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How to find out the frequent visitors to my VKontakte page. Vkontakte position in relation to guests

Guests. This is a pretty useful and interesting feature, especially if you know how to use it. There are quite a few ways that can help you accomplish this venture.

Why do you need

Well, we'll start by trying to guess why we even need a function that we will learn to use today. If you are thinking about how to view, then, most likely, you became interested in identifying visitors to your page.

In fact, this feature helps to identify wanted and unwanted guests, as well as restrict access to some users. So this is a very useful feature. However, it can sometimes be considered useless. Let's try with you as soon as possible to figure out how to view guests in "Contact" and, in general, whether all users have such an opportunity.


Naturally, if we have already asked ourselves a question, then we have the function under consideration. The first way you can find out who viewed our page is the "Guests in" Contact "program. It's easy enough to download, install and use. Enter your username and password and then view your visitors.

But it is worth treating this application with special caution. The point is that this method cannot be called completely safe. A variety of programs that extend the functions of social networks, most of them are viruses and can hack your account. Thus, if you think about that, and you are not afraid of security threats, you can use this method. In the meantime, we will move on to more gentle ways that can help us.


The first method that we can use (from among the safe ones) is, of course, a dedicated social network application. It is called "Guests and Fans" in "Contact".

In order for you to be able to see who visited your profile, you just need to specify the address of the application you installed so that your visitors would follow this link. Only in this case you will be able to see the guests of the page.

For example, you can insert a link into a particular text and publish it. Or else just write it in "web address". Once you've got a user interested and made them "check in", you have a great opportunity to view all users who have visited your profile. However, these are not all methods that you can use. Let's try to figure out with you what else can help us in our idea.

Special services

If you are thinking about how to view guests in "Contact", then, of course, many users may advise you to find so-called specialized sites that offer services for providing a list of users.

Naturally, many are interested in this case. You are asked to provide your username, sometimes your password, plus pay for the service. After you do this, you will be promised to provide lists of profile visitors. For example, it will be sent to you by e-mail at some intervals.

You should not be happy and think that this is how you can use such a service as viewing guests in the "Contact". Often, such actions can be equated with cracking programs. You will simply give the money to the scammers, and the service will not be provided to you. In addition, you can simply be hacked and your account stolen. Agree, not the best outcome. Nevertheless, many users still stubbornly fall for such a scam. Especially if the desire to get to know the visitors is quite high.


Is it really impossible to use some more universal means that are provided by the social network "Vkontakte"? In fact, the site administration does not allow its users to view the profiles of those who visited the page.

Instead, everyone has a great opportunity to see some kind of statistics that relate to visitors and guests. There you will be asked to see the age of the audience that viewed the profile, gender, and even the country. In addition, each user can also see the number of views of his account. This is a pretty interesting thing. Now we will learn how to use it with you.

Go to your profile, and then look at the inscription under the audio recordings. The line "Statistics" will be displayed there. Click on it and then see what you get. A window will pop up in front of you, which will help you figure out who is looking at your page. Here you will see how many men and women visit your page, as well as statistics by day of visit. There is a separate schedule for this. As you can see, nothing complicated.

In order to recognize guests, you can download one of the local applications. By following the step-by-step instructions, even a beginner can cope with this task.

Which application should you choose?

Vkontakte offers more than a dozen special applications with which you can not only see visitors, but also see statistics of visits, the actions of these people, and also track who has been added or removed from friends. Each application has its own "chips", having downloaded several, you yourself will determine which program is convenient for your needs.

In our article we will tell you about two of the most popular applications - "My guests" and "My fans and guests".

To find the application you want, just enter its name in the search bar above your main photo on the page.

After clicking on the "My guests" application, such a window will appear, where you can familiarize yourself with the main features of the program and see what data you authorize access to.

In the upper right corner, click "Launch Application".

After launching the application, you can see the people who came to visit you.

Important! The program forms the guest list based on the user's activity. If a person just looked at your page, but did not leave a "trace" (did not put a "like" under the post, did not comment on the post, did not go to your photo albums), then the application will not display such a guest.

A peculiar feature of the My Guests program is the ability to promote your page. To do this, select the "Promotion" tab and select the city, gender and age of people to whom you would like to show your page.

Be prepared for the fact that for each person to whom your page will be shown, you will have to pay with money, or with Vkontakte "votes". For example, to be seen by about 10,000 users, you need to fork out about 300 rubles or spend 44 of your "votes".

If these numbers do not scare you, and you are eager to make new friends who will comment on your photos and posts, or maybe find your love, feel free to order a promotion service. Your account will quickly gain popularity.

When launching this application, we perform the same primary actions as when searching for the “My guests” application.

After entering the required application and selecting "My fans and guests" from the list, a download window will open in front of you. At the top right, click "Launch Application".

After launching the program, you will also see your guests, also see who your friends like, and promote your page, as in the previous application. The feature of this program is the "My desires" tab. With it, you can express your attitude towards a person. It looks like this:

Tab "My desires"

Advice! Do not forget that by downloading the applications, you consent to the use of your personal data, so carefully read all the terms, written in small print, or hidden in links.

Hello everyone! A person is a social being and he is always interested in the attitude of others towards himself, so over time, surely each of the users of social networks asks the question - how to see guests in contact ?!

By the way, in Odnoklassniki such functionality is present (you can even buy invisibility so that no one sees that you are visiting on his page) and doubt creeps in - maybe there are ways to check guests on VK ?!

Currently official service (and unofficial too) for viewing guests your page is not, and perhaps never will be. BUT! There are a couple of tips to help us see our page guests

It's time to answer the pressing question - is it possible to see guests in contact ?! We will now look at the various options. See the robot WALLY covering its tracks? It is on these trails that we will determine whether a particular user was on your page.

See for yourself - if a person left you a comment or liked a post (or your photo), then he probably visited your page.

Application "My Guests" Vkontakte

By such signs, you can see the guests of your page, but this is not very convenient - therefore, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the "My Guests" application, which will analyze your page and tell you who inherited from you.

The only correct way to see the guests of the VKontakte page is to launch the "My guests" application, just click on the link above and select "Launch the application", of course you must be logged in to the social network.

On the "Guests" tab, we can see users who have shown activity on our page. If your guest list turns out to be a complete stranger, then most likely it was added to you by an application to warm up your interest ...

How to see guests on VK (Life hack with page deletion)

Few people know (well, not every day we remove ourselves from social networks) that one of the reasons for deleting a VKontakte page can indicate "My page is not commented on" and the status will be offered to add the most actively hanging out on your page users. You can read about how to delete a page in the corresponding page.

Unfortunately, I can't say for sure - it's just such a VK feature with a reason to detain you on a social network or real guests ... so this method for identifying guests on VK works, but it's not for sure!

Trap for Vkontakte guests

If you have an incredibly great desire to watch VKontakte guests, then in a good way (I would say brilliant) will set a trap for your page visitors. I already wrote about the application "My guests" - there is an opportunity to catch your friends.

Step 1. We launch the application "My guests" and in the upper left corner we find the item "Catch more guests"

Step 2. We will be shown a small instruction on how to use this chip. In short: copy the link, push it into the line "Personal site" or post it in the news and wait for someone to follow your unique link.

In the screenshot below, you can see how the link is displayed in the news. Try to make an intriguing headline so that your page visitors want to click on it.

It remains only to be patient and occasionally enter the application. Be sure, as soon as your guests click on this link, they will be visible in the application in the "My guests" section. Based on statistics, the most clickable place is in the "Site" field (as the application itself recommended to us). You can experiment with the layout traps and catch even more visitors to your page.

Unfortunately (although it may be for the best) there are no other ways to check guests in contact. Remember, no third-party programs will show you your guests - with a high degree of probability, when you try to log in to a social network through such an application, your credentials will be in the hands of intruders.

Program for viewing Vkontakte guests

If you think that cool hackers break into your pages and then extort money from your friends, then you are greatly mistaken. As a rule, you yourself enter the data of your page in suspicious services and programs - for example, in a program for viewing guests in contact.

You will not see guests (and if they do, then they are not guests at all) but your login and password for authorization in a contact will become known to the attackers. What is the point of them hacking you if you yourself fill out a database with up-to-date usernames and passwords ?!

The situation is similar with mobile "Guest Scanners". The maximum they can do is show those who liked or left comments on your page ... but is it worth it to risk your account and money (after all, a gullible friend can transfer the required amount to you to an attacker)


How to see guests in contact ?! - NO WAY! There are only indirect signs that a person has visited your page. Even the trap only says that the person has followed the link - the second time he probably will not fall into it and therefore his visit will not be counted. Give up this business and if you have already managed to expose your data in such services or applications - immediately change the password and it is very desirable to set up two-factor authorization, so that later it will not be explained that it was not you who wrote, but the page was hacked.

OFFLINE. Personally, my opinion is that they will not show you guests, for the owners of the social network ( it is not at all profitable. Imaginary anonymity spurs users' activity well - after all, you can follow the life of the ex without a palette and get bogged down for a long time online

Almost each of us has our own page in any social. networks. Each social. the network attracts with completely different qualities, for example, In contact with- comfortable communication, Instagram- capturing moments, Twitter- inner world, thoughts. But, classmates distinguished themselves in a completely different way, a kind of trick that makes them special.

Catch visitors to your page. TOP 5 best ways

It is interesting: How to go to your VKontakte page?

It's about the Odnoklassniki function - "Visited guests"... For some users, this is quite comfortable, while others prefer to remain in the dark. Therefore, for users of the second type in priority In contact with... But do not forget that, in addition to the official capabilities, there are also illegal applications, traps and other other tricks of programmers, which even Vkontakte will help to track and identify your observer. Let's talk about this.

There are not so many ways to find guests, but they are all quite effective. Appeared a long time ago almost everyone knows about them, but only a few use them.

It is impossible to recognize the guests of your page in a legal way In contact with... The administration explains that it is not going to introduce the function in the future either, since the user will be afraid to visit someone's page, the number of interactions and audience activity will decrease significantly.

Method one

Read also: Odnoklassniki: registration of a new user + step by step INSTRUCTIONS

The lightest and simplest. But he will give little information or may not meet your expectations. The method will not harm anyone, including your page, and no one will guess that you used it.

  • We go to our page. On the left side we find one of the many functions "my settings" and go to it. In the updated version, the settings can be found in the upper right corner by clicking on the thumbnail round image of your avatar.

  • We go down to the very bottom and find an offer "You can delete your page"... Follow the link.
  • Of six reasons "Why are you deleting your page" choose the penultimate "My page is not being commented on".
  • Below the application knocks out the names of two people who last visited your page.

Do not worry! In this way, you will not delete your page, since the main button "Delete page", which is located slightly below the inscription with the names of visitors, you did not click. Even if you click on this button, which will not be useful in our experiment, and your page is really deleted, you can restore it within six months, in any case convenient for you. It also doesn't take long.

Repeating the experiment a second time, the names of people may change, since your page, like the pages of other users, is regularly visited.

Cons of this method: you will not be able to find out the date and time of visiting your page. All you can find out is the frequency of visits if you check and record it regularly. As well as their regular guests.

Method two

Offered to those people who have more than 100 subscribers. This method is all about statistics, so you have to think a little. Many pragmatic people who don't use apps tend to do this. Indeed, unlike the first proposed option, you will not need manually create your own statistics, it will be written on the screen in full and accurate form for you. But the minus is present in the same way as in any method of finding a guest.

  • On the user's home page, that is, if you scroll down, where the feed ends on the left, you can find a link "Page statistics"... We follow this link. In the updated version of Vkontakte, this function can be found under the avatar, to the right of the function "edit".

  • There will be three sections at the top: Attendance, Reach, and Activity. Click on the item "Attendance".
  • The first thing you see is schedule... Attendance schedule by month or day. This will depend on your choice. On this graph you can see the highest traffic to your page.

  • Second graph, which you can see just below - the graph Gender / age... Here you can track the average age and gender of the people who visit you. You can also track the attendance for a week or a month, as you like. Below the graph will be the percentage of sex attendance, which we can see in the picture.
  • Third chart- pie chart. On it you can track the percentage of people from different countries and cities, by which you can guess who exactly came to you.
  • Latest schedule- subscribers. On it, you can see the growth and fall of subscribers to your page for the entire time or day.
  • At the very top you can see "Average daily number of unique visitors" and "Total number of unique visitors" in 30 days.

Cons of the application

Cons: this method does not provide specific surnames. You will have to guess for yourself, including your ingenuity and relying on the data that the program provided you: age, gender, country.

The program will not provide any harm, moreover, this method is approved by the administration In contact with.

Method three

Not only is it quite simple, it also provides more information than any other method. Do you know why? Because programmers have long been interested in such an issue as "guests" and took care of us by creating such applications. Many are free, many are less effective... We will provide you with a list of the best applications that, thanks to good reviews, entered the top 5. But more on that later.

  • On the left side of the screen we find the function "Applications" or "games"... Follow the link.

Click on the "play" button on the left

  • In the upper right corner of the page we find the magnifying glass sign and a gap for entering text, where it will be written in light font "Search"... We enter one part of the phrase from the name of possible sentences on our topic- "guests"... Press Enter on the keyboard, thereby starting the search, and wait for the proposed options.

  • We choose one of the applications.

Each application has its own design, but the following details connect them:

  • The whole application is online. Vkontakte does not have such functions as "Download the application";
  • Many apps are free, but not all. Many require a premium to unlock important features. Premium can be purchased with votes purchased with online money. The cost of 1 vote is 7 rubles. To buy a premium, we advise you to buy 10 votes at once, since the premium costs on average not less than 8 rubles;
  • The design and basic functions of each application are virtually the same;
  • On average, each application has from 3.5 to 4 stars... This is your chance to create an application. 5 stars that will find guests exactly!

Top 5 Apps for Catching Visitors

The app can crawl your page and count the percentage of girls and guys as guests, friends and followers. In the section "my guests" you can control the attendance of friends and their guests. There are 33,000,000 participants in the application.

Subscribe to this group, if you have any problems, you can ask for help in the section of frequently asked questions.

Please note that during the download of the application, various promotional pictures of the offer will pop up. read carefully and do not rush to click on the buttons that appear. These are usually ads for other apps. Click on the cross and follow on.

How to work with the application

After loading, a page will appear.

In the "guests" section, you can find out everyone who was interested in you, as well as the date and time of visiting your page.

In the section "Fans" you can find out how often they were interested in you. Indicated for a week, a month, all the time

In the section "All About Friends" you can find out who came to visit them and were interested in their personality, it is very convenient to find out everything about your friends.

It is worth noting that your friends can also follow you. And find out that you showed interest in certain acquaintances.

If you don't like this state of affairs, or your other half is jealous, trying to control everything and follow everything, the developers have come up with a way out of this situation, but of course, Not for free. So that no one knows anything about your actions, go to the section "My profile", there you will find out how much such a service costs.

"Your guests and fans"

Another application for "tracking" visitors

The app has jealousy function, where you can track likes, attendance and names, with whom the person you are analyzing is chatting with. You can select any of your photos and convert it into a work of art using one of the offered filters. The app has 12,000,000 members.

Guests button in the application

On it you can see who visited you, how many days ago, the number of visits.

Desirable set a filter that is convenient for you... In the "Filter" box, you need to check the boxes at your discretion to display the information of the people of interest. Convenient and not complicated application.

"My guests and analysis"

In it 70% of participants, in the total number of which 5 400 000 give the application 5 stars... The app offers quite popular PR function... She will make you popular in In contact with... Lots of likes, more fans and guests, new friends and popularity. Of course, it's not free, but unlike the rest of the apps, most efficiently.

"SearchVS: Ratings, PR, Guests and Analysis of Likes"

The most interesting and useful function of this app, besides finding guests, is calculating the total number of likes... A complete analysis of your page and a high-quality guest search attracts visitors. In the application 3,200,000 participants.

"My friends (connections, guests)"

It has 6,600,000 participants... Shows added and removed friends, fans, idols, guests, connections, the theory of 6 handshakes. The app was very popular in 2015. 57 986 members give 5 stars to the app.

The application actually has no disadvantages. The only thing is that your friends can see that you are using this application.

Method four: trap

The Vkontakte application will help us with this trap. This is an application for finding guests, it is through it that we activate a link, or rather a trap for guests. The method is not very popular, which will give you an edge.

  • We go into the application (how to enter this application, it was said earlier).
  • When "my guests" starts, we find on the top main line of the application the section "My profile", which is in the left corner, and click on it.

Just above the pie chart of friends and followers statistics, you will find the section "Guest trap", where a little below will be written in large letters "Not activated" and in smaller letters “activate”. Click "activate".

You can activate the trap function

  • The sign will be displayed "Catch more guests"... On the left side you will see under the number the cell in which the link is located. Hover the mouse over the link, hold down the left mouse button from the first character of the link and drag the mouse arrow horizontally to the end of the link. Right-click on the selected font and select from the proposed functions "Copy"... There is another way: below the link, you can click on the inscription "Copy link"... This will make it easier for you.

  • Now you need to paste the link into the "website" field on your page. We go to our page. There is a section under the avatar "edit", click on the inscription.
  • On the right side in the block we find the item. Let's move on to this section.

Go to the "Contacts" section

  • In the field "personal site" paste the link. We do it this way: right-click on an empty space in the cell. From the proposed functions we choose "Insert".
  • Click on the blue inscription "save" and return to your page. Without clicking on "save", your new data will not be saved, and you will have to repeat the whole process of step 6.

  • We return to the application. Go to the section again "My profile"... We see the inscription "Activated by 50%"... This is a confirmation that we did everything right.
  • We go to the section. Now all users who followed this link will be marked in the list of your guests.

Today the social network Vkontakte is very popular and if you are still not registered in it, you can register by following our lesson ““. Previously, to find out who came to your page to visit in contact was possible only on a paid basis.

You had to install additional programs or pay money to access this information.

But today there is an application in contact that allows you to track how to find out who came to visit in contact. It is about this application that we will talk about today.

My guests are Vkontakte.

So, when you have opened your page, now click on the Applications menu to the left of your avatar. If this menu is not there, then select My Settings and in the General tab, check the box next to Applications. After that, this menu will be displayed on your page.

Now, when you clicked on the Applications menu, the following window will open before you:

Here, in the search bar, you need to enter the name of the application: "My guests and fans". Ours will be the first in the list of results, as in the picture above. Select it, and a new page will open in front of you:

Here you will be shown all the rights that this application will have. You can also familiarize yourself with its rules and security policy. Click Launch Application. An application window will open in front of you:

Here you need to select the Guests section, the period you are interested in (day, week, month) and click on the Guest List button.

On the loaded page, you will see a list of your guests in contact. In our example, unfortunately, there were no guests.

I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that any applications that you install and use in contact can be used to obtain your personal data by third parties.

This is evidenced by the fact that, in time, you need to answer a question of approximately the following content: "Is it safe to use various applications?" and the correct answer, of course, is no!

However, in order to find out who visited Vkontakte, I have been using this application for a long time and so far everything is fine!

I think it will be no less interesting for you to find out. To do this, you will also need to install the app. You can read the detailed instructions at the link above.

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