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How to insert multiplication into word. How to put the multiplication sign in Microsoft Word

Consider how to insert a formula in a word table. Can be installed mathematical formulas in Word, who will count. Can insert formulas into Word text... About creating formulas in the text Word, how to write an equation, read the article "Formulas in Word".
Word can do calculations. To do this, you need to write a formula in a table cell.If you change the numbers in the Word table, then the formula itself does not automatically recalculate the result. In order for the formula to recalculate the result, you need to select the cells with the formulas, the entire column, row or the entire table, and press the "F9" key.
Or, we select not the entire cell with the formula, but the number (the result of the formula). Click with the right mouse on the highlighted number. From the window that appears, select the "Update field" function.
For more complex calculations and automatic recalculation of data, you need to insert an Excel table. See "How to Make a Table in Word".
So, math formulas in Word.
Word amount icon.
To quickly add numbers in a column or row in a Word table, place the Sum (∑) icon on the Quick Access Toolbar.How to do this, see the article “What you can do in Microsoft Word» .
It turned out like this.
Now, to count the numbers in a column, set the "Sum" icon at the bottom of this column in the cell in which the result should be (in the example, the yellow cell). All numbers above this icon are automatically counted.
To count the numbers in a row, put the sum icon in the outermost cell of the row (in the example, the green cell).
Create formulas in Word.
The cells in the Word table have the same addresses as in the Excel table.The Excel table can be found in the article "How to open an Excel sheet (create on desktop)» . This is an example of cell addresses in a Word table.
There is such a table, in it we will establish formulas, count numbers.
Sum formula in Word.
The result of addition will be in the yellow cell - put the cursor in this cell. The “Working with tables” tab has appeared on the quick access panel (at the top). Go to the "Layout" section and select the "Formula" function (the button is circled in red).

Click on this button, a dialog box appears.We will write all formulas in this window.
The formula for the sum is already written here. Word sees that in our table there are numbers in only one column, it will count them.
The formula is written in brackets (ABOVE) - this means that all cells will be counted column located above the cell in which we are setting the formula.
Other notation in the formula:
(BELOV) - cells will be counted column below the formula cells.
(LEFT) - cells will be counted in line located to the left of the formula cell.
(RIGHT) - cells will be counted in line located to the right of the formula cell.
It is necessary to write these words if we do not indicate the specific address of the cells in the formula.
If we put a formula in a cell in the middle of the table, then in the formula we need to indicate which side to count from.
So, the addition formula turned out like this.
Subtraction formula in Word.
We put the cursor in the blue cell.We call the "Formula" dialog box, but change the addition formula to our own.
We leave the “equal” sign, delete the word “SUM”, delete the word (ABOVE) in brackets and write the subtraction formula, according to the same principle as in Excel, using cell addresses. This is the formula. Multiplication formula in Word.
We put the cursor in the green cell. We write the formula in the "Formula" dialog box. This is the formula. Division formula in Word.
We put the cursor in the pink cell. We write the formula in the "Formula" dialog box. It turned out like this. How to write a complex formula in Word.
Set the following formula in the blue cell.
We have got such a table.
You can insert the address of a range of cells into a formula, etc., in Word this is called a "bookmark". It will help you insert a cell into a formula, a range of cells from another table, etc. How to create and insert a bookmark into a formula, see the article "How to insert a bookmark into a mathematical formula in Word".
How to write other formulas in a Word table, how to subtract percentages, find the arithmetic mean, how to combine functions in a Word formula, etc., see the article "Create formulas in Word".
Where to find arithmetic signs on a PC keyboard, see "Where is the button on the keyboard".
How to make a table from text or from a table to text, see the article "Convert a Word table to text and vice versa."

Everyone knows that the multiplication table is the basics of all the mathematical knowledge of a modern person. Therefore, it is so important that the student learns it as early as possible. Many people remember how such a table was printed on the back of each squared notebook. And for a reason, the more often a child turns to her, the faster he will learn to count large examples.


Simple multiplication table in PDF

This version of the multiplication table is suitable for those who would like to be able to complete the design themselves. For example, you can multiply each digit with your own color. And you can change the arrangement of the columns to get a non-standard sheet size.

Unfortunately, you won't be able to change the font in this table, since all the numbers have been converted into curves, but your printed table will look exactly the same as on the smaller copy above.

Multiplication table on a school board with a picture

If you need to download a ready-made, complete and stylish version of the multiplication table, then this template is for you. There is a bold font and a stylish background in the form of a green school blackboard.

You can download a free horizontal version, above the multiplication table in GIF, you can.

Clear multiplication table in Word

If you are used to printing from a Word text editor, then this multiplication table template will work best. The equations are typed in a 12-cell table with invisible borders. If desired, the background of each cell can be colored to your liking. ...

Multiplication table without answers

In order to be able to check the child as he knows the multiplication table, it is necessary to print it without answers. This is exactly the option we have prepared for you. You can download such a table in, or directly from our website.

Multiplication table, as on a notebook in a cage (Pythagoras table)

Calculations and logical comparisons can be performed using formulas. Team Formula is in the section Working with tables in the tab Layout in Group Data.

In Word, formulas are updated automatically when you open the document that contains them. Formula results can also be manually updated. For more information see.

Note: Formulas found in Word and Outlook tables are a form of field codes. For more information on field codes, see the See Also section.

In this article

Insert a formula into a table cell

    In chapter Working with tables in the tab Layout in Group Data press the button Formula.

    Using a dialog box Formula create a formula. You can enter a formula in the box Formula, select the number format in the field Number format as well as insert functions and bookmarks using lists Insert function and Insert bookmark.

Updating calculation results

In Word, the result of a formula is calculated when you insert it and also when you open the document that contains it. Outlook only calculates the result of the formula when you paste it, and the recipient of the message will not be able to edit it.

In addition, manual updates of the following items are supported:

    the results of individual formulas;

    the results of all formulas in a separate table;

    all field codes in the document, including formulas.

Updating the results of individual formulas

    Highlight the formulas to be updated. To select multiple formulas, hold down the CTRL key.

    Do one of the following:

    • Right-click the formula and select the command Update field.

      Press the F9 key.

Refresh the results of all formulas in a table

    Select the table containing the formula results you want to update and press F9.

Update all formulas in the document

Important: As a result of this procedure, not only the formulas will be updated, but all field codes in the document.

    Press CTRL + A.

    Press the F9 key.

Examples: Adding Numbers in a Table Using Positional Arguments

Positional arguments (LEFT, RIGHT, ABOVE, BELOW) can be used for the following functions:

As an example, consider the procedure for adding numbers using the SUM function and positional arguments.

Important: To avoid an error when finding the sum in a table using positional arguments, enter zero (0) in the blank cells to be considered in the calculation.

    Select the cell in the table where the result should be located. If the cell is not empty, delete its contents.

    In chapter Working with tables in the tab Layout in Group Data press the button Formula.

    In the dialog box Formula do one of the following.

    Click OK.

Available functions

Note: Formulas that use positional arguments (such as LEFT) ignore values ​​in the header row.

You can use the following functions in formulas located inside Word and Outlook tables.


Return value

Specifies the absolute value of a number in parentheses

Determines whether all arguments within parentheses are true.


1 if the sum of the values ​​to the left of the formula (on the same line) is less than 10 and the sum of the values ​​above the formula (in the same column, excluding the header cells) is greater than or equal to 5; otherwise, 0.

Finds the arithmetic mean of the items specified in parentheses.

The arithmetic mean of all values ​​to the right of the formula cell (in the same row).

Determines the number of items specified in parentheses.

The number of values ​​to the left of the formula cell (in the same row).

Sets whether the argument is defined inside parentheses. Returns 1 if the argument is defined and evaluated without error, or 0 if the argument is undefined or returns an error.

DEFINED (gross_income)

1 if gross_income is defined and calculated without error; otherwise, 0.

Has no arguments. Always returns 0.

Computes the first argument. If the first argument is true, the second argument is returned; if false - the third.

Note: All three arguments must be supplied.

IF (SUM (LEFT)> = 10; 10; 0)

10 if the sum of the values ​​to the left of the formula is greater than or equal to 10; otherwise, 0.

Rounds the value in parentheses to the nearest integer (smaller).

Returns the largest value among the items specified in parentheses.

The largest value in the cells above the formula (excluding header row cells).

Returns the smallest value among the items specified in parentheses.

The smallest value in the cells above the formula (excluding header row cells).

Has two arguments (numbers or expressions that produce numbers). Returns the remainder of the first argument divided by the second. If the remainder is zero (0), returns 0.0.

Has one argument. Determines whether the argument is true. If the argument is true, it returns 0; if false - 1. Mostly used in the IF function.

Has two arguments. If either of them is true, it returns 1. If both arguments are false, it returns 0. Mostly used in the IF function.

Computes the product of the items specified in parentheses.

The product of all the values ​​in the cells to the left of the formula.

Has two arguments (the first argument must be a number or an expression that evaluates to a number, the second an integer or an expression that evaluates to an integer). Rounds the first argument to the number of decimal places specified by the second argument. If the second argument is greater than zero (0), the first argument is rounded to the specified number of decimal places (down). If the second argument is zero (0), the first argument is rounded to the nearest integer (down). If the second argument is less than zero, the first argument is rounded to the left of the decimal point (down).

ROUND (123,456; 2)

ROUND (123,456; 0)

ROUND (123,456; -2)

Has one argument, which must be a number or an expression that evaluates to a number. Compares the item in parentheses to zero (0). If this element is greater than zero, returns 1; if equal to zero - 0; if less than zero - -1.

Calculates the sum of the items specified in parentheses.

The sum of the values ​​in the cells to the right of the formula.

Has one argument. Determines whether the argument is true. Returns 1 if the argument is true, and 0 if false. It is primarily used in the IF function.

Using bookmarks and cell references in a formula

You can insert a reference to a bookmarked cell in a formula using the name of the bookmark. For example, if a bookmark is created for a cell containing a number or an expression that evaluates to a number. gross income, formula = ROUND ( gross income, 0) will round the value of this cell down to the nearest whole number.

Note: Formula cells are not counted in calculations that use references. If the cell is part of a link, it is ignored.

RnCn format links

You can use the RnCn format to write a reference to a row, column, or table cell in a formula. Here Rn corresponds to the nth row and Cn corresponds to the nth column. For example, reference R1C2 points to a cell in the first row and second column. The table below contains examples of how links are written in this format.

A1 format links

You can use the A1 format to record a reference to a cell, set, or range of cells. Here, the letter corresponds to the column and the number to the row of the cell. The first column of the table is designated by the letter "A", and the first row by the number "1". The table below contains examples of how links are written in this format.

If you work in Word, and you need to sum the values ​​in a table, you can leave the data in Excel so that you can copy and paste it into Word later. Word is capable of performing simple calculations such as addition, multiplication, or rounding.

Note: When you add new rows or columns with values ​​to a Word table, the formulas will not update automatically. To update a formula, right-click on it and select Update Field(Update Field) from the dropdown menu.

To enter a formula in a table cell, position the cursor in the cell and open the tab Layout(Layout) in the tab group Table Tools(Working with tables).

In the tab Layout(Layout) under Data(Data) click on Formula(Formula).

In our example, we will multiply Units(Number of units) on Unit cost(Unit cost), and then display the total in the column Total(Total). To multiply two numbers from the cells to the left of the current one, enter the following text in the input field Formula(Formula):

Select the option you want from the drop-down list Number format(Number format) to clarify the kind of calculation result.

Note: For more information on the available formulas and their use, see the Microsoft office website.

Click on OK to confirm your settings and pin the formula to the cell.

From this point on, the result of the calculation is displayed in the cell.

Note: If you right-click on the cell containing the formula and select Toggle Field Codes(Field codes / values), you will see the formula assigned to it, as shown in the first picture of this article. Right click and select again Toggle Field Codes(Field codes / values) to display the work again.

We did the same to multiply Units(Number of units) and Unit Cost(Unit cost) on each next line.

Now make sure there is an extra line at the bottom of the plate to add up all prices. Place your cursor in an empty cell at the bottom of the column Total(Total). To display a dialog box Formula(Formula), click on Formula(Formula) under Data(Data) tab Layout(Layout). Enter the following formula in the dialog box Formula(Formula). Most likely, the default formula will be “ = SUM (ABOVE)“.

Select the appropriate number format and click OK.

Now this cell displays the total of the entire column Total(Outcome).

The Word word processor allows you to perform calculations by writing formulas to individual cells in a table using the TABLE, Formulas command. The formula is specified as an expression using:

absolute references to table cells in the form of a list (A1; B5; E10) or a block (A1: F10); keywords for referencing a block of cells: LEFT- cells located in the row to the left of the cell with the formula; RIGHT- cells located in the row to the right of the cell with the formula; ABOVE- cells located in the column above the cell with the formula; BELOW- cells located in the column below the cell with the formula; constants - numbers, text in double quotes; bookmarks, which correspond to a certain text of the document (for example, numbers), created using the EDIT, Bookmark command; operation signs (+ - * /% =< <= > >= > <>)

Types of built-in functions:




Calculates the average for a range of cells, for example: = AVERAGE (A1: C20; B25; A30)

Counts the number of values ​​in a specified range of cells, for example: = COUNT (A1: C20; B25; A30)

Finding the maximum value in a specified block of cells, for example: = MAX (A1: C20; B25; A30)

Finding the minimum value in the specified block of cells, for example: = MIN (A1: C20; B25; A30)

Finding the sum of numbers in a specified block of cells, for example: = SUM (A1: C20; B25; A30)


The absolute value of a calculated expression, for example: = ABS (A1 * B12-C25 + 100)

Remainder of dividing the first number by the second, for example: = MOD (A1, C12)

Integer part of a number, for example: = INT (2345.45)

Product of numbers in the specified range of cells, for example: PRODUCT (A1: C20; B25; A30)

Round a value to a specified number of digits, for example, round to the nearest hundred: = Round (2345.45, -2)

Determine the sign of a number, for example (-1 for negative and 1 for positive numbers): = SIGN (-2345.45)

brain teaser

Checking a specified condition and assigning a value to a cell: if the condition is true - value1, otherwise value 2: = IF (E12> G12; value1; value 2)

Computes the value 1 if the values ​​of the logical arguments are true, otherwise 0, For example: = AND (A4> 3; B2<3)

Calculates the value 1 if the true values ​​of any Boolean argument are given, otherwise - 0, for example: = OR (A2> 3; B3<=4)

Computes the value 0 if the true value of the Boolean argument is given, otherwise - 1, for example: = NOT (D4<3)

Boolean constant false, which corresponds to the number 0

Boolean constant true, which corresponds to the number 1

Defines the value in a cell


    Create a table with 10 columns and 15 rows - command TABLE, Insert Table.

    Concatenate the cells of the first row - select the row; run the command TABLE, Merge Cells.

    Highlight column A for rows 2-15 and set the column width to 0.6 cm - Table command, Cell height and width.

    Select column B for rows 2-15 and set the column width to 3 cm - Table command, Cell height and width.

    Highlight column C for rows 2-15 and set the column width to 1.5 cm - Table command, Cell height and width.

    Highlight columns D-J for rows 2-15 and set the column width to Auto - Table command, Height and cell width.

    Enter text in the cells of the table according to the sample, observing the formatting. Font - Times New Roman, size - 10. Shade the final rows and columns to count the number of marks - FORMAT command, Border and fill. Sample

    Information about student progress

    for the 2010/2011 academic year

    Academic discipline


    Average score

    Total passed





    failure to appear

    Economic informatics


    Higher mathematics


    Average indicators

  1. Save the file as c: \ table.doc

    Make calculations in the table: a) the number of students in each study group who passed the exam in a particular discipline; (Enter the formula SUM (RIGHT) in cell E4. Put this formula in cells E5-E7 and E10-E13). b) the average score in the discipline for a particular study group; (in cell D4, enter the formula = (f4 * 5 + g4 * 4 + h4 * 3 + i4 * 2) / e4) (similar to D5-D7 and D10-D13) (The formula is copied and edited - SERVICE, Options, on the View tab select. Show field codes. Alternative. Press SHIFT + F (when positioning the cursor in a cell. Place the cursor in the formula area and correct the formula. Then highlight the column where there are formulas, press F9). c) the total number of students who passed the exam on each discipline is excellent, good, etc .; d) the number of all students who passed the exam in a particular discipline; e) the number of students who passed the exams; f) the number of students who received excellent marks.

Information about the progress of students of the General Faculty of Economics of ST. PETERSBURG UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE for the 1998/99 academic year

Academic discipline


Average score

Total passed





failure to appear

Economic informatics


Higher mathematics


Average indicators

    Save the file in your folder as formul.doc

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