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How to choose a wired router. Powerful mid-range devices

An Internet network for a home (apartment) is not difficult to make - modern devices make it easy to split the signal into several computers.

However, it is often necessary to purchase equipment for a home network, called a router (router).

It is by wifi signals or cable, allows you to create networks. The right choice of a good router for an apartment (for a house) is not an easy task.

Most users know very little about this type of device and may choose a wifi router that is not fully suited to their individual needs, and in addition, ruin the budget.

Important parameters and functions of a Wi-Fi router and how best to choose

A Wi-Fi router, according to the professional definition, is used to receive Internet provided by service providers such as Rostelecom or Beeline.

WiFi routers currently on the market (2014, 2015) differ in signal transmission technologies.

In this regard, two main types of these devices can be distinguished - cable router and WiFi.

If you are going to move your computing devices frequently, then you should choose a Wi-Fi router.

For stationary objects, it will be better to choose cable, which, in addition, is cheaper.

For a home network, a wireless router is most often chosen. While choosing a cable or wireless router will not cause any problems, the trouble comes from the other side - determining the specific model of the device or company.

  • By the way, you may not know, but all modern PCs are equipped with virtual computers - then you won’t have to buy a separate one.

Each manufacturer has several types of wireless routers in their range that you can buy in the $15 to $100 range.

When choosing a router, especially pay attention to the standard in which it works. The common standard is 802.11g.

Routers using the 802.11g standard will allow the signal to reach an average apartment or house with little obstruction.

The 802.11n standard defines the modern mode of wireless routers. When choosing them, it is important to look at the ports that will allow you to connect regular network cables.

Most routers are equipped with four such connectors and a Gigabit (10/100/1000 Mbps) connector port, and some have an additional USB port.

A very important parameter for each router is the power and range of the signal. If they are too weak, then in remote areas, computers will not be able to access it.

Data transfer speed is another important feature of a router, as it determines how quickly you can send email, download files from the Internet, etc.

In Equipment operating in 802.11g, the speed is noticeably lower than in 802.11n. The actual transmission in the case of 802.11g is about 22 Mbps, while manufacturers guarantee that it will be up to 54 Mbps.

This speed will be more than enough for the average Internet user. Transmission decreases as the number of supported wireless computers increases and as the distance between the computer and the device increases.

Routers operating in accordance with the new WiFi 802.11n technology offer their users much higher bandwidth for wireless networks, reaching even 90 Mbps.

This bandwidth is useful for those who send large amounts of data to the local network.

The new standard has a much wider range, even in obstructed areas. The signal can get through them.

Another feature is optional port forwarding (Virtual Server and Port Forwarding) or WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup).

The WPS option allows you to make additional protection and automatically connect the transfer if the network card allows you to use this function.

The router can also allow bandwidth management, which is called QoS. Management allows you to set priorities for all applications using the Internet from the local network.

Applications or specific computers with the highest priority will be able to follow the link first.

When choosing a router, also take a look at the rules and warranty period given by the device manufacturer.

It would be good to include at least 10 years. When buying, make sure it is compatible with any WLAN adapters.

If you do not do this, then the router and network card will work together, but the data transfer rate may decrease significantly, even several times.

Each router must provide adequate protection for your wireless network.

Currently, the protocol that guarantees encryption at a decent level is WPA or the new version of WPA2.

Before choosing a specific model, look at what security protocols this device offers, because in addition to encrypting connections, some allow you to further secure your network in other ways, such as authentication based on MAC addresses.

This combination creates network security against various types of intrusions - you get a choice between several encryption protocols.

In the vast majority, all routers will protect your network from external attacks, as they have a firewall (Firewall).

This built-in firewall reflects all the most common attack methods.

Some models also allow the inclusion of specific norms, which further reduces the possibility of any kind of attack.

Popular router manufacturers and their products

The most commonly purchased devices include the brand: D-Link. The company has a solid reputation in the industry, so customers are not afraid to trust it.

A good choice would be to buy such D-Link brand models as: DI-524, DIR-615 and a high-end router - DIR-655.

The DI-524 has been on the market for several years and continues to be a popular choice for consumers.

This is perhaps the most popular wireless router. It can quickly and efficiently share the internet across multiple computers.

The DIR-615 is the latest addition to D-Link's wireless routers. Other manufacturers: Asus, Cisco, 3Com, Linksys, Netgear, or Zyxel.

Frequently asked questions before choosing

- Which router to choose if I am going to send large amounts of data to the local network

You should choose a router with Gigabit ports, it allows you to quickly transfer large amounts of information in local networks. In addition, the network adapter should be allowed to use these ports.

- Which router to choose: wireless or cable

It depends on individual needs. Wireless routers are currently the most popular.

They provide high mobility for all computers connected to the local network. On the other hand, the advantage of wired is signal strength.

The choice of a router should always be correlated with our own requirements in relation to the device.

It's worth considering how much coverage you'll need and what expectations you have regarding the security of your network. Good luck.

Category: Uncategorized

A router is a device that performs the function of distributing the Internet to devices that support a wireless or wired network (tablets, smartphones, laptops, computers, TVs, and so on). Which Wi-Fi router you choose will depend on indicators such as the area of ​​​​wireless Internet coverage in the apartment, the speed of the Internet connection, the stability of the network, and so on. In this article, we will tell you how different models of Wi-Fi routers differ, as well as what characteristics you should pay attention to.

What are the types of routers?

WiFi routers can be conditionally divided into 5 types:

  • WiFi routers, which are wireless routers used to connect over an ADSL line;
  • (FTTB) WiFi-routers - the most commonly used wireless routers that connect to the network using twisted pair (Ethernet FTTB);
  • CPON/ CEPON/ WiFi-routers- devices that have appeared relatively recently. They are designed to connect to passive optical PON networks (the so-called "optics to the apartment");
  • 3 G WiFi-routers- wireless routers that are used to organize Internet access via mobile networks;
  • UniversalWiFi-routers devices that can connect to multiple internet sources. The most common option is ADSL + Ethernet (FTTB) or Ethernet (FTTB) + 3G routers.

Maximum data transfer rate

The newest router models support the standard, which provides a theoretical data transfer rate of up to 1.3 Gbit / s.

Most routers work according to the Wi-Fi standard. The theoretical data transfer rate of such routers can reach 600 Mbit/s.

How much the router "cuts" the speed of the Internet, you can find out through the Speedtest service. To do this, connect the computer to the network via a cable, and measure the speed of data transmission and reception. Then switch to Wi-Fi and run another test.

Most Wi-Fi routers operate in the 2.4 GHz frequency band. Also on the market you can find models that can simultaneously or alternately operate in the 2.4 and 5 GHz bands. The 5 GHz channel can be useful if there are many routers around your apartment that create interference that slows down the Internet speed. Switching to 5 GHz may increase the speed, but will slightly reduce the range of the network.

Hardware filling of the router

If we take into account the hardware of the Wi-Fi router, you can see that this device has the same “stuffing” as the computers we are used to. The main characteristics of routers that you should pay attention to are the frequency of the processor and the amount of RAM. As in the case of computers, the higher these indicators, the better, however, the price of such devices will be higher.

Most Wi-Fi routers have multiple LAN ports for connecting wired home devices. If you have high-speed Internet in your apartment and you like to play on a local network, a router with 100 Mbit / s ports will be enough for you.

Software functionality

Each Wi-Fi router has special pre-installed software, which is often called "firmware".

There are 2 approaches to router software:

  • each model has its own unique software;
  • software is created for a whole line of routers.

Each of these approaches has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage of the first approach is that in this case the resources of the device are used most rationally. However, given that new features are constantly appearing in router software, and with them various errors, it should be updated periodically. Quite often it happens that when releasing new models of routers, manufacturers forget about the old ones and stop updating their software. In this case, users are often forced to buy a new router.

The advantage of the second approach is that the software in such routers is constantly updated and for this reason they are more functional.

Manufacturer rating

If we talk about router manufacturers, each of them has both good, fast router models, and frankly unsuccessful ones.

Every router company has both fans and detractors who are constantly arguing about which brand is better. In our experience, we can say the following: everyone has problems. For example, D-Link Wi-Fi routers used to have software and wireless problems quite often, which were solved by updating the firmware. For such manufacturers, as things are a little better, although a lot will depend on which router model you choose. If we talk about router manufacturers such as, and, they are very reliable, but there are exceptions among the devices of these companies.

Keep in mind that if you purchase the simplest models, no matter what manufacturer they have, problems may arise with them, since manufacturers have saved as much as they could on such models.

If your budget for the purchase of a router is very limited, it is better to pay attention to the "advanced" models of the third wave manufacturers - WiFi routers and Upvel. These devices have a relatively low price, and at the same time, they have a good “stuffing”.


We hope that our advice will help you decide on the choice of a Wi-Fi router, and you will be able to purchase the best option that will delight you with stable operation.

It is important to understand that in order to choose the most suitable version of the router, you need to get information about the house in which it will be installed (area, wall thickness), about the devices for which you need to provide access to the Internet, and about the tasks that will be performed on these devices.

Summing up, we note once again that it is better not to save on the router, because otherwise you may have problems with speed or signal quality.

A Wi-Fi router provides an opportunity for several devices that support data exchange using Wi-Fi technology to access the Internet at once. In other words, a router is a network device that connects to the Internet and distributes a similar capability to other devices using either Wi-Fi or LAN.

Which Wi-Fi router is better: choosing a router

The main role in choosing a router, of course, is played by its characteristics. However, an equally important indicator of its quality and reliability is the manufacturer. Based on this, you should purchase a device manufactured by companies such as: TP-LINK, ASUS, D-link, HP. These companies produce some of the best router models.

Today there are several types of network standards.

  1. 802.11a - speed up to 54 Mb/s
  2. 802.11 b - speed up to 11 Mb/s
  3. 802.11g - speed up to 54 Mb/s
  4. 802.11n - speed up to 600 Mb/s
  5. 802.11ac - speeds over 1Gb/s

When choosing a Wi-Fi router, you should focus on models of the 802.11 n standard and higher.

Our Top Wi-Fi Routers:

1. Wi-Fi router Zyxel Keenetic 4G III

Used in conjunction with more than 70 USB modem options, which are among the most popular 3 and 4G formats for working with mobile Internet. The router is capable of operating in 4G LTE using CDC-Ethernet and NDIS mode.

There is no need to install special firmware and additionally adapt the device. You just need to connect the device to the USB port by selecting the mobile network. This will give Internet access to all computers and devices that are connected to the router: via Ethernet and Wi-Fi.

If a failure occurs or the modem freezes, the device automatically restarts the connection: for this, we can reboot in the power plan.

Thanks to the Mediatek MT7620N 580 MHz processor, which has a hardware network accelerator and the new NDMS 2 operating system, the router can operate in mobile networks at speeds below 100 megabits per second.

2. Wi-Fi router TP-LINK TL-WR841N

The device is designed to work in small offices and at home. 2T2R MIMO technology makes it possible to form a network with an ultra-high information transfer rate. This allows you to continuously broadcast video online: the quality remains high. You can run online games. In addition, IP-telephony works at a high level.

The device supports the IEEE 802.11n standard, thanks to which you can establish wireless connections with a signal speed and range that are fifteen and five times greater than conventional 11g devices.

With the help of a router, the information transfer speed reaches 300 megabits per second. Thanks to the CCA technology, the likelihood of conflicts in the process of information transfer is leveled. This gives an increase in connection performance. The use of WPA/WPA2 encryption technologies makes it possible to increase the degree of information security.

The device is capable of supporting Wi-Fi Protected Setup. The device has a button with which you can quickly configure the protection - QSS. Protection on a wireless network is put with just one click. WPA2 security is then automatically installed. This is an added convenience: you don't have to remember your password.

Thanks to the IP QoS function, the network has the best bandwidth, traffic is rationalized depending on the user's tasks. This restricts applications that currently have lesser value - so that they do not overload the network.
Installing the device and setting up the network is available even in the absence of relevant experience: the router package includes a disk that contains detailed clear instructions on how to do these manipulations.

3. Wi-Fi router Asus RT-N12 VP

The purpose of the Asus RT-N11P multifunctional wireless router is to work in home networks and in small office spaces.

With its help, it is possible to provide a high speed of information transfer through a wireless connection. This speed allows you to comfortably play games online, broadcast streaming video, use Internet telephony.

The device is easy to set up, even if the user does not have the appropriate experience.

4. Wi-Fi router TP-LINK TL-WR941ND

The task of the Zyxel Keenetic III router is to provide a reliable and convenient connection of home appliances to the Internet, IP television, the services of which are provided by providers through leased lines with any type of connection: IPoE, PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP, 802.1X, VLAN 802.1Q , IPv4/IPv6.

The device provides full speed mode within tariffs below 100 Mbps, the type of connection and the nature of the loads do not matter.

Thanks to the use of proprietary Link Duo and TV Port technologies, it is possible to simultaneously access the Internet and local services.

The device is able to connect to the network through dozens of types of 3G/4G USB modems. A DSL modem, a provider's PON terminal with an Ethernet port, a provider's Wi-Fi hotspot, or a personal one can be used.

5. Wi-Fi router Apple AirPort Express (MC414RU/A)

This device is able to get rid of the issues associated with the formation of wireless networks for home or small office space.

The router works best with Wi-Fi. This possibility is provided by the support of modern Wi-Fi standards: 802.11 n in two frequencies at once - 2.4 and 5 GHz. You can use both ranges at the same time. The device allows you to create a separate guest network: the password of the main network will be known only to the owner.

Organization of sharing and network printer is possible. You just need to connect the desired device to the built-in connector.

Sharing is possible, combining desktop computers, network drives and digital media.

What to look for when choosing a Wi-Fi router

2. Router and DHCP server. The router provides access to all connected devices to the Internet. At the same time, for each of them, the DHCP server determines its own internal ip-address. This allows several connected devices to access the Internet at once using one external ip-address.

3. Range. When choosing a router, special attention must be paid to its range. It depends on this at what distance devices can access the Internet from it. However, it should be borne in mind that the data regarding the range of the device, indicated by the manufacturer, are far from accurate and may differ from its actual capabilities by several times. This is due to the fact that manufacturers indicate the capabilities of the router, focusing on ideal external conditions, which in reality are almost impossible to achieve. There are many factors that affect the range of a router, ranging from partitions and walls in an apartment to home furniture. It is necessary to consider them all for the most successful location of the device.

4. Antennas. The efficiency of the router directly depends on the number of antennas installed on it. The more antennas, the higher the speed of the Internet. So, a router that has only one antenna uses it to receive and transmit data. At the same time, when third-party devices are connected, the transmission speed will inevitably drop in order to ensure the normal operation of the router. The presence of two antennas allows the device to use one of them for receiving and the other for transmitting data. At the same time, the speed of the Internet connection remains consistently high. If the device has three antennas, then two of them are aimed at transmitting data, and one for receiving. The maximum number of antennas in the device can reach 6. It is desirable that the selected router has the ability to replace antennas with more powerful ones. Thus, you can make your Internet connection better by purchasing more powerful types of antennas.

5. Data encryption. Data encryption is an essential part of maintaining the security of an Internet connection. Unauthorized connection to the network can significantly reduce the speed of the Internet. Almost all modern routers use 2 methods of data encryption: WPA and WEP. WPA is considered more reliable of them.

6. Slot for USB. This feature is not mandatory. It can be used to connect various devices to the router, such as a printer, flash drive, hard drive. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to share the files available on these devices with other users connected to Wi-Fi.

7. Connecting a 3G modem to a Wi-Fi router. The USB interface does not yet guarantee the ability to connect to the router, the ability to connect the G-modem to the router. Not all routers have this feature. The need for its presence lies in the inability of some users to connect a stationary provider. In addition, 3G is a safety option in case of problems with the standard connection.

8. ADSL connection. If you have an ADSL Internet connection, you should choose a router that supports this type of connection. In this case, there is no need to use an ADSL modem to get additional functionality.

9. The number of ports in the router. The largest number of access points include 4 Ethernet ports. This makes it possible to connect several devices to the Internet via a wired network. Such devices can be a receiver, a desktop computer, a TV. At the same time, it remains possible to use a wireless connection. However, it must be remembered that connecting via a cable is more reliable and faster. Therefore, for stationary devices it is better to use just this kind of it.

10. Port speed. Providers generally provide Internet speeds up to 100 Mb/s. However, the times when this figure will be several hundred Mb/s are not far off. That is why it is better to purchase a device that will support gigabit networks. So, you should choose a router whose port speed is 1000 Mb / s. This will allow him to remain in demand and relevant for a long time. This recommendation applies only to those users who use the Internet to the maximum. The rest can be content with quite good 100 Mb/s. Web-interface With its help, it will be possible to configure the device using the browser. This means that the settings menu will look like a website.

11. Router firmware. The possibility of firmware is available in almost all models of routers. This feature allows you to eliminate existing errors in the work, as well as improve the efficiency and usability of the device. Therefore, when asked which router to choose, you should pay attention to how easy it can be reflashed and how often new firmware is released for it. When choosing any router, you must strictly adhere to the selection criteria listed above. Even the router models included in the top may simply not be suitable for the specific environment in which they will work. It must also be remembered that it is better to buy an inexpensive router, no matter what speed it has (as a rule, it is enough for normal work on the Internet), but on the other hand, it provides stable and reliable operation. The best router should certainly have quality and security criteria from unauthorized connection to the network.

Video on how to choose the right Wi-Fi router:

In this article, you'll learn a lot about routers, from how they work and how they work, to tips on choosing and installing them the right way.

Today, a serious problem with Wi-Fi is the large number of routers operating in the 2.4 GHz band and located very close to each other. As a result, Wi-Fi is slow and intermittent. Therefore, for tenants of apartment buildings, I highly recommend purchasing a router with 802.11ac Wi-Fi support operating in the 5 GHz band, which is not yet overloaded.

If you are not particularly constrained in funds, then take a router manufactured by one of the leaders in the field of network technologies - ZYXEL or Keenetic (a subsidiary). You will get guaranteed high quality, stable Internet operation, excellent torrent client and access to the local network from the Internet. One of the best gigabit models Keenetic Giga (KN-1010). If a 100-megabit LAN is enough for you, then take the ZyXEL Keenetic Extra II.
Router ZyXEL Keenetic Extra II

Of the advanced multifunctional solutions, I can also recommend gigabit (more powerful) and ASUS RT-AC58U (cheaper). They also have a torrent client (but much slower), plus a VPN client that can be used to bypass blocking sites.
Router ASUS RT-AC66U B1

Router ASUS RT-AC58U

As a more economical option, you can consider the C1200 gigabit router and the 100-megabit 940N router, they have fairly powerful Wi-Fi antennas that provide good coverage and stable wireless connections.
Router TP-LINK Archer C1200

If you are on a budget or need an inexpensive router for your country house, then you can take an even cheaper 100-megabit router with Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n (2.4 GHz) support such as TP-LINK TL-WR841N, which has proven itself well .
Router TP-LINK TL-WR841N

Please note that if you plan to use Wi-Fi 802.11ac in the 5 GHz band, then your devices (laptops, computers) must also support this standard. If any of the devices does not support it, then you will have to purchase a special adapter for it. Purchase a Wi-Fi adapter from the same manufacturer as the router.

If you have a private house or a large apartment, then most likely you will use Wi-Fi of the old standard 802.11n in the 2.4 GHz band, as it is more “long-range” and passes through walls better. Other Wi-Fi networks in this case will be far enough away and should not interfere with your router. Also, there will be no need to purchase additional Wi-Fi adapters of the 802.11ac standard. Pay better attention to the power of the antennas, it should be at least 5 dbi. But in any case, I recommend taking a modern dual-band router that supports both the old 802.11b / g / n standards in the 2.4 GHz band and the 802.11ac standard in the 5 GHz band, all of a sudden it still comes in handy.

To make your router work well, use the instructions for installing the router and connecting devices to it, which can be downloaded at the end of the article in the "" section.

2. How the router works and its main functions

Modern routers for home and office are multifunctional devices that combine the functions of a router, switch, wireless access point, and sometimes network storage, print server, and some other devices.

The main purpose of the router is to interconnect two networks: the global Internet (or the local network of the provider) and the local network (home or office). It is the router address that is set in the computer's network connection settings as the "Default Gateway". A gateway is a device through which a computer accesses the Internet (i.e. from a local network to a global one).

To connect to the Internet, the router has a special connector for the global network (WAN or Internet).

But a computer can get into the Internet without a router if you connect it directly with a cable. The need for a router arises when you need to connect several computers or mobile devices to the Internet. And for this, the router has a switch.

The switch consists of several connectors for connecting computers in order to combine them into a local area network (LAN). There are usually 4 or 8 such connectors.

Computers connected to a local area network (LAN) can freely exchange various data with each other. And thanks to a router that combines two WAN and LAN networks within itself, each computer can access the Internet.

To connect the router to both the Internet and computers, a twisted-pair cable (UTP or FTP) and special connectors (RJ-45) are used.

But, in addition to desktop computers, there are also laptops and many different mobile devices that are inconvenient or impossible to connect with a cable. To do this, the router has a wireless access point.

The wireless access point operates on Wi-Fi technology and uses one or more antennas operating over a radio channel in the 2.4 or 5 GHz band for data transmission. Most often, antennas are external, but there are also internal ones (hidden in the router case).

External antennas are usually more powerful.

The purpose of Wi-Fi is to connect devices over the air to the same local area network (LAN) with computers and other devices connected using a cable. Although a wireless LAN is sometimes referred to as a WLAN, both LAN and WLAN devices are all on the same local area network (LAN) and can communicate with each other. And thanks to the combination of local (LAN) and global (WAN) networks inside the router, wireless devices get access to the Internet in exactly the same way as devices connected by cable.

A generalized scheme for connecting all devices to each other in a local area network (LAN) and combining them with a wide area network (WAN) using a router is shown in the picture below.

TVs, video players, network drives and other devices can also be connected to the local network. All of them will be able to exchange data both among themselves and get access to the Internet.

In addition, many modern router models have one or more USB connectors.

Basically, they can be used to connect external hard drives, flash drives and printers for access from all devices connected to the local network. Many models can be connected to 3G / 4G modems to get access to the Internet through them. Support for certain devices depends on the model of the router, and we will talk about this in the article.

Almost all routers have LED indicators that can be used to determine whether the router is working normally, the load intensity of its interfaces, Wi-Fi and the Internet.

Also, all routers are equipped with a power supply that plugs into a 220 V outlet.

The routers have firmware, which is a simple operating system with a graphical interface based on Linux. Entering the router settings is carried out by its IP address through any Internet browser.

3. Processor and memory

A router is a kind of mini-computer with its own processor and memory. The performance of a router, like a computer, depends on the power of the processor and the amount of random access memory (RAM).

Processor power depends on the number of cores and frequency. The cheapest routers are equipped with single-core processors with a frequency of 200-300 MHz, and a powerful expensive router can have a dual-core processor with a frequency of up to 1.5 GHz.

As for the amount of memory (RAM), the spread between budget and top models is also very large, from 16 to 512 MB.

There is also the concept of flash memory (ROM), it contains the firmware of the router and this only matters for enthusiasts who reflash them.

As a rule, the installed processor and memory cope with all the tasks of the router, with the exception of the cheapest models, which in fact are not designed for high speeds and loads.

In the characteristics of routers, they often do not even indicate what kind of processor and how much memory is there, but this information can be found on the Internet. It makes sense to pay attention to this if you need a sufficiently productive router and there is a choice between several models.

4. Internet speed

The maximum possible Internet connection speed is determined by the speed of the WAN interface (Internet connector).

On most routers, the WAN interface speed is 100 Mbps, and this is usually enough, since the vast majority of providers and their tariff plans do not provide for higher Internet speeds.

More expensive models may be equipped with a 1000 Mbps (1 Gbps) WAN interface, but only single (elite) providers can provide a connection at this speed. In addition, not everyone needs such speed and will cost accordingly (very expensive). I would recommend distrusting providers who claim that they provide Internet at a speed of 1 Gb / s for a low price. Massive inexpensive Internet channels with a speed of 100 Mbit / s do not always provide the declared speed.

In addition to the speed of the WAN interface, the actual speed of the Internet depends on how powerful the processor is and how much memory is installed in the router, as well as on the type of connection to the provider.

When connected via the simplest Ethernet protocol (Static IP, DHCP), the load on the router is minimal. When connecting through any tunnel protocol (PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP), the load on the router processor increases significantly.

The cheapest router, when connected via a tunnel protocol, will be able to provide an Internet speed of 60-70 Mbps.

Check with your ISP which connection protocol it uses. But it’s better to purchase a router not from the youngest line, but a model from an older series. It will have a more powerful filling that will cope with the Internet up to a speed of 100 Mbps. We will briefly talk about model lines at the end of the article.

5. LAN Speed

The speed of the local network is determined by the speed of the LAN interfaces (connectors) and only affects the speed of data exchange between your devices.

On most inexpensive routers, the speed of LAN interfaces is 100 Mbps. If you do not need to exchange huge amounts of data between your devices, then this is quite enough.

But, if you plan to periodically “drive over the network” from one computer to another 10-100 GB files (images with games, backups, etc.) or watch video over the network in 4K / UHD resolution, then it is preferable to take a router with a speed of LAN interfaces of 1000 Mbps (1 Gbps). They don't cost much anymore.

6. Wi-Fi speed and ranges

The speed of the wireless connection depends on the Wi-Fi standard supported by the router and its frequency range.

Most inexpensive routers support the 802.11n standard in the 2.4 GHz band with data rates up to 150 Mbps. In real conditions, this speed can be much lower than 30-100 Mbps, depending on the distance, the walls of the room and the presence of other Wi-Fi networks nearby.

Some 802.11n models support a theoretical maximum speed of up to 300 Mbps. This is achieved by installing two antennas and transmitting data in two streams.

There are also 802.11n routers with a maximum theoretical data transfer rate of 450 and 600 Mb / s. They have 3 or 4 antennas, respectively, but are already much more expensive.

But the device that will connect to the router, in order to achieve maximum speed, must have the same number of antennas and transmit data in several streams, which does not happen often.

Antennas come with different gains, which determine the range and quality of signal transmission. Most routers have antennas with a gain of 3-5 dBi. The higher the gain, the better.

Also, antennas can be fixed and removable, instead of which you can connect a more powerful remote antenna.

Among the routers that support the 802.11n standard, there were dual-band ones that operated not only at a frequency of 2.4 GHz, but also at a frequency of 5 GHz. Most of them had a maximum data transfer rate of up to 600 Mbps.

But the 802.11n standard was transitional and was replaced by 802.11ac. Routers with Wi-Fi 802.11ac are dual-band and operate on the same frequencies - 2.4 and 5 GHz. These are no longer the cheapest middle-class models, most of which have a data transfer rate of 733-1200 Mbps. And the speed of top-end routers with a large number of antennas can reach up to 7000 Mbps, but they are very expensive.

Dual-band routers, in addition to a higher data transfer rate, compare favorably in that the 5 GHz band is not overloaded. And the widespread use of Wi-Fi in the 2.4 GHz band led to the fact that many began to have problems with the Internet. The fact is that at a frequency of 2.4 GHz there are 14 channels, of which only 3 are non-overlapping. This means that if more than 3 routers work next to each other, then their radio signals will overlap each other, interfering with the normal operation of the wireless network. Nowadays, when in many apartments you can watch a dozen Wi-Fi networks, for many the Internet starts to slow down and malfunction (fall off). A router operating at a frequency of 5 GHz can use up to 24 non-overlapping channels with automatic adjustment of the channel width on the fly to achieve the best signal speed / quality ratio. It can be a real panacea for problems with Wi-Fi.

But the higher frequency also has its disadvantages. The 5 GHz signal can be transmitted over a much shorter distance and passes through walls worse (attenuates more). Also, the adapter of the device connected via Wi-Fi must support the 5 GHz frequency, which is not common, so you have to purchase it separately, incurring additional costs. But sometimes there is simply no other way.

For an apartment, I recommend purchasing an 802.11ac router, it will help solve possible problems with Wi-Fi. For a private house, this does not matter so much, but if possible, it is better to give preference to a more modern standard.

There are also routers connected to the Internet via a telephone line using DSL technology. Instead of an RJ-45 connector for connecting to the Internet via twisted pair, they have an RJ-11 connector like regular phones and they connect to a telephone jack.

They are no longer fundamentally different from conventional routers, but they have a limited choice and functionality. For example, they may have fewer connectors and older Wi-Fi standards.

Connecting to the Internet via DSL makes sense only if there is no way to connect to a full-fledged cable Internet.

If you are not satisfied with the capabilities of a DSL router or you already have a DSL modem, then it can be used in conjunction with absolutely any other router. They are interconnected by a twisted-pair cable (patch cord). Then the Internet is connected to the DSL modem, and all your computers and other devices to the router (by cable or via Wi-Fi).

You can also configure the connection of any multiple routers or switches (for example, if there are not enough connectors).

8. Connecting external drives

You can connect external drives and flash drives to almost all routers with a USB connector to access them over the network. After that, the disk can be used from any device on the local network. The most popular use of such disks is the storage of backup copies of the system, files, disk images, movies, music.

Connectors can be of different versions - USB 2.0 and USB 3.0. The USB 2.0 connector is too slow and does not meet modern data transfer requirements. Therefore, it is desirable that the router has at least one fast USB 3.0 connector. If you do not need it today, then it is not a fact that you will not need it tomorrow.

If you plan to purchase an external USB drive, it is also highly desirable that it has a USB 3.0 connector. Please note that an external hard drive may not have enough power from the USB connector of the router, so it is advisable that it has a power adapter from the mains. To store archives, the best option would be to purchase an external 3.5″ disk with a capacity of 2-4 GB. Or a separate box for disks and a disk of the required volume.

For a compact (portable) external drive, you can purchase a separate powered USB hub.

But it is even better and more reliable if the external drive has an Ethernet interface with an RJ-45 connector for connecting to a router using a twisted pair cable. To achieve a high data transfer rate, the network interface speed of the external drive and router must be 1 Gbps. This is the most correct option for connecting a network drive, but also more expensive. As a budget alternative, a USB 3.0 connector is used.

9. Printer connection

With connecting printers to the router, not everything is as simple as with disks. First, the router must have a print server function. Secondly, the printer must be in the list of supported ones. And thirdly, even if all the conditions are satisfied, it is not a fact that you will be able to set everything up and the printer will work normally.

To operate a USB printer through a print server (router), on each computer, you usually need to install not only a printer driver, but also a special utility from the router. It is not always possible to link them into a working bundle. In addition, when transferring print jobs, they can get lost, arrive with distortions, and freeze.

A separate problem arises if you do not have a printer, but an MFP with a scanner. In this case, getting the scanner to work over the network is even more difficult.

If you want to be able to use the printer with confidence from all devices over the network, then purchase a printer (or MFP) with network technology. These are already known to you Ethernet with RJ-45 connector for cable connection and Wi-Fi for wireless connection.

The advantage of connecting the printer via a local network is that, firstly, such a connection is more reliable, secondly, there is a reliable proprietary network driver for it, and thirdly, it will still be possible to scan documents in the MFP over the network, which is especially important for models with an automatic feeder. I put a bunch of papers, went to any computer, started scanning and forgot - just a song!

I recommend purchasing a network printer (or MFP) with an RJ-45 connector and connecting it with a cable, since they do not always work stably over Wi-Fi and most users refuse such functionality.

As a budget option for connecting a printer over a network, you can simply connect it to any computer and share it over the network. But this solution has its drawbacks. First, to print over the network, the computer to which the printer is connected must be turned on. Secondly, it is desirable (but not always necessary) that the operating systems on all PCs be the same. And thirdly, it will not be possible to use the scanner over the network.

10. Connecting a 3G/4G modem

When a 3G/4G modem is connected to the router, all devices on the local network connected to the router via cable and Wi-Fi will have access to the Internet through it, which is very convenient. 3G/4G modem can be used as the main Internet source (for example, in rural areas). But in such a situation, it is better to consult a specialist, weigh the pros and cons, and perhaps purchase a special 3G / 4G router or an external antenna for a 3G / 4G modem from a provider.

Please note that support for specific 3G/4G modems depends on the router model. Specify which 3G / 4G modems the router supports on the manufacturer's website. Operation of 3G/4G modems not specified in the router specification is possible, but not guaranteed. Also on the Internet you can find information about which 3G / 4G modems work with which models of routers.

Some providers and specialized sites have specially adapted “Router + 3G / 4G modem” kits that are guaranteed to work. But often one multifunctional device is preferred instead of a bunch of two. For example, there are routers with a built-in 3G / 4G modem, into which it is enough to insert a SIM card from a 3G / 4G Internet provider. But check which 3G / 4G Internet bands the router supports and which band your provider has. To work in areas with a weak signal (village, private sector, remote area of ​​​​the city, thick walls indoors), a prerequisite is the presence of a connector for connecting an external 3G / 4G antenna.

Also, a 3G/4G modem can be used as a backup in case of problems with cable Internet. The router can even itself, in the event of a cable internet failure, automatically switch to a backup 3G / 4G Internet.

11. Built-in drive

Some routers may be equipped with a built-in hard drive (like in a laptop) or be able to install one. This disk can be used to store any files and even to download files from a torrent without using a computer (when it is turned off).

In practice, however, this approach has a number of disadvantages. The built-in disk is small, works slowly, heats up, and the torrent client does not always work correctly.

12. Protective functions of the router

In addition to the convenience of connecting multiple computers and connecting various devices via Wi-Fi, a router is also a great way to protect yourself from attacks from the Internet or the provider's local network.

The router has the functionality of a hardware firewall. It hides your computer from hackers and securely blocks all unsolicited internet packets before they reach your computer.

In addition, the router to some extent protects the motherboard from electrical breakdowns from the provider, which happens quite often.

13. Other technologies

Most technologies are necessary for normal network operation and are supported by all routers (Static IP, DHCP, PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP). There are also technologies whose support has become a standard, but only specialists need them (Virtual Server, Port Triggering, DMZ, VLAN, Proxy). We will not talk about all this, but we will consider only what may be useful to you, but is not supported by all routers, i.e. useful additional features.

IPTV- support for TV broadcasting by providers that provide such a service, so that you can watch TV programs on home computers and laptops. If your provider provides an IPTV service and you want to use it, pay attention to the mandatory support of this technology by the router.

Do not confuse twisted-pair television (IPTV) with cable TV, which is connected to a television coaxial cable, which can also carry the Internet. IPTV can only be viewed on computers using a special program, although it is also possible to display the computer screen on a TV. IPTV is purely computer television.

WPS (QSS) - a special button that is on most routers. Allows you to quickly connect any device to Wi-Fi without entering a password. Convenient to use for guests. The guest finds your network on his device and clicks connect, and you have to press the button on the router within a few minutes and the connection will occur.

Guest network- a special wireless Wi-Fi network is created on the router for guests. The fact is that when connected via Wi-Fi to a local network, any device gets access not only to the Internet, but also to the resources (folders, files) of computers. The network for guests does not have access to local resources, but only to the Internet. In this way, guests cannot accidentally or intentionally access files on your PCs, copy, damage or infect them with a virus from their laptop.

Access control- allows you to configure different Internet access restrictions for different computers. This may be a ban on access by time and restriction of access to specific sites.

Parental control- allows you to set the time spent on the Internet from the child's computer and restrict access to unwanted sites. A useful feature if children have a separate computer.

Bandwidth control- allows you to limit the Internet speed for individual computers.

Access point mode- by default, Wi-Fi in the router works in access point mode, i.e. provides access to devices in the local network.

Bridge (repeater) mode- this mode is not supported by all routers and is designed to transmit a signal between several other routers, which is not required for ordinary users.

Repeater (repeater) mode- is not supported by all routers and is designed to expand the network coverage of another router, which is sometimes useful in large apartments and houses.

PoE– power supply over twisted pair. Allows you to connect network devices without running a separate electrical wiring to them. For example, Wi-Fi repeaters or webcams in a private house. This is very convenient, as only one twisted-pair cable runs to the device. But the device itself must also support such technology.

Torrent client- some routers may have a torrent client (utility) for offline downloading files from torrent trackers to an internal or external drive. Downloads are launched from a computer or remotely via the Internet and the router then performs the download on its own. But this may not always work correctly and not with all torrent trackers.

Load balancing- most routers automatically distribute the load between ports (connectors to which devices are connected) approximately equally. This means that if you simultaneously start downloading files from the Internet on two computers, then each of them will receive approximately 50% of the Internet speed, if on three computers - approximately 33%, etc. Some router models have the ability to manually adjust the speed of each port. You can set the speed softly, for example, so that when the load port 1 gets 30% of the speed, and port 2 - 70%, and when there is no load, any port can get 100% of the speed. If you set the speed strictly, for example, so that port 1 always receives no more than 30% of the speed, then the device connected to port 1 will always be content with 30% of the Internet speed. This functionality is mainly supported by more expensive models for providers. Inexpensive load-balancing routers can be found among the brands MikroTik, D-Link, TP-Link. But this is still more for specialists, not ordinary users, and not all models will have Wi-Fi.

In principle, for many router models there are alternative Linux-based firmware that add many functions. But only experienced users will master this, and the warranty on the router can be lost.

14. Manufacturers of routers

Cisco is a global leader in network technology and a manufacturer of the world's best networking equipment for service providers and enterprises. For some time now, it has been producing routers for home and office under the Linksys brand.

Linksys is a trademark of Cisco. These routers are of good quality and functionality. There should be no problems with them, the main thing is that the technologies you need are supported.

Zyxel is a pioneer in the production of powerful multifunctional network devices. Their routers are of high quality and advanced features. These are real combines, but the price is appropriate.

D-Link is a well-established company specializing specifically in the production of network equipment, from budget models to serious corporate solutions. Their routers are good because they work in strict accordance with the standards, so there are fewer problems with them. But with budget models sometimes there were unfortunate misunderstandings.

ASUS- a company that does not specialize in network equipment, for them this is just one of the areas. Therefore, they were more likely to have problems in terms of network technologies and not optimal default settings. Nevertheless, the quality of the products is quite good and there are many worthy models in the lineup.

TP Link- as you can understand from the name, this brand was created as a competitor to the well-known D-Link. They started with the most budget routers, which cost 2 times cheaper than similar D-Links, but were much weaker, buggy, and even smelled of burnt plastic. Nevertheless, now the company produces quite good routers, comparable in quality to D-Link, but the price is already only 10 percent lower. Now the model range is much wider, it has quite a few good and sometimes more functional models than competitors.

Netgear- a high-quality American brand, not as well known among us as D-Link or ASUS. Their routers are not the cheapest, but if you like any model, you can safely take it.

Mikrotik is an unusual, but well-established Latvian brand. They produce routers with unique and very wide functionality, thanks to which their routers are well-deservedly popular with enthusiasts and small providers. For example, in many models there is a load balancing setting on each port, which is more typical for enterprise-class routers.

15. Model lines

There are a huge number of router models and each manufacturer has its own marking. In addition, the range is constantly updated. Therefore, it makes no sense to consider specific models, but I will tell you how to navigate this.

Many manufacturers divide routers into conditional lines (series). The first digit in the model is usually responsible for the line number. For example, D-Link DIR-3xx is the initial line, DIR-6xx is the middle line, DIR-8xx is the top line. Rulers differ in speed and functionality.

The entry-level routers are the cheapest and have weak processors. Routers from the middle line have a much better filling at a slightly higher price and are optimal in terms of price / performance ratio. Routers from the top line are the fastest and have advanced functionality, but they are already much more expensive.

Approximately in the same way, models are divided into lines by other manufacturers, but sometimes this may not be obvious. Therefore, focus primarily on technical specifications and be guided by a simple rule - the higher the model number (and price), the more powerful and functional the router will be.

16. Scope of delivery

The standard delivery package of the router includes:

  1. router
  2. Antennas
  3. Power Supply
  4. Patch cord (about 2 m)
  5. Stand
  6. wall mount
  7. Quick Installation Guide
  8. Full manual CD

Antennas are indicated in the scope of delivery only if they are removable.

A patch cord is a ready-made twisted-pair cable with connectors. It can be used to connect one of the PC or other device with network card and RJ-45 connector. To connect other devices using a cable, you need to purchase additional patch codes (0.5-15 m) or wire the cable of the required length with terminal connectors.

The stand and wall mount are not always included in the package, or may simply not be indicated in it. In principle, there is no great need for them.

A router configuration disk is usually not required, but sometimes it may contain some proprietary utilities.

17. Optimal router

First of all, decide on a budget. If it is not very limited, then choose a model with Wi-Fi standard 802.11ac. If the budget is very limited, then most likely you will have to be content with Wi-Fi 802.11n.

Decide on the number of required LAN connectors - 4 or 8. It is advisable not to take it back to back, but to leave 1-2 connectors in stock for connecting future or temporary devices.

If high quality is the main thing for you, then take a closer look at Zyxel and Linksys routers.

A lot of good models from very budget to very sophisticated are among the most popular brands of D-Link and ASUS. As a cheaper but good alternative, TP-Link brand routers can be considered.

Netgear routers are also of good quality, if one of them suits you better than a router of more popular brands. If you need support for 3G / 4G networks, pay attention also to Huawei, but MikroTik is suitable for quite experienced enthusiasts.

Choose several models that are similar in price and compare their functionality, search and read reviews.

If you are purchasing an 802.11ac router to solve your Wi-Fi problem by switching to 5 GHz, then consider it not separately, but paired with an 802.11ac adapter for your computer or laptop (if it does not support this standard). It is better to take a router and an adapter from the same manufacturer - D-Link + D-Link, ASUS + ASUS, TP-Link + TP-Link. In principle, devices from different manufacturers should work with each other, but sometimes there are compatibility problems.

Router ASUS RT-AC66U B1
Router ASUS RT-AC58U
Router TP-LINK TL-WR940N 450M

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