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How to enter the page in VKontakte offline. Mobile software to be offline VKontakte

According to the latest research conducted with websites, also called social networks, more than 70% of the population of our country are members of them. Today, the popularity of such sites is growing very rapidly, although not as rapidly as before. According to the calculations of scientists, the average user spends half an hour or more a day on the social network. The modern generation, waking up in the morning, does not go to the bathroom or for coffee, but first of all turns on the computer to check their mail, read messages from friends or watch various news. If the user is offline, then this does not always mean that he is not at the computer - maybe he just does not want to be noticed.

Daily site visits

According to statistics, 25% of users daily spend several hours of personal time on VKontakte in the morning, afternoon or even late at night. Many people do this when they are at work and would like to know how to be offline Vkontakte while watching various videos and breaking news.

Many companies impose strict bans on visiting social networks from work computers, but this does not stop users.

One of the most popular social networks in the world is VKontakte. Being at home or at work, you always want to look at the page and check your personal messages, watch an interesting video or the latest news from friends. The amount of information contained on this resource is huge. The first social networks were created back in 2005, and during this time a huge amount of various information has accumulated. Users do not always want to be seen on the network during working hours, at the institute or at school, so they prefer to be offline in VKontakte, while at the same time being in it.

How to be offline

For this purpose, users find various loopholes and have invented several methods of how to be offline in VKontakte,

While visiting other people's pages and reading messages so as not to be noticed. To do this, there are several different methods, as well as special utilities. But do not rush to download them, as there is a high probability of infecting your computer.

How to be offline VKontakte for Mozilla users

In the address bar of the browser, you need to enter the command "about:config" (without quotes). We press enter and we see a list of various characteristics, which are browser options. We are looking for the "filter" field. In this field, we type network.http.redirection-limit. The value may be different, but it is better to remember it and change it to zero. Next, open a new tab, and type in the address bar, after which an error notification will appear, but it should be so. After that, while on VKontakte, you will be invisible.

How to be offline VKontakte for Opera browser users

For those who use Opera to access the Internet, this issue is resolved even faster. Go to the browser options and open the "Advanced" tab. After that, select "Network" and uncheck "Automatic redirection". Next, save the changes and open a new tab. An error notification will appear, after which you will enter the social network undetected.

So many people are asking this question - how to be offline on VKontakte. There is no single answer to this question, because there are no ways to be offline always and everywhere. You cannot press the red button and go offline or go into stealth mode, as, for example, in Agent for My World. The only way to hide from your friends without leaving the expanses of your favorite social network is to adhere to some restrictions, without going over which you can hide your presence on the VKontakte social network.

There are several ways to protect yourself from the status of "Online". I will try to tell you in detail about each of them, but you choose.

Offline via VKontakte website

Back in the early days, when the social network VKontakte had just appeared, it became clear that the creator had not thought out the problem of invisibilitywhen the user could hide from sight while remaining on the site. At that time, in order to view the VKontakte site, being offline, it was necessary to leave the personal pages of users, not go to either your page or the pages of your friends, and then wait about ten minutes. Since the online was only enabled when entering personal pages, the site could be used to the fullest, ignoring them, while doing all possible actions, for example, reading messages and notes, viewing videos, photos or groups, listening to music, playing applications and the like.

Now the situation has changed dramatically. Most of the above actions can now be performed without the risk of being online, but it has become much more difficult.

The social network VKontakte is developing every day, constantly introducing some small or large innovations. Obviously, VKontakte developers do not sit still and regularly get rid of various tricks invented by users and not provided for by the system itself. Such a conclusion can be drawn based on our example, namely the ability to be offline VKontakte.

Now not only the entrance to personal pages includes online, but also the banal use of the site. Half of the links and buttons in the social network VKontakte are equipped with anti-offline. One click on such a link and you become online. This complicates the anti-online feature that is familiar to everyone by the fact that it becomes very difficult to be offline on the site and at that time to do something there. Therefore, especially for this article, understanding the methods of being offline, I poked a little through the links on the VKontakte website and found out what influences the status and what does not. Check out:

Will affect online:

  • using the left menu;
  • viewing your page and pages of other users;
  • access to the page with a list of friends (section "my friends");
  • viewing photos and photo albums (especially in the "my photos" section);
  • entering the settings page and changing them;
  • viewing bookmarks;
  • viewing the list of communities and the communities themselves.
  • searching and listening to audio recordings;
  • search and view videos;
  • reading messages;
  • viewing the news feed;
  • liking your own and other people's posts;
  • repost posts on your page;
  • entering the documents section and adding documents from the search.
Such are the things. I did not check for anything else, I chose the most basic. As you can see, most of the usual actions betray our presence on the social network. And then, in order to be offline, listening to music or adding it to your audio recordings from the search, you need to go to the section with music in advance and become offline, since it is impossible to enter “My Audio Recordings” without impersonating yourself. The same applies to other sections - you will not be able to get to their pages while staying offline, and all because of anti-offline protection.

In this case, as an option, open tabs with the necessary sections in the browser in advance and never close them. After 10-15 minutes you will be offline and will be able to enjoy all the benefits of open sections. It is necessary - listened to music, not necessary - read messages or watched videos. Not the most tempting option, but, alas, there is no other way to be offline through the social networking site VKontakte.

Offline via APIdog service

APIdog is an unofficial mobile version of VKontakte with nice additional features and other useful features. To become offline using this wonderful site, simply log in to it using your username and password. After authorization, your status will not change. If you were offline, you will stay that way.

However, sadly, some actions on the account cannot be performed. These are the same limitations that I mentioned at the very beginning. If they are not followed, the offline status will change to online. In order to be sure what can and cannot be done, I found out through testing what will affect online and what will not. A short list is given below:

Will affect online:

Will not affect online in any way:
  • reading news and responses;
  • viewing your page, pages of friends and communities;
  • viewing photos and videos;
  • listening to music;
  • sending private messages;
  • sending posts to the walls of other users and communities;
  • likes on posts and photos, both your own and those of others;
  • repost content on your wall;
  • removing and adding friends.
I did not check for other actions, I singled out only a part of the most basic ones. Isn't this service amazing? Due to the fact that the site is built on the methods of the VKontakte API, you can perform almost any action and remain offline at the same time. If you still couldn’t resist and did something that gave you away, alas, the only thing you can do is click on the “Tag me offline” button in the APIdog site settings, which is located at the very bottom of the page, and within a minute you you will be offline again.

Offline via the Kate Mobile app for Android

Kate Mobile is one of the most popular unofficial mobile clients for the social network VKontakte. It is a great alternative to the official app for Android phones.

Of course, this application has gained wide popularity due to features that are not in the official one. Saving traffic, an alternative view of some sections, for example, a profile, shortening long news and much more. Well, the main feature of this application, thanks to which, in fact, the application became so popular and got into this article, is the ability to be offline.

Kate Mobile, just like the APIdog service, is written entirely on the VKontakte API, so the function of changing the status to "online" is optional. So, for example, the developers of the official application made the user go online when clicking on almost any button or link, but in Kate Mobile this function can be disabled and be in invisible mode while in the application.

Initially, in the Kate Mobile application, the user is online. To fix this, you need to enter the application settings, find the item "Online. Be online when application is running” and change to “Be offline if possible”. After that, the selected setting will be saved and the next time you launch the application, you will always be offline.

Again, as in the case of the APIdog service, the only action that cannot be performed is:

  • sending posts to your wall.
All other functions will not give out your online, no matter what you do. You can read and send messages, listen to music, view photos, read the news feed and much more.
Well, this is where I end the list of methods known to me with which you can be offline in VKontakte. Perhaps there are other methods, but they are unlikely to differ from those already given in this article.

If you have found information or a method somewhere with which you can allegedly be offline VKontakte absolutely always, even by sending posts to your wall, this is most likely a hoax, since an analysis of the methods described above showed that sending posts to the wall always leads to online resumption.

Not all the methods I have described are ideal, and the method through the VKontakte website is absolutely inconvenient, but, unfortunately, there are no ideal methods. You can almost completely hide your presence on the VKontakte social network only with the help of third-party programs or services that are written entirely on the VKontakte API and specifically do not include online (such as APIdog, Kate Mobile).

Many are tempted by the opportunity to be offline in VK and at the same time watch others. If you actively use the application from your phone, then you probably know that there is an improved mobile version of the resource that helps you stay offline and chat with other users. In this article, we will tell you if there are programs or browser extensions that help you stay offline from your PC.

How to be offline Vkontakte from a computer 2018

On the official website in VK there is no such function with which you could remain invisible. This can only be done if you go to the music section and stay there without going to other pages. But then the whole point of the stealth mode is lost. So that you have the opportunity to reply to friends' messages and be invisible, the site will help .

This application does not require installation on the browser and download. To start working with it, enter your details:

  1. A code will be sent to your phone. Enter it in the field that opens under the data entry.
  2. After going to the site at the top of the page, the alternative version of the site will highlight in red those sections that can give away your presence on the site. Do not press them if you want to remain invisible.
  3. Go to the page settings tab and uncheck the online mode. Also, do not forget to enable the auto-update dialog feature, otherwise you will not see who wrote to you, and you will not be able to answer.

Now you can freely use invisibility. Recall what you should not do if you do not want to give yourself away. Not worth:

  • Update avatar
  • Upload videos
  • Post and repost posts on the wall

But you can listen to music and actively communicate with your friends. However, not everyone may like your offline position. If you want to be open to people and develop your popularity, you should not connect any applications and become invisible. Especially if you have a lot and . You may lose some of them after a while.

We also note that the admins and technical support of the resource periodically block sites of this kind. Therefore, how long you can hold out in this mode, no one can know.

Eternal offline Vkontakte

There is another site that allows you to stay offline forever VK. It is located at the following link: To start working in it, you need to drive in and click on the “set eternal offline” button. And then, use the instructions on the site.

If you don't want your page to be hacked or , it is better not to connect anything superfluous. VK is a platform for open communication. Hiding from someone, you can pick up viruses or make your friends disappointed in you and stop writing. It is better not to connect anything, especially when you are offered to pay for services.

In all cases, this is what scammers do. VK has been on the social network market for a long time and during its existence was able to gather not only a large audience, but also significantly advance the security system. Periodically, technical support and people who are responsible for security monitor the Internet to find and block sites that undermine the company's image.

If you want to remain invisible, register with classmates or follow the latest information on Instagram. As we said above, there is still the opportunity to visit VK offline from your phone. For Android users, they offer an unofficial katemobile app. You can take a chance and install it for yourself. However, it will not work on all gadgets.

Is it possible somehow on an Android smartphone turn on stealth mode In contact with to be on the site but to be offline vkontakte?

Yes. This can be done using the unofficial function of the VK application for mobile devices. In order to activate the invisible mode of Vkontakte on an Android device, you need to do the following steps.

You are not a programmer and do not understand Photoshop, but you need to fake correspondence on social networks? Put this article aside and go here "". There you will learn how to do it without any computer skills, literally in 5 minutes.

Vkontakte stealth mode on Android

First, let's download the official mobile client. You can download the Vkontakte application for free from the Play Store using this direct link.

After installation, launch the application. After launching the application, go to the Settings menu. In the settings tab, go to the About menu.

This window will appear. Where you have to click (tap) on the dog picture 3 times. After that, nothing will change on the screen. Close the application "Vkontakte for Android".

Offline vkontakte

Now you need to go to your phone's dialer and dial this combination of numbers and symbols:


After typing, without pressing the call button, the debug mode window of the hidden features of the VK application should appear.

In the window that appears, check the Invisible box

That's it, now you have turned on the invisible mode of Vkontakte. From now on, your stay on the Vkontakte social network site will be hidden and your online status will be “Offline”.

Vkontakte invisible mode on iPhone

To activate stealth mode for iOS devices, you need to follow the same steps as on Android. Application download link. Personally, I have not tested this hidden feature on a phone running the iOS operating system, but they say that the theme works on the iPhone too. Try it and write in the comments.

The program for the "invisible" mode VKontakte

In the age of computer technology, we spend a lot of time on social networks. But it often happens that you want to sit quietly in groups, read the news, so that various messages do not bother you. To do this, you need to switch to the "invisible" mode. There are special programs to sit Vkontakte offline. Select the application according to the operating system of your smartphone.

VKontakte program offline for PC

Even from a computer, you can sit Vkontakte offline. To do this, there is a special program called APIdog. With its help, you can use a social network from a PC, also view news, chat, etc., but offline.

Thus, you have learned about the most popular. It doesn't take long to download them, and you can quickly start using the features you need.

Download an old but familiar program qip2012 from the official website ( or.

she can make you invisible

Apps for Android

If you own an Android device, then the KateMobile program is available for free download. It provides the same features as the official version of Vkontakte, as well as some others, such as changing the background of dialogs, setting up news, etc. To activate the "invisible" mode, set the "Be offline whenever possible" in the settings. But then you shouldn't be posting on your wall or you'll be taken online right away. You can download KateMobile on the official website of the application.

Another less popular program to sit Vkontakte offline is "Polyglot Vkontakte". This application also allows you to use the stealth mode, but it does not provide some of the features that the official version of Vkontakte has. But the program also has advantages, for example, a beautiful and convenient design.

Program for IOS

For owners of Apple gadgets, a special program to sit offline. It's called VFeed and is available for download from the AppStore. All functions are preserved, but some new ones are added, for example, changing the background, setting a pin code to enter the application, the ability to quickly change accounts.

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