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How to find out your personal phone number. How can I find out my MTS number? Other ways to find out your own MTS number

Each person is faced with such a problem as the need to find out the phone number of a person by his first and last name for free. There are various ways to solve this issue. But not all methods may be available to ordinary users of mobile devices. All scenarios will be considered.

Reasons for looking for a contact

The main reason for applying to different services- This is the purpose of the number search. Finding a phone number often comes from important motives. Often a phone number is searched for in order to lose the previous number, but there are more important moments when a person is missing and cannot be found. Depending on the degree of importance, you need to choose the most convenient way for you to search for a phone number by last name and first name.

Previously, paper telephone directories were created for such purposes, in which alphabetical order registered subscribers were included. The search was public and very convenient. But over time, many new technologies appeared and the number of subscribers increased dramatically. This made it necessary to contain all the data about the subscriber in electronic form. This type of information has become closed to a large number of users. Electronic Services have become more convenient and this method will not make you spend a lot of time searching.

The most common reason is the loss of contact due to some personal circumstances. The easiest way to return the loss is to ask your friends to dictate the subscriber's phone number. This method is the simplest, most efficient and effective.

The reason, which is in second place, is the disappearance of the person himself. per century high technology most gadgets are equipped with systems with which you can find a subscriber.

Sometimes a phone number is sought out for a harmless prank. The reason is not common, but is used among people who are looking for missing relatives. For this type of search, use open services which can be freely used.

Not all tracing methods are legal. But far from everyone turns to such a search, because there are more reasonable methods. Many search engines paid, but there is a chance to find free ones, it all depends on their demand and popularity. Searching on the Internet and social networks is also quite effective. Despite the diversity, there are also negative aspects. Due to the large number of mobile operators and phone numbers, the subscriber is able to easily change his number at any moment. mobile device. And in any of the sources where there is data about him, they will not be changed immediately. The reliability of the information provided is violated.

Ways to find a phone number

It is possible to use different ways to find a phone number. These include:

  • phonebook;
  • mobile operator;
  • Database;
  • the Internet;
  • Internet search engine;
  • law enforcement agencies.

It is important to pay Special attention to each method to be sure whether it will help or not in a particular situation.

To find the number, you can contact the place of work or study of the subscriber. This method will be the most effective and will spend much less time than sitting at the computer. Given the important circumstances, few people would refuse the help of finding a cell phone number.

At a time when mobile phones were out of the question, people actively used telephone directories. From such a source of information, it was possible to find out not only the phone number, but also the address of residence. Few pursued selfish goals and therefore such information was publicly available. The advantage of those times was that there was one landline phone for the whole family, by which it was possible to contact any family member living in an apartment or house.

Telephone directories usually contain information of subscribers located in the zone of the city in which it is published.

If the necessary person lives in another city, then another directory will be needed. It will be possible to find it on the Internet and in a familiar way, using the alphabetical order, find the required number. In order not to resort to such a huge number of manipulations, you can do much easier. Find on the Internet the number of the telephone reference of a particular city and call there. There, upon presentation of the last name, first name and patronymic of the person, the operator will provide a phone number. In some cases, they may request the address of the subscriber's residence.

To search for a mobile phone number, it is better to immediately discard the search option in telephone directories. Because in such resources there are only landline phone numbers.

Such a search is still used, because many apartments still have home city telephones. Only the guide itself has changed. Information resource was transferred to electronic form, which simplified the use and content of information. Minus the search in the directory- this is only the availability of rooms landline phone. Information about mobile numbers is not contained there. Insofar as mobile number is a personal number, each subscriber independently decides whether to give his number to someone or not.

You can find out a mobile phone number for free using an electronic telephone directory. The advantage of such a system is that the data is updated quite often. Even a newly registered user will quickly get into the lists of names in such a directory.

Cellular operator and manager in a cell phone salon

More modern way in given time there remains an appeal to the cellular operator using a call or a mobile phone salon. This method will help in the case when the reasons for the search are very significant. More effective method there will be a trip to the salon, because face to face it is much easier to explain the need and ask the employee to enter into his position. An understanding employee will not refuse to help and will do everything possible. Indeed, sometimes with such requests they come not just to call, but to find a person. To begin with, it is necessary to determine how mobile operator subscriber is using. If the number is unknown, you can check the information on the Internet. Having recognized the operator, you can go to the nearest salon for the required information.

To respond quickly, in the event that a person is missing, come to the salon cellular communication better with an employee law enforcement. In this case necessary information will be provided accurately and quickly.

This method does not apply to all cellular stores. For example, mobile operator MegaFon provides specific data exclusively to police officers. With only rare exceptions, data will be provided ordinary user. Therefore, if the number is required to be known for personal purposes, it is necessary to come up with a convincing reason for the manager to consider it necessary to provide it. But in frequent cases appealing to managers of cellular communication salons does not guarantee success.

On the Internet, you can often find resources that offer to find a subscriber number by an existing last name and first name. They are based on databases developed by mobile operators themselves. Such bases should not be in public access, as it is illegal for a cellular company to distribute personal data. If such information freely fell into the hands, then it contains old data that is unlikely to be able to help.

Additionally, for permanent use of the base, in the future it will be necessary to purchase certain conditions for using the service. Such use will be convenient for those who need to constantly find numbers. If you need to find a phone number 1 time, then it would be wiser to find a free version of the program.

Searching for a phone number in this way is considered quite effective, but minus it in the cost of databases provided on the Internet. Considering how fresh this base is. It is important to emphasize the choice of the base and the seller so that the money is not wasted. It is better to immediately spend more time searching for the necessary site.

Internet services

Internet services are provided only paid services. The cost is not prohibitive, but still for the room will have to pay about 100 rubles. To use this service, you need to find an Internet source, enter information about the owner in a special field and personal number person doing the search. After sending the request, a notification will be sent to your mobile phone. Then the information from the message will need to be entered into the computer and the request sent. In a short time, the request will be processed and the result will come. This method is very convenient and easy to use.

It is important to use reliable resources because there is great amount scam sites.

The method is effective, but quite risky. Sometimes money is debited from the account, but the promised service is not provided. But if you choose the right source of information, there is every chance of getting the information you need.

Also, special programs are created to search for contacts. After downloading the application, you need to register, fill in certain fields, and contact right person appears on the monitor screen.

Internet search engine

Nowadays, searching for a person on the Internet is a common thing. This is related to the fact that a large number of people are starting to use social media. To register with them, you must fill out a form with personal data. Such data is immediately issued when searching for a person by entering the desired query. This is especially popular among young people.

If a person left his personal data in any social networks, the search engine will definitely find information on the Internet.

Even if the person you need is not registered on social networks, there are groups in which you can post information about the search. There will certainly be people who know him and will help you get in touch with the right subscriber. To find a subscriber, you need to open any browser, enter the name, surname and patronymic of the subscriber, city, and some factors that distinguish him from the majority in the search bar. Then comes the search. Different people will be offered, but most likely the right person will be given out on the first links.

Like any other method, it is not 100% effective, but you should not miss any chance. Especially often such a search helps in the case when it is used in small settlements because many people know each other by sight. In big cities chances to find desired subscriber decrease sharply. Proven special sites will be of great benefit.

Almost all people have long been accustomed to mobile communications. And most likely, due to tariffs and the direction of calls, everyone has two SIM cards, or even more than two. Let's say you are either by number, and you have several of them, and in order to put money on the operator we need, for example (MTS, Vodafone, Kyivstar or Life), you need to know exactly the number where the money will go after replenishment. Many can remember their personal number by heart, but how to remember the auxiliary number, because most do not even remember their own. Hence the question? How to find out your mobile phone number that needs to be recharged.

And there is an answer to this question. The mobile operator also foresaw this situation, in which the user could forget the number of the recharged SIM card by inventing short usd request, after entering it, you will receive an instant response in the form of your phone number. At present, this method is one of the quick options reminders of your personal phone number, and it is absolutely free.

As you already understood, the conversation will be about just such a request, thanks to which you will find out your number from the Ukrainian operator MTS, Vodafone, Kyivstar or Life using just one ussd command.

I warn you right away usd command, applies only on the territory of Ukraine, as well as in all cities of this country, regardless of the mobile operator, so this topic will help you at any point, regardless of where you live.

There are other ways to remind a phone number without ussd usage request, and it is not the only one of its kind. Alternatively, each operator has its own website, after registering on it you will get access to the "Personal Account" as a subscriber of their network. And you must admit that almost all users do not use such services, and to register in such an account, you again need to enter your phone number, and this is again out of our hands. That's why this option we will not consider, but go directly to a quick and very simple method.

In order for our phone number to appear on the display, it is unnecessary to do a lot of actions, just enter certain combination numbers (buttons) and then press the "Call" button on the phone and in a moment your cherished number will be displayed. I think that this theory can be ended and it's time to go directly to the very combination of buttons that you need to dial.

A request that will allow you to find out your personal number using MTS, Vodafone, Kyivstar or Life looks like entering the next combination of numbers "*161#" making the ussd request itself, after pressing the call handset, your phone or smartphone display will display your number, as shown in the picture below.

After reading this little instruction, most likely questions about I forgot (forgot) my number personal phone and what to do now will be closed. Now it is enough just to use this combination, and you will never make a mistake in the numbers when replenishing your account on your mobile phone.

Not all people can boast of a perfect memory. Sometimes we cannot immediately remember even the date of our own birth, let alone a mobile number. Are there any proven ways to remember it in the most important point? How to find out your phone number if you have forgotten it?

Everything ingenious is simple

For some reason, not everyone immediately guesses just to call someone. Today, all phones support the function automatic detection rooms at incoming call(unless, of course, you have a caller ID connected). The easiest way is to send an SMS or call someone who is near you. Do not be shy about this even if you need to record in phone book new acquaintance. Admit your forgetfulness, and ask the interlocutor to dictate his mobile first. If you, in splendid isolation, want, for example, to replenish your account through the terminal, call any friend or relative whose number you have recorded. But still, not in all situations, this way, how to find out your phone number, is available.

If your operator "Beeline"

Like any other operator, Beeline is always ready to remind its forgetful subscribers of their phone number. To do this, just go to personal internet account if you have it connected to this SIM card. The number for calls is 067410, the call is free. Using the autoinformer, you can find out not only your number, but also many other things. useful information. There is also a team tone dialing- *110*10#, if you find it difficult to remember such a long combination of numbers, dial *110#. After pressing the call key, a menu will open in which you can easily select the item you are interested in. There is another way to find out your phone number on Beeline - you need to select the appropriate item in the operator's menu (this is a separate section in the general phone menu).

If your operator "Megaphone"

Megafon subscribers can call common center informing by number 0500. Next, you need to follow the prompts of the answering machine and, by switching the device to select the sections of interest. The call is free, but if there is a minus on your account, you will not be able to get through. There is also a short combination - *127# and a call key. After typing it, you will receive an SMS message or the answer will be displayed on your screen. Attention, depending on the current tariff plan The service may be chargeable. Megafon also has an Internet service that allows each subscriber to start Personal Area. Now you know how to find out your phone number from this operator.

How to find out your number for subscribers of MTS, Tele2 and other operators?

If you have MTS, a call to 0887 will help you remember your number. In roaming, the service may be paid. There is also a command - *111*0887#, access to the main menu - *111#. For Tele2, the command is *201#, the number will immediately appear on the screen, the service is also available with a negative balance. "Life:)" subscribers can use one of two commands - *115# or *147#. In the first case, information about the number and tariff will be obtained, in the second - only about the number. You can get information about your number and account status from almost any operator by calling the main reference number. Sometimes you need to make several transitions in the menu, but if you carefully listen to the prompts, then this is not at all difficult. Also, almost all operators have online services through which you can access many services. Almost always you can find out through them and your number. As you can see, everything is relatively simple. It is much more difficult, for example, to find out whose cell phone number, if you have found the device.

How to stop forgetting your number?

The easiest way is to save a contact with your number in your device. If you don't want to overload notebook, save the desired number combination to your notes or draft messages. Some devices have a menu item detailed information about the phone. Displayed in it, as a rule, and the number of the SIM card. Accordingly, if you pull it out and insert another one, you can see a different number. If you have to frequently exchange contacts with people, it is useful to order business cards. After that, you do not have to worry about whether you can find out the phone number from the operator, it will be enough to carry one card in your wallet. For those who regularly use a notepad or organizer, the best reminder will become the contact recorded on the first page. But still the most reliable and The best way save yourself from forgetting - learn a combination of numbers. Paste the sticker on the wall near your workplace and read your number several times. You can come up with some associations for each number. You can use traditional or personal meanings, so "13" can be either the "hell's dozen" or your birth number. If you wish, you can even compose a short story or poem in which your number will be encrypted. But if you do forget it, now you know how to act in order to remember it. And it does not matter at all which operator you use.

People often experience problems figuring out how to recognize a phone by last name. Situations can be of a different nature - from searching for a person you like to important contact. Even in the Soviet Union, there were special reference or entire catalogs for this. In Russia, with the help of the Internet, it is much faster and more convenient to do this.

Is it possible to find a phone number by first and last name for free

Knowing the details of the wanted person, you can find the number home phone by last name for free, In addition to the city, there is the possibility of finding the alleged mobile. There are several ways to find out a phone by last name, but not all are legal. Often methods are limited to the use of stolen databases. By using some of them, users may violate laws. Search methods exist for a fee, but there are many online and free ways because of their demand and popularity. You can choose any, depending on what you need.

Ways to find out the phone number by the name of the subscriber

The use of directories is an actual technique, how to find out the phone by the existing last name. They use directories, data results on the Internet or databases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, social networks. All of these options give positive result when searching for a specific subscriber, but the data is not always reliable. It's connected with rapid change contacts, when one number is replaced by another simply on a whim, and not for a good reason. It is difficult to get information about those who deliberately hide from the wanted list or do not want publicity due to a number of reasons.

In addition to the Internet, you can use the search through acquaintances or friends of your wanted person. They can help out real contact which you need. This method may be the most effective, perfectly legal, simple and effective. Its advantages include simplicity, efficiency, because through familiar people it is easier to find than sitting at a computer, to search suitable option. In addition to the number, it's easy, then all the information will be complete, necessary for certain actions.

Via home phone directory

Directories were popular at a time when there were no mobile phones. Then it was easy to figure out how to find out the home phone number by last name. The owner had a registration address, and each apartment had a landline phone, the number of which fit into the pages of the directory. It was extremely easy to find the right person, the information was not classified, it was Free access to absolutely every citizen, except officials. But it was also possible to find them with a little effort and connections.

Modern city apartments still have city subscriber numbers, so this search option remains relevant. References are translated into the form electronic versions with easy navigation, give out information in alphabetical order, the ability to search through the input of available information. Find in a similar way can only home number. For mobile phones, you will have to look for other options, inconvenient, difficult, costing a round sum, requiring time and searching for connections.

Buy or download a database of phone numbers

There are popular sites on the network that appear due to queries based on the existing name. All of them issue links to special databases that are formed by mobile operators, such as MTS. Such databases are illegal due to the fact that companies do not have the right to post them for free review. This is always stolen information or copied from an incomprehensible source. Therefore, it can be difficult to trust her because of the reason for the rapid obsolescence of information.

Databases with numbers and names of subscribers can be paid, then you have to spend money on them. There are free versions when someone shares their generosity, puts information in free access, for example, on torrents. You can try any version, but if you need to calculate a person once, then it's better to use free version. For permanent use of the databases, you will have to buy updates with additions.

Such a search for a phone number can be effective if the database is fresh. To do this, you need to enter the data of the person being searched along with the middle name, and the system will select all the available information and help determine the result. Her data may be valid, or may be invalid due to a change or blocking of the number. There are also situations when the SIM card of the subscriber you need is registered to another, for example, to one of the parents. Then the result will be unsatisfactory.

Through internet search engines

Internet search engines using data social networks, are considered good option solutions if you need to know the phone number by last name. When going through the registration procedure, users indicate existing contacts for your friends. The data is quickly picked up by the search robot, and then displayed when desired request. This method through a computer is effective in relation to young people who constantly use social networks.

It is possible to discover a person simply by searching for people on a social networking page. Knowing the data, approximate appearance, city (for example, Moscow), people achieve excellent success. If the information is hidden, then it is possible to write to friends from the list, asking for a contact. Or write to the subscriber right away private message asking him to contact you. Knowing Skype of the wanted person, it is easy to search for his contacts on the pages of this service - registration requires a mobile phone, which leads to excellent results.

One of the fastest and most convenient ways to find a person by phone number today is to use already

Through law enforcement

When identity is lost, and the reasons for this are important, such as debt or crime, you can contact the police, where law enforcement officers will help you. They have their own databases. Thanks to fresh updates, the police will find the right person without delay. To access the database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you need a weighty reason for the search, a statement with an accusation against the wanted person. Otherwise, you'll be wasting your time.

Video instruction: how to break through a phone number by last name

When buying a new SIM card, remembering a lot of numbers the first time is difficult. But the exact knowledge of your phone number is necessary, for example, to tell a friend or top up your account. It is for such cases that MTS has developed for smartphones, tablets (including the iPad) and USB modems various services which you can use absolutely free of charge.

Simple ways to find out your phone number on MTS

First of all, the plastic packaging into which the purchased SIM card was inserted will help to remember a complex combination of numbers, of course, if you still have it. It is also possible to find out your phone number if you check the contract that you signed upon purchase. If there are no documents nearby, use the MTS services:

  • You can call from a cell phone to the autoinformer number 0887. When you call, be prepared to write down your number - it will be dictated to you. You can find out the MTS number using this service absolutely free of charge even while roaming in Russia.
  • You can find out the MTS phone number if you send free SMS with text 0887 on short number 111 . In response to it, you should receive a message from the auto-informer on your mobile phone, tablet or modem.
  • When using a phone, tablet or USB modem on a computer, you can make a USSD request using the command *111*0887# . The answer will also come in the form of an SMS message.

Checking the number on the USB modem

It is also easy to find out your MTS number on a USB modem device. After connecting it to the computer, the Connect Manager utility is most often installed automatically. When starting this program, press the USSD button. You will see a window "Choose a code", in which you need to select the option "My phone number". You can find out your number in an SMS message that will be sent automatically.

From the "Connect Manager" you can also manually dial and send a USSD request *111*0887# or send an SMS to number 111 with the text 0887. In response, you will also receive an SMS with the number assigned to the SIM card.

Application "My MTS" for smartphones and tablets

For mobile phone users on Android platforms and iOS there is a special program "My MTS" - you can install it for free through the GooglePlay and AppStore stores, or download it from the MTS website.

With this application, you can not only find out your number, but also see the balance of money on your account, find out or change the tariff, connect and disconnect options, and use other services. However, to determine the phone number using this service only possible when connected mobile Internet or WiFi.

The application is installed on tablets and smartphones with Android versions at least 2.3 or iOS at least 7.0. To receive a link and download the program, check if the Internet is connected, and then send a USSD request using the *111*1# command - in response to it, you will receive an SMS with a link.

How to find your phone number on iPad

As you know, this device, unlike a mobile phone, cannot be used to make calls and send messages. You can find out your MTS number in such a case in several ways:

  • View in the "Settings" menu - select the "General" and "About device" sub-items. You can find out your phone number in the "Cellular Data" section.
  • Using the commands of the My MTS application (the options for its connection are indicated above);
  • You can find out your personal MTS number if you install special program to send SMS.

If for some reason you could not use the above methods, just remove the SIM card from the iPad and insert it into a regular cellular telephone or tablet and send USSD request or SMS request using one of the methods described above - this will be the easiest way to find out the MTS number.

Another, probably the most inconvenient way to find out the MTS number is to call the support service at 0890 (available for calls only from MTS numbers), 8-800-250-0890 (available for calls within Russia from any phone) or +7495- 766-0166 (available for calls from abroad). You can call from any phone, but in this case, you will need to provide your last name and passport details, after which the operator will be able to give you the numbers of all SIM cards registered in your name.

Of course, if there is a friend nearby or close person from mobile phone in your hands, you can tell him that “I forgot my MTS number” and find out from him a combination of treasured numbers. However, this method is not always possible.

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