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How to increase battery life developer options. Program customization

Publication date: 05/21/2013

Almost everyone has a cell phone these days. At the same time, smartphones occupy an increasing share every year. And if ordinary cellular phones are not particularly demanding in operation, then smartphones require increased attention. Especially when it comes to battery life...

Hardware and software

The longevity of your battery depends (simplified) on three factors:
1) the condition and wear of the battery itself;
2) functions and operation of the operating system;
3) how the user treats the smartphone;

So, let's take a quick look at these aspects...

The condition of the battery is the basis from which you need to start. If your phone is 10 years old and has been draining quickly lately, then the problem is obvious. Your battery is slowly dying. Fortunately, the solution is simple - buy a new battery.

The second factor is the OS and programs in your smartphone. The more programs running at the same time, the faster the battery will drain. In this case, you can simply stop or disable currently unnecessary applications and reduce the brightness of the display.

The third factor is the direct hands of the owner of the phone. If you use it unwisely, then neither special programs nor increased battery capacity will help you.

And now in detail and point by point ...

Devices on the systemiOS

This includes iPhones and iPads.

1) As I already mentioned, the lion's share of energy "eats" the brightness of the screen. The brighter the screen, the more energy is wasted. This is especially noticeable with tablets, as their large screen requires a large amount of energy. The solution is simple - turn down the brightness. In most cases, we do not really need the full brightness of the screen. This is especially true for dark rooms, where even 50% brightness will be enough.

Interestingly, iOS devices have an auto-brightness mode where the brightness of the display changes depending on the level of light around. A useful feature, but in most cases it does not work very well. Reconfiguring it is very easy. Go to Settings -> Brightness and Wallpaper. Then turn off Auto Brightness. After that, you need to go into the darkroom and manually calibrate the slider. Try to keep the brightness to a minimum, but at the same time everything is legible. Then do the same in a bright room or outdoors on a sunny day. After these procedures, re-enable Auto Brightness. Now the display brightness will change exactly as you need.

2) Try to use your phone or tablet as little as possible. The more often you use your smartphone, the faster it will discharge. The faster it drains, the more often it will need to be recharged. As a result, the battery will quickly begin to lose its capacity. If you constantly play Angry Birds and tweet every five minutes, then after 3 years the charge will only be enough for an hour of normal work.

3) The abundance of background applications not only slows down your device, but also drains your battery faster. Disable apps you don't need that are running in the background. These may be widgets or global positioning programs that you don't need.

4) Continuing with the theme of background apps... Geolocation is an interesting feature of iOS, but it consumes a lot of energy, as it is constantly updated via wi-fi. Do you need it? Turning off geolocation is easy. Go to Settings -> Privacy -> Geolocation. It is better to turn it off completely, but you can also partially.

5) Turn off the Internet when you do not need it. Modules 3g and wi-fi "devour" a lot of energy.

6) iOS has a nice mode. It's called Airplane Mode. It is intended for what it is clear, but it can also be turned on when you do not need communication and other functions. This mode saves the most energy.

Managed DevicesWindowsPhone

In principle, the same rules apply as for iOS, but with some additions.

1) Turn off updating live icons and tiles. Can be updated manually.

2) Disable auto-receipt of mail and calendar updates. All this can be updated manually.

3) Go to Settings and find Battery Saver. Turn on battery saver. If you do not really like this mode, then turn on the battery saver mode when the charge drops to 20%.

4) In addition to reducing the brightness of the screen, a dark theme also helps. Those. put a dark background. Settings -> Theme -> Background -> Dark

5) Cancel automatic synchronization. You can also sync your device manually.

Devices onAndroid

Android spends the most energy. However, due to the abundance of applications and settings, this is the most flexible operating system.

Again, general advice regarding reducing screen brightness and disabling Internet modules will do.

1) Very often, Android devices are sold with a ready-made set of already installed programs. Most of them are not needed by the average user. Remove all applications you don't need. After all, they not only waste battery power, but also clog memory.

On some devices, you won't be allowed to uninstall pre-installed apps. This rule can be bypassed by flashing the device and accessing the root. Look for more information on the Internet, as all devices are different and work differently.

2) Many devices (especially tablets) have power management widgets. If you don't have one, then install it. Such widgets allow you to change many parameters with one touch, which is very convenient.

3) Disable automatic data transfer in the settings. This will prevent applications from accessing the Internet. Disabling data transmission will not only reduce energy consumption, but also save you money.

Disable is simple. Go to Settings -> Wireless networks -> Mobile network. We turn off the constant active data transfer.

4) Install an application that will monitor the status of your battery. Such applications sometimes allow you to extend battery life well. I can recommend Dr.Web.

That's all!

If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments...

In this guide, we will tell you how to increase the battery life of your Android device and give you a lot of practical tips to improve energy saving.

Extending the time of your gadget without recharging is the dream of every owner of an Android device. This is due to the fact that most of these devices have very modest battery resources, unable to support the active operation of the smartphone for several days.

Bulk batteries can boast only flagship models from different manufacturers. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford such a miracle.

Disabling unused options that consume battery life

Android smartphones have many features that the average user rarely uses or doesn't use with everything. This includes Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth, mobile Internet, etc.

Remember how often you download something "over the air" and then forget to turn off your Internet connection or Wi-Fi. And after a couple of hours you pay attention to the level of charge and in horror you notice that the smartphone is almost dead.

To prevent this from happening after each use of the above modules, go to the phone settings and chop them off. All the same actions can be performed using the curtain. It's even faster and more convenient.

Setting display options

It has long been no secret that the lion's share of the battery life in the Android OS is eaten up by the device's display. To minimize losses, do the following:

Vibration off

If vibration is often used in a smartphone, this also contributes to its rapid discharge. In order to avoid this, go to the phone settings, select the item "Sounds and notifications" and opposite the "General" profile, click on the gear. Go to the settings section of this profile and disable the following items here:

Disabling all these unnecessary "chips" will reduce battery consumption a little.

Disable background processes and unnecessary applications

By default, the Android OS has a lot of unnecessary “junk” running in the background, shamelessly eating up our battery. If you wish and have Root rights, you can delete all this, however, in order to avoid any failures in the operation of the OS, we will simply disable applications that we do not need.

We go into the settings of the smartphone in the item "Applications". Scroll to the "All" tab and look for all sorts of uselessness. For example, we do not use the Play Music app. Click on it and disable it in the window that opens. Thus, I was able to disable more than 10 unnecessary programs that could waste battery.

You can use third-party applications that will automatically close unnecessary background processes. The most popular programs in this segment are CCleaner and which, in addition to closing unnecessary applications, have a huge number of functions.

Use of specialized third-party applications

On our Internet resource you can download many such programs. They will allow you to very finely tune the battery of your android device and save its charge perfectly. Consider the most popular of them:

DU Battery Saver

According to the developer, this application is capable of increasing the operating time of a smartphone without recharging by 50%.

Before I had time to launch the program, it instantly determined that 18 applications on my android were increasing power consumption. With one click of the "fix" button, we get rid of this problem. Thanks to this action, the operating time of the phone has increased by as much as 77 minutes! Not a bad result!

The program has the ability to choose the power consumption mode of the device that suits you or create your own.

In addition, there is a processor temperature scanner that will tell you which applications are overheating the "heart" of the device. And a bunch of other goodies.

Advantages of DU Battery Saver

  • Accurate display of battery percentage and battery life
  • One Touch Optimization
  • Preset Smart Modes
  • Complete information about the status of your battery.

However, as you can see, the program performs the same operations as we did at the beginning of the guide. She just does it automatically. That is, for lazy users, these and similar applications are ideal.

Battery calibration

Eternal batteries, unfortunately, have not yet been invented, and today's ones lose their properties over time. In order to “refresh” an old battery, it is necessary to calibrate it from time to time.

Battery calibration can be done "manually" or using third-party programs

  • "Manually". When the device is turned off, charge up to 100%, and then use it without recharging until the energy is completely used up.
  • With the help of third party programs. Let's analyze this method using the example of the Battery Calibration application from Igni Software.

Download from our site and run it. We are required to charge the battery up to 100%. If the charge is at 99%, the calibration process will not start.

Loaded? If yes, then click the "Calibrate" button. After that, without using recharging, we “sit down” the battery” until the phone is completely turned off. Then we charge it up to 100% again. That's all.

Activate Airplane Mode

The lion's share of the battery is consumed by the use of cellular communications. Even when you are not making a call, the radio uses power to search for and receive a signal. Therefore, if you are sure that no one will call you or intentionally want to avoid calls, feel free to turn on airplane mode. This will significantly extend the operating time of the smartphone. However, you will lose the main function of any phone - making and receiving calls!

To do this, go to the device settings in the "More" item and move the flight mode slider to the active position. Also, the flight mode can be turned on using the “curtain”, this item is also there.

Using built-in power saving features

Different models from different manufacturers may have built-in power saving options. As an example, I will give a smartphone that I currently use Prestigio Muze E 3 on Android 5.0.2.

We go into the phone settings and select the "Battery" item. There are two items, on the contrary, which you need to tick: "Aligned activation" and "Power saving in standby mode". The launch of these options allows you to significantly increase the operating time of the device.

Proper handling of the Android battery

There are a number of rules that you need to follow when using your android device. If you ignore them, the Li-Ion battery (which almost all modern gadgets are equipped with) will become unusable very, very quickly:

  • Keep the battery (the smartphone itself) away from heat and cold sources. Sudden changes in temperature have an extremely negative effect on the life of the battery.
  • Use the original charger that came with the device. A cheap charger from another model will take longer to charge the smartphone and may affect battery life.
  • Li-Ion batteries “love” the golden mean: you don’t need to often discharge them to zero and charge them up to 100%. Battery life will increase if you keep the charge in the 40-80% range.
  • Don't keep your android device always on. If you reboot it at least once a week or turn it off for the night, this will positively affect the battery life.


So our guide is complete. We did not consider the issue of adjusting the processor frequency in it - this is a separate topic, and it is not recommended to get into it with “crooked” hands, you can turn your device into a “brick”.

For those who do not want to rack their brains, third-party applications that increase the battery life of your smartphone are a great option.

Any questions, ask in the comments and we will answer you. Good luck!

A fairly large number of Android device users complain that the batteries of their devices are too low.

This really happens sometimes, because one of the disadvantages of this mobile platform is too much power consumption. Meanwhile, there are several ways that will extend the battery life on your android device. They can be divided into several groups.

Optimization - reducing energy consumption by manual means

The easiest way to save battery on Android is by directly reducing the power consumption from it. The best way to do this is to customize how the screen works. High brightness will quickly consume the contents of the batteries, reducing the brightness will prolong battery life.

But not all devices allow you to do this - a screen that is too dim can become unreadable in bright sunlight, so you need to consider other options.

Fine-tuning also applies to many other factors. For example, the duration of the backlight in the settings can be set to 30 minutes, and this is completely uneconomical.

By reducing this time to a minimum, you can significantly extend the operation of your tablet or smartphone on a single charge. On long trips, you can extend the life of the gadget by setting the "Pilot" or "in the plane" mode. It completely disables all communications, conserving battery power.

If the smartphone is expected to receive frequent calls, you should not put heavy melodies on the “call”, the “weight” of which reaches several tens or even hundreds of megabytes. It is best to use optimal ringtones of 300-400 kb.

In the settings of your smartphone or tablet, you can disable the accelerometer, which provides automatic screen rotation and a stable load on the device's power consumption.

The network also seriously reduces the energy efficiency of a tablet or smartphone, because large amounts of data are transmitted through Wi-Fi or other means of communication, which negatively affects the battery condition.

Internet connections can also be optimized. The easiest way is in such a way that it turns off automatically when the activity stops. It is best to turn off Bluetooth and other types of communication yourself after you have finished working with them.

If there is a choice between 3G and GSM, it is better to give preference to the latter - GSM consumes less energy.

It is impossible to increase the battery on android devices on your own. Each battery has its own limit and its capacity will gradually decrease. If you regularly use the device at low temperatures, you can only speed up this process.

Battery Saving Apps

It is the abundance of applications on the device that encourages device users to look for a way to reduce battery consumption on android. The most important of these is the GPS navigator. This functional application consumes a lot of energy, so if it is not needed, it is better to turn it off.

It is it that allows you to track the location of the user. And almost all android devices regularly carry out automatic synchronization of data and programs. Disabling this feature will help not only increase the battery life on the android by saving it, but also reduce cash costs.

To keep your Android device's power consumption low, don't overload it with apps. Overloaded memory will require constant recharge and slow down the tablet or smartphone. The same applies to the so-called "live wallpaper". At their core, they are also programs that require "nutrition".

Interestingly, the purchase of games and other software in specialized stores also allows you to extend the operation of the device on a single charge.

The fact is that free software is overloaded with ads, which noticeably “sits down” the battery in automatic mode. is also possible.

If there is a need for an overabundance of software on board the device, most of them can simply be “frozen” by disabling certain programs using the settings menu. As an alternative, you can download Titanium Backup.

Do not think that programs are only harmful - among them there are special ones written specifically for. One of these is the Tasker program - it is able to carry out full-fledged optimization, reducing battery consumption in a user-friendly way. You can also consider applications:

  • Battery Defender;
  • Wakelock Detector-Save battery;
  • BatteryXL;
  • Go Power Master Battery Saver;
  • Juice Defender.

Modern smartphones are very energy-consuming devices. Often, even in standby mode, the charge may not be enough until the evening. What is the battery charge and how to increase the autonomy of the smartphone?

Where does the battery charge go?

You can check how much battery is consumed by any application, as well as see the discharge graph in any smartphone and tablet on Android. Consider this using the Xiaomi Mi2 smartphone as an example.

To view, go to the device settings, select the menu item " Battery", on the next screen, tap on the item" Battery usage».

A list of applications and processes that are consuming battery power will open. For information on a specific application, click on its name. To view the discharge graph, you need a line with information about the operating time of the smartphone.

How to increase the battery life of your smartphone

What can be done to increase the battery life of your device? First of all, you need to consider what exactly spends the most battery power, except for system processes and applications. Sometimes it can be some application that actively consumes the battery in the background and does not allow the device to go to sleep. You need to get rid of such programs and look for similar ones in terms of functionality.

Screen optimization

The switched on screen consumes the most energy, but of course we cannot get rid of it, we can only reduce its appetites by setting a lower brightness level or turning on auto brightness control. The brighter the screen, the faster the battery drains. Adjust the brightness level acceptable for you by going to the smartphone settings or by sliding the vertical shutter of the notification panel.

Additionally, set the screen timeout when the screen is idle. If a long time is set before extinction, then reduce it to 30-60 seconds.

If you have a smartphone with a screen made using AMOLED technology, then install a dark wallpaper and theme. The peculiarity of such displays is that they spend little electricity on dark colors. Conversely, the highest discharge falls on light colors.

Optimization of wireless interfaces

The battery drains quickly when constantly switching between 2G and 3G networks, in conditions of poor 3G coverage. If in your area the connection with 3G is uncertain and the device constantly switches from EDGE to 3G mode and back, it will be better to switch it to 2G mode forcibly. To do this, go to the smartphone settings along the path " Settings” –> “Mobile networks” –> “Network type' and select ' Only 2G»

To reduce battery consumption, do not keep mobile Internet, Bluetooth and GPS turned on all the time, turn them on as needed.

To reduce battery drain, turn on the balanced processor mode in the smartphone settings. Depending on the model and manufacturer of the device, this mode can be called differently - optimal, economical, etc.

It should be noted that not all smartphones have this option. As a rule, it is present in high-performance devices.

The vast majority of smartphones and tablets have a power-saving mode pre-installed by the manufacturer, which is enabled, disabled and configured by the user. In principle, in this mode all the settings described above are used, you can just play around with them by setting your own values.

You can try to increase the autonomy of work by making the batteries of the smartphone.

Modern smartphones without a battery are no longer mobile, being “tied” to a power outlet. Reliable operation of the gadget depends on the condition of the battery. But there are ways to boost and extend battery life on your Android phone or tablet. Learn how to find out the energy intensity of the drive on Android and calibrate it, on which the service life depends, you will learn further.

The essence of the problem with the battery in the gadget

The ideal mobile device, while remaining on, should consume little power - a maximum of a few milliamps of current per hour. The capacity of a modern battery is measured in thousands of milliamp-hours. This is how the simplest mobile phones work, in which, apart from calls, SMS and a system clock, there is nothing - such, for example, is the simplest Beeline A100 children's phone or the ancient Nokia 3310 mobile phone. A full-fledged gadget with the Android system, of course, cannot be compared with these mobiles.

The essence of the problem of energy consumption of the gadget is in self-starting Android processes and services. In second place in terms of battery power consumption are numerous user-installed programs. A version of Android that has not been brought to mind can also affect battery consumption.

How to turn off unused features in Android

Be that as it may, the consumers of battery energy are the following hardware and software:

  • too frequent calls, a long conversation on the gadget;
  • active movement of the subscriber across the network coverage area, switching between 2G/3G/4G networks;
  • SMS / MMS sent in "bundles" per day;
  • backlight brightness;
    Backlight levels help the device not waste energy on it
  • frequent calls of third-party applications to GPS in the background; GPS services open on command: Settings - Location
  • auto-brightness of the screen (light sensor is activated);

    Give the command: Settings - Screen and check if auto-rotation of the image is enabled
  • auto-rotation of the image on the screen (motion sensor is activated);

    The setting is also opened by command: Settings - Screen
  • compass;
  • vibration feedback of the on-screen keyboard;
    Go to Settings - Language & input - Keyboard settings
  • distribution of the Internet via Wi-Fi to other devices; Give the command: Settings - More - Tethering - Access point
  • connect other gadgets and accessories via Bluetooth;
    Give the command: Settings - Bluetooth and check if the module is turned off
  • connection of computer equipment and accessories via an OTG/microUSB adapter.

All these consumers additionally load the processor and RAM, use peripherals (controllers and modules for wired and wireless communication of a mobile device).

How to check the power consumption of a device

Give the command "Settings - Battery".

A gap in the usage graph means the gadget is turned off when charging.

In the off state, the device does not keep track of battery consumption - this is possible only when the gadget is active.

Video: How to check and turn off power-hungry features in Android

Practical measures for overclocking the battery

Mobile device batteries can be pumped or recalibrated.

Battery calibration on an Android smartphone

Calibration of the battery controller is needed for the gadget to access 100% battery capacity. P Before calibrating the battery, you can do no additional actions (turn off Android animations, put the device into airplane mode, etc.). The "buildup" of the battery is as follows.

  1. Discharge the battery to 0% so that the smartphone or tablet turns off by itself.
  2. Wait up to 5 minutes after discharge. This will allow the battery to "settle".
  3. Charge the battery with a standard charger up to 100%. Do not turn on the gadget until it is charged.
  4. Wait again up to 5 minutes after charging. It is allowed to disconnect the battery for this time (if it is removable). Before removing the battery from the gadget, turn off the charger.
  5. Repeat the above steps until the battery is calibrated. Most often, already 2-3 full discharge-charge cycles help.

Manufacturers also recommend that the first charge last up to 12 hours, with no downtime between discharge and charge. But this recommendation is not entirely correct - this is a deliberate violation of calibration technology so that people change batteries more often.

After calibrating the battery, you can use your mobile device normally.

Video: calibrating a non-removable battery in an Android tablet

How to "swing" the battery

The buildup of the battery is done so that it develops its maximum resource - and works as long as possible. Modern devices use lithium-ion (Li-Ion) or lithium-polymer (Li-Polymer) batteries, which, although devoid of the “memory effect” (unlike previously used nickel-based batteries), can be “swinged” again .

Before connecting the charger to a smartphone or tablet, it is useful to make several attempts to fully discharge the battery. Often in Android devices, when you try to turn on a discharged gadget again by holding the power button, a vibration signal is activated briefly up to two times per second. Hold the power button (or hold it down with something) until the vibration signal in the gadget starts to work less and less - and soon does not freeze for a long time. From this, the voltage on the controller will drop to the minimum threshold perceived by the device.

Old, “worn out” batteries last for more than one year and beyond, if they are not loaded with unnecessary programs and Android functions.

Do the following.

  1. After turning off, try turning on the gadget again.
  2. Make several attempts to turn on until the display of the device stops responding.
  3. Remove the battery from the device for a couple of minutes and let it build up voltage a little (without recharging!).
  4. Insert the battery back and hold down the power button again until the vibration signal emitted when the gadget is turned on finally “falls silent”.
  5. After making several such attempts to completely discharge the battery, connect the charger to the gadget and let it charge. The device itself must be turned off.

The buildup is achieved by reducing the crystals of lithium metal in the working layer of the battery under the influence of battery voltage fluctuations in the maximum permissible range (from 2.5 to 4.2 volts). Do not overdo it - too deep a discharge of lithium-ion batteries (up to 0-2.5 volts) and leaving them without recharging in this state will lead to an unrecoverable loss of their capacity.

If necessary, repeat the battery controller calibration as described above.

Video: how to restore a Li-Ion battery from a camcorder or smartphone

Difficulties encountered with the battery

Some manufacturers, in the interests of their own commerce, go to extra tricks.

Firstly, this is the fastest wear of the battery. Little-known Chinese firms or completely underground manufacturers save on materials especially.

The "disposable" controller in the battery itself behaves as follows. After 3–4 years (or up to 1000 charge-discharge cycles), it can one day turn off forever, generating, for example, a “breakdown” pulse and thereby self-destruct (if the controller itself is somehow special), but without causing harm to the device itself. You will need to remake the battery and, possibly, the gadget itself. Fortunately, this measure is one of the extreme ones.

“Landing” the battery on glue, from which it is difficult or impossible to remove it, is sometimes used in the most expensive Android smartphones and tablets. It's like sticking the battery in the iPhone 5x/6(s).

Additional locks, loops and other "cunning" devices make it very difficult to remove / replace the battery.

The life of a battery cell without a controller (this requires reworking an outdated gadget using a soldering iron) can stretch for 10 years or more, until the battery is something like a capacitor that can only hold a very small charge - 1-2% of its original capacity. Such elements are useful only in all sorts of homemade products that are unlikely to have anything to do with cellular communications and mobile data transmission. They require a slow discharge-charge according to a special algorithm, unattainable in conventional chargers that have not undergone any alteration, and regular monitoring of the condition of such batteries.

Completely "dead" cells that do not respond to attempts to recharge them (this is due to the steady aging of the electrochemical material of the battery), stubbornly showing 0 volts on the multimeter, are disposed of in accordance with local legislation and environmental protection requirements.

How to extend battery life on your Android phone or tablet

Ways to save battery power are purely software. They do not apply to interference in the "stuffing" of the gadget (for example, pulling out some of the display backlight LEDs, removing the vibration motor, etc.). Most of these settings are found in the main Android settings menu and have been covered above.

Power Saving Optimization in Android

Don't keep apps on your device that you don't use.

Close currently unused programs - this will clear the RAM.

Unwanted apps can be closed with a swipe to the right

Turn off unused features (unnecessary Android apps, processes and services, "extra" wireless connection, bright lights at night, built-in sensors, etc.). Root access will also help to permanently block unnecessary applications.

Root will help disable unnecessary programs and services

Avoid places where mobile phones do not catch or constantly lose the network (long hauls between settlements, basements and underground garages, shielded rooms of secret laboratories and radiology / therapy departments in hospitals, restricted areas, etc.). Try to use one communication standard, for example, 3G.

Give the command: Settings - More - Mobile networks

In case of incorrect display of the charge on the screen of the device or premature shutdown of the device due to battery wear, re-calibrate the battery using the above method.

Battery and device maintenance

Arrange serial “runs” for the battery with a full discharge-charge - at least once every six months to “pump up” the battery capacity and calibrate its controller.

The internal battery controller must match the charging voltage. If the element itself is charged at a voltage greater than 4.2 volts, it is regularly recharged and gradually expands. This is already noticeable after one or two years of intensive use of the battery. Over time, such a battery will no longer fit in the gadget, it will protrude the back cover (it will stop closing, its latches will fly off). With a significant discrepancy between the output voltage of the controller and the element itself, the battery simply explodes. In the 2000s, when the Chinese smartphone market was just beginning to develop rapidly, a swollen battery was a common occurrence. Over the years, Chinese manufacturers have become more accurate in "customizing" controllers to Li-Ion cells - but defective batteries are produced from time to time. Change such a battery as quickly as you can.

Dirt on the battery contacts and on the device terminals, although they are gold-plated (gold does not oxidize), is an additional electrical resistance, from which the charge may be displayed incorrectly by the gadget. Clean such stains with rubbing alcohol.

Try not to unnecessarily pull the battery out of place, even if the SIM card and / or memory card slot is located under it.

Chargers with less power are allowed - but not vice versa. Too powerful "charging" will cause significant heating of the battery and the gadget itself. Do not expose the battery to prolonged heating above human body temperature (36.6). At 40 degrees or more, modern controllers turn off the charge current until the battery cools down again to an adequate temperature - elevated temperatures accelerate battery wear.

If the microUSB connector is dirty, the battery charging may be “drip”, intermittent, or the charging current may not flow into the battery at all. Most often this happens if the gadget has been used carelessly and in polluted air for several years. Clean the microUSB socket with a toothpick, a sharpened match, or blow it with a vacuum cleaner turned on at maximum power.

Video: how to swing, calibrate the battery

Timely care of the battery will extend its service life. But if no recovery helps the battery, replace it.

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