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  • How to complain about a person in a contact. Why do you need VKontakte complaints and when is it worth sneaking around? How to block a person so that he cannot enter my page and write messages

How to complain about a person in a contact. Why do you need VKontakte complaints and when is it worth sneaking around? How to block a person so that he cannot enter my page and write messages

The social network VKontakte is largely self-regulating, that is, users independently decide the level of admissibility of the content published on its pages. VKontakte moderators cannot independently monitor all user pages, groups, posted posts, photos, videos and other content. That is why VKontakte has tools aimed at informing moderators about the presence of materials that are inadmissible for one reason or another on a particular page. Within the framework of this article, we will consider how to report a VKontakte group if it publishes questionable content.

Table of contents:

In what cases you can complain about the VKontakte group

  • Posts, photos, videos and other content calling for suicide;
  • Content that can be regarded as propaganda of violence and extremism;
  • Videos of erotic and pornographic content with the participation of minors;
  • Material aimed at promoting narcotic drugs;
  • Adult content;
  • Content aimed at insulting the honor and dignity of individuals or groups of the population.

The above is a far from complete list of materials, the publication of which is prohibited on the pages of the social network. If you find a post that, for one reason or another, seems inappropriate for you to post on VKontakte, you can complain about it. If a group of posts with inappropriate material is systematically posted, it can be blocked.

How to report a post in a VKontakte group

If you see an offensive post in one of the groups on the VKontakte social network, you have the opportunity to send a complaint about it. In this case, VK moderators will pay attention to him. If this post is really inadmissible according to the rules of the site, it will be deleted, and the community leaders will be punished, from a warning to the closure of the group.

To report a post in the VKontakte group, you need to do the following:

Please note: If you simply report a post and mark it as spam, there is little chance that this will result in any sanctions for the group.

How to report a VK group

If all the content published by the group is aimed at offending certain segments of the population, is propaganda of extremism, or contains other content inappropriate for the social network, you can complain about the community. Upon receipt of such a complaint, the moderators will certainly consider it and make a decision regarding the need to block such a group.

To report a VK group, do the following:

After that, your appeal will be sent to the moderators. If the VKontakte support service decides that you need to clarify some details before making a decision, they will contact you. You will also receive a notification about the decision, for example, if the group is blocked.

Today, the most popular Internet projects can be considered social networks. The VKontakte project alone has a daily audience of tens of millions of people, which speaks of the considerable popularity of the service. The site provides a lot of opportunities, including communication, listening to music, watching videos - in a word, everything that site users share with each other.

In other words, real communication has been completely replaced by virtual, hence the name: social network. However, your stay there is not always comfortable. Sometimes, as in life, there are people whose intentions are not benevolent. In this case, the VK administration provided for the possibility of blocking such users. If a person poses a danger to a large audience, then through mass complaints, you can permanently freeze his page. To do this, you need to know how to complain about the VKontakte page.

Ways to restrict unwanted communication

There are several options for ending contact with a person you no longer want to communicate with. The first and easiest one is to add it to your Blacklist. This can be done in the privacy settings, denying him access to his personal page. Another option would be to gain access to the ill-wisher's account. However, for this you need to know how to hack the VKontakte page, which is not easy. On top of everything else, this method is illegal, as it violates the laws of the Russian Federation. Also, if communication with not one, but all people at once is no longer relevant, then you can get rid of your account. To do this, you need to know how to delete a page on VKontakte.

This is done quite simply: in the settings in the "General" tab at the very bottom there is an inscription "Delete your page", by clicking on which and following the further instructions, you can delete your account. Nevertheless, this will completely happen only after 7 months, provided that there is no desire to restore it. If not only you personally, but also other people have complaints about one user, then you can send a complaint to him, after which his account will be frozen. To do this, you need to know how to complain about the VKontakte page. If there are several such claims, the moderators will take action to block this user.

How to submit a complaint

It is quite simple to do this: you need to go to the page of the person who violated the rules of the project. In the block under his avatar there are several buttons with captions, among which we are interested in: "Complain about the page." You need to click on it, and then indicate the reason in the dialog box.

You can also leave a comment and deny access to the personal page for this person. After you send a complaint, it will go to the moderators for consideration, after which they will check the violation and issue a verdict. Now the question of how to complain to the VKontakte page has been resolved.

How to speed up the review procedure

If the malicious activity of the page owner is catastrophic and causes great harm to others, then the blocking speed can be increased through several complaints from different users. If they all send an application with the same claim, then there is a great chance that the person's page will be frozen as soon as possible.


It is worth noting that a person needs to make a claim only if this is true, because your page may already be blocked for libel. However, it is necessary to know how to complain about the VKontakte page in order to promptly inform the moderators if illegal actions are detected.

In this article, we solve the problem of communication with those Vkontakte support, as well as how to write correctly in order to get a satisfactory answer from the administration. Read more in the article.

Hello everyone!
In this article I will show you how to write to those VK support, as well as how to communicate correctly with the contact administration, your request or wish will be approved in 9 out of 10 cases).

There are many reasons for contacting the VKontakte administration.
With all this, the new contact design is not easy to understand, and sometimes you need to act instantly!
I wrote letters to the admins of the contact more than once, almost always received the answer I needed.
Everything below.

How to write to the VKontakte administration, I show it step by step

The first thing I want to note is if a person is spamming, that is, they send out advertisements to buy something, join their community, send out materials for adults, offer votes for free.
In such cases, it is usually possible not to write to the VKontakte administration.
It is enough to click "welcome" and indicate the reason.
As a rule, for such large offenses, VK admins ban scammers almost instantly (usually 15 minutes are enough).

In cases where there are a lot of advertisements in the community (no more than 3 advertisements per week are allowed), violence, pornography, ethnic strife are promoted, or there are many such pictures, photos or posts on the account page, often clicking on the "complain" button may not give a result ...

In such cases, you need either a lot of people to complain (click on the button), or write to the VKontakte administration.

How to write to admins in a new contact?
1. In the upper right corner, next to the avatar, click on the triangle.
2. Then, choose "help."

3. On the page that opens, write in search of questions, you will be offered many similar questions and answers to the one you asked. You go down. Look for "none of these options work."

After that, you can ask a question to the Vkontakte administration.
If you did everything right, you should have such a sign pop up.

4. Press, respectively, "ask a question"

The disadvantage of this method is that you have to wait a long time for an answer.
I'll tell you more, the approximate time that is shown can be multiplied by 3.
On average, you have to wait 3 days for a response.

Plus from the letter to the administration in contact, your letter will definitely be considered and an answer will be given.

How to write a complaint or request to the Vkontakte administration correctly

I had many letters in support of VK.
Almost always, I got the answer I needed from them).
The most notable case was when my community was blocked for changing topics).
Well, as it were, I had nothing to catch in my topic, but for which I changed, I was in the first place in the search for a contact.
Every day the group grew by 300 - 500 subscribers due to the arrivals from the search.
Apparently not everyone liked it).
Someone knocked the VK admins, they blocked the public).
Unlocked in a week.

How did I do it?
I wrote in those. VKontakte support, they say, what happened?
Well there, everything is as it should be, hello ... I'm an admin ... blah ... blah ... please tell me ...
They answered for changing the subject.

I am writing in the next letter.
Forgive the asshole did not know, they say, this will not happen again, I will delete all non-thematic posts.
The answer is, like, don't do this anymore, the public has been unblocked, let's quickly change its name and delete the shitty posts

In fact, that community was 3 years old, the last year it was not conducted at all, subscribers in the region of 100k.
I didn't need it, so I sold it a week later, since there was a crowd of those who wanted it).

  • Guys, you need to communicate with the VKontakte administration extremely politely.
    Come on and pretend you didn't know the rules turn on the fool
  • Write legibly, not a set of words. A clear question is a faster answer.
  • You don't need to ask the same question multiple times! We wrote, wait for an answer.

Of course, if you use a parser, send massively spam to groups or user walls, polite communication will hardly help you, all the same, these are the worst offenders for contact).
For everything else, it will help, proven).
It was an article on the topic: how to write to the Vkontakte administration.
If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer.
And I have everything for today
Bye everyone!

The social network Vkontakte is, if not the most, then one of the most popular social networks in Russia. On this site you can meet completely different people, and some of them, unfortunately, do not differ at all in their politeness. However, the same can be said for the different groups that send spam messages to different users. At the same time, some sometimes forget about the rules and leave notes that may offend other users. To resolve this issue, you can report it to the administrator. We will tell you how to complain in VKontakte in our article.

How to send a complaint to the administrator

  1. First, you need to go to the page of the person or group on VKontakte that you want to file a complaint with.
  2. Scroll down and you will see on the left "Complain about the page".
  3. Click on this link, and a window will open in front of you where you can select the reason for the complaint. Also, don't forget to leave your comment before submitting your complaint.
  4. Your complaint will be sent for consideration, and within 24 hours you will be able to receive a response from the administration. If a user or group really violated any rules of the Vkontakte social network, then your complaint will be satisfied. However, remember that your complaint must also meet the requirements of the social network. Therefore, before submitting a complaint, consider the rules for filing and filing.

Your complaint can be resolved within a few hours if you leave it on the record of scammers or any obvious insults.

The most powerful social network in the Russian Federation, over 100 million people leave their time and thoughts there every day. More 28 000 000 users visit the site every day. More 3 000 000 000 pages are opened daily. It's all about "In contact with"

A lot of people, of different ages and interests, are registered "In contact with".

With such a frenzied popularity, the site has its drawbacks. A huge number of users use the network to their advantage, which may not always coincide with yours.

How can you deal with embarrassing spam attacks?

Here are some easy ways:

1. All spam messages that come to your page should be marked with a special button "SPAM"... It is hoped that this person's page will be removed or taken under the control of the developers.

2. Tune your page in such a way that only your trusted friends can write to you. Close your wall, photos, all personal data. So you will protect yourself from getting random users to your website.

3. Can be customized "Black list", in which to indicate the pages of those visitors that you dislike.

But what if the careless users went further: they stole your avatar, blocked your page, poured a tub of multiple insults on you?

To write a complaint - to clear "Vkontakte" from dirt.

What algorithm of actions can be offered to a person who is going to complain about another user's page?

1. First of all, formulate the text of the complaint for yourself - who you want to complain about and why.

2. Look into a special group "In contact with" by following the link, where all complaints from honest users are collected. Perhaps someone has already outlined your problem or, moreover, successfully solved it. The group is dedicated to the security of your account.

3. You can also contact the team of volunteers Technical support although you should be patient - these guys have a lot of work without you. This can be done at the link

4. As an option, maybe not entirely successful, add the developers of the site as friends: Pavel Durov, Andrey Rogozov, Vasily Babich. And complain to them directly. The unlikely answer is guaranteed to you, but you can try.

Make the online world cleaner and kinder!

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