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How to enlarge the Windows clipboard: some useful programs. Useful utilities for working with the clipboard

The cache is an intermediate clipboard that stores the most popular information. Access to information from the cache is several times faster than from the source of the original data, but the size of the intermediate buffer is limited.

The volume of the intermediate buffer is increased for more convenient surfing in the network. This procedure is especially relevant for those who like to watch online movies or play.

How to increase the cache memory in the browser?

It should be noted that in most cases the expansion procedure will not take more than five minutes. In some browsers, you can increase the amount of stored information through the settings, in others - through the command.

Increase in data volume in Yandex, Chrome and Opera

All three programs presented use the same engine - Blink from Chromiuma. To make it easier, the instructions will be in video format:


In Yandex browser, everything is similar to google chrome.

Separately, I would like to highlight Opera before switching to the new engine (up to version 15). She, like all normal browsers, had a separate item in the settings, which made it possible for the user to expand memory without much difficulty. However, programs with the Blink engine do not have such a menu item, so you have to be cunning.

How to increase cache in Opera? The algorithm is as follows:

It should be noted that Blink-based browsers have a dynamic cache, that is, it expands as it fills.

How to increase the cache size in Mozilla Firefox

Unlike the above web browsers, Mozilla has an item in the settings that allows you to expand the volume of the intermediate buffer. It's also worth noting that Mozilla is a heap browser, but you can manually expand the data capacity. This requires:

  1. Go to browser settings;
  2. In the "Network" tab, disable automatic cache management;
  3. In the line "Use no more for cache ..." set the required amount of data in megabytes (1 GB = 1024 MB).

We save the settings and restart the browser.

Expanding the amount of data in Internet Explorer

Despite the huge number of stereotypes about the presented browser, it is fast enough and is able to give a head start to Yandex in many ways. The main problem is the inconvenience of use. For memory expansion you need.

Hello dear blog readers. I bring to your attention an article about increasing the paging file... From this material you will also learn what is a paging file (virtual memory, pagefile.sys) and what is it used for.

Users who make the most of their computer have probably come across a situation more than once when a message similar to the following appears on the screen or in the tray: “ Running out of free virtual memory”. What does this mean?

Everyone knows that a certain amount of RAM is installed on the computer (or, to be more precise, in the slots of the motherboard). The volume can vary from 521 MB to 16 GB or more. Random access memory stores the code of the programs with which the processor works. Sometimes there are situations when free (i.e. not occupied by other applications) RAM has less volume than is necessary for the operation of a particular program.

In such situations, the operating system swap file in use(also called virtual memory). What is a paging file and how does it work.

The paging file is a technology, which allows you to slightly level the problem of lack of RAM. If free memory runs out, then some of the unused data is moved from the system memory to a special file called pagefile.sys located on the hard disk, thus freeing up the necessary amount of RAM to accommodate the program with which the processor is currently working.

The use of a paging file is relevant if the user works with resource-intensive programs(for example, applications for video processing, graphics, etc.).

The paging file size can be changed (increase / decrease) and today we will look at how to do this for Windows 7 and Windows XP operating systems.

Increasing the paging file for Windows XP

1. Press the Win + Break key combination on the keyboard (the blog also has information about others and). The System Properties window will open. Go to the "Advanced" tab.

Fig 1. Increasing the swap file for Windows XP.

2. On this tab, click on the button parameters of the "Performance" section. The Performance Options window opens.

Fig 2. Performance parameters.

3. Go to the "Advanced" tab and click the "Change" button opposite the words "Total paging file size on all disks". The "Virtual Memory" window will open, which is used to increase / decrease / disable the paging file.

Fig 3. Virtual memory.

4. In this window, you can manage the swap file:

- manually set the paging file size for any local hard drive (Custom size);

- automatic detection of the paging file by the operating system (Size at the choice of the system);

- disable the swap file (No swap file).

When we have set the size of the paging file, you must click the "Set" button, and then Ok. The operation to increase the paging file for Windows XP is completed. You need to restart your computer.

Increasing the paging file for Windows 7

1. Press the Win + Break key combination on the keyboard. The System Information window opens.

Fig 4. System information.

When working on a computer, we often face the need to copy information from one document to another.

In doing so, we select a piece of data and then using keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + C or using the context menu we put it in the so-called clipboard.

Clipboard Is an area of ​​memory used by the operating system to temporarily store data.

By copying a fragment of text or files, we thereby place them in the clipboard, from which we can later paste data into another document or another place on the disk.

But there is a rather significant limitation - in Windows we can store only one piece of information in the clipboard at a time. If we put a new piece of data on the clipboard, then the previous data will be erased.

For example, I quite often need to collect in one text document fragments of text from other documents or web pages. And here there is a desire to expand the functionality of the standard clipboard.

The clipboard manager will help us with this - the program .

The essence of the program is simple - it monitors the Windows clipboard and automatically saves its contents, which are later found in the program history. Thus, from the formed history, we can select any piece of data that we have previously copied.

Saves all data, not just text snippets. This means that if you copied files or images, they will also be saved in the program and you can access them later, even after restarting your computer!

The program is free and has a Russian-language interface. You can download it from the official website.

Let's download and install the program. This process is standard and I will not dwell on it in detail.

After the program is installed, select the language of its interface. Then the program setup wizard will start, which is also an instruction for working with .

You can go through the training, at the same time setting up the hotkeys, which are very convenient to use. But they can be configured later, so I will undo this wizard.

After the program is installed on your computer, its icon will appear in the notification area. Let's right-click on it and make sure that the "Track clipboard" option is enabled, that is, the program generates a history from the contents of the clipboard.

For example, I have some kind of text document. I will select a piece of text and copy it to the clipboard using keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + C... Then I will select another fragment and copy it using the context menu.

Now in the clipboard I have the last copied piece of text and I can paste it anywhere in the current document or anywhere in another document. If I need to paste the first copied fragment, then I run the program left-clicking on the icon in the notification area, and then selecting the desired fragment from the history.

Then I double-click the left mouse button on the desired fragment and it is inserted into the place in the open document where the text cursor is located. You can also insert the desired fragment through the context menu.

By the way, the program window can be called by the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + D... This method is usually more convenient and faster.

If there are a lot of saved fragments in the history, then you can use the search located at the bottom of the window. At the same time, we enter any text that may be in the fragment that we are looking for.

If any of the previously copied fragments is no longer needed, then it can be deleted from history.

As you can see, using the program is very easy!

Have there are also settings, of which there are quite a few. But there's really nothing to change here. If you wish, you can view them. You can call the settings window through the "File" menu or by pressing the key F4.

Here, perhaps, the most interesting section is "Hot keys". With it, you can change or just remember the keys that will be responsible for certain operations, for example, for starting a program or copying a piece of data from history to the clipboard. Using hot keys will significantly speed up the work with the program.

And one moment. The program is free for non-commercial use. While it works for us in trial mode, as evidenced by the inscription on the toolbar.

To activate the program, you need to get a free key. To do this, in the "Help" menu, select the item "Activate for free".

We copy the key to the clipboard, for example, through the context menu and then paste it into the appeared program window.

The program is now registered.

This concludes a brief overview of the program. ... I hope that it will become an indispensable assistant for you when working on your computer.

Don't miss the opportunity to do a good deed:

As you know, the standard Windows clipboard allows you to store only one piece of data, since any subsequent insertion of information into the clipboard will overwrite what was there earlier. As a result, it will no longer be possible to restore one of the previous text fragments from the clipboard, therefore, to insert it into the document, you will have to re-refer to the source, which will slow down the preparation of the document. At the same time, it is quite easy to expand the possibilities of using information placed on the clipboard by "teaching" Windows to remember more than one piece of data. To do this, it is enough to use the Microsoft Office clipboard (it allows you to store 24 blocks of information, but it is not always convenient to access it, and it is rewritable) or install a special clipboard manager. This article is devoted to acquaintance with such managers. There are many utilities on the market today that allow you to restore a lot of text and graphic data entered into the clipboard. Some of the clipboard managers, if desired, can be used as full-fledged repositories of the most diverse and structured information in the desired way, the functionality of others is minimal and is limited only by the ability to paste memorized fragments.

ClipMate 7.3.14

Developer: Thornsoft Development, Inc.
Distribution size: 7.21 MB
Spreading: Shareware ClipMate is one of the most multifunctional solutions for working with the Windows clipboard, which is a convenient tool for recovering any of the thousands of text and graphic fragments stored in the clipboard, as well as the names of copied files and folders. The demo version of the program (Russian-language localization is available) is fully functional and operational for 30 days, the cost of the commercial version is $ 34.95.The program has a portable edition Portable - it does not require installation and can be written to a USB flash drive or external drive, which provides the ability to work with your data on any computer with the ClipMate utility installed. The ClipMate window can be displayed in two modes: Classic and Explorer. In the first one, only the toolbar and the name of the last saved fragment are visible. The second displays all information about all available fragments and all collections, while folders with fragments are placed on the left, and brief information about a specific fragment on the right (the date of memorization, the first words of the text in the case of a text fragment, etc.). The lower part of the window in Classic mode is reserved for viewing the selected fragment, and viewing can be carried out in different formats: in the form of plain text, as well as in Rich Text Format or HTML.

By default, the program automatically captures all data copied to the buffer, however, the range of information stored in the database can be limited to specific data types. When memorizing a fragment in the database, a certain text (for example, date) can be automatically added to it in accordance with the established template. All fragments are automatically placed in the Inbox folder, but for ease of use, it is easy to rearrange them into specific collection folders (such folders are created independently and their number is unlimited) by ordinary drag and drop. In addition to such real folders, ClipMate also contains virtual ones (fragments are not stored in them), which contain links to fragments united according to some principle: the date of entry (say, saved yesterday) or the date of export or type. And also a secret folder "Safe", in which you can store passwords, logins and other confidential data - there they will be under reliable protection, since 56-bit ARC4 encryption is involved. Any of the fragments placed in the database can be viewed in the main window in the viewing area, as well as in a larger scale in a separate window (the "View"> "View clip" command). And also insert into the working document by dragging and dropping or double-clicking. It is possible to insert a series of fragments. This is done using the very convenient PowerPaste function - first, they place the fragments of interest so that they are sequential, then turn on the PowerPaste mode (here you need to control the direction of movement through the list) and switch to the document, where they insert all the fragments one after another without switching every time in ClipMate. It is possible to glue one fragment to the end of another (command "Edit"> "Add to End"), as well as create a kind of fragments - "text templates". The latter is useful when filling out all kinds of forms and requires preliminary preparation of a special fragment in which individual form elements will be separated by a paragraph symbol. Inserting data from such a fragment is performed in the clip splitting mode (the button in the upper left corner of the program window in the form of a plate of fragments) and in practice means the following. First, the desired fragment is selected and the corresponding mode is activated in the utility, and then, in the form, form elements are inserted in the usual way - that is, for example, by pressing the Ctrl + V combination.

Editing of fragments is also provided, and it is permissible not only to change the case, but also to insert or delete specific data, but also to automatically clear text from empty lines, line feed characters, etc., search and replace characters, check spelling, etc. For quick access to the desired fragment, there is an advanced search that allows you to search for fragments by many parameters: keywords, collection name, source, date of placement in the database, etc.

Spartan Multi Clipboard 4.00.01

Developer: M8 Software (UK)
Distribution size: 3.79 MB
Spreading: Shareware Spartan Multi Clipboard is a clipboard management utility that allows you to recover text and graphic information from it. The demo version of the program (there is no Russian-language localization) is operational for 30 days and allows you to restore no more than 200 fragments. The cost of the commercial version is $ 19.99. It should be noted that there are comments from users of this program on the Internet about its sometimes incorrect work with the Cyrillic alphabet - in our case, this was not noted. In theory, Spartan Multi Clipboard can store up to 150 chunks of data, but the number of variable clips is limited to 25. Memorized clips are automatically saved in the upper part of the program window (yellow area), where variable information is stored. Clips to be used permanently must be dragged from the yellow area to the white area. And then, for convenience, they can be somehow organized - for example, sorted alphabetically or simply arranged in a convenient order for yourself. Individual clips can be highlighted to make them easier to navigate. The built-in search also simplifies the process of finding items in the database. I must say that, in general, the principle of organizing fragments is very convenient here, if we consider the manager not only from the point of view of inserting only memorized fragments, but also entering various kinds of constant information.

Any of the fragments in the database can be viewed on a larger scale and inserted into the working document, for which it is enough to position the cursor in the document and click on the clip or, after activating the clip, use the "Paste" command from the context menu in the application. However, it is worth noting here that the first method does not work in every application. When inserting links, they can be quickly opened in an Internet browser. If necessary (for example, when copying large reports that obviously do not need to be stored in the clip library, at least for reasons of disk space it occupies), you can temporarily disable clipboard tracking using the Tools> "Turn Off Capturing" command. Fragment editing is also implemented in the program. In particular, in text blocks, text can be inserted or deleted, case changed, etc., and graphic fragments can be easily supplemented with text, graphic primitives, background images, etc.

There is a free simplified analogue of the Spartan Multi Clipboard - the M8 Free Clipboard utility (; 4.78 MB), the capabilities of which are limited to memorizing the last 25 fragments.

Ditto 3.15.4

Distribution size: 2.04 MB
Spreading: free Ditto is a very handy and simple utility for working with the clipboard. It allows you to recover thousands of text (including formatted) and graphic blocks of information. The program (there is no Russian-language localization) can be downloaded and used completely free of charge. By default, all fragments are placed in a common area, but if necessary, some of them can be easily placed immediately or then moved to specific groups, which allows you to save fragments in accordance, for example, with a theme or software tool. A built-in search filter makes it easy to navigate through multiple snippets by simply typing a word in the search bar at the bottom of the Ditto window. Any of the fragments of the base can be viewed by hovering the mouse over it or by pressing the F3 key on it, and, if necessary, made non-removable (command "Quick Properties"> "Never Auto Delete"). The latter makes sense for memorizing some permanent information that you often have to enter - say, your own e-mail. Editing of text fragments in the built-in editor is also provided, however, only insertion and deletion of some information from them, as well as the simplest formatting, are allowed here.

The insertion of the desired fragment into the document is implemented very conveniently - by dragging and dropping. If desired, you can simultaneously insert not one, but more fragments copied from different places at a time, however, this works only for fragments of the same format. If desired, for the first ten fragments, you can assign hotkeys for insertion.

It is convenient to use Ditto as a mini-database for frequently used text fragments - for this you need to sequentially memorize the necessary fragments, and then disable data collection by selecting the "Disconnect from ClipBoard" command from the program's context menu. After that, it will be possible to quickly insert words and phrases previously placed in the base into the required fields by ordinary drag and drop.

Global Clipboard 2.2

Developer: ElasticLogic
Distribution size: 1.56 MB
Spreading: Shareware Global Clipboard is a fairly easy-to-use clipboard manager that allows you to restore images, texts (including formatting) and the names of copied files and folders from the clipboard. The demo version of the program (Russian-language localization is available) is fully functional and operational for 30 days, the cost of the commercial version is $ 19.95, however, this program can be purchased from for 300 rubles. It is worth noting that during testing, the program did not work stable enough and crashed several times. A similar situation took place when we turned to this utility a couple of years ago. By default, the utility can store up to 20 fragments (if you wish, you can increase the number of remembered fragments to 1000), however, the number of active fragments (that is, those that can be instantly accessed) is limited to five. At the same time, if necessary, you can move between the saved fragments and change their places, which opens access to other blocks of information available in the database. Any of the active fragments can be viewed in enlarged form by pressing the left mouse button on it, however, the contents of the fragment will be poorly readable, but you can still find your way around. For each of the active fragments, detailed information is provided (the number of lines, words and symbols in the copied text, as well as the sizes of images and screenshots). It is most convenient to insert a fragment into the application window by double-clicking, but you can also press the Enter key or through the "Insert" menu item. It is allowed to accumulate several text fragments in the buffer (the "Add text to buffer" command) and simultaneously insert them into the document. It is possible to save various sets of fragments and load the required set of fragments when working with a specific application - the "Manage slots" button is responsible for working with sets.

Recognition of identical fragments and their editing is provided; when editing, text fragments can be changed case, and graphic fragments can be rotated, flipped and inverted. Both will require pre-configuration of hotkeys. If text of a certain type (link or email address) is copied to the clipboard, the program can automatically launch the application necessary for processing it - open the link in an Internet browser or create a letter for the email address contained in the clipboard.

The clipboard is one of the most used operating system tools. We are so accustomed to the standard commands Ctrl + C, Ctrl + X and Ctrl + V that we perform operations of copying and pasting data fragments "automatically". These simple steps can save you tons of time. And if you enhance the usual features of the Windows Clipboard with special applications, you can further improve your work efficiency. This round-up contains six of the best clipboard programs.

The standard clipboard in MS Office and Visual studio has several important drawbacks. First, the number of memorized fragments is limited. Secondly, only those fragments that were copied inside applications are remembered. Finally, there is no way to insert stored objects into third-party programs, and when you close MS Office or Visual studio, all saved data disappears. The Ditto utility lacks these shortcomings. With its help, you can save an unlimited number of text fragments, as well as images copied to the clipboard, HTML code, etc.

Ditto has one more serious advantage over standard clipboard tools. If the program is installed on two or more computers, the contents of the clipboard can be synchronized between working machines. When data is transmitted over the network, information is encrypted, so you do not have to worry about the safety of data.

Despite the fact that the number of saved fragments is not limited, in some cases it is not necessary to store a huge number of objects in a buffer at all. Therefore, Ditto has the ability to set a limit on the number of stored objects (500 by default), you can also set the maximum storage period (for example, erase after five days).

To insert data previously entered into the clipboard, a special window is used, which is invoked by the CTRL + ~ keyboard shortcut or by clicking on the program icon in the tray. It displays the most recently placed objects on the clipboard, and also works an instant search in the database. A sketch is generated for graphics, and formatting can be shown for RTF slices.

Despite the fact that the main function of Ditto is working with the clipboard, the program can also be used simply as a tool for quickly pasting templates. Templates can be created in the built-in text editor. If you want the application to work only with a certain number of fragments and not be replenished with new ones, you can simply turn off clipboard tracking. The base of templates can be saved and later imported into Ditto.

Among the advantages of ArsClip is work without the need for installation (portable mode), as well as constant updates. The program offers two storages for text fragments. The first contains the last clips copied to the clipboard (15 by default, but the number can be changed). When you press the CTRL + Shift + Z keyboard shortcut, the saved items appear as a context menu. In a separate submenu, the fragments that the user accesses most often are saved.

When the number of clips copied to the clipboard exceeds the maximum allowed, they are transferred to another location. In fact, it resembles a Trash - the fragments are no longer at hand, but they are still not deleted. The maximum number of items in the second store can also be controlled.

ArsClip can also be used to insert frequently requested pieces of text. For this, the program implements the function of saving permanent clips. Such fragments are invariably on the quick insert list. In addition, each of them can be assigned its own hotkey.

ArsClip can insert text in different ways. For example, text fragments can be cleared of unnecessary formatting, fragments can be copied to the clipboard, but not pasted. In addition, keystrokes can be emulated during insertion. Paste options can be configured separately for each application.

It is also worth noting that the quick insert list works in simplified mode by default. If you switch to advanced mode, some interesting functions become available. For example, it becomes possible with one click to insert all the text that is saved in ArsClip, or to select several fragments for insertion. In addition, you can use the form filling mode. After filling in each field, it will automatically move to the next field.

ArsClip works with both text and graphic elements, although if desired, you can disable support for images in the settings. In addition, it is possible to limit the saving of graphic files by size. The program also has convenient commands for quickly deleting fragments from the database. You can delete only text elements, only graphic elements, everything placed in the quick insert list, etc.

Clipboard Magic remembers text fragments entered into the clipboard and compiles a list of such clips in the form of a table. Any of the previously used clips can be used over and over again. To make the list of text fragments previously placed on the clipboard clearer, the user can set his own background color for a particular line in the list of clips.

Clips in the list can be sorted alphabetically, moved up and down, edited directly in the program window, search and replace characters. In addition, it is possible to import text files into the program and save their contents as clips.

To ensure that the program cache does not contain duplicates, the program can use the command to remove duplicate list. Lists can be saved as separate files and quickly switch between different sets of clips. When you restart the program, the list is saved automatically, so if you see empty lines after opening Clipboard Magic, you just need to select the previously saved list and continue working with it.

The program does not have any quick paste menu, but you can mark the Clipboard Magic window on top of all windows. Fast pasting is carried out by pressing CTRL + Shift + a number from 0 to 9. The keyboard shortcut can be changed, but in any case, this method of pasting is not very convenient if you need to insert the same fragment several times, since each time you have to completely release the hot keys ... For example, to paste a fragment of text from the Windows clipboard three times in the standard way, you must press and hold the Ctrl key, and then press the “V” key three times. In the case of Clipboard Magic, for multiple pasting you need to release and press “Ctrl” and “Shift” again, which is not very convenient.

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