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How to make a home page in internet explorer. Internet home pages

Each PC user seeks to customize it for themselves. To do this, you can change the design of the desktop, windows and browser. The most popular way to optimize work is to install a convenient start page.

Why you need a home page

On a Windows computer, the Internet Explorer browser is installed in the base software package. With it, you can open various Internet pages and view data on them.

By default, the home page in is the Microsoft site. This is not always convenient, since usually work with the Internet begins with the creation of a search query. Novice users cannot always remember how to get to their favorite search engine, and are unable to cope without outside help. In this case, there is nothing left but to change the home page in Internet Explorer in order to facilitate subsequent work with the browser.

Why the homepage can be changed

To perform various tasks, users download and install programs on their PCs. Most often, the question of whether in Internet Explorer arises among those users who have installed a program that can independently, without notice, make changes to

When on your PC, carefully read all the information that appears in the window in the process. In some cases, users themselves change the settings of the home page. The point here is inattention. When installing, you must carefully read everything that the program writes to you. If you uncheck the program's change suggestion at the right time, the home page stays the same. In this case, there will be no need to look for an answer to the question of how to change the home page in Internet Explorer. Another case is when the program does this by default during installation, but here the user is often powerless, and therefore you have to manually change the settings to those that were before.

How to Change the Home Page in Internet Explorer: Details

Naturally, in order to start making changes, you need to run the program. Then find the gear, which is located under the button to close the window. Find in which it opens by clicking on the icon with the mouse, the "Properties" button. Click on the line with that name. The window that opens will have several tabs. In order for the home page on Internet Explorer to be changed, you must enter the desired address in the topmost box.

If you need to start working with the program with several tabs, write several page addresses, each time starting on a new line. After making changes, you must first give the "Apply" command, and complete the action with the "OK" button.

To delete the start page completely, you need to clear the address field of the tabs. In this case, an empty window will open. In order not to enter the address manually, you can open the required page in the browser and then proceed to make changes to the settings. To set the open page, click the "Current" button.

The most common mistakes when changing the home page

Most often, the incorrect spelling of the addresses of pages that need to be opened when starting work is common. It is necessary that they begin with the letters http, and also have all the necessary slashes. You can see a sample spelling when you first open the "General" tab to make edits.

Beginners can give the following advice. When you first open the tab to change the home page, the address will already be entered there. Don't delete it completely, but limit yourself to just the part between the letters www and the final slash.

Windows 8 users will benefit from knowing that the system has two Internet Explorer browsers, but you will not have any additional configuration difficulties. Despite the different appearance, they are fully synchronized.

What to do if the home page settings get lost again after a reboot

Most often, this is facilitated by the work of various programs that impose on you a start page and a search engine. The most famous for this are various search engines that change not only the settings of the start page, but also the search engine.

Before you change your home page in Internet Explorer so that your changes to the settings are saved, you must do the following:

Install a program to optimize the system and others), for example, CCleaner or similar;
. change autoload settings, exclude programs from search engines from it;
. restart your computer;
. remove programs that were imposed with other software (usually their names contain signs of belonging to famous services, for example, "" or "Yandex.Bar").
After these steps, you can change the settings and the risk that they will be canceled is minimal.

Today, almost every one of us cannot live without the Internet. We use it for both work and leisure. And it is natural that there are more users of the global information network. But not everyone has experience with browsers yet. For many, this word raises a sea of ​​questions.

But still, overcoming the gaps in the knowledge of the virtual network, its users subsequently receive tremendous opportunities for their self-development.
So, for many novice Internet supporters, the home page of the browser is very important. Why?

Yes, because the settings saved on it allow the user to immediately start performing the necessary functions without remembering, for example, the name of the search engine or the site that I would like to visit again due to interesting and useful information posted on its platform.

The home page of the browser can be changed by the user at his discretion. Someone changes the design of the desktop, some windows and the location of functional control panels, and it is easier for someone to optimize their work in the browser by setting a comfortable start page.

Today, the most used browser to access the Internet is Internet Explorer, it works as a standard, that is, through it you can open the pages of various sites, use their information at your discretion.

Internet Explorer defaults to Microsoft as the browser's start page. However, many users are not satisfied with this arrangement. After all, often the Internet is used in order to find the necessary information. So many are trying to change this nuance by designing a home page to suit their color and taste, so that each subsequent entry into the network is not difficult and brings only the desired result.

The home page customized and saved by the user of the favorite browser can be changed automatically. This happens under the influence of programs downloaded from the Internet, one of the conditions for installing which is to add new software to the browser settings. Therefore, when installing something, you need to clearly read all the highlighted prerequisites and be extremely careful not to enjoy “surprises” later.

All changed settings can be corrected manually, but if attentiveness is not worked out, you will have to do this very often.
To change the home page to your preferences, you need to do the following: open the browser, under the button to close the window of it, find the gear icon, right-click on it, select the Properties menu. Several tabs will appear in the window that opens. In the topmost of them, you need to register the address of the site from which work on the Internet should begin, you can enter several of these addresses, after which the Apply and OK button is pressed.

In order to remove the unnecessary start page, the tab address field is cleared. In the empty window that opens, you need to make corrections or open a specific browser page and make your own corrections, then click the Current command.

A lot of novice browser users make mistakes while setting up their home page. Often, the addresses of sites from which you want to start your work in the browser are written without a start, that is, they forget the http prefix. All slashes found in the names of sites are also important. In order to avoid this error all the time, when opening the tab for changing the home page, you should not delete the address registered there. In the same format, you must enter your own and then the home page will work without a hitch.

There are instances where Explorer's saved homepages fail. This is often observed when working with software products that impose their vision of the start page and search engines. In such cases, to prevent recurrence of failures of the home page, you should perform the recommended actions:

- clear the cache using CCleaner;
- make changes to the automatic download parameters, namely, to exclude software products from search engines from it;
- restart the computer;
- permanently remove programs imposed during the installation of other software products, often those refer by their name to popular search engines, for example,;
- make changes to the settings of the home page, save them and be sure that there are no errors in further work with your favorite browser.

It turns out that everything is not so problematic as it seems at first glance. The main thing is to understand the topic a little and all problems are solved by themselves.

Internet Explorer, like other browsers, users try to make "for themselves" as much as possible. And the first task in its “transformation” is to change the start page. The fact is that by default, the Bing search engine or the Microsoft offsite is installed as the initial tab in it.

And many comrades want to remove them and install their beloved and painfully familiar Google, Yandex, and maybe even Well, it already depends on individual preferences, it doesn’t matter. Next, we will look at how to change the start page in Internet Explorer in various ways. Looking ahead, we hasten to assure you that this procedure is easy to perform. But it has some features that are useful to know about.

So, let's get started: about the start page of Internet Explorer in detail and in order.

Link change

To change the URL in the initial one, you first need to open the IE properties panel. This can be done in two ways.

Method number 1: through the Control Panel

1. Go to the system menu "Start".

2. Click "Control Panel".

3. Set the "Large Icons" mode. Go to "Internet Options".

Method number 2: in the IE menu

1. Click the "Gear" button in the top bar.

2. In the menu, click "Internet Options".

Directly in the properties panel, to create a new home setting, you need to do the following:

1. On the "General" tab, in the "Home page" field, highlight the link with a mouse click and click "Delete" to delete it.

3. Click Apply and OK.

You can specify multiple links, i.e. multiple home pages. Each URL must be entered on a new line, without separator characters and punctuation marks.

If you need to reset - return the initial default, click the "Initial" button under the field.

To launch a new tab, click the "Use New Tab" button.

You can also use the about:blank command to display a blank tab in the home page.

How to add Yandex?

If the task is to make Yandex the start page in Internet Explorer, in addition to the standard method, you can use the service options. For example, in the upper left corner of the search engine, click "Make start".

And then from the page that opens, download a special application of the service. It will change the start page (make Yandex the start page) and add Yandex service extensions to the browser.

How to set to start current web page?

If you want to quickly set a site opened in a tab to the home page, do this:

1. Right-click on the house icon (home page) in the top right bar.

2. In the drop-down menu, click the last item - "Add or change ...".

3. Select an installation option. For example, "Use this web page as your home page...".

4. Click Yes. The address will be automatically registered in the browser options.

You can change the home page in Internet Explorer at any time. Do not forget about the possibility of using multiple pages. This can be useful for loading a group of sites when starting a web browser.

It often happens that after installing a new program or panel in the browser, when it starts, it loads a completely different initial (start) page that was. I will try to talk in detail about how you can change or disable the start page in the most popular browsers: Internet Explorer, Mozilla FireFox, Google Chrome and Opera.

Change the start page in different browsers

settings in google chrome

In Google Chrome, there are two options for the start page: a predefined one in the settings or quick access with a list of frequently visited sites.

  1. To change the home page settings in the Google Chrome browser, click the key icon in the upper right corner of the program. In the drop-down menu, select "Settings".

    Go to browser settings

  2. The settings tab will open. In the "Initial Group" three settings are offered:
    • open the main page;
    • restore the last opened tabs;
    • open the following pages (here you can list which will open when you start the browser).
  3. In the Home Page settings, you can choose one of two options:
  4. Ready. The tab can be closed, there are no buttons for saving settings. After these steps, the next time you start Google Chrome, it will open the start page that you set up.

Internet Explorer

  1. Open the Internet Explorer settings menu: right-click on the browser icon and select "Properties" from the drop-down menu.

    Go to browser properties

  2. Or launch Explorer and click the gear icon in the upper right corner. Open the menu, open "Properties" - "Internet Options".

    Go to the properties and settings of the browser

  3. The standard Internet properties menu will open. To make the browser open with a blank start page, delete everything from the "Home Page" field and click the "OK" button. If you need to open certain pages, enter their addresses, one in each line.

    Fill in the addresses of the pages that you want to open when you start the browser

How to change in Mozilla Firefox

Now let's talk about Mozilla Firefox.

How to change the start page in the Opera browser

In the Opera browser, the settings are about the same as in Firefox, but there is still a slight difference.

  1. The settings menu is called up by pressing the key combination "Ctrl + F12".
  2. In the drop-down menu of launch options, there is an additional item "Show launch window". When you select this item, with each launch, Opera will ask you what exactly to open.

If you are looking for a way to remove the start page or search from, then you are here:

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