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How to make landscape pages in a Word. Word different page orientations


Orientation in Word

Microsoft Office Word- the most popular text editor, containing a huge number of tools and functions. Almost all official and unofficial documents are created thanks to this program and have two types - vertical and horizontal ... V Word concepts vertical and horizontal documents are replaced by portrait orientation and landscape orientation .

Page orientation in Word

As a rule, documents are typed (printed) often one orientation - book or landscape, depending on the meaning of the document, document type or other parameters. However, sometimes it becomes necessary to create document with different orientations ... Because page orientation in Word does not allow to completely place the text and make the document readable. Namely, you need to print a document in which some pages should be horizontal (landscape orientation) , and the main ones are vertical (portrait orientation) ... But how to do it without creating a large number of documents. How to make pages with different orientations in one document !?

For example, you are working with a document portrait orientation, have already printed many sheets, or at least at least 2, and then it turns out that, but on one of the pages, the text does not fit in width, that is portrait orientation you need to change to the landscape version - landscape orientation.

Section break

In order to create pages of different orientations in one document in Word , you need to insert breaking a section in a Word, or rather, in a Word document. To do this, you need to create several sections directly in the document itself and, thus, it turns out insert a section break .

Place the cursor in the place after which a new section will be created. More precisely, we put the cursor in front of the page that needs change orientation... In the tab Page layout push Breaks... In the pop-up menu, select Next page (section breaks).

Change page orientation

Typically, after a new section is created, the text on the other page will move downward. We correct it and press Orientation... We choose the desired orientation and see that orientation the page we need changed, while the pages that are located above remain unchanged.

Everything would be fine, but there is one thing ... The fact is that now the entire rest of the document, or rather all subsequent pages have orientation the same as our page. This happened due to the fact that now part of the document, starting from our page, is part of a new section. And the orientation extended to all the remaining pages. What do we do in this case !?

Word section break

BREAK SECTION AFTER PAGE ... It's simple. We put the cursor at the end of our page on which we needed change orientation ... Also, as before, press Breaks and choose Next page ... The cursor will move to the next page. And here we press Orientation and change the page orientation to another .

As a result, what we have: the first sheets have book orientation , the orientation of the page, on which the text did not fit in width, we changed to landscape, and the rest of the pages also have portrait orientation ... And all of this in one document... Thus, we have created a document in which pages have different orientations .

When creating multi-page documents in the Word text editor, a number of users may be faced with the need to present a number of document pages in portrait orientation, and another row in landscape orientation (especially when it comes to materials that include various diagrams, graphs, and so on). At the same time, an attempt to change the orientation of the desired page totally changes the orientation of all pages in the document, which the user does not need at all. In this article I will tell you how to make one book page in another landscape one in Word, and what methods exist for this.

How to make one page portrait another landscape in Word - ways

If you need to create one book page in Word and another landscape one, then I recommend using a number of methods, which I will outline below. At the same time, I note that these methods work with versions of MS Word 2007 and higher, and if someone has older versions of a text editor, then I recommend abandoning mastodon programs and installing a more modern version of MS Word. So, let's move on to listing the required tools.

Method 1. Select the desired text

So how to make one page landscape in Word? If you have several pages of a document in portrait orientation, but you want to present some of the text from this document in landscape form, then follow these steps:

The necessary text will be transferred to a separate page in landscape format, and you will receive a visual example of how to make one page of a book in another landscape in Word. If you need to reduce the font on a computer, the instructions were described by me.

Method 2. Pagination

An alternative to the first method is the pagination of the document you need. So, if you did not succeed in making one landscape page in a Word, and another book in the first way, then do the following.

Let's say you have five page text in book layout, and you need to make the second and fourth landscape sheets. Proceed as follows:

Starting from the second page, all pages became landscape pages.

  1. Now we need to make the third book page in the Word. Place the cursor on the upper left edge of the third page, re-enter the page settings, but there select "Landscape", and "To end of document".
  2. The third and subsequent pages will become landscape pages. Now we go to the fourth page again and use the same algorithm to make it a book.
  3. Then we go to the fifth and make it a landscape one. I think the essence of the actions is clear to the reader.
  4. As a result, we get the following result.

How to make one page landscape in a Word document and another book page [video]

You can see how these methods visually look in the video below.

The methods I have listed will help the reader with the answer to the question "How to make one page of a book in the Word another landscape". In most cases, the first method is sufficient, which effectively places the text you want on the page in the orientation you want. If you want to mark up your document in advance, then create the required number of pages in advance (tab "Insert" - "Blank page"), and then use method number 2, and your idea will be effectively implemented.

In contact with

Typically, when you create a text file, the page will be in portrait or portrait orientation. Sometimes, working with a document, you may encounter a problem when the information you need in the form of a table or diagram is stretched and simply does not fit. The ideal solution to this problem would be to convert the format of a single page.

How do I know where my image will be cut on paper?

More information on how to use the tracking function can be found in the User Guide. Images will be cropped on the paper to fit on screen and will also depend on the orientation selected by the page tool options. In landscape mode, the top-left corner of the screen will match the top-right corner of the actual sheet of cut material. In Portrait mode, the top-right corner of the screen corresponds to the actual top-right corner of your footage.

The user has the ability to choose between portrait and landscape spread

The most obvious action might be to change the rotation of the sheet when setting the print options. However, if you need to save the document and send it to another person, this option is not suitable, since the formatting will have to be done over again.

If you want, you can choose to have this always displayed by following these steps. Select Always Show for When Using Conveyor Belt. You can click and drag the circle to achieve the desired rotation angle.

To mirror images, you can right-click on any selected image and select Mirror Horizontal or Mirror Vertical. The placement of small documents will depend on the orientation selected in the Page tool. Landscape. When a document is in landscape orientation, it is sent to the Silhouette in the upper left corner of the screen, corresponding to the upper right side of your content. If the media is smaller than the width of the media sheet, you need to place your media in the upper right corner of the media sheet.

Adjusting position throughout the document

It is not difficult to guess that the least time-consuming process will be to turn over all the sheets in the document. To do this, you need to find the "Page Layout" area and select the desired format there from the drop-down menu, which contains 2 options - "Landscape" and "Portrait". It is worth paying attention to the fact that the once adopted provision will be applied to the subsequent pages of the document, which indicates their strong relationship with each other.

Portrait. When a document is in portrait orientation, it is sent to the Silhouette in the top right corner of the screen, corresponding to the top right side of your story. If the media is smaller than the width of the media sheet, you need to place the media in the upper left corner of the media sheet.

A beautiful layout captivates the reader's interest and adds value to your content. It also provides access to other important functions that we will cover in this module. The features presented in this tutorial are important. Therefore, it is recommended not to skip chapters.

Changing the position of one sheet

Obviously, a variety of tables or informative high-resolution pictures can take up a lot of space. Moreover, they need to be organically inserted into the text.

These readings are not printed. It is very useful to know how to adjust the size of the margins in your document. This allows, for example, to print a document on one page when it overflows slightly on the second page.

To adjust the size of the margins, open the Page Setup tab and click the Margins button. In the menu that appears, click on the desired template: Normal, Narrow, Moderate, Wide, Mirror. The latter model should be reserved for documents to be linked.

To accomplish this, select all of the text on the page that you want to reposition. It is worth noting that if you select not all of the information, the rest will be moved to the next or previous page. You can also designate the orientation transition by placing the cursor in front of the text you wish to leave unchanged. Thus, the sheet will be torn, and the necessary information will be on the next one.

Adjust the page orientation

To manually set the size of the margins, click Custom Margins. After you click on "Custom Fields", the following window will appear.

To change the orientation of your document, first click the Layout tab. Then click the Orientation button and click the desired orientation.

In this chapter, we will discuss two very important concepts: page break and section break. A section break serves the same function as a page break, but introduces a new section into the document. Page break allows you to go to the next page, avoiding lines. ... Page break allows you to go to the next page without having to use line breaks.

Then go to the "Page Layout" tab and select the "Fields" option, the "Custom Fields" item. In the menu that opens, we find the desired position and below we determine to which part of the document the selected parameters will be applied. In our case, select the item "To the selected text".

In this case, you will not see a page break like in the picture above. Then click the icon and then click Page.

Section breaks are useful in the following situations. Partial pagination of a document, multiple columns in a part of a document, use of multiple headers and footers in one document. And more generally: in all cases where the document must be divided into several blocks with different layout characteristics.

If you preferred the method of breaking the sheet, you should also go to the "Page Layout" tab in the same way, but there select the "Breaks" item, and in it - "Next Page". After that, you need to designate the end point of the formatted sheet by placing the cursor on the position after the last word, and follow the above procedure, specifying a different type of orientation.

Then click the Page & Sections icon and click Next Page.

To illustrate this concept, let's present the following example: you have to make a three-page document. The problem is that pages 1 and 3 need to be oriented in portrait mode and page 2 in landscape mode.

To accomplish this, we will create an isolated section in the document for page 2 orientation in landscape mode. To do this, we will insert two section breaks, one at the end of page 1 and the other at the end of page. Do the exercise yourself.

Change spread in Word 2003

If in relatively modern versions of Word, released from 2007 to 2016, the setting of the parameters in question is not very different, then in earlier versions, for example, 2003, there are some nuances. The bottom line is that there are no areas familiar in the latest versions of the program, which may cause you some misunderstanding. In fact, everything is simple. You must select the "File" option and in

Then place the insertion point on page 2 of your document and then change it. page orientation in landscape mode.

  • In a new document, insert section breaks on page 1.
  • On page 2 of your document, re-insert the section breaks.
If all goes well, you should now have a document similar to this one.

It all depends on us and our habits. We tend to hold our smartphones in a natural way. Thus, the video format adapts to the vertical position of the lens and the resolution offered by the phone for that format, so you cannot post the best video online. reads it on your smartphone so that it fits well into the edges.

Suppose we want to create a page (or multiple pages) in landscape orientation in our portrait document.


1) Create text with portrait page orientation. For example, this will be one page. At the end of the text go to Ribbon Page layout and click on the button Breaks... In chapter Section breaks run the command Next page... After that, the cursor is positioned at the beginning of the page.

Fortunately, there is a way to fix this problem. Your video can adapt to any screen and can be of better quality without any compromise. In fact, the way you shoot your videos doesn't matter because our smartphones automatically shoot them in the wrong direction.

Here is a list of the best video editors that can fix this problem. Here are the best video editors you can download and use today. You want to change the orientation of your video with the best software. Recommended product: It allows you to edit videos, photos and audio files. But it can do even more - it's a program with features like cutting, trimming, and more.

2) Without creating tables, create a new section again according to the above instructions. The result is 3 sections. The second section will be in landscape orientation, while the first and third will be portrait. Please note that in the second section, in which we had to create a landscape orientation, we left the portrait orientation and created a third section. Let me explain why we went this way: if we had created landscape orientation in the second section, then in the third section we would have to change the landscape orientation to portrait, that is, do an extra operation.

You can finally control the action and even speed up or slow down the effects you want to change! With a simple drag and drop and a few clicks, you can become an expert when you need to change the orientation of your videos. This software allows you to easily change the orientation of your video, it will help you rotate the video according to predefined angles to get a horizontal format. Your video can even be rotated 90 or 180 degrees in all directions!

This can be especially useful for fixing the original video and changing the orientation of the video, the only drawback of this program is that it prompts you to install the browser toolbar, but you can disable this option when installing. The biggest advantage of this program is the simple interface allowing everyone to understand each function.

3) Go to the second section and on the ribbon Page layout and on the panel Page settings click the miniature arrow button. In the opened window Page settings in the tab Fields click on the button Landscape... Click on the button OK.

Each section is independent of the others. Therefore, each section can have any number of pages. Therefore, if the table is large and consists of several pages, then new sections for each page do not need to be created.

You just need to go to the Tools Menu, then select Effects and Filters, then Video Effects and select Geometry. Here you have to check the "Rotation" option to activate the new format as this is disabled by default. The biggest advantage of this player is that it allows you to return videos at your discretion without binding an angle to it, and you don't need to install additional software on the other hand. can be overwhelming for least informed users.

The main advantage is that this is not a program, but just a link! Portrait mode means that the author of the page is wider. Portrait mode is used in most documents, but sometimes when the page is wider, you can set it to landscape orientation. Its orientation is landscape and there is no problem creating the first two columns of the page, one of which changes the page margins.

  • Click on the "Layout" tab on the ribbon.
  • Click the Orientation button.
  • This will give you two options: portrait or landscape.
  • Choose the appropriate orientation for your document.
To change the margins, drag the arrows around the text box.

How often do you create ads? - Sooner or later, every Word user is faced with some nuances of working with the program. For example, how to make a landscape page in Word? It would seem - what could be easier ?! However, as with the case with, there are many tricks and tricks that will allow you to do whatever you want with the page orientation!

Let's look at Microsoft Office Word 2016 as an example, but the instruction is applicable to any version of Word starting from 2007 with minimal changes. (for example, in 2016 the tab is called "Layout" and in 2007 - Page markup, the meaning does not change from this)

Recently I made out a Word document and ran into an interesting situation! I typed about 30 pages in the Word and now I needed to make one of them landscape ...

Here's the truth - I've been using Word for over 15 years now and have never encountered such a problem before. For about 20 minutes I experimented with sections and page breaks and finally realized how it works (basically did not look in the internet)

The creation of one album page in the Word is not entirely intuitive task. If you have never encountered sections and page breaks before, then most likely you will not be able to understand how it works at all ... but you are here and explain this process my task

How to make a landscape sheet in Word (for the entire document)

Switching from portrait to landscape for the entire document in Word is as easy as shelling pears - we need the "Layout" tab (or "Page Layout" depending on the version of the office suite)... We are looking for the "Orientation" button and select "Landscape" in the pop-up menu.

All pages of the document will change orientation to landscape ... and if you had data there, it will probably break your entire layout. In general, nothing complicated until it comes to changing one specific page to the landscape one!

Landscape orientation one page Word 2007-2016

We have two ways to make a single sheet of a Word document landscape. The first is simple and the second is correct (in my opinion)... I recommend using the option with sections and breaks (the second one) since it gives a complete picture of the layout of documents and editing it in the future is much easier.

Method 1

In Microsoft Word, it is possible to apply page rotation only to a selected piece of text. It works and is very easy to do, but this method is unpredictable. Firstly, you should already have typed the text, and secondly, no one knows exactly how many album pages it will take from you.

What am I doing? - For example, I selected a part of the note and decided to make it in landscape format ... the fragment did not fit and now I have two album sheets in the document. You can use it, but not very convenient. However, you still need to talk about it, for express editing it will do quite well.

Select the text that needs to be positioned on the sheet with landscape orientation. Looking for the "Layout" tab (or "Page Layout" - have I bothered you with this clarification yet?) and click on the "Page settings" settings.

In the window with formatting parameters, mark the "Landscape" item in the "Orientation" category and mark in the drop-down list that apply only "to the selected text".

Click "OK" and make sure that the selected text fragment is now located on the MS Word album page - absolutely nothing complicated.

The problem is not only that the text must first be typed and it is not clear how it will fit on the page - this option of changing the portrait to landscape will add problems to future users in whose hands your document will fall

Method 2

So we got to the correct implementation of the task - we deal with the sections. Open the required Word document and go to the bottom of the page after which you want to place the album sheet.

What do we have? - There is a document where you only need to make the second page landscape. To do this, go to the end of the first page and on the "Layout" tab (or "Page Layout") click Breaks. From the drop-down menu under the Section Breaks category, select Next Page.

Now the most important thing is that we need to see where our partition boundaries are. The Home tab has a Show All Characters button (¶) and the sections are now easy to discover (highlighted in yellow in the picture below)

Now we go directly to the second page, a new section begins from it, and therefore the orientation change will occur only for this section (the first page will remain untouched)... Just go to the Layout tab and choose landscape orientation.

I want to draw your attention to the fact that the second and all your subsequent pages are a single section and all sheets will be landscape. In order for the book pages to go again after the second page, you just need to add a section break and set your parameters in the new section

As a result, we will have as many as three sections:

  1. First bookstore - first section
  2. Second album - second section
  3. The third album and all subsequent ones - the third section

I hope you understand how it works and will be happy to apply this method in practice.


As you can see, there is nothing difficult to make an album page in Word. We have figured out the option of how to quickly make all pages of a document landscape or, selectively, a couple of sheets. If you have problems creating such pages - be sure to write in the comments, I will try to help you!

To design a document professionally, you need not only to understand how to customize the appearance of the text, but also to know , how to make an album page in Word.

With the help of the Word program from the Microsoft Office package, you can design any type of document by applying various styles and formatting objects to it.

Thanks to a word processor, you can significantly save time editing large files and texts.

Creation of landscape orientation in Word 2003

In the old version of Word, the process of changing some page parameters is significantly different from new editions. That is why you should consider how to change the position of the page in this case.

Follow the instructions to change the orientation to landscape:

  • In a new document, open any page and select the menu item named "File" on the toolbar. Then open a window in the drop-down list to change the parameters;
  • In this window, you can manually adjust the size of the margins, determine the size of the paper used. To change the position, find the corresponding field and select landscape, as shown in the picture above.

Remember! In the old version of Word, after changing the orientation of the page from portrait to landscape, it is imperative to change the margins, because the text will move and go beyond the edges of the sheet.

Changing orientation in Word 2007 document

This version of the word processor "Word" is the first to receive an updated user interface.

Now the program menu items on the toolbar are divided into logical blocks: for formatting the appearance of text, transforming markup, working with tables, pictures and other tabs.

To change orientation in this version of Word, follow these instructions:

  • Open the required Word file and find the page markup tab on the toolbar;

  • Select an orientation item. A dropdown list will appear. Select the required type. After completing this action, all pages will become landscape pages;

You may also find it helpful to read these articles:

  • Create and Insert a Formula in Word - Walkthrough

Landscape view in Word 2010 and 2013

Since all newer versions of Word have a similar interface, the orientation change is the same.

For clarity, we will give an example of replacing the page position in new versions of the Word.

  1. Open the layout tab;
  2. Select landscape from the drop-down menu of the orientation field.

How to make only one page landscape

Word also has the ability to change the orientation of only one page of the document, for example, the second:

  • Open the page layout tab;
  • Click on "fields" and in the window that appears, select custom fields. A separate window will open;

  • In the window that appears, select landscape orientation;
  • In the Apply field, select to apply to the end of the entire document. In this way, you can make multiple pages landscape. To make a few more pages with a book view, select the necessary sheets and follow the steps indicated in paragraphs 1-3.

Setting orientation for a single sheet

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