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How to return to the page that you accidentally closed. How to get back the last closed tab

We live in the twenty-first century, the century of social media and the Internet. People are spending more and more time at computers, laptops, phones and tablets; more and more they communicate through messages in social. networks and less and less talk in real life. Odnoklassniki or OK is a social network known to millions of users in the CIS countries. According to statistics, the bulk of the contingent is made up of people aged twenty-five to thirty years, it is they who most often start their own pages on which they share their photographs, videos, recipes and other things.

Everything would be fine, but often accounts in OK are blocked. Today we want to tell you how to restore a page in classmates that has been deleted or blocked. The process is extremely simple. However, we nevertheless decided to write a manual so that you do not have to deal with all this on your own.

Restoring the page to OK after blocking or deleting

Before proceeding to restoring the page, you should understand what exactly happened to it. There are three main reasons why you cannot get into your profile:
  1. The page was deleted by you;
  2. You have been blocked by the social media administration. networks due to suspicious activity;
  3. You are entering an incorrect username or password.
It is unlikely that you could accidentally delete a profile. Most likely, this was done consciously. In that case, we have bad news for you. Unfortunately, the data is lost forever: all the information that was filled in, posted on the wall, photos, videos, etc. can no longer be restored. However, you yourself have made your choice. The only option is to contact technical support. It is possible that they will help you with restoring your profile. However, this is highly unlikely.

If technical support has refused, there is only one way out: re-register on the social network. The most interesting thing here is that if your page was deleted less than three months ago, you will have to get a new phone number, because your personal one is linked to the previous account that was deleted.

If you have deleted information about yourself, then you can re-enter using your username and password, just remember them.

What to do if a page in OK was hacked and how to restore it

Often, due to some oversight, our accounts end up in the hands of intruders. Most often this is done with the aim of “spamming” certain information on the victim's friends, posting links in any groups, and the like.

If you are sure that this is exactly your username and password, but they do not fit, most likely the password has been changed. There is only one way out of here - visit the password recovery page:

Ready! Now you can use your page again as before.

A similar situation is with the restoration of the old page in "OK", to which you have already forgotten the password, or even the login. However, as you know, it is possible to restore access without a login: it is enough to have an attached mail and a phone number, you can use them as a “magic wand”.

We return the blocked page to our own hands

If your page was blocked due to a violation of the rules of a social network, you will have to contact the support service and explain that it was hacked:

The answer comes within forty-eight hours. It all depends solely on your appeal, so try to make it as competently as possible. There are also people in technical support.

Surely each of us had to deal with such a problem as a closed tab, or even a session. This creates a lot of problems and inconveniences, especially when you do not remember what information you viewed. Let's talk about how to recover a closed tab.

Let us also recall how you can restore the last browser session, because this is also one of the main problems faced by personal computer users.


Why does this happen? In most cases, the answer is simple. Most often, a person encounters such a problem when he accidentally closed tabs. How to restore them in this situation? Indeed, quite often this happens completely by accident - they hover the mouse in the wrong place, and think. Less commonly, the cause of this can be a crash in the program. However, these are isolated cases that depend on the health of the computer.

In any case, when such a problem arises, you stare at the screen in confusion, wondering what to do next? Either search all over again, or hastily find out how to fix this error. We offer you a third option - fix everything in a couple of seconds.

Restoring the last tab

And yet you have a crash and are wondering how to restore the last closed tab. There is one rather simple and effective way. Everything is done using the so-called hot keys. For any browser, this is the keyboard shortcut Ctlr + Shift + T. This combination opens exactly the last closed page.

As you can see, everything is very, very simple. This operation takes only a couple of seconds, and the combination itself is quite easy to remember. However, there are also situations where this method will not work. Mostly when the page was closed much earlier.

Opening a tab that was closed earlier

Now consider the case where we are looking for not the last closed tab. It should be noted here that it can be closed in this session as well as in the previous one. How can I restore the tab in this case? There are two options here.

The first is suitable if you have only opened a few pages in this session. In this case, the closed tab must also be in this session. Here we just start pressing Ctlr + Shift + T until the information you need appears on the screen. This method is only suitable if you only had 3-4 closed pages. If more, then this process threatens to become inconvenient, cumbersome and loses its value.

We figured out how to restore a tab if it is closed in this session. But what if it was opened much earlier or at the beginning of this session? In this case, we recommend that you use the browser history and find it there. Usually, information can be easily found in the browser menu or by pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + H.

Features of recovered tabs

So, we have found out with you, Now let's talk about what features these tabs have. Here we will only mention one important thing. By restoring the tab, you can go to the pages that were previously opened here. The browser saves the navigation history and makes it available to users.

Immediately, we note that the browser start pages can be restored using the methods described above, or by opening a new window. Therefore, if you are faced with a problem of how to restore which many people have home, we advise you to simply open a new browser window. This will save you a ton of time. Alternatively, you can use the methods described above, but it will take much more time and effort.

Recovering the session

We have considered, regardless of whether it was just closed, in this or the last session. Now let's talk about another problem that any of us may have.

Quite often it happens that the session crashes - crashes in the browser itself, the computer, plugins, low-quality sites, for a number of reasons, and so on. It also happens that we want to close just one page, and by mistake close the browser window with all the content. Let's now talk not just about how to restore one page, but already about how to return the entire session with previously open tabs.

First of all, we note that if the browser closes abnormally, then in most cases, when you open it, the program prompts you to restore the last session. This is the simplest solution to your problem.

The second option is to go to the browser menu, select the "History" item and find the "Restore the last session" sub-item there.

In order to avoid accidentally closing the session through your fault, we advise you to immediately go to the browser settings and in the "Tabs" item put the icon opposite the "Warn about closing multiple tabs" line. Thus, if you accidentally click on the close button of the window, you will first be asked if you really want to disable several pages at once.


Many personal computer users often encounter a problem, or even an entire session. Often this happens due to errors, carelessness, as well as crashes in the browser or computer.

Despite the fact that the problem seems to be rather complicated, it is solved in a couple of seconds. All you need to know is a specific keyboard shortcut, called hot keys, as well as being able to invoke the browser menu and browsing history. All methods of restoring closed tabs have been described by us in this article. We hope this material was useful to you.

People who surf the Internet a lot often have a large number of open browser tabs. It happens that the user wants to switch to another tab, and accidentally closes it. I really don't want to search for the page again, especially if this page was opened a long time ago and many tabs were already open after it. Don't get upset about this. You just need to know how to open an accidentally closed site.

What to do?

There are a lot of cases when users accidentally closed a tab. If the user critically needs information located on a closed tab, then he begins to search page recovery method... All browsers have several options for opening a closed tab. For example:

  • Internet Explorer has the function of opening a recently closed tab through the Favorites menu. The user must click the Service button and select the Reopen browsing session action. True, this function has a drawback. It opens all recently viewed tabs that have been open within 15 minutes.
  • Mozilla Firefox has a special magazine. After going to it, the user needs to click the Recently Closed Tabs button and select the site that he accidentally closed.

What does browsing history mean?

The easiest way to recover a closed site is using browser history... It contains a list of sites that were opened by the user. The sites are arranged in order from most recent to earliest. Each browser has a feature to view stories. And there are not only sites viewed today, but also pages that were opened in a few days, weeks, months. In order to open a story, you must do the following:

Bookmarks bar

If the user often uses a certain site, then he should add it to the browser bookmarks. This will help in the event that the question arises, how to get a closed tab back... To add a site to bookmarks, for example, in Google Chrome, you need to open the site, and select Bookmarks in the browser menu, press the Add bookmark button.

In newer versions of browsers, you just need to click on the star in the upper right corner of the browser and the site will be immediately added to your bookmarks. If the user for some reason did not bookmark the page and accidentally closed it, you can restore it using the menu. The user should use the mouse on the open page, where he will be prompted to select the Open closed tab line in the menu.

How to restore tabs in browser settings? For more convenient use in almost all browsers installed full history system user from the moment the first site was opened. Of course, if the user did not do any cleansing of the history. To do this, you must be in the browser by selecting the History line. A list will open for him, which contains all the last visited sites.

What to do in Yandex

Yandex has released its own browser, which users love very much. Its use provides fast opening of windows and loading of pages. In addition, users can be sure of protecting user data from hacking, theft of money from virtual accounts and from connecting unwanted paid services. While in the Yandex browser, you can select the Recently Closed item from the menu. This will help to restore an accidentally closed site. And also the older history is easily displayed on the screen, for which you need to select the All history button.

What to do in Chrome

To open a tab you just closed, you can use by pressing Ctrl + H... For faster detection of a closed site, it is recommended to pay attention to the time when the site was first opened and the icon that was next to its name. Opening times for tabs are indicated in all browsers. You can restore by clicking on the three bars, which are always in the upper left corner of the screen. The user will be presented with a menu in which he needs to select the previous site.

What to do at the Opera

There are still users who prefer the Opera browser to more modern conductors. Opera browser can save in its history only the last 50 open sites, therefore, if the user opened the page much earlier, he will no longer have any hope of recovery. The user needs to select the browser icon in the upper left corner. There, in the Tabs and Windows section, select the sub-item called Closed Tabs.

How to combine keys

In addition to the above methods, there are two more that can be used by any user.

  • Ctrl + H - will help to open the history, in which the list of closed pages will be located.
  • Ctrl + Shift + T - choose more often. With the help of it, the last site opens in a second.

You can press the same keys again to return a tab that was closed even earlier.

At the moment, the social network Odnoklassniki is the second most popular after in our country. Despite the phenomenal success and ease of use, many users of this site still do not know what to do if this or that situation has arisen. Today I would like to talk about how to restore a page when various situations arise.

Reasons for losing a page

Let's immediately determine in which cases you will need to restore your own page:

  • You deleted it yourself.
  • The Odnoklassniki administration has blocked your profile.
  • The page has been hacked.
  • You just forgot your username and / or password.

These are the main situations that members of a social network face. Now I will tell you in detail what to do in each of the cases described above.

The user deleted his account on his own

Not so long ago I told. It is not at all difficult to do this, however, few know how the procedure itself takes place. This was probably done not only to make it difficult to delete the page, but also so that the user does not accidentally delete it, because the profile cannot be restored. Yes, yes, you heard right: if you decide to delete the page, then you will not be able to restore it, even if you contact the support service. Here's what the project administration says about this:

When you delete a profile, not only personal information is permanently erased, but also photos, comments, ratings, correspondence with friends, groups that you created, achievements in games and much more.

It is not possible to restore a deleted profile.

What to do? There is only one option left - creating a new profile and then filling it with information.

The Odnoklassniki administration blocked the profile

If the profile is blocked by the Odnoklassniki administration, then you will not be able to enter it. Recently, there have been many questions of this kind - what to do in such cases? In fact, the process itself is not at all complicated, but it takes some time. Now let's go through the points.

  • First of all, we go to the Odnoklassniki website.
  • There is a small menu at the bottom of the main page. Find the section "Regulations" in it and click on the link.
  • After that, the site regulations will open in front of you. If you want, you can read it, if not, then we scroll the page to the very bottom. Here you will see a link "Contact support", which you will need to click on.
  • A window for contacting the Odnoklassniki support service has opened. You need to fill in all the specified fields: login, name and surname, age, city of residence, e-mail to which the surname is registered, as well as an e-mail to contact you (it can be identical if you have access to it), subject requests ("Profile blocked or deleted") and a description of the problem. Do not forget that the data you need to write is the same as indicated in your profile.

  • After the questionnaire is completed, you need to click on the "Send message" button. Actually, that's all. Now you will have to wait for a response from the administration of the resource, which will come to the specified e-mail address. You may be asked to provide proof that this is your profile (for example, they will ask you to take a picture with your passport in hand). The period during which you should wait for the letter can be as many as several hours or several days.

The page has been hacked

One of the most well-known fraudulent methods is user profile theft. The question arises - why? Thus, attackers start sending spam to your friends, in which, for example, they offer to follow a malicious link, after which the user can inject a virus or Trojan into his computer. In some cases, it is proposed to download a certain file, which also turns out to be malicious and can block the desktop, and in order to supposedly unblock it, you will need to send a paid SMS message. In general, scammers do not sleep and significantly complicate our life.

As soon as the Odnoklassniki administration detects unusual account activity, for example, the same spamming, then the first thing it blocks the user account, without going into details, whether he himself sent this spam or his profile was corny opened. This is a normal practice even in foreign social networks. However, in many cases, blocking does not occur for the simple reason that for some time after theft of data from the account (that is, the login and password), no suspicious activity is observed. At the same time, the user himself simply cannot get to his page, since the access data is not suitable. How to be? You need to recover your password.

  • We go to the main page of the Odnoklassniki site and see a window for entering login data. There is also a link "Forgot your password?", Which you need to click on.

  • By clicking on the link, you will be taken to a page for restoring access. Here you will be prompted to enter your username, email address or phone number to which the account was registered. You also need to enter a captcha.

  • After the operation is completed, a code will be sent to the mail or mobile phone, which will need to be entered in a special form. If it was entered correctly, then you can change the password from your account to another. Do not forget to write it down somewhere, just do not save it in your browser, from where the Trojan can steal it.

This method is fully suitable for those cases when you simply forgot the password for your account.

That's all. There is nothing complicated in the procedure, especially if you follow the points I have indicated. You can ask your questions to the article using comments.

    How to restore a page in Odnoklassniki after deletion;

    How to restore Odnoklassniki without phone and mail - are there any options;

    How to restore Odnoklassniki on your phone - detailed instructions.

How to restore a page in Odnoklassniki after deletion

In the popular Odnoklassniki network, as well as on other similar sites, there are many abandoned pages. For example, a person who registered once has ceased to be interested in virtual communication. But his profile exists until the owner himself decides to destroy it. How to quickly and easily delete a page on Odnoklassniki, we will tell you separately. It happens that the user successfully coped with the deletion, and then regretted it. Then he urgently needs information on how to restore the page in Odnoklassniki. If you have a computer and a phone at hand to which the account was linked, this is easy to do:

    Open the main page of the site, select the "Register" button;

    In the "Country" field, put the desired name;

    Enter the phone number specified when registering the page you deleted;

    An SMS message will be sent to your mobile phone with a code that must be entered;

If you have any problems, you can always contact the Support Service for help. Professionals may suggest other options for getting your profile back.

Why is it worthwhile to quickly learn how to restore Odnoklassniki after deletion? The fact is that the erased page remains in the site's memory for only 3 months, more precisely 90 days. If you come to your senses and started resuscitation later than the specified time, nothing will help. The data has already been lost forever.

But there is good news: using your old phone number, you can easily register a new profile, and then start communication in Odnoklassniki from scratch. Add new friends, join groups and upload music and video... We will tell you how to make and fill your page on this social network.

You already understood how to restore Odnoklassniki after deletion. But in some cases, the procedure cannot be performed. If the profile disappeared without your participation, it means that it was blocked or even destroyed by the site administration. There can be two reasons for such actions:

    Classmates suspected that intruders could use your profile, so blocking is a security measure;

    It has been noticed that you are violating the rules of the site (they can be read in the section "Regulations"), for example, spam is being sent from your page or distribution of prohibited content.

In the first case, it is quite possible to restore your personal page. You may be able to do it yourself. But, most likely, you cannot do without contacting the Support Service.

If you are accused of violating the rules of the site, it is almost impossible to return your profile. Although you can fight for it. Again, write a message to the Support Service explaining the situation. For example, your page was hacked, so it was not you who broke the rules, but unknown hackers. The administration is obliged to consider the appeal. And if your arguments are considered valid and agree that you are innocent, the profile with all the content will return to the site.

How to recover Odnoklassniki without phone and mail - options

The Odnoklassniki website warns that only one phone number can be linked to one account. According to the current rules, it is he who is the main feature for identifying a user. It must be admitted that this rule is not always observed. For example, a profile registered 10 years ago through e-mail can exist on the network without a phone number. And you can register a new page on it. It turns out that the user has two work accounts with similar data. By the way, register Odnoklassniki without first and last name not difficult at all.

And now about how to restore Odnoklassniki without phone and mail. Without this data, it is not so easy to return access to the page. Without the help of the site, you will not be able to crank up this operation. So, for some reason, you cannot specify the phone number, then do the following:

    On the page with the registration form, do not enter any data, but select the inconspicuous line at the bottom “Need help?”;

    In the window that opens, mark how you want to restore access; you will be offered a choice of 5 options: enter your personal data, mail, phone number, login or link to your profile;

    We exclude mail and telephone, there are three more ways, the simplest one is personal data;

    We fill in according to the sample what you have already indicated in your profile: last name, first name, patronymic, age and location;

    If such data is available on the site, the computer will give a hint, a photo and the inscription “Is that you?” Will appear;

    If the snapshot is really yours, perhaps after that you will restore access to your page. After that, just in case change username and password, don't rely on memory, be sure to write them down.

A few words about how to restore a page in Odnoklassniki using a link to a profile. Many users do not even suspect that such a parameter exists. Meanwhile, this is your personal address on the Internet, more precisely on the Odnoklassniki network. You can find and copy a link to a profile without having access to the page. You just need to ask someone from your friends or acquaintances registered on the site to visit you. When you are on your page, look at the address bar (this is the top field of the browser containing letters and numbers). This code is the link. Copy it and use it to restore access or for other purposes. Experts advise to write down the address of your profile somewhere. And if you want, you can change an incomprehensible combination of signs, for something readable and memorable, making a new link is easy.

It is far from always possible to return your page on Odnoklassniki without hesitation. It happens that no matter what data you enter, you get the same answer: there is not enough data, you need to contact the Support Service.

In the request, you will need to tell about the essence of the problem (you can select it from the proposed list), and add the details in the message and indicate the real email address for communication.

After submitting the completed form, within an hour, an email should come to your e-mail stating what needs to be done to restore the page. Usually it is required to carry out a standard procedure for this site - to take a photo against the background of an open Odnoklassniki page. Then send it, accompanying again with personal data from the profile and additional information. Experts of Odnoklassniki recommend that you communicate without hiding all the information that you remember: the time of creating the profile, the date of the last login, the names of relatives and friends, the paid services that you used, with whom you had the last dialogues. The photo, as the site administration writes, is an important proof that it is the owner who wants to get access to the account, and not an unauthorized person. Therefore, the image quality must be good so that all the details are visible. In the background, you need to place a monitor or tablet with the Odnoklassniki home page open.

If you did all the above steps correctly and you are the real owner of the account, the Odnoklassniki Support Service will instruct you on how to get the lost page back.

How to restore Odnoklassniki on the phone - detailed help

We described in detail what to do to return your page on the computer. Now let's find out how to restore Odnoklassniki on your phone. So far, such a function has not been incorporated into the mobile version of the site. Therefore, to start the recovery procedure, you need to go to the full version. If you did, let's continue:

    Open the Odnoklassniki home page, under the registration fields, click on the words "Can't login?";

    On the new page, choose which recovery method suits you best, it depends on what information you remember;

    Enter information for identification and click on search;

    Mark your profile from the list of found pages;

    You will be prompted to receive an SMS with a recovery code to the phone number associated with your account;

    If the data matches, agree and tear off your profile; and if something is wrong, contact the Support Service, she is obliged to help.

You already know how to restore Odnoklassniki on your phone, as well as on a computer. The easiest way to do this is to use your mobile phone number. But there are other slightly more complex options. The longest and most troublesome way is resuscitation with the help of the Support Service. But if your profile in Odnoklassniki is dear to you, you will overcome that too.

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