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  • How to insert photo into html table. Almost standard mode

How to insert photo into html table. Almost standard mode

Tables are one of the most important yet complex elements that must be present on web pages. With their help, it is convenient to present important and useful information in a fairly concise form. Of course, most editors in templates running on various engines allow you to automatically insert a table on a page of a site or a separate publication, but what if the design of a web resource, its pages are created from scratch? Then the novice master may face a problem: how to do it Let's figure out how to correctly and quickly create this element.

Choosing an editor

First of all, starting to create a table, you should decide on the editor in which you will work. Of course, the easiest way is to choose the program in which you create the main site code. But it is best to use the good old notepad for these purposes.

You may ask, why complicate your life, because if you do everything at once in the editor, then you can see the result immediately too, and also use the program's hints.

Yes, this is true, but by creating a table from scratch, you will not only be able to thoroughly study the very principle of its creation, but also avoid annoying typos and errors in the main code. Sometimes it happens that the cursor accidentally moves down, and in the process of writing an error creeps into the code, which is sometimes difficult to find. Having created a table in notepad, you can copy its code and paste it in the place you need.

Table creation algorithm

First, let's make a short algorithm on how to make a table in HTML. This is necessary so that you understand the sequence of each step. Then we will analyze exactly how to perform each of the points.

Let's start with preparatory steps.

1. Draw a schematic image of the table on a piece of paper.

2. Count the number of rows and cells. If the number of the latter is different, we count for each row separately.

3. Determine the number of header cells in the row (for example, cells "No", "Name", etc.).

4. We write down the main parameters of the table - color, height and width, text alignment - in general, everything that seems necessary to you.

1. Insert table tags.

2. Insert line tags based on the number you need.

3. In the lines we insert the tags of the cells (regular and capital), also based on the number that is written on your paper.

4. Set parameters for the table as a whole.

5. If necessary, set indicators for individual cells.

6. Fill our cells with text.

Create a table

So, you have chosen an editor, now let's figure out how to create a table in HTML. The tag with which a table is inserted into the page code (

), is paired, that is, our construction begins with this tag, and ends with

Having inserted the table tags, we proceed to the creation of rows and cells.

Immediately, we note that these elements are also paired. Tag specifies strings, and - cells.

For header cells, use a paired element .

As already mentioned, the first step is to arrange the lines, then write the cells in them. In order not to get confused, we advise either to indent between each block in one or two lines, or to prescribe a new block of elements using the "Tab" key.

How might it look? More or less like this:

  • ;
  • ;
  • ;
  • ;
  • ;
  • ;
  • ;
  • ;
  • No. p / pSurname
  • Ivanov

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this. The main thing is not to get confused in the number of rows and cells. Otherwise, the table may be skewed.

We have examined the creation of a table in HTML, now we can move on to the parameters of both the matrix itself and its rows and cells.

Table Options

When the code is written, you should pay attention to the following points: alignment with borders, background, text, and so on.

Table parameters are set in the tag

. These include:

1. Border - border width. Specified as an integer. By default, the borders of any table are zero.

2. Bordercolor - border color. Can be specified as a hexadecimal color code (#00008B) or its name in English (DarkBlue). By default it is always grey.

3. Bgcolor - Also set by code or name.

4. Align - text alignment behind the table. The default is left-aligned. There are the following options for this parameter:

  • left - wrap to the right;
  • right - left wrap;
  • center - display the table in the center without wrapping.

5. Width and height - width and height of the table. Can be specified both in pixels and as a percentage (relative to the size of the browser window).

Prescribing this or that indicator, you should pay special attention to the design. The parameter must be followed by an "equal" sign, followed by the specified value in quotation marks.

As for the color of the text, it is formatted in the same way as normal text in HTML format.

Table layout example:

  • ;
  • ;
  • ;
  • ;
  • ;
  • ;
  • ;
  • No. p / pSurname
  • Ivanov

    Row options

    So, we have already figured out how to make a table in HTML and prescribe its main parameters. But what if we need to highlight a line? Should I format it differently than the body text of the table?

    String parameters are written in the tag just like the table data. The following variables can be set for a string:

    1. Border, bordercolor and bgcolor already known to you.

    2. Align - text alignment in a line. Can take the values ​​left, center and right.

    3. Valign - this tag aligns the text vertically. Takes the following values:

    • top - the text is aligned to the top border;
    • middle - in the center;
    • bottom - along the bottom border.

    Line formatting example:

    • ;
    • No. p / p;
    • Surname;
    • .

    Cell Options

    And the last thing worth paying attention to for those who want to know how to make a table in HTML is the parameters of individual cells, both regular and capital ones. In fact, everything is done in exactly the same way as for a table or row. The only thing is that two more important elements are added:

    1. Colspan - this parameter specifies the number of columns that the cell can span.

    2. Rowspan - already indicates the number of rows that this cell occupies.

    Since the design is no different from writing a line, we will not give an example code.


    Making a table is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing when writing its code is perseverance and attention.

    As for how to insert a table into HTML, it is enough to copy its cipher and paste it exactly in the place of your page where you think it should be located.

    Do not be afraid to experiment, and soon you will master the technique of creating tables to perfection. Good luck!

    A task

    Create a table and specify its parameters (margins and spacing between cells) through styles.


    A table consists of rows and columns of cells that can contain text and graphics. The tag is used to add a table to a web page.

    . This element serves as a container for the elements that define the contents of the table. Any table consists of rows and cells, which are set respectively using tags And inside
    . The table must contain at least one cell (example 1). Allowed instead of tag use tag . Text in a cell styled with a tag , is displayed by the browser in bold and is centered in the cell. Otherwise, the differences between cells created via tags And no.

    Example 1: Create a table

    HTML5 IE Cr Op Sa Fx

    table tag

    Cell 1 Cell 2
    Cell 3 Cell 4

    The arrangement of cells and their appearance is shown in fig. one.

    Rice. 1. The result of creating a table with four cells

    The border attribute of the tag

    it is permissible to add only with an empty value (
    ) or equal to 1. All other values ​​fail validation.

    To control the margins inside cells, the padding style property is used, which is added to the td selector. The spacing between cells is changed by the border-spacing property (example 2) added to the table selector, IE only understands it since version 8.0.

    Example 2: Margins within cells

    HTML5 CSS 2.1 IE Cr Op Sa Fx

    table tag

    Heading 1Heading 2
    Cell 3Cell 4

    The table with fields and distance between cells is shown in fig. 2. A similar result can be achieved with a white frame around the cells.

    Rice. 2. Fields in table cells

    Hello dear blog readers! Often on web pages, in addition to text and pictures, it becomes necessary to display various data in the form of tables. Yes, this is understandable, a table is the most convenient way to present a large amount of information. Therefore the question arises How to embed tables in html?. In this article, I will answer this question and give you many examples of various html tables.

    How to create a table using HTML

    HTML tables are created in four steps.

    1. At the first step in the html code using the paired tag

    tell the browser that a table has been inserted into the web page:
    . The table element is a block element of a web page. Therefore, the table is always displayed on a new line with vertical indents from neighboring elements, so there is no need to put it in a paragraph.

    2. At the second step, we form lines tables by placing paired tags

    . Each element creates a separate line:

    3. Next, at the third step, we form cells tables with paired tags And , which are placed inside the element . Tag creates usual cell, and cell header, i.e. header of the corresponding column:

    4. Well, at the last step we put it inside the elements And cell content. The HTML code for inserting a table into a web page looks something like this:

    Column 1Column 2Column 3
    Cell 1-1Cell 1-2Cell 1-3
    Cell 2-1Cell 2-2Cell 2-3

    To fine-tune the display of borders will help. With , you can change the thickness and color of the frames, as well as change the type of borders.

    The text that needs to be placed inside the cells is optional, but if the text is large, it can be broken into paragraphs by applying the tag

    If you need to somehow style the inserted text, you can use .

    In addition to text, we can put pictures in cells using the tag :

    The contents of a cell can even be another table. In this case, creating a nested table is no different from creating a regular table. Just between tags And tags are inserted

    , and rows and cells are inserted into it.

    There are some rules to keep in mind when creating tables:

    • only the tag is used to create the table ;
    • tag
    • can only be inside a tag
    • tags
    • , any other tag content ignored by the browser;
    • table content (text or pictures) can only be in tags
    • And can only be inside a tag
      And ;
    • table cells must have at least some content, otherwise the browser may not display them at all, but if some cell must be empty, then a non-breaking space (HTML literal) is usually placed in it;
    • the table refers to the block elements of the web page;
    • the sizes of the table and its cells depend on the content, i.e. the table is stretched in width and height so that everything fits;
    • a small indent is made between the borders of individual cells and between the border of each cell and its contents;
    • the text of the header cells (the th element) is displayed in bold and centered;
    • borders around the table and its cells are not drawn by default.
    • Table header

      Let's start with the pair tag

      , which gives the table a title. The title text is placed inside this tag, which must be inside the tag . And no matter where in the html code of the table to place the tag . Moreover, it is permissible to use no more than one element within the same table, and it must go in the html code immediately after the tag
      , the browser will still display the title above the table and center it. But usually the tag placed immediately after the opening tag :

      This is a table
      Cell 1.1Cell 1.2
      Cell 2.1Cell 2.2


      Table sections

      The html table can be logically divided into parts - sections. There are three types of sections:

      • header section, in which the header cells are placed, which form the header of the table;
      • body section, in which cells with basic data are located;
      • completion section, in which cells with total data are placed.

      The table header section is formed using a pair tag


      The body section is created with a pair tag

      . One html table can contain several body sections, which allows you to create structural blocks to which uniform design styles can be applied.

      The completion section is formed by a pair tag

      and within the same container
      there can only be one.

      All of these paired tags must contain tags

      , which form lines related to the corresponding sections:

      Column 1Column 2Column 3
      Cell 1.1Cell 1.2Cell 1.3
      Cell 2.1Cell 2.2Cell 2.3
      Outcome 1Outcome 2Outcome 3

      Merging table cells

      It remains to talk about the most important feature of tables - merging cells. Attributes are used to combine multiple cells into one. colspan And row span tags

      And . The colspan attribute sets the number of cells combined horizontally, and rowspan - vertically:


      Example result:

      1.1 1.2-1.3
      2.1 2.2 2.3
      3.1-4.1 3.2 3.3
      4.2 4.3

      When merging cells, it is important to check the number of cells in each row so that there are no errors. Yes, the design

      replaces two cells, so the next line should have two tags , or the same design! If the number of cells in all rows does not match, then empty extra cells will appear.

      An example of incorrect html code when merging cells:

      cell 1.1cell 1.2
      cell 2.1cell 2.2

      And the result displayed in the browser:

      Those. if you analyze the html code, you will notice that the first line has three cells, two of which are merged using the colspan attribute, and the second line has only two cells added. Therefore, a third empty cell appears in the second row.

      Tag Attributes

      In this post, we have already encountered one tag attribute

      . With the border attribute, which sets the width of the border in pixels. It defaults to 0 and therefore cells are displayed without a border by default.

      In addition to the border attribute, there are several other important attributes supported by the tag.

      . Let's take a look at them.

      Attribute align— sets alignment tables on the page. It can take the values ​​left, center, right, which set the alignment to the left, center and right, respectively. The default is left.

      Attribute background, which the sets the background image to the table. It takes the address of the image file as a value.

      bgcolor- installs background color tables. Can be used in conjunction with the background attribute.

      Attribute border color sets frame color tables.

      cell padding- determines distance between cell border and its content. Allows you to improve the readability of the table. The value can be any positive number.

      Cellspacing— sets distance between outer cell boundaries.

      On this to talk about how to insert table into html page I'll finish, just summarize:

      • tags are used to insert a table
      - table designation, - adding a line and , completion section and body section ;
    • use tag attributes to merge cells
    • Here the line class defines the dimensions of the cell.

      HTML tables organize and display data using rows or columns. Tables are made up of cells that are formed when rows and columns intersect. Table cells can contain any HTML elements such as headings, lists, text, images, form elements, and other tables. Each table can have a header associated with it, placed before or after the table.

      Tables are no longer used for layout of web pages and layout of individual elements, because such a technique does not provide flexibility in the structure and adaptability of the site, significantly increasing the HTML markup.

      For all elements of the table are available, as well as their own attributes.

      Creating tables in HTML

      • Content:
      • 1. How to create a table

        The table is created using a pair tag

        Fig.1. Appearance of the table without formatting with css properties

        By default, the table and cells do not have visible borders. Borders are set using the border property:

        /* 1px gray outer table borders */ table (border: 1px solid gray;) /* table first row cell borders */ th (border: 1px solid gray;) /* table body cell borders */ td (border: 1px solid grey;)

        Spacing between table cells are removed using the table property (border-collapse: collapse;) .

        Width A table defaults to the width of its inner content. To set the width, you need to set a value for the width property:

        /* make the width of the table equal to the width of the container block it is in */ table (width: 100%;) /* set a fixed width for the table */ table (width: 600px;)

        If padding and borders are set for table cells, then the table width will include the following values:
        padding-left and padding-right , the width of the border-left plus the width of the border-right of the last cell in the row. If cell width and borders are specified, then the table width will be the sum of the cell widths plus the border-left width and border-right width of the last cell in the row.

        2. How to create table rows (rows)

        Table rows or rows are created using the tag

      . The number of horizontal rows in the table is determined by the number of paired tags .

      3. How to make a table column header cell

      4. How to make a table body cell

      , located in the same row, determine the number of cells in the row of the table. Number of cell pairs And to specify each part of the table.

      The element must be used in the following order: as a child element

      - insert a cell;
    • the table is a block element of a web page;
    • the contents of the cells can be not only text, but also pictures and other tables;
    • a table can contain three kinds of sections: header section —
    • colspan and rowspan.

      That's all, in the next post I will talk about the navigation tools on the html site. Subscribe to my blog updates so you don't miss this post! All, see you soon!

      This mode is based on the standard mode, with some exceptions: the display of images inside table cells and images under each other is the same as in compatibility mode. To switch to near-standard mode, one of the following doctypes is used.

      For frames in HTML:

      For frames in XHTML:

      Images under each other

      When displaying images vertically with a line feed through
      pictures in almost standard mode are displayed together without gaps. Example 1.2 shows the code for displaying two images.

      Example 1.2. Output of two images

      HTML 4.01 IE Cr Op Sa Fx

      Vertical images

      Since the drawings were previously one and "cut" for convenience, they form a single image (Fig. 1.1).

      Rice. 1.1. Output images in almost standard mode

      In the standard mode, a small gap is formed between the images (Fig. 1.2).

      Rice. 1.2. Output images in standard mode

      There are two main ways to bypass this feature in standard mode:

      1. add display : block for images;
      2. use the line-height property of the parent container.

      Let's consider these methods in more detail.

      Tag transformation in a block element more than once will help us to work around various troubles associated with images. This time we will use the feature that block elements line up one under the other together (we do not take indents into account). At the same time, the tag
      from the code, of course, should be removed (example 1.3).

      Example 1.3. Using the block property

      Vertical images

      It is not necessary to use the display property, you can also use line-height , this property sets the line spacing. By setting the tag to 1px

      Inside which the images are located, we will get a similar result (example 1.4).

      Example 1.4. Using the line-height property

      XHTML 1.0 CSS 2.1 IE Cr Op Sa Fx

      Vertical images

      Images in the table

      Adding an image to a table cell also shows the difference between browser modes. For understanding, let's analyze the following code (example 1.5). To make the border around the table visible, the styles added the border property to the TABLE selector.

      Example 1.5. Picture in the table

      HTML 4.01 CSS 2.1 IE Cr Op Sa Fx

      Images in the table

      The result of this example is shown in Fig. 1.3a. For the standard mode, the image output is somewhat different (Fig. 1.3b).

      but b

      Rice. 1.3. Image in the table. a - almost standard mode, b - standard mode

      It is noticeable that in the standard mode a small indent appears at the bottom of the picture. Where does it come from? If you add text to the cell and zoom in (Fig. 1.4), you can clearly see that the image, as an inline element, is aligned to the baseline of the text, and not to its bottom edge. Accordingly, the difference between the baseline and the bottom edge of the text is the value of the gap under the picture.

      Rice. 1.4. Baseline of text

      Again, there are several ways to change the behavior of images in a table. The first way has already been mentioned, this is the transformation of the tag into a block element with the display property set to block (see Example 1.3). The style in this case will be as follows:

      TABLE IMG ( display: block; )

      If there is text inside the cell along with images, this style can lead to undesirable consequences. Instead of the image being placed next to the text, it will appear on a new line like a block element. In this case, it is recommended to set the bottom alignment of images through the vertical-align property with the value bottom (example 1.6).

      Example 1.6. Image alignment

      XHTML 1.0 CSS 2.1 IE Cr Op Sa Fx

      Images in the table


      Although all browsers in this example show bottom-alignment of the image, the alignment of the text itself is slightly different. Browsers Firefox, Safari, IE7 align text to the bottom of the picture, and Opera, IE8, IE9 - to the top.

      Single pixel drawings

      At the time of tabular layout, a one-by-one pixel transparent image was actively used, the so-called one-pixel drawing. Placed in a table cell, such a picture did not allow it to shrink to certain limits, but it itself easily scaled, thereby setting the width or height of the cell. Since the picture is transparent, you can set a background color for the cell and get horizontal or vertical lines of a given thickness.

      In the standard mode, the same problems await us as when using regular drawings inside cells. The height of the cell will expand as the bottom padding is added to the images. This problem is solved much easier and does not require the use of an additional style. Modern browsers perfectly display the specified cell sizes and without the presence of additional images inside. Therefore, it is enough to simply remove the one-pixel drawing from the cell.

      creates a column heading - a special cell, the text in which is highlighted in bold. The number of header cells is determined by the number of tag pairs creates table cells that contain table data. Paired tags must be equal to the number of pairs of cells. The colspan , rowspan , headers attributes are available for the element.

      5. How to add a caption (title) to a table

      Creates a table caption. Added directly after the tag

      6. Grouping table rows and columns

      Creates a structural group of columns, highlighting logically homogeneous cells. Groups one or more columns for uniform formatting, allowing styles to be applied to columns instead of repeating styles for every cell and every row. Added directly after tags Rice. 2. Highlighting table columns in a different color using tags and

      7. Grouping table sections

      The element creates a group of headings for table rows in order to set a uniform design. Used in combination with elements

      , after and, and before , And elements. Can only be used once within the same table.groups the main contents of a table. Used in combination with elements and .

      Creates a group of rows to represent information about amounts or totals, located at the bottom of the table. Used in the table once. Placed after the tag, before the tags

      And .

      This grouping of rows was incorporated into the standard in the expectation that browsers, when displaying long tables, would scroll the data rows while keeping the superhead and subheading stationary, and when they were output to the printer, they would be able to use the superhead and subhead as page headers. However, modern browsers do not do this and either simply display both as rows of data, or, at best, simply put the corresponding rows at the beginning and end of the table.

      8. How to merge table cells

      The colspan and rowspan attributes join table cells. The colspan attribute specifies the number of cells merged horizontally, and the rowspan attribute specifies the number of cells merged vertically.

      Rice. 3. An example of combining table cells horizontally using the colspan attribute

      9. Attributes of table elements

      Table 1. Table element attributes

      Accepted values: list of cell names separated by spaces; these names must be assigned to the cells via their id attribute.
      Accepted values: any positive integer.
      Attribute Description, accepted value
      colspan The number of cells in a row to merge horizontally.

      headers Specifies a list of header cells containing header information for the current data cell. Designed for speech browsers.
      ... ...
      row span The number of cells in the column to merge vertically.

      Possible values: number from 1 to 999.
      span The number of columns combined to set a single style is 1 by default.

      10. An example of creating a table

      Rice. 4. Create a restaurant menu with an HTML table

      HTML markup

      Romashka restaurant menu
      Kitchen cold dishes Hot dishes Dessert
      Salads Snacks First meal Main courses
      Russian The vinaigrette Tongue with horseradish Shchi with sauerkraut Potato dumplings Baked apples with honey
      Russian salad Beef jelly Rassolnik home Carp baked in sour cream pancake pie
      Herring under the "fur coat" Jellied pike perch Meat hodgepodge Cutlets "Pozharsky" Cake "Potato"
      Spanish Ceviche of scallops Empanadas Bread soup with garlic Paella with seafood Churros
      Avocado and tuna timbale Ahotomate Asturian fabada Pork Raxo Almoishavena
      Beans with ham Chanfine Fish soup with semolina dumplings potato tortilla Bunuelos
      french Vosges salad Chicken Riyette Eggplant cream soup "Renoir" Potato ograten brioche
      Salad "Panzanella" Delicious cheese french pumpkin soup Gratin from poultry Ligurian Lemon Pie
      Tartarus marinated salmon Soup "Conti" Tartiflette Savarin "Triumph"

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