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  • How to create a conversation on VKontakte. VKontakte conversation - what it is and how to use it When you create a conversation in VKontakte

How to create a conversation on VKontakte. VKontakte conversation - what it is and how to use it When you create a conversation in VKontakte

So, today we will talk to you about how to create a conference in Contact, as well as what actions will be available in this category of dialogues. The thing is that this is a very convenient opportunity that allows you to talk in whole groups, that is, not one-on-one. Let's quickly find out how to make a conference in Contact.

What is this?

But first, it’s worth discussing what we have to deal with. This is always important. After all, the extent to which we need to resort to certain functions of an Internet resource depends on understanding.

The fact is that the VKontakte conference is nothing more than the most common type of dialogue. It serves for communication and exchange of information between users. True, here you can speak in a group of several people. Very convenient, especially for students. It is enough to know how to create a VKontakte conference to discuss some points on the social network regarding the educational process. And you don’t need to constantly duplicate messages to all your classmates. Let's take a closer look at the process of creating a group conversation.

What do you need?

So what do we need? Actually, not so much. Nevertheless, let us prepare with you to such an extent as to reduce the likelihood of pitfalls to a minimum.

Well, the first point is having a profile on a social network. Without it, to be honest, you will not be able to use the functions provided by the VKontakte resource at all. If you don't have a profile yet, you can go through a quick registration and then get started. If it is available, it is enough to simply go through a short authorization.

The second point worth paying attention to is, of course, the presence of interlocutors. If you have no one to build a dialogue with, then you can postpone the idea until better times. But in cases where you want to talk with at least two people at the same time, you can use the VKontakte conference. How to create it? Let's figure it out. After all, it’s not difficult at all. Even a novice user can cope with this task.

Get to the point

We will have to work with the "My Messages" section. After all, this is where, as a rule, all user conversations are saved. So you can safely go to this menu item, and then think about subsequent actions.

Look carefully at the window that opens. In it, on the right side of the screen, right above the dialogue windows, find the inscription “Go to friends list”. Click on it and then see what happens. Instead of dialogues, a window has opened in which all your friends are reflected. First of all, those that are now online.

In order to answer how to create a conference in Contact, we will have to pay attention to the upper right corner of the window. There will be an inscription “Select several interlocutors”. If you click on it, a selection window will appear in front of you. This is where you tag people to have a conversation with and also give the conversation a title. This action is completed by clicking on the “Create conversation” button. That's all. Now you can chat with several users at once. At the same time, they will see everything that you write to each other.


Well, now let's see what actions can be carried out within public dialogue. After all, each function of a social network has its own characteristics. This applies even to banal conversations.

Each interlocutor who finds himself in a group conversation can easily and simply leave it. After all, when creating this object, no one asks whether the user wants to participate in the conference or not. In order to leave the conversation, we will have to open the dialogue window and then hover the mouse over the “Actions” caption. Here you will have to select “Leave the conference”. Confirm the changes, and then see what happens. You will still have the dialogue, but there will be no updates. If you wish, you can remove it from your correspondence history.

In addition, each participant can invite new interlocutors to the conversation. To implement this idea, you will have to open “Actions” again, and then click on “Add interlocutor”. A list of your friends will appear in front of you. You can select and invite new users to your conference.

Among other things, each user who took part in the conversation has the opportunity to change its name. This is, frankly, not a very important feature, but nevertheless quite an interesting feature. It is implemented using the same “Actions” button. Click on it, select the appropriate task, and then enter a new conference name. Save your changes. Ready.


So, we already know how to create a conference in Contact. Let's now study another rather interesting feature of this object. The fact is that each user participating in a group conversation can easily and simply view all the files ever transferred within the conference.

To do this, simply click on “Actions” and then select “Show materials from the conversation.” A window will appear in front of you in which you can easily determine the category of the displayed documents and then search. That's all. Now you know everything you need to know about conferences on the VKontakte social network.

Glad to see you again on the blog, guys!

Today we are looking at a very useful feature of the popular social network. We will talk about how to create a VKontakte conversation with several people from your friend list.

Thanks to this function, you can quickly convey any information to a large number of people, make alerts, report news and create interactive discussions online.

It is very convenient to use for friendly communication, any communities of interests, teams and groups - educational, work, personal.

A conversation is a general chat where, unlike dialogue, communication occurs with several people at the same time.

In other words, it is an interactive conference where participants can constantly exchange text and voice messages, video, audio, documents and other materials. You can also contact someone personally by tagging the person's name inside the chat.

It differs from the VK group format in that everything happens right in your messages, notifications come as soon as someone sends something to the general dialogue. Thanks to the innovations, you can even pin a message in a conversation, like in a group or on a wall.

Alerts can be turned off, since during active discussions, constant signals can interfere with your business. However, the efficiency and speed of information exchange of this communication format is the highest.

The creator can appoint administrators in the chat to keep order, and also remove a participant from the multi-chat or add new people at any time.

Create a conversation from your computer

First way

From your computer, log into your VKontakte account and switch to the “Messages” tab.

At the top, above all current dialogs, to the right of the “Search” field, there is an icon with a plus, when you hover over it, the inscription “Start a conversation” appears. Click on it.

The functionality for creating a new multichat appears. Below you see a list of all friends with whom you can chat. By simply clicking on the white circle next to the name, we tick off those we need.

If you select only one person, a “Go to conversation” link will appear below, which, when clicked, will take you to a personal chat with that friend.

An important nuance: if a phone number is not linked to your VK account, it will be impossible to create a group conference. Usually, whenever you perform any action from such a page, the system asks you to enter a captcha, but in this case, simply nothing will happen.

So, when you select two or more friends, a link “Create a conversation” appears at the bottom, and to the left of this button you can enter its name. For example, “Stream 5” or “Night Shift Managers”, it all depends on what you need. Here you can also upload a photo cover of the chat.

If you don’t want to load the cover and think about what to name it, the group chat will be assigned default parameters. You can always rename the chat later if you want.

As a photo for the conference - a collage of avatars of four random participants. And the name will be a listing of the names of the participants in alphabetical order.

Ready! The conference has been created and will be displayed in dialogs with the specified name or default name. If someone is missing or you forgot to add everyone you need, see how to invite people to the conversation.

Second way

You can create a group chat from any existing dialogue. To do this, select one of the people who will be a participant and open a correspondence with him. At the top, next to his name, click on the ellipsis icon. A menu of possible actions in this dialog will open. Select “Add people”. Further according to the standard scenario.

Once created, you may be interested in, how to delete a VKontakte conversation- please follow the link.

How to create a conversation from your phone?

From your phone, go to the official application. In the “Messages” section at the top above all dialogs we also find the plus icon. Click on it.

Select “Create conversation”.

We find ourselves in the next menu, where you are asked to enter the name of the multichat. Write the name or leave the field empty. Click on the checkbox again.

Creating a mobile version of the site

Launch any browser from your phone, go to and log into your account.

The functionality will load exactly as in the computer version. Further actions will be the same as in the first part of this article.

Adding people not from your friend list

It is not possible to directly add people who are not your friends. There are three ways out of the situation:

  1. Add these people or ask to be added to your friend list. This case is suitable, of course, if we mean someone specific.
  2. Ask mutual friends to add the right people to the multichat.
  3. Send an invitation link in private messages.


The capabilities of social networks are improving so quickly that it seems impossible to keep track of everything. This can be scary for people of a conservative nature. But modern functionality can and should be used, because it expands capabilities and saves time.

Stay with us to stay updated on all the new features that we talk about in detail.

That's all, see you later!

The ability to create a conversation has recently appeared on this social network. Also called conference, this feature lets you chat with more than just one friend. group.

The conference will allow you to create a chat between a certain number of interlocutors. Today, the maximum you can invite 30 people for simultaneous communication.

How to create a VKontakte conversation

Creating a conference is quite simple, for this:

Chat settings

Each friend in a conversation can change some settings conferences. To do this you need to press the sign ellipses top right.

Let's look at all the available settings shown in the screenshot above:

  1. Allows add new chat partner
  2. Can change conference name
  3. The item allows change avatar
  4. You can see everything attachments that users used during a conversation
  5. Standard search throughout all correspondence
  6. Disables notifications about new messages
  7. Cleaning entire message history
  8. Go out from the conversation

How to exclude someone you're talking to

If one of the participants should be kicked out of the chat, then only creator, other interlocutors cannot do this. To do this you need:

In addition to deleting, this window has a button invitations, which can also be used.

It is worth noting that despite the fact that only the creator of the chat can delete the interlocutor, add friend maybe any interlocutor, which is currently located there.

There are also some interesting moments:

When forced removing a person from a conversation can not return there yourself. To do this, an invitation must be sent to him again, and any user can do this.

But if the user went out on his own from the conference, you can return back at any time. To do this, it is enough to go to dialogue this chat and in the upper right corner find the icon - ellipsis. Click on it and select the item -

Hi all! The popular social network VK has become so popular that almost every second person has their own page. Today I will tell you about a cool feature of this site, namely the conference. Surely, many users of this social network wondered: “Is it possible to communicate with several users at the same time in one chat?” The answer is YES. You can create a conference and communicate with several people in one chat.

Agree, a conference is a convenient thing; besides, you can gather a crowd of up to 30 people and communicate on any topic. It’s very easy to create such a conversation, believe me! To make sure of this, consider below: how to create a VK conference.

To create a VKontakte conversation you need to:
- go to the “My Messages” section,

Add your friends with whom you need to chat,

Click the “Submit” button.

Once a conference is created, any participant can change certain settings. To do this, you need to click “Actions” in the conversation, where various settings are located.

Each action has a specific benefit depending on the need.

If you are tired of one of the conference participants, you can remove such a person by following these steps:
1. Click on the link " people",

2. Click on the cross to exclude a specific user from the conference,

This is how you can simply create a conference between friends, colleagues, family and communicate with them. I think this is a very convenient function for VKontakte conferences, thanks to which millions of people communicate. By the way, if you accidentally deleted VKontakte messages, it doesn’t matter, because you can .

Multichat, multi-dialogue, or just a conversation is a very convenient function of the VKontakte social network. Not all users know about its capabilities, and many experience difficulties when using multichat. Therefore, today we will tell you about how to create a conversation on VKontakte and why it is needed, as well as give other useful tips.

General information

The ability to create a conversation with multiple users was added to the social network’s functionality more than a year ago. It also exists on mobile applications. Multichat allows you to communicate with many people from your friends list at once. For example, you can create a conversation on VKontakte when you need to discuss a project with colleagues, a party plan with friends, or talk about an exam with classmates.

It has probably already become clear that multidialogue is a kind of online analogue of conference calling. At the very beginning of the appearance of this function, only 15 people could participate in general correspondence. The developers considered this number optimal, but time has shown that the number of participants can and should be increased. Now there can be up to three dozen people in a conversation. This innovation, of course, was liked by many users, and the option began to be used more actively.

Creating a multi-dialog

It does not require a lot of time, effort or any professional skills. If you have been communicating on a social network for several days and have previously created dialogues with one user, then from our instructions you will quickly understand how to create a conversation on VKontakte.

Thus, the VKontakte conversation is a very useful and multifunctional opportunity. Now let's talk about how to delete a multi-dialog, exit it, and return back if you wish.

How to return to a VKontakte conversation that you left of your own free will

The life of a modern Internet user is very dynamic, but we still cannot be online all the time. Chatting with friends on social networks is fun and interesting, but sometimes we leave the conversation due to certain circumstances. But perhaps, having finished our business in real life, we will want to start talking again.

How to return to a VKontakte conversation? To do this, simply open the “My Messages” section again and go to the “View Conversations” tab. In the top right corner you will see a menu called "Actions". When you click on it, 5 items will appear, the last of which will be “Return to conversation”. Click on it, and you will again become a participant in general correspondence with friends.

How to leave the dialogue?

What to do if the conversation is no longer interesting to you? To do this, you need to know how to leave a VKontakte conversation. Correspondence may not always be pleasant, so this knowledge will be useful to you.

In fact, leaving a VKontakte conversation is as easy as returning to it. This is done using the same small drop-down menu in the upper right corner of the dialog. Let us remind you: it opens when you click on the “Actions” link. If you want to leave a VKontakte conversation, select the item of the same name. This way you will no longer be a member and will no longer see your friends’ messages.

But there is a small nuance. We have just outlined a situation where you yourself leave the conversation. However, other participants in the dialogue have the opportunity to delete the interlocutor themselves (for example, inactive people, spammers or trolls). If you are one of the deleted friends, you will no longer be able to return to the conversation. If you still think this choice was a mistake, ask another multichat participant to invite you again. You cannot return to a VKontakte conversation even if it is overcrowded, that is, when the number of interlocutors exceeds 30 people.

We invite people to chat!

The method we described of how to invite friends to a VKontakte conversation is not the only one. We will teach you the second option. It will be useful if the multichat was created not by you, but by another user. Notice the Actions menu at the top of the dialog box. By clicking on it, you can select the desired sub-item and manage the conversation. In this case, select “Add person” (with the plus sign).

This item will be available even if you have left (or been deleted) from the conversation. But to add a participant, you first need to return to the conversation. We have already talked about how to do this. Next you will see a list of your friends. To invite someone to multichat, just click on their name.

Title of the conversation

You have already learned about the main features of the VKontakte multi-dialogue. Let's give some more tips. If you often use this option, it will be easier for you to navigate your correspondence by conference names. The conversation does not have to have a specific name. As a rule, it is invented by the creators of the conference. If there is no special word, the multichat will be indicated by listing the names or nicknames of its participants. Any of the interlocutors can give such correspondence a new name.

How to name a conversation on VKontakte? The same small menu in the corner of the window will come to the rescue. Having opened it, click on the “Change conversation name” item and enter a new name in the line. Also, identification of specific correspondence can be done from a photograph. As with the name, the default photo of the conversation is the avatars of its participants, but you can always change it by uploading an image from your computer. It must be said right away that small images load much faster and look more organic than large ones.

Other Actions Menu Items

Since we have already mentioned this menu several times, let’s look at its other possibilities. In fact, it is a kind of control panel for the VKontakte conversation. So, what other points are there?

Actions for people in a conversation

  • “Show materials from the conversation” - you will be presented with all the files that you or another participant uploaded during correspondence. These can be pictures, melodies, documents, screenshots, videos and much more.
  • “Search by message history” - allows you to find one of the messages in the correspondence; to do this, you need to enter its fragment into the search bar. In order to effectively use this opportunity, you need to remember the contents of your letters well.
  • “Clear message history” - allows you to erase all messages.

Actions for people who leave a conversation

It is logical that people who leave multi-dialogue will have much fewer opportunities. For example, to use the add person feature, they will need to return to the conversation. But the system will allow you to calmly view materials and search for other messages or correspondence. If you don’t know how to delete a VKontakte conversation, here’s some advice: just click on the pop-up cross that says “Delete conversation.”

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