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How to find out if hidden friends. Are such methods safe? How to find hidden friends

Hello dear readers! As you know, the Russian social network Vkontakte provides for its users a sufficient number of different settings and functions that should make staying on the site as comfortable as possible for everyone. One of these settings include the ability to hide friends. Any of us, using this privilege, can pursue a different goal. However, our today's article is dedicated, of course, not to conspirators, but to curious Barbarians who are eager to see the hidden friends of VK on the page of the person over whom the detective investigation is being conducted.

Is it a justified risk to see hidden VK friends?

It should be noted right away that at the moment there are no safe services and programs that could show hidden Vkontakte friends. And the key word here is safe. Therefore, by downloading a promising application or using an untrustworthy site to view hidden VK friends, you thereby subscribe to a voluntary hacking of your own account. This usually happens when a login request pops up through a username and password. But, if the official website of Vkontakte guarantees the security of your data, then no one will give you this guarantee on analogues of VK with a wider range of actions. And as a result, scammers have full access to your page, through which, at best, they will send spam.

If you nevertheless decide to take a chance and resort to the help of such resources, then personally I would like to give advice: do it better from a fake page, which you definitely won’t be sorry to lose.

Now back to the topic and list the sites that position themselves as "spyware". These include:,,,

How they will behave in practice, it remains for you to check. Be prepared for the fact that, most likely, you will need to enter your username and password, but if you use a fake page, this is not so bad. We strongly do not recommend sending SMS “with a code / code word” to some number, otherwise there would be no money in the mobile account.

And I would very much like you to share your experience in the comments below this article after the “operation” has been completed.

How to find out if a user has hidden friends?

This method does not allow you to find out who exactly remains a secret. However, the very presence of hidden friends from the user is as easy as shelling pears. For this, you do not need to download any obscure programs, but it is enough to be able to count. Now follow the instructions:

  1. Go to the page of the person you are interested in.
  2. On his page, go to "Friends". Pay attention to the number of people (let's say that there are 60 of them).
  3. On the right side of the window, click on "Settings". In the filter, alternately set the gender and remember the number of corresponding friends. For example, there are 25 women and 15 men.
  4. View your friends list. Perhaps someone did not indicate the gender or deleted. Let's say there are 3 people.
  5. As a result, we subtract women, men and "undefined" from the total amount of friends: 60-25-15-3=17. 17, you guessed it, is the number of hidden friends. But, unfortunately, you will not be able to identify them.

Discover hidden friends by observation

If it is really so important for you to figure out hidden friends, while not feeling sorry for the time, then you will have to thoroughly “scan” all the photos, posts on the wall and comments. Pay attention to who often likes and comments on your passion's posts. If someone is in mind, go to the page of this person. Mutual friends will be displayed there. And if your betrothed is on the list of mutual friends, and the betrothed just does not see this person as friends, then most likely he is a hidden friend.

But, again, we repeat that it will take more than one hour.


We remind you that regardless of the number of friends, a VK user can add no more than 30 people to the list of hidden friends. We also add that the developers of this social network really took care to hide the information that the user wants as reliably as possible, thereby not violating his personal space. Therefore, it is still not easy to see hidden friends on VK, and this question remains open to a greater extent ...

That's all, friends! Trust each other and see you soon!

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How to hide VKontakte friends?

Sometimes there is a need to hide some of your friends from other users. To do this, go to the menu in "My Settings" on the site and select the "Privacy" option. In the option "Who is visible in the list of my friends" select "All friends". Mark with a tick those whom you want to hide from prying eyes. Now site visitors see only those of your friends whom you want to "show". In this case, you can see all your contacts. So you can hide information about acquaintances with 30 users.

How to see hidden friends?

But there is an opportunity not only to hide information, but also to see the information you are interested in on someone else's page. How to see hidden friends of a site user? Despite the fact that the owner wants to hide the correspondence with some of his friends, knowing the person's id, you can go to his page. Id is a number that is assigned to all VKontakte users. Knowing it, you can easily get information about the person you are interested in.

How to get user id?

There are special sites where you can find out the unique number of any person. To do this, you will need to enter your username and password, and go to the profile of the desired user. The address and id-number of his page will be displayed in the search bar, where the necessary code will be indicated after html#. If you substitute it in the online viewing link, then the necessary information will become available to you. You can do anything in a person's profile, including such things as: see hidden friends, photos, read correspondence, find out news.

Where else can you see personal data?

Sometimes you just want to view photo albums of users who are not friends, but their profiles are closed to strangers. But curiosity takes its toll, what to do in this case and how? It is possible to view hidden friends using their profile information. To do this, go to the page "VKontakte" of the right person, under the photo we find the option "Send a message". When you bring the mouse to this button, a link is displayed, where the user id is indicated at the end.

The network offers many ways to see hidden friends. But do not trust sites that lead beyond the boundaries of the VKontakte site. This may lead to the fact that you will lose access to your page and be blocked by the Site Administration. Remember that everyone has the right to personal space, and by closing their profile to outsiders, for some reason they do not want to show everyone the facts of their biography.

Changing VKontakte settings

The settings on the site are often changed, this is done in order to improve it. And most often these changes concern the "Friends" tab. Therefore, the owner of the profile can now put protection, and it will be more difficult to recognize hidden friends. In the "Who can see my hidden friends" setting, you must select "Friends only". This is easy to do, we do not dwell on this in detail. Then it will be impossible for an outsider to see hidden friends. Therefore, there is only one way out - become friends and communicate without barriers.

    What is a VK spy?

  1. Did you ask questions:
  2. How to find out with whom a girl is texting?
  3. How to find out who liked the guy?
  4. How to find out when and how much time spent VKontakte?
  5. How to see hidden friends?
  6. How to see hidden groups?
  7. How to view hidden photos on VKontakte?
  8. How to find out if a user has more pages?
  9. I think not only these questions are of interest to users of the social network Vkontakte. Service Spy can answer you not only these questions but also many others. We get acquainted below with the Vkontakte Spy service, an online service.
  10. There are different types of VKontakte spy, namely two types, this is in the form of a program that you install on a computer and online that you open in a browser that does not need to be installed on a computer. There is no particular difference between them, but I will express my opinion to you. Take the first option that needs to be installed on the computer, it turns out too many minuses. Well, firstly, the computer is not always turned on, it's good if your spy client receives data on the computer from the server that monitors a certain user, and then when you turn on the computer it sends you statistics. In general, this is how normal spies work. The big disadvantage is that the spy program must be installed on the computer, and then programs of this kind will not always honestly spy on someone and not on you. Install a program in the system that was written by a simple user who did not identify himself as himself and it is not known what is under the hood. It is not known where your data that you entered into this program for authorization with your VKontakte account will go. It is possible that the next day, or even earlier, you simply will not log into your VK account.
  11. The VKontakte spy who is online has more advantages here. The largest is that any domain on which the site or the VKontakte spy service hangs, to whom it is registered. The administration of the site or the spy service will not engage in illegal actions, yes, the hosting administration always checks whether the site located on their server does not disturb the law. In general, one control is obtained and I don’t think that under such control the Administrator of the site or service will want to mess things up and use your data to hack your VKontakte account. This simply cannot be, because before registering a domain name, the user in the future, the Site or Service Administrator, provides information about himself and not just but according to the passport, which is later checked by the hosting provider, if the data is correct, then it is allowed to use the registered domain. See how many pluses are immediately in the second option, but I have not described all the pluses and minuses, only the most important ones.
  12. Vkontakte spy allows you to follow a specific user that was previously set by you. By enabling surveillance of a VKontakte user, you can find out the following information, namely:
  13. 1.) Statistics of the time spent.
  14. 2.) Find out who likes.
  15. 3.) See hidden friends. Look in the "friends" menu.
  16. 4.) View hidden groups.
  17. 5.) Which of the friends was not online for a long time and checking the time of whom you are spying on, suggest as an option by setting him up as well. Can be seen in the "Friends" menu.
  18. 6.) User comments in groups and on the walls of his friends.
  19. 7.) User's IP, his browser, open dialogs with whom he is currently communicating with, this can be done in the "trap" menu.
  20. 8.) Hidden date of birth, date of user registration in VK, all this is in the "hidden info" menu.
  21. 9.) Who added you to the black list or who you are in hidden friends. You can also find out from the "hidden info" menu.
  22. Having learned such information and applying logic to it, you can learn a lot about any user or even a group of users, a group of friends of several people. With such information, you can safely say "Forewarned is forearmed" you will not look like a sucker with your girlfriend, maybe even get rid of such an addiction as jealousy. It is possible to predict steps for successful prosperity in a small business. It can also be used for how your colleagues or subordinates work or at work. Actually having such information, you can twist as you want and get a really accurate result.
  23. How to work as a spy?

  24. Working as a spy is not difficult and you first need to register, although as a trial option you can do without registration. But then the surveillance potential will be significantly curtailed and, let's say, you simply won't know the deepest information, it simply won't be available to you, the menu items will be limited. But for the first time, it's enough to understand that this is a really worthwhile service. Registration is simple and you will not need to, as if you installed a spy program on your computer, then you had to enter a username and password, which is already worth considering, your data will be transferred to a third party. And on the online service, you click on the button to register through VKontakte, which turns out the password remains on the VKontakte server and is not transferred to a third party. Thus, you can sleep peacefully, your VKontakte account will remain yours.
  25. More specifically about menus and adding a user.

  26. You can add a user by going to the VKontakte page, the user you want to follow. Copy the link from the address bar of the browser in the place with id.
  27. Paste it into the input line on the spy service and click on the "Statistics" button.
  28. Next, you will go to the page with the user's photo (avatar), where you will be asked to confirm that you want to add this user and maintain a 4-digit captcha, then click on the "Start tracking Username" button.
  29. After you have added the user you want to follow, the menus will be available to you, but in a limited form. As I wrote above, in order to view the full information (statistics), you just need to register on the spy service. Now all the actions of the user you added will be collected and you can view them as soon as the user does any manipulation, let's say VKontakte. Below you can see the menu items.
  30. Online - time/schedule of visits online.
  31. Avatars - checking likes on avatars, photos of friends and liked users.
  32. Posts - find likes on the walls of friends and like users.
  33. Groups - check likes in VKontakte publics, find hidden user groups.

As you know, on your page you can always see who is your friend (see). If for some reason you decide to hide some of them, you can use the privacy settings.

Now I'll show you how to add hidden friends in vk. We will also talk about third-party services that promise to show, upon request, who the user has in hidden friends.

What is it for

Everything is clear here. You have the need to hide friendship with a certain person, within the framework of a social network, from prying eyes. The reasons for this can be very different.

The privacy settings mechanism will allow you to do this.

How to add a person to the list of hidden friends on VKontakte

We will work with the "Privacy" tool. To go to it, open your page, then go to the section "My settings". Here, open the "Privacy" tab.

Here we are interested in the point "Who can be seen in the list of my friends and subscriptions". Click on the link to the right of this item to go to the editing panel.

In the window that opens, you will see a list in which all your friends will be collected. On the right side of the window there will be a block "Hidden Friends". That's what we need. When you add a person to this section, it will be hidden when you try to view your friends and subscribers.

Type the name of the person you want in the search bar. When it is shown in the list, click on the plus sign next to its name.

Repeat this procedure for all the people you want to add to your hidden friends list. When finished, press the button "Save Changes".

Now, when viewing your friends and followers, the specified people will be hidden. Nobody can see them.

Service VK 220 - view hidden friends

Now we are gaining popularity service 220vk. It allows you to view private lists. Among other functions - viewing the user's friends, whom he added to the list of hidden. Let's see how it works.

Let's go to the main page:

There will immediately be a form in which you need to enter the user id (see), for which we want to find hidden friends. Paste the desired value into the field, and press the Scan button.

As a result, we will get people whom the user decided to hide from prying eyes.

Everything works, you can use it.


In any case, privacy settings and a list of hidden friends will allow you to hide information from users who should not see it. Use these mechanisms if you want to remain incognito (see) when working on VKontakte.

And if you are looking for how to see hidden friends from a VKontakte user, then the 220vk service will come to your aid.


In contact with


To do this, go to the site menu item "My Settings" and select "Privacy". Find the line "Who is visible in the list of my friends", click the link "All friends". Select the friends you want to hide, check the box and save the changes. Now, by going to your VKontakte page, another user will see only those of your contacts that you have not hidden. But for you on your page, all your friends will remain visible. Sometimes this is very convenient.

However, recently the site administration allows you to hide no more than 20 of your friends. This is explained by the openness of the network and the need for its further development, but it infringes on the rights and freedoms of users of the VKontakte website. However, there is a way to hide more than 20 Vkontakte friends, if necessary. To do this, first go to the settings and hide the allowed number of users. Next, go to the My friends tab and remove from friends those people whom you have hidden. Then we go back to the privacy settings and add 20 more users to the list. Then we return to the "My friends" tab and return deleted users from subscribers to friends.

There are no official, authorized ways to see hidden VK friends. And yet, you can view the closed pages of the person you are interested in if you know his id - a unique number that is assigned to each user of VKontakte. Finding out this number is quite simple.

Go to the site of the creator of VKontakte Enter your username and password. Open the page of the person you are interested in. The search line will display its address and id in the form:ХХХХХХХ, where ХХХХХХХ is the desired id.

Now, by substituting this number into the required online browsing links, you can see the closed pages of this user. However, your private information may also become available.

Another site with which you can view the hidden friends of Vkontakte is On this site, you can find out the users who added you to the blacklist, friends who hide your page in their contact list, and also find out the list of hidden friends of a specific user. To do this, go to the site itself On the left side of the page you will see a menu. Select the "Hidden Friends" section in it. On the page, you will see a field in which you must enter the ID number of the user whose hidden friends you want to see. After that, you will need to log in to the network. Decide if you want to provide your data on this site. If, nevertheless, it is necessary to find out hidden friends, and you decide to take a chance, enter your username and password. The page scanning process will then begin. Be patient, the scan will take some time, perhaps quite a lot. Upon completion of the procedure, a list of hidden friends will appear on the screen. Unfortunately, the site will not show those hidden friends who also have the user hidden. In order to see this list, you will have to rescan.

You can view hidden ones without entering your data at You only need the ID of the user whose hidden friends you want to find out. It can be seen in the address bar of the browser by going to the page of the desired user. After copying the ID, go to Find the required field and enter the user ID in it. Click the Add button. The program will start scanning the profile and after a while will show a list of hidden friends. The program does not ask for a login or password from the VKontakte website, which means it is safe.

There are a fairly large number of special programs that are installed on a computer. They must first be downloaded to a computer, and then enter all personal data. Most of them require you to enter your username and password to continue working. Using such programs seems to be the easiest way to find out the list of hidden friends, but you need to remember that most of them pose a danger to the security of your computer and Vkontakte account. Your personal information may become available to other people without your permission, and your computer may be infected with a virus.

It is impossible to find out a user's hidden friends without special sites. However, there is a way to roughly calculate the number of hidden friends. To do this, go to the page to the desired user and look at the total number of friends. Then open the search options window at the top of the list and specify the female gender. The list will display the number of female friends. In the same way we consider male friends. Add up the number of female friends and male friends. If the resulting number is less than the total number of friends, most likely the user has hidden this part of his contacts. But this method cannot be considered reliable and 100% correct.

There is another way to find out hidden VKontakte friends without special programs. The fact is that the social network in the Possible friends tab offers a list of users with whom you have VKontakte. If you have a suspicion that some person is among the hidden friends of VKontakte of the user you are interested in, send him a friend request. If he accepts it, go to the My friends tab and click search. The system will offer you a list of possible acquaintances. Perhaps among them there will be a user of interest to you.

Related article

To date, there is a huge selection of equipment capable of producing video. Photos, videos and webcams, cell phones... Users of the VKontakte social network add hundreds of videos to their pages every day. If you had a significant event, you filmed it and want to talk about it, add the video to your account and tag all your friends.

You will need

  • Computer with internet access.


Click the "My videos" menu, in the window that opens in the upper right corner there will be an inscription "Add video".

In a new window, you can choose to add a video from a link from other sites, add from a search for already posted videos, or add your own, specifying a name and description. Next, click "Select File" or "Standard Loader". Specify the desired video file in *.AVI, *.3GP, *.MP4 , *.MPEG, *.MOV, *.WMV or *.FLV formats. Wait for the video to load. The download speed depends on the speed of your internet connection.

VKontakte is developing quite dynamically, and at different times different scripts were written to allow you to mark all friends on. At the moment, namely April 2012, a similar script for VKontakte has not been found on the Internet. This means that you will have to mark all your friends yourself using the corresponding “Mark” item.

The Select Users window appears. The names of your friends will be written in it, in front of the names there is a + sign. Click it next to each of the users, then click "Save". If you don't want to tag someone, before clicking "Save", find the name of the unwanted user and check the X next to it.

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The VKontakte social network does not offer the ability to tag all friends on a video at once in one action. In this regard, outdated scripts, or scripts that are potentially dangerous, are being distributed on the Internet.


  • Social network "VKontakte" in 2019

People who are your subscribers have access to all the updates and news of the page. In addition, these users are visible under your profile picture to all visitors. Such "presence" of some persons is undesirable. There are several ways to remove Vkontakte subscribers.

You will need

  • - a computer;
  • - the Internet.


One way to remove unwanted followers is to send them private messages. Ask these people to unfollow your page. The option is simple, but does not always work. Firstly, it is not a fact that a person will respond to a request. Secondly, if there are many subscribers, writing to everyone is a rather long and laborious process. Moreover, the user's page can be blocked or protected by the privacy settings of private messages.

Another method to remove followers is to add certain users to the blacklist. In this case, they will automatically disappear from the corresponding list. In addition, these people will not be able to write you messages and even view the page. If you keep users on the blacklist for at least half an hour, they will stop being your subscribers. After this time, they can be unlocked, or you can leave them there. In any case, these people will no longer be displayed on your page. There are several options for implementing this procedure.

Under your avatar, open the list of subscribers, find a specific person and go to his page. Under his avatar from the bottom right, find the inscriptions "Block" and "Report this page". Click on the first option.

This person moves from subscribers to the blacklist. Leave it there for half an hour or more, then go to his page. In the place where you clicked "Lock", click "Unblock". After that, the person ceases to be a subscriber without being blacklisted.

There is a way to manage lists of blocked subscribers without looking for and going to their pages. In the menu at the top left, find the item "My settings". Next, from the options that open, select the "Black List" tab and enter the name of the unwanted subscriber. Then click "Add to Blacklist". If you want to unblock someone, click "Remove from blacklist". This user will no longer be your subscriber.


  • How to remove subscribers in a contact

Recently, the Vkontakte website has become one of the most popular social networks, the number of registered users of which is growing daily.


As in any other social network, Vkontakte, you can add your friends to special lists, and these lists can be edited. Users that you have added to your friends list can be divided into several groups, among which there are "Best Friends", "Relatives", "Friends from School", "Friends from College" and "Colleagues".

To move a particular user to a special group, log in to your Vkontakte page using your login and password for authorization. The main window will appear in front of you, on the right side of which your personal information, interests, contact details will be located, below you can notice a wall with your records and the records of your friends. A little to the left of personal information is your avatar, that is, the main photo, below it is a list of gifts, your subscribers and friends, and on the left are the sections "My Messages", "My Page", "My Groups", "My Audio Recordings", "My Video Recordings" , Documents, My Photos, Apps, and Settings. To edit the list of friends, you can click on the "My friends" section, which is located in this menu, or use the "Friends" button, under the list of your gifts.

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