeywell Dolphin 99EX model can be considered such a device.

We are talking about a useful mobile gadget, which is intended for the personnel of organizations involved in the movement of goods. They are suitable for use both directly in warehouses, and on the street, and in addition, during transportation by truck.

To make it more convenient to work with the terminals, some devices may have a pistol-like grip. It can be fixed on the wrist, which will help you use your hands for other operations.

Scanner type

It is possible to understand how to choose a terminal for data collection, taking into account such a criterion as the type of scanner. These devices can be provided with three types of similar devices:


Laser scanner differs in the presence of a red diode laser. Such devices have the ability to read only standard bar codes. In terms of economy, they seem to be the most preferable.

If you are faced with the task of scanning labels for goods, products and inventory, then the best choice would be laser type... This option is optimal in terms of cost and capabilities.

Long range laser

A feature of such scanners should be called the ability to read barcode at a distance of over 10 meters. Full-size models, as well as devices with a pistol grip, usually have just such a laser. This version of the scanner is best used in warehouses where products or index barcodes are placed on racks at a considerable height. In other words, with him, the employee gets the opportunity to scan from the bottom.

2D scanner

A similar version of the scanner is able to read and evaluate different options barcode... It is worth noting that it does not play a big role in which direction the device is guided, as well as with which surface you have to work.

As practice shows, many manufacturing and trading companies are characterized by inaccuracy and lack of efficiency in the accounting of goods and materials in the warehouse, and the inventory sometimes stops the work process and takes too much time.

Warehouse issues that indicate it is time to improve inventory accuracy:

  • re-grading of goods;
  • irregular inventory that slows down production and / and trade;
  • lack of control over the correct placement of the received goods in the warehouse, everything is placed in free spaces or at the discretion of storekeepers;
  • searching for an item in the warehouse and then assembling the order take a lot of time.

All described problems can lead to confusion both in the warehouse itself and in warehouse processes, possible damage to stored products and components, customer dissatisfaction due to lengthy processing of orders, material costs in case of loss of goods and the difficulty of finding someone responsible for violations.

In particular, in times of crisis, when it is especially important to minimize losses and optimize business processes, such risks must be excluded. Therefore, it is especially important for the management to formalize the problems and highlight the tasks and further steps to solve them.

Do you have such tasks in front of your warehouse?

If the above problems are peculiar to your company, then it is time to think about solving the following business problems:

  1. Reducing the time spent on searching and identifying goods in the warehouse;
  2. Elimination of mis-grading of goods in the warehouse;
  3. Minimization of the time of inventory taking in the warehouse;
  4. Reducing the human factor when performing warehouse operations (receipt and shipment of goods, order picking, etc.).

A tool that will ensure the accuracy of inventory in the warehouse

There is a large selection of specialized equipment for automating warehouse operations and ensuring accounting accuracy - data collection terminals (hereinafter referred to as TSD).

TSD are portable devices equipped with a barcode scanner to read product codes for identification and accounting (Fig. 1).

When integrating the work of the TSD and the 1C accounting system, you can close many problem areas of the warehouse.

Figure 1 - TSD in the work of the warehouse

Standard operations that can be performed by TSD:

  1. Upon receipt of the goods. When the machine brings the goods directly to the warehouse, the storekeeper loads the document for receiving the order on the TSD (he does not go to the computer, and the manager can drop the order for receiving it directly on the TSD) and reads the barcodes from the incoming goods. In this case, all goods must be barcoded. If the incoming goods do not have barcodes, then you can print them using a mobile label printer by sending a print command directly from the TSD. If the declared goods do not correspond to the actual ones, then the storekeeper will see the data on the discrepancy immediately on the TSD. After uploading the data to 1C, you can reflect the actual arrival of the goods if you use the order scheme.
  2. When taking inventory. The inventory taking process can be done in two different ways. First, the storekeeper reads the barcodes and the actual balance and discrepancy are immediately displayed on the TSD. Thus, the storekeeper can immediately look for missing goods, or assess the reasons for the shortage or excess of inventory. The second - the storekeeper himself starts the inventory document on the TSD and reads the items. After the data has been synchronized, the actual quantity information can be loaded into a physical inventory document of your choice for comparison. Based on the received inventory statement, already in 1C, the manager can automatically generate documents for the Posting and Write-off of goods based on discrepancies.
  3. When shipping the goods. When selecting goods, the storekeeper also unloads assembly orders on the TSD and reads barcodes from the selected goods. If the product, the barcode from which was read, does not correspond to the order or differs in quantity, the order for the TSD cannot be processed, and gives an error to the TSD.
  4. When moving goods within the same warehouse.

Why does the acquisition of a TSD turn into a monetary loss for many companies, and not a profitable investment?

Many owners, when deciding to purchase a TSD or entrusting this task to their subordinates, do not take into account or do not control the accounting of many factors that affect the efficiency of using the equipment.

Based on our experience in the implementation of TSD at enterprises of various fields of activity, typical user errors can be divided into the following groups:

  1. There is no clearly built algorithm for using bar coding and storing goods in the warehouse. The use of the bar-coding technique in the warehouse is possible with two methods of accounting for goods in the warehouse:
    • Address storage. With this method, the accounting system stores data on how much and what kind of goods are stored in each specific cell. At the same time, the employee must clearly follow the recommendations of the system, in which cell to put the goods and from which to take. All operations for the placement and selection of goods are performed using the TSD, which reads the barcode of the goods and the barcode of the cell.
    • Information accounting. Information is entered into the system where the goods should be stored, but there is no data on which goods and in what quantity is in a particular cell at a given time. Employees can place and select goods in one of the bins recommended by the system, independently analyzing the availability of free space. There is no need to reflect in the system using the TSD in which cell the goods were placed or from which they were selected. The system controls the correctness of the selected and placed goods, as well as their quantity.
  2. There is no formalization of the tasks that the TSD must solve and the understanding of the necessary requirements for the functionality.
  3. The conditions in which the TSD will be used are not taken into account.

Thus, the purchased equipment either does not fully solve all the problems, or, on the contrary, there is an abundance of functions, which creates the impression of a waste of money and the high cost of the software used.

Recommendations that will make the process of implementation and use of TSD effective

  1. Choosing a TSD model
    • Method of data collection: the ability to scan barcodes (both linear and two-dimensional) and radio-tags (RFID). Everything will depend on the product labeling technology you choose.
    • Screen characteristics. What information and to what extent do you want to see on the TSD screen.
    • Memory capacity - how much information about commodity units can be stored by the terminal before transferring it to the system. The choice will depend on the turnover of goods.
    • Battery level - how much battery life the terminal can handle. How many shifts of storekeepers there are at the enterprise, how many TSDs do you plan to purchase, and do not forget that the TSD will also be used every day when accepting, shipping goods and collecting orders.
    • Method of communication with the accounting system (docking station, bluetooth or wi-fi).
    • Shock resistance, heat resistance and other characteristics of the terminal, which indicate its perception of external factors, which will allow you to determine how long the device will last. Your warehouse is warm or cold, dusty or sterile, outdoors or in a poorly ventilated area - in what conditions will the TSD be used?
    • Supplier price and guarantee. The purchase of a terminal is a significant investment, where the price-quality ratio is directly proportional, so pay attention to the guarantee provided by the supplier, as well as additional conditions for installation, connection and performance testing.
  2. TSD implementation process

    An integrated approach to the beginning of the use of TSD is important, in particular, competent integration with the accounting system. The implementation process itself is recommended to be divided into stages presented in Table 1. This approach will allow you to evaluate intermediate results and adjust your actions.

    Implementation phase The result of successful implementation
    Installing and configuring the driver Installing software on TSD. The driver is connected and configured to work with a remote connection
    Connecting TSD to the 1C system and wi-fi network, if necessary

    TSD is connected to the 1C system. Connected processing for the exchange of information with the TSD.

    Configured warehouse accounting operations on the TSD:

    • when collecting barcodes, goods are scanned and recognized, their quantity is entered;
    • when the goods are shipped, the goods shipped from the warehouse are checked and recalculated;
    • there is a viewing of real balances of goods from 1C, viewing of real prices from 1C, printing of actual price tags for the goods;
    • during revaluation, it becomes possible to set new prices, or to identify existing ones;
    • upon receipt of goods and arrival at the warehouse, they are checked and recounted;
    • during the inventory, the data on the inventory list in the 1C database are compared with the actual availability of the goods in the warehouse.

    A test exchange of 1C and TSD documents was carried out.

    Connecting a printer for printing labels for barcoding goods to the 1C system Printers are connected. A template for printing a label has been developed (if it differs from the standard one). The customer determines the type of label

    For clarity, the table contains a description of the integration of TSD with 1C. If the company uses a different accounting system, then for effective operation it must ensure: acceptance of goods and materials at the warehouse, placement of goods and materials in storage cells, shipment of goods and materials to counterparties, release of goods and materials to subdivisions on demand, inventory of goods and materials in the corresponding warehouse, movement of goods and materials between different warehouses. premises.

  3. Choosing a TSD model

    Very often, storekeepers and other employees who will encounter TSD on a daily basis in their work can purposefully or unintentionally sabotage the implementation process. Therefore, it is very important to provide for the preparation of instructions, user training, as well as outreach and revision of the system of motivation and demotivation (if such is used in the company).

The effect and benefits for the company from the introduction of TSD

Consistent implementation of TSD, as well as following the recommendations given in the article, will allow you to obtain the following benefits for your business:

  • the ability to track the efficiency of storekeepers and other warehouse employees, increase productivity;
  • effective management of the workload of employees through integration with the accounting system - it will be possible to "transfer" people from order to order, track the speed and quality of tasks, and so on;
  • reduction of theft, loss and human error;
  • increasing the speed of warehouse processes (receiving, placing and shipping goods, inventory);
  • improving the quality of customer service primarily by increasing the speed of collecting orders.

The most important advantage for a business owner is increased warehouse management.

Electronic equipment widely used not only in everyday life, but also in business. By empowering your people, you dramatically increase the speed, accuracy and number of tasks performed during the workday, from inventory to field sales.

However, the main problem is finding a device that meets all the necessary requirements. Due to the variety of available data collection terminals, it is not so easy to figure out what their main differences are and choose the right device.

Choosing the right data terminal will allow you to get the maximum benefit and take full advantage of this technology. The first step in finding the right data collection terminal (mobile computer) is to identify your specific needs.

  • For what operations are you going to use the selected device?
  • Where and in what conditions will you be the data collection terminal? Perhaps in a hostile environment?
  • What software have you chosen for the data acquisition terminal?
  • Which barcodes can your data terminal read?
  • Are you planning to work on the database in real time using a wireless connection?

The answer to the question of how you will use the data collection terminal will help you decide on device form factor, operating system and other options that you need. All this will help you choose the model that suits you.

Types of data collection terminals

The first and most important step when looking for a device is to decide what kind of data collection terminal you need. This paragraph determines the functionality of the device, so choosing the right type is extremely important. There are 6 main types and each has advantages depending on the area of ​​application.

Beginner class

This type of mobile computers is the simplest and is the first representative of mobile devices. These devices do not have Wi-Fi or WAN (cellular) support and everything that you scan or enter from the keyboard is saved in a text file, and then you have to put the terminal on a stand connected to the computer and upload the file to the inventory control program. Basic data collection terminals are quite robust, but operation in harsh conditions is undesirable. Models such as are great for inventory of warehouse balances and fixed assets or for other tasks that only require data collection, without connecting to a real-time inventory accounting program.


PDAs are designed to give mobile workers complete access to all the information they need in a tiny yet powerful device. These devices also have additional functions: Wi-Fi, WAN (GPRS, 3G), Bluetooth, as well as a GPS connection. Given their size and strength, these devices are ideal for delivery staff, freight forwarders, site managers, i.e. for those employees who have to leave the office on duty. The PDA represented by the model can act as a laptop, telephone, and scanner in one device to empower your employees. Wherever they find business, they always cope with the task with such a data collection terminal.


Similar to a PDA, these full-size data terminals combine a rugged design and high wireless performance. The full-size data terminals also have a full keyboard range and various types of scanners to suit any application. Devices such as Honeywell Dolphin 99EX, You can use inside a warehouse or distribution center as well as outdoors, on construction sites, in trucks on the highway and even on oil rigs. Some of these devices can even work underwater! If you need a device that has the entire wireless connection package and will cope with any task that you put in front of it, this is the most suitable and reliable option.

With pistol grip

Pistol grip terminals are designed for harsh environments over Wi-Fi. These devices usually do not know how to work with mobile networks, but they can be used as data storage when out of range of the wireless network. As full-size devices, these mobile computers offer a wide range of scanners, including long-range scanners that can scan at distances over 9 meters. Models such as Motorola MC9190- G, perfect fit for warehouse workers and forklift drivers where performance, strength and ease of use are a must. Outside the warehouse, these terminals can also be used for retail businesses that require intensive work and do not want to constantly repair and replace failed devices.


Wearable data collection terminals provide the same functionality as pistol grip terminals, but at the same time free your hands for other tasks. In models such as Honeywell HX2, user can control the terminal by voice, the device itself is attached to the wrist, and scanning is carried out using a compact scanner in the form of a ring that is worn on the finger of the right or left hand. This frees your hands and allows you to do other work at the same time. Wearable terminals may not be the most common models, but when used properly, their hand-free capabilities can dramatically increase productivity.

Stationary / transport

These data terminals combine rugged construction and high processing power to cope with vibration in loading docks and other vehicles. Transport mobile terminals for data collection, unlike other types of devices, do not have a built-in scanner. However, for example, Motorola VC5090 paired with a wired handheld scanner LS3408ER corrects this shortcoming. These terminals are usually produced based on the operating system Windows Mobil e, but some models come with Linux and Windows XP, which expands the possibilities of their integration. Picking, backing up, receiving, shipping - all of these operations can be reaped by increasing the speed of operation and reducing the number of errors when using these data collection terminals.

Types of mobile computers depending on the area of ​​application

Application area



With pistol grip

Stationary / transport


Inventory Management

Fixed asset accounting


Order selection

Visitor registration


Delivery / acceptance

Dropshipping / Route Tracking


Health care


Each data terminal has operating system(OS) that is similar to the one on your desktop personal computer (PC). OS is a software platform that connects the hardware of a mobile computer with the applications you run on a device. The functionality and available applications for a mobile computer will completely depend on what operating system will be on it. Currently, there are 3 types of operating systems available for data collection terminals.

DOS / Proprietary

This option can only be found on older models and are very limited. Unlike other operating systems, only specific software provided by the device manufacturer or applications written by you in programming languages ​​such as Visual Basic or C ++ runs here.
The vast majority of users use application software, since these devices are focused on simple data collection. A device such as the Honeywell SP5500 includes an easy-to-use software builder that can be configured on a personal computer to create simple mobile applications.

Windows Mobile / Windows CE

Windows Is by far the best and most flexible operating system for a mobile computer. While it is entirely possible to write your own application for the operating system, most users use off-the-shelf applications. The range of Windows-compatible applications, based on the operating system, includes all applications for inventory on mobile POS. Please be aware that these applications are not compatible with Windows Vista or Windows 7, which have their own list of compatible applications. There are also a few differences between Windows CE and Windows Mobile... Windows Mobile is more common and is suitable for those cases where cellular (WAN) networks are used. While Windows CE requires less and costs less, it is therefore preferable for people developing their own applications. In any case, you should make sure that the application you are using is compatible with the specific operating system on your mobile computer.

Palm OS

Palm OS is more of a legacy that was once the standard for mobile devices. Before the advent of Windows and extensive wireless connectivity, Palm OS was the preferred option. There are still a few manufacturers that offer solutions on Palm (OS) - these devices are cheaper, and only the software capabilities limit their scope. If Palm OS meets your needs, there is no doubt this economically more profitable option compared to other operating systems.

Wireless connection

Although each terminal stores information in memory, most businesses are focused on using devices that support wireless communication. The ability to collect, analyze, and update information in real time will allow you to run your business faster and more efficiently. Via wireless access on a mobile computer, you can maximize your workers' productivity and empower them. There are several different technologies that a device can use to communicate wirelessly and, depending on the specific requirements of the application, one or more of these devices can be used.


This is the most common technology for wireless connection of terminals and, just like in a home wireless network, as long as you are within range of the network, you will have access to network resources. We often use the term Wi-Fi, you may also hear other technical names from the following list - 802.11 a / b / g / n... Different letters mean different baud rates and, depending on what your network supports, one or all of the speeds may be used. Fortunately, data collection terminals usually support more than one speed. Wi-Fi is ideal for applications that are in a fixed location where you can configure network infrastructure such as access points and switches. Warehouses, retail stores and hospitals- everyone uses Wi-Fi connectivity on mobile devices to enable real-time sharing and access to information.

WAN (Cellular)

Cellular communication (WAN) is the cellular communication that your cell phone uses. Mobile computers that support cellular communication support Internet access and / or telephone communication, like smartphones... The big advantage of cellular communication is that the device can go out of the local network and work in the global one. Maintenance workers, delivery service drivers this type of connection will allow you to receive planning tasks, delivery information (manuals, customer accounts, routes, etc.), and send requests to the main office, while not being in it.

Connecting to a cellular network can drastically change the way your business operates, as well as connect with customers. One of the key points that you should consider when choosing a cellular device is compatibility with specific models depending on the chosen provider. Unlike Wi-Fi, mobile radios are often tied to a specific media type. Some data terminals have walkie-talkies to support multiple providers, but you need to check this before choosing a device.


Bluetooth is a unique wireless technology because does not require the functioning of network equipment... Its main purpose is to connect two devices without a cable. As long as both devices have Bluetooth, they can communicate wirelessly. Bluetooth has a limited range, about 11 meters but easy to use and easy to customize. Bluetooth is often used to wirelessly connect a terminal to a printer.


Global Positioning System(GPS) is not the same as other wireless options as it is only used to obtain location information. This is the same search technology found in car navigation systems. There is no remote connection via GPS, but in combination with cellular communication, this solution allows you to find out your exact location to perform tasks such as formation of routes, cartography, location determination on the way or creation of indicative property tags... GPS is certainly not the most necessary wireless extension, but for a number of industries it provides additional convenience and information to improve the accuracy of manufacturing processes.

Scanner type

Once you have chosen your terminal type, operating system and connection type, the last important decision is to determine what type of scanner you need. When choosing a scanner, it is very important what type of barcode you will read and at what distance. Data collection terminals support 3 types of scanners:


This is the most well-known type of scanner that uses a red diode laser to read the reflectance of the black and white stripes in a barcode. Laser scanners can only be used to read standard linear (1D) barcodes but are the most cost effective solution. Standard laser scanners can read from a few centimeters to several decimeters, depending on the size of the barcode. If you need to scan property, grocery, inventory labels, most likely an ordinary laser scanner will suit you.

Long range lasers

These scanners are the same as conventional laser scanners, but can read the barcode from a distance more than 10 meters... The actual distance will depend on the size of the barcode and the material it is applied to. If the barcode is large and on reflective material, the readable distance increases. Full size terminals and pistol grip terminals most often have the ability to use a long range laser. This type of scanner is widely used in warehouses where goods or directional barcodes are high on the shelves and the worker can scan them while standing at the bottom.

2D Imagers

Instead of reading the reflected laser beam, imager takes a snapshot of the barcode. It then parses this image to extract information from the code. Anyone can read a 2D imager one-dimensional (linear), mixed, or two-dimensional (matrix) barcode and, in most cases, can cope with more complex tasks . Another advantage of the imager is that the direction of reading is not important when reading a barcode. When using a laser, you must trace the indicator horizontally over the barcode. The imager creates a sharper image and more "smart", so you can read the code in any direction. This allows for fast reading without over-pointing the device. Imagers also read barcodes from any surface including monitor or phone screen. Standard imaging scanners do not have much different reading distance from simple laser scanners, but there are several long-range models that can read at a distance of about 10 meters.

Finding the right mobile computer

With all the options available for data terminals today, it is important to find the right device for your business needs. Determining how you will use mobile devices and what features you need will make it easier to choose the right device. If you are still experiencing difficulties or have additional questions, you can call our center. We will be happy to assist you.

Program selection

It is necessary to select a program that can accommodate all future improvements. To do this, consult with your IT specialist and warehouse management department. Please note that most likely you will have to modify the software to suit your needs.

Determine the scope of use of the terminal

Any basic terminal can handle tasks such as shipping, receiving and inventory. But over time, the functionality of the cheapest TSD will not be enough - with an increase in the warehouse, new needs will appear. This is when you will feel the need to purchase a new terminal. A TSD with a WiFi module costs $ 30-40 more than a similar one without a module, a batch one.

Decide on the price

When choosing, pay attention to the manufacturer, and the price, and the offered warranty service. The largest terminal manufacturers are Motorola, Intermec and Datalogic. If the terminal breaks down, the entire enterprise will be paralyzed for at least several hours, so ask the seller for statistics of breakdowns, terms of warranty service, read reviews of other buyers.

Now let's talk directly about the characteristics of the TSD.


The larger the screen, the more expensive the device is, but the greater its functionality. For starters, you can buy a device with a small screen, a small warehouse is enough.

Degree of protection

Employees are human too, so they can make a mistake and break the terminal. To prevent a fall from becoming fatal to the device, pay attention to its degree of protection. The modern standard is a guarantee of the device's performance after a fall from a 1.5-meter height.

Memory and central processing unit

The more powerful the processor, the faster and more efficiently the employee will be able to carry out operations in the warehouse. It is good if all data will be stored on several devices so that if one of them breaks down, the data will not be lost. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to have an SD card slot.


On the TSD market, there are mainly two representatives of the OS: Windows and DOS. Solutions with Windows are more expensive than those with DOS, but they are much more technologically advanced - the latter are already morally outdated. There are rare representatives of TSD on Android, which, nevertheless, are gaining popularity.

Data transfer method

The terminal can be a batch terminal, which means the absence of wireless communication modules, or with a Wi-Fi module. The difference in price between these configurations is minimal, but if you choose the first one, you won't have any opportunity to establish a wireless connection after. Therefore, it is better not to spare money and buy a TSD with integrated WiFi.

Scanning module

There are 1D and 2D barcode readers. There is a significant difference in price between the two, despite the fact that it has been declining recently. Today, 1D barcodes still prevail, so it is better to choose the appropriate terminal, and after the development of your enterprise, you can switch to 2D technology.

Battery TSD

It is desirable that the terminal be able to operate a full working day without recharging. But even if you have chosen such a model, buy additional batteries so that they can be put into the device at any time - suddenly the first one breaks down or the employee forgets to put it on charge.

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