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How to restore a closed tab. A few simple methods

We are used to working with large amounts of information: 5-10-20 or more pages simultaneously loaded into the browser are not the limit for us. Usually we do not try to remember the addresses of open sites - why, because here they are - before our eyes. But suddenly they accidentally poked the mouse in the wrong place ... and everything was gone.

Imagine: you are preparing for a test, writing a report, or doing another important task and suddenly closed a web resource with important data. Can it be recovered if you don't remember what the resource is? I'll tell you a secret: you can! What human memory misses is easily remembered by the browser. Let's talk about how to open closed tabs in Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Yandex.Browser and Safari.

How to open closed tabs in different browsers

Internet Explorer

To return to the screen one of the recently visited pages in Internet Explorer 11, click the new tab button. It is located in the top panel next to the address bar - when you hover over it, an icon in the form of a sheet of paper appears.

Alternatively, press Ctrl+L.

To reload pages that you have not viewed recently, press Ctrl+H. This combination will open the visit log, by the way, not only here, but also in other web browsers. Expand the list of visited sites for the desired period of time and click on what you were looking for.

Microsoft Edge

AT edge it's just as easy as in IE, but a little different.

Click on the "Hub" button (in the form of three horizontal stripes) on the top panel of the window and select the "Journal" section (hidden behind a clock-like icon). At the top of this section are collected materials that were opened last. Right-click on the desired one and select "Open in a new tab" or "In a new window" from the context menu.

Mozilla Firefox

To restore the last page in Mozilla Firefox, just press the combination Shift + Ctrl + T once. Press again - the penultimate one will be restored, etc., until the entire recent session is opened.

To open one of the viewed pages of your choice, go to the main menu (located behind the button with three stripes) and click the "Journal" icon. Or press the combination Ctrl + H on the keyboard.

In the "Restore closed tabs" list, click on the name of the site you want to download again.

Google Chrome

Bring back recently closed sites to the screen Google Chrome, as in Mozilla Firefox, by pressing Shift+Ctrl+T. By the way, this combination works everywhere except Microsoft and Safari browsers.

To access other viewed pages, click on the striped button in the upper right corner of the window (this button hides the main menu) and select the "History" item.

We will see a list of "Recently Closed" - a place where records of the last visited sites are collected. Reloading any of them is just a click away.

To restore a web resource that is not there, press the hot keys Ctrl + H or select the “History” command from the menu and then “History” again. Here is the log - a long list that lists the pages visited during the entire time the browser was used. They are sorted, as elsewhere, from the latest to the earliest.


AT Opera for our purposes, there is a separate menu - an inconspicuous button in the top panel with the image of two horizontal stripes and an arrow. Inside is a list of recently closed and currently open resources.

If you don't find what you're looking for here, you'll need access to a log of earlier visits. It opens through the main menu, hidden behind the button with the letter "O". You need to select, as you understand, the "History" section.

In the Opera magazine, the pages that have ever been opened are sorted into the submenu "Today", "Yesterday" and "Old". The latter includes everything that is older than "Yesterday".


Restore recently closed tabs in Yandex.Browser organized in the same way as in Google Chrome: all the "good" is stored in the "History" section, which is located in the main menu. And it, you guessed it, is also hidden behind the “three stripes” icon.

The page of the full log of visits (history) is opened by pressing the hot keys Ctrl+H. Here, as in Chrome, a general list of sites is stored with the date and time of opening.


AT safari on Mac OS X, everything is also done simply and easily: go to the “History” menu and select “Open the last closed window” or “All windows of the last session”.

To view other "historical events", click the second item from the top in the same menu.

So, there was an accident. After a long and hard search for information on the Web, the desired page was finally found, but the tab disappeared somewhere. What happened? How to get back a closed tab?

Many users still have memories of those times when an accidentally closed page had to be searched again for a long time. Browser developers have heeded the complaints of unfortunate users - now you can use special features that will help the browser restore the session. Where to look for them?

In Chrome browser

Not so long ago, you could find a file called Last Session. If you slightly rename it, replacing the first word with Current, it was possible to return the last tabs. Now this method is no longer available. In the system files of the browser, you can find the Notepad document, which displays the history of links. But searching for the desired session in this file is equivalent to shamanism, available only to masters.

So how to return the closed tab to those who belong to the category of standard users who are not familiar with the basics of programming? To do this, there is an elementary combination of buttons: Ctrl + Shift + T. By pressing these keys, the user will be able to restore closed pages one at a time.

You can use your browser history. In the desired settings item, there is now a special line - "Recently closed tabs". Sometimes this feature may not seem the most convenient, as several sessions are restored at once. To open the desired page, you have to open the history and select the tabs manually.

In Opera Browser

How to get back the last closed tab in Opera browser? In the same way as in the browser from Google, since both of these browsers are largely the same. Already known hot keys or the menu item "Recently closed tabs" will help, as well as independent searches in the browser history.

In emergency cases, if the browser was terminated unexpectedly, the next time you start Opera, it will offer 4 options for action, among which you can choose the following: “Continue from where you disconnected”.

In "Yandex"

The Yandex browser runs on the same engine as Google Chrome. Accordingly, the methods for restoring an accidentally closed Internet page are similar here.

In the Mozilla browser

Already on the main page, Mozilla offers to recreate the last session if Firefox is installed by default. The button is impossible How to return the closed tab with its help? Just click. If there is another page as the home page, then you can use the browser history. The principle of operation in this case is no different from restoring tabs in Google Chrome.

If the browser was closed by force, then when it is restored, a window automatically appears asking you to open recent tabs. It will be possible to open lost pages manually using the “about:sessionrestore” command, which is typed in the search bar.

If the above measures did not bring the desired result, then the session did not have time to be saved in history. Then how to return an accidentally closed tab? Will have to stock up on extensions for similar cases in the future.

Extensions will help in the search for the loss

All of these methods, unfortunately, are not always effective. Sometimes the tab does not have time to remain in the browser history, and only the one who is “on you” with the computer is able to return it. For the rest, "dancing with a tambourine" in order to search for an escaped session in system folders is unlikely to succeed.

So, a standard PC user? Extensions will come to the rescue - special add-ons for working with Internet pages. They exhaustively solve problems with sudden closures and random session losses. This kind of software includes Session Manager or TabHamster.

Desktop browser developers have moved to Android the function of restoring accidentally closed tabs. This feature also works in mobile versions of Internet navigators. The article describes methods on how to restore Chrome, Opera and Firefox tabs, open closed browser pages using simple keyboard shortcuts.

Recover tabs closed in Google Chrome

There are three ways to restore a closed tab in Chrome, then we will talk about each of them.

The first way to restore a tab in Chrome

The first method to restore Chrome tabs is quite simple. It lies in the fact that you need to restore the browser tabs immediately after they are closed, "in hot pursuit."

Try closing any tab in the mobile version of Chrome (i.e. Chrome for Android). To do this, tap on the button with the number of active tabs at the top and select the unnecessary Chrome browser tab. When it is closed, a tab closing notification will be displayed at the bottom of the active form for a short time. Immediately, in the browser window, you will see an immediate restore button labeled "Cancel". By clicking on this button, you will successfully return all the last tabs closed recently in the Google Chrome browser.

A good example of how to restore tabs in Google Chrome. List of recently closed browser tabs

The disadvantage of this method is that this way you can return only recently closed Google Chrome tabs, and even then in a limited number.

Advice. If you have closed tabs for a long time, use: there you will find an archive of visited pages. The probability of finding a closed tab depends only on the time elapsed since the history was cleared.

The second way to restore Google Chrome tabs

A bold plus of the second option is that it can be used to return any closed tab of the Chrome browser or, Let's say, Opera Mini. Go to the form with recent tabs by clicking on the clock button at the bottom of the start page. Alternatively, to return a browser tab in Chrome, you can use the button with three vertical dots and select "Recent Tabs" from the drop-down menu of the application. If your Android device is synced with your Google account, then in this window you can even restore the closed tab that you were working on on your PC or mobile device.

The third way to open a closed page in the browser: browser history

The third way to return browser tabs is similar to the second. As in the desktop version of Chrome, you can return the tab using the history of browsing pages on the Internet. The difference between history and recent tabs is that with the help of history you can find and return any tab, even those that were closed a long time ago. You can open the browser history from the same menu.

As you can see, there are several ways to open a closed Chrome tab (however, the result is the same). About the latest version of Chrome for Android, so we advise you to learn about the new features of the mobile browser and update to the latest version. Please note that the ability to close tabs (in other words, open closed pages in the application window) is not available in all versions of Chrome, so be sure to update your browser to the latest version using the link:

Open closed tabs in Opera

In the Opera browser, the mechanism for restoring closed tabs is implemented in almost the same way as in Google Chrome.

Method number 1

This method will help return only the browser tab that was last closed in Opera. To restore an application tab (or several tabs at once), tap on the button with the number of open tabs at the bottom, then tap on the button with three dots at the bottom and select the "Reopen last closed tab" option from the Opera menu that appears.

Tab recovery menu in Opera browser

Method number 2

How to restore tabs in Opera as quickly as possible? Similar to the Chrome application, it is easy to resume viewing closed pages using the same browser history. The way to restore tabs works flawlessly, even if you decide not to sync. On the Opera start page, next to the express panel opened in the default web browser, there is a "History" section. Go to it and select any closed page - in recent time or for several weeks or months (it depends on how long the history of visits is stored in your browser). After that, the desired Opera tab will be successfully restored.

How to reopen a closed tab in Firefox for Android

In the latest version of the Firefox mobile browser, there are three ways to bring back closed tabs. In fact, they are absolutely identical to the same page recovery functions built into Chrome. Nevertheless, in order for you to have a clear picture of the features available in Firefox, let's dwell on them in more detail.

1st method

Let's say you have several active tabs open in Firefox on your smartphone, and just a few seconds ago you accidentally closed one of them. How to return a tab in this browser? This can be done in one tap by clicking the "Cancel" button, which appears immediately after closing one of the tabs. This method is inconvenient in that it is necessary to react to restoring the desired tab in Mozilla rather quickly, and only the last closed page is allowed to return.

How to restore a tab through Mozilla Firefox browser history

2nd method

While on the Firefox home screen (the developers themselves call it "smart"), scroll through the list of available categories to the right until you come across the "Recent Tabs" option. It is here, in the list, that you can see all the recently opened tabs by the user, and return them if necessary.

3rd method

Another category present on the Smart Screen is browser history. By opening it in Mozilla, you can see a complete list of websites open on your mobile device, and in the case of preliminary synchronization of Firefox with a cloud service, on a PC.

Summary. As you can see, there are quite a few options to restore a closed tab (we described 9 solutions - 3 for each browser, Chrome, Opera and Mozilla). All you have to do is choose the best way to return the tab for yourself, and know that in the mobile browsers described, any, even the oldest tabs are recoverable, you can return them pretty quickly with a minimum of effort.

Answers to questions from readers

I accidentally cleared browser data (normal) in the fly android 2.3.5 phone settings and therefore my bookmarks were deleted. Help restore them.

Answer. Alas, if you used the standard Android browser, it will not work. Use Google Chrome and sync everything with your Google account and you won't have these problems again.

I have this problem: there were a lot of saved bookmarks in Google Chrome on Android, and they all closed: I can’t restore through the history, since the tabs in Chrome have been open for a long time, and I haven’t visited them. But I needed them. How to restore tabs in Chrome? I do not know what to do.

Answer. To get back a closed tab, you can refer to , it's possible that your searches are still stored in search engine records. Of course, you won't be able to restore a closed tab this way, but Google history analysis will help you find sites that were in closed Chrome tabs.

In the settings of any browser, you can specify that each time you open it, all those tabs that were open last time will appear. In the end, you won’t even remember what you had there and why, but it was definitely unrealistically important.

A few years ago, we had to suffer and restore sessions manually. Browser developers have heeded the voices of dejected users, now in most cases, browsers themselves cope with the problem and restore tabs. Where to look for them?


In Chrome, closed tabs can be restored one at a time using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + T.

The list of tabs that you closed recently is in the settings menu. Select "History" → "Recently closed". The browser will offer to open several tabs at once that have been closed.

It was possible to restore the session using the Last Session file and renaming it to Current Session. Unfortunately, this method no longer works, so you will have to say goodbye to closed and not tracked tabs by the Chrome browser.

You can, of course, open the history file in Notepad and sort all the links. But this is shamanism, subject to specialists, not ordinary users. Exit - extensions. An example is given at the end of the article for each of the browsers.


The browser's home page itself, by default, offers to restore the previous session. The corresponding button is located in the lower right corner, you only need to press it.

If your home page is not set to Firefox by default, you can restore closed tabs in the menu "History" → "Restore previous session".

The browser also has a session recovery page that appears in the window after the program crashes. The page can be called manually, for this you need to type in the browser line about:sessionrestore. Firefox will offer to restore the tabs of the previous session or start a new one.

Alas, if these events did not help, then most likely it will not work to restore the tabs: they were not recorded in history.

There are still chances, but for this you will have to arm yourself with patience, knowledge, or even a tambourine. That is, try to recover data from files with information about the current session. For this you need:

The problem is that this may not work either. Just bad luck. For insurance, it is better to use the already mentioned extensions.


Working with runaway tabs in Opera is similar to working in Chrome. This is a Ctrl + Shift + T hotkey combination that saves tabs, and work with recently closed tabs in a special menu.

If the menu of recently closed tabs does not help, you will have to rummage through the history and install extensions for the future.

Extensions to help

To keep users out of trouble, there are special add-ons for working with tabs that solve most of the problems with losses and sudden closing of browser windows.

Accidentally closed a tab in Yandex Browser? It's not a problem. Even if you don't remember the name of the site. The main thing is that the browser saved all this. Therefore, you can easily restore a tab in Yandex. And in different ways. Which is better? It's up to you to decide.

The easiest way to restore a closed tab in Yandex is using the "Last Page" function. Therefore, if you accidentally closed a site, you can easily open it again by pressing Ctrl + Shift + T.

This combination opens one last tab. But you can click it again, restoring the penultimate page. And then again….

A certain number of closed websites are stored in the memory of Yandex Browser, so a couple of them can be opened. However, this method is only used to quickly open the last tab. In other cases, it is better to choose another option.

By the way, this method is universal and works in many modern browsers. For example, using the same combination, you can.

To avoid having to constantly press keys, you can right-click on any page and select "Reopen just closed tab" from the menu that appears. Perhaps this will be more convenient for you.

Smart back arrow

If you did not close the current tab in Yandex, but opened another website in it, then you can restore it using the smart "Back" arrow. This button is located in the left corner of the address bar.

Each press of it takes you back one step. Thus, you can return to the previous pages visited earlier.

By the way, if you right-click on this arrow, a list of all sites loaded specifically in this tab will open. And you will not need to constantly click it, trying to find the right page. Just click on the RMB arrow and select any site from the list.

That is why the back arrow is called smart. By the way, in the same way you can.

Recently closed pages

Another method is with the help of the "Recently Closed" element. It displays the last 8 pages that were closed in the current session. They remain until you exit the program.

To open closed tabs in Yandex Browser in this way:

By the way, here, just below, websites that you opened on other devices (smartphone, tablet or laptop) can be displayed. But only on condition that they were synchronized with the Yandex account. Otherwise, it will look like this:

What should I do if the site I need is not in the Recently Closed list? For such cases, there is another method by which you can restore previous tabs in Yandex Browser.

Visit history

If you want to open a site you visited yesterday, 3 days or even 2 weeks ago using the history manager. To open it:

After that, a new tab will open in the browser, where the sites you have visited will be displayed.

By the way, you can go to the "History" in another way. Click Ctrl+H and the same window will open.

And what is there? And here just look for any site that you need. All previously opened pages are sorted by the day and time of visit, so there will be no difficulties with this.

If you visited that site a long time ago, then in the "Search in history" field, enter its address or page name (partially possible) and press the Enter button. After that, only those options that match the specified criteria will be displayed.

By the way, this method is also universal and works in all popular browsers. For example, in the same way you can.

How to restore tabs after reboot

The fact is that by default, the settings can be set in such a way that after the browser is closed, all open pages disappear.

Of course, you can restore open tabs in Yandex through "History" or the "Recently closed" element, but this is inconvenient. And why such sacrifices when it’s enough just to set up Yandex Browser to open the same pages when restarted.

For this:

From now on, even after closing the browser, all previously opened pages will not disappear anywhere.

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