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How to find out the mail host name. Setting up email on iPhone

A mobile device should be comfortable and useful. And how can you do without fast and convenient mail? Achieving interaction between the iPhone and the desired mailbox will allow its competent configuration.

Don't know how to create and add a new email? In this article, we will tell you how to set up mail on iPhone (5, 6, 7, 8, X): Yandex, Rambler, Outlook,, Gmail and any other mailbox.

How to set up Gmail (Google) mail on iPhone 5, 6, 7, 8, X

Integration with Google is easier to do than with the rest. Those who limit themselves to this service will have the least hassle, because everything will happen almost instantly. Here's what you need to do to set up mail on iPhone for the owners of this box:

1. Select the "Mail" icon on the desktop of the smartphone (in case the mail is the first one).

2. Select "Google".

3. Enter the mailbox address and password.

That's the whole simple process. Additionally, you can specify your name and add a description, this can make using mail on iPhone more comfortable. It remains only to save the result. It couldn't be easier.

Setting up Yandex mail on iPhone 5, 6, 7, 8, X

This inconvenience has already been fixed in the new iOS, but users with older devices remain at a disadvantage. In this case, everything will be a little more complicated, but you will not have to face anything really difficult. All that an iPhone user needs to do to integrate with the service:

1. Select "Settings".

2. Click "Accounts and passwords".

3. Select "Add account".

4. Click "Other".

5. Select "New Account".

6. Enter e-mail and password.

7. Change the IMAP protocol to POP.

  • In the “Incoming mail server” section, in the host name line we write: “” and in the “Username” section we erase everything up to and including the dog.
  • In the "Outgoing mail server" section, in the host name line we write: "" and in the "User name" section we erase everything up to and including the dog.

Setting up mail Mail, Rambler and other Russian-language mail on iPhone

In older versions of iOS, Russian mail services are not available by default. Therefore, as with Yandex, you will have to make more efforts to integrate in comparison with Google.

We will look at the three most popular Russian-language mails available for the iPhone. Other Russian services will integrate with the iPhone in the same way as Yandex, and Rambler. The only difference from popular foreign analogues is that you will have to enter the data yourself. mail setup

When adding an account for this service, you will have to do almost everything the same as with Yandex. The only difference is in the names of the hosts for outgoing and incoming mail.

Here's what the hostname of outgoing mail should look like: The host name of incoming messages should be made as follows: Now the service is ready to work, and the user just needs to save the result.

Rambler mail settings

Ideally, when using this service, all data should be registered automatically, but there are times when this does not happen. They are easy to enter yourself. The algorithm of actions is the same.

You need to change the node names. In this case, for the incoming mail server, this name will look like this: The host name for the outgoing mail server will be:

For the service from Rambler, you can also use the IMAP protocol. It is more difficult to set up than POP3, but it has a number of advantages. Help articles of the service will help to activate the protocol.

Adding a second email on iPhone

Very often, people start using not one, but several mails on iPhone to achieve greater convenience. For example, one mail can be used for Twitch and YouTube newsletters, for games and other entertainment industries. The other may be working and limited to business letters and invitations. I think you understand the essence of the message, so let's look at how to connect a second mail on an iPhone.

1. First, go to "Settings" and find the section "Accounts and passwords" (the name may be different, depending on the version of iOS).

2. Select the Add Account tab.

3. Now, just repeat all the steps described in the previous step.

Important: the second mail will be located under the first and in order to go to it, you will need to scroll down the page.

How to check mail settings through the Apple website

In order to find out what your mail settings are, you can simply use the Apple website. To do this, do the following (or just navigate to ):

1. Select "Support".

2. Click "iPhone".

3. Scroll down the page and select the Programs tab.

4. Click Mail.

5. Tap "Search for Mail settings".

6. Enter your mailbox address.

As a result, the user will receive the settings of the Mail program. This is a convenient and quick way to easily find out which mailboxes have already been integrated with, how filters are configured, and so on.

How to set up mail on iPhone, making it more convenient?

With integration and basic settings, everything is clear. But it's important to know how to set up the rest as well. To achieve convenience and save time, it is worth paying attention to, among other things, the following aspects:

  • incoming letters;
  • outgoing letters;
  • spam;
  • Drafts;
  • Profile settings.

How to organize and sort a large number of incoming emails?

Message groups are conveniently organized by topic. This will save you a lot of time and will also add convenience. You can do this in several mailboxes at the expense of the Mail program. Here's what to do:

1. Click "Settings".

2. Select "Mail".

3. Click on "Processing themes".

You can choose to Collapse Read, Organize by Topic, End Topics, or Last Message on Top. Which of these is more convenient? Depends solely on the priorities of the user.

Replying to messages is convenient if they are all sorted into groups. Otherwise, the user risks getting confused and sending the message to the wrong place. This is especially important for business people.

Setting up mail notifications

It is important to set up notifications about replies to letters. To do this, through the "Settings" you need to go to "Notifications", and then to "Mail". There you can configure the "Notify me" function.

Despite the development of the Web, e-mail has not disappeared since its inception and is still needed. This material describes how to set up Yandex mail on iPhone.


Communication via e-mail is very successful and to this day cannot be replaced by any other method of interaction. Mail is used for work and for communication with relatives. She migrated even to the most modern and advanced devices.

Setting up Yandex mail on iPhone

"Yandex" is a fairly popular postal service in Russia - a sort of domestic Google. A large audience of users has been using its products, including mail, for a long period of time.

After acquiring a new device, such as an iPhone, it becomes necessary to connect an already beloved mailbox in order to save all the necessary data and not lose many years of correspondence. It is also quite convenient to use e-mail on a smartphone due to its constant availability, because such a gadget is always at hand, which means that the mailbox is always with you.

There are several different ways in which Yandex mail is set up on the iPhone. There are options for full-fledged work with outgoing and incoming mail, as well as for receiving e-mail from the Yandex mailbox.

Configuring Incoming Mail Forwarding

Similar on the iPhone 6, as well as on other models in the series, is identical. The first and easiest way to set up is to transfer to another box, for example iCloud, which is already connected to your smartphone. To do this, you need to visit the Yandex.Mail website, go to the settings and find the "Create rules" item. There you can specify what kind of mail will be forwarded (for example, messages from a certain circle of people or with a certain subject). Next, select the "Forward to address" option and indicate the mailbox that is already connected to your phone.

Full connection to the Mail client on iOS

Setting up "Yandex" iPhone is somewhat more complicated. For full-fledged work, you will need to connect the box directly to the client of the iOS system.

Setting up Yandex mail on the iPhone 5s, as well as on other modern models with iOS 9 installed, is the same. To do this, go to the "Settings" of your device, go to the "Mail" item. At the top of the display will be the item "Add a new account". From the entire list, select "Mail". The first problem you will encounter is the absence of "Yandex" among the options for choosing a mailbox, so we go down, select "Other" and fill in the fields provided.

  • Name - enter any name you like.
  • Email address (e-mail) - your mailbox registered on "Yandex".
  • Password for your mailbox.
  • Description - describe the box. For example, work, personal, and so on. Sometimes the domain name is indicated here, in our case it is

This should be enough for the box to work, but it may not happen, so you will need to fill in some of the data manually.

  • The hostname is
  • Username - your email address on Yandex.
  • Password.

The same data is used to configure POP, only POP is written instead of IMAP.

Now, if necessary, you can configure ports for two servers. To do this, we find an already connected mailbox in the settings, go to the SMTP settings, and then to the node. Here you need to perform two tasks: the first is to enable SSL, the second is to register port 465. Usually, all this data is registered automatically, and manual configuration is not required, but if this does not happen, then now you are ready to specify the necessary data yourself and make the mail work.

Setting up Yandex mail on iPhone 6 using the official application

The last and easiest option for comfortable and full-fledged work with Yandex mail is to use an application developed by the company that created the mail service itself. In the AppStore, you can find an email client that was developed with a special interface and convenient authorization (just enter your login and password).

The application also has one big plus - support for push notifications, that is, messages from the server. As soon as a letter gets into your inbox, you will immediately know about it. The standard one cannot do this and checks mail by sampling (the check takes place in a certain, given period of time).

Instead of a conclusion (other possible options)

This material describes the main, optimal options for setting up Yandex mail on the iPhone. But the AppStore also has a lot of applications for this. In some, the installation process is the same as in the official application, and there should be no problems.

In principle, like all actions performed from the iPhone, setting up mailboxes has its own characteristics. It is not complicated, it is enough just to know some of the nuances when adding each of the services. It is advisable to connect the iPhone to the Internet before the procedure so that you can immediately check the correctness of the data entered, and the presence of a box with that name. And also in order to make sure that the created setting works. But this is not mandatory, everything can be done remotely. At the first connection to the network, all necessary checks will be carried out.

If we are talking about your own (iCloud) or Apple-friendly resources - Yahoo, or Gmail, then even an inexperienced user will be able to set them up without problems. This is due to the fact that the standard client,, built into the iPhone operating system, iOS, can automatically add incoming and outgoing mail server settings for them. It will be enough just to enter your information into the account and add the existing box to the memory of the smartphone.

To do this, from the settings menu, go to the mail, addresses, calendars tab. Click on it - Add an account.

In the proposed dialog box, select one of the automatically configured accounts. At the moment, the user is offered six options. Such a selection once again shows the “sharpening” of iPhones for the American market.

After that, you will need to fill in your data in the standard four fields: username, E-mail address, password, and description (the name of the future link is indicated here, you can simply duplicate your address here), and the mail manager can do everything else himself.

This is how, for example, the process of setting up the Gmail service will look like.

After entering personal data into the dialog boxes, the system will offer to save everything and synchronize mail, all contacts and calendars with notes between the box and the iPhone. To do this, activate the slider opposite the desired action, if necessary. Ready.

If you suddenly want to make any changes after installation - this option is available at any time. It is enough to select a specific account and correct the data.

For all other services offered by the manufacturer in accounts, the settings algorithm is exactly the same.

And what about Russian-language postal services?

The situation is a little more complicated with other, popular in our latitudes, mail agents Rambler, or Yandex. You will have to manually enter the data in the existing columns. Since they all have their own characteristics, we will consider each of them separately.

So, in order to set up your box on the sixth iPhone in Yandex- you need to partially repeat the path described above. Just select this time the item - Other - at the very bottom of the accounts menu.

Enter the name, e-mail, password and description (the first and last are optional). Built-in mail settings manager iPhone will prompt you to create your mailbox in the standard IMAP protocol, but when filling it out, an error will probably be displayed. You will need to exit the autoloaded IMAP window and switch to POP. Select the appropriate tab on the right - POP. Most of the remaining data will be tied up automatically.

Then you should change the hostnames for the incoming and outgoing mail servers to the following:

In the subsection of the server for incoming mail, next to - Host name - enter;

In the server subsection for outgoing - Host name - on

After checking and confirming the entered data, save all the changes made. Synchronize contacts if necessary. After that, the box will work safely on the iPhone.

Now we repeat this procedure for Rambler. Don't forget to switch to the POP protocol. When trying to set up a new Rambler service mailbox, sometimes the data about the host name of mail servers is not automatically registered after filling in the upper user fields. If this happened to you, enter them manually, they should have the following names:

- Host name in the incoming mail server tab - enter;
- The host name in the server tab for outgoing mail is

Here's what it should look like:

After the saving and synchronization procedure described above, this mailbox in Rambler will also be linked to iphone, and ready to go.

For we repeat the same procedure again, but only in the settings menu of our mailbox, in addition to personal data, we write:

The host name in the incoming server tab is;

The hostname in the outgoing server tab is

And a picture for clarity of these actions.

You can add several mailboxes of different mail services to the iPhone's memory at once. Or set up one of them so that all incoming letters from different addresses flock to it.

That's all the manipulations that you need to do yourself. It is enough to carry out this simple procedure once, and you can safely use all the advantages of modern technologies - have unlimited access to incoming letters and promptly respond to them.

We have described the easiest option for designing and installing mail services on an iPhone - through the POP protocol. Of course, to expand their capabilities, it is better to use the more advanced IMAP protocol. But you can't just install it from an iPhone. Before that, you will need to activate permission to use this protocol in the settings of each specific mail server. It is clear that this method is not suitable for beginners, since you will also have to get acquainted with their features and manuals. Therefore, if it is enough for you to simply send and receive letters, then make a simple and quick mailbox registration through the POP protocol, as described in this article. Good luck!

Setting up email on iPhone is really easy. Especially if it is mail from the mail provider Carefully repeat each step of our instructions, and in a few minutes you will be able to receive emails directly to your smartphone.

How to set up / install mail on iPhone

1. First of all, we will need to go to the menu item " Settings"

3. As shown by the arrow in the figure, press the " Add"

4. In the window that appears, there are no preferred settings for "" mail, so you need to add it yourself. Scroll down the page and click on the button Other"

5. Then we enter the bookmark " New account"

6. When creating a new account, you have to fill in only 4 fields with the following names:

  • Name- enter any account name you like here
  • The address- you need to enter the email address of the mailbox that you registered earlier.
  • Password- enter the password from your email address
  • Description- in this field you can enter a convenient description of your account

7. If everything is entered correctly, your mailbox will immediately work. All you have to do is click on the icon Mail and check incoming emails.


Setting up mail on iPhone will take you no more than 5 minutes of free time. Instructions for setting up, checked several times. If something doesn't work for you, ask questions.

Stay with us.

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There are three mail check modes in the standard mail client Mail: "Sample", "Push" And "Manually".

Sometimes it happens that because of our own inattention, or because of someone's playful hands, and sometimes by ourselves, certain functions stop working for us. If the standard iOS mail client Mail has stopped updating automatically and you do not know what to do, you must perform the following steps:

1 . On your iPhone or iPad, open Settings → Passwords and accounts.


3 . For the required mailboxes, specify the schedule " Push», « Sample" or " Manually". A description of each mode can be found below.


The "Push" function will allow you to automatically push messages from the mail server to your iPhone or iPad. It is not available for all mail servers (for example, it does not work with Gmail, but it works well with iCloud mail). Let's not forget about the obvious disadvantage of Push - the function consumes a bit more battery. Push is ideal for active users who need to respond to emails quickly.


By specifying the mode " Sample”, don't forget to choose the appropriate value:

  • Automatically: iPhone or iPad will download emails in the background if the device is connected to a charger and Wi-Fi.
  • Manually: The data will be downloaded to the device only when the application is launched.
  • Hourly, 30 minutes and 15 minutes: The data will be loaded automatically according to the selected check interval.

It is worth considering that the battery will be more economical if you sample less often.


Checking mail manually will fall entirely on the user. We opened the application, dragged the workspace down and waited for new emails to load. If you rarely receive letters or hardly use mail, then this is your option.

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