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How to choose monitor headphones. Headphone specifications - what they mean

On the Internet, you can often see the request “recommend good headphones” for music or games. But before choosing a gadget, you need to understand how the headphones generally differ from each other, and which ones are better for certain tasks.

Gadgets may differ in design features. There are the following gadget designs.

Open or closed

In turn, full-size gadgets are divided into closed, semi-closed and open. Which one is better? V closed version the bowls of the gadget have a design that does not transmit sound waves to the outside and external noises to the inside. They are usually made of plastic, have no holes and look quite massive.

Dimensions (edit) open headphones the same as those of the closed ones. They differ only in the holes on the back of the bowl, through which sound can go out, which affects the perception, as it becomes more realistic. An open-ended gadget can be recommended for listening to music.

Semi-open type a headset is an intermediate option. It combines all the positive characteristics of both a closed and an open gadget. If the question arises, which headphones are better to buy, then here you need to decide what they will be used for. For games, the best choice would be closed ones, since in some online games it is important to hear all the rustles.

We choose headphones with a surround sound function for games. Usually, the packaging for them says that there is support for the 7.1 format. Recommend surround sound headphones to your online battle friends - they will be grateful to you.

Music headphones are either an open or semi-open type of gadget that does a great job.

How to choose headphones with a microphone if you need them for online communication? It should be noted that all of the above types of gadgets can be equipped with a built-in microphone. There are 4 ways to attach it to your headset.

  1. Built in- is the worst option that you can think of, since it will catch, in addition to the voice of the owner of the headset, all extraneous noises. The only thing that might induce you to buy headphones with such a microphone is that it is invisible.
  2. On cable- Placed as standard in the volume control in a mobile headset. Due to the fact that the wire is shifting all the time, signal distortion is possible, which affects the quality of the connection.
  3. Fixed mount... The microphone rests on a fixed plastic holder, at a fixed distance from the mouth. It is worth choosing headphones with a fixed mount if you mean frequent communication on the network. They can be buried, open, semi-open, or overhead.
  4. Movable mount... This type of headset is the best option for connecting to a computer. The distance between the microphone and the mouth can be easily adjusted by simply turning the holder. If the microphone is not needed, it can be raised up, and in some models it can be detached.

Connection method

According to the connection method, headsets are divided into 2 types: wired and wireless.


This is the most common way to connect a gadget. This is the preferred connection if you want the best sound quality. We emphasize that this connection option is less expensive than wireless.

The only drawback is that freedom of movement is limited by the length of the cord, although it can be extended with a connecting cable.

Connection to devices is via a standard connector (3.5 mm mini jack) or via USB. There should be 2 plugs (one for the microphone, and the second, green for the audio signal) if these are ordinary computer headphones.

In case your headset has one plug with contacts for the right and left channels, as well as for a microphone, then it is quite suitable for a phone or laptop with a special socket, near which there is a certain marking.

To connect to a PC, you will need to take an adapter.


Recommend wireless headphones for those who need to move freely within their home or office. This headset is supplied with base station connected to a PC. It is equipped with a radio signal receiver and transmitter. The headset itself also has a transmitter and receiver, which are powered by rechargeable batteries. . If infrared radiation is used as a transmitting signal, then free movement will be limited by the range of visibility of the emitter and receiver.

The main disadvantage of a wireless headset is the fact that it is necessary to periodically charge the batteries, and its weight is noticeably higher. Also, the sound quality in such gadgets is worse in comparison with wired ones.

Sony MDR-RF855RK Wireless Headphones

Headphone Specifications

To know how to choose the right headphones, you need to take into account not only the type of design, but also the technical characteristics of the gadget.


The standard resistance value is 32 ohms. The higher the resistance, the better the sound quality. But you have to sacrifice loudness. For professional headphones, the impedance can be as high as several hundred ohms. If you are choosing a headset in order to use it with a tablet, phone or PC, then 32 ohms will be enough, since these devices do not have enough power.


When choosing a stereo headset, it is advisable to pay attention to such a parameter as the headphone power indicator (not to be confused with the headphone sensitivity). Chasing large values ​​of the indicator is not worth it, since such a device will quickly drain the battery phone, tablet or laptop. The power indicator should be within 100 mW.

Harmonic distortion level

Headphone specifications also include this parameter, which is measured as a percentage. Quality headphones have a minimum distortion value of 0.5%.

Before choosing good headphones, know that devices with a ratio above 1% are considered mediocre.

There are times when the percentage of harmonic distortion is not indicated on the gadget's packaging, which should be paid attention to, since the manufacturer can thus hide the poor quality of its products. It is not recommended to purchase such a gadget.

frequency range

The sound quality depends on how wide the boundaries of this parameter are. The human ear is capable of picking up sound in the frequency range of 16 to 20,000 Hz. Therefore, the frequency range of the headphones should be within this range. The optimal frequency for normal headphones is 20-20000 Hz. Gadgets selected in this way will reproduce deep bass and normal high frequencies. Recommend headphones with such frequency characteristics to your friends, and they will not be disappointed with the sound quality.


When thinking about which headphones to choose, you can get confused in the names of the parameters. The sensitivity of the headphones is referred to when a person in a store asks the seller to "advise the headphones so that they have a high volume." The higher the headphone sensitivity setting, the louder the music in the device will be. Sensitivity is considered a normal value, in the range from 90 dB to 100 dB (for budget gadgets) and higher (for expensive models) with a constant power level.

Microphone specifications

Before choosing a good headphone with a microphone, you should pay attention to its technical characteristics. Headset microphones are capacitor and dynamic... If you choose according to the parameters, then the transmission quality is better for capacitor ones. Also, the microphone can be unidirectional (it catches less external noise) and circular. The frequency response for a normal microphone ranges from 100 Hz to 16 kHz. It's good if the microphone implements noise canceling function.


In conclusion, we can say that the choice of headphones should be approached on an individual basis, since there are no universal recommendations on this matter. First, decide which headset you need, mobile or stationary, and only then select it according to its technical characteristics. Do not forget about ergonomics by trying on the selected headphones on yourself. They should not cause undue pressure on the ears and should be light enough. Otherwise, after prolonged use of the gadget, pain in the neck and ears may appear. In any case, before buying, you need to weigh the pros and cons, and then choose the best option so that you are satisfied with the price and quality of the headset.

In the list of items that a person carries with him every day, in one of the first places, you can safely put headphones for a mobile phone, an audio player, and in general everything that can play music. In transport, in nature, on a morning jog and even at work, headphones accompany the music lover. Their most important quality is the ability to listen to your favorite music anywhere, and thereby abstract yourself from the world around you. And if the development of music players made music accessible, then headphones made it possible to personalize it and take it with you.

Headphones are usually included in the set for mobile phones and audio players, but manufacturers often make them “for delivery”. They do not have good sound quality or usability and need to be replaced very quickly. But everything is not so simple here. When choosing new headphones, you can simply get confused by the varieties of cords, temples, decibels, cups and hertz. It is not always clear what lies behind these words, and what characteristics are really important. We suggest that we figure it out together in order to make the choice of headphones balanced and rational.

Types and sizes

Headphones can be conditionally divided into two categories: "in-ear", which are also called "droplets" and full-size headphones. The most significant difference between them is the diameter of the diaphragm, i.e. sound source. It is believed that the larger the diaphragm, the better and fuller the sound will be, but the larger the headphones themselves will be. If in earbuds the diaphragm diameter rarely exceeds 9 mm, then in studio monitor headphones (the "scientific" name for headphones) it can be 30 mm or more. As a transitional option, a mass of headphones with a 15 mm diaphragm is offered. For instance, .

In our experience, it's not clear that small headphones are bad and big ones are good. First, each species has its own advantages and disadvantages for its use case. Plus, expensive earbuds can sound significantly better than cheap full-size headphones. Therefore, in any comparison, it is important to always remember the price category.

In-ear headphones valuable in that they do not take up much space - they are compact, you can always carry them with you, simply by putting them in your pocket along with the player. The earbuds are good for people who need a compact option to access their music anytime, and at a fraction of the cost. Although, not all "earbuds" are distinguished by an affordable price - there are hi-end models for connoisseurs among them.

In-ear headphones and"Vacuum"

In-ear headphones can be positioned in the auricle or inside the ear canal. Under the word "earbuds" it is customary to mean the first, and the second is popularly called "vacuum" headphones, or even just "plugs". They usually achieve the best sounding performance by placing them deeply in the channel and cutting off external noise. Headphones of this type fit snugly in your ears, you can hardly hear the surrounding sounds in them. Good "plugs" have replaceable elastic bands of various diameters made of soft, high-quality material, which will minimize all the inconveniences from their placement, and the most expensive ones are made according to an impression made from the auricle and the canal of their future owner. Artists use such devices on stage in order to hear themselves and the soundtrack without the rumble of a multi-kilowatt acoustic installation playing "into the audience."

However, not all music lovers like these headphones. Many are afraid of the need for deep placement, users are worried about the safety of hearing (although when using high-quality headphones and reasonable music volume, there is no reason for such concerns). Others reject the "plugs" simply because they want to hear not only music, but also the sounds of the world around them - after all, moving around a metropolis with "disabled" hearing organs can be simply dangerous.

The main reason for the nerves of the owner of any headphones is tangled wires. In top-end earbuds, it is solved with the help of a small headphone box with which they are sold. If your headphone does not come with it, you can purchase it separately. It does not take up much space and eliminates the problem of tangled wires. The Koss Twins and KEB4 are prime examples of such headphones. Other ways of "dealing with wires" have also been invented, but usually it is enough to train yourself to fold and remove them from your pocket in a strictly defined way to forget about this problem.

Over-ear headphones

And yet only in over-ear headphones you can achieve the best sound. However, this does not mean that having bought the first big headphones that come across, you will immediately get the desired quality - you have to pay for it, as elsewhere. But in such headphones, you can defiantly detach from the world around you and, without further ado, demonstrate to others that you cannot hear them. It is more convenient to listen to music with full-size headphones at home or at work - on the street and in transport, people around them usually look at a music lover in full-size headphones as if they were an alien. However, for some it is, on the contrary, a desired effect.

Over-ear headphones offer better durability than in-ear headphones, and the large size allows you to maximize your musical experience.

Such headphones constructively can have several types of cups: open, semi-closed and closed. This characteristic affects sound reproduction at low frequencies, the audibility of sound in headphones to others, as well as the degree of isolation from the outside world. Music is also heard in different ways.

Open (left) and closed (right) headphones

Closed-back headphones usually they reproduce heavy music better - they feel the pressure, drive, density of sound. To support bass, the sound resonates in the enclosed volume of the bowl, which gives the best bass response. In the same time open headphones they are usually more detailed, better reproduce the stereo effect, their sound is "open" and "light", and the sound is reproduced with minimal distortion. At the same time, listening to music with open headphones, you will introduce everyone around you to it, which they obviously will not like.

Fastening and convenience

One of the most important characteristics of earbuds is comfort. If they are inconvenient for you, then no matter how cool they sound, you will not listen to them for a long time. Therefore, special attention should be paid to fastening.

"Earbuds", in addition to the usual attachment option, can be attached with an ear hook or through the neck. This is convenient for those who are wearing hats or jogging. For girls and guys with long hair, this attachment option will not spoil the hairstyle and will not cause inconvenience. Models with an ear hook should not push or protrude it, otherwise you will not be able to wear these headphones for more than a few hours.

Ear hook models: Sennheiser MX 680 Sport, Aircoustic SPO 6061 and Sennheiser PMX 680 Sport

There are also headphones designed specifically for sports. They have a more ergonomic fit and do not fall off during active movements. For example, the model and Panasonic RP-HS200E-K. Sennheiser even has a line of such headphones made in conjunction with Adidas, which includes, and.

Full-size models wrap the head with a bow on top, which is made of plastic or metal. In addition, the bow can be lengthened and shortened. With the higher cost of monitor headphones, they are a long-term investment, so it is worth paying special attention to the material and workmanship.

The finish on the ear cups in full-size headphones is called ear cushions. They are made of various materials - leather and leatherette, velor, foam rubber. In any case, when buying large headphones for long listening, it is important to try them on - the ears should be placed entirely inside the ear cushions. And in general, regardless of the type, the headphones should not crush and cause discomfort. Of course, a person gets used to everything, but why create unnecessary troubles for yourself if you can avoid them in advance?

Sound characteristics

They say that modern acoustic systems - including headphones - should be chosen not according to technical characteristics, but by ear. Indeed, we have to listen to them and have fun, and not measure the parameters and verify the linearity. But nevertheless, knowledge and understanding of the basic electroacoustic characteristics will never be superfluous, if the topic of high-quality sound reproduction really worries you.

Human hearing distinguishes sounds with a vibration frequency from 15-20 Hz to 18-22 kHz. Accordingly, all musical works contain sounds in this range, otherwise the human ear simply will not hear them. Conventionally, the entire frequency range is divided into low, middle and high frequencies. Ideally, good headphones should cover the entire range from the lowest frequencies (15 Hz) to the highest (25 kHz). This will ensure that you hear all of the recorded sounds. However, the range covered does not yet guarantee the quality of the music being played. It is very important that at all these frequencies the sound is reproduced with a minimum of distortion! And it will be more difficult to express it in simple numbers ...

The correspondence of the input signal to the headphones and its volume at the output is displayed in the form of a graph frequency response(Frequency response). The smoother the line on the graph and the smaller its peaks and dips, the smoother the sound will be at different frequencies. But do not get too carried away with studying the frequency response graphs - the fact is that special designs are used to build them, which are noticeably different from the shape of the human ear (and even more so from the shape of your ear specifically). This means that the output at different frequencies for your ear will be slightly different than for a measuring setup. Therefore, such graphs can be used only for comparison, and only within the models from one firm. Different conditions for measuring frequency response from different manufacturers make comparisons between different brands meaningless.

Sound pressure(SPL) is measured in decibels (dB, dB), and is a measure of how loud a sound source is compared to a given one. Most often, the human hearing sensitivity threshold is used as a preset, it is taken as 0 dB SPL. As far as the maximum level is concerned, the eardrum is an elastic organ and can withstand a peak sound pressure of more than 130 dB, but for extremely short periods of time. Continuous exposure to loud music can lead to gradual degradation of hearing. This process can be easily tracked by how on familiar compositions after a while you want to add 1 unit more volume. In fact, if your ears are dear to you, you should do exactly the opposite - make it a little quieter, or even turn off the player altogether. And hope that hearing will recover after a certain time.

As for headphones, their specifications often indicate a different indicator - dBm, or decibels per 1 milliwatt of supplied power. It is sometimes called sensitivity... If the resistance (impedance) of the compared headphones is equal, a higher number of dBm indicates that the headphones will be louder.

An important characteristic is electrical impedance headphones, it is also impedance. If you want to get the maximum volume and quality, it is necessary that the impedance of the headphones and the output impedance of the sound reinforcement equipment are matched to each other. To do this, you should study the instructions for your player or phone - what impedance is the output for headphones?

Headphones for portable devices have an average impedance of 32 to 55 ohms. Within these limits, one can ignore the impedance - the main thing is that the sound source "pulls" the 32-ohm load. In other cases, the rule applies: the output impedance of the source must be less than or equal to the impedance of the load (headphones).

Sennheiser HD600 classic studio headphones feature 300 ohm impedance

Professional headphones have an impedance of 120, 300 or 600 ohms. And although they can in principle be included in a player designed for 32-ohm devices, their sound will be too quiet. A special amplifier may be required to drive these headphones. Or, if we are talking about a computer, a sound card with a dedicated amplifier for high-impedance headphones.


The length of the wire is of great importance, but its strength and durability are even more important. When choosing the first parameter, the main thing is not to go to two extremes: 5-meter or more cords, which are needed for recording studios, will be absolutely unnecessary if the source is at arm's length. Conversely, cords that are too short, which prevent the player from reaching the pocket of a backpack, are also impractical. Fortunately, everything is simple here - if the headphones are designed for use with portable equipment, their cord length rarely exceeds 1.5 m. And the longest wires are for headphones for TVs, sometimes up to 7-10 m.

AKG 240 studio monitors are equipped with two pairs of Oxygen-free copper connectable cables

Expensive, full-size headphones are often equipped with detachable, replaceable cables - if the cable fails, it can simply be replaced. This is a very big plus, since cable breakage accounts for 80% of all typical headphone problems in general. If the wire is not replaceable, pay attention to its thickness and type of braiding. By the way: the twisted wire, although it looks original, has long been recognized as inconvenient (since it always strives to pull the headphones off your head) and therefore went out of fashion.

Sennheiser RS ​​120 II wireless system

For computer technology, wireless systems have also been invented, consisting of a docking station-transmitter and headphones with a receiver. They provide wireless transmission over a distance of 15 to 150 meters (depending on the type of channel - infrared or radio). There are also Bluetooth stereo headsets, which are widely used with mobile phones, but their maximum range reaches 10 meters. Earbuds, for example, can also be wireless, but this is a rather expensive professional system. Some models are equipped with IR sensors, but they must be in constant visibility of the player, which is not convenient for a portable use. In general, the sound quality of wireless headphones is often noticeably inferior to their wired counterparts - due to losses during compression of the audio signal for its transmission "over the air".


If the headphones will be used not only for listening to music, but also for talking on Skype or communicating in network games, then you should pay attention to models with a built-in microphone. Full-size options are suitable for use with a computer. But for walking on the streets, they are rather bulky and it is better to choose something smaller, for example, Razor "earbuds". It is optimal if the microphone can be turned away or disconnected from the headphones for a period when it is not needed.

Gaming Headphones

A separate subtype of headphones is gaming. They are usually distinguished from products for music lovers by their bright colors and specific sound, in which the accuracy of positioning of sounds is primarily appreciated. It is believed that the player should always be able to determine by ear where the fire is coming from. In addition, gaming headphones are usually made full-sized and comfortable for extended wear, as gaming battles often stretch out over several hours.

Gaming Headphones

There is also a special subspecies of gaming headphones - multichannel systems. They appeared with the entry of 5.1-channel game consoles and sound cards into the market. Most often, there are still two diaphragms in such headphones (after all, the average person still has two ears), and a special unit pre-mixes a 5.1-channel signal into a stereo 2.0 one. However, most often this can be done on the computer / set-top box itself, and therefore there is no special need for such systems.

Summing up

At the stage of choosing the size of headphones, it is advisable to pay more attention to reasoning about where you will most often use headphones, and how important it is for you to hear the world around you (as well as its relationship to your music). When driving a bike or jogging, it is better to use earbuds or open headphones - you need to hear what is happening around. But it is important that they hold up well. But for home listening or in public places - better closed so as not to disturb others. If you can't decide, choose semi-closed headphones. We will recommend “gags” to those who often travel on the subway or fly by plane - both there and there the level of ambient noise makes listening to music very difficult.

And most importantly, if sound quality really matters to you, try not to skimp on headphones. In the world of audio, there is an unbreakable rule of “chaining” - your system is only as good as its weakest component. And what is the use of recordings in lossless format, a cool sound card or an expensive player, if then the user puts on cheap "disposable" headphones on his head? And vice versa, the purchase of expensive "monitor" headphones may lead to the need to revise your entire musical "arsenal" - because in them the weak points of both the recordings themselves and the equipment reproducing them will be very well heard.

Good luck with your choice!

Nowadays, choosing good headphones is quite difficult, because the range is simply amazing, and even if you have already decided on the type of design, brand and price range, the choice will not be easy. Indeed, in each price category, manufacturers offer a large number of models, which, among other things, differ from each other. characteristics... Usually they are presented in the form of numbers (and sometimes graphs) with dimensions that are incomprehensible to most users. And how to understand what exactly these numbers and graphical dependencies affect? Let's try to figure it out!

A few words about marketing

Marketers now decide a lot in large corporations, and for good reason, because the size of the income from the sale of each headphone model depends on their successful decisions. And they use their power to influence your choice, manipulate the mind of the buyer with numbers, using, of course, technical characteristics. Think back to the 90s, when the market was filled with Chinese "Hi-Fi" stereos with small speakers that read "100 W" in large print. We are seeing something similar now. The more the value is written in front of the characteristics, the wider the frequency range is indicated on the package, the more interest it will be among the audience.

The fact is that there are no standard methods for measuring the characteristics of headphones, as well as a standard stand for conducting these tests. Therefore, in fact, the manufacturer can write whatever he wants on the packaging. It's not so bad if you understand a little and understand what do the characteristics of the headphones mean?

1. Impedance (electrical resistance)

Impedance is the sum of the active and reactance of the speaker coil, measured in ohms. The impedance value depends on the signal frequency, that is, it is more appropriate to present this characteristic in the form of a graph, but usually manufacturers note on the packaging the impedance at a frequency of 1 kHz or the average or characteristic value for the entire frequency range.

Typically portable headphones have an impedance of 16-32 ohms and are considered "low impedance". If this value exceeds 60 ohms, then the headphones are "high impedance". The classification of studio monitor headphones is slightly different in this regard, here the value of 80-100 ohms is considered low impedance, and 250 or more - high impedance. What does the impedance value affect? Energy consumption when playing music depends on it, as well as, to some extent, the volume. The lower the impedance of the headphones, the louder they will be (with the same). Also, low-impedance headphones consume less power to play music when the same signal level is supplied.

For portable devices (mp3-players, smartphones), the optimal impedance values ​​will be 16-32 ohms, in some cases, even at 60 ohms, the headphones will sound loud enough due to the high. For stationary listening, values ​​from 100 Ohm will be more acceptable, this will create a "comfortable" load for the amplifier, and it will be able to reproduce the signal with less. For portable equipment, 100-ohm headphones will be "heavy", the playback will most likely not be loud enough.

But do not rush to choose headphones with a minimum impedance value, because with an increase in this value, the signal-to-noise ratio decreases, the level of distortion increases, and headphones with a high impedance are more economical in terms of energy consumption.

2. Sensitivity

Under sensitivity often mean the efficiency of headphones, their energy efficiency... It is measured in dB / mW, or dB / V, that is, this is the ratio of the volume level that the headphones provide when a signal with a power (amplitude) of 1 mW (V) is applied to them. The sensitivity reduced to power (dB / mW) characterizes the headphones in terms of energy efficiency, but does not allow comparing different models with each other in this parameter, since the sensitivity in this case depends on the impedance of the headphones. Usually, manufacturers are not too concerned with dimensions and indicate the value simply in decibels, for most headphones it is 100 or more dB. Here, the work of marketers is clearly visible, and the value of sensitivity in the characteristics is indicated according to the principle "the more, the better." Sensitivity is highly dependent on the material from which the speaker's magnetic core is made. Neodymium magnets offer the highest sensitivity in a compact size, so if you see the word neodime on the packaging, that's a good sign.

Here again, it should be emphasized that there are no hard standards for measuring the sensitivity of headphones, so each manufacturer measures it in its own way: someone sets the sensitivity at 1 kHz, someone at 500 Hz, and others give average or even peak values. sensitivity. In addition, each manufacturer uses its own test bench, so trust this parameter with caution.

As can be seen from the definition, sensitivity primarily affects the volume of the headphones, and the higher this value, the louder the headphones will be (with other parameters being equal, including impedance). Headphones with the same sensitivity and radically different frequency response curves will subjectively differ in volume.

3. Amplitude-frequency characteristic (AFC)

Frequency response This is a graphical dependence that reflects the dependence of the volume of the headphones (more precisely, the sound pressure) on the frequency of the reproduced signal. Typically, this relationship is uneven, that is, headphones create different sound pressure at different frequencies. For example, consider the frequency response of the Koss PortaPro headphones.

On the graph, we can see the deviation of the frequency response from the average value, which is assumed to be 0 dB. Around 100-200 Hz, we can observe a rise in the curve, which emphasizes the low frequencies. Further, the curve is leveled and in the high-frequency range we see some unevenness. The position of the peaks and troughs can vary depending on many factors: how you put on the headphones, whether the low-pressure mode is on (switch on the side of the PortaPro headphones), and the shape of the listener's ear. When using in-ear headphones, the configuration of the ear cushions and the depth to which the earphone is inserted are also affected. It is also worth noting that the frequency response of the left and right channels may differ slightly.

It is important to pay attention to the frequency response graph only if you buy headphones of the middle and higher price segments, manufacturers of budget models usually do not "brag" too much about this characteristic. Expensive studio models can have a frequency response of a special shape designed for certain types of music, studio models often have a very flat response, which is why they sound "dry" for ordinary users, there is a lack of low and high frequencies, which everyone is so used to.

4. Frequency range

As you can see, the curve along the frequency axis is limited to 20Hz - 20kHz, this is frequency range, that is, the boundaries in which the amplitude-frequency characteristic lies. It is known that the human ear perceives frequencies from 20 Hz to 20 kHz (this range narrows with age), and it is these ranges that we usually see in the characteristics of headphones. It is technically correct to indicate the frequency response unevenness near the frequency range, for example, 20-20000 Hz (+/- 3 dB), that is, the frequency response unevenness in the 20 Hz range is +/- 3 dB, or 6 dB. Usually, unevenness is not indicated by anyone from where and on the boxes with headphones eloquent numbers like 5-28000Hz appear. But even if the uneven frequency response in this range is acceptable, do our headphones need to reproduce frequencies that our ear cannot perceive? As you can see, the frequency response graph at the edges has significant drops at high and low frequencies, and due to the expansion of the frequency range, we can shift these drops, obtaining increased values ​​within the limits of our hearing sensitivity.

So the frequency range is also an important characteristic, but only taking into account the unevenness of the frequency response curve, that is, if you choose between headphones with a range of 20-20000Hz with an unevenness of 4 dB, and 5-28000Hz with an unevenness of 12 dB, I would choose the former.

Incidentally, one example of a headphone that boasts a wide frequency range is Sennheiser's in-ear IE800. With the manufacturer's specified range of 5-46000Hz, their price is about $ 750.

5. Maximum input power

This characteristic shows what maximum power the signal that we send to the headphones can have. If the level exceeds the maximum input power of the headphones, they may be damaged. This characteristic can be guided by choosing headphones for a specific playback source (amplifier, remote control, sound card, mp-3 player), comparing it in accordance with the device's output power. The power reserve will never be superfluous, because it will protect the headphones from overloads and significantly increase the service life.

The maximum input power of different models of headphones can range from 1 to 5000 mW.

6. Coefficient of nonlinear distortion (THD)

A very important characteristic that you rarely find on the packaging of headphones. The level of distortion of headphones is measured as a percentage, the lower the THD value, the more accurately the headphones transmit sound. The distortion factor depends on many factors (frequency, signal strength, etc.), for example, for low frequencies (up to 200 Hz), the allowable value is 5-10%, while in the rest of the range, values ​​less than 1% are considered acceptable. Typically, data are given for THD at a frequency of 1 kHz.

Why are harmonic distortions taken into account?

Everything is very simple, linear distortions in the signal are introduced by any linear element, for example, a resistor - a volume control. Of course, when passing through a resistor, the signal can be subjected to non-linear distortion associated with impurities in the resistive element, but these distortions are so small that they can be neglected. Harmonic distortion is introduced by nonlinear elements such as transistors, which make up almost all electronics.

It is impossible to transmit a signal with perfect accuracy without distortion at all, you can only minimize their level. Modern technologies make it possible to achieve a level of distortion in tenths or even hundredths of a percent, so not everyone can feel these distortions by ear. How do headphones distort the signal? This is usually due to uneven deformation of the diffuser, which cannot have the same mechanical properties over the entire area. We can also hear distortions of sound when the diffuser goes beyond the calculated zone of movement, but this usually happens when the headphones are "overloaded", that is, they operate in a mode that does not correspond to the nominal one. This can be observed by connecting headphones with a low value to a powerful signal source, especially when there is an excess of low frequencies. This mode of operation is dangerous and may damage the speaker.


It is impossible to single out any one characteristic that fully characterizes the headphones, since the quality and reliability of the sound depends on each of them. Some characteristics are related to each other, some compensate for each other, so you need to evaluate everything in a complex, and not each parameter separately. In addition, do not forget that there are no standard stands and methods for measuring certain characteristics of headphones, and some of them (for example) will depend on the fit of the headphones on the head (or in the ears) and other operating conditions.

Therefore, the most reliable way to choose headphones will still be considered "live" listening, which will allow you to evaluate not only the sound quality, but also the usability and other nuances. If there is no opportunity to listen to headphones before buying, take a close look at them specifications and read user reviews online, although everyone rates it differently.

Anyone who buys cheap headphones is often forced to experience disappointment with their purchase. After a while, crackling, extraneous noises and other unpleasant effects appear in the headphones. It often becomes clear that headphones rub your ears, are uncomfortable and not firmly attached to your head, and have a number of negative qualities. How do you choose the kind of headphones that would satisfy exactly your request?

Many of us are faced with the question of how to choose headphones. But for the final decision-making, and, most importantly, the right choice, it is desirable to have the appropriate knowledge. For a start, it would be nice to decide what kind of headphones you need, and how much you are willing to part with. You should also think carefully about why you are buying headphones.

For a flash player or mobile phone, for example, in-ear headphones are suitable. But no in-ear headphones are capable of delivering the sound quality that on-ear headphones provide.
If you need good sounding headphones for stereo, then such on-ear headphones will be the best option. There are two types of them in total: closed and open. The first ones are distinguished by maximum strength and adherence to the ears, which avoids almost all third-party sounds. The second (open) type of headphones differs in that it still passes a small amount of noise from the outside. This makes the sound more realistic than with closed headphones.

Headphones also differ in the principle of signal transmission - wired and wireless... The pluses of the headphones, into which the sound enters through the wires, can be attributed to the high quality of the sound, to the minuses - the stiffness of movements and the presence of a wire that limits the territory of your movement. Wireless headphones allow you to move freely, but at the same time, the sound quality is worse.

If you need absolute sound insulation(noisy office / street, travel by public transport) pay attention to earphones. These headphones completely isolate the ear canal from noise and allow you to listen to music even on the subway. Headphones Koss The Plug and Sony MDR-EX71 are recognized leaders in this class.

To obtain maximum sound quality some small monitor headphones can be used with the player. Folding and lightweight Koss UR40 will change your idea of ​​"player" sound. These headphones are just versatile.

In-ear headphones, or "droplets", are extremely compact in size. Unfortunately, this minimalism does not have the best effect on the sound quality. As a rule, the diameter of the sound-reproducing membrane does not exceed 1 cm, and this inevitably deprives the sound of low frequencies.

X-woofer- New to the market - an incredible device that will change the way you watch DVD movies, play games and listen to music. Earlier you only heard the sound - now you will feel it!

IBud Headphones from Japanese developers Thanko are designed in such a way that the owner can choose what length of wire he needs. They are ideal for use with mobile devices on the go, such as the iPod.

For active movement sports headphones such as the Aiwa HP-JB211 or Koss P5 are suitable for running or cycling. These are in-ear headphones with a vertical headband. These headphones are very practical and stay well on the head with sudden movements.

What should you look for when choosing headphones?

frequency range
The human ear is able to hear sounds with a frequency of 20 Hz. Average good headphones should handle the frequencies listed without any problems. High-quality models of well-known companies, as a rule, go beyond these limits, but very few will be able to really hear the entire range, for example, from 12 Hz to 22 kHz. Especially when using MP3-players - music in this format is deprived of high frequencies even at the stage of compression. And here, even if you are a genius sound engineer, you will not hear anything anyway. For listening to MP3 (and other compressed formats), even in the highest quality, a range of about 20 Hz - 16 kHz is quite enough.

Sensitivity. This is an important characteristic when choosing headphones, because the sound volume depends on it. We recommend buying a device with a sensitivity of at least 90-110 dB. This will ensure good volume even in noisy street conditions.

Resistance. Most devices are rated for 16 ohms. Premium earphones are rated at 200 ohms and above. The larger this parameter, the quieter, but clearer the sound will be with equal sensitivity. High impedance headphones use more power. Please note: when using them with the player, you will have enough power for less time.


As for the length of the cable, you need to imagine in advance where you will use the purchased device. If you want to move freely around the room while the player is on the table, a long cable will come in handy. If the headphones are purchased exclusively for carrying with you, then it is better to choose a shorter cable. Now many manufacturers make headphones "with an extension cord" - a standard cord with a length of just over a meter can be easily extended for a certain distance using the supplied piece of cable. Here, however, there is one subtlety that your humble servant did not pay attention to at one time. It so happened that, in combination with the two-meter height, the 60-centimeter cable turned out to be short, and the one and a half meter - too long. So, in spite of the seeming convenience of the innovative design, it can be miscalculated here too.

Convenience and comfort of headphones- another very important detail. There are many small tips to give here. If the headphones rub on your ears, do not use earbuds, but use on-ear headphones or monitors. To prevent the headphones from spoiling your hair, use headphones with a bow strap located at the back of your neck.

Look at weight headphones - even seemingly light at first glance, some models can cause discomfort after several hours of continuous use. Use in-ear headphones with a headband or other models that distribute their weight evenly. Pay attention to what the ear cups are made of, how ergonomically designed they are, how good the adjustments are to the head diameter, etc. The presence of a volume control on the cord, a storage box and similar little things can greatly make life easier and make listening to music much more pleasant.

The active development of smartphone manufacturing has made phones very convenient for listening to music, since they are equipped with sufficient built-in and additional memory. Recently, cloud services have begun to gain popularity, in which the user can store a very large amount of music. That is why smartphone owners are increasingly interested in how to choose headphones for their phone.

Selection options

Technically, all high-quality headphones for a phone are characterized by the following parameters:

frequency range

The frequency range characterizes what minimum and maximum frequencies the headphones can reproduce. A wider range gives better sound quality. Physically, the diameter of the membrane is responsible for the frequency range in the headphones - the larger it is, the wider the frequency spectrum. The normal human ear perceives frequencies ranging from 15 Hz to 20,000 Hz, therefore, headphones should be chosen with this range.


Such a characteristic as sensitivity is responsible for the loudness of the "ears" sound and is measured in decibels. Most modern headphones are capable of delivering around 100 dB. The sensitivity is directly related to the magnetic core on the membrane. However, it should be borne in mind that, although the magnetic core in vacuum headphones is small, they still have high sensitivity due to the fact that they are located deep in the ear. The optimal value for the sensitivity of the headphones for the phone can vary within 100 dB.


When choosing headphones for your phone, you need to pay attention to resistance. It should not be very high (above 35 ohms), otherwise the phone will simply not be able to reproduce sound. However, too low impedance (below 16 ohms) is also not very good, as it leads to a lot of sound distortion. The optimum value for telephone headphones is about 20-30 ohms.

Maximum power

The power parameter also affects the sound volume. When choosing headphones, remember that the power of the jack in the phone is not very large, therefore the power of the headphones should not be too great. The optimum power is about 100 mW.

Distortion level

Any headphones distort the sound, this parameter is measured as a percentage. The lower the distortion level, the higher the sound quality. The level of sound distortion can be judged based on the weight of the headphones - the less weight, the more distortion. For liners or vacuum liners, the normal weight is 5-30 grams, and for overhead - from 40 to 100 grams.

Types of headphones

Modern phones are equipped with standardized 3.5mm jacks. Therefore, how to choose headphones for a phone depends only on the buyer. By design, all headphones for phones can be divided into the following types:

In-ear headphones

These earbuds get their name because they fit into the ear and are held in place by their shape. These headphones have a standardized size. This can be uncomfortable for those with irregular ear sizes, as they will not hold well properly.

Vacuum earphones for phones can rightfully be called the most common type of earphones. At the ends, they have silicone pads that can be sized to suit your ear. Once in the ear, these headphones fill the entire space and practically do not let sounds from the outside world through. This greatly improves the quality of sound transmission.

If you do not know how to choose vacuum headphones, you can buy a fake and greatly damage your hearing.

As the name suggests, on-ear headphones are placed over your ear, covering it. They provide better sound quality than the previous two types. Such headphones can also be used for a phone, but they are mainly used by music lovers who are willing to sacrifice compactness in favor of high sound quality.

Over-ear headphones are made for people who work with sound professionally, but are absolutely not suitable for use with a phone.

Everyone has different sound preferences. What sounds like high-quality sound to an amateur can cause a lot of negative comments from a professional. When choosing a headphone design, you must remember about their use. With mobile phones, it is most convenient to use either vacuum earbuds or earbuds, because they take up little space and are difficult to break when in a crowd. When buying, attention should be paid to the quality of the wire and plug. It is preferable to buy those headphones in which the wire is not too thin and soft, otherwise it will be very tangled. It is better to buy a plug in an L-shaped form, since it is less prone to breakage.

Bluetooth headphones

The development of wireless technologies affects the development of headphones, in connection with which many are interested in how to choose wireless headphones for your phone. At the moment, all wireless headphones can be distinguished by the type of connection: radio, bluetooth and infrared port. Wireless links provide freedom from wires, but they also increase the amount of noise.

Headphones that you don't need to insert into your ears

For many years, the development of technology for the transmission of sound through bone has been underway. Headphones made using this technology do not need to be inserted into the ears, they need to be fixed higher. The principle of operation of this technology is simple: a special vibration plate emits vibrations that are transmitted directly to the human brain. These headsets are not suitable for audiophiles, but they are very popular among athletes because they do not block extraneous sounds, and also connect to the phone via a wireless connection.

Review of popular models

When wondering which headphones are best to choose, you can see a large number of models. Nevertheless, not everyone can boast of the status of folk favorites. Sennheiser CX-400II has been popular for many years both among ordinary users and among music lovers, since they have high-quality sound and a relatively low cost.

  • Headphones CX-400II;
  • A set of 6 pairs of interchangeable ear tips for all sizes of ears;
  • Carrying case for storage and transportation;
  • A coil on which the wire is wound so that it does not get tangled;
  • Clip for attaching to clothes.

The technical characteristics of the Sennheiser CX-400II are at the level of competitors in their price category. It should be noted that at first the sound quality is poor, but after several days of "warming up" the sound becomes clear, voluminous, and soft bass appears.

Another popular headphone model is Apple EarPods. They were presented along with the iPhone 5 smartphone and replaced the outdated Earphones. The huge popularity of Apple headphones is due to the fact that, firstly, they are included in the complete set of all Apple devices, and secondly, they have a headset, which allows you to control music from your pocket.

EarPods come in a clear plastic case that is suitable for storing or transporting your ears.

The headphone housing is made of light plastic of an unusual shape, everything is done very neatly, so at first glance it is impossible to see gaps or joints.

In terms of sound quality, the Earpods are not geared towards any genre of music. These headphones are versatile and suitable for listening to almost any music.

Often the phone is used as a player during sports. How to choose the right headphones for sports is a tricky question. One of the most common models is Jabra Sport Bluetooth. They connect to a smartphone using Bluetooth, so that the user will never get tangled in the wires. Another benefit of Jabra Sport Bluetooth is vibrant sound with powerful bass. High-quality sound is very important for those involved in training, as it can distract the brain from muscle fatigue and increase endurance by 15-20%.

Xiaomi Piston 3

This video examines another popular model of Xiaomi Piston 3 headphones. At a low cost, they have good characteristics, and also come in high-quality packaging. In addition, Xiaomi Piston 3 is equipped with a headset for talking.

Following all the listed rules, you will no longer wonder how to choose the right headphones for your mobile!

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