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How to restore correspondence in classmates on your page. Instructions for recovering deleted messages in classmates

No one is immune from mistakes. Having discovered the loss of something important to us, we want to restore the lost. Some things are easily restored, others are not very good, and some cannot be returned at all. We are faced with a similar phenomenon in Odnoklassniki.

It is impossible to completely restore deleted correspondence. Whichever way you tried to do it, the messages were deleted irrevocably, and Odnoklassniki warn about this when you decide to erase the correspondence with a certain person.

  • Classmates nowhere in any settings provide an opportunity to return deleted correspondence. This is logical, because you have deleted messages irrevocably.
  • Third-party programs won't do the trick either - be they paid or free. Applications simply do not have access to deleted dialogs and will not restore them in any way.
  • If you yourself deleted the dialogue, then there is no point in writing to technical support, they will not be able to restore messages to you and, most likely, will not answer at all. It's another matter if the messages disappeared through no fault of yours - for example, a website malfunction. In this case, try sending your ticket to the technical support service.

So, you won't be able to completely restore the deleted dialogue in your account, but you can still try to get something back. There are a couple of options to try.

How can you recover deleted correspondence?

Ask a friend to forward the messages you want

Most likely, all the correspondence was kept by your interlocutor. If you have access to his account, you can go in and find the messages you want. If you don't have access to your account, then the most likely way is to ask a friend to forward the messages you need.

Keep in mind that your interlocutor does not receive a notification when you delete a conversation from yourself.

Messages in the mail

You are in luck if in your Odnoklassniki account you have enabled (or have not disabled, since the function is activated by standard) the "Email notifications" setting. In this case, letters with notifications and texts of each incoming message should have come to your mail. Try to find the information you need there.

You can check if you have this notification function enabled in this way:

On the main profile page on the left under your photo there are several menus. In the second block with the menu, find "My settings" and go to the page. Next, open the "Notifications" tab and find the item "Notify me of new messages." See if there is a check mark next to this setting. If yes, then the function is activated.

Return dialog via cache

The chance of success is low, but worth a try. This method can work if you literally just lost your correspondence. Try clicking on the browser's "back" arrow, and if the page cache has been saved, you will be returned to the previous version.

Write a letter to technical support

As we already wrote above, support does not respond to requests to restore the correspondence that you deleted. You did it on purpose or there was an accident - there is no difference. This has been verified by many users of the social network.

But, perhaps, you have lost your messages due to some kind of failure on the site - if your interlocutor also cannot find the message, in this case it is worth asking a question to the Odnoklassniki employees. There is no guarantee that they will answer and help you, but it's worth a try.

You can leave a message about the problem like this:

At the very top of the right corner in Odnoklassniki there is a "Help" button, go there.

On the page, expand the message “Relevant: How to contact the Support Service?”

You will be prompted to follow the link indicated in the text to contact technical support.

Then a window will pop up in front of you where you will need to fill out a form and leave a message to the support staff. read in another article.

So, there is little hope for the restoration of the correspondence, but still there is a small probability. Try, restore, and best of all develop a habit of attentiveness to information and learn how to store it conveniently. you can find it on our website.

Welcome to the site, dear readers! Earlier, we discussed how to recover messages in classmates. However, can they be restored? This is what I will tell you today.

There are times when people cleanse their correspondence from unnecessary messages, accidentally highlighting those that they will need in the future. Previously, no one thought about how to save the necessary information, and puzzle over how to recover the lost message.

Is there a way to get the deleted information back?

When you deleted the message, you probably didn't even try to draw attention to the fact that the system was warning you? Then it is worth noting in the suggested screenshot that the deleted message cannot be recovered.

Don't be upset just because important information has been lost forever. So far, the site classmates have not come up with a special service where previously deleted information will be stored. But we can offer several ways how to prevent possible deletion in advance and avoid the problem.

Important! You should not download programs that offer to recover deleted information. This is a scammer's ploy. In this way, you will not only fail to restore the correspondence, but also lose access to the page.

How to recover messages in classmates

The first way

Have you corresponded with a friend and accidentally clicked the cross after the message? It doesn't matter if you haven't confirmed the deletion. Pay attention to the fact that the site warns you in advance. For this, a protective function has been created. You just need to press the "Cancel deletion" button in time and the messages will remain in place.

Until the Odnoklassniki site came up with a protective feature to instantly recover messages that you just deleted. Therefore, you should pay attention in advance. All messages are deleted irrevocably.

Second way

A good conversationalist is an understanding interlocutor. It is enough just to check with your friend, with whom you previously corresponded, whether he deleted messages from himself. When deleted, the information is erased only unilaterally. You can also ask to forward a message with data.

The third way

  1. When you created your profile, most likely you previously entered your email address. Even if it is impossible to restore the correspondence on the site, then you can try to find it on your email.
  2. Of course, such a manipulation will help if you have previously enabled the e-mail notification option. Otherwise, this method will not help.
  3. Go to the mail, and try to search for messages from the Odnoklassniki website. To make the search not too long, just go to the approximate date and start opening them one by one.
  4. Note that the message will not be in the mail if you were online at the time of receipt. Also, messages sent by you are not sent to the mail.

How do I turn on notifications?

Don't want to miss out on the most important things in the future? Does the cleaning of messages happen regularly? Then you can enable such an option so as not to miss information.

Ready! Now, when you are offline, you will receive messages by mail.

Fourth way

This method is unlikely, but sometimes it can work. To do this, you will first need to check with the interlocutor if he has a message.

When it turns out that a friend also deleted it, you can try to write to the support service.

  • In the top box on the right, find the section "Help" and click on it.
  • Next, you will be offered several points on existing issues, and a search bar. We add to it "How to contact support".
  • Select the suggested link by simply clicking on "Here".
  • Fill out the proposed form, indicating the reason for contacting, and click "Send message".

The support service does not respond immediately, so you will have to wait 48 hours or more. Next, they will tell you how to act in this situation.

Remember that deleted messages cannot be recovered! And if you have any questions for me, you can always ask them in the comments. I wish all readers well-being and good health!

If you accidentally deleted the necessary correspondence, then it can be restored, however, there are some difficulties with this. Unlike other social networks, Odnoklassniki does not have a function "Restore", which is offered when deleting a letter.

It is worth remembering when you press the button opposite the letter "Delete" you only erase it for yourself. The interlocutor and on the servers of the social network will keep the remote correspondence and / or message in any case for the coming months, so it will not be difficult to return them.

Method 1: Addressing the interlocutor

In this case, you just need to write to your interlocutor with a request to forward that message or part of the correspondence that you accidentally deleted. The only disadvantage of this method is that the interlocutor may not respond or refuse to forward something, citing some reason.

Method 2: Contacting technical support

This method guarantees a 100% result, but you just have to wait (perhaps a few days), since technical support has a lot of worries of its own. To restore the data of correspondence, you will have to send a letter of appeal to this support.

The instructions for contacting support look like this:

It is written in the site regulations that it is impossible to restore the correspondence deleted at the user's initiative. However, the support service, if asked to do so, can help return messages, provided that they were recently deleted.

Method 3: Back up to mail

This method will only be relevant if you connected a mailbox to your account before you deleted the correspondence. If the mail was not connected, the letters will be lost forever.

Mail can be linked to your Odnoklassniki account using the following instructions:

After that, all received messages will be duplicated to your mail. If they are accidentally deleted on the site itself, then you can read their duplicates in letters that come from Odnoklassniki.

Method 4: Restoring correspondence via phone

If you use a mobile application, then you can also return a deleted message in it if you ask your interlocutor to forward it or write to the site's technical support.

Use this step-by-step guide to start communicating with support from the mobile app:

Although officially deleted messages cannot be recovered, you can use some loopholes to do so. However, it is worth remembering that if you deleted the message a long time ago, and now decide to restore it, then you will not succeed.

The social network is one of the hundred most popular Internet resources in the world. Users send thousands of suggestions to their interlocutors every second. All forwarded messages are stored on the site servers. That is why a registered visitor can look at the history of his conversation at any moment, find the necessary data and more carefully read the text information.

Often, due to inexperience or carelessness, users delete correspondence or individual sentences. They immediately begin to search the World Wide Web for how to recover deleted messages in Odnoklassniki. They read various forums and hope to recover the lost data with the help of special programs.

Is it possible to recover lost information on a popular social network?

If you yourself erased the correspondence in Odnoklassniki, then, unfortunately, you will not be able to restore the information in your profile. On the Internet, on various sites they write that there is a program that allows you to recover deleted conversations for free. It is not true! The data is stored on the servers of the social network - you also erase information from dedicated computers. Third-party programs do not have access to Odnoklassniki's servers. They cannot recover deleted messages. Using additional software, you run the risk of transferring confidential information to cybercriminals. Your profile will be hacked.

But do not despair, because there are situations when you can return deleted texts:

You can also quickly see which guest on your profile has spoken to you before. Go to the "Guests" section - you will see the photos of the visitors. If you hover over the photo, a small menu will appear. From it, select the item "Write a message", click on it (№10.3).

Communication on social networks is a convenient thing, but you need to constantly remember that you are not the sole and permanent owner of the information that is transmitted in private messages. The correspondence in Odnoklassniki will be deleted if your interlocutor is blocked; you yourself can accidentally erase the dialogue and lose important information.

But before you figure out how to restore the correspondence in Odnoklassniki, make sure that the messages have really been deleted. With the help of a special function, the correspondence can be hidden, sometimes users accidentally use this opportunity. To get back hidden messages:

After completing these steps, the hidden conversation will appear in the general list. If the dialogue was not hidden, but still deleted, then it will be difficult to return it.

Correspondence with another person

If the friend with whom you had a dialogue is not blocked, then you can ask him to send you back the necessary part of the correspondence. When you delete messages, only the user who erased them disappears. Therefore, the second interlocutor can be asked to return part of the deleted dialogue - his messages do not disappear anywhere.

Email notifications

If in the profile settings in Odnoklassniki you have enabled notifications of new events by e-mail, then you can see the text of all received messages in them.

The text of the received message should be inside the notification. If the message is too large, then the text may not be displayed in full, but it is still better than nothing.

Support service

The last option is to contact support with a detailed description of the problem:

There is no need to shower the support service with the same type of messages - they will definitely answer your request. In most cases, users receive a notification that it is impossible to recover deleted messages - there is no technical possibility. But it's still worth a try, perhaps your arguments will take effect.

Recovery programs

If you see a message on the Internet that some program can restore lost correspondence, then you should know that this is not true. This program is a virus or account cracker. If for registration the utility offers to send an SMS to the number, then you will also part with a large amount. It is impossible to recover deleted messages in Odnoklassniki using programs - you can only run into scammers who take advantage of the situation.

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