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How to find out what kind of RAM the processor supports. Cooling type for memory strips

Frequency plays an important role in computer performance. It is even sometimes called "brains", because its functionality largely determines the computing power of a PC. Usually, users look at the amount of RAM and do not notice the RAM at all and what does it affect? Let's talk about this.

How do I find out the frequency of the RAM?

The RAM frequency can vary over a fairly wide range. Recently, however, the most popular values ​​are 1333 and 1600 MHz. They are the ones that are installed in modern laptops and computers. The very first and easiest way to find out what frequency of RAM in your computer is to use the CPU-Z program. It only takes up 1 MB of disk space and can be downloaded for free on the official website.

Find this program on the Internet, download and install it. Now run, and you will see the utility window on the screen. We are interested in the Timings section and the parameter that is specified there. It's about the DRAM Frequency parameter. If there is a value of 1333 MHz opposite this parameter, it means that the frequency of the RAM is 1333 MHz. Now you know how to check the frequency of the RAM, there is nothing complicated here.

But don't stop at frequency. Using this program, you can also find out what type of RAM strips is used (the Type parameter is responsible for this), the total amount of memory of all strips, the number of channels, etc. It is not necessary to use the CPU-Z program. There is also a utility called Aida64, which displays more detailed information about your hardware. But it is distributed for a fee, although there is also a stripped-down free version. It should be sufficient for this purpose.

Method 2

There is also a second method, which tells how to find out the frequency of the RAM. For this we need a Phillips screwdriver. As you already understood, we will unwind the computer case and look directly at the RAM bar itself.

The fact is that information stickers are glued to the strips themselves, on which information about these same strips is displayed. Therefore, turn off the computer, open the system unit (you do not need to do this if it is under warranty) and see what is written on the sticker. Usually there is always indicated the size of the RAM module and its frequency.

Does this method work on laptops?

If you have a laptop, then you also need to unscrew it, but in this case everything is a little easier. Typically, on laptops on the bottom panel there are covers with screws that cover the compartment with the RAM and hard drive installed. You just need to unscrew the screw and remove the cover. There will be installed RAM modules, which can be checked. If the cover says HDD, then there is a hard drive under it, so it does not need to be unscrewed.

How to find out the frequency of RAM in BIOS?

This method requires restarting the computer, otherwise we simply will not be able to enter Bios. Restart your computer and press the following buttons at once: Delete, F1, F2, F3, F6, F8. In fact, you only need to click on one of them, but different computers use their own button to enter Bios. Therefore, press everything and do not worry, nothing bad will happen. So, you entered the "Bios". Depending on the model of the motherboard, its interface may differ, so it is impossible to say exactly where to press.

In the Main tab, you will definitely see the amount of RAM, but not its frequency. Walking through the rest of the tabs, you will surely find information about the RAM manufacturer, frequency, and even the type. Most likely, this information is located in the Advanced tab, although it may be in other sections as well. When exiting Bios, do not save the changes. Suddenly you pushed something there, which was not worth it.

Is it possible to overclock the frequency?

Many users are interested in how to increase the frequency of RAM. This can be done in theory, but not recommended. After all, an increase in frequency will not pass without a trace for a computer. When overclocking RAM, you have to change the ratio between the system bus frequency and the memory bus frequency. That is, an improvement in one parameter entails a deterioration in another.

It's another matter if yours has a frequency, for example, 2100 MHz, but operates at a frequency of 1600 MHz. In this case, its overclocking involves simply setting its real frequency in Bios. That is, you can manually specify the frequency and that's it. However, by default, the "BIOS" settings are set to Auto. This means that the system uses the minimum RAM values ​​that are written in a special microcircuit. After setting the required values, restart the computer, having previously saved all the changes.

Frequency overclocking is performed in the same way. Sometimes you can just set a value, say, 100 MHz higher than the current one and restart the computer. After rebooting, if the system is stable, and programs like Aida64 show a new frequency value, you can try to increase it even more. Go to Bios again and set the value 100 MHz higher. We check our computer again. We advise you not to overclock too much and do not use large steps to overclock. If after another increase in the frequency you notice that the computer, for example, began to load for a long time, then it is better to return the value to the previous one. But the symptoms of overclocking can be different.

Is it safe?

Is it possible to burn RAM this way? Quite. Therefore, it is not recommended to set the frequency value, which would be much higher than the current one. Overclocking may require installing heatsinks on the RAM strip to remove heat, since the strips themselves will get hotter. That's all. We figured out not only how to find out the frequency of the RAM, but even how to overclock it.

Random access memory (RAM) is one of the main parts of a computer. It is a volatile component that stores machine code, input / output and intermediate data while the computer is running. The process of choosing RAM only at first glance seems clear, but it contains many nuances that must be taken into account in order to purchase quality components.

The easiest way to choose a RAM bar is to use the list of recommended modules on the website of the manufacturer of the motherboard installed on your computer. Since these parts of the PC are inextricably linked (including the processor), it makes sense to pay attention to the manufacturer's advice. The recommended RAM modules listed on his website will definitely work on your PC.

Another tip to follow when purchasing RAM strips is to match another hardware. When buying an inexpensive motherboard and budget processor, do not go for expensive RAM, because it will not reach its potential during operation. But it is very important to pay attention to the technical characteristics of the RAM.

Main settings

When buying a new RAM, pay attention to the main parameters that will help you make the right choice.

First, determine what type of RAM is right for your motherboard. This parameter is indicated in the description for it. There are four types today: SDRAM, DDR (DDR1), DDR2, DDR3, and DDR4.

The most common type of RAM today is DDR3. Unlike the modules of the previous generation, it operates at a clock frequency of up to 2400 MHz and consumes 30-40% less power compared to its predecessor. In addition, it has a lower supply voltage, so it emits less heat.

All types of random access memory are incompatible with each other in electrical (different supply voltage) and physical parameters (control holes are located in different places). The photo shows why the DDR3 RAM module cannot be installed in the DDR2 socket.

Healthy! Now the DDR4 standard is gaining popularity. It features lower power consumption and higher operating frequencies (the prospect of growth up to 3200 MHz).

The form factor characterizes the size of the RAM strips. There are two types:

  • DIMM (Dual Inline Memory Module) - installed on stationary PCs;
  • SO-DIMM - for installation in laptops or all-in-ones.

Bus frequency and bandwidth

RAM performance depends on these two parameters. The bus frequency characterizes the amount of information transmitted per unit of time. The higher it is, the more information will pass through the bus in the same time period. There is a direct proportional relationship between the bus frequency and the bandwidth: if the RAM frequency is 1800 MHz, theoretically it has a bandwidth of 14400 Mb / s.

Don't chase high RAM frequencies on a "more is better" basis. For the average user, the difference between 1333 MHz and 1600 MHz is imperceptible. It is important only for professional users who render video, or overclockers seeking to "overclock" RAM.

When choosing a frequency, start from the tasks that you set for the computer and from its configuration. It is desirable that the frequency of the RAM modules coincide with the frequency at which the motherboard operates. If you connect the DDR3-1800 bracket to a motherboard that supports the DDR3-1333 standard, the RAM will run at 1333 MHz.

In this case, the more, the better - this is the optimal description of the parameter. Today, the minimum allowable amount of RAM that must be installed on a computer or laptop is 4 GB. Depending on the tasks that are performed on the device, the amount of RAM can be 8, 32 or even 128 GB. An ordinary user will need 8 GB, for a specialist working with video processing programs, or for a gamer, 16-64 GB of "RAM" will be needed.

RAM timings are characterized by delays in work. They are calculated in nanoseconds, and in the description they are indicated by a sequential set of numbers: 9-9-9-27, where the first three parameters are: CAS Latency, RAS to CAS Delay, RAS Precharge Time and DRAM Cycle Time Tras / Trc. They characterize the performance in the "memory-processor" segment, which directly affects the efficiency of the computer. The lower these values, the lower the latency and the faster the PC performance.

Some companies in the description of RAM modules indicate only one number - CL9. It characterizes CAS Latency. Basically, it is equal to or below other parameters.

Good to know! The higher the frequency of the RAM, the higher the timings, so you need to choose the optimal ratio for yourself.

RAM strips with the designation "Low Latency" are on sale. This means that at high frequencies they have low timings. But their cost is higher than that of conventional models.


To increase the performance of the computer, special modes of operation of the RAM strips are used: one-, two-, three-channel and Flex-Mode. In this case, the speed of the system is theoretically increased by two, three or more times.

Important! The motherboard must support these modes of operation. The description for it indicates in which connectors you need to install the brackets in order to enable the desired mode.

  • Single channel mode starts when one RAM module is used or all strips differ in parameters. In this case, the system operates at the bar speed with the lowest frequency.
  • Dual channel mode turns on when two RAM modules with the same characteristics (frequency, timings, volume) are installed in the slots. The performance gain is 10-20% in games and 20-70% when working with graphics.
  • Three-channel mode activated when three identical RAM strips are connected. In reality, it does not always outperform dual-channel in speed.
  • Flex-Mode (flexible)- increases PC performance when using two RAM strips of the same frequency, but different in volume.

Important! It is desirable that the memory strips are from the same delivery batch. On sale there are kits consisting of two to four modules, which are fully compatible with each other in work.

When buying digital equipment, pay attention to the manufacturer. Among the companies involved in the production of RAM modules, the most popular are: Corsair, Kingston, GoodRam, Hynix, Samsung and others.

Interestingly, the market for the production of memory chips for RAM modules is almost completely divided between three large companies: Samsung, Hynix, Micron. And big manufacturers use their chips to make their own models.

Modern RAM strips operate with low power consumption, so they generate a small amount of heat. In view of this, it is not necessary to buy models with installed radiators. But if you are a fan of overclocking hardware, then take care of purchasing RAM modules with heatsinks. They will not let them burn out during overclocking.

If necessary, the user can purchase a cooling system for RAM, consisting of radiators and fans. It is also intended for use by overclockers.

Choice to an existing bar

When purchasing a new RAM module for the one already installed in your PC, remember that often such combinations do not work together. But if you decide to buy, make sure that the timings and bus frequencies are the same. In addition, choose RAM sticks from the same manufacturer.


If you don't fully understand how to choose RAM, watch this video.


The fastest way to find out frequency work memory without resorting to using various programs - this is to look at the module itself memory... To do this, remove the cover of the system unit by unscrewing the two retaining screws on the back of the computer case. On some housings, the cover can be secured with latches. Further on the motherboard, find the inscription DDR. There will be ports for installing modules nearby memory... Remove one of the modules memory... To do this, simply slide down the latches on both sides of the port.

Now find on memory DDR inscription. Work frequency memory will be written next to. For example, DDR-400 MHz or DDR2-800 MHz. The number at the end of the line is the indicator of the frequency of the operational memory... Please note that on some modules memory you can find the string PC followed by numbers, for example, PC2-6400. Each PC value has a specific frequency of the operational memory... For example, PC2-6400 means 800 MHz. If you have on the module memory PC inscription, find on the Internet the characteristics of the operational memory... In this one, just look at what frequency value memory matches your PC.

If you do not want to open the lid of the system unit, you can use the CPU-Z program. You can download this utility. Install the program on your computer and then run it. After the first launch, the program will take a few seconds to get the system information. When you get to the main menu, select the Memory tab. Then find the line Dram frequency. The indicator, on the contrary, is the frequency of operation of the operational memory... At the top of the program window, information about the type of operational memory.


Remove the cover of the system unit only when the computer is powered off!


  • where to find the memory frequency on the computer

On forums and other web resources, you can often find user questions about how to determine frequency memory... This interest is primarily due to the fact that this parameter directly affects the performance of the computer. Of course, the speed of data exchange with RAM depends not only on the real (and, accordingly, effective) frequency, but also on latency and timings. However, it is the frequency that is of great interest. However, there is a fairly large amount of software that can satisfy the curiosity of the public.

You will need

  • Personal computer, Cpu-Z program


Pay attention to the information that appears when. For many users, information about the frequency can be found there. The optimal program for determining the frequency memory is the "Cpu-Z" program. It shows the real data of each PC. Download the utility to your computer. At the top, you can choose any options. There is information about your software. To frequency memory, go to the "Memory" section. You can refer to the section called "SPD". There you will see the default operating modes available.

To diagnose yours, you can use the Everest program. After installing it, you will view the information you are interested in. Click on the "Menu" tab. This section is located on the left. A whole list will appear in which you will find a section with the name "Computer" and "Over clock". The data will appear in the center of the program window. There will also be information about the frequency memory... You can customize the program interface even

A lot of readers on our site are interested in questions, one way or another related to the choice of RAM, and our site has a very strong desire to answer everyone. To make it interesting for you in the process of acquiring knowledge, this article is presented by the author in the form of a fascinating story from which you will learn EVERYTHING about the computer's RAM!

You will learn not only how to choose and buy RAM from a quality manufacturer, but also how to properly install RAM modules in your computer and much more, for example:

  1. How much RAM does a modern computer need for the comfortable operation of all resource-intensive applications, for example: modern games at maximum settings, video, sound processing programs, etc. What should be a powerful modern computer?
  2. (follow the link and read a separate article).
  3. (follow the link and read a separate article)?
  4. What is the way out of the situation for the operating system when there is not enough RAM?
  5. Does the computer benefit from excess RAM?
  6. Do you need to completely disable the paging file if you have a large amount of physical RAM, for example, 16 -32 GB?
  7. How much better is the dual-channel operating mode of the RAM than the single-channel one? Is it better to buy one 8GB memory stick or two 4GB sticks?
  8. How to choose the right memory modules for dual-channel operation?
  9. What is the frequency of RAM and can you install RAM sticks with different frequencies in your computer?
  10. What is RAM latency (timings)? Can I install RAM sticks with different timings in my computer?
  11. What is the difference between the RAM strips used on laptops and regular RAM?
  12. Nowadays, DDR3 memory is actively used, but are there any DDR4 memory sticks on sale?
  13. If you have an old computer and want to buy additional DDR2 RAM, then think a few times, because DDR2 memory is expensive, it might be better for you to replace the motherboard, processor and change the RAM to DDR3.
  14. How to choose a RAM manufacturer and is all RAM manufactured in China?
  15. Do you need to overclock the RAM and how much will the performance of the RAM increase during overclocking?
  16. Is a RAM heatsink really necessary?
  17. What is a RAM controller, why is it needed and where is it located?
  18. What does the ECC memory label mean?

How to choose RAM

Friends, in the last article you and I considered the issue of choice, and I thought about what kind of article to write next. It seems to be logical after the processor to choose a motherboard for it, but I usually do it differently. After choosing a processor, I choose memory and a video card, I don’t know why, it’s probably so simpler and you can immediately estimate how much to calculate, since choosing a motherboard is the most difficult part of choosing a computer configuration. In view of this, I decided not to deviate from my chosen tradition and devote this article to the choice of random access memory (RAM). Since this site is dedicated to the repair of personal computers, of course, the issue of choosing RAM not only for new, but also for older PCs will be considered.

Just like choosing a processor, choosing RAM is not a difficult task at all, probably even lighter. But, as elsewhere, there are nuances. Often the choice of RAM comes down to its current price and the amount you are willing to spend. Recently, the trends in price changes for RAM modules are very ambiguous. Several years ago, there was a real boom in increasing the amount of RAM in personal computers. And this was due not so much to the growing requirements of modern applications and operating systems, but to an incredible reduction in the price of it.

A 4 gigabyte (GB) memory stick could be purchased for as little as $ 25 or less. As a result, exclusively for marketing purposes (for greater attractiveness and increase in computer sales), this very memory began to be “poured” into new computers in huge volumes. So, the cheapest system unit, costing about $ 200-250, necessarily had 4 GB of memory, and the average one for $ 300-350 - all 8 GB. The sellers in the stores made a big emphasis on this, while keeping silent that these PCs would never be able to realize (fully use) this amount of memory, since the rest of the "stuffing", such as a processor and a video card, left much to be desired. This, in fact, was a kind of deception of buyers or, to put it beautifully, - a marketing ploy ...

Unfortunately, the days have passed when it was possible to "freeze" the RAM for the most not indulge in, and now the price for it has increased significantly. It seems that we are once again "hooked" on the technical progress ... But is it really necessary to have a large amount of RAM?

How much RAM does a modern computer need

I must say that until recently, I was fond of modern computer games. Therefore, I always tried to keep my PC up to date. Probably, not a single year has passed since I assembled my first full-fledged PC in 1997, so that I would not indulge myself with the purchase of a new video card, processor or memory.

In those old (by the standards of computers) times, there was a certain division in the use of operating system components by computers. The games needed only a powerful video card, a little RAM, and the processor almost did not matter, since all the calculations were performed by a video card, which has its own processor and its own memory.

To encode video, on the contrary, a powerful processor and a sufficient amount of RAM were needed, and the video card did not matter, etc. Modern gaming applications have "learned" to make full use of the previously "idle" powerful components of modern computers, such as the processor and RAM.

When it comes to using a PC as a gaming and entertainment platform, then, until recently, I did not come across games that could load at least 3 GB of memory by 100% even at maximum graphics settings. But in some cases, the total memory load approached this figure, despite the fact that the game itself consumed about 2 GB, and the rest were other applications such as Skype, antivirus, etc.

Note: Please note that we were not talking about 4 GB, but about 3 GB. The fact is that 32-bit Windows operating systems (OS) cannot use more than 3 GB of RAM and therefore simply “do not see” the "surplus" ... In fairness, it should be noted that for 32-bit operating systems built on the Linux kernel, there are no such hard restrictions. So, friends, there is no point in installing more than 4 GB of memory on a 32-bit Windows, they simply will not be used.

For not very new, but also relatively old systems, on which a lot of memory can be installed, the use of a 64-bit OS, in some cases, can be problematic. Since 64-bit versions of drivers for some equipment may simply not exist.

Not so long ago, just at the time of the total reduction in the cost of memory, I purchased the same amount in addition to my 4 GB. But this was not caused by its drawback, but by the fact that on my, rather powerful motherboard, due to some misunderstanding) there were slots for the already almost outdated DDR2 memory and I was afraid that a little more and it could disappear completely or wildly to rise in price, and here such a "freebie" ... After that I switched to a 64-bit operating system, because otherwise this acquisition would not have looked so reasonable). You also need to take into account that I have a fairly powerful 4-core processor and an expensive modern video card, thanks to which I can play games at very high graphics settings, at which the consumption of RAM is maximum.

If you have an entry-level or mid-range PC, then 4 GB of RAM is enough for you, since you can comfortably play modern games only at low or medium settings, which do not require large amounts of memory. In such conditions, the installation of, say, 8 GB of RAM is a waste of money. But if your PC is powerful enough and is a gaming one, then I would still recommend installing 8 GB, as there is some tendency towards a gradual increase in RAM consumption by modern games.

So, for example, the recently released Call of Duty: Ghosts game simply refused to launch if it found that you have less than 6 GB of RAM installed. Again, in fairness, it should be noted that craftsmen made a fix that allows you to bypass this limitation at startup and the game worked.

As for 64-bit operating systems, then you should know that it, like all 64-bit applications, consumes exactly 2 times more memory than 32-bit applications. Here it is already fully justified by the memory addressing technology and significantly increases performance.

What should be a fast computer

We will not go into details, but you must understand that in order to feel the increase in speed, the following conditions must be met:

The central processing unit (CPU) must have a 64-bit architecture, the operating system must be 64-bit.

The application that you want to use to improve the performance of certain operations must be 64-bit, the data that is processed must be streamed (video conversion, archiving), since the speed gain is achieved by processing more information in one pass. In this case, the increase will be very significant - up to 2 times. Under these conditions, using an Intel processor (with a longer pipeline) will give you the best possible performance for such operations. But, as you know, in games, data is transferred in small portions (since it is impossible to predict the next step of the user), therefore, even in those games where there are 64-bit versions of the game engine to run, there will be almost no gain. And yet the decisive role of the video card in them has not gone anywhere.

As for professional use, in such areas as video editing, 3D modeling, design, then specialists in these areas know exactly what kind of hardware and how much memory they need. Usually it is from 16 GB or more. And if, say, there is no streaming data processing in 3D modeling, then here the volume and quality of the models can be so high that it “stupidly” needs a lot of RAM to accommodate this model.

If you are not a professional, but really like to convert videos, then 4-8 GB will be enough for you.

Truly huge amounts of RAM can be demanded in scientific systems and highly loaded servers. In the latter, for example, the amount of memory from 64 GB is considered quite common. But the memory there is not a penny - server memory (with parity check and automatic error correction), since failures on them are not permissible.

Well, and also, for example, I will give a situation from my real life. During my training in networking and system administration, I often had to emulate a large number of concurrent operating systems and network hardware. Bundles such as 5-10 running in VirtualBox (or VMware) OS + as many emulated network devices in GNS can eat decent RAM. And it's good if, in addition to the powerful "process" supporting modern virtualization technologies, there will be 8-16 GB of "RAM", otherwise the brakes are provided ...

Why you can't disable the paging file

What happens when there is not enough RAM? It's very simple - the OS, in order to compensate for the lack of memory, begins to actively use the hard disk (the so-called paging file). By the way, God forbid you to turn it off. The system is very deeply tied to the paging file, and disabling it will be more problematic than beneficial. As a result, not only the work of the processor is slowed down, but also of the hard disk.

There is only one conclusion - there should be enough memory, if there is not enough memory, the computer starts to slow down terribly, but its excessive excess does not give any performance gain.

What is RAM

What kind of memory does not exist ...

A motherboard with memory chips is usually called a memory module (or "strip"). There are single-sided and double-sided memory modules. On the first, the chips are located on one side of the printed circuit board, on the second - on both sides. What's better? I don’t know) There is an opinion that double-sided modules “run better”, read about what this means later in this article. On the other hand, the fewer chips there are, the higher the module's reliability. More than once I have met cases when one side of the chips on the bar failed and the computer saw only half of its volume. But now I would not dwell on this.

The main thing that you need to know is that if there are several memory modules in the computer, then it is desirable that all were either one-sided or double-sided. Otherwise, the memory does not always get along well with each other and does not work at full speed.

To date, the most modern memory is DDR3, which replaced the older DDR2, which in turn replaced the older DDR. A new, more modern DDR4 memory has already been developed, but it has not yet reached the masses... We will not go further.

When assembling a new PC, only the latest memory standard should be selected. At the moment it is DDR3.

Sometimes replacing a motherboard and purchasing a new type of memory is tantamount to the cost of adding an old type of RAM to an old motherboard.

The new memory will also be much cheaper than the older DDR2, for which greedy manufacturers and sellers "beat" (keep) a high price, since there is not enough of it left and for those who want to upgrade their PCs there is simply no other choice but to agree to such draconian conditions. In this case, you should think about it, or maybe add a little and buy more promising components? And if you still sell the old, and in general, you can get a plus, if you're lucky, of course)

Laptop memory

Laptops use the same memory as a PC, but it has a smaller module size and is called SO-DIMM DDR (DDR2, DDR3).

Memory characteristics. Frequency and timings

Memory is characterized primarily by its type. For desktop computers (desktops), memory types are used today: DDR, DDR2, DDR3.

The main characteristic of memory is its frequency. The higher the frequency, the faster the memory is. But this frequency must be supported by the processor and the motherboard, otherwise the memory will work at a lower frequency, and the money that you overpaid will be wasted.

Memory modules, like its types, have their own marking, which begins on PC, PC2 and PC3, respectively.

Today the most common memory is DDR3 PC3-10600 (1333 MHz). It will operate on its native frequency on any computer. In principle, the speed of the computer is not very limited by the memory frequency. For example, in games this increase will be completely indistinguishable, while in some other applications it will be more noticeable. But the difference in price, for example, in comparison with DDR3 PC3-12800 (1600 MHz) memory will be very small. Here I am usually guided by the rule - if the price is slightly higher ($ 1-3) and the processor supports a higher frequency, then why not - we take faster memory.

Can I install RAM sticks with different frequencies in my computer?

The frequency of the RAM does not have to be the same, the motherboard will set the frequency for all strips according to the slowest module, but very often a computer with strips of different frequencies is unstable. For example, it may not turn on at all.


The next parameter of memory performance is the so-called latency (timings). Roughly speaking, this is the time that elapsed from the moment the memory was accessed until the moment it received the necessary data. Accordingly, the lower the timings, the better. There are dozens of different delays in reading, writing, copying, and various combinations of these and other operations. But there are only a few basic ones that you can use to navigate.

Timings are indicated (though not always) on the label of the memory modules in the form of 4 numbers with hyphens between them. The first and most important is latency, the rest are derivatives from it.

The delays depend on the quality of the memory chips. Accordingly, the higher the quality, the lower the timings, the higher the price. However, it is worth noting that timings have a much smaller effect on performance than memory frequency. Therefore, I rarely attach any importance to this, only if the price is about the same, you can take memory with lower timings. Usually modules with ultra-low timings are positioned as top-end ones, come with heatsinks (which we will talk about later), in beautiful packaging and are much more expensive.

Marking of the main types, memory modules, their frequency and typical latency (CL)

DDR - obsolete (completely)

DDR-266 - PC2100 - 266 MHz - CL 2.5

DDR-333 - PC2700 - 333 MHz - CL 2.5

DDR-400 - PC-3200 - 400 MHz - CL 2.5

DDR2 - obsolete (sometimes still found and can be used to add to an old PC)

DDR2-533 - PC2-4200 - 533 MHz - CL 5

DDR2-667 - PC2-5300 - 667 MHz - CL 5

DDR2-800 - PC2-6400 - 800 MHz - CL 5

DDR2-1066 - PC2-8500 - 1066 MHz - CL 5

DDR3 - modern

DDR3-1333 - PC3-10600 - 1333 MHz - CL 9

DDR3-1600 - PC3-12800 - 1600 MHz - CL 11

DDR3-1800 - PC3-14400 - 1800 MHz - CL 11

DDR3-2000 - PC3-16000 - 2000 MHz - CL 11

Can I install RAM sticks with different timings in my computer?

Timings do not have to be the same either. The motherboard will automatically set the timings for all strips for the slowest module. There shouldn't be any problems.

Memory modes

Yes, yes ... Perhaps not everyone knew, but the RAM can work in different modes, the so-called: Single Mode (single-channel) and Dual Mode (two-channel).

In single-channel mode, data is written first into one memory module, and when its volume is exhausted, it begins to write to the next free module.

In two-channel mode, data recording is parallelized and recorded simultaneously on several modules.

Here, friends, the use of dual-channel mode significantly increases the speed of memory. In reality, the speed of memory operation in dual-channel mode is up to 30% higher than in single-channel mode. But in order for it to work, the following conditions must be met:

The motherboard must support dual-channel RAM mode

There must be 2 or 4 memory modules

Memory modules must be either all one-way or all two-way

If any of these conditions are not met, the memory will work only in single-channel mode.

It is desirable that all the bars be as identical as possible: they have the same frequency, latency, and even have the same manufacturer. Otherwise, no one will be able to give any guarantees of the operation of the two-channel mode. Therefore, if you want your memory to work in the fastest possible mode, it is very desirable to immediately acquire 2 identical memory sticks, because after a year or two you will not find exactly one like that.

Another question if you need to increase the amount of memory on your old computer. In this case, you can try to find the most similar memory module to the one you already have. If you have 2 of them, and there are 2 more free slots on the motherboard, then you will have to look for 2 more of the same modules. The ideal, but not always economical option, is to hand over the old memory as used and buy 2 new identical modules of a larger volume.

Of course, if your old computer is very weak, then there may not be much gain from the dual-channel mode. In this case, you can install any module, but it is still better to choose the most suitable one in order to exclude a possible conflict with old modules and complete inoperability of the computer. Try to agree in advance with the seller about the return, or bring a system engineer to him and let him try to find a suitable module.

RAM controller

It should be noted that memory controllers used to be in the chipset (set of logic) of motherboards. In modern systems, the memory controllers are located in the processors. In this regard, the dual-channel memory mode has 2 more sub-modes: Ganged (paired) and Unganged (unpaired).

In Ganged mode, memory modules work the same as in old motherboards, but in Unganged mode, each processor memory controller (in modern processors there are 2 of them) can work separately with each bar. This mode can be set in the computer BIOS, but usually it is automatically selected by the processor. If the bars are identical, then Ganged (but not necessarily), if different, then only Unganged. In any case, the memory will operate in dual channel mode. But I still recommend buying and installing 2 identical modules at once, this will eliminate distortions in their parameters and improve compatibility.

The dual-channel mode of RAM has only one drawback - 2 memory strips are slightly more expensive than one of the same size. Therefore, many shops and private assemblers save money and set one bar. As a result, we have a modern computer that does not work at full capacity.

Some modern expensive motherboards, which usually have 6 slots for memory modules, can work even in three-channel mode.

By the way, if you have 2 or 3 memory strips, then in order for the two-channel or three-channel mode to work, all these strips must be inserted into slots of the same color.

Some memory modules for desktops are labeled ECC..

It is a parity memory, a technology used in server systems. You should not pay any attention to this, since this technology is not critical in desktop PCs and, in most cases, does not work at all. This is still the same marketing ploy.

Memory slots

There is nothing to talk about at all. Each type of DDR, DDR2, DDR3 memory has its own socket on the motherboard of the same type (DDR, DDR2, DDR3). You will not insert memory of one type into a connector of another type, as there is a special protrusion (key) in the slot of the motherboard,

Which should line up with the slot on the memory module board. This is done in order not to accidentally confuse and install the bracket in the wrong connector and, as a result, not damage both the memory and, possibly, the motherboard. When buying memory, you need to know exactly what type of memory is supported by the motherboard.

About RAM heatsinks

Some memory modules are equipped with so-called heatsinks, which are lining made of aluminum plates, sometimes painted with copper or other colors, on both sides of the board. These pads are connected to the memory chips through special thermal spacers, which are designed to better transfer heat from the chips to the heatsinks. Radiators can be equipped with additional fins to increase the cooling surface and even better heat dissipation.

In practice, memory chips do not heat up significantly during normal operation and do not require additional cooling. The spacers between the chips and the heatsinks do not transfer heat as well as the thermal grease between the processor and the cooler. In addition, there is an air gap in the free space between the board and the heatsinks, which interferes with natural cooling and becomes clogged with dust over time, which is difficult to clean out from there. This design provides for active cooling using an additional fan or good airflow inside the case. Moreover, such modules can often be more expensive.

So who needs such joy, you ask? Well ask me)

Answer: enthusiasts, who are always not enough, who want to overclock everything, overtake everyone, etc. In addition, it's just beautiful) Yes, friends, if you consider yourself to this group of users, then such a memory is for you! Because such a cooling system will be effective only with a sufficiently high heating as a result of overclocking with increasing voltage and mandatory additional airflow. Remember - a normal memory operating normally does not need radiators.

An example of the correct use of memory with heatsinks in a powerful system

RAM overclocking

Overclocking is a slang word in the computer lexicon that involves manually setting more aggressive parameters for the operation of electronic components, such as processors, memory and video cards, than provided by the manufacturer. As a rule, such parameters are frequency (in processors there is also a multiplier). With particularly high overclocking, these components also increase the voltage for relatively stable operation. As a result, higher heating of the elements occurs, requiring improved cooling. The so-called overclocking itself is possible thanks to a certain margin set by the manufacturer, so that the product works stably, and not on the brink of its capabilities, or specifically for advanced users) In any case, this event makes the operation of the entire system less stable and reduces the service life of the overclocked components ... If you still decide to experiment, then first study all aspects well and follow the instructions strictly. By the way, if components fail as a result of overclocking, you may void your warranty.

RAM manufacturers

Like other components, memory modules are manufactured by many manufacturers. And, as always, they are of different quality. I recommend paying attention to the following brands that have an optimal price / quality ratio: AMD, Crucial, Goodram, Hynix, Kingston, Micron, Patriot, Samsung, TakeMS, Transcend.

Enthusiast brands include: Corsair, G.Skill, Mushkin, Team. These firms produce a large assortment of modules with heatsinks and advanced technical characteristics. I recommend avoiding cheap Chinese brands: A-Data, Apacer, Elixir, Elpida, NCP, PQI and other little-known manufacturers.

Memory modules that are not manufactured in China deserve a special mention. Currently, there are not many of them, for example, modules that are labeled as Hynix Original and Samsung Original are produced in Korea. The quality of such modules is considered higher, they cost a little more, but usually have a longer warranty (up to 36 months).

For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that even if you purchased the memory of a well-known and proven brand, this, unfortunately, does not mean that you will not come across a marriage or modules damaged during transportation. Of course, the products of top brands in individual packaging will have less defects (damage) than the cheapest modules that are transported and sold in bulk.

Individually packed memory module

How to choose memory for a new computer

Choose the most up-to-date memory type in use first. Today it is DDR3. Decide on the volume you need. Briefly summarizing this article, I will give general recommendations on the minimum amount of RAM for different PCs:

For office or weak home PC - 2 GB

4. It is better to select the most identical strips (one-sided or two-sided), with the same frequency and latency. The ideal option is to sell the old memory as used and install a new one in the required amount.

5. If you supply memory with a higher frequency than your processor or motherboard supports, it will work at a lower frequency.

Make the right choice with us friends, and no dust for you, no breakdown)

Information technology is constantly evolving and new programs require more and more computing resources of a computer. Machines that were very powerful a few years ago are now considered average or even very weak. Therefore, whether you like it or not, but from time to time you have to buy new equipment or at least update the old one.

It is not always wise to buy a new device if it is still possible to make the old one meet the requirements with a small amount of money. One of the critical components, the requirements for which are growing rapidly, is RAM. Previously, 4 Gigabytes was quite enough, but now the optimal amount is considered to be 6-8 Gigabytes.

When choosing RAM, you need to take into account a lot of nuances in order for it to work in the best possible way, or even work at all on your board. In this article, we will look at how to choose RAM for your computer. But first you need to understand what characteristics the memory bars differ in and what is more important to pay attention to.

A small introduction for beginners, random access memory (RAM) is a volatile and very fast memory in which most of the computer's operations are performed. The fact is that before information is written to disk, received from devices or processed by a processor, it enters the RAM, and all programs that are currently being executed by the processor and all their data are stored here.

Random Access Memeory stands for random, direct access memory. The processor can access any block of memory without affecting other blocks, and the data read speed does not depend on the location of the block. Unlike volatile memory, RAM works much faster and has no restrictions on the number of read-write operations, which is why it is used for temporary data storage.

Types of RAM

RAM has several characteristics, and all of them must be taken into account when choosing an additional strip or new memory. It is very important that your RAM is compatible with each other as well as with the motherboard. Therefore, before answering the question of how to choose RAM for a computer, let's consider all your parameters.

DDR, DDR2 and DDR3

At different times, RAM was produced according to different standards. With each new standard, the quality, speed of work and the amount of RAM increased with each new standard. But the motherboard only supports one specific standard.

Initially it was DDR SDRAM (Double Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random Acces Memory), it allowed to significantly increase the data transfer rate than the previously used SDRAM technology. DDR2 added memory data cache and some other improvements.

But this was all a long time ago, but now the DDR3 standard, which was proposed in 2005, has gained the greatest popularity. Compared to DDR2, it needs 1.5 Volts instead of 1.85, the heat dissipation is reduced by 40%, and the operating speed is also much increased - the bandwidth is twice as high as that of DDR2.

More recently, a new standard has appeared - DDR4, which has even more significant advantages over previous generations. Here, the performance has been increased by 50%, and the power consumption has been reduced by 35%, the data transfer rate has been increased and many other parameters. But now it is quite rare.

Memory frequency

Memory frequency is measured in hertz and characterizes the number of data operations that a block of memory can perform in one second. For DDR, frequencies of 200-400 were used, for DDR2 - 400-1066 MHz, DDR3 - 800 - 2400, and for DDR4, frequencies above 2133 MHz were used. In fact, the higher the frequency, the better the performance.

But this is not entirely true, because the higher the frequency, the greater the latency of the RAM - the timings, which means the performance decreases. Therefore, a balance is obtained, the frequency increases, and the performance remains at the same level.


The bandwidth of the RAM depends on the frequency and bandwidth of the bus. In fact, this parameter characterizes how many megabytes of data the RAM bar can skip per second. The speed is calculated by multiplying the bus bandwidth by the frequency. For example, if the frequency is 1600, the bus bandwidth for DDR3 is 8 bytes, then the memory speed will be 12800 MB / s.

The speed of work is recorded in the format PC speed... For example, PC3-12800. PC - means standard - Personal computer and the number 2 or 3 means the version of the DDR type.

Now that we have examined the main parameters and characteristics of memory, let's move on directly to the question of how to choose the right RAM.

Which RAM should you choose?

If you need to choose RAM for a new motherboard, then this is one question, but if you need to choose compatible RAM for a bracket already installed in the system, then this is a little more complicated.

DDR type

In both cases, you need to consider the type of DDR memory, since the motherboard supports only one standard, and most likely it is DDR3. On Windows, you can see the memory type using CPU-Z, and on Linux, you can run the command:

sudo dmidecode -t 17

Please note that there will be several blocks of information and only one of them will be filled with information about your memory bar. In CPU-Z, open the Memory folder:

Supply voltage

The next very important parameter is the memory voltage. You can see the parameters of your motherboard or find out at what voltage the installed bracket is currently working. To do this, use the command:

sudo dmidecode -t 5

As I said, the DDR3 standard uses a voltage of 1.5 volts, but various modifications have been released, including memory for laptops, which can consume 1.35 volts, so you need to be careful here too. In CPU-Z, you can find out the voltage on the SPD tab, you may have to select a slot:

Intel and AMD compatible

Recently, memory sticks began to appear that are compatible only with Intel processors or only AMD processors, they are cheaper than conventional memory sticks, but in order to choose the right RAM, you need to pay attention to which processor you have, because such memory boards will be optimized for bus commands from one manufacturer and for the other will not work.

To achieve maximum compatibility with the installed memory, it is better to take the memory with the same instruction set as it already has. For example, if you have a bar that supports all processors, then this is what you need to take.

Frequency and baud rate

These parameters are not so important for compatibility, but they are very important for performance, because if you set two bars of different frequencies, then both of them will work at the same frequency - and at a lower one. Therefore, if you want to achieve maximum performance, then it is better to take two bars of the same frequency. We can find out the frequency of the existing bar with the same command:

sudo dmidecode -t 17

Second, if you are looking for new strips, then you need to look at the maximum data transfer rate for the processor bus. You can find this information on the manufacturer's website. For example, for my Intel Pentium (R) CPU B960, the page looks like this:

As you can see, the maximum processor bandwidth is 21.3 GB / s. At the same time, I use memory with a frequency of 1033, in fact, it is 1600, but the processor only supports 1033. Then we can calculate the memory bandwidth - 1033 * 8 = 8264 MB / s or 8 GB / s.

The memory bandwidth can be half that of the processor if you use two memory strips, since in this case the processor can write to both at the same time. But if you want everything to work like this, then you need to choose the strips that are as similar in parameters as possible. Thus, if I use two identical bars, the total data transfer rate will be 16 Gb / s in dual-channel mode. And that's pretty good. It is also important to note here that since the bandwidth of the RAM depends on the frequency, the same tendency is observed here, if you take two strips with different bandwidth, then both of them will work at a smaller one.

To find out if you are using two-channel mode, you can again use dmidecode:

sudo dmidecode -t 20

Here Interleaved Data Depth shows the number of channels, in this example the dual channel mode is not used. In CPU-Z, the number of active channels is shown on the tab Memory, parameter Channel:


We will not talk a lot about the amount of memory. You yourself know how much you need. My opinion is that now 6-8 Gigabytes is quite enough. Just before buying, see what the maximum amount of memory is supported by your processor. Also, for the dual-channel mode to work, it is necessary that both memory strips are of the same size.


Of course, it's best if you get both RAM cards from the same manufacturer. But it really doesn't really matter. The RAM chips are produced at only three factories, and only two of them make it to the masses - Micron and Samsung. The rest of the manufacturers just buy these chips, install them on a memory card, and add power and cooling supplies.

Therefore, there is no fundamental importance in this, although it is advisable to choose devices from one manufacturer.


We have considered all the main aspects and now you know exactly which RAM to choose for your computer. When choosing a memory strip, you need to be very careful if you want not only everything to work, but also to give maximum performance. And after the purchase, it is advisable to immediately check the new RAM in your device to make sure that it is working and compatible. If the bar is not working, then sellers usually go to a meeting and you can change it. If you have any questions, ask in the comments!

To complete the video on the topic:

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