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How to return the configuration to full support 1c. Infocraft: Formula of housing and communal services

Greetings, colleagues!

Anyone who is involved in the support, maintenance and revision of information bases on the 1C 8 platform sooner or later has to update their base with standard releases to make changes related primarily to changing legislation (State minds do not eat their bread in vain).

How to do this is well described in the articles:, - thanks to the authors.

In this article, I want to pay attention to the following points: while updating the UPP release from release 1.3.17 to 1.3.48, I faced the need to set the vendor configuration to support.

I note right away that the basic configuration of 1.3.17 in my case is significantly different from the typical 1.3.17. Most of the critical changes that were released in releases from 1.3.18 to 1.3.47 were made through comparing and combining the necessary modules and subsystems, since this method takes less time (a significant part of the SCP has been radically rewritten to fit the specifics of our enterprise).

So, updating the configurations through comparison and merging, I got the main configuration 1.3.48, while the vendor configuration 1.3.17 Fig. 1. and Fig. 2.

Rice. 1. Basic configuration. Release

Fig. 2. Vendor config

How to set the configuration to support the current release and not lose any changes made?

Configuration - Support - Support settings - "Remove support". We remove the configuration from support Fig. 3. and close the settings window.

Fig. 3. The configuration is not under support

We carry out through "Compare, merge with configuration from file" merge with the typical, current CF configuration (in this case, To the question in Fig. 4. about the possibility of placing on support about we say "Yes".

Figure 4: Possibility of Combining with Assignment Detected

Let's execute "Empty" comparison and merging of configurations, having previously unchecked all the "ticks" as in Fig.5.

Fig. 5. "Empty" comparison and merging of configurations

The configurator will offer to set up support rules. If you need to further edit the configuration objects, then set up the support rules as shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6. Setting up support rules

It would seem that it is not very logical - but in the end the configuration object "ManufacturingPlantry Management" - i.e. all configuration will be removed from support. To register for support, we do the following: Configuration - Support - Support settings. Changing the support rules for the "ManufacturingEnterprise Management" object. If you need further the ability to edit the configuration objects, then set the parameters as shown in Fig. 7. Be sure to check the "Set for subordinate objects" checkbox. Close the settings window.

Fig. 7. Setting up support for the "ManufacturingEnterprise Management" object

After that, our configuration is fully supported by the supplier. Save and update the database configuration (F7).

It happens that certain heavily modified configuration objects that do not need to be compared with the vendor's configuration in the future need to be removed from support. An example of how to do this is in Figure 8.

That seems to be all. Questions are welcome. I hope that this article will be useful for someone. Yours faithfully to the community, Andrey.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to determine if your configuration is under support and how to return the configuration to support.

  1. How to determine if a configuration is under support?

It is necessary to run the program in the "Configurator" mode:

In the main menu, select "Configuration - Support", if the menu items are not active, then in the same menu, click "Open configuration". After completing this action, a list of configuration objects will appear on the left, and in the main menu "Configuration - Support" the item "Support settings" will become active. You should go to this menu item.

  • If the "Enable changes option" button is active in the "Support settings" window that opens, then the configuration is under support. To update the configuration, go to instruction No. 435 "Procedure for updating the configurations" Infokraft: Formula of housing and communal services "and" Infokraft: Formula of housing and communal services + Accounting ":

  • If in the Support Settings window that opens, there is no Enable Change Option button, and the Remove Support button is not active, then the configuration is not supported. To set the configuration to support for further updates, you should go to point 2 of the current instruction:

  • If the “Enable Change Option” button is absent in the “Support Settings” window that opens, and the “Remove from Support” button is active, then the configuration is under support with the ability to change configuration objects. To set the configuration to support for further updates, you should go to point 2 of the current instruction:

  1. How do I get a vendor configuration to be supported?

Important! Further actions may violate the integrity of the infobase, you should make sure that no changes have been made to the infobase configuration that affect the data structure, otherwise the data will be lost. It is recommended to make a backup copy of the infobase before performing the operation.

  • If the vendor's configuration is on support with the ability to change, then you must first completely remove the configuration from support by clicking the "Remove from support" button. Otherwise, you should go directly to the next step.

In the window that opens, specify the path to the configuration template:

In order to determine the directory in which the configuration template is located, in the 1C: Enterprise launch window, select the required infobase and click the "Settings" button:

In the "Launch dialog settings" window that opens, in the "Configuration and update templates directories" section, the path to the directory where the configuration template is located will be indicated.


Today I'll tell you what it is support for typical configurations how important it is and why it is advisable not to remove the configuration from full support. I'll make a reservation right away and say that this does not apply to those who develop the configuration from scratch.

Configuration updates this is one of the functions but to make the update easy and painless configuration does not need to be removed from support.

Configuration is under support

Who didn’t know, I’ll tell you :). Typical solutions are on supplier support... This means that the 1C company periodically releases new releases in which existing errors are corrected, new functionality is added, and the configuration is changed in accordance with legal requirements.
If the user's configuration is supported, then when a new release is released, you can independently execute or execute.

The programmer should try to solve problems using standard tools, make minimal changes to standard solutions to speed up the update procedure.

Typical configuration needs to be changed

It often happens that regular means are not enough and changes must be made to the configuration, then you need to follow the following scenario.
1. Enable the ability to make changes to the configuration.
To do this, run the command Configuration - Support - Support Configuration... The "Support settings" form opens. In this form, click the button Enable changeability... Answer "Yes" to the system's question about the impossibility of performing an automatic update.

2. In the opened form "Setting up support rules" set the switches to the values The vendor object is not editable.

After these steps, you can point-to-point open access to those configuration objects that need to be changed. The figure shows an example of opening access for editing the List Form for the Customer Order Document.

Adding new objects

To enable the ability to add new objects to the standard configuration, you must perform the following actions. Configure a support rule for the root configuration node The vendor object is editable while maintaining support... Flag Set for subordinate objects do not install.

That's all, if someone wants to add I am always for and wait for you in the comments.
If you need to renew support or update the configuration, then go to the page.

P.S. In the practice of a programmer, making changes to a typical configuration is a common thing, and there is no need to increase the complexity of maintaining the system. You need to be honest to your clients and the value of a programmer is not that nothing can be done without him, everything is surrounded by passwords, uncommented code. Some also manage to insert cunning procedures, because of which the program starts to glitch and after 2-3 months it is necessary to call the programmer again.

P.P.S When I was writing the article, I remembered a moment from the film Deadly Force.
This is our cow and we milk it!

The need to remove a configuration from support may arise for various reasons. Most often this is needed to make changes to the configuration. Also, when updating the configuration with a * .cf file, you will need to do this operation. Removing the configuration from support means that we remove the configuration from the support of the supplier (configuration developer) and the configuration is now not typical.

I would like to note that when contacting developers for help, technical support specialists always clarify whether the configuration has been removed from support. If this is the case, then you will most likely be denied help. When making changes to the configuration in the future, there may be problems with the update, so you should not resort to this unnecessarily.

However, sometimes withdrawal from support is indispensable. We go to the infobase in the "Configurator" mode. If the configuration is not open, then click on the "Open configuration for editing" button.

A padlock icon means that the configuration not editable. Provider object not editable

Go to the Configuration -> Support -> Support Settings menu item.

In the window that opens, click on the button "Enable change"

The program warns of further problems with automatic updates, click "OK"

Next, you need to configure support rules. The rule "The vendor object is edited while maintaining support" means that the objects can be changed, but when updated, all changes will be overwritten if the checkboxes are not cleared in the comparison of configurations. The Supplier Object Released Rule means that all objects are open to change.

Click "OK". After accepting the changes in the "Support Settings" window, the "Enable Change" button will disappear and the message "The configuration is under support with the ability to change" appears

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