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How to turn on the light signal on iPhone. How to turn on flash when phone calls

The world-famous manufacturer of mobile devices Apple is famous for its special attitude towards people with disabilities. The devices of this manufacturer are maximally adapted to the needs of such people. The functions of Apple smartphones are adjusted to various physiological limitations.

But, oddly enough, such functions can be useful for healthy people. For example, many iPhone owners note the convenience of visual notification of an incoming call or SMS - a message that is manifested by a blinking flash when called from another subscriber. This article will show you how to turn on the flash on your iPhone. And to begin with, we note that this feature can be activated on the iPhone 5, iPhone 5S, iPhone 6 and other models of "apple" phones.

For the first time, LED flash was introduced into fourth-generation iPhones, and only then - into the iPhone 5S model and many other versions of gadgets. The flash on older iPhones (3rd and earlier) was missing. However, those who wished could buy an additional flash for the device - an accessory that, when connected to the device, replaced the flash on the iPhone. It was a kind of prototype of modern ice technology.

But the iPhone version 4 flash was already built-in. And subsequent devices also began to be equipped with this element. The LED began to be located on the back of the smartphone next to the camera. Its main function is to maintain the required level of illumination when shooting photos and videos. But not only that - the ice flash also performs other important tasks, which will be discussed later.

How to turn on flash on iPhone

By default, incoming calls on iPhones are accompanied by a polyphonic melody and vibration, which are created by an incredibly small vibrating motor. Gadget owners can select any track to put it on a call, as well as set a specific vibration to any contacts. For most users, this variety of functions is quite enough, but others want to emphasize their individuality even more. Another way to alert a call is very fast. This will be a very bright signal when calling a subscriber and receiving an SMS message.

So, to turn on the flash on the "apple" phone and set it as an alert when you receive an SMS or an incoming call, you need to do the following:

  • Go to the menu of your mobile gadget and go to the main settings by selecting the accessibility section.
  • In the hearing section, click on the warning flash switch.

That's all! It's so easy and simple - in just 2 steps - you can set a flash for calls and SMS. Now, in addition to the indication of calls in the form of sound alerts and vibro mode, the user will be able to find out about calls by a bright flash. The optical call indicator is especially useful for people with hearing loss or deaf and dumb people, but for everyone else it will be a unique feature.

However, it should be noted that the indication will only work if the gadget's display is in a locked state. Otherwise, when incoming calls are received, a notification will appear on the screen and the flash will not blink. But, it is quite clear that in such a situation this is not necessary. Thus, the manufacturer has carefully considered the use of this feature on the iPhone, although it is not the most important. In the described situation, the battery charge is significantly saved.

Such blinking can be quite useful in life, because sometimes we listen to loud music and many other situations. Let's see how you can enable and disable this feature.

Blink flash on call when iPhone is ringing

But first, I would like to talk a little about this function and how exactly it will work. After all, this is quite important information before using any function.

We all know that Apple takes people with disabilities quite seriously. Therefore, the iPhone has a lot of functions that help in working with this device.

One of them is just a function that allows you to turn on the flash. It flashes when there is an incoming call or any notification.

There is also an option to set it to inactive when you put your iPhone on silent mode. Everything is well thought out.

Today, ordinary people also use it. After all, you can come up with a lot of situations when this function is very useful.

For example, if you left your phone at the end of the room, then you will be able to respond to the call faster. Also when listening to music at a very high volume or with headphones on another device.

How to make / remove flashing on an iPhone when you call?

Like most features on the iPhone, you can turn this one on or off fairly quickly. With every iOS, setting up your smartphone becomes easier.

To enable this feature, follow these steps:

By following these simple steps, you can get a great feature that will help you make your life a little easier. But do not forget also the fact that it is better not to use it at important meetings or events.


Now you are a happy owner of an iPhone, which, when an incoming call can still play a blink, in addition to the usual melody.

Enabling this feature is very simple, which will allow you to turn it off at any time. Now you will use the flash not only as a flashlight or for photos, but also for notifications and incoming calls.

Modern iPhone models are equipped with flashes located on the back of the device. The flash helps to create good lighting for photos and videos, but its functions do not end there. It warns of a call and incoming notifications on the phone. Do you want to turn on the flash for a call? This is very easy and fast to do.

Turn on the flash on Afyon when you call

The flash activation procedure is as follows:

  • unlock the iPhone, look for the settings icon on it;
  • open the gadget settings;
  • go to the "Basic" menu;
  • find in the menu and go to the "Universal Access" section;
  • turn on in the "Hearing" category the "LED flash for warnings" function. Activate the slider next to the option with that name.

During an incoming call, the flash will flash. It will respond to an SMS message or will work after activating the alarm clock on the gadget. But the flash will only turn on when the phone screen is locked.

Turn on the flash when calling on iPhone - the option does not work

Did you fail to activate the flash, and did you do everything exactly as in the first paragraph? Check if your iPhone is locked. Another point - try turning off the vibration alert. The option after disabling can work, but do not forget to set the silent mode. In the accessibility settings section, find the "Vibration" item. Deactivate the vibration mode by clicking on this item, and move the slider to the left. Now the vibration will not interfere with the appearance of the flash.

If it still doesn’t work, then the reason for this may be a one-time failure of the iPhone OS. To eliminate the cause, your actions are as follows:

  • activate the flash, as indicated in the first paragraph of the article;
  • return to the home screen and press the round main button;
  • restart iPhone. To do this, simultaneously press the main button and the off button until you see a screen with an apple in the center;
  • After turning on the phone, activate the flash again using the above method.

Disable Flash on Call on iPhone

Please note that flashes additionally consume the energy of the device and quickly discharge the phone. It can also fall off the table during vibration when making a call if you do not pick up the iPhone in time. Do not be surprised if the phone began to discharge faster. You are tired of flickering during a call and frequent recharging of your gadget, and you want to turn off the flash. Go back to the iPhone settings, find the “Accessibility” section there. Scroll down to the "Hearing" subsection and turn off the option.

Turn on the flash when calling an iPhone - the advantages of the option

Many people think that this function is only for children and teenagers for fun. But there are many positive points when using the function:

  • you can not carry a gadget with you while relaxing in nature. Leave it in the car, and it won't accidentally fall out of your pocket into the bonfire with kebabs. In the car, he will signal a call or message;
  • The flash comes in handy in noisy places. For example, in a nightclub, even vibrating does not help to hear the desired call. And the iPhone lying on the screen down on the table will attract your attention with a flicker;
  • you can set the flash as an alarm;
  • this option is indispensable for people who have hearing problems. By the way, the developers have implemented a feature in the iPhone just for such users.

Even a primary school student can activate the flash. Choose what is best for you - sound or light notification of calls and use the convenient iPhone function.

Flash on iPhone X/8/7/6/5 is a pretty handy and useful solution. It allows you to see the call in a noisy place. The flash is so bright that you can see it through your clothes. If the iPhone is in a half-open bag, everything inside will sparkle properly. Flash is disabled by default. Not everyone needs this, some believe that it blinds others, consumes energy, etc.

How flash works on calls

For the first time, such a flash appeared on the iPhone 4. On subsequent models, it was preserved. The main purpose is lighting when photographing. But it has many other useful features. And turning on when you call is not the last of them.

The flash blinks not only when photographing and making calls. They are also ready to signal an alarm or an incoming sms.

Turn on LED flash on iPhone X/8/7/6/5

Turning on the flash is very easy. First you need to go to "Settings", select "General" there. The "Universal Access" tab will appear, which we need to turn on the flash when making a call. We go there, and click on "Flash Warnings". Everything is ready! Flash for calls included! Now you will hear both a signal and a vibration, and you will see a bright flash.

A few warnings

  • To turn on the flasher on your iPhone, go to Flash Alerts. Then it remains to switch the warning slider of the LED device to the on position. (fig 3)

After the manipulations, the turned on indicator light of the gadget will flicker three times about new incoming calls, SMS and various notifications. The indication function is useful for people who have difficulty hearing. It will ideally complement the sound and vibration indication.

Flash on call on iPhone for silent mode

Alternatively, you can set blinking for silent (silent) mode. This is very important when you are on the street, on vacation in a noisy place - where the sound signal is unlikely to be heard. Flickering LED light in silent mode will prevent you from missing important calls and messages. The mode is enabled as follows:

  • Open "Settings" from the main screen of the iPhone and go to the section with basic settings. (Fig. 4)

  • Go to "Universal Access". In the window that opens, scroll down to the "Hearing" item. (Fig. 5)

  • Tap Alert Flash and turn it on in silent mode. (Fig. 6)

  • Don't forget to check if the iPhone's LED lamp is working - the on indicator light should blink several times when there is an incoming call or notification.

How to disable flash on call on iPhone

Not everyone likes the fact that the iPhone starts flashing during an incoming call.

For some, blinking sooner or later begins to bother, for example, it can interfere with sleep in the dark.

Turning it off is just as easy as turning it on. To prevent the flash when calling on your iPhone from disturbing you, follow these steps:

  • Go to the "Settings" section of your device.
  • Select General and click on Accessibility. (Fig. 7)

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