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How to choose good headphones for your music player. ⇡ The wire may not be needed

The meaning and role of headphones in modern life is not worth describing - everyone understands it that way.

It is enough to look up from the screen and look around: if you are at work or school, half of your colleagues are wearing headphones; if you are traveling by public transport - 2/3 of fellow unhappiness in headphones; if you are in a traffic jam in your car, there are enough people with headsets in neighboring cars (and this is also a kind of headphones); and even if you are at home - take a closer look at your loved ones - are the headphones visible in their ears?

We have long been accustomed to isolating ourselves from the outside world with headphones. And everything would be fine, but nothing is eternal, and when your favorite gadget breaks down, the hellish torments of choice come - what to buy to replace it. An excellent option if the model is not outdated and the manufacturer produces it - then you can buy an identical set and enjoy life. If the streak of luck ended somewhere earlier, then you will have to go to the store and choose a new device. The same situation awaits you if you just wanted to buy a new device - more convenient, or with better sound quality, or maybe just to match the new phone.


Yes, music lovers will forgive me, but I put convenience at the fore in the choice of headphones, and then the sound quality. Because no matter how perfect and balanced the sound is, if you can't stand headphones on for more than 10 minutes, there's no use in them. So decide which headphones are more convenient for you as ear cushions (this is what the headphone speaker housings are called):

  • vacuum (plug-in) - are stuck deeper into the ear, equipped with special soft sealed ear cushions that fit snugly into the ear canal. They will provide distance from the outside world - you will not hear others, others will not hear your favorite tracks. What is especially convenient at work or school - it helps you to concentrate on your business, and those around you do not get annoyed by your music (if tastes are different), and do not nod their heads in time (in the opposite situation)
  • liners - or “pills” familiar to everyone from childhood, it would seem, are also inserted into the ear, and should provide sound insulation almost on a par with vacuum ones, but this does not happen. The earbuds do not completely cover the ear canal, so external sounds will persistently break through
  • waybills - superimposed on the ear, do not give such intimacy of listening as vacuum ones. But for external communications it is even better - if you are asked about something, then you will hear it, and the interlocutor will not have to bother you on the shoulder
  • covering - superimposed on the ear, ear cushions completely cover the ear. A kind of intermediate option between overhead and plug-in - good isolation from external noise and sound quality

On-ear and over-ear headphones, with other common data, will provide a more natural and surround sound.

and by fastening method :

  • without fastening - the "ears" of the headphones are not fixed on the head in any way (mainly plug-in and vacuum headphones, the ear cushions of which are attached in the ear)
  • occipital arch - the bow of the headphones passes in the region of the back of the head, with this design there is no pressure on the head, but the entire weight of the headphones goes to the ears
  • clip (on the ear) - the headphones have no common bow, they are fixed on the ears with the help of special earhooks. Not everyone likes this type of attachment - the auricles often get tired rather quickly from earhooks
  • headband - the ear hook goes over the top of the head, evenly distributing the weight
  • on the neck - this type of attachment is used in headsets, when the speaker-microphone is attached to the bow lying on the neck, and the headphones themselves are plug-in type

There are stereotypes, such as that on-ear and over-ear headphones will certainly squeeze your ears and squeeze your head, so you won't be able to wear them for a long time, or that vacuum headphones quickly start to have a headache ... This is not entirely true. For convenience, different models are made very differently, you cannot judge the form factor in general by testing a friend's earphones - perhaps the size just did not suit you, or they are not adjusted for you. The ideal option when choosing headphones is to try them on in a store, twirl them in your hands, look carefully at the fit settings. If any discomfort arises at this stage, the device should be set aside, no matter how excellent the sound characteristics are.


Headphones are an acoustic device, therefore the acoustic characteristics will be the next most important selection criterion.

Everyone is used to choosing headphones according to frequency range , indicated by the manufacturer on the box, and it is taken for the truth that the wider the frequency range, the better - they say, and the bass will be well transmitted, and high notes, without dips, squeaks and sips. But, as they say, everything is not so prosaic - marketers have long figured out that buyers pay most attention to the frequency range, and do their best to show it wider, overestimating the characteristics. In fact, it is not so much the frequency range that is important as the type of characteristic that describes the frequency response (AFC), and its amplitude of its deviations. The frequency response, ideally, should be relatively flat on the required range, without dips and peaks - then the sound will be good.

Also remember that the human ear (in most cases) hears in the 16 Hz to 20 kHz range. Therefore, despite the fact that manufacturers offer various models with a frequency range 3 Hz to 100 kHz , in fact, there is enough range for high-quality sound transmission 20 Hz - 20 kHz ... The only thing that the manufacturer's declared wider frequency range suggests is the absence of dips at the borders. But if the deviation values ​​are indicated (for example, 20 Hz - 20 kHz +/- 10 dB), this is already valuable information.

The next interesting characteristic is impedance, or headphone impedance ... And here the situation is twofold, since this characteristic affects not only the sound quality produced by the headphones, but also imposes a requirement on the sound source, i.e. the turntable.

It is better not to buy headphones with a high impedance to the phone or player. This is a good option for home or studio use, with a powerful turntable device capable of delivering high voltages.

Since the impedance of most headphones on the market is not an abstract software value, but a physical one, and depends on the specific characteristics of the speaker impedance, which are also influenced by the size, it is different for earbuds and full-size ears.

For full-size headphones: low-impedance devices have an impedance of up to 100 ohms, high-impedance devices - above 100 ohms.

For earbuds: low-resistance devices have resistance up to 32 Ohm, high-resistance devices - above 32 Ohm.

The universal value of the impedance characteristics of headphones in mini-players (including phones) lies in the range 16 - 64 Ohm ... Over 64 ohms are recommended for use in tandem with more powerful players. Of course, your phone will not smoke if you connect high-impedance headphones to it - but if the sensitivity is low, the sound will be too quiet.

Considering the above, ideally one should consider the impedance of the device in combination with sensitivity - the higher the sensitivity, the better (read - louder) the sound will be transmitted. The sensitivity of the headphones normalizes how much sound in dB the device will give out when a power of 1 mW is connected to it. Some manufacturers indicate the characteristic in relation to voltage - dB / mV, which is generally more correct and easier to navigate in the choice of headphones, because the supply voltage of the audio input of the device is easier to find out.

Therefore, for a theoretical assessment of the quality and amount of sound emitted by the headphones, look at the ratio of the impedance and sensitivity digits: if both the first and second digits are declared high for the ears, then the phone will sound great too.

Power headphones will tell you if this model is suitable for your turntable. For portable players, a device with a capacity of 1 - 100 mW , and stationary players with good amplifiers 100 - 3500 mW ... If the power of the headphones is too high for the amplifier of the turntable, the sound will be poor, or the turntable (when powered not from the mains, but from autonomous energy sources) will quickly discharge.

Acoustic design type also has a significant effect on the sound and sound insulation of headphones, speakers are:

  • closed
  • open

Determining the type of acoustic design of a speaker is easy - just look at the headphones. If there is a blank wall on the outside of the earphone, it is of a closed type. If there are holes, open. Semi-closed type, as you might guess - with half-closed holes.

Soundproofing is the best with closed speakers, but the downside of this design is the reflection of the sound wave from the cabinet wall into the ear, which can give some boom. Headphones with an open or semi-open speaker cannot boast of high sound insulation, but they will provide perfectly clear sound. Therefore, when choosing this very criterion, it matters what kind of music you are going to listen to: if the slightest sound nuances are important to you, and you don’t care if others around you hear your music, open speakers are better, if you like “to rock” - a closed type for you.

Sound scheme format will tell you what kind of sound will come out of the device - single-channel (1.0) or multichannel (2.0, 2.1, 5.1, 6.2, 7.1, 5.1 Real, 7.1 Real). It is worth remembering that the format of the audio file and the player's settings are of great importance for obtaining surround multi-channel sound - not all files and devices support multi-channel. Multi-channel audio allows you to fully immerse yourself in the reality of a game or movie.

Ideal speakers that reproduce sound equally well in a wide frequency range, and even for little money, have not yet been invented. Therefore, manufacturers to improve sound transmission came up with the idea of ​​installing in the earphone not one radiator, but several. For example, one reproduces well the frequencies of the low range, while the other reproduces the high. By the number of emitters on each side you can choose headphones: with,,, and emitters.

Sometimes headphones are equipped active noise cancellation system ... Inside such a headphone there is a microphone that picks up external noise and sends a signal to the device, which, in turn, generates an identical sound wave, but going in antiphase with the noise. The generated waveform is emitted from the speaker, along with the music, and dampens the noise. This system has only one drawback - some people are susceptible to it, and suffer from headaches (according to studies, about 5-7%). Scientists have not yet figured out the secret of this phenomenon, and when buying headphones with this system, one can only hope that you will not be among those unfortunate.

Size matters - this principle also works in part with headphones. Emitter membrane diameter affects the sound quality, as in the speakers, and sometimes from 3.5 to 70 mm ... Where the diameter itself is large, the sound quality in general and bass in particular will be better. For small diameters, you will have to go to all sorts of tricks (for example, in in-ear headphones, the speaker is shifted to the output of the sound guide, i.e. closer to the organ of hearing). It is also worth understanding that if for on-ear headphones 40-50 mm is the norm, then for plug-in 10-15 mm it is a large size. But still, you should not chase this indicator - there are many other factors affecting the sound quality. In some sound-worthy models, the diaphragm is not large. This characteristic is rather important in the inexpensive segment of devices, where it is impossible to boast of advanced technologies, so at least due to the old proven methods, the sound will be good.


Stand apart among others headsets - devices that provide, in addition to headphones, a microphone for negotiations.

Headsets are manufactured as in mono format - with one earphone and in stereo format - with two headphones.

Location of the headset microphone happens: in the case , On the wire , on headphones ... The first two types are more versatile and compact - such headsets are used both at home and at work. But the location of the microphone on the headphones implies a more bulky design and rather a special use of the headset - for negotiations at work or during games.

Mount the microphone can be done mobile or fixed ... The movable mount is more adapted for negotiations.

Headsets can also be wired and wireless , the second type is most convenient when driving and playing sports.


Along with the acoustic characteristics, many other selection criteria will be important, which determine the convenience of the model.

If you are choosing headphones for a specific device, then pay attention to connection connector so that there are no connection problems. There are different types of connection: jack 2.5 mm, jack 3.5 mm, jack 6.3 mm, USB, microUSB, HDMI, proprietary connector, Apple Lightning.

For people who do not like to get tangled in wires, manufacturers have provided wireless headphones that can connect through:

  • Bluetooth - work at a distance of about 10 m, provide good sound quality, inexpensive, universal application (sports, music, watching movies, talking)
  • radio channel - they work at a distance of about 100 m, but cannot boast of excellent sound, but they hold a charge well, application - watching movies, talking
  • 2-6 m. on the one hand, the long cable allows you to go far enough from the sound source, which is convenient for home headphones, on the other hand, it is difficult not to get tangled up in it.

    Headphone weight will matter if you plan to use them for vigorous activities, such as playing sports. For this, models up to 100 g are suitable. Heavier models 100-1000 g are better left for other cases.

    Headphones can be supplied function keys : for sound adjustment, equalizer control, on / off, mode selection, etc.

    There are models where more attention is paid to design - this is more of a fashion accessory, and not a technical attribute (although sometimes the technical side is also adequately implemented).


    As a result, I will try to reduce the reasoning on the choice of headphones to a minimum: the most important thing is to choose a convenient design that will not press, squeeze, play anywhere - in a word, it will sit comfortably. If you choose headphones for a specific function - first of all, consider compliance with this goal. For example: for playing sports, you should not choose massive ears, pick up a small convenient device, possibly wireless; for watching movies at home, it is better to opt for large, circumaural ears with multi-channel sound.

    Chasing a wide frequency range is pointless, especially since it does not say anything about the sound by itself: with the same declared characteristic of 20 Hz - 20 kHz, ears for 150 rubles and for 2500 rubles will sound differently, not to mention devices for 70,000 rubles. Better to see if the manufacturer leads the frequency response, and what kind it is. A combined consideration of the characteristics of impedance, sensitivity and power will tell you whether the headphones are suitable for a particular device and whether the sound at the output will be comfortable, whether the portable player will discharge quickly.

    If possible, especially when buying a rather expensive device, be sure to listen to different music in your headphones - in order to appreciate the sound quality. You will not find a better assistant in choosing than your own ears.


    In an inexpensive price segment - up to 1000 rubles - you can buy budget devices for a price adequate to the quality. You should not expect any deep sounding features from such devices, but as a universal thing for daily use, they perform their functions with dignity.

    In the middle price segment - from 1000 to 10000 rubles - here you can already walk around and choose a device "for yourself", with the characteristics you need. Nice bonuses, in the form of cases, replaceable ear pads and a replaceable wire, are included with most models. Wireless models start in the same price range.

    In an expensive price segment - from 10,000 rubles - a more serious segment, including devices for connoisseurs or professionals. The frequency range is wider than audible to mere mortals. Materials and technologies are used only of the highest quality: headphones made of noble wood species, wires of increased flexibility and conductivity, a design that includes up to five emitters per ear for perfect sound, complete with filters and adapters.

The value of the data indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging with headphones, as a rule, will not tell an ordinary consumer about anything, therefore, many sales consultants, taking advantage of the buyer's ignorance, easily, "hanging noodles", melt the stale goods. To prevent this from happening to you, you should learn to understand the main technical parameters of the headphones and their meaning on your own.

Frequency characteristics without an indication of the harmonic distortion are worthless, and an even frequency response curve does not at all guarantee high sound detail.

Headphone frequency range and its meaning.

It is generally accepted that the higher the frequency range limits, the better the sound quality. But as we know from a biology textbook, a person is able to distinguish sound in the range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. Then why do manufacturers of various audio devices release products with frequencies exceeding the audible area of ​​the human hearing aid two to three or more times higher?

If in the frequency characteristics of your favorite headphone model you see values ​​that exceed the limits of the audible region, it is more likely a plus than a minus. Such speakers are capable of operating not only in a narrow boundary mode, but also have additional potential for more accurate, distortion-free transmission of audible frequencies.

Speaker size and headphone power.

The diameter of the speaker is just its size and nothing more, but for some reason many buyers are consciously or subconsciously convinced of the relationship between the size of the driver (aka a speaker) and the sound quality of the acoustics.

The characteristic of the size of the speaker is meaningless, in fact it is a marketing gimmick designed for the stereotype of an unenlightened buyer.

The power of the acoustics is important when choosing. This parameter tells us about the output power of the speakers and affects their volume. The higher the power value of the headphones, the more juicy, brighter the sound, the more bass, the more accurate the interpretation.

High power headphones of 2000 mW and above will drain the battery of your portable device much faster. If the sound source exceeds the maximum capacity of the headphones, they may be damaged. Consider these nuances when choosing.

What does the sensitivity of the headphones affect?

My answer is short - the sensitivity parameter is responsible for the sound volume. With the same headphone power, those whose sensitivity is higher will sound louder. Focus on a sensitivity index of 90 dB and above, such devices can be considered good.

What does headphone impedance mean?

What does impedance affect or what is impedance in headphones? This technical parameter means the following: the greater the resistance (impedance)
headphones, the more powerful the input signal must be in order to swing the membrane.

Thus, for players and other portable gadgets, the acceptable headphone impedance is 16-50 ohms. More powerful headphones with an impedance of 250 Ohm will need a sound source more powerful than a regular player, of course they will work from a standard player, but you will not get a powerful sound.

There is the following pattern: the higher the resistance, the clearer and clearer the sound. Therefore, low-impedance headphones can transmit sound with distortion, and high-impedance headphones are not loud enough with a low power source of the outgoing signal.

A good choice for a portable player and computer would be headphones with an impedance of 32-80 ohms. For more professional work in the studio, etc., the headphone impedance can be 200 ohms or more using sound amplifiers.

When choosing headphones, for example, for a player, take into account its power, for headphones with what impedance it is designed. Usually portable gadgets are designed to work with low impedance head monitors with an impedance of 32 ohms.

Frequency response - frequency response of the headphones.

Frequency response is one of the visual ways to represent the sound of head monitors in the form of a graph. As a rule, this is a curve on which you can see how certain headphones transmit frequencies. The fewer sharp bends on the graph and the further this line goes, the more accurately the monitors reproduce the original audio material. Bass lovers on the frequency response graph can understand whether these headphones are suitable for them or not, there should be a "hump" on the graph in the low frequency region. The higher the graph extends, the louder the headphone sound.

A flat frequency response line does not guarantee high sound quality. This gives us reason to believe that the sound in the headphones is balanced, in other words, low frequencies do not roll over and do not bulge, they do not cut hearing.

The coefficient of nonlinear (harmonic) distortion.

In Western literature, THD is usually used - the harmonic distortion coefficient, while in the domestic literature, the THD - the coefficient of nonlinear distortion is traditionally preferred. This is perhaps the only parameter by which one can judge the sound quality. If you are looking for high quality headphone sound, choose models with less than 0.5% harmonic distortion. Head monitors over 1% can be considered mediocre.

Very often you will not find this indicator not on the packaging, not on the official website of some manufacturers, perhaps the manufacturer has something to hide, this is a reason to think. For example, the widely advertised headphones of the Beats by Dr. Dre Studio has a harmonic distortion of 1.5% at 1kHz.

If you found this characteristic in the description of the model you like, pay attention to what frequency this indicator is indicated for. The fact is that the harmonic distortion factor is not constant over the entire frequency spectrum. Due to the fact that the human ear hears the low-frequency region less clearly, harmonic distortions up to 10% are permissible in the low frequency range, but in the frequency range from 100 Hz to 2 kHz - no more than 1%.

Top headphone manufacturers

Now you know the meaning of the characteristics of the headphones and you are unlikely to buy a "pig in a poke", but still I advise you to choose head monitors of well-known brands, time-tested and proven to be good.

Here are some reliable companies: AKG, Beyerdynamics, Sennheiser, Audio-Technica, Grado, KOSS, Sony, Fostex, Denon, Bose, Shure. There are dozens of headphone models in the lineup of these manufacturers, but whatever one may say, they are all made using similar technologies, therefore their accents are very similar.

Fans of classic rock should take a closer look at the KOSS models, they have a pronounced bass. Head monitors under the AKG brand are famous for their "beauty" - the detail of high frequencies. Headphones from the German company Sennheizer usually have a relatively flat frequency response, which indicates good balance without damping or bulging frequencies.

What do the letters in the name of the headphones mean?

The letter prefix in the name of the head monitors indicates design features and some technical details of the model.
Here is an example of Sennheiser's clever headphone labeling:

  • CX as well as IE series - in-ear headphones;
  • MX - in-ear headphones;
  • HD - classic with a headband;
  • RS - wireless, complete with base and headphones;
  • HDR - an additional pair of wireless headphones;
  • OMX - hook-type plug-in;
  • OCX - in-duct with hook type;
  • PMX - overhead or plug-in with an occipital arch;
  • PXC - line of headphones with active noise canceling system;
  • PC - computer headsets;
  • HME - headset models designed for pilots and crews of airplanes and helicopters.

If at the end of the model name you find the index "i", then before you are headphones capable of working with Apple gadgets.

The final values ​​of the main technical characteristics of the head monitors should be as follows.

1. Speaker size doesn't matter from a technical point of view.
2. Acoustic power - The higher the power value, the brighter the sound, the higher the bass, the more accurate the interpretation.
3. Sensitivity - from 90 dB and above, can be called good.
4. Resistance (impedance) - for a portable player and a computer, select head monitors with an impedance of 32-80 ohms. For studio work from 200 ohms and above.
5. Harmonic distortion - high quality sound will be provided by models with a harmonic distortion of less than 0.5%. Head monitors over 1% can be considered mediocre.

Have a nice day and good luck with your choice of headphones!

Nowadays, choosing good headphones is quite difficult, because the range is simply amazing, and even if you have already decided on the type of design, brand and price range, the choice will not be easy. Indeed, in each price category, manufacturers offer a large number of models, which, among other things, differ from each other. characteristics... Usually they are presented in the form of numbers (and sometimes graphs) with dimensions that are incomprehensible to most users. And how to understand what exactly these numbers and graphical dependencies affect? Let's try to figure it out!

A few words about marketing

Marketers now decide a lot in large corporations, and for good reason, because the size of the income from the sale of each headphone model depends on their successful decisions. And they use their power to influence your choice, manipulate the mind of the buyer with numbers, using, of course, technical characteristics. Think back to the 90s, when the market was filled with Chinese "Hi-Fi" stereos with small speakers that read "100 W" in large print. We are seeing something similar now. The more the value is written in front of the characteristics, the wider the frequency range is indicated on the package, the more interest it will be among the audience.

The fact is that there are no standard methods for measuring the characteristics of headphones, as well as a standard stand for conducting these tests. Therefore, in fact, the manufacturer can write whatever he wants on the packaging. It's not so bad if you understand a little and understand what do the characteristics of the headphones mean?

1. Impedance (electrical resistance)

Impedance is the sum of the active and reactance of the speaker coil, measured in ohms. The impedance value depends on the signal frequency, that is, it is more appropriate to present this characteristic in the form of a graph, but usually manufacturers note on the packaging the impedance at a frequency of 1 kHz or the average or characteristic value for the entire frequency range.

Typically portable headphones have an impedance of 16-32 ohms and are considered "low impedance". If this value exceeds 60 ohms, then the headphones are "high impedance". The classification of studio monitor headphones is slightly different in this regard, here the value of 80-100 ohms is considered low impedance, and 250 or more - high impedance. What does the impedance value affect? Energy consumption when playing music depends on it, as well as, to some extent, the volume. The lower the impedance of the headphones, the louder they will be (with the same). Also, low-impedance headphones consume less power to play music when the same signal level is supplied.

For portable devices (mp3-players, smartphones), the optimal impedance values ​​will be 16-32 ohms, in some cases, even at 60 ohms, the headphones will sound loud enough due to the high. For stationary listening, values ​​from 100 Ohm will be more acceptable, this will create a "comfortable" load for the amplifier, and it will be able to reproduce the signal with less. For portable equipment, 100-ohm headphones will be "heavy", the playback will most likely not be loud enough.

But do not rush to choose headphones with a minimum impedance value, because with an increase in this value, the signal-to-noise ratio decreases, the level of distortion increases, and headphones with a high impedance are more economical in terms of energy consumption.

2. Sensitivity

Under sensitivity often mean the efficiency of headphones, their energy efficiency... It is measured in dB / mW, or dB / V, that is, this is the ratio of the volume level that the headphones provide when a signal with a power (amplitude) of 1 mW (V) is applied to them. The sensitivity reduced to power (dB / mW) characterizes the headphones in terms of energy efficiency, but does not allow comparing different models with each other in this parameter, since the sensitivity in this case depends on the impedance of the headphones. Usually, manufacturers are not too concerned with dimensions and indicate the value simply in decibels, for most headphones it is 100 or more dB. Here, the work of marketers is clearly visible, and the value of sensitivity in the characteristics is indicated according to the principle "the more, the better." Sensitivity is highly dependent on the material from which the speaker's magnetic core is made. Neodymium magnets offer the highest sensitivity in a compact size, so if you see the word neodime on the packaging, that's a good sign.

Here again, it should be emphasized that there are no hard standards for measuring the sensitivity of headphones, so each manufacturer measures it in its own way: someone sets the sensitivity at 1 kHz, someone at 500 Hz, and others give average or even peak values. sensitivity. In addition, each manufacturer uses its own test bench, so trust this parameter with caution.

As can be seen from the definition, sensitivity primarily affects the volume of the headphones, and the higher this value, the louder the headphones will be (with other parameters being equal, including impedance). Headphones with the same sensitivity and radically different frequency response curves will subjectively differ in volume.

3. Amplitude-frequency characteristic (AFC)

Frequency response This is a graphical dependence that reflects the dependence of the volume of the headphones (more precisely, the sound pressure) on the frequency of the reproduced signal. Typically, this relationship is uneven, that is, headphones create different sound pressure at different frequencies. For example, consider the frequency response of the Koss PortaPro headphones.

On the graph, we can see the deviation of the frequency response from the average value, which is assumed to be 0 dB. Around 100-200 Hz, we can observe a rise in the curve, which emphasizes the low frequencies. Further, the curve is leveled and in the high-frequency range we see some unevenness. The position of the peaks and troughs can vary depending on many factors: how you put on the headphones, whether the low-pressure mode is on (a switch on the side of the PortaPro headphones), and the shape of the listener's ear. When using in-ear headphones, the configuration of the ear cushions and the depth to which the earphone is inserted are also affected. It is also worth noting that the frequency response of the left and right channels may differ slightly.

It is important to pay attention to the frequency response graph only if you buy headphones of the middle and higher price segments, manufacturers of budget models usually do not "brag" too much about this characteristic. Expensive studio models can have a frequency response of a special shape designed for certain types of music, often studio models have a very flat response, which is why they sound "dry" for ordinary users, there is a lack of low and high frequencies, which everyone is so used to.

4. Frequency range

As you can see, the curve along the frequency axis is limited to 20Hz - 20kHz, this is frequency range, that is, the boundaries in which the amplitude-frequency characteristic lies. It is known that the human ear perceives frequencies from 20 Hz to 20 kHz (this range narrows with age), and it is these ranges that we usually see in the characteristics of headphones. It is technically correct to indicate the frequency response unevenness near the frequency range, for example, 20-20000 Hz (+/- 3 dB), that is, the frequency response unevenness in the 20 Hz range is +/- 3 dB, or 6 dB. Usually, unevenness is not indicated by anyone from where and on the boxes with headphones eloquent numbers like 5-28000Hz appear. But even if the uneven frequency response in this range is acceptable, do our headphones need to reproduce frequencies that our ear cannot perceive? As you can see, the frequency response graph at the edges has significant drops at high and low frequencies, and due to the expansion of the frequency range, we can shift these drops, obtaining increased values ​​within the limits of our hearing sensitivity.

So the frequency range is also an important characteristic, but only taking into account the unevenness of the frequency response curve, that is, if you choose between headphones with a range of 20-20000Hz with an unevenness of 4 dB, and 5-28000Hz with an unevenness of 12 dB, I would choose the former.

Incidentally, one example of a headphone that boasts a wide frequency range is Sennheiser's in-ear IE800. With the manufacturer's specified range of 5-46000Hz, their price is about $ 750.

5. Maximum input power

This characteristic shows what maximum power the signal that we send to the headphones can have. If the level exceeds the maximum input power of the headphones, they may be damaged. This characteristic can be guided by choosing headphones for a specific playback source (amplifier, remote control, sound card, mp-3 player), comparing it in accordance with the device's output power. The power reserve will never be superfluous, because it will protect the headphones from overloads and significantly increase the service life.

The maximum input power of different models of headphones can range from 1 to 5000 mW.

6. Coefficient of nonlinear distortion (THD)

A very important characteristic that you rarely find on the packaging of headphones. The level of distortion of headphones is measured as a percentage, the lower the THD value, the more accurately the headphones transmit sound. The distortion factor depends on many factors (frequency, signal strength, etc.), for example, for low frequencies (up to 200 Hz), the allowable value is 5-10%, while in the rest of the range, values ​​less than 1% are considered acceptable. Typically, data are given for THD at a frequency of 1 kHz.

Why are harmonic distortions taken into account?

Everything is very simple, linear distortions in the signal are introduced by any linear element, for example, a resistor - a volume control. Of course, when passing through a resistor, the signal can be subjected to non-linear distortion associated with impurities in the resistive element, but these distortions are so small that they can be neglected. Harmonic distortion is introduced by nonlinear elements such as transistors, which make up almost all electronics.

It is impossible to transmit a signal with perfect accuracy without distortion at all, you can only minimize their level. Modern technologies make it possible to achieve a level of distortion in tenths or even hundredths of a percent, so not everyone can feel these distortions by ear. How do headphones distort the signal? This is usually due to uneven deformation of the diffuser, which cannot have the same mechanical properties over the entire area. We can also hear distortions of sound when the diffuser goes beyond the calculated zone of movement, but this usually happens when the headphones are "overloaded", that is, they operate in a mode that does not correspond to the nominal one. This can be observed by connecting headphones with a low value to a powerful signal source, especially when there is an excess of low frequencies. This mode of operation is dangerous and may damage the speaker.


It is impossible to single out any one characteristic that fully characterizes the headphones, since the quality and reliability of the sound depends on each of them. Some characteristics are related to each other, some compensate for each other, so you need to evaluate everything in a complex, and not each parameter separately. In addition, do not forget that there are no standard stands and methods for measuring certain characteristics of headphones, and some of them (for example) will depend on the fit of the headphones on the head (or in the ears) and other operating conditions.

Therefore, the most reliable way to choose headphones will still be considered "live" listening, which will allow you to evaluate not only the sound quality, but also the usability and other nuances. If there is no opportunity to listen to headphones before buying, take a close look at them specifications and read user reviews online, although everyone rates it differently.

But it was not without its drawbacks. Vacuum headphones place unnecessary strain on the hearing aid as they need to be inserted quite deep into the ear canal. It is believed that if often, then you can plant hearing.

How to choose good on-ear headphones

It's not even worth explaining in detail why they were named. It's simple - the headphones are literally superimposed on the ears. Their design is also more than standard - a headband with attachment and adjustment, ear cups, wire (optional).

Let us immediately note their main advantage over the two previous types. The larger the diaphragm will sound better. Also, this type has improved sound insulation. So false ears are also suitable for non-demanding music lovers.

Just as a side note, let's add that there are excellent ones. For the price they will be even cheaper than in-channel ones.

How to choose good monitor headphones (they are also full-size)

In the title, we have already clarified that this type is also called full-size - the design is such that it completely covers the ears. However, we immediately note that monitor headphones are divided into open and closed models. Closed ones are suitable for those for whom it is important to get complete isolation from the outside world. Open type monitor headphones have holes in the ear cushions in the design.

The closed type of these headphones is mainly chosen by musicians or filmmakers so that they can observe the entire range, avoiding any extraneous noise. The open type is mainly chosen by music lovers, gamers and simply those who value high-quality sound.

The biggest disadvantage of these headphones is their size. Do not run with them for a walk, so consider this fact. It will be possible to listen to music only at home, without unnecessary sudden movements. The second drawback, although this is not a drawback, but a feature - high-quality headphones from well-known manufacturers (Koss, Sennheiser, AKG, Audio-Technica) will be expensive.

How to Pick a Good Headphone with Microphone

We decided to talk separately about the models that have. And right there we note their varieties: capacitor, dynamic and a subspecies of capacitor - electret. Capacitors are better at transmitting sound than others, but they have a requirement - a separate power supply. However, you shouldn't expect the same result as from professional microphones.

Also, remember that it is impossible to speak unequivocally about the quality of sound recording by a microphone without a specific sample on hand. The type of microphone influences, of course, certain nuances of recording, but the quality of the microphone that the manufacturer has built into the headphones affects this much more. Therefore, you need to read reviews for each specific model of headphones to find out how the microphone works in them.

Nowadays USB headphones are gaining popularity. Their main difference from conventional models is that the DAC and ADC are built into the headphones themselves and the sound quality, as well as the sound recording quality, depends on the headphones themselves, and not on the sound card of your computer. USB headphones often come with special drivers and programs that need to be installed on a computer in order for the headphones to make the most of their capabilities. All of this affects the quality of sound and recording.

Learn the difference between condenser and dynamic microphones in the video.

It is important to note that microphones can be circular or unidirectional (basic types). A unidirectional one will pick up sound better without loud noises, but it is important to set it in the correct position. If you have already decided to buy headphones with a microphone, then ask if there is a built-in noise cancellation system.

Unidirectional microphones are most commonly used in gaming headphone models. Omnidirectional for musical models. Their main difference is reflected in the name. The omnidirectional microphone picks up sounds from all directions equally. A unidirectional microphone picks up sound better from your mouth and worse from your surroundings.

Wireless headphones

Without fail, we decided to separately talk about headphones with a wireless interface, but even here there is a rather big choice:

  • models with Bluetooth support;
  • working on a radio channel;
  • working on the infrared channel.

Bluetooth headphones

This is the most common option. Usually, their range is limited to 10-12 meters, but we can talk about a low level of distortion. In more expensive models, there is even support for special technologies for noise cancellation and improve the quality of sound transmission.

Resistance (impedance)

This parameter is measured in Ohms. Be sure to consider when choosing headphones models, as this affects the sound quality depending on the source. If you have a pocket player or a smartphone, then headphones should be chosen with an impedance of 16-50 ohms. But keep in mind that the higher the impedance, the more powerful the input signal must be, otherwise the membrane will be difficult to swing.

For example, head-mounted monitors often need a powerful sound source. Studio headphones generally have an impedance of around 250-500 ohms and require a dedicated amplifier. But note that the higher the impedance, the clearer the sound will be. Inexpensive low impedance headphones often have noticeable distortion.

Impedance is the nominal impedance at the headphone input... The term impedance is borrowed from the word impedance, which translates as impedance. Often used as a synonym for headphone impedance. Impedance is a combination of resistive and reactive components, resulting in a frequency-dependent impedance level. In most cases, the graph shows low frequency resonance for dynamic headphones.

You need to choose headphones by impedance in accordance with the technique with which you are going to use these headphones. For use with portable equipment, headphones with a lower impedance should be selected, and for stationary equipment, with a higher impedance. Amplifiers for portable equipment have a tightly limited output voltage level, but as a rule, they do not have a tight limitation on the current level. Therefore, the probability of getting the maximum possible power for portable equipment is possible only with low-impedance headphones. In stationary equipment, as a rule, the voltage limitation is not so low and high-impedance headphones can be used to obtain sufficient power. High impedance headphones are a more favorable load for the amplifier and the amplifier works with them with less distortion. Low-impedance headphones are considered headphones conventionally up to 100 ohms. For portable equipment, headphones with an impedance of 16 to 32 ohms are recommended, with a maximum of 50 ohms. However, if the headphone has a high sensitivity, then a higher impedance can be used.


Typically, the box indicates the permissible power range - from 1 mW to 5000 mW. If the power goes beyond the upper limit of the range, then your headphones will instantly fail.

When it comes to power, don't chase watts. Especially when the main source of music is a smartphone or portable player. With high sensitivity, a few milliwatts are enough for music to play loudly, and the amplifier of the gadget is not overloaded and economically consumes battery power. Yes, if you choose headphones with high power, the sound, perhaps (only possible), will turn out to be solid and assertive. But it will not last as long as you would like - the battery of the gadget under such a load will start to discharge rapidly. Moreover, there are often cases when the built-in amplifier simply cannot cope with powerful headphones. As a result, you will not hear a good sound (loose shallow bass) and get distortions at a volume above average.

For headphones used at home, high power is no longer a problem, because it is assumed that they will be used with a stationary amplifier. Then the high power will contribute to the high quality sound.

Distortion (Harmonic Distortion)

Of course, the headphones may produce slight distortion when reproducing sound. This parameter is measured as a percentage. The smaller it is, the higher the sound quality. The normal range is now considered to be from 0.5% to 2%.

Selecting Headphones Based on Sound Source

Headphones for the player

Today, almost any conscious purchase of a music player involves a lengthy search for the desired information on the web. Let's say you've read hundreds of reviews, consulted with professionals and bought a player from a well-known brand.

Typically, these players come with headphones in the kit, so that the package is “all at once”. After you have charged the battery and read the instructions (which is necessary), you plug in the headphones and press Play. We think that immediately you will be disappointed, because the player may be of high quality, but it often comes with an inexpensive accessory.

For such players, usually choose good in-ear or vacuum headphones- all because of the characteristics of the player itself and its compactness. We talked about the characteristics separately above.

If we combine everything that we indicated above, we get the following picture:

  • Form factor: in-ear or overhead;
  • Resistance: 16 to 32 ohms. Higher impedance headphones will work, but you won't get good sound from them;
  • Power: for in-ear headphones, a power of 30-40 mW is quite enough, for overhead headphones from 300 mW and above.

Headphones for smartphone

Headphones for phones are chosen in much the same way as for pocket MP3 players. There is only one caveat - we often choose not just headphones, but a headset so that we can comfortably talk with the interlocutor. Therefore, pay attention not only to the characteristics and sound quality of compact headphone types.

Test the microphone ahead of time - it's even better to call someone and ask about the sound quality. The best option is in-ear or vacuum with a microphone with a standard 3.5 mm jack.

Headphones with microphone

We will separately highlight this option, since the microphone can be not only for headsets for phones. Such headphones are more often bought for communication on Skype or for online games. There are models in which the microphone is rigidly connected to the headphone structure, but there are options with a detachable microphone. This type is suitable for those who do not often speak on Skype.

As we wrote above, it is very difficult to give advice on choosing a microphone built into the headphones. According to the technical data that manufacturers write on the packaging, it's hard to talk about the quality of the microphone. You will either have to rely on your luck or read a review of those headphones with a microphone that you want to buy. There is no other way.

Headphones for TV

More often, we need headphones for TV in order to enjoy watching a movie. Therefore, the choice is limited to overhead or monitor headphones with good sound insulation and a long cable (but you can also wireless).

  • Form factor: overhead or monitor;
  • Frequency range: the wider, the better, but not less than 20-20000 Hz .;
  • Sensitivity: preferably at least 100 dB;
  • Resistance: 16 to 64 ohms. Headphones with a higher impedance will work, but you won't get good sound from them (when connected over a wire). If you buy wireless headphones, you do not need this parameter, because the headphones are perfectly matched to the base from which they will receive the signal;
  • Power: from 300 mW and above. However, remember that listening to loud sounds or music for as little as 5 minutes can have a very detrimental effect on your hearing, even irreversibly. Please do not listen to headphones at full volume.

For computer

Choosing headphones for a computer is not difficult, and in general terms, headphones for a computer are the same as for any other technology. But there are some nuances. If you choose headphones for games, and then the best result can be achieved if you buy comfortable and sound music headphones. Believe me, they will sound better in games, and in some cases much better than those headphones that manufacturers proudly call "gaming headphones". In gaming headphones, the main emphasis is on low frequencies, quite often they are so strongly accentuated that the mid and high frequencies are greatly fading into the background. It may sound effective, but only for the first 5 minutes. If you play with such headphones for hours, your head and ears will get tired very quickly from such a sound.

Also, gaming headphones are often equipped with a microphone and it also does not shine with quality. Yes, it will work, but you will get the best speech recording quality from a lavalier microphone, which can be bought at any computer store for 200-400 rubles. He will not look so pretentious, but he will hear you better. Of course, there is always an exception and, perhaps, there are gaming headphones in the world with an excellent microphone, but I have not held such in my hands yet.

  • Form factor: in-ear, overhead or monitor;
  • Frequency range: the wider the better, but not less than 20-20000 Hz. Note that this range is narrower on many gaming headphones. This is because the main emphasis in them goes to low frequencies, and not only do the upper and middle frequencies that the driver can reproduce fade into the background, the manufacturer also adjusts the headphones so that they do not have any headroom for high frequencies for their correct reproduction;
  • Sensitivity: preferably at least 100 dB;
  • Resistance: 16 to 32 ohms. Depending on which sound card is used in your computer, you can buy headphones with an impedance of up to 600 ohms. But this is possible if the instructions directly say about the support of such headphones. If you did not buy a separate sound card or do not know which card is installed in your computer, feel free to buy headphones with an impedance of up to 32 (50) Ohm maximum;
  • Power: for in-ear headphones, a power of 30-40 mW is quite enough, for overhead headphones from 300 mW and above. However, remember that listening to loud sounds or music for as little as 5 minutes can have a very detrimental effect on your hearing, even irreversibly. Please do not listen to headphones at full volume.

Find out which we have selected the best.

Useful Tips

Any music lover, computer technician and ordinary student today uses headphones, which have already become a part of everyday life. But you need to know how to choose the right headphones that could provide high-quality sound.

The very first thing you need to do pay attention - this is the type of headphone... Many people immediately look at the price and buy headphones based on this parameter, which is a big mistake.

It is the type of headphones that determines not only the sound quality, but also how comfortable it will be for you to wear them.

It is also very important when choosing headphones to be aware of some useful functions. For instance: noise canceling, Bluetooth, digital optical input... But let's start in order and put everything on the shelves to make it clear.

Types of headphones - which headphones to choose

Most of the headphones sold in stores today can be divided into four main types:

Inserts ("tablets");

Plug-in ("plugs");


Closed type ("monitor").

The first two types of headphones ("pills" and "earplugs") are worn directly on the ears themselves, which is why they are also called Intra-aural (inside the ear). They are comfortable to wear and can provide good sound. They are also very compact and can be worn with a headgear without any problems, making them the most popular. Most often, these types of headphones are used for a mobile phone, player, tablet and other portable devices.

How to pick good headphones

Now let's take a closer look at each type.


This type of headphone is usually supplied with players and phones in the kit. But they have several serious disadvantages:

These headphones transmit noise very easily, which means that in public transport, for example, people around you will hear sounds coming from your headphones.

Small earbuds are not able to fully reproduce low clarities (bass) due to the small diameter of the diaphragm.

The shape of the "pills" is almost always the same, while the human ear is different for everyone. This means that not every user will have such headphones comfortably. In addition, if you touch the wire a little, they will simply fall out.

The most significant advantage is the very low price.

In-ear headphones

These headphones are somewhat similar to earbuds, the main difference being a narrower shape and silicone tips (sometimes they can be rubber). A narrower shape allows you to insert "plugs" deep into the ear, and silicone or rubber tips serve as good noise isolation.

Usually, high-quality in-ear headphones come with several earpieces of different sizes. This is so that the user can find the best fit that will allow the headphone to sit firmly in the ear.

The quality of these headphones is an order of magnitude higher than that of earbuds. However, the small diameter of the membrane also brings some limitations in the reproduction of low frequencies.

It is also worth mentioning that in-ear headphones are divided into two types: reinforcing and dynamic, but about them a little later.

On-ear headphones

They are also called Supraaural (over the ear). Due to the large size of the membrane, these headphones provide good sound quality that any music lover will appreciate. They also adhere well to the ears and are comfortable to wear.

To ensure good sound insulation, manufacturers use special pads that can be made of foam rubber or a similar material.

Another plus is its low weight, and this is despite its rather large volume. They can be used both at home and with a portable device (mobile phone, player) outdoors.

On-ear headphones can have different mounts. They can be attached to the headband, the back of the head, or on each ear separately (which is very convenient for walking, because you can wear a baseball cap, for example).

Monitor headphones

Manufacturers of monitor headphones sometimes write Circumaural on the box (around the ear) to characterize this species.

Monitor headphones are used both at home and in professional (in recording studios, for example). They have special cups that cover the entire ear, which prevents outside noise from entering.

The diaphragm is large enough to reproduce sound with all kinds of frequencies. This is what captivates big fans of high-quality sound.

Perhaps the only drawback is the size of the monitor headphones, they are quite large and take up a lot of space, which means that it is better to forget about mobility.

Types of headphones - which headphones are best for you

The types of headphones depend on their design. Today, all headphones can be divided into:




Isodynamic headphones

Orthodynamic headphones

Headphones dynamic

Most of the earbuds you can see in stores come in a dynamic type. This type is so called because the basis of the headphones that belong to it is the electrodynamic principle of transformation.

The design of dynamic headphones includes a membrane (emitter), a coil and a wire. When an alternating current is started up, a magnetic field is formed around the coil - it then transfers the vibrations to the membrane.

This type of headphone has become very popular due to its low price. To this day, the design of dynamic headphones is being improved - new materials are added to it, which raises the level of quality of the reproduced sound.

Armature headphones

The name of this type comes from the Balanced Armature. These headphones work differently than dynamic ones. Their design includes a U-shaped ferromagnetic alloy plate.

The vibrations generated by the plate appear due to the influence of a permanent magnet and an alternating field emitted by the coil. The sound comes from the armature to which the diaphragm is attached. Due to very slight distortion, the sound in these headphones is quite clear.

Most often, it is musicians who purchase reinforcing headphones, as they are ideal for performing on stages and radio stations.

It is worth mentioning that such headphones are classified as IEM (In-Ear monitor), that is, in-ear monitor headphones. Unlike dynamic headphones, the price of reinforcing ones is quite high.

Electrostatic headphones

In order for these headphones to create clear sound, they use the thinnest membrane installed between two electrodes. A constant voltage is applied to the membrane, while an intense high-voltage signal from the audio system is applied to the electrodes.

The voltage between the electrodes determines to whom it will reach, and from whom it will repel. As a result, the vibrations of the membrane will clearly repeat the shape of the transmitted electrical signal.

The main advantage of these headphones is their high sound quality. But the price for them is very high, since they have a complex design, and you also need to use a special high-voltage amplifier. Experts recommend using such headphones only with Hi-End and Hi-Fi audio equipment.

Isodynamic and orthodynamic headphones

These types of headphones allow the user to obtain balanced, even and clear sound reproduction. The difference between these types is mainly their design, while the same technology is used. This is the reason why both of these types are listed in the same group.

These headphones create very high quality sound. But there are a couple of downsides: firstly, it is high cost, and secondly, in order to achieve the best sound, you need to connect an amplifier, which in turn means not only that you can forget about mobility, but also extra financial costs.

How to choose wireless and wired headphones

You should also know how the headphones are connected to the sound source. Two types are known:



If you need freedom of action (say, you are driving a car or just move around the office often), then it is natural to purchase wireless headphones.

But there is one drawback of such headphones - the loss of an audio signal.

The best choice for those who want to get high quality sound will be wired headphones.

Headphone types by cable connection method

Reversible - Connecting cable goes to each cup.

One-sided - the connecting cable is led to one cup, and that in turn is connected to the second branch hidden in the bow.

Headphone jacks

Before you buy headphones, you need to know about the connectors, otherwise you will have to buy an adapter.

Mini-jack 3.5 mm - the most popular, as it is present in almost all devices - suitable for both a player or a mobile phone, and for a computer.

Jack 6.3 mm and micro jack 2.5 mm - in order to connect headphones with such connectors to a smartphone or computer, you will have to purchase an appropriate adapter.

USB - is gaining popularity and is used in newer headphones, which are usually produced for those who like to chat on Skype.

How to choose headphones for your computer

Headsets are a separate type of headphone. Most often, you can find a model with one or two headphones and a microphone.

Like regular headphones, headsets are wired and wireless.

By design, headsets are classified in the same way as headphones - waybills(open, closed), plug-in, earbuds.

Headset temples

Headphones can be divided into three categories: die-cast, self-adjusting and sliding.

Cast - reliable, but cannot boast of great demand.

Self-adjusting - help to evenly distribute the weight of the headset, reliable, durable.

Sliding - evenly spread on the sides to adjust the desired size.

Since headsets are the same headphones, but with a microphone, all their characteristics coincide with those that were mentioned earlier, and you need to talk about the microphone separately.

Headset microphone

There are several important characteristics of a headset microphone that are worth paying special attention to. For example, the microphone mode is mono or stereo, sensitivity, frequency range and presence of noise reduction.

Microphone mounts

On the wire - usually found in headsets for mobile phones, headsets and earbuds.

Fixed - the position of the microphone does not change and the microphone is attached to the ear cushion on a small plastic holder.

Movable - you can adjust the position of the microphone, which is attached to the swivel or flexible element.

The built-in microphone is inserted into the headset body, which makes it unobtrusive, but at the same time all extraneous noises are heard from the outside, which is naturally not very convenient.

Headsets are produced for mobile phones for Skype communication.

How to choose the right headphones - terms in the description of headphones

If you have visited a store (real or virtual) that sells headphones and / or headsets, then you should know about some of the terms that are often used by manufacturers in product descriptions, and what these terms mean.


Simply put, this term describes the sound quality. The larger the headphone diaphragm, the better the sound quality. Simple to medium headphones have a range of 18 to 20,000 Hz. More professional headphones can record a range from 5 to 60,000 Hz. But it is worth noting that the human ear is capable of picking up sound waves at a frequency of 20 to 20,000 Hz.


This is the maximum volume at the specified value of the signal applied to the headphones (from 30 to 130 dB). With the same signal level and equal impedance, more sensitive headphones will produce louder sound. The standard is usually taken an electrical signal, which has a power of 1mW. If you are in a noisy place, then the desired sensitivity threshold should be at least 100 dB.

Resistance (impedance)

Nominal impedance at the headphone input. This indicator depends on the technology to which you connect the headphones. For example, for players and smartphones, you can choose headphones with an impedance of 16 to 40 ohms. If you are going to connect headphones to a sound card without a special amplifier, you can choose headphones with an impedance of 120-150 Ohm. Higher impedance headphones are usually used by professionals who use them with special equipment that has a high output voltage.


This parameter is responsible for the sound volume of the headphones. Models can be found with powers ranging from 1 to 4,000 mW. It is important to know that listening to sound in headphones at maximum volume for a long time can negatively affect the hearing organs.

The best / most popular headphone firms

The firms mentioned in this list took their highest places in user ratings. Some have become famous exclusively for their quality, others for the ratio of quality and price. But do not forget that in addition to the manufacturer, you should also pay attention to all of the above characteristics.

Let's summarize

Armed with the right knowledge, decide first what you need headphones for.

Choose a manufacturer by comparing several headphone options.

Now you know which headphone model you need. Happy purchases!

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