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How to return to the conversation if left. How to find the necessary information in VKontakte correspondence? Search by VK dialogs 

How to return to the conversation? This question is asked by many active users of the VK social network, as they left the dialogue for various reasons. In general, VK exists for the most part thanks to communication, where one of the primary roles is occupied by chat. Dialogues are very useful, but limited in functionality, it is very inconvenient to use them when you need to convey information to many people.

Quite often, for some reason, users leave chats, mostly because someone has invited someone you don't want to see. Perhaps the informational interest in the dialogue has simply dried up and the conversation has lost its meaning. Even as a joke, users often leave chats to seem offended. Just then, questions arise, how to return to the VK conversation, if you left, today we will describe all possible situations.

How to return to the conversation in VK?

The easiest way to return to a conversation in VK is a simple recovery, but how to return to a remote conversation? Here you already need to have some specific knowledge.

To return to a conversation that you previously left, no matter for what reason, it is enough to follow a few steps, they are similar to leaving a chat:

  1. Log in to VK and go to the "Messages" category;

  1. Find the conversation you want to return to and go to it. For convenience, you can use the search;

  1. To return to an abandoned conversation, just hover over the three dots at the top of the window;
  2. Select Return to Conversation.

Now we have learned how to return to the conversation if it left it, but only if the user independently left the group and the conversation was not deleted. There is no limit on the number of exits and restores in the conference, so the procedure can be performed many times.

An alternative way to get back into the conversation is to simply write a message. VK will automatically restore you to the conference and this does not require additional steps.

When the reason for leaving the conversation becomes exile, then there is no opportunity to recover on your own, it is necessary that one of the participants invite you again.

How to return to a remote conversation in VK?

The next urgent task is how to return to the VK conversation if the dialogue is deleted. Here everything is somewhat more complicated, just finding the desired group in the "Messages" section will not work, for obvious reasons. In fact, the information itself is not completely removed, it is simply hidden from the user's view. That is, by clicking on the link to the conversation, you can still find it.

Before returning to the conversation, if you deleted the dialogue, you should try to find a link to the group. You probably saved the link somewhere or it is stored in the browser history. In most browsers, you can go to the history by pressing Ctrl + H, then, having found the element, you can return to the group.

When the link has been found, it is enough to follow it. Then the actions do not differ from the previous option, you just need to select the “Return to Conversation” element in the “Action” tab, which is displayed as an ellipsis. It is worth noting that all members of the group will know about your departure and return, as a corresponding message is displayed.

If it was not possible to find the necessary address of the conversation, then in the next paragraph we will consider this scenario.

How to return to the conversation if the conversation is deleted and the link cannot be found?

Finally, let's figure out how to return to an abandoned and deleted conversation without the help of third-party tools. In fact, each conversation has its own identifier, which is assigned individually. That is, by entering a number, which is the number of the group, you will go into a conversation.

The numbers work on the principle of increment, that is, each new conversation is one more, taking into account the groups already hidden from visibility. To access the abandoned conference, just follow the link

The social network "VKontakte" provides the ability to create a conversation. This is convenient because you can send important information to several users at the same time. Each participant can leave the chat and join it again. But how to return to the conversation if the dialogue is deleted? In this case, it will not be displayed in the message box. But, fortunately, it is still possible to do this.

Why does the correspondence disappear?

Of course, deleted messages can be the result of a page crash or your friend's bad joke. But most often, users themselves leave chats and erase all messages - as they say, "burn bridges."

The reasons are different. The most common - the conversation has become irrelevant, and the person decided not to waste time on it. And perhaps one of the messages seemed offensive to him. Or a new member has been added with whom the user does not want to correspond. But over time, he may want to return to the conversation. Removed dialogue? It doesn't matter - you can still join the chat.

Adding by another member

You can re-invite a user who left the conversation. So contact one of the members and ask to be added again. To do this, he needs to open "Actions" and select "Add interlocutors."

In the window that opens, he needs to enter your name or simply find you in the list (if you are among his friends). If there are free places in the chat, you can continue the correspondence with the interlocutors. The message box will display " First name last name returned to the conversation. This is to ensure that all chat members know who has access to the conversation.

Follow the link: the first way

The first option is not very convenient, because the user needs to wait for a response from the chat participant. There is an easier way to return to the conversation if the dialogue is deleted. In this case, we do not need outside help.

Enter the link in the address bar of your browser. Your first chat will open - it doesn't matter if you are a member of it at the moment or not. Put the last number 2 - and you will be taken to the second conversation. So you can choose the number of the desired conversation. When you find it, add to it in the usual way - through "Actions".

Up to number 9, the link works well. But then it will not work if you just insert "10". The fact is that after the “=” sign there should be 10 digits. Therefore, you should write "2000000010" - that is, remove one zero after the two.

Follow the link: the second way

Now consider the third option. The principle is the same as in the previous method, but you need to use a different link.

Enter in your browser. The number after c is the serial number of the chat. Change it until you get to the right conversation. Then select "Actions" - "Return to Conversation". This option is convenient because you can easily insert single-digit and double-digit numbers.

View messages

So, we figured out how to return to the VK conversation. If the user deleted the dialog by mistake, he will most likely want to access the messages again. But here he is disappointed: the correspondence does not appear. Communication with participants will begin from the moment of re-adding. Everything that was written before cannot be returned.

However, there is no need to despair. Yes, you can't preview the dialogue from the beginning. But if you just want to reread an important message, ask one of the interlocutors to forward it to you. You can also create a second account and add it to the conversation. Then you will see all the correspondence.

We have analyzed three ways to return to the conversation if the dialogue is deleted. Be careful when leaving the chat, the number of places in it is limited. Even if you really want to leave the conversation, think carefully before deleting the correspondence. It may contain important information, access to which will be lost.

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I often have to communicate with people on VKontakte, on various issues, and this communication happens not only with friends and colleagues, but also with completely unfamiliar (for the time being) users. Often, people turn to me with questions about making money on the Internet, about offering their services, and so on.

It happens that I turn to someone, by collecting subscribers, and so on. For all these issues, it is often necessary to start conversations consisting of several people.

Although, to be honest, for such purposes, I use it more often, since there is an opportunity to speak in voice and show the screen. It happens, for one reason or another, someone cannot, then we talk on VKontakte.

However, situations are not uncommon when, for example, being in, the dialogue is accidentally deleted. It is possible that you do this for some other reason. But, sometimes, there may be a need to return to a remote dialogue.

Is it possible to do this, my students ask me? The solution to this issue will be discussed in this material.

How to return to a conversation in VK if you deleted the dialogue and left it, ways

First of all, let's look at what methods exist for restoring a remote dialogue, and then, let's dwell on each of them in more detail.

Recovery methods

If the dialog is deleted, then to restore it, you can use one of the options:

  • Using a link with a chat serial number.
  • Ask the other participant in the conversation to return to the dialogue.
  • Search for a saved tab.

So, let's take a closer look at all the ways.

Adding to a conversation

The easiest option to return to the conversation is to ask another participant in the dialogue to add it. All that is required is to simply go into the conversation and click on "Conversation settings" and then "Add participant".

If this is done from the mobile version and the one whom the user asked to add it does not know how to do it, then he, having entered the dialog, must click on the three vertical dots in the upper right corner of the smartphone screen.

If this action is performed from a PC, then you can enter the dialog settings by clicking on the three horizontal dots on the right side of the screen.

After that, the desired profile is selected from the list of friends, and added to the conversation. As soon as this is done, a record will appear for the participants in the dialogue that the user has returned to the conversation.

Use of links

Of course, the first option, asking to be added to the conversation by another user is not bad, but, also, for these purposes, you can use the link (without quotes) - “”, where X is this is the conversation number.

What follows after the equal sign is the number of the conversation the user left. It must have the form "cX". After the Latin letter “c”, the desired one (X) is indicated - the number of the conversation.

After that, you need to enter the settings and click - return to the conversation.

Looking for a tab

If the user left the conversation while in VK from the computer, then you can see if the . To do this, you need to enter its history and see its presence.

If the history of the Internet browser has been deleted, then, accordingly, it is worth trying to use the methods described above. If the tab did not close, or is in the "History", then everything is quite simple.

You need to go to the tab with the conversation, click on - "Conversation settings", and select "Return to the conversation". Only, in this case, all messages that were sent in this dialog, without the participation of the person who left, will not be available.

Remove a participant from a conversation

I want to immediately tell you how you can remove a participant from a conversation. To delete a user, you need to enter the conversation, in the "Participants of the conversation" section, you will see a list of everyone who is in the conversation.

Opposite each participant, on the right, there are links:

  1. To write a message;
  2. To remove a member.

How to return to a conversation in VK if you deleted the dialogue and left it, the result

If the question “how to return to the conversation in VK if I deleted the dialogue and left it” arises, then it is solved quite simply. As a last resort, you can always create a new dialog.

This is done by creating a new message, where participants are selected as the recipient from the list.

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It's no secret that many people use VK to communicate with other users. For this purpose, there is a "send message" function. Usually, the entire dialogue is saved throughout the lifetime of the account. However, sometimes it may be necessary to restore the dialogue in VKontakte. This happens in situations where the user accidentally or for some reason deleted text messages, and a little later he needed such correspondence.

Unfortunately, there is no one hundred percent method of action in such a development of events. Nevertheless, there are a number of recommendations that, under certain circumstances, can lead to a positive result and restore all correspondence completely.

So, how to restore a deleted dialogue in VK? The easiest way to do this is immediately after such an action. That is, until the profile page is updated again. I would like to note right away that this option is only suitable if the user has destroyed a separate message, and not the entire conversation. If this is the case, then just click on the “restore” link in the place where the destroyed message was previously posted.

If you deleted the dialog completely, then you can try the following instruction:

  1. First of all, turn to the interlocutor with whom the communication took place. If he has not performed similar actions, then you can ask him to copy and forward the correspondence.
  2. When setting up their own profile, many users set such an item as an email notification in the parameters. That is, each letter is duplicated and sent to the mailbox associated with the account. If this is the case, and incoming letters have not been deleted from E-mail, then you can restore at least partially destroyed conversation. At least the part for which the opponent / interlocutor was responsible.

What to do if you want to return a long-deleted dialog, and all the above options are not suitable? The only way is to contact the support service of this social network. Previously, there was a special function for this - "help". In the updated version of VK, it is not.

Yes, you can go to its analogue, which opens using a small triangle located next to the name of the profile owner (upper right of the screen), but this will only open a page where you can read answers to the most popular questions. In particular, it says that such messages cannot be restored. However, you can try to do so. For this you need:

  • Go to the form of communication with the technical support of the resource:;
  • Fill in two fields. The second is as detailed as possible;
  • Submit a request for help.

It remains only to wait for an official answer. But, as practice shows, this option rarely brings a positive result.

There is another option. But it only works in the situation when such an opportunity was initially activated. It consists in installing a special plugin. For example, if a person uses Google Chrome, then VkOpt is perfect.

Most users of the social network "Vkontakte" actively use the service for entertainment and communication. Over a long period of using a social network, a user may accumulate favorite audio recordings, video clips, quotes, images, and so on. But the main thing in social networks is the opportunity to conduct a dialogue with friends and acquaintances. Sometimes a cessation of communication or a quarrel pushes users to spontaneously delete a message thread so that, so to speak, nothing once again reminds of this or that person. Although the basic rule of the Internet says that nothing can be completely deleted from the Internet, it turns out to be very difficult to recover deleted Vkontakte messages.
Leaving a conversation

How to return to the conversation after deleting the dialogue?

Sometimes situations arise when a message thread is deleted by mistake. The reason may be children who climbed into a laptop or tablet without asking, friends' jokes, or simply the operating system reacted incorrectly to the click and deleted the dialogue. In such a situation, a completely logical question arises: how to return to the conversation if you accidentally deleted the dialogue? Without outside help, only individual messages can be restored on the Vkontakte social network. To return a conversation or dialogue, you will have to use outside help.

How to restore message history using third-party utilities?

Many users of the Vkontakte resource are faced with the question of how to return to the conversation after deleting the dialogue. To solve this difficult problem, new applications have to be developed. One such application is Vkpot. This add-on is downloaded and installed as a browser extension. After installing this add-on, you will need to restart your browser. In the future, you should not have problems with how to return to the conversation after deleting the dialogue. Along with installing the plugin on the Vkontakte resource, a new section in messages should appear, which will immediately allow you to delete all correspondence, as well as restore deleted messages. Any third-party program associated with a social network is a pirated product. Therefore, when downloading and installing such plugins, you should carefully read the reviews and conditions. Often scammers use such programs to hack accounts.

Technical support

To restore a deleted conversation on the Vkontakte social network, you can contact the technical support service for help. To do this, click on the arrow located in the upper right corner of the page. Select "Help" from the pop-up menu. The service will offer to view answers to frequently asked questions. Here, among other things, there will be an item on restoring messages. After you click on this link, information will be available to you that it is impossible to restore a deleted conversation. If the second interlocutor has a history of correspondence, he may well forward it to the user.

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